Schopenhauer 55 Outtakes
2 ай бұрын
@stevedavenport2975 Сағат бұрын
The strong willed Will have a better life
@stevedavenport2975 Сағат бұрын
Life was differently tough in those days
@jamiepearson9652 Сағат бұрын
Christopher. Thank you and your guest for sharing with us. I've been through my own battles with the Cancer Dragon over the last twelve years. Having philosophy in my life was and continues to be a major source of strength to continue along my path.
@reijin999 3 сағат бұрын
i'm not even 30 yet but i really feel the 60 year old life
@TheScreamingFrog916 4 сағат бұрын
This was quite an eye opener for me. I have been experiencing this from the time I started school. Got bullied a lot. Some of the other students (and teachers) mocked my expanded vocabulary, and made fun of me. I learned to dumb myself down, to get along. And gravitate toward people equally, or more intelligent than myself, that didn’t despise me as much. Though I may have guessed at the cause, I have never heard it explained this way before. Really makes a lot of sense, and brings into focus things I hadn’t considered before. Thanks very much for sharing this, it means a lot to me😊
@elenilouarasi2828 4 сағат бұрын
So Nietzsche was right to insist that one person should focus on cultivating his values and become Superman, in other words far back in the past Aristotle communicate about excellence, should be a habit, a way of living. Or perhaps in physics, just use energy wisely 😊
@yazanasad7811 6 сағат бұрын
Intellect is invisible to the man who has none. No writer can write a character more intelligent than himself. Can't appreciate qualities above your head. Lowest common denominator means have to give up something to come down to this level. Don't become common by associating with the common. Brutal
@yazanasad7811 6 сағат бұрын
Common people find common interests, hence easier to become friends. Uncommon people more introverted because less likely to find people with their similar interests/moods. Private schools as away to hide uncommon natures. Public school clever person - tension between private/public. Don't need to feel so bad for not being amongst the common. Public moods (weddings) can overwhelm private moods. Same thing why introduce tea/coffee/wine - helps to create communality and shared starting point. (I guess the implication is that these aren't of the most Englightened kind. Recognise everyone having same emotions when in public events. In a way this is how good advertising works, makes you think you are only one going through this feeling. Memory - you will forget minor annoyances in time so you can then meet up with friends again.
@BartholomewHenryAllen 8 сағат бұрын
My understanding is that the real issue is actually Empathy vs Sympathy. Facts are Apathetic, but Sympaths take them as if the person was being Antipathic. Sympathetic people tend to be hypocritical and willfully ignorant, usually always at the expense of everyone else. Not just at the expense of the empathetic, but even themselves. Intellectuals don't waist time calling people out and making sure people are educated. Empaths are focused on understanding, passion, purpose, and reverence, so they can handle it and will recognize it for what it is. But Sympaths are all about validation, authority, hypocrisy and justification, which they inevitably project onto everyone else. And because most people tend to be Sympaths, most people tend to not like intelligent people. Empathy and Apathy are 2 sides of the Red Pill community, which sidelines harmony for the sake or rationale, because it gets them what they need. while Sympathy and Antipathy are 2 sides of the Blue Pill community, which sidelines rationale for the sake or harmony, because it gets them what they want.
@Emefur1 9 сағат бұрын
This explains a lot of the bullying and disdain directed at me as an intelligent woman - at the hands of other base women of lower intelligence and zero culture. If I had been rich as well it would probably have been less of a problem. As I have always lived in a poorer and less educated strata of society I think much more hatred has been directed at me for being “different”. In my early 60s I live in a more isolated way now, nevertheless enjoying my books film music and travel and nature and it suits me these days… if I do plan in the future to venture out socially it’s more likely to be to connect if possible with more “conscious community”. Mind you, even Schopenhauer, as part of the intelligentsia, was ignored in favour of his less impressive rival…
@JohnMcintosh-dm1gn 10 сағат бұрын
I don't mind feeling stupid for I know fundamentally that I am, to be around others who are more intelligent educate me and thus enrich my life. Being popular is overrated if the company is bland also, I'd rather walk alone.
@markantrobus8782 10 сағат бұрын
Sorry to say it - but Schopenhauer comes off as specious here. The intellect can be a trap of divisiveness and contentiousness in the mode of divide, negate, rank and rule - use and throw. Wisdom is to be found in Taoism not common in western philosophy.
