The St Nazaire Raid 1942 Reaction
Siege Towers in Medieval Sieges
@Bereadyalways123 21 сағат бұрын
Remember it was the FRENCH who stabbed the British in the back that got the USA its independence, the Americans could have never beat the British on there own merit, the SNEAKY French in collaboration forced the British to leave what is now called the USA…
@CatotheE Күн бұрын
29:44 That doesn't sound right. Rome was built on the backs of soldiers recruited from the peninsula before it expanded to other territories.
@CatotheE Күн бұрын
9:14 The biggest gain the Italians made from World War 1, was that their chief rival (Austria-Hungary) was destroyed. 10:48 Russia suffered significantly, but from a large population base. France suffered significantly, from a smaller population base. It's one of the reasons that so many French soldiers were old in World War 2. They had to go up against a country with twice their population.
@InfoRome 3 күн бұрын
Italia not being first is a colossal fuck-up, Rome 2nd in the empire of Rome. Crazy.
@InfoRome 3 күн бұрын
He fucked up massively by not putting Italy 1st; also technically not a province. Putting Rome 2nd in the empire of Rome, nuts.
@kevinnaber790 9 күн бұрын
One of those geographic names that has several different locations with similar sounding or spelled names. In this case there is the Island of Elba and also the Elbe River which is in Eastern Europe and is one of the common geographical stop lines throughout history and thus the scene of numerous battles.
@LordDirus007 11 күн бұрын
Smokeless Powder. During the Napoleonic Wars, the Battlefield was clouded by smoke. Bright color uniforms made sense.
@speedylefou 12 күн бұрын
The commander of the last square of the Old Guard at Waterloo is ordered to surrender by the British general Colville, Cambronne respond: "The guard dies but does not surrender"
@Youtubechannel-po8cz 16 күн бұрын
Wellington was a commander years a head of his time. He was obsessed with training and logistics, a consummate diplomat when it came to holding an allied force together (peninsula war). He never lost a battle in India or Spain. Napoleon had never fought the British and totally under estimated Wellington. He should have taken on the British first, if he’d defeated the Duke the Prussians would have withdrawn. A fatal mistake.
@DavidWalter-gz8ue 16 күн бұрын
It is difficult to say what Napoleon may have suffered from, without a direct prognosis from a doctor. He may have suffered many conditions from IBS to Gastro Enteritis or stomach ulcers (being yhe Emperor of France fight against all the other empires of Europe can do that for you). Some say he had duodeanol cancer or even lead poisioning.
@ragequit3216 22 күн бұрын
Imagine the tale « so how was your first week of military?» naah nothing much just shot down germanys biggest warship.
@patrickbush9526 24 күн бұрын
The best idea they came up with first was to ditch the shiny tuba and reflective vest. 🚫📯🦺 🤔
@voldesign9259 Ай бұрын
The Blücher is still leaking diesel to this day, you can smell it when passing the site.
@thomaswatvedt5812 Ай бұрын
5:59 he was retired, but un-retired himself when he realized war was coming
@philshorten3221 Ай бұрын
Brilliant BUT I can't see either of these 1. ZULU from 1964 (real events with actual people) 2. Black Adder Goes Forth (TV comedy series but props / set designs are really good but the last minutes of the last episode is a real stunner)
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
So basically the one that said “SHIT” had that written on his tombstone cause it was his last word
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
If anyone is wondering were the guy that says blucher is in the woods blucher is on napoleons right but they are coming from his south east he had to comit reserves to the rear or so I’ve heard
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
POV the boys asking what you wanna do on the weekend 1:15:19
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
Are the soldiers with the red outlining in their shakos an the tall plume fusiliers
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
Grouche said “nah fuck that man told me to get the Prussians an I ain’t coming back without the hat”
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
Aren’t the black watch the 42nd I thought the Scottish regiment in Waterloo was the 92nd
@ryleeculla5570 Ай бұрын
Blücher has balls to be at the front of a Calvary charge
@JocelenJanon Ай бұрын
The guy who explains what the other guy explains while having researched... nothing.
@torebereczky8954 Ай бұрын
@Starwarsjoe1974 Ай бұрын
To me it looks like Napoleon knew he couldn’t win so sent 3rd of his army away to make sure France had some defense.
