Rei Kyouho - Downfall
2 ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 Combat Medic Loadout
Helldivers 2 Marauder Loadout
Helldivers 2 Pyromaniac Loadout
Helldivers 2 Plasma-Tech Loadout
Helldivers 2 Rocketeer Loadout
Helldivers 2 Heavy Gunner Loadout
Helldivers 2 Sniper Loadout
5 ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 Quick Farming Guide
@FlyingDominion Ай бұрын
You might want to put chapters in this video.
@Magnicentrabbit 2 ай бұрын
The best primary for an engineer load out is a shotgun because tf2
@billybobevansss7068 2 ай бұрын
I like your funny words magic man, have a sub.
@FakePopeYT 2 ай бұрын
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 wew! fire!
@Lord_Chibi 2 ай бұрын
I like the song! Excited to see what else you have in store!
@RanzigerFettsack 2 ай бұрын
Love the song! Hope you keep up the good work ^^
@Spartacus-4297 2 ай бұрын
Came to say this ^^ ❤
@jalontf2 2 ай бұрын
Instructions unclear; ran a team of all Mines and Barrages Everything died and now we are court-martialed
@angel_cheon-sa 2 ай бұрын
RIP this video, weapon nerf just dropped.
@zero11010 2 ай бұрын
Level 115. I pretty much only do difficulty 9 and only do full clear. Mostly bugs (about 150k bug kills). I can fix this for ya! light armor with the medical perk. speed is king. 4 seconds of near invulnerability means you won't really need that shied for bugs. if you want armor for cosmetic stuff ... you do you. after this week's patch you can bring the peacemaker (70 damage per shot, more than the liberator), redeemer, or the dagger (200 damage per second) for your secondary. revolver pairs poorly with eruptor, so does the grenade pistol. Impact grenade doesn't do well if you just want something for hunters as you say. They have few hit points and die easily. So, any damage those do over what the littles have is a waste. i usually bring the incendiary grenade (which doesn't work right due to the dev's not being able to make fire work right even 3 months after the game's launch). But, what you want from these is for them to take out littles. The initial explosion does that. and, the fire will allow it to kill other littles who enter the area, which actually makes this an effective breech tool. What impact excels at is taking out mediums ... which your eruptor already does ... but your eruptor has WAY more rounds than you carry grenades. if you want to avoid fire ... go for the frag grenade with the larger radius (it's only 1m of additional radius ... but do the math on the difference in surface area ... this ACTUALLY helps you kill more littles). shield pack isn't needed, not for bugs. what you DO need is a rover. eruptor is poor at killing littles. bring the rover and let that handle the littles for you, then assist with your secondary if you absolutely need to. stay mobile. if you die to your rover more than once, it's your fault. i run difficulty 9 missions with 0 deaths (often). a shield wouldn't make me die less than that, so it's typically really not doing much. quasar or EAT. the new quasar nerf is pretty major. if you're in a 4 person team, try having one person bring EAT instead of quasar. They can take a second quasar from someone else, and everyone can benefit from the EATs. Also, make sure you call down additional quasar cannons into major areas so you can hot swap. i think after the nerf it's like 18 seconds to charge and cooldown. a second quasar to swap between is a big deal. also make sure you can reliably take out chargers in one shot and titans in 2. orbital laser isn't very strong. it CAN take out a single titan ... cool. But, if it does, it likely doesn't do much of anything else and that's not good stratagem economy. 500k isn't very good at doing what you're saying it does. it's GREAT if you need to one shot a titan, or if you can lure a couple to the same place. Fantastic! it's mediocre for everything else. you can reliably use it to take out 2-3 bug holes, and that's good. you can use it to clear a small radius. but, with only 2 calls per eagle run .... it's weaker than the alternative in MOST situations. bring the eagle airstrike. after the 4th ship module this can solo a charger, and it does heavy damage to titans. you can also reliably take out 2-4 bug holes with this. a single airstrike can eliminate an entire medium nest without having to go inside. you get more throws than the 500k. it's weaker for titans ... totally true, but it's more versatile. bring the 380 if you have the 4th ship module. if you don't, try the 120. the goal for this is to