tonehh osu skin
4 жыл бұрын
@Everett02 2 күн бұрын
Why am I watching this when I have nearly 99% overall acc and over 7kpp
@smole6562 18 күн бұрын
What if i have bad acc cuz im ass
@RafaelLemos51 18 күн бұрын
love u
@Lorenzo-chan 18 күн бұрын
I am so glad youtube recommended me this video. As a complete beginner, I was playing jump maps and facing the EXACT same problems you are talking abt in this video. I wonder how long I would take to figure out by myself that these maps are a problem, and how big these problems would have become before I could change it... When you absolutely suck at the game, and just watch people playing those ultra fast maps, and think to yourself "wow, I wish I could be that good", and then you see those jump maps where you can easily get its patterns and start jumping like crazy, and its super fast, its super impressive, and you cant even believe that its you playing... That is when I think most players get "addicted" to these maps. I can barely fc 2 and a half stars maps, but when I played jump maps, I could get A grades in 4 star maps and etc. I started to only want to play jump maps. Anyways, now that I know what to do, I can fix this problem. Its 2025, 5 years later, and your video still helped me, and Im sure it also did for a lot of people too. Thanks
@cazunal4404 18 күн бұрын
I use a perfect square area, 60 width by 60 height, is it good or bad? I've always seen people use rectangular areas and im afraid my area could impact negatively in my performance
@turuu 19 күн бұрын
if my pen touches the tablet BUT i dont make it drag hard by using pinky as support. is it kinda drag but less friction
@szymonguzowski5374 19 күн бұрын
please come back u had the best videos about osu! the best explaining and i improved a lot thanks to ur vida a couple years ago i always waited for a new vid from u and came back to osu recently so i wanted to check if u posted and the best osu youtuber is still gone 😢
@sxma1337 22 күн бұрын
unc is pressed over jump maps
@hhowll 22 күн бұрын
Middle range 5 digit with nothing left to farm. If this doesnt work for me before maple is back im selfbanning GGS
@Imminentstreams 25 күн бұрын
3 days into this thing and I finally hit my first 90% FC on the first stage! really happy with the progress so far and I cant wait ti keep it going
@Imminentstreams 25 күн бұрын
for some context I'm at 140 bpm 90.64% FC, which marks my best so far, I'm at 400k rn and I cant wait to start being able to play stream maps
@tsunika26 29 күн бұрын
an a HR one trick, I can also play AR8 and on certain mapping styles as low as AR2 so take that xdd (I am an Oddloop/Owarase Night ect ect with EZ Enjoyer)
@tsunika26 29 күн бұрын
good vid, for me personally I consider anything under 75UR good for the kind of maps I play and under 100UR good for maps out of my comfort zone OkaygeBusiness, those values change for BPMs over 260 tho
@tsunika26 29 күн бұрын
As an HR one trick, I agree, dont play HR as a beginner, you will stunt your progression, I play HR because I can abuse the more PP that higher CS and OD gives and its as simple as that, HR isnt a good mod for newer players IMO, only one I think is fine is HD
@tsunika26 Ай бұрын
I keep telling this to my friends getting into the game, but they dont listen, then they end up being a mid 5 digit with 94% profile acc jump scare, that being said my one friend did listen he was 100k with 80% profile acc and I forced him to play my finger control pack exclusively for a month and now he is 50k with 96% profile acc so id call that a mission success, 96% isnt amazing but atleast its over 95% lmao
@tsunika26 Ай бұрын
for context I cant stream at all, im a jump player, that being said I am an HR player with 98.6% profile acc and my average UR is around 80, I just dont enjoy streams so I dont play them so never learnt them I can only do bursts up to like 10 notes, like I have Blue Dragon and First Storm in my top 100 so I can play them they just arent my main skillset
@Zeral Ай бұрын
Woah, actually very good guide! Thanks!