@LittleLances Ай бұрын
the "spears" were not ceremonial. They were to protect the colours from cavalry
@edwardrodbourne8361 Ай бұрын
Its fool
@Jannik-augustus Ай бұрын
@robertstrong6798 Ай бұрын
The Iron Duke was also an Irish ☘️ nobleman many forget this
@domitiusafer Ай бұрын
Contrary to the legend, the battle of France was extremely deadly (Nearly 61,000 French soldiers killed against almost 50,000 German soldiers killed in six weeks of combat, whereas for example there were 57,000 US soldiers killed in 11 years of war in Viet Nam 1962 to 1973 and during the Battle of France in 1940, 4,711 German soldiers were killed or wounded per day in May-June 1940, compared to 4,222 in June-November 1941 during Operation Barbarossa in Russia.)The idea that the French soldiers would have surrendered without fighting comes from the German propaganda broadcast in the world news at the time . In reality, 1 million 500,000 of the 1 million 800,000 French soldiers were taken prisoner during the last week of the battle from June 18 to 25, 1940 and this is the consequence of the disastrous first speech broadcast by the new head of the French government, Marshal Pétain on 17 June 1940 who declared to have started negotiations with the Germans and a fateful sentence "It is with a heavy heart that I ask you to stop the fight". Thus the French population and the French soldiers who listened to the radio understood this sentence as an order to immediately cease fighting , so that the French soldiers then surrendered massively allowing thus to the Germans to advance without combat on French territory during the week of June 18 to June 25 date effective entry into force of the armistice. It is a gross political and military mistake of Marshal Pétain to give this speech on 17 June 1940 when the Germans had not yet crossed the river Loire and even when the Negotiations for an armistice with the Germans had not even begun since the armistice will only be signed on 22 June 1940, that is 5 days later and will be effective on 25 June 1940. Of course the Germans will film the French soldiers who were massively going during the last week from 18 to 25 June 1940 without specifying the date and the reasons for the behavior of the soldiers French, all the more so since almost all the viewers of the cinemas in the world where the images of German propaganda were broadcast ignored the speech of Marshal Pétain on 17 June 1940.
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
Btw DeGaulle took à bâillon être in the stomach in WW1, pushed back the communists in Poland in 1920 and led the French to victory in WW2… also look up Leclerc with a higher number of kills per tanks than the americans…
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
In 1940, the Germans just got a series of lucky strokes pumped up on emphitamines (yup, drugged up, with less empathy and no need to sleep). The French won battles with their B1 tanks, kept the Germans from crossing the fortified maginot line. Germans went through the non fortified line and to the ocean while the French did bet that they would go behind the fortified line on the east. Also the Belgium blocked the French from waiting for the Germans in Belgium which also messed up the defense. Don’t forget the Germans had pumped up their hardware from countries they had already invaded… as for the planes, Germans outnumbered the French planes due to production delays in france… Germans just had a lot of luck. One of my gransfarger died in 1940. The other one was in Marco and took part in the invasion of Italy by the French troops in 1944 and fought in monte casino… neither was a coward.
@domitiusafer Ай бұрын
Pervitine gave the German soldiers an impression of power and invincibility, hence a greater aggressiveness in combat because they had the impression that they were invulnerable to balls (This was only an impression, because nearly 50,000 German soldiers were killed in the battle of France in six weeks of combat, This also explains a higher rate of German losses than during the first six months of the 1941 Russian campaign, by comparison the French had 61,000 soldiers killed and the American in 11 years of war in the Viet Name from 1962 to 1973 57,000 soldiers killed) . This assurance of the doped German soldiers capable of incredible audacities has puzzled the French soldiers and the French command the myth of the invincibility of the Wermacht is partly explained by these impressions. In addition, pervitine giving endurance and also preventing sleep, the Germans were able to chain up the non-stop and night marches so that they could reach the Meuse in 3 days while the French command expected a delay of 8 days , The European Commission has been working on this subject since"German army with tanks and planes, unlike 1914, to redeploy the French troops concentrated in the north when the front was pierced at Sedan, whereas in 1914, Before the Battle of the Marne, the French command had 3 three weeks of respite from the slower German advance to redeploy, reorganize and counter-attack on the Marne. In doing so, the German soldiers also became addicted over time which generated behaviors difficult to manage when they were no longer supplied with pervitine and now of many historians attribute to the lack of effects of this drug, the abuses of German soldiers, especially on civilian populations as much if not more than the fanaticism of the Nazi regime.
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
In Verdun, the French stood their ground against a greater number of Germans who had better canons… how does it make cowards?
