@mrcatchingup 2 ай бұрын
I like to use thick marker to write the name & effect of communal buff spells the table has in effect and pot them on the battle map so people have an easy tower reminder of those effects.
@drivers99 3 ай бұрын
Coincidentally I was looking at reviews for B1-9 combined version (In Search of Adventure) and it has apparently left out (abridged) a lot of what was in those modules as they were published separately.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
I wish I could trust my players that much. :P I tend to do the big-picture stuff myself beforehand. Find ways to connect the various adventures to one another so that there is some semblance of a plot going on. Now, the PCs might not know what that plot is, and they might only interact with parts of it intermittently, but they are getting a feeling that something is going on. Something bigger than just one random lair of goblinoids.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Don’t they ever have discussion at the table that inspire you with regard to what direction to take the narrative?
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Sure, although based on tonight's game, the direction seems to be: "Things were so much easier when we just had to kill goblins rather than worry about all this plotting and intrigue!" and "Let's not get involved and just collect the easy money!" :P
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961 maybe you should allow them to not get involved and get some easy pay days. Then after a couple of adventures, let them see the consequences of their complacency. Burnt villages, dead loved nones, a mark up on goods due to trade stopping, the rise of a new goblin power… Make it matter to them, and if they still do not care what is going on, find out what they actually care about 😊
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave that's what is happening as they decline the calls to adventure. :)
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961 good call. Keep me updated 😉
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
Again, the audio. I am hearing you in my left headphone, not on the right.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know. I am really puzzles by this and can’t seem to find the problem yet! 🤷🏻‍♂️
@toddevangelista 5 ай бұрын
I concur. I don't know why things changed.
@raff3486 5 ай бұрын
Fortunately for me, i cant hear with that ear😂😢
@raff3486 5 ай бұрын
great stuff
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Great to hear!
@ForestFWhite 5 ай бұрын
I love the advantages for material components vs. cost.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
My players also seem happy with it 😉
@Dorian_sapiens 5 ай бұрын
I'm curious whether you've worked out a rationale, within the fiction, for why the caster either retains or forgets the spell, and what that process is like for them. Or is that something that each GM should come up with for themselves?
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
I never read Jack Vance’s books, but there is a logic in them for the whole vancian magic. I think it can make sense, that the incantations are compartementalized within the brain and that that part of the brain at some point has to give in to mental exhaustion, and the spell is lost. But I am sure that other GMs will come up with other great takes on it. 😊
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
A couple of quick comments (IMHO and all that): 1. Fizzle: It should never cause the spell to go off as normal. Even on a high roll, there should be something wrong with it, wrong target or changed effect or something. 2. Eldrich Taint: You did mention that falling unconscious for 1d6 hours is the best result. However, if you are in combat, that can be a death sentence. I would recommend rather 1d6 nights of nightmares or something like that. Something that is not an immediate combat-influencing effect. I mean, if I am fighting for my life, give me white hair over falling unconscious and getting eaten any day!
@Dorian_sapiens 5 ай бұрын
If you fall unconscious in combat, you become a burden to your allies (so you better have allies!), and maybe that's the intent. But a week of nightmares is an interesting effect, too. I can't disagree with your last point, though: white hair > death! 😆
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
On the best result the spell goes off, but there are unexpected complications. Regarding the unconsciousness, you might be right
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
There is the sound aberration again. I hear you in my left ear, not in the right.
@toddevangelista 5 ай бұрын
Sound is really low.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
With the gear I have right now, I am afraid there is not a lot I can do about it. If I turn the sound up higher it just becomes more noisy. Right now when I play it in the YT app the sound level is comparable with videos from other channels. Are you using the app? Is the sound equally low regardless of speaker?
@toddevangelista 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave I've never had to use an app before, and the other videos on your channel are fine.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
@@toddevangelista Was the Sound better in the latest video?
@toddevangelista 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Nope, still terrible. What I can't understand is why it was fine on the old videos. Hope you figure it out.
@slashdash846 5 ай бұрын
Great video! I like your work and I think it would be interesting to see rework of more story based module. Or may be even mystery one? Against the Cult of the Reptile God or The Assassin's Knot would be cool!
@slashdash846 5 ай бұрын
Also i have sound only on left side same as anarionelendili8961
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Thank you and Thanks for the suggestions. I will take a look at that 😊
@ForestFWhite 5 ай бұрын
I reworked this to be a working castle with a main hall, kitchen, undercroft, and so on. There are so few privies it would not function. i love the setup but the execution does deserve more attention. Glad you did it as well
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
I also thought about adding privies, but in stead went with chamber pots 😄
@leedunning1825 5 ай бұрын
I actually ran this module a million years ago, so it's extra fun to see it reworked. I'm looking forward to using your changes to introduce a new group of players to this module.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Cool! 😄👍🏻
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
Now just from the security perspective, opening the portculis should be happening from inside the castle, not from the courtyard. But then you have to come up with a way for the PCs to reach the opening mechanism somwhow. Or, indeed, just leave the portculis up in the first place...