@michingun Ай бұрын
i do every mistake mentioned in this video... imma leave this comment here and come back when i get my acc up to 95. ty for this
@yui_pvp Ай бұрын
You could add play on mc osu there is a mod that count anything other than alternate zx as a miss like if you do zz xx it will miss
@sadffeff Ай бұрын
geil nichtmal 50% acc bei dem 140 bpm stream kack das f.....t mein mindset übelst
@DylRod69 Ай бұрын
Would it be bad to play like 40X40 a 1:1 ratio or is that not recommended
@Pinnkie Ай бұрын
You do what works best for you, but I am thinking that your monito prolly 16 by 9 so you shouldn't play 1:1 area, it's just inconsistent. But that's just just a thought of a random guy in the internet and you probably shouldn't listen to me. Just try different things and find what's most comfortable for you personaly
@SloweDogMusic Ай бұрын
I still got all that shit, but I’m 5 digit
@joryuchiyawa5608 Ай бұрын
Im shy now. I jump from 1 and haft star to 3 star and i try tablet so i jump to 5 star
@mcuziman Ай бұрын
Me watching this barely able to clear 3.5 stars 😢
@AethersGlade-f5d Ай бұрын
Aaahhh so my best (highest star) play of 3.99 was good!
@dash_in_der_zockerbude7282 Ай бұрын
i should note that a lot of the finger control tips that are said in here also work for mania if that wasnt obvious enough
@NatPage Ай бұрын
is there a way to disable hovering?
@GreatScooty Ай бұрын
I feel like this is where I'm at now. Pretty decent at streaming, but jumps still throw me off so much. Specifically because I have avoided pp farm maps cause I didn't want to burn myself out on the game. I started playing November of last year, and I'm now on 4-5 star maps. I told myself I wouldn't start messing with jump farm maps till it's time, and I guess that time is now...
@Neramie Ай бұрын
the problem I have with the maps you listed is that they all lack visual clarity. They have fast sliders out of nowhere or stuff like 4 circles bursts, but 1-2 are close together and then there is a space between them and 3-4. But the timings between them is always the same; or even bursts, but the last circle is delayed. You can't rely on your gut feeling to play the map. It's just difficulty for the sake of it.
@play_hd3 8 күн бұрын
That's a good thing tho. Uncomfortable maps help you improve on more things then just comfortable aim.
@TicAッ Ай бұрын
my problem is that when i stream my hands tense up and freeze and start tweaking. i need mental help for this, not a joke. i smash my table and slap myself for this because i also play piano too, so this is important. im starting to get to more advanced parts. i need help with this 😭
@Tamay. Ай бұрын
Okay but.. what is streaming?
@Zeral Ай бұрын
Actually great video!
@Tulipo- 2 ай бұрын
You are the goat. This video REALLY HELPED me improving my accuracy! And its only two days since i started doing what you said in the video and im already improving, thats insane.
@lodies2680 2 ай бұрын
Feel so targeted at the "fc" part💀 i am confindent i can fc a lot of maps that i 1miss and i usually even not miss on the hard part just a random filler part bruh
@QuitsGosling644 2 ай бұрын
i only watched this cause im bored cause i know the best playstyle is the one i came around the best with when experimenting (and yes this includes tap x im trying everything)
@Mr.Bucket-san 2 ай бұрын
got flashbanged at 8:00 thats basically my left hand. just recently started learning streams but three hit bursts aren't an issue but I have my doubts i'll ever be able to do long streams but i'm still willing to try!
@philippe-I 2 ай бұрын
This man doesn't understand that that is the only way to understand and enjoy the game 😎🍗🥛
@Wuestar-osu 2 ай бұрын
its probably only me but i only streamed like 210 for 10 seconds and i took a 1 week break and now i stream 230 lol
@flpr6813 2 ай бұрын
anyone has a new link? none of them are working anymore
@AndreFengo 2 ай бұрын
Dude, I used to be able to stream 150-200 after a year of playing. Then after 4 years I lost the ability and can't seem to get it back lmao. My hand's cursed.