@domitiusafer Ай бұрын
Indeed the French army has formidable resist the German offensive from February to December 1916 in Verdun which was a real hell (scientists calculated that the total load of shells dropped in 9 months of combat was equivalent to 7 times the atomic bomb of Hiroshima to such an extent that the soil being so polluted 9 villages around Verdun totally destroyed were never rebuilt but that in tribute they keep with their name their status of commune in France which has thus ghost villages without inhabitants).But to be completely exact, the French army which had resisted alone from February to June 1916 to the deluge of German fire and the German offensives, was also saved by General Broussilov’s Russian offensive on the Eastern Front in June 1916, forcing the Germans to withdraw troops and guns from Verdun and redeploy them east; The Germans gradually reducing their numbers, the French were able to counter-attack and regain the ground lost at the end of 1916 with the offensives of General Nivelle. The Russians had already saved the French army in the summer of 1914 by disrupting the initial German plan to make it look like an attack in Lorraine and to attack massively by surprise by Belgium in order to take back the French army (the Germans will do the opposite in May 1940 by making it appear that they attack in Belgium to attack massively in the Ardennes);The Germans thought that they could quickly mobilize all their manpower and means against France in order to crush it quickly in a few weeks before turning around then against Russia because according to them, it would take several weeks for France’s ally Russia to mobilize. But the Russians managed to mobilize quickly and immediately went on the offensive in the east in August 1914, forcing the Germans to divide their troops The French had time using the peculiarity of the French railway network that goes star from Paris to push back their armies from the border to concentrate them on Paris in order to avoid that they were surrounded for once gathered in Paris against massively attacking on the Marne in September 1914 as much as the German army had begun to lose numbers Redeployed east against the Russians.But the military situation was not the same in May 1940 as in September 1914 because the Germans had taken care to destroy this time with aviation that did not exist in 1914 as a weapon of war, The French rail network was designed to avoid a scenario similar to that of their defeat on the Marne; But also a little emphasized aspect was in the years preceding the conflict, the bankruptcy of French diplomacy which is excessively subject to the orders of the British government because under the harmful influence of the secretary general of the quai d'Orsay Alexis Léger patented , France has deprived itself in order to satisfy the English of other alternative alliances than those of the English so that it has gradually closed itself in the only English alliance which Proven poor performance and unreliable,losing first the precious and decisive Russian alliance of the 1st world war because the British anti-communist leaders did not want an alliance of France itself allied with the USSR . Thus, Stalin rejected by the French and British in 1935 allied with Hitler in 1939 so that unlike 1914 and 1916, the Germans no longer having to fear on the Eastern front facing Russia and no longer having to divide their troops, could throw the whole of their army against the numerically weaker French army (93 French divisions against 145 German divisions France 41 million inhabitants and Germany 60 million inhabitants The numerical inferiority of the French will not be compensated by the British who will send only 11 divisions to France instead of the 45 promised divisions (while Britain at the time had more inhabitants than France, 49 million British versus 41 million French, by comparison in 1914-In 1918 the British had sent 85 divisions to France and Italy ).) ;Then the British urged France to condemn and vote economic sanctions against Mussolini’s Italy after the 1936 Italian invasion of Ethiopia while Italy was allied with France since 1915 and that Mussolini had mobilized his army against Hitler in 1934, which foiled a first attempt to annex Austria.Thus in 1936, Mussolini’s Italy allied with France threw itself into the arms of Hitler and became the enemy of France. Thus "then Italy had remained neutral in 1914," which allowed France to concentrate its armies in the north and north-east against the Germans alone, in 1939-In 1940 France had to extend the defence of its borders to the Alps in the south-east and deploy troops opposite the Italian border which had not been the case in 1914.The Italians have France was attacked on 10 June 1940, so that the 180,000 French soldiers of the Army of the Alps, if they successfully defended the border against the Italians, were reinforced by German divisions were fixed in the Alps and could not be used as reserve troops to counter the German offensive in the north and north east We must also take into account the threat to southern France but especially in Morocco of Spain of general Franco close to the German and Italian regimes while Spain as Italy were The European Community has been neutral since 1914. France must thus mobilize 120,000 men of General Nogues to ensure the defense of Morocco, who will also be missing on the front in France. in May June 1940 because Franco in the spring of 1940 as Mussolini in September 1939 declared his country "non-belligerent" but not neutral and the Spaniards occupied the city of Tangier in Morocco, hence the choice to designate Marshal Pétain as head of government because he knew personally Franco ppour In the 1920s, he fought in Morocco against the rebellion of Abd El Krim and was French ambassador to Spain in 1939 to dissuade him from attacking French North Africa. It is necessary to add a certain English duplicity that under the pretext of preventing France from dominating the