@MrPieguyDaBoss 4 сағат бұрын
The reason you took so much damage in tyhe begining isnt because of the damn Mortars its because your engaging every damn Bot and every patrol near you and using the wrond loadout
@buddha4957 4 сағат бұрын
It's not two shot for Titans
@bigbear7076 9 сағат бұрын
I'm with everyone saying keep it.
@NuclearPowerToaster 10 сағат бұрын
I always felt the anti tanks have been “sub optimal” pick on bots when the auto cannon, AMR, las can, and HMG friends exist. Like, the main reason people picked the spear, before it got buffed, was to snipe bot fabs from any angle. I feel like the commando makes the other anti tanks seem even more sub optimal on bots now, and I honestly feel like anti tanks launchers across the board should be buffed to take out bot fabs the same way the spear and commando can.
@thiccfila 9 сағат бұрын
I think commando is good on bots because of lower damage and more shots. Which isn't a bad thing imo. If anything comes into the bot meta I'd like it to be the ap3 weapons
@NuclearPowerToaster 9 сағат бұрын
@@thiccfila Yeah, the commando and spear really shine on bots for their destructive ease of use. The other anti tanks just seem to come up a bit short in comparison to the auto cannon and others, imo. I’d love to see a “disposable” version of the air burst launcher in the form of a bfg type weapon.
@gmikecstein 10 сағат бұрын
What's up with your HUD?
@thiccfila 9 сағат бұрын
Turned a bunch of stuff to map only to make the game a little harder and more cinematic
@thelonehunter6025 10 сағат бұрын
HMG, supply pack, orbital Gatling and eagle airstrike is still my go to for everything the bots can throw at me. Sure you lose the ability to take out fabricators from a distance but I rather be able to deal with hordes of enemies and heavy units. With this build you got infinite stun grenades so anytime you see a Hulk you pop one and shoot it in the eyes and kill it in 2 seconds. For annihilator tanks shooting them in the back of the tank or the heat sinks takes them out in about three to four seconds but you should probably use your eagle air strike at this point if you see that they are too far away, you can take out a factory strider just putting the machine gun at the highest RPM and mag dumping below it but it'll only take about half the mag and last but not least you are the dedicated anti-air support specialist for your team. Are you going to need to carry a grenade pistol to deal with fabricators? yes but in exchange you get to deal with every enemy in the faction with relative ease in comparison to other stratagems. And your comrades will thank you for it because you'll be able to deal with crowds much much easier especially those pesky hulks. Also the orbital Gatling can help you take out objectives just like the HMG. Now if you don't want to risk running below a factory Strider to take it out with HMG which is okay because that should be your last resort with this build you throw an orbital Gatling to weaken it and next you throw an eagle air strike on it and it'll one shot it.
@icccu 11 сағат бұрын
Thiccfila real as fuck for talking about doing trades 💯💪🏽
@kriegcore 14 сағат бұрын
Less explosive damage apparently but has more 'armor penetration'
@Jordblitz 14 сағат бұрын
The Commando should not he abke to destroy fabircatoes if thr EAT and recoiless can not. Anybody who thinks it SHOULD, is not being honest
@thiccfila 11 сағат бұрын
Why shouldn't it, it nearly has the same icon as spear. It's like the expendable version of it. It has the same solution force. So whoever designed this gun thinks it should.