help eliminate bug lairs (or bot bases). A single throw and then let it do it's thing while you take out something else nearby. the 380 will single shot a titan (each individual shot can take one out with a direct hit). so, if you have a massive triple breech going on, this can be used to counter it while you relocate. in addition to handling an ugly breech (much better than an orbital laser ... and with more uses), it will reliably solo most lairs with fewer than 10 bug holes and most of the medium to large bot bases, it will ALSO come in handy to defend your extraction. Sometimes there will be wave after wave that come from the same direction .... throw this so the radius is fully outside of the extraction area (walk 20M away, then throw it). it will put in 30 seconds of work to clear things out. the only thing as effective for taking out multiple heavies autonomously would be the autocannon sentry or rocket sentry (if they're placed well), however, the 380 has more versatility. versatility is what this is about. the grenade does multiple things. airstrike does multiple things, the 380 does multiple things. the primary is able to close bug holes, plus open containers, plus handle every medium bug in the game with a single shot (stalker, green fat spewer, brood commander, hive guard ... all of them). the rover and the 380 both allow you to multitask. you can let those things put in work while you focus your own attention elsewhere. the most important boosters ... by leaps and bounds ...are stamina and muscle enhancement. speed is king! stamina increases your raw speed, plus it also gives you stamina to sprint longer ... and it may help your stamina recover faster (don't recall off the top of my head). the muscle enhancement lessens the impact of all slows ... snow, sand, bushes, hills ... also hunter slows and bile slows (which you were getting while the shield was up). the most important benefits are things that make you go faster. stay mobile. drop pod optimization is decent. but, as you play more you don't die much. so, the benefit is lessened. plus there's SO much laying around at points of interest and objectives ... it also lessens the need for this. the 4th booster ... that thing hardly matters. most of the others aren't that great. limb health ... cool, but when you take damage you stim ... so, it doesn't matter. confusion ... cool, but the only time it REALLY helps is when you're struggling to deal with one breech before the next breech triggers ... so, don't struggle to deal with them. relocate, or handle them more effectively (that 380 sure helps if it's ugly). reinforcement benefits ... cool, but the game is pretty easy and people don't really die much. pelican take off .. cool, but it does nothing for MOST of the mission, and MOST of your evacuations should be pretty smooth so it's not even needed.
@goose4404 2 ай бұрын
Loved this! Please do more stuff like this :)
@markparent4914 2 ай бұрын
@TheQcjoe47 3 ай бұрын
Maybe one day they will bring back the medic/repair support weapon we had in hd1
@devilsadvocate22289 3 ай бұрын
It’s a good medic loadout but I’d probly run a different loadout if I wanted to do a support/medic build. Primary: Punisher (for stagger at close range to help teammates) or Sickle (so you won’t be as reliant on supply packs) Secondary: Redeemer or Senator Strats: Ortbital Laser, Supply Pack, Quasar, and Squad Shield (for bots) or Orbital Gas (for bugs)
@user-jj8hj9ii3o 3 ай бұрын
This... is.. is just a loadout with a medic armor...
@Planterobeets 3 ай бұрын
The stratagems are a solid choice, but against bots, the scorcher or jar are better, and against bugs, the incendiary breaker got a buff along with fire damage; the sickle is also on par. I'm not saying the breaker isn’t viable, but these 4 are the top dogs right now.
@cmddraven7539 3 ай бұрын
It's strange to see a Support/Medic loadout without the Supply Backpack. Personally I'd be more likely to go with Support Backpack, Smoke Grenades to break line of sight and screw with targeting, EMS orbital or Mortar and orbital smoke for further Crowd Control, then variable choices for 4th Strategem and Primary depending on the expected situation. For secondary I always go Senator. Yes, the Redeemer has a faster reload, but it cannot match the punch of the Senator if you, for example, need to snapshot a Devastator's face before you can get to your buddy to stim them or slap a supply pack on them.
@reignmack 3 ай бұрын
same EMS Mortar is super effective for crowd control, last long has an insane range.