@markantrobus8782 10 сағат бұрын
To be really wise it to be inclusive. And to be inclusive the wise person, like the Buddha, adapts himself to his interlocutor.
@markantrobus8782 10 сағат бұрын
"The people you see leaving ... and nobody ever leaves ... A little hurricane, nothing." - The solipsism gives the crowd a contact high. Calling people "stupid" is itself detestable. - "She was born that way ... mentally disabled." such a cheap arse - for whom some misguided folks cheer. Too sad. Female self hatred, misogyny and racism at the heart of Trump love.
@markantrobus8782 10 сағат бұрын
"The people you see leaving ... and nobody ever leaves ... A little hurricane, nothing." - The solipsism gives the crowd a contact high. Calling people "stupid" is itself detestable. - "She was born that way ... mentally disabled." such a cheap arse - for whom some misguided folks cheer. Too sad. Female self hatred, misogyny and racism at the heart of Trump love.
@InsertYTHandleHere 11 сағат бұрын
Relatability hit me like a meteor when I read the title. Brilliant video!
@theshadow8900 19 сағат бұрын
This so much resonate with me. This is such a piece of mind to me. While watching this I as well as took notes. Thank you so much.
@scowlsmcjowls2626 20 сағат бұрын
"Looks like we got ourselves a reader!!!"
@user-ex4si2md6r 21 сағат бұрын
🤔🥺 oh, why didn't I think of that....😬😉🤠 Please don't answer that question ⁉️
@Notcho-mama 21 сағат бұрын
Ez listening. These Breakdowns are sincerely appreciated.
@Notcho-mama 22 сағат бұрын
Good vid. Practical- worth it.
@Notcho-mama 22 сағат бұрын
Listening is my fav way to read. Thanx doc.
@SanderDouma-y5w 23 сағат бұрын
There seems to be a common situation that good and bad luck come together. You are thrown of course and land on a new tropical island. So your life changes. And you readjust your objectives.
@scowlsmcjowls2626 23 сағат бұрын
Well that explains it then my good looks and intelect is repelling people and here was me thinking i might be on the spectrum or perhaps one of gods chosen🎉
@scowlsmcjowls2626 Күн бұрын
Too much intelect like too much anything must be a bad thing for do we not need to posess other achetypes to acheive wholeness i.e the fool to venture into the unknown etc
@nankerphelgetv9308 Күн бұрын
"If you are going to tell people the truth, make it funny or they will kill you"- O.W.
@SaelSael12 Күн бұрын
Just don't write on the library books, only yours. 🙄
@phoenixhenson3689 Күн бұрын
I don't know about everything stated by Schopenhauer. I mean truly educated enlightened people dont want to be around stupid people. Not even in the same vicinity. Its painful to the ears!!!!
@V4VestA Күн бұрын
American society is a Truman Show. Just kidding! I’m totally retarded. Not smart at all. Now I know why the guy in _There Will Be Blood_ felt the way he did about “these…people”.
@SK-le1gm Күн бұрын
“Act like a dumbshit, and they’ll treat you as an equal.” - Church of the SubGenius
@SanderDouma-y5w Күн бұрын
Part of the advise sounds like the proverbial frog in the heating water like when St Helena erupted while people where not evacuated
@ParthianSpirit Күн бұрын
You must wear the skin of a white sheep just like anyone else. If you want to come further, you have no choice but to adapt to a degree and not stand out too much.
@philfluther2713 Күн бұрын
Brilliance puts mediocrity in the shade. Again. Ethics must 'Needs must, you know, when somebody drives' Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens.
@Michaelmas68 Күн бұрын
Schopenhauer is the great wise pessimist. Heed his words we live in pessimistic times🙏 thank for your time sir!
@philfluther2713 Күн бұрын
The norm regimented don't see eye to eye with the below norm regimented.
@thechesssavage6400 Күн бұрын
This is excellent, my life finally makes sense now
@ericastier1646 Күн бұрын
The closer you are to genius the more misunderstood and isolated you will be and you better learn to make friend with loneliness and solitude. All geniuses are irremediably recognized posthumously and ostracized and persecuted in their lifetime. Some false geniuses like Picasso were recognized in their own lifetime because they were only the projection of a caste of people who wanted to elect one of theirs by influence. This is not how it works. Einstein was another example, brought to fame by a century of media lobbying because of his ethnic background when he was a plagiarist who robbed the theory of relativity from the real genius Henri Poincaré a French Mathematician and the equations from Leibniz.
