The Era Of War Crime Influencers
Linkedin is Hell
5 ай бұрын
Why Leftists Can't Enjoy Anything
Aesthetics of Evil - The Nazi Salute
Why Capitalism can't handle crises.
@MoonFall8030 4 сағат бұрын
They are making most things up and the fact they have the audacity to post while war is happening its really bad
@averageboxingenjoyer968 10 сағат бұрын
>Corpo posted a job 1 minute ago >Okay, I'll apply. >5 minutes later >"Thank you for applying. Unfortunately, this position is no longer available." True Linkedin moment.
@johnvanzoest4532 13 сағат бұрын
"An optimist is a pessimist without insight" -Author unknown
@sanneoi6323 14 сағат бұрын
>schizophrenia >severe alcoholism Yea I'd be cooked. At least they probably don't care about honorary Aryans on the other side of the world right?
@SRazpopov Күн бұрын
I'm Slavic, so I disagree with some of this as bs, but there is truth in it here and there. It's up to personal experience, IMHO.
@eladto Күн бұрын
Nice video and important topic, yet I was really bothered by your repetitive degrading of animals, and also proto-humans. both modern humans and all other creatures have individual uniqueness and charachter, but it's not always aparent to the ones who see them through crude glasses of ignorance. dogs for instance are nothing like one another. each one has a special character, but they all have similar tendencies, some of which are due to nature and some to nurture. in low resolution, modern humans are not that interesting either. we sleep, we poop, we drive from A to B and back, and then again. we just pay attention to more nuances that matter to us. I'm sure that if you were a bee, you would not consider the work of any other bee as generic. but might do so with the work of humans. so please respect what's beyond your field of view, as you wish to be respected by those who's view is narrower less than yours regarding the topic of this video.
@sascha9213 Күн бұрын
Thats easy. He he believes in money.
@chidori7234 Күн бұрын
Imagine having to pay a subscription JUST TO PLAY ONLINE. _(cough) PS Plus_
@inezaa Күн бұрын
Preciate the mention 🇭🇹
@JonSnow-dv3kn Күн бұрын
so i found my twin
@TheRougefish 2 күн бұрын
Im a gen X Bulgarian born woman. Submissive who?!
@endeavourszay7604 2 күн бұрын
Hey comrades, my life is at the moment at a turning point and I need your advice. I have some more days to apply for university, and don't know which study course I shall take. In the future I want to be a communist agitator. That's my only wish. The question now: Which study course would you recommend me attend at university? I have thought about political sciene, sociology, (cultural ans social) anthropology, psychology and philosophy, but recently I thought of history as well. But what do you guys think, what's the best study course for someone who wants to devote him-/herself to the revolution? Thanks for your help! Have a nice day :)
@CowboySlinging 2 күн бұрын
I think your just making stuff up I've never heard of this in fact its typically the opposite
@aleksasekulic2048 2 күн бұрын
They keep forgetting one of the most important aspects of that submissiveness - you have to earn it. Slavic women are like demons in that way, you sign a contract but you better believe you will be haunted if you don't hold up your end of the bargain.
@theducknamednewepicla9507 2 күн бұрын
@ZERO_O7X 3 күн бұрын
It's hilarious that the people whom are also the most easily injured by simply being in the sunlight for a short time think they are also the most powerful and smart. 😂
@ZERO_O7X 3 күн бұрын
I'm 42 and I saw a documentary on the Sundance channel about Palestine in the early 2000's where about three quarters through the doc an IDF tank was filmed targeted the UNARMED journalist making the film who was waving a white flag while wearing press gear and they gunned her down...WITH A TANK! All because some children were throwing rocks at an armored bulldozer destroying their homes. I'm just glad to see gen z standing up where almost nobody from my generation has.✌
@dopaminedeficent 3 күн бұрын
@leobgoo6350 3 күн бұрын
Have you done one for the jewish supremacist race? 🤔Do that one next. 👌
@chidori7234 3 күн бұрын
Ironic how there's a sponsored vid just sitting below this one, saying "Make $100 daily" lol
@MsStonedAgin 3 күн бұрын
Thanks! Gotta lot of research to do, but hopefully you guys will make it easier to understand!
@vaultdude4871 3 күн бұрын
Working class or peasant women of "the old world" are generally far more rough that modern people think.
@Dara-wk5ty 3 күн бұрын
Slavs are jokes Wish i wasnt half Polish and raised under them
@Dara-wk5ty 4 күн бұрын
People say stuff about what they see Not all Ukrainian women are prostitutes/sex workers Not all prostitutes are Ukranian I just happen to see 2 prostitutes in public without looking out for it and both happened to Ukrainian U dont see other ethnicities of poor backgrounds do this
@DBLTH 4 күн бұрын
Well there's Jews and then there's Zionazis.
@DBLTH 4 күн бұрын
Well I grew up in Communist Bulgaria (17 when it was overthrown by a US lead coup) and the difference in society is night & day. Weve lost 30% of our population and poverty crime addiction hunger are rife!
@DBLTH 4 күн бұрын
Fact is capitalism has destroyed & impoverished the vast majority of the planet.
@sci-fi.tsunami 4 күн бұрын
Work to live. *DO NOT* live to work. In America, they expect & demand that you live for your job. If humans didn't require sleep, they would be forcing us to work 24 hours straight.
