@bokutounoryuoriginal 4 күн бұрын
Are you crazy?
@bokutounoryuoriginal 4 күн бұрын
The Knights Oath is a great OST too
@bokutounoryuoriginal 4 күн бұрын
I think he doesnt like Heath
@bokutounoryuoriginal 4 күн бұрын
Fire Emblem 4 is the best. But FE7 is a good one too
@chanc1867 5 күн бұрын
Man some pretty unnecessary hate and annoying comments towards fe 6 and fates but besides that it is a good Video
@Artofjoe Ай бұрын
the replayability of SS is so good
@zandalff Ай бұрын
Yea... What happened here? Why does everything just stop 4 years ago?
@jagaloon14 Ай бұрын
So I think that lord of the rings the third age for gba is not just one of the most underrated handheld games of all time, but one of the most underrated games of all time. I’ve always been interested in fire emblem but never actually had an idea of what it was. Wow have I been missing out. This looks like it would blow tta out of the water
@jagaloon14 Ай бұрын
Downloading rom as I type
@rpg_haven Ай бұрын
Sacred Stones is nowhere close to the best Fire Emblem game lmao
@Fire-bt9mb Ай бұрын
MEME!? you think that also fangames are memes?
@lukasgauvreau8344 2 ай бұрын
Don’t have the Nomad Crits?!? Like, duh Fuck! Honestly Rath from FE 7 is why i loved that game so much. This one is still good but losing that one thing hurt so much
@kidz4p509 2 ай бұрын
I’m a sucker for Japanese art styles. So, I can’t exactly hate this game’s appearance.
@usmanmadid 2 ай бұрын
Fire Emblem Sacred Stone was my very first ever game I had when I got my gba sp 15yrs ago its a gift from my parents when I got discharge from hospital having a diagnosed with dengue my parents said get recover so we can buy you a game boy handheld so happy to hear that so I tried all my best to get better so there thankgod I got better then we go to the mall and my parents bought me a gba sp with fire emblem: sacred stone game its the best ever game I had it's still my favorite game until now my second best is Fire Emblem: Awakening those are great games ever wont forget them also thanks to my parents introducing me into a great series game called Fire Emblem <3
@antonioprisco825 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, Fire emblem have always had a simple and straight forward story. I struggle to get why it should be a problem with fates honestly. If it is only because of the separate games then it only comes to a money problem but remember that you are in fact buying new maps and usable characters AND if you already had one of the games the other one would only cost half the price. Together 40+20€ they cost like a switch game. Also I've seen people buy 3 slightly different versions of the same pokemon game and not complaining
@ibrahim24685 3 ай бұрын
1:31 Here's a moveset idea for Ephraim: Stats: Ephraim will be a medium-weight character along the lines of Roy and Chrom. His walk speed will be similar to Ike, but his dash speed will be exactly the same as Marth. His air speed will be similar to Sonic. He will be a spacer similar to Marth, with good combo potential. However, some of his moves will have quite a bit of endlag. Now onto his moveset: Jab: Ephraim will first strike his opponent with the blunt end of Reginleif, followed by a slash from its pointed end, and then start a rapid jab with his lance. Forward Tilt: Ephraim will swing his lance like a Naginata, having quite a bit of reach, but also having endlag. Up Tilt: Ephraim will swing Reginleif upward, which will have a pop-up effect, setting Ephraim up for follow-ups. Can kill at high percents. Down Tilt: Ephraim will thrust his lance downward, similar to Marth's down tilt, but with more reach. Dash Attack: Ephraim will lunge forward with his lance reaching forward, having heavy knockback and kill power. Forward Smash: Ephraim will Thrust his lance forward, dealing heavy damage and knockback. Up Smash: He will twirl his lance above his head like a helicopter, having a multi hit effect. Down Smash: He will first thrust his lance forward at a low angle, then swing it backwards at a low angle. Neutral Air: It will be similar to Palutena's Neutral Air, but without the magic effect. Forward Air: Forward lance thrust Back Air: Backward Lance Swing (can spike Up Air: Upward Lance Thrust Down Air: Downward Lance Swing (similar to Ike's Down Air, and can spike) Neutral Special: Ephraim throws a Javelin. Holding down the B button will charge up the Javelin, allowing it to go further. Side Special: Similar to Ike's Side Special, but with a lance thrust. Up Special: Ephraim twirls his lance like a helicopter, propelling him upwards, puuting him in freefall at the apex of the move. While the lance is twirling, any fighters caught will be locked in a multihit effect. Down Special: Counter Final Smash: Ephraim will dash forward with his lance, and any one fighter caught will be the one afected. The move cuts to a cinematic where Ephraim's horse runs over the opponent, then Ephraim mounts the horse and deals a devastating blow with the Sacred Twin Lance, Seigmund. The cinematic ends and the opponent is launched offstage.