@Jordblitz 10 сағат бұрын
@@thiccfila it has the same icon, but the weapon in game, as far as I am aware, is not the same. The damage is far lower, the velocity is lower, and the projectile itself is completely different visually. The spear is a huge, backpack loaded projectile. The largest such one in the game with the highest damage to prove it. It ALSO is supposed to attack from a top down angle, meaning it is supposed to hit the weakest and most vulnerable parts of armored targets (translating to more damage and destructive ability, in theory). The commando fires a slower, smaller, manual laser guided projectile. There is no reason it should be able to achieve the same demolition as the larger version. This is especially true when the EAT and recoiless, which ALSO fire a larger, faster projectile than the commando, can not destroy the fabricators. Either the game needs to make ALL launchers of this type destroy fabricators, or only the Spear. It makes no logical sense why the smallest projectile has the same destruction as the largest one, while the middle launchers do not. And just contextually speaking, do you REALLY think the developers intend for a rapid fire Quad launching expendable weapon, to be an "expendable version" of a weapon that only has 4 shots in total, and requires a lengthy, stationary reload in-between? Of course not
@cullen_mathews9174 14 сағат бұрын
ill keep the spear just because commando is a one use weapon with a cool down of 120 secs can't resupply.
@thiccfila 11 сағат бұрын
What are you talking about it resupplies every 120 seconds. 1:40 with cooldown upgrades
@dark_matter8420 15 сағат бұрын
The Commando doesn't replace the Spear for me. Both have their uses and their shortcomings. But I do think it's more useful than the Spear. Or rather, I think the Spear is a bit more of a burden. With its long cooldown and requiring a backpack, it allows for less diversity. The Spear's targeting is also a downside often, for example against Chargers and Dropships. I feel like it could use a bit of a buff to make it a real high-powered threat. Let it target gunship engines instead of center mass, and make it so it kills Chargers no matter where you hit them.
@dnakatomiuk 15 сағат бұрын
I want to see more Orbitals like why can't we have more cannons at the back that fold inward as you prepare to go into warp jump. There's nothing like having 4x 380, 4x 120 mixture for 3rd and 4th but I usually do a Gatling and air burst strike to stun the large ones if the 380/120 don't kill them
@kiitaclyzm 15 сағат бұрын
I really like the commando cause it doesn't have the delay for the sight to pop out like the EATs do, not a spear user though it's inconsistent for me at killing hulks
@dman7668 18 сағат бұрын
The answer is yes
@Pr0digyZRX 21 сағат бұрын
The commando is probably my favorite support weapon right now. Every youtuber I've seen so far has been agreeing with me on that as well. If you think its bad it's cause you're using it wrong lol. As long as you're hitting weak points you can kill pretty much any enemy in 2 shots and shrieker nests and spor spewers in 3. Bile titan 2 to the head/face. Factory strider 2 to it's eye or 3 to it's belly as long as you hit 1 door. Both chargers 2 to the face/head. Tanks and tank tower 2. Drop ships 2 to the engine. Gunships 1 to the engine or 2 to the body. Plus closes bot factories and bug holes from any direction in 1 shot. Devastators 1 shot anywhere except the heavy shield. Hulks 1 shot to the face 2 to the vent or 3 to the body and 1 shot to everything else. How is it not better? You get 4 shots no reloading time and in 120 seconds or less you can call it again. Usually around the time you finish the first one (at least for me) on helldive. It's by far my favorite support weapon. As long as you're accurate it might be the best all around launcher in the game
@Truthoscope91 21 сағат бұрын
I cant get it to kill anything personally, maybe it's a hit detection issue
@maxenders1131 21 сағат бұрын
In my opinion the Commando is complete trash and I hope we just get another this time good support weapon
@12171010011010 21 сағат бұрын
My issue with the Commando is that it simply is uniquely good at everything. It is easy to use, kills any target in less than 4 shots, and can be called down preemptively to equip. Every single other support weapon has downsides and costs. Now you can't take 1 launcher without considering the opportunity cost of the Commando. *DOES IT NEED A NERF?* No, of course not, it's not that it's strong, it's that other support weapons need a buff. The Spear for example, is a niche weapon that has several drawbacks and limitations in the form of inconsistent damage and limited ammo, but the commando has no such weakness due to the lower effective cooldown and more reliable damage.
@sinteleon 18 сағат бұрын
I'd still take spear over commando for bug missions regardless because the commando misses a damage breakpoint against spore or shrieker towers making them require 3 rockets to destroy each tower.