@CCA.C17.SQL.02Idot 3 ай бұрын
Personally I disagree with the lib guard dog as it runs out of ammo very quickly so I would take the las dog. I would recommend taking the supply pack or the jetpack if I were going against the bots because they are way fewer in number and you can replenish teammate's stims. It's good to note both guard dogs are kind of friendly-fire prone because they have no safety features. Also I would recommend a chaff clear over AT weapon simply because a majority of the time when a teammate is swarmed, especially by bugs, it's better to have a weapon capable of taking out lots of enemies precisely versus a shotgun or explosive weapon such as the Quasar though that is entirely you own decision.
@Explodeo 3 ай бұрын
Only downside of las guard dog is you can get killed by it in tough situations.
@cyber_ortek 3 ай бұрын
Face it, until there’s a medi gun or anything ranged. There isn’t going to be a word called medic in any helldiver’s dictionary
@jbuck9821 3 ай бұрын
Can you explain why you take the armor with Arc damage reduction? You do not take an Arc weapon. And neither the bots nor the bugs use Arc weapons. You are wasting a buff. Extra stims and stim duration, extra grenades, explosive damage reduction (for bots), increased throwing range and limb health, or 50% chance to not die are all more useful than Arc damage reduction when there are no Arc weapons.
@CASS1__ 3 ай бұрын
*Maybe he likes the way it looks* 🎉
@jbuck9821 3 ай бұрын
​@@CASS1__ While that's possible, he wouldn't call that video a specialization and list the best loadouts for fighting each faction. He'd call it how to be the best looking diver in Helldivers 2. So your logic is flawed.
@magicstick9922 2 ай бұрын
​@jbuck9821 he said in another comment "There isn't really a need for it, I just like the look of the armor set. Gives me mech pilot vibes. ;P" so yeah, just run whatever you think fits better
@Red-iu6wu 3 ай бұрын
criticism to help you make better content: what was the point of telling us what armor, helmet and cape to use when two of those do nothing and the armor bonus is never used? its ok to show what you are using even if it has nothing to do with the build but you should say that and not be saying that we will be using it as if it mattered for your build. also the clip at 3:00 was bad as you are supposed to be showing us a mech setup but you lose it early so not counting the fact that you struggled for the rest of the clip it didn't really show anything having to do with a mech. honestly its a perfect video to show why not to use the mech in bot missions (i love the mech by the way). i knew about the shield though that was a great example of things to have in the video though the spear could also be a good mech weapon as you can use it to blow up the fabs before going in with the mech to clean up as the problem with the mech and bots is you can't really help being hit and they have a lot of armored bots so you use your rockets fast then you are almost helpless to hulks and tanks and with its long cooldown you need to make that mech last. for bugs the spear is garbage as you can save rockets for chargers and titans and wont usually have time to jump out and get a lock on but the shield also lacks because most bug will be hitting the legs though it does help with spitters so still a must have, just an example of something you could have mentioned. the ems mortars are a nice touch people dont use them enough. you could also make a point of taking 1 of the 3 barrages to help soften and take out holes/fabs before you go in to minimize damage to the mech and rockets used though i don't like barrages myself. it would have been cool if you tested if armor passives work in mech like the 30% stealth from the scout armor to optimize your build. for weapons the sniper is good as you shouldn't be jumping out of you mech in close range unless its out of ammo or about to go down and you can kill fabs with that explosive sniper and the same point can be made to the grenade pistol for fabs and holes if you learn to aim it at range before your mech goes in. edit: general info would have been nice also like how the rockets you shoot from the mech spawn to the left outside of the pods now to prevent you from shooting yourself like you used to. this is important because it messes up your aim in closer ranges. tips such as the mini gun has medium armor pen and so in team games try to focus on the hard shelled bugs and that with a height advantage you can watch over your teammates better so you should practice shooting short bursts of 3-8 rounds close to teammates without hitting them so when they are having trouble you can save them using as little ammo as you can
@smoolz7818 3 ай бұрын
I don't like the eruptor for bugs. granted we usually run bugs at 8+, but even still, one hunter can mess you up pretty bad if you screw up with the eruptor due to the explosive damage. They love jumping in front of it right when you fire lol.