@Jayden.827 2 ай бұрын
I watched this video about a year ago and it just popped up in my feed again, the individual note reading has been something that never left my brain. However when sightreading I rarely do that I find when I know roughly what’s coming it’s a lot easier to do but that could just be a lack of experience
@Wikk_Kateyou 2 ай бұрын
5:30 AYOOO???
@trifortay 2 ай бұрын
It's 2024, I'm a new player, I started the game completely new playing 1.5-2.5 star maps. Nothing really of concern. Just getting hang of the controls. I also have a 2.6 star map that I really wanna just pass. It's mostly a jump map, and some doubles which was what threw me off so early. Played a lot and cleared the 2.6 star map for the first time, it felt great and now at this day I have a 97& acc FC that was tough. then the next "boss map" I played was funnily enough freedom dive the 3.3 star map, turns out the HP drain is too forgiving but I played it for acc, my goal was to get 80% acc at the very least, took a bit and now to this day I have a 92% acc on it. There's Kokou no Sousei, one of my favorite maps, it's the 3 star version. I started out only getting 2mil on lazer, my goal was to get 3 mil and then 4 mil, at this day I have a 97% or so acc on it with 6.6 mil. So you get the picture, I just like playing for score or acc, I don't play to be an aim god or just play to get PP. I play just to have fun and just see my "stats" I guess go up as I improve. Now as time of writing this, I have 930pp, and I'm a 6 digit, all inactive accounts got nuked. and just yesterday I was 1.1 mil rank, and probably down to 1.0 mil if the nuke hasn't happened. But I'm 700k right now. But now I just got my first 4 star pass, I'm not really a burst or stream player, I can do them I'm just meh at them. Not my playstyle, but I didn't skip out on the basics, I'm also a singletapper only alting during fast bursts or streams. And I only play songs I really like and that are fun. I don't play pp farm maps just to get pp. I just play the game to enjoy it. I've been playing for about 4 months now and went from a 1.8 or so star player to being like a 3.7 or so star player. I'm happy with my progress. And it's been fun.
@QuitsGosling644 2 ай бұрын
they are srsly lying to us about the polling rate? and then they dont say anything about the hardware smothening? PATHETIC!!
@ivansaesee 3 ай бұрын
Me I personally do both
@achura6129 3 ай бұрын
You said the same shit for 123 times you literally wasted my fucking time. This video could be 8 minutes or something. But thank you it's good advice.
@kebaba.k.atortilak2718 3 ай бұрын
About the keyboards, yes it doesnt matter but i feel like i play a bit better with certain switches. But its all just preference
@Alidoro42 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for saving me!!
@bogdanwalewiadro5717 3 ай бұрын
wont lie but this video could be 10 minutes long instead of 30 minutes with those 2 parts 80% of the video is ,,Listen you cant just jump straight into it" ,,No before you do that you have to to this" ,,Dont give up cuz...." Its like creator expects that someone watching this has ADHD and tiktok attention span. To summarize the vid: -Play more -Dont expect to be a god after a day -There are no shortcuts -If something doesn't feel right (technic etc) change it -Download the map pack -If you cant FC 5 star map this video is not for you -Dont use relax for training -Basic stuff like whatever you get the point just idk learn the basics -Dont play ,,practice" maps Btw get the rapid trigger it kinda helps but not really
@bogdanwalewiadro5717 3 ай бұрын
a yes also forgot to say that there are no special ,,techincs" that will work for everyone and he isn't showing anything of this kind of sort in the vid like pen grip finger placement finger tap placement tablet arena skins ......
@bogdanwalewiadro5717 3 ай бұрын
Nice tutorial just got my sayo device and fc'd 500 bpm map
@jaredco5183 3 ай бұрын
im watching while taking a sip of my coffee suddenly shows the deforming hands lmao, i almost spit my coffee XD
@Greg-1080 3 ай бұрын
Me playing 30 seconds map because it has a good song