@12171010011010 17 сағат бұрын
@@sinteleon I see what you mean but that’s such a minimal downside. Orbitals Eagles and EATs all can be taken in addition to Commandos to fulfil that task.
@sinteleon 16 сағат бұрын
@@12171010011010 Yes, but that means you need to get in close to finish the job. (granted these days with us sample collecting we need to go in anyway, but not having to deal with a horde of shriekers is useful). And it's not like the Spear is only for the towers, they're just as good for dealing with titans and chargers too if aimed right.
@bulletkingaming2808 21 сағат бұрын
There are times where the Spear doesn't one shot tanks and hulks. Which is kind of annoying at times. And the Commando is balanced enough to be able to kill hulks and fabricators in one shot. Like the Spear, but the Commando would have times where it is not effective at turrets and tanks. Both weapons are good synergies against bots.
@Malficion 22 сағат бұрын
Let's have a happy medium. Spear gets 350 more damage and an extra ammo (4+1). Commando CD to 90s Base EAT CD to 60s Base Recoiless reload to 4s Quasar charge CD to 10s 😊
@Deathstroke25 22 сағат бұрын
The calls for nerfs are in the hope that it’s left alone it is fine as is but if the devs see it is popular and used more than other weapons they will potentially nerf it to try and get other weapons used so let’s all pretend it’s shit and either gets left alone or gets a buff
@Pac282 22 сағат бұрын
Don’t go to college - work a trade like me - also I spent 7 months with no work this year - 😂 bruh
@thiccfila 22 сағат бұрын
My other business is youtube which was very fruitful in that 7 months. I also do my trade solo and it is secondary
@infinitekarma4949 23 сағат бұрын
Commando replaced the spear for me on bots but bugs. ATM, I use commando on bots and spear on bugs. I’ve tried both weapons on both factions and that’s just my preference. Tbf, I like to use ballistic shield so the commando is essentially my spear without a backpack
@syrusalder7795 Күн бұрын
Thicc your hot take on the commando has been in the oven for the last 2 hours, its cooked, it doesn't need one more minute XD
@Super_AC1 Күн бұрын
Commando would be better vs bugs if it wasn't for the bile titan head being bugged and not registering damage most of the time
@syrusalder7795 Күн бұрын
The only way it replaces spear is for the peak bot blitz strats where you used to just spear long distance fabs. Spear ammo is a lot more precious than Commando ammo, so it always felt a bit wasteful to do it despite how much of a time saver it was, but the commando? blast away its basically free ammo
@Kokoda144 Күн бұрын
spear/supply pack is the only option at lvl 9 unless everyone brings some sort of weaponry to handle gunships, hulks and factories
@thiccfila 22 сағат бұрын
You mean auto cannon
@Kokoda144 18 сағат бұрын
@@thiccfila sure, it doesn't handle tanks very well but it is an option. Spear supply pack team combo can clear any significant armour and air enemy quickly and consistently, and at LVL 9 that is what you want. It leaves you with two dedicated trash guys. But trash can be handled with primaries as well so you can always bring another spear for quick reloads. You can do this with commandos but you need at least 4 to keep up with the rate of armour which means you lose two dedicated trash guys. And just hope you don't miss.
@sinteleon 18 сағат бұрын
I'd note that autocannon sentry is particularly effective against factory strider (as long as you get rid of the cannon turret first), and rocket sentries against gunships.