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. We have to suspend our disbelief a bit there 😅
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave given that there are goblins etc in there, I think I'd leave the portculis up and then have the players find the mechanism upstairs to close/open them. You still get the cool factor without the suspension of disbelief. Sure, it is one less 'puzzle', but still.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
Actually, thinking about this a bit more, I might even have some intelligent monsters close the portculis behind the PCs from that upper floor 'gate room', and put some nice cat and mouse stuff with a ticking clock. Might be good tension building when they know that they have been deliberately trapped by some unseen foes... Add some murder holes in the ceiling and the PCs will have to move fast. :P
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
Extract error Since both of your maps are actually called 'map' within the zip files, trying to extract a zip package with both 1 and 2 inside it caused my file browser to crash. Downloading them separately and then extracting separately, renaming in between, got around that issue. Just in case someone else had the same problem. EDIT: Oh well, I wasn't able to open them in Dungeon Scrawl anyway. EDIT2: Dropbox was the issue. See comments below.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
I don’t follow. Are you refering to the .ds files in dropbox? I don’t recall any of them being called map. They should be called Palace of the Silver Princess 1 and 2.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Hmm. Then Dropbox is doing some shenanigans.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Yep, that was the problem. I downloaded them, which zipped the files and messed up the file structure. Copying them to Dropbox and opening them straight from there worked. :)
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961 good to hear you solved it 😉👍🏻
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Yep, I might even take a quick stab to make my own version of the map. Ought to be good fun, at least, and learn to use the Dungeon Scrawler, which I am struggling a bit as I have not used it before.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
Alright. Good: 1.) I very much like moving stuff to a dungeon level. Big thumbs up for that! 2.) Thinking about how the troops can move is also good. I am not sure I agree about putting all the barracks in a single cluster, but thinking how they will get to their positions when there is an alarm is good. I.e. not located in the farthest corner of the map. 3.) Also, changing the monster types to harmonize better is good. Critique: (More of the whole castle architecture and rooms rather than your reworking.) 4.) While your map is a definite improvement, I think it still has too many corridors. Corridors are essentially wasted floor space: there should be a reason for a corridor to exist rather than just have one room connect to the next. Now in an underground thing this can be because of structural reasons: with the weight of the castle above, you don't want to undermine the walls! So it can be better to have thicker 'walls', i.e. separate the rooms and connect them with narrow corridors. But within castle proper, corridors should be rare. 5.) Light & Ventilation. Continuing from the above point of corridors (especially exterior ones), space, light and ventilation were all very necessary in medieval castles. Thus, expanding the dining hall to reach the outer walls will give the dining hall much more of all three, and similar considerations could be used for the other locations (see next point especially), where possible. I might also add a light well in the middle of the castle to help with these issues. Now, there might be less need for those in a fantasy setting, especially if continual light items are plentiful and easy to make (i.e. cheap), but best practices and all that. 6.) More social rooms. Some of these might actually exist on the second level, but I think there should be a guard hall close to the dining hall, as well as maybe a sitting/waiting room, and another audience / parlor room.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. I agree with you completely. More consideration should be given ti light sources and ventilation. I generally try to take that into account. To my mind a GM should not be an engineering or an architect, but just putting light and ventilation in here and there goes a long way to make a fantasy place feel more real, even if it is not up to normal construction standards. I also like thicker walls; especially when they support one or more levels above. You can of course magic your way out of it, but that is not a very compelling solution. As for social rooms, both yes and no. Obviously, the lords of a castle and their guests will have many recreational areas available, but servants and guards will not necesarily have access to those. In some castles they may even be lucky to have anything beyond a kitchen or a mess hall.
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave I totally agree with you that there is no need to do actual architectural calculations to make sure that the place doesn't collapse! But I generally try to, when mapping a castle, stick to supporting walls and such in higher floors, with the interior walls much thinner (and hence lighter). So the players, if they are smart, might notice that there is a suspicious overly thick wall here (thin wall, secret passage, actual supporting wall)... :)
@anarionelendili8961 5 ай бұрын
I want to watch this with some more attention, maybe even having my own module open at the same time to follow the explanations and changes. So I will comment more later. I like the changes that I saw so far. That being said, I think there is something wrong with the audio? At least for me, I am getting the voice just in the left ear (using a headset), and the voice quality is worse than in previous videos?