@Emefur1 9 сағат бұрын
I never rated Picasso. Totally puzzled as to his fame.
@ericastier1646 37 минут бұрын
@@Emefur1 Right, Picasso is a precursor of contemporary art which is degenerate non-art. The key is that rich parasite in society want to advance their pawns and people sharing their background. They will shun other artists and privilege their group member. The media and academia funding is dominated by sionists they will always prize their owns.
@ericastier1646 Күн бұрын
This reminds me La Rochefoucault who wrote : "We are never quite entirely as unhappy about bad things that happen to our friends, than if they happened to us. They improve our mood." Another savory quote : When our friends deceived us, their mark of friendship should be met by our indifference, but when they are stricken by misfortune we owe them full sensitive attention." 😂
@inu4992 Күн бұрын
“So Schopenhauer continues” 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
@jovialfaltisco548 Күн бұрын
I positively think this solitude approach is a great tool for justified racism, genderism and ageism, when these social ideology is forced down your throat. But I think a man can achieve solitude on his own just fine; a woman needs company. Desperately. Therefore a natural path of men flow twds solitude lives are interrupted and derailed. Stemming from this, other unnecessary branches of human to human merging were derived. I never like God created Eve for Adam without consulting with Adam first. Then a big curse ahead for human race.
@barniball 2 күн бұрын
People are draining,unless they have no master degree in Toxisoulogy
@jonatanduelund9123 2 күн бұрын
Christopher, i am very much enjoying your content and commentary which makes these subjects more readily available to someone like me! But I gotta say, you are really butchering these latin, german, french etc quotes. I understand that it might add to the feeling of authenticity of the readthrough, but have you considered leaving out the original language quotations? That aside i am very grateful for your presentation of these most meaningful subjects!
@LoveOneAnotherHeSaid 2 күн бұрын
Goody Two Shoes has not yet ripped one off - while this is all Hoods do. Academics are flawed and believe anything that is nice as thinking. But doing kills thinking and rebuilds bullshit thinking. Criminals are also mostly stupid. Literature is the worst possible guide to understanding character. Criminal academics are more prevalent in this era.
@thedolphin5428 2 күн бұрын
"Life is Pain". What kind of idiot philosopher concludes that? Yes, it is true that adversary and challenge help promote growth and maturity, but those CIRCUMSTANCES need NOT cause "pain" (or "suffering" as the Buddhists call it). Jeezuz. Learn some ego-transcendence kiddies. Clicked away. Don't care how famous he was or what kind of bozo KZbin professor deigns to expound on such a maxim. They're both deluded. Please excuse me. I've got a life of joy and happiness (including occassional struggle and hardship) to attend to.
@junqalope 2 күн бұрын
thank you for sharing your work with us
@handlewhatever 2 күн бұрын
Well done!
@DavidPereira-wf8uo 2 күн бұрын
Silence Is Golden And Belongs To Smart People Who Practice It With Positive Outcomes..Thank you Professor..Yes Sir
@zeljkop5695 2 күн бұрын
In Nietzsche's Notebooks: "But if Europe falls into the hands of the mob, then save the culture in unapproachable areas like Mexico ... struggle between rich and poor..." Original quote in German: "Wenn aber Europa in die Hände des Pöbels geräth, so ist es mit der europäischen Cultur vorbei! Kampf der Armen mit den Reichen. Also ist es ein letztes Aufflackern. Und bei Zeiten bei Seite schaffen, was zu retten ist! Die Länder bezeichnen, in welche sich die Cultur zurückziehen kann-durch eine gewisse Unzugänglichkeit, z.B. Mexico. - - - -"
@zeljkop5695 2 күн бұрын
@aletter1718 3 күн бұрын
Yes. I in my more vigorous youth used to call it out readily, because sometimes shame can lead to great intellectual development. But the truth is here, if you live in America, your intelligence has to be carefully curated and used, for so many seek anti-intelligence, and will hate you for even reading. I never understood not having an innate desire to improve, to learn, to improve, to see your flaws ironed out for the good of yourself and community, for the good of civilization. I learned that You have to seek people who are smarter, faster, better, if you are on this path. The meek hate you with passion. The ambitious will love you so much it could bring you to tears. Crazy how old this is and it is still so relevant. I am of the mind the greatest thinkers died long ago, for few produce new thought this deep.