@colekondrat5412 Күн бұрын
1 Commando almost entirely replaces SPEAR and I'm pretty sure you know it. Let's see the pros and cons side by side: SPEAR pros: Persistent support weapon Able to be reloaded High AP and Destructive power Very good at long range Can one shot bile titans and behemoth chargers when hitting the head Can destroy bot fabricators from any direction. SPEAR cons: Reload is slow and cumbersome. Needs either two resupply bricks without SPM for full reload, or one resupply brick+ammo box full backpack+one in the chamber. Unusable at close range due to the firing sequence Incapable of precise shots, relying fully on fire and forget lock-on, which is ultimately inconsistent in dealing with targets. Long cooldown between call-ins. Restrictive ammo pool No backpack slot Commando Pros: High AP and damage Can two shot almost all heavy and super heavy units in the game when used with even a little aim. Rockets are laser guided, making them much more precise than SPEAR missiles. Can one shot bot fabricators and destroys bug holes without needing to be aimed into the spawner. No need to reload, all rockets can be fired one at a time or in sequence. Expendable, allowing it to be used in conjunction with any support weapon Does not require backpack slot. Can be used at all ranges, and does not require any leading at all. Commando Cons: Cooldown is limiting, making it hard to deal with multiple heavies if it's the only form of anti-tank in the loadout. Weapon is very cumbersome, making it hard to use without peak physique to allow for quick adjustments via the laser guidance. Hell, rewatch your own video. For most of the mission, you just called in the commando and used the SPEAR a couple of times to deal with factory striders. I don't think the weapon needs any major nerfs, it's effectively a condensed EAT. But, you're crazy if you think the destructive capabilities should stay. The fact that you can clear an entire outpost with one use of a Stratagem with such a short cooldown is totally too powerful. I have no issues with it two shotting most heavy and super heavies. That's par for the course (though it might mean the EAT should be buffed to make it competitive against the commando), but saying it is even COMPARABLE to the spear in effectiveness is laughable, especially considering you can run the commando alongside any support weapon to supplement for a lack of anti-tank. Also, "buff only, no nerfs" is exactly the mindset that will ruin this game. You're on a squad. One person should not be able to handle every threat with one loadout, otherwise, what's the point in playing with other people? Most weapons are in a fine spot. A couple of primaries need some love, like the DMRs and SMGs, but most of them can be used to a highly effective degree with practice. All the support weapons are somewhat equally viable. And that's how it should be. Wanting the game to be balanced around sometimes dying isn't a bad thing. You aren't supposed to do perfect on every mission, and you aren't a super soldier. The weapons and Stratagems we have access to are pretty damn strong. But, the commando stands out and replaces the EAT, Recoilless, Quasar and Spear, since the remaining anti-tank can be supplemented by a growing list of stratagems capable of dealing with tanks, and it even allow you to keep another support weapon.
@thiccfila Күн бұрын
Saying spear can't be used at close range when that's the most reliable way we kill chargers with it is funny lol
@colekondrat5412 Күн бұрын
@@thiccfila You can use it for that, though that assumes there are no bugs around to take advantage of the ragdoll, and that the missile doesn't hit the front legs or vestigial limbs below the head, or doesn't miss entriely. Barrel stuffing is something you can do, but not ideal compared to the commando which doesn't require that. Or, you can simply use the flamethrower and blast the front legs with flame and watch it die in two seconds. Chargers are a non-issue IMO. They're more like obstacles to avoid rather than enemies to fight. Just dodge the first charge and blast it with any number of stratagems or have a teammate help you. Which isn't always practical, but almost always preferable to taking a potentially fatal ragdoll. It is a very funny teq though.
