My last rainbow while out adventuring turned out to be a really bad omen 😂
@artistic-off-road2 сағат бұрын
@marianajenkins-ei7evКүн бұрын
Called Gods design Wonder and awe…
@patharte9030Күн бұрын
That's cool sht see,ing what man made back in the old,en day,s curios minds "
@PaulGrimm-i5lКүн бұрын
I find running from a bear wanting to eat me is invigorating
@Heisthelightoftheworld21 сағат бұрын
@stephenslime2 күн бұрын
Go to those red rocks in Moab, Ut…before the “kids” vandalize their existence
@HeatherM-z7y3 күн бұрын
Hey, get some collabs?
@echoromeo3843 күн бұрын
That's what everybody's missing. Nobody looks up anymore. We're missing the most important things in life.
@artistic-off-road3 күн бұрын
Something remarkable happens every time. Now get out there and take a hike! (or click the link on the video for the full episode)
@chuckwhitton95913 күн бұрын
Well, the effort is greatly appreciated. WW McCoy and Hitchens were with the 1860 group who went to find it. Roods, (How he spelled it in 1850) has a better inscription at the base of Lemoine Canyon, about six miles from there. It is now believed that the "WBR 1849" inscription in Jayhawker Canyon was put there in 1860 by him when he was with the Hitchens party looking for the Gunsight mine. I have been in that canyon more times than ai can remember. I was given the rights to the burro springs mine (two canyons over) in 1982. Thanks for the episode, it brought back many fond memories.
@artistic-off-roadКүн бұрын
My pleasure. I did hear that account about Rood's inscription upon his 1860 return, but never knew about the Lemoigne Canyon site. Will have to take a look. I'd imagine you've found no shortage of interesting artifacts spending so much time in that area. Thanks for checking out the video!
@RuggedExplorer3 күн бұрын
Did you go to the mining area?
@artistic-off-road3 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, we did not. I’d like to get up Johnson canyon toward the spring. Supposed to be some interesting artifacts there.
@RealAdventureTheory4 күн бұрын
Dang! I figured they’d have repaired the damage by now.
@artistic-off-road4 күн бұрын
Yeah, it was a pretty catastrophic storm-the kind that sort of “defines” the desert topography.
@GEYSERFILMS20245 күн бұрын
So they no longer mine Talc in Saline Valley?
@artistic-off-road4 күн бұрын
Personally haven’t ever been out that direction, but it’s on my list… Sounds like the answer’s “not any more”-unless it’s outside of park boundaries.
@GEYSERFILMS20243 күн бұрын
@@artistic-off-road After I made the comment I remembered the unusual boundary line on the west side of the park, and the mines I was thinking about are probably on an adjacent section of BLM land. White Eagle and Gray Eagle mines you have to drive through the park to get there though..
@averylineberger53285 күн бұрын
You should check out Cerro Gordo Mines sometime. You were just down the mountain!
@bamarillo5 күн бұрын
Love the trail cam footage. That kangaroo rat is pretty darn cute.
@artistic-off-road5 күн бұрын
The trail cam is definitely a nice addition to the camping vids. Amazing to see the nocturnal animals.
@lvfire685 күн бұрын
I could tell you about some of the windy nights we spent at the mouth of Cottonwood Canyon as well as one memorable blow on the top of the fan on the Johnson Canyon road. Our new trailer won't be susceptible to the wind like our Tentrax tent was. There is a cabin up in Galena Canyon near the mouth where you guys could have had a little more shelter from that wind if you had driven up the road a little farther.
@artistic-off-road5 күн бұрын
Don't I know it. We tent camped once in Panamint Valley, and after a long day of adventure, the wind started blowing as I was getting it set up. Ripped the tent right out of my hands and broke a pole. She can be nasty. Your new rig sure seems comfortable.
@matthewwillis48925 күн бұрын
You have a velvet tongue, however this video is over narrated in my opinion. I prefer your fine video with the sound off so I may draw my own opinion and hear my thoughts. To me these places are very cerebral, if I am to arrive at any possible interpretation first I need to quiet my mind. Thanks!
@artistic-off-road5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comments. As a relatively new content creator, I'm trying out different formats. It's funny. I was going to just make a silent video, but as I started editing, the narrative emerged. Maybe I'll still give the silent hike idea a try. Appreciate the feedback. 🙏
@w9jim6 күн бұрын
I've spent many a windy night in DV. I do try wait until the sun doesn't set so early before making my annual trip - usually in March of each year.
@artistic-off-road5 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's a long night at this time of year.
@artistic-off-road6 күн бұрын
Sometimes the most epic adventures happen when things don't go according to plan. Please like, comment, and subscribe to join us on future adventures!
@mikessimmons69166 күн бұрын
What if petroglyphs were drawing by the children and young kids rather than adults? Lol
@artistic-off-road5 күн бұрын
Most of what I've learned about petroglyphs have pretty clearly indicated that they held some deeper significance. But you're right. I often wonder if the meaning that "we" tend to put into them is far beyond what their originals creators intended.
@YosemiteJ8 күн бұрын
Love your vids man! Easy subscribe!
@artistic-off-road8 күн бұрын
Sweet! Thanks for the comment!!
@YosemiteJ8 күн бұрын
Thanks! Definitely gonna check out this trail. Your video gave me some great info and perspective.