@lunathesatanist420 4 күн бұрын
These videos remind me of the scene in come and see where the nazis are commiting acts of horror and of evil and are just joking and laughing about it like its a game.
@DiSc2ko1 4 күн бұрын
Centuries ago it was considered a fairly common thing for military officers to be praised and seen as quasi-celebrities with schools, streets etc named after them. That habit has gradually diminished as we've come to see ultimately unnecessary and poisonously misguided it is to evoke warfare as a sociomechanism/institution even if not all of have to the thought while in a democratic setting. Influencers are a more recent kind of celebrities to've emerged early into this century yet graciously we're a bit better at recognizing the flaws of glorifying them then it was for us regarding military officers and the seeming choicelessness of warfare in the centuries before. Here though we see a destructive and distinctly contemporary overlap.
@phoenix71232 5 күн бұрын
Makes me want to vomit every time I read a LinkedIn post that beings with "I am thrillled..."
@jammerhammer1953 5 күн бұрын
This... is very sound advice! I am no socialist myself, but I can still recognize the underlying information, and the contextualization around socialism will be very helpful for getting some of my communist acquaintances to be more receptive to learning to be successful in the current system. Something I will add is that there is a very powerful alternative to simply donating all of your excess money; The libertarian covenant community/fraternal society. The idea is to form a community of like minded individuals who pull together resources and connections. When you fall on hard times, other member who have had more luck and success will pitch in to help you get back on your feet, with the idea being that you will be able to help them when you are lucky and successful and they are struck with hard times. The community would also be able to share connections and equipment to acquire goods and services for much better value. In this way, you can form a functioning example of socialism within the bounds of a capitalist system and enlighten those around you to the socialist cause through results, rather than cheap words. I would highly recommend @MentisWave 's video on fraternal societies. Yes, he is an anarcho-capitalist, but he does an excellent job of outlining a method of forming social safety nets without the involvement of the state, which is important as the state is the reason every socialist and communist revolution gets corrupted into totalitarianism. Any attempt to make people equal through the state results in 2 classes: The State, and The People, where The State has infinite power over The People. By never involving the state in the formation of socialism in the first place, fraternal societies sidestep the issue all together, and can form an incorruptible, pure system.
@RebecaAiimee 7 күн бұрын
I will do everything for a man I love. I will cook, clean, whatever, because I do it out of love. But the moment he looks down on me, it’s absolutely over.
@silentvoice4970 7 күн бұрын
This ignores some incredibly impactful differences. Class is not just income. It is education and presentation also. During lockdowns many lost jobs and then had to find new jobs. I saw middle-class people take on retail and hospo jobs. What no-one bothers to ask is who didn't get the job who normally would. It is the experienced retail & hospitality worker who has less education, doesn't speak as well, has less savings, is a renter & just doesn't present as well overall who watches their job be given to a middle-class person as a stopgap while they keep looking. Melbourne was so bad they offered free education and nearly free education in hundreds of jobs because unemployment was so high. The unemployed were the working class, not the middle-class. Continued below...
@silentvoice4970 7 күн бұрын
(2) When a family member passes away it impacts the renter in ways the home owner doesn't even imagine. The next of kin has only 2 weeks to get all of the deceased belonging out and the place cleaned from top to bottom or they now have to pay that rent. That's in the case of housing Corp. If it's a private rental, the next of kin inherits the rent. I know, because this just happened to me. I rent and couldn't pay 2 rents. I had nowhere to store stuff and can't afford to pay for storage. The home owner can grieve and take time to sort through things. They can take compassionate leave from their salaried job. The working class has no salary. In many cases they work fortnight to fortnight without guaranteed hours or income. Don't work, don't get paid. Not available when we need you, don't get offered work when you need it. So, grief becomes a luxury. Not to mention the deceased bills etc
@dosterix6034 7 күн бұрын
7:55 I really agree with you and this IS fucked up please don't get me wrong, but the boys in yemen you're mentioning aren't particulary nice either, they are still shooting into civil areas after all but like I said, that's nit picking at this point
@nathanwagester6665 7 күн бұрын
Holy shit this video just hit so hard. I graduated as a philosophy major two years ago. Now I’m working a corporate sales job. I love philosophy, I was good at philosophy, all my professors told me to pursue a PHD. Instead, due to the perceived instability of a philosophy career where colleges are downsizing on their programs, I decided to go the “safe route” and work a six fig salary sales job. Now I just drink with my boys 3-5 days a week, live only for the pleasure of the weekend, and feel generally lost. This vid hit very close to home. I know what I should do, go back to Phil, but im not sure I have the strength to do it /:
@DagothUrNeravar 8 күн бұрын
If any other country would have done that they would be in war court immediately
@motanka_doll 8 күн бұрын
As a Pole I would say, that we Slavic girls are very independent. The reason behind this, is that a lot of families are only women (daughter, mother, grandmother) while father goes to buy some milk and never comes back, or is an alcoholic. Of course I can't speak for everyone, im sure that not every dad acts like that, however its pretty common.
@Dara-wk5ty 4 күн бұрын
Prostitute = Independent Father is an alcoholic Slavs are jokes