@thiccfila 22 сағат бұрын
It works everytime with a simple stun grenade. Same with factory striders, it's way more risky than chargers but it one shots their belly
@colekondrat5412 13 сағат бұрын
@@thiccfila True, but we're still considering the enemies in a vacuum when you know it's not that simple. One stun does not deal with an entire hoard. You can use stratagems for those, or dispatch them with you're primary, but that takes time, and if you're isolated, pulling off a barrel stuff is risky and not guaranteed to work by any means. Regardless, we're arguing a moot point anyway. Close range operability of the SPEAR is limited to two enemy types on different factions, a restriction not bound to the commando. Not to mention the commando doesn't need to reload, and gets access to all its ammo immediately, something that the spear cannot do without a team reload. It's still much less risky and more efficient to use the commando or even a railgun when considering behemoth chargers. Even a quasar, since if you hit a leg shot walking forward it strips armor for an easy kill with your primary, something the spear cannot do at mid range. Hulks are so easily cleaned up by either a commando or Medium II armor pen weapon to the eye as well, something the spear cannot do. Tanks are prone to precision orbital strikes on a 70 second cooldown, or two quick shots with a commando, or flanking with a medium II armor pen weapon. Factory striders are shredded easily at range with any Medium II armor pen to the weakpoint or doors at close range with far more ammo efficiency. On top of that, you can run the commando and another weapon that isn't geared strictly towards anti-tank. The avenues opened up by the commando allow for much more versatility due to its expendable nature, something the SPEAR will never have, on top of more precision and effectiveness against targets that can quickly close the distance. Despite all that, I still like using the SPEAR. But, arguing practicality of close range engagements with a weapon that can only hit at point blank or mid-long range is exhausting. Plus, I don't even want other aspects of the weapon nerfed, just the fabricator destruction, which is something the EATs or Recoilless can be afforded to provide a better edge against bots, and more diversity since the commando does the job of both of those weapons but somewhat better due to it being the only rocket launcher with multi-fire capabilities, which can clear a base at quite a distance in less time than anything else in the game.
@jaywerner8415 Күн бұрын
Number 2. I mean kinda, but not really. Its fills a nice HOLE between the EAT and SPEAR. Its Disposable like the EAT, but can still blow up Holes and Fabricators like the Spear can. And its damage is alright, 2 of the 4 rockets will kill most things the EAT, Recoiless or Spear can in 1 shot. Plus its cooldown is only slightly longer then the EAT. The Spear is still the KING of Damage per shot, Possibly knocking out even a Bile Titan if your lucky. Hell id argue the Spear is straight up OVERKILL 99% of the time, with how little ammo it has its clearly for killing Bile Titans and Factory Striders. Seriously, the people are ether DEMANDING NERFS for every NEW THING "because it makes X thing obsolite" or WANTING every NEW THING to be OP. I will never understand this mentally, this isn't a SBMM Call Of Duty lobby. Use what you like, no ones gonna stop you. This is why we need "sidegrades" to alot of things and more options in areas that are lacking. Like, Mines for example, no one uses them. AP mines are.... kinda useless (fire minds are better vs bugs, and the bots are just too slow to walk into the mines), Fire Mines are good vs Terminids but not Bots. Those ever-allusive Anti-Tank mines would be nice, or some STUN Mines (something else that seems to have been lost to time).
@Bo0ris Күн бұрын
The only thing I want nerfed currently is the incendary breaker.
@judyfps5059 6 сағат бұрын
Why?? Personally with my playstyle I prefer the blitzer and the incenbreaker feels like it’s lacking damage or stagger
@epsilon1372 5 сағат бұрын
its too powerful vs bugs. i would reduce its range but also buff other weapons so we have more viable and effective primaries
@mysticwhiteknight Күн бұрын
I pick up the samples as long as I have some on me, then drop the full amount of samples. Thus adding to the ones that were dropped there.
@QueenTheCossackTongued Күн бұрын
Short answer is no, it doesnt replace a single support weapon. its a beautiful addition to us few gents who love to bring more than one support weapon though. Not everyone appreciates being able to shooty shooty bang bang your way out of every single problem without needing Eagle or that cross eyed moron manning the Orbital guns. The boys packing the pod know long as I got things that go boom and lead to dispense, there wont be no enemies.
@HAZM31 Күн бұрын
Hearing you try to justify those deaths at the beginning as “accidents” and your excuse for not being able to clear the map is hilarious.
@thiccfila Күн бұрын
You my friend Are clearly not my friend
@ZzVinniezZ Күн бұрын
I love the commando but i do missed it able to be reloaded in hd1
@Staladus Күн бұрын
Idk guys, I think he needs one more minuite. Also no I dont think it replaces the spear, the same way the EATs dont replace the quasar/RR.