@9-VoltGaming 3 ай бұрын
I don't like this idea of hating a game based on what it isn't than based on what it is honestly Yeah is not like classic paper mario, but that alone doesn't make this game bad, I played this game and had a fun time, I didn't had an amazing fantastical time like with the first 3 games but at the same time I wasn't frustrated or bored either, specially considering how short and simple this game is, after hearing people hate in this game for years, and then to play the game and to just say "It's alright" just makes me think of Paper Mario fans as really annoying...
@JWStreeter 3 ай бұрын
The best Fire Emblem is actually Path of Radiance, but FE7 is still goated.
@Krispizz 4 ай бұрын
Good thing I am the guy
@TheAbysssarian 4 ай бұрын
*Been playing this for over 20 years now! One of my all time favorites. Since I've started my hyperspin collection i got back recently into it. Beating my all time record game completion from 2x to now 4x.*
@-Serhat1995 4 ай бұрын
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is the most professionally made game of the GBA era. Graphics, animations, art, levels, items, replayability, design, UI, length, story, music, mathematic and more elements are just near perfectly made. Older Fire Emblem games (GBA era) are more natural like and little more amateur. Sacred Stones is much more professional. I really wish to see a remake of this game. (On PC :D!) This is my most loved game of all times btw :), second is Silent Hill, third is Mount&Blade: Warband and the 4th is Age of Empires III.
@Tomouryu 4 ай бұрын
Sacred Stone is one of my favorite FE series. The mechanics are very diverse for a GBA game. Training towers. Split promotion paths. Oh and spiders. Hehe 😈😈. Yeah I hate the spiders which is why it feels so good having Lute chuck fireballs at them.
@michaelr3077 4 ай бұрын
4:46 Now that the thousand year door remake is just a month away at the time of posting, I cant wait to see this game sell well.
@chrischristian7511 5 ай бұрын
I prefer FE7 because Geitz can use killer axe & brave bow at base w/ no speed penalty… gets HHM bonus… can single handedly wipe out 20 wyverns on enemy phase… and has a gigantic pink bow
@TheRealMycanthrope 5 ай бұрын
Heroes: use Axes and Swords Berserker wielding Swordslayer: "You're a sword unit." Hero: "I am literally holding an axe in my hands, RIGHT. NOW." Swordslayer: "Nah, you a swordsman." Hero: "I don't even have any swords in my inventory!" Swordslayer: "skill issue."
@halcyon_echo42 5 ай бұрын
The mods using FE8's engine are amazing too
@halcyon_echo42 5 ай бұрын
Saying Ewan shouldn't be a Summoner was genius for engagement sir
@arbellason2094 5 ай бұрын
You can second seal into promoted classes when they’re level 20.
@TotallyCluelessGamer 6 ай бұрын
"I shouldn't have to make that choice." Proceeds to provide no actual explanation for why you shouldn't need to decide not to grind if you don't want to grind, just that you shouldn't. "The final boss has less Hp that Rekka No Ken." Objective misinformation they both have 120 Hp, Dragon has more Res(20 Def, 30 Res), Fomortiis has more Def(25 Def, 25 Res, with 1 more of each on Hard), your units are simply much stronger in Sacred Stones. Something I love in Sacred Stones is how the characters actually feel as strong as the story and dialogue implies them to be. Seth is a perfect example, he's a famous general known specifically for how strong he is, and at any point in the game you can just drop him onto the map and watch him go on an unholy tear through basically anything shy of a Dracozombie.
@justabigoldick1333 6 ай бұрын
Hey bepo, bro, I remember leaving a mocking, condescending comment, basically ridiculing you, when you were at a low point, and your work was always great, and I i just wanted to say I'm sorry, I was in a horrible place mentally and I was taking it out every place I could, but I hope you are doing good and working on some great videos, you are a great FE Content creator. Easily top 3.
@ivanzoneBR24 6 ай бұрын
4:42 This aged well, kinda.
@HanakkoLove 7 ай бұрын
I don't even like fe8 but you completely missed the point where Lyon wasn't actually possesed by the demon king, he just pretended to be to justify his atrocities, but in actuality he was aware all along.
@valemontgomery9401 7 ай бұрын
Then Engage comes out and everyone gives it a pass for some reason
@Catastrophic-hk3mh 7 ай бұрын
Well you spoiled the game for new players
@improcrastinator7130 7 ай бұрын
Fe8 is my favorite solely for post game being able to give me the fruits of my labor in teambuilding
@AaronPICAR 7 ай бұрын
I remember reading about Fire Emblem in Nintendo Power when it was featured in the Epic Center and really wanting to play the series. When Blazing Sword finally hit stateside I got it. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I finished it and it is still the one I go back to the most and would take it to a desert island
@TehHuskeydood 7 ай бұрын
awakening was also the start of the "anime" arc of FE. Where it became too much of it. This new artstyle does not do it for me at all. Awakening isn't a bad game. Its just...rough to play now. Its just..so ugly. Supports feel mandatory rather than optional. Stuff like that
@thewerewolflounge3109 8 ай бұрын
For anyone wondering where he is, he currently active more on Twitter
@Blookiiee 8 ай бұрын
good video!