@zombienaterrr 3 ай бұрын
What do you use, primary?
@Red-iu6wu 3 ай бұрын
@@zombienaterrr i like the jar but the full auto shotguns are good as are the assault rifles. to use that sniper just take the p-19 and set it to simi auto till you learn how much damage each bullet does like even in 7 the p-19 will one shot headshot the smaller bots and in full auto its about half a mag to take out a big bug (not huge bugs like chargers/titans) so this goes well with an explosive primary as you can swap to the p-19 as a get the fuck of me kinda weapon
@smoolz7818 3 ай бұрын
@zombienaterrr for bugs i just use the sickle or incendiary breaker. I like the eruptor a lot for bots, and I'll run it with the laser cannon so i can quickly take down turrets from behind/ hulks from the front. The only thing i feel the eruptor is super inconsistent with is the gunships the bots have now. Sometimes a single shot makes them do a backflip into the ground and explode, sometimes a whole magazine does nothing.
@smoolz7818 3 ай бұрын
@Red-iu6wu the uzi is definitely the best pistol we have right now, but unfortunately that's not saying much. Honestly I just bring the revolver because 1. It looks cool and 2. If I'm using my pistol, I'm already in a really bad spot that the uzi probably won't get me out of.
@Red-iu6wu 3 ай бұрын
@@smoolz7818 yea i made a mistake here i was counting the sickle and scythe as assult rifles even tough they are not listed as them but function the same way and yea the incin shotty is great i kinda like the spray better but thats only personal preference
@leznets91 3 ай бұрын
Obviously the helmet doesn't matter VS BOTS: The extra grenades of any of the combat engineer armors help a lot - An extra grenade would have saved you an orbital laser in this clip. Bringing the scorcher with stuns means that you have no ways other than the exo to close factories fast. Using the Eruptor or grenade pistol can fill this gap. VS BUGS: Using rockets to close bug holes is not efficient. You use almost half a mech here to close 3 holes! You might want those rockets for titans or chargers. Again, here, the extra grenades from combat engineer would serve you well; especially if you take the breaker in lieu of the Eruptor. That said, I think the better armor here is any with the scout passive - this still works while you're in your mech, allowing you to see patrols and make a plan to engage. I think that the orbital laser is less effective against bugs personally, I would replace with EAT in case you get caught out of your mech or run out of rockets and to support team-mates; airstrike, gas strike, or napalm to efficiently manage breeches; or the autocannon sentry. Here's hoping we get an upgrade to the mechs that allows the use of a stratagem launcher, and happy diving!
@Nevario1 3 ай бұрын
Transmog is unnecessary in this type of game. You're a part of a unit of soldiers. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Armor is meant to be a decision, just like your stratagems and weapon loadout. Making armor purely cosmetic would defeat the purpose of even having armor in the first place. As of right now, when you get into a dive with fellow helldivers, you can, with experience know exactly what passives they have by just looking at what armor they have equipped and play to your teams strengths, just as well you look at their current stratagems/weaponry. The system is fine, and it's fine that it doesn't cater to the 'everyman' who wants to be a pretty, pretty prince/princess on the battlefield.
@coleostimie9725 3 ай бұрын
I dont understand the need for the arc protection in these situations
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
There isn't really a need for it, I just like the look of the armor set. Gives me mech pilot vibes. ;P
@MillerMoth 3 ай бұрын
SES EYE OF JUDGMENT I wish we had like an ammo drop or a loader to reload ammo (maybe like a 3 min cooldown after u call the mech in like the eagle rearm) i love the mech use it for everything im quite skilled in piloting if i say so myself.
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
Dude, I LOVE the mech! I can't wait for the new upcoming autocannon mech. That means you can have 2 types of mech in your Strategem list or in other words, 4 mechs per mission!