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
That is so weird! I did not notice anything wrong with the sound when editing, but when I re-warched the video, I had the same experience without sound in one side of the headset. If any one knows what the problem is, please let me know. FYI I use DaVinci for editing.
@jasonreiyn9311 5 ай бұрын
I would point out that your argument regarding Butler's ineffectiveness outside of use of having a blade based on the argument that that's what's shown in the treaties I would like to buy express my concern about that because that argument doesn't take into account that most treaties do not go into combat with more common items such as clubs Mace's or axes. So I think that is not a fair assessment because I believe judging a Shield's value because of a bunch of book writers who specialized in swords doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
That is a good point! I will have to think about that 😊
@josephpurdy8390 5 ай бұрын
1e AD&D handled a roll of 20 "to hit" differently than modern iterations. There wasn't any additional damage granted. Technically, there was no critical hit. What it did do was permit the attacker to hit an AC that was up to 5 AC lower. Then, what would normally be allowed on a roll of 20. That also ment that up to +5 "to hit" on an attack where a 20 is rolled was negated. Since, those plusses to hit were irrelevant. If an attacker had a +6 or more "to hit." Then, rolling a 20 would be supplanted by the "to hit" modifier.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Already playing AD&D we house-ruled that a 20 did double damage.an optional rule?! In this version of D&D the risk of crits is increased by the Threat! rule which has a possibility of causing extra damage... even on lower rolls.
@randyping6036 5 ай бұрын
Save vs Bladder or you really need to find a latrine.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Gives me inspiration for a new monster 😄
@randyping6036 5 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave ah, but every full round gives you a -1 to the save....😆
@mixofreak 5 ай бұрын
I have my volume at maximum, and VoiceMeeter boosting it another 17 decibels. I could barely discern some of the words you said because the volume is soooooo low in your mix.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know! I honestly don’t know what went wrong, but will try to do better next week 😉
@ForestFWhite 5 ай бұрын
I am always interested in ways to simplify systems without sacrificing flexibility. One scale of difficulty is elegant and I recommend it for ease of play. Other details depend on the dice system, for d20 a "roll lower than" system is pretty good and requires no reworking of abilities (Symbaroum and 2d20 systems use this as well). We have one player who really enjoys rolling high numbers for success, so we made a "roll higher than" system with a lot of adjustment, which I am not sure was the best choice and departs completely from the D&D systems.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
It is very seductive to have a pure roll high game. One of my players also strugglere a bit with the when to roll high and when to roll low dichotomy. I am really going for simplicity in the player end. I have smart and experienced players, but sometime new players find the learning curve too steep.
@ForestFWhite 6 ай бұрын
Great concepts - I prefer choices or access to weapons and armor be meaningful! I consider armor/shields cover you wear/carry. Attackers may miss entirely, hit an uncovered spot, or the cover blocks damage according to its structure and material. Making armor and shields cover means you can combine it with cover rules, which retains some of the simplicity while honoring the AC and DR aspects of the armor.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
Interesting take. Would you elaborate on that?
@ForestFWhite 5 ай бұрын
​@@TheGrandfathersCave We envision three outcomes of any attack working similar to 3rd edition D&D - a touch attack is connecting with a target by rolling above a base number + modifiers for size and dexterity. If the attacker doesn't roll high enough for a touch attack, they miss completely. However, if they hit the touch attack difficulty and do not exceed the touch attack difficulty + armor or cover AC (from 1-10 perhaps, where 10 is full cover or a magical suit of armor with a shield) the cover/armor reduces the attack by its damage resistance (DR) - from stone walls being 20 or more, steel tower shield 12, a big tree 10, chain mail 5, padded armor 1, or some similar scale with weapon damage. This means a catapult stone or boulder thrown by a giant can still hurt a target with full cover if it rolls above the touch attack target, but is greatly reduced if your cover has high DR (like the wall) or does full damage if they get a really good roll (the boulder lands just right without hitting the wall, e.g. a high arc and hitting from above). We might have to do some to work keep track of cover DRs and ACs, but it makes one system for cover and armor, and scales up to high damage attacks that might get through very high DR defenses. I believe this is how traveler (Mongoose version) handles it but I haven't played that in a while.
@TheGrandfathersCave 5 ай бұрын
@@ForestFWhite Sounds interesting if somewhat time consuming. I would love to hear how it works out in practice.