@bovinleephann 8 ай бұрын
imagine thinking a bad story overwrites good gameplay
@whitewolf3051 8 ай бұрын
Blazing Blade when it was localized as just Fire Emblem was my first Fire Emblem game on its release, Sacred Stones my second, Awakening my third, tried Fates...didn’t care much for it, my true fourth being Echoes Shadows of Valentia, tried Three Houses...again didn’t care much for it despite the hype and marketing, and Engage became my true fifth. Didn’t know about the others despite having the system for them. All that said, Lyn from Blazing Blade is my all time favorite out of all the Fire Emblem games I played. Too bad she and the tactician couldn’t support. My head canon is that she and the tactician ended up together on the plains, rebuilding her tribe with her as the proper chieftain of her people.
@eastbeast1379 8 ай бұрын
As the first game to introduce me to Pokémon, it's definitely an awesome game, Pokémon Collusem. Do find these are underrated, even Mirror B and the Orre region. Even the soundtrack is great!
@inanedreamz673 8 ай бұрын
binged your fe reviews today, good stuff
@Armore2 8 ай бұрын
This could have just been : "Generals have enormous swords" -the end.
@mercenarybdu 8 ай бұрын
Also FE14 is not Pokemon. FE14 is 1 game with 3 campaign paths, not 3 separate games. Its just that Nintendo purposely cut the game into 3rds, then sold the game in piece meal to appease shareholders. Then what was supposed to be the actual retail cart with the full game on it was purposely made the SE cart. If ya check the back of the SE Box it says right there plain as day from Nintendo themselves that they had duped everyone into thinking FE14 are 3 separate games, when it was 1 game with 3 campaign paths this whole time.
@mercenarybdu 8 ай бұрын
The problem with the early part of the story is that the Before Fates DLC was never announced nor released for which was supposed to be told from mostly Gunter's point of view, while wrapping it out with Shura kidnapping Aqua to be ransomed back to Nohr. The story would be about how Nohr was before Shenmei's arrival, what happened after her arrival in Nohr, Garon's fall to Anakanos, what Gunter and some of the older characters were all doing in-between that time leading up to Corrin's capture in further detail, to where that DLC would then end with Shura kidnapping Aqua. We may even know about who Xander's original retainers were before they ended up getting killed fulfilling their duties. The source content is there amongst those thousands of pages, and is even hinted if ya choose a side. There are also unobtainable items as revealed from the data mine of the ROM that were supposed to be earned upon completing those chapters of the DLC, if it had been developed and released. Which includes a Ganglari actual to which the player can actually forge. Ya can still earn it by reaching 400 Battle points. But as there is no way to earn 127 additional Ganglari actual, there is no way to forge it to +7.
@mercenarybdu 8 ай бұрын
WRONG! FE12 is the best damn FE remake we have to date. You're just trashing just because you didn't play that game at all. For a remake it went above and beyond just being a simple remake of FE3. It had a lot more new content in it than Shadow Shadow Dragon had, had all the characters from Marth's period of time including the FE11 Gaiden characters, all the ones from the original game as well as its remake, Satellite chapter characters, and new characters to the remake itself. It is faithful to the original without killing too much of what it great in the first place, it fixed tons of problems from the original, it was able lace in the new content into the remake seemlessly and even had the Satellite chapters from that service remade for FE12 as a added bonus on the cart itself in addition to 3 new side story chapters that take place between FE11 and FE12. FE13 is the story that takes place Millennia after the events of FE12 had long taken place to which would make sense if you were playing all of Marth's games from the DS heading on into the 3DS.
@amperesclaw9203 9 ай бұрын
Conquest is a top 3 game in terms of map design. Give the Endgame some credit too.
@shironage Ай бұрын
Top 3? Some people argue that it has the best map design in the entire franchise. Chapter 10 is one of the most famous FE maps of all time
@KaiJie-n8q 9 ай бұрын
Greatest game of all time, I think even the gameplay surpass melee. Melee should burn in hell.
@nessdbest8708 9 ай бұрын
9:30 wrong, watch his 3rd video.
@NearLife4life 9 ай бұрын
Thevlogo sucked, too. I like the franchises logo theses days. But your not wrong Blazing Blade is the epitome of Fire Emblem