European continent after its victory in 1918, refused the English military guarantee to France in violation of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 in case of German attack and then supported for 20 years the German rearmament Suddenly in March 1939 to hostility towards Germany then wanted to use France as a buffer state in order to use the German army before an attack against Britain .The British do not send the number of divisions planned in France (11 instead of 45) Hence the violent altercation between Pétain and Churchill at Briare on 11 June 1940 when he asked the French to continue fighting alone despite his refusal to leave aviation in France The British troops withdrew from Dunkirk and Narvik in Norway. " Where are your 40 divisions promised? "answers Pétain.It is now known that Churchill had already sent a message to General Gort, commander of the British expeditionary force in France, on 14 May 1940, in order not to be translated by the French secret services, He asked him to withdraw the British troops to the ports in northern France in order to reembark avoiding confrontations with the Germans so as to have the least losses. The British withdrew from the front without informing the French command who learned by chance, alerted by a French officer to whom a friend of English officer came to say goodbye. Thus, the English will literally sabotage at Arras the counter-attack set up by the French general Weygand . Churchill after defending Lord Gort accused by the French command of having backed off during the counter-attack is forced in the face of multiple testimonies to order an investigation into the behaviour of Lord Gort (which he is very careful to dismiss from his command because the latter obeyed his secret orders and the investigation will obviously be without follow-up ) .Finally, the double game led by Churchill will end up awakening the suspicions of members of the French government and weaken supporters of the British alliance as the head of the government French Reynaud, Ministers like Mandel and de Gaulle after the English meeting in Dunkirk, Finally, the other members of the French government, grouped around Marshal Pétain, who have no confidence in maintaining the English alliance and are supporters of the armistice with Germany. It was the secretary general of the French government, Baudoin who would bring about the resignation of Reynaud and the defeat of the supporters of the English alliance in a cabinet meeting on 16 June 1940 with his sentence "The English will fight to the last French soldier."
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
@@domitiusafer yes, thé Brit’s we’re not too keen on fighting the Germans either. Their rivalry with France was also an obstacle. That’s why De Gaule didn’t want the brute in the EU because he experienced their lack of faithfulness first hand. They never had both feet in the EU and had a special treatment, yet they left anyway to revive their empire. It is interesting to know that in spite of having a desdain for the French and De Gaulle, he still informed are Gaulle that the US was going to take control of France and cut it in pieces, mostly to access the French colonies without the French in the way. Churchill probably knew he could not fully trust the US after being forced to give up the commonwealth so that the US could access their empire without the Brit’s in the way to receive military aid in 1940… so in the end, I can see how the Brit’s underperformed because they were playing their so games in one. It fits their attitude before and after WW2 all the way to the Brexit (superiority complex?). When they drilled the euro tunnel, French papers celebrated it by showing a picture of a pass with a rugby ball at the junction. The Brit’s showed a guillotine on the French side of the tunnel. I also remember how for the rugby World Cup, some British colleagues would say that they hoped the French would lose and anyone else could win the cup but the French… so much hate for the French two centuries after Napoleon!… yes it was ok with him that Australian would call northwest hemisphere rugby decadent… including English rugby as long as the French would not win… anyway… countries tend to serve their own interests even if they call themselves allies. All goes well until water becomes scarce… then people turn to animals. The view of the French by the us was also never really good in spite of the fact that Lafayette helped them. They became an obstacle for the US to access the world and their Amgot plan along with the fact that the my paid the Germans to spy on them not so long ago…among other things… not accepting that the French follow orders would result in an anti French sentiment (freedom fries for not attacking Iraq for non existent WMDs). And blaming the French for the rise of hitler ignoring the effect of the 1928 crisis which is what really made the price of butter rise to 1 million Mark… in the early 30d… anyway, nice to see that some people try to be not objective. Truth is every country has their dark side and good sides. The important idea is to remain open to hearing things that may, if true, change our way of thinking of the country we like the most. We mostly enfer it the world we live in, good or bad so let’s not take ownership of lies and old hate based on things we had nothing to do with from before were born. WW2, napoleon, former colonies, Vietnam… it’s all over and done. Let’s not make fun of or hate countries because if things the leaders of our grand parents did (not even related to those leaders for 99.999999% of them)…
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
Yes hundreds of thousands French died in A12 and win that war with Brit’s but they are cowards…
@xtophgerard1169 Ай бұрын
Lol, the French were fighting the nazis around dunkerk to allow the Brit’s to run away… what does it make the Brits?
@OnTopAStemOfThornsARose Ай бұрын
Have you ever seen "Battle of Britain" a 1969 film Directed by Guy Hamilton?