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
Personally, I'd probably make the Shield the main thing to block/deflect blows. Something like a Gambeson is better than nothing, but its main thing is to protect against hits that get through, so I would be more inclined to give it higher DA and lower AC, if I were to adopt this system. I think Hollow World Nithian Empire had a similar-ish system. And Gazetteer Orcs of Thar. As for the weapons, I would put Longsword in to Martial Weapons as a two-handed weapon. It was not meant to be used in one hand, and would be a huge pain to do so, even if you were strong. You'd be better off with a normal one-handed sword designed to be used in one hand. This also would give a Longsword a niche where it belongs: two-handed sword that doesn't require as specialized training as those huge Greatswords. After all, it was a very common knightly (backup) weapon in the battlefield in the 15th century. I also would cut down the number of polearms even more than you do. For example, merging Lucern Hammer and Poleaxe would not lose much in the grand scheme of things. Bill and Halberd can be merged, same with Bardiche and Glaive, and given that the Halberd is superior in all ways, might just as well drop those two. Fauchard is either a glaive or a bill, so can be dropped, too. Partisan and a longspear are alike enough that might as well merge those two, as well. I seriously doubt that the wings in the partisan's blade are THAT useful in a disarm, too. Sure, better than nothing, but a sai it is not. (In our BECMI campaign, we have just one polearm, called Polearm. :P )
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
The usefulness of shields is definitely in its ability to block attacks. With the two-action system I run parry maneuvers are quite common and the shield works wonders! I must go back and rewrite the descriptions, but bothe the longsword, waraxe and maul can be wielded two-handed with martial proficiency; exotic proficiency is only for one-handed use. I partially agree with you on polearms. I remember the simple take from BECMI 😊 but I just love them polearms 😄
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave OK, I must have missed that part (2H Longsword use already a thing). I'd still not allow 1H use as a routine, but at least requiring another feat would balance it out some.
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave As for Shields, I would probably do something like the light armor not giving any AC, but increasing the DA to 2. And Shield AC to like +4. Medium armor might give +1 AC, while Heavy armor starts giving significant AC boni, but diminish the shield bonus, too. So that when you are in full plate, it is better to ditch the shield and grab a two-handed weapon instead.
@ForestFWhite 6 ай бұрын
I agree with one point here - and this is corroborated by the medieval weapon enthusiasts - a long sword is a 2H weapon! Exceptions like the English Bastard Sword and Japanese Katana (which were common more into the renaissance) were weighted very differently than a typical longsword/tachi. At some point, D&D changed the meaning of long sword and it stuck, but if we want to stick to the history, the long sword is the 2H sword. This doesn't mean you cannot have falchions, cutlasses, scimitars, and cavalry sabres as 1H slashing weapons, but they aren't long swords.
@dougpridgen9682 6 ай бұрын
I see what you're saying about moving the goals, but there is also the factor that (for example) locks that are impossible for you to pick at one stage because the DC is not even possible for you, becomes possible later, and locks that are currently difficult but possible become easier, so there is a progression. You can insert any other type of skill challenge in place of lock picking.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
I think you are partly right. I have added a calsse feature for the scoundrel class to account for that. But I don’t think that logic applies to all challenges. Exceptions include jumping, perception, ridning a steed. While I agree locks or traps become more difficult much of that does not need to be quantified. The math will generally be the same regardless; your rogue will need to roll a 15 or higher on a d20 to crack that difficult lock and the wizard will still need a 15 as well to research that very rare arcane ritual. Managing a lot of skill points only serves the purpose of making those tasks impossible for other characters, which I don’t think is worth it. In a group without a scoundrel it is nice to have the option of having the smart wizard being able to pick a lock (even if a scoundrel would normally be better at it). I think having feats an an improvement point available at each level gives a lot of opportunity to either specialization or fill gaps in a characters skill set. But don’t get me wrong. I think the skill point system is great and have enjoyed the way skills work in Pathfinder. I just don’ see that all that micromanagement is necesary, and with the way I have reworked ability modifiers this system that I propose offers more variation.
@dougpridgen9682 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCaveGood points. Micromanagement, not typically being fun, defeats the purpose of a game.