@MillerMoth 3 ай бұрын
@@ReiKyouho str8t badassery
@mahwiiiife408 3 ай бұрын
It's the active ingredient
@ProjectLegendary 3 ай бұрын
i think we should have a l/m/h for each armor and the perkset separate so you can interchange them based on mission (like the times i need 6x nades or 6x stims or recon, etc)
@Nikkattsu 3 ай бұрын
Hey I use the same shirt and hat as you but I don't use the arcthrower or any electric utilities. I just like the look of that armor set. Would be even better all black tho.... So long story short. I agree that armor should just be a cosmetic choice only. I also wish we could match the helmets to the color of our body armor or at the very least, let us customize the accent color that all armor seems to have. I do understand that helldivers aren't really supposed to express any sort of individuality but i think the idea of customizing more and more stuff as you live through multiple campaigns is a pretty cool concept.
@anteep4900 3 ай бұрын
@gogogusto 3 ай бұрын
I can see the logic. Extra color palettes would be great, but keeping perks locked to certain armors is something I actually think is awesome. Especially in solo que, being able to just look at someone and immediately know what their perks/gear are is really cool.
@Mori-ey8wj 3 ай бұрын
I actually like that there isn't alot of armor customization in the game, we're meant to be part of a group not a bunch of individuals and everyone looking kinda same reinforces that
@sapphireshells9826 3 ай бұрын
thats the idea unity over division. no real point to changing armor colors n crap ppl just too use to it its fine really as it is.
@TinnCup 3 ай бұрын
@halcyonjesus 3 ай бұрын
Imagine using an anime character cuz your too insecure to use a camera..
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
I actually do both! I use a vtuber model and then normal face cam. I just kinda do whatever I want. :p
@halcyonjesus 3 ай бұрын
@@ReiKyouho If that’s the case why not use your camera and be a little anime boy live
@tridon3068 3 ай бұрын
@@halcyonjesus because people have the right to do whatever the fuck they want? lol
@Damnit1Lost 3 ай бұрын
I don't care for vtubers but I don't leave pathetic comments like yours. I wonder what differs between us.
@DarthRevan7235 3 ай бұрын
The problem with having color palletes, and too much customization with armor, it would make you veryy much feel apart from the world building in Helldivers. Armor in Halo definitely downgraded in feeling like Halo Armor.
@zackducku5717 3 ай бұрын
i dont know why armor should be purely cosmetic? that's pretty stupid.
@benjaminhernandez9953 3 ай бұрын
I like the idea that you can swap out the perks for a specific armor piece so you can keep the design you want would be a good idea
@Gaelic-Spirit 3 ай бұрын
This isn't a recon mech, you're just blasting enemies on a mid difficulty with some cosmetics that don't affect mech gameplay it's not really possible to do a "recon mech" build because mechs alert enemies from a higher distance
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
As there is only one mech at the moment, you can't have much diversity. However, you can change up how you play when out of mech. That is where the recon role comes into play. You can tailor the weapons and stratagems you use to your playstyle even if there is currently only one mech. I'm really looking forward to the new upcoming mech that they will be releasing and hopefully stealth technology later in the future since all enemy factions have some form of stealth already.
@saimalikhan1951 3 ай бұрын
anything but the adjudicator man its literally the most disappointing weapon in the game
@goodchap4537 3 ай бұрын
I tried using it on bugs on lower difficulties, still needed 2 hits to kill the cannon fodder
@TheBorathon 3 ай бұрын
Idk you guys must be doing something wrong, I love that gun. Works as a great replacement for the diligence for robots
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
Personally, I think the Adjudicator is pretty good in certain situations (i.e Being used as a DMR). But I do agree there are better weapons that do the job better. However, this IS a themed loadout video. So it incorporates an element or realism along with in game feasibility, so the selected weapons may not be S Tier but thats a-okay!
@aross6802 3 ай бұрын
😮Ive been looking for a video like this, for recommendation on strategems with my Marksman setup ! Never crossed my mind to use the Jump pack to het in higher surfaces , but i like the idea , definitely will be using it more now.
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoyed this video! <3
@Culture_Crash 3 ай бұрын
Thanks def trying this out!