@necessaryevil3428 Ай бұрын
You REALLY need to watch Jeremy Clarkson's ' Victoria Cross ' and 'The Greatest Raid ' in that order so as not to spoil the ends..... set face to stun 🇬🇧
@erictull2089 Ай бұрын
Napoleon was a pounder. When things didn't go his way he brought up his cannon. Hence the reason put effort into capturing La Haye Sainte farmhouse. To pound the Wellington's positions from close range. However, Wellington had seen the possibility that he would do this so he positioned sharpshooters using the accurate Baker Rifle when the farmhouse fell to the French. They picked off the French artillery crews from some 200 yards and Napoleon's artillery was neutralised.
@senorestupido2803 Ай бұрын
MP-18 was the first massed produced submachine gun* Great video though
@zlardos328 Ай бұрын
Les anglo-saxons déteste les Français tout le monde le sait ici en France. Jamais je n irai dans un pays de langue anglaise.
@philplace2726 Ай бұрын
Hi from Britland; The film was released on the 26th of October 1970, date means nothing to you obviously, but it was exactly my 14th birthday and my dad took me for the opening! I've loved this film and the period of the Napoleonic wars ever since...! Read the books ( A Near Run Thing and Napoleons memoires especially) , painted the Arfix soldiers, artillery and cavalry - Cuirassiers being my favourite!!! I watch this every year I can now, as close to Waterloo Day as I can. Nice review, thanks!
@fredericmuller7064 2 ай бұрын
Donc, vous faîte une vidéo sur une opération française sans connaître ses doctrines, son organisation, ses unités et ses matériels et n'arrêtait pas comparé les dites unités à des unités américaine qui n'ont pas la même missions. Tout les régiments de l'armée de terre française sont en alerte GUEPARD à tour de rôle pour réagir à se genre de situation, les unités en alerte GUEPARD doivent pouvoir envoyer des unités organique (escadrons, compagnies, batterie) sous 12 heures pour les premiers jusqu'à 8 jour pour les derniers (si je mes souvenir sont bon).
@fredericmuller7064 2 ай бұрын
Pour rappel les unités d'Infanterie de marine (sauf le 1er Rpima), d'artillerie, parachutiste et de la légion étrangère sont des unités régulière de l'armée française qui suivent le même entraînement que les autres unités de l'armée française, avec certes quelques variation en fonction du type de terrain qu'il peut rencontrer en mission. En tant qu'ancien marsouin j'ai connue ses entraînement et les missions en OPEX.
@danilostanco1709 2 ай бұрын
"It's kind of like Alexander The Great, if you chop his brain out" best quote ever form this video 😂 40:45
@ForrestProper 2 ай бұрын
There is also a KZbin video showing the making of the film, and it includes the veterans who were on the set. Some very touching scenes of the actors thanking the veterans, pushing one in a wheelchair, and so on.
@Janandrea45. 2 ай бұрын
It would be more accurate to say that its maintenance cost was expencive rather than the armour itself. It was much quicker to produce than lorica hamata but it rusted easier and any dent meant that a whole metal strip had to be replaced
@lokijotunn8260 2 ай бұрын
Der dt. Stahlhelm hat nicht seinen Urpsrung in mittelalterlichen Helmen, wie hier gezeigt. Er folgt anatomischen Gegebenheiten. Der Kopf lässt sich grob in Gesichtsschädel und Hirnschädel unterteilen. Der Stahlhelm schützt den Gehirnschädel und lässt den Gesichtsschädel frei. Der sogenannte "Nackenschutz" ergibt sich auch fast zwangsläufig aus dem Herstellungsprozess wenn man den seitlichen Schutz auch über die Ohren haben möchte, hier jedoch einen Abstand benötigt, damit man hören kann. Im Nacken muss ein Abstand eingehalten werden, damit man den Kopf bei aufgesetzten Helm überstrecken kann. So ist der Nackenschutz eher ein Zufallsprodukt als gezielt gewollt.
@ryleeculla5570 2 ай бұрын
Napoleon might not be average height but this man has balls of steal
@ryleeculla5570 2 ай бұрын
Waterloo is my new favorite movie
@Narjoso 2 ай бұрын
the french bashing really took of in 2003, when France refused to go to Iraq and used its veto power to block an US lead UN-intervention, instead US went to war with the "coalition of the willing". After this the french bashing took of for real with freedom fries and they poored french wine in the street, you can even see it in hollywood movies, before 2003 french characters are often portrayed in a positive light, but after 2003 they are always the villain, or the ridiculous character.