@TwinSteel 6 ай бұрын
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
Thank you ☺️
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
What I ended up doing in our BECMI campaign, I made the skill formula into: Skill value = (Ability + Level)/2 + 3 per extra skill slot By contrast, the Rules Cyclopedia skill value = Ability + 1 per extra skill slot, which meant that the 1st level character had the same chance to succeed as a 36th level one, assuming the ability score and the used skill slots were the same, which irked me somewhat. Spending more than one skill slot was also a waste, since it was just a 5% improvement. Also, having potentially a 90% chance of succeeding in a skill roll isn't really tense. Obviously, +5 for easy or even +10 for very easy modifiers help at the low levels. I also consolidated the skills to about 20, although there were several optional specializations, and also 'professional skills' that were bundling a few different skill specializations under a single skill. For example, a captain of a ship might have 'Captain Skill' which bundles Willpower (Leadership), Piloting (Ships), and Navigation (Sea). So instead of having to take three general skills, the would-be captain can take just one skill that is tailored to exactly what he is going to be doing. Oh, I should emphasize that the RC skill slots are 4+INT modifier, and then 1 more skill slot every additional 4 levels (so 5th, 9th etc), so they are much rarer than the skill points in Pathfinder. Thus, each skill slot is a major investment. I gave each PC one 'background skill' for free, essentially 'what would you be doing if you weren't an adventurer'? Different character classes got some skills for free, too, particularly the Thief, since the Thief Abilities were repackaged into half a dozen different skills.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
As you might have figured out, something that really irks me is how the goal posts are always being moved in 3e/Pathfinder. It forces players into character specialization if they want their skills to remain relevant. I really want a simple and straight forward approach, with less focus on dice rolls and more focus on players participating in the narration 😊
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave I only played Pathfinder briefly, I have not GMed it, so I don't know that much about the scaling. What I like about the system I am using in BECMI is that apart from selecting the skills (and a new skill every 4 levels or so), the player doesn't have to worry about fiddly skill points, the skills scale up with the skill level automatically. I think some modifiers are necessary as the campaign progresses. But the circumstances need to change to account for it. The first level thief might struggle with even ordinary cheap locks, while the master thief doesn't start sweating until it is the masterpiece of a famed dwarven locksmith, with the regular locks opening for him just as easily as with keys.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961 But is it really necesary to have scaling skills? Is it not just as good to have stativ values?
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave So a thief at 1st level would be just as good (if not better) at picking locks as a thief on max level? That doesn't sound right to me. :) The different difficulties allow for playing around with the danger. The same way that a humble goblin is a legitimate threat at a low level, you wouldn't bother pitting a high-level party against a similar number of 1 HD goblins, now would you? No, you put them to fight against giants or something that can actually challenge them. Same way, you wouldn't bother having a simple 10' jump as an Athletics test for a high level character proficient in such things. No, it would be a 20' jump, grab the tavern sign and swing yourself up to the balcony. That is way more epic, and shows that the character has grown, now doing things that the 1st level character only dreamed of.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
@@anarionelendili8961 The way I do it the thief can improve their abilities by means of a class feature that gradually improves their thief skills, or with improvement points (1 gained each time they level up), by investing feats towards it and by aquiring better gear. The GM can also use skill increases as rewards (e.g. the thief has helped the guild and is tutored by the guild’s master trapsmith) 😃 While the heroes face stronger and stronger monsters, and legendary treasures are better protected than a merchant’s safe, many challenges remain the same. No matter how high level a fighter is it breaks my immersion if they can easily jump a 30’ crevasse. If a player invests heavily to become the best burglar or smith, there ever was, I think that is fine. But it should not automatically disqualify other characters, which is something I regularly experience in high level Pathfinder and D&D3.5 ☺️
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
I have to admit that with that name, I expected more of a Bard with high CHA and performance skills. :P
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
I know! Cha and Int are often so important in this kind of game, if one wants to get the most out of exploration and social encounters 😅 But Ziggy is working out great, and having both the Wood elf and Folk hero features, gives him a lot og options I might have missed out on.
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
Oh, as for the Grand Escape, that was obviously Iron Ring slavers. I used it as a 'failed outcome' as the PCs (my wife's and my brother's) lost against Elwyn in the Sanctuary adventure. I ended up redoing that map too, instead making it more of a stockade with a wooden tower keep, with the PCs locked in the basement. They managed to sneak out easily enough, as they noped straight out of going to the upper levels, after subduing some of the lower level guards to get out. Obviously, I put that fort near Luln, where they went to warn the townsfolk of the imminent attack, having gleaned that intel during their escape.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
I want to keep the great escape in reserve. It is a good idea to have a backup when the players inevitably make a very bad decision. But I might try to redesign it in a way anyone can use it at any time during a campaign! 😉
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Yep. It gave me a way to spare the PCs' lives, and just play out an escape adventure next.
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
As for other connections, I am in the habit of making the Chaotic Cleric in Castle Caldwell into Elwyn. In one campaign, she needed the PCs help to talk to that statue, which I made into a more oracular one. She needed to know where the Sanctuary was, and after swearing the PCs to silence in return for healing them, she had them ask the statue about that. Clunky, I know, but it was a quick kitchen-table game with my wife and my brother. Using a modified KAP system, too, instead of BECMI. :P In the other, she played a big role in the Skarda's mansion, and