@windexenjoyer7126 4 ай бұрын
Good build i just prefer using the jump pack over the shield generator so i can get to areas bugs and automatons have a difficult time getting to
@jackbelmont4389 4 ай бұрын
Currently im running a sniper build but as a strategem im using the jetpack to get on higher ground, to both be out of reach of the enemies and see from which direction they are approching
@JQ888 4 ай бұрын
I agree. Coming from other fps games, high ground is op
@windexenjoyer7126 4 ай бұрын
Same. For my other stratagems i run the orbital laser and an eagle airstrike for extra map control
@lorgamerpizza7952 4 ай бұрын
@jalontf2 4 ай бұрын
When I think of the Rocketeer, I think the 1990s movie and/or comic books...which...he uses a rocket jetpack
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
Oooo! That's a good point, I didn't think about that. My experience comes from serving in the United States Army as an Infantryman. So I tend to think more literal. But a jet pack rocket guy sounds soo epic!
@jalontf2 3 ай бұрын
Nice man. Navy vet here o7
@ReiKyouho 3 ай бұрын
Oh nice! I got out in 2021 after my last Afghanistan deployment.
@bammbalam 4 ай бұрын
the automations???? bruh
@TokyoNightGirl-fk4cn 4 ай бұрын
@AdjudicatorBrbal 4 ай бұрын
Come on dude dont tell everybody!!! They already got the rail cannon nerfed now the 50 about to get neefed smh… you content creators are working against us!!! 😆😆😆😆😆
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
God I hope they dont nerf the HMG. That thing is like my favorite Stratagem!
@AdjudicatorBrbal 4 ай бұрын
@@ReiKyouho exactly i cant stand they try the same antics they do with other games and HD is not like no other game. I wish they stop this meta load out nonsense its annoying.
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
I'm personally not a fan of the "meta", HD2 is one of those games that you can bring in essentially any weapon and do just fine. Thats why I enjoy making these themed loadout builds. Just so many themes you can go with!
@impactstockyy5591 4 ай бұрын
Should run Gatling and auto canon one with HMG with a spear it’s amazing
@donalddouds6033 3 ай бұрын
Definitely go with AC turret and chain gun for sure against bugs. Possibly switching the Gatling for the mortar against bots and possibly the shield bubble generator as well instead of personal one to protect against Bots popping your turrets. Still haven’t tested that build yet but with the new Major order I will be putting it through its paces
@astroguster5522 4 ай бұрын
No fire grenades?!? Bullsht! And throw your nades thru the door, not the chutes
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
I use fire grenades on the second specialization. I swapped them for impact grenades for robots as it'd be more effective while still not sacrificing the main elements of the build. I like making themed builds but I do try to add some in-game effectiveness to the builds. A nice balance between the two.
@YipeekayHarasho 4 ай бұрын
Man i really hope they'll release new armor with new armor passive in the future. looking forward for armor that grants fire resistance.
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
I heard they plan to add new armor set(s) every month through the Super Store!
@YipeekayHarasho 4 ай бұрын
That's good to hear! 👍​@@ReiKyouho
@Raventi 4 ай бұрын
cant really call this a pyromanic build if barely half of the loadoat is fire related. its pyro MANIAC, almost everything should be fire related (lasers count). wheres napalm strike? incendiary mines? incendiary breaker/laser scythe (jar dom is a stretch since its explosive not really fire)? orbital laser?
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
I focus on making themed builds utilizing my experience in the Infantry while also still making them viable for gameplay. Personally, I feel as the Napalm Strike is lacking which is why I preferred other things over it. However, if you choose to bring it then please do! Its important to have fun with how you play the game and try new things!
@Aesir247 4 ай бұрын
its easier to destroy factories with the impact nade if you chuck it through the door instead of the vents :P
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
Interesting, never thought to throw the impact grenade at the door when its open. Might have to try that out!
@Aesir247 4 ай бұрын
@@ReiKyouho anything else would be undemocratic 🫡
@joshb6842 4 ай бұрын
@ReiKyouho 4 ай бұрын
Hope you enjoyed the loadout I made! ❤️