@artistic-off-road8 күн бұрын
The full trail from Independence to Big Pine is really an incredible drive. Throws up a few decent obstacles mid-way, but worth putting on the list.
@sethnorbeck226010 күн бұрын
Well written.
@bamarillo10 күн бұрын
You really have a knack for storytelling. This is like a Nat Geo documentary!
@artistic-off-road10 күн бұрын
@bamarillo Thank you for the compliment and glad you enjoyed the episode!
@fyahflow154210 күн бұрын
KZbin: DAVID TALBOTT: Stickman on Stone | Thunderbolts Podcast
@RuggedExplorer10 күн бұрын
Boom! Beautiful filmmaking here, guys. The narration is spectacular. 🙏
@artistic-off-road9 күн бұрын
Really appreciate that!
@hestheMaster11 күн бұрын
The geology in this strike split faulted area of Death Valley is amazing to behold. The petroglyphs are the cherry on top of it all. Catching that rainbow while in the canyon was spectacular!
@artistic-off-road11 күн бұрын
Thanks for checking out the video into this remarkable canyon. Help me share an appreciation for these remarkable sites by not revealing specific details of their whereabouts. We'll have more desert adventures in the coming weeks.
@charleyfolkes12 күн бұрын
You make a darn good video! That one tilted slab of rock looks like a space ship crashed to Earth! Good connection to Voyager, and that project was SO well thought out .. Carl Sagan, ‘Murmurs of Earth’ Nailed it,
@artistic-off-road11 күн бұрын
I just put that on my reading list. Thanks for your comments!
@charleyfolkes11 күн бұрын
Excellent video
@TRONA-CA13 күн бұрын
I know a place way out in the Mojave Desert that has rock patterns like this, it is a difficult place to get to, even with a 4×4 rig. Never shared the location, keeping it a secret!
@artistic-off-road9 күн бұрын
The adventure of finding things like this is part of what makes them so special. I agree with maintaining secrecy.
@Frank78813 күн бұрын
Never had television in them days!!
@adhdodd605614 күн бұрын
So outline them so we can see what they are
@robyjohnson337014 күн бұрын
When we were first introduced to this planet some of us that were left here, signs that they could see from the sky. 😂😂😂
@mike-ki7xc14 күн бұрын
The government will just bull doze it like they did the oil lamp and menorah earth mounds in Ohio that were pre Columbus.
@johnnysark14 күн бұрын
Not Indians… They’re Native Americans !!!!
@MrK1usa14 күн бұрын
Ancient advertisement for viagra
@CoucilmanMilne32deg14 күн бұрын
I respectfully disagree, and by your actions about six videos back, you do too. After all, contributing to the bank erosion of a stream by needlessly driving across it and creating silt for those organisms downstream is merely another form of desecration. Sorry, man. A saying about a goose and the gander comes to mind.
@artistic-off-road12 күн бұрын
@CoucilmanMilne32deg Interesting comments. Thank you for sharing them. The cow situation is definitely unfortunate for the local wildlife (it's one of the very few water sources in that very dry area). I think you're referring to the Monache Meadows video (per the river crossing comment). That particular crossing is commonly used by travelers accessing both hiking trails, fishing and historical ranching areas, and campgrounds. I do agree with you that taking vehicles through the latter is not ideal, and I'd probably argue it's better just to park and walk to avoid potentially harming fish or sending vehicle oils into the water system. Regardless, I don't think it's a perfect equivalency since my concern with the spring is the dire contamination and immediate and noticeable impact, as well as the type of environment and how quickly it will repair. You have me curious to see if there's any impact reports on the Monache Crossing, or how that area has changed in the past 75 years of vehicle use. Nonetheless, I like your assertion that it's important to hold ourselves to more stringent environmental protections-especially in our most pristine and fragile environments. I did reach out to the forest service office for the desert spring, and even though the rancher had a permit, the impact was at or above the allowable level. Thanks again for your thoughtful comment. @aristic-off-road 🪿
@MagaAmericanAnthonySullivan14 күн бұрын
That way to 7-11
@flinteastwood717914 күн бұрын
This guy is a idiot.
@allowmi14 күн бұрын
OR... it's a giant phallus to entertain droners....
@diystatueguy62214 күн бұрын
If it's from the indians then why is it A hand holding a sword.
@johnwest328715 күн бұрын
An earth tremor make shake the ground enough to align the stones?
@mandomtn196215 күн бұрын
Lmao. Yeah I wonder what that long big thick shaft shape is. Huh
@michaeljarvis548914 күн бұрын
And round thingies at one end. Huhuhu. 2 huh Settle down, Beavis
@carlstrohm761414 күн бұрын
Yup, definitely a dick pic. To scale
@mandomtn196213 күн бұрын
@ I need 🧻
@squidtree469315 күн бұрын
Wasn't America Indians that ignorant as hell
@TheRealestHi15 күн бұрын
Or a bunch of Cowboys could’ve been planning out a settlement.
@jjr692915 күн бұрын
Maybe its Rock Grafitti....
@justicetherott250915 күн бұрын
“No one really knows their exact meaning, all we know is that, it looks like a penis.”
@vancemacd631515 күн бұрын
Was probably a pen for livestock
@jordanzothegreat869616 күн бұрын
It's a dick and balls, I think they were 1000 year old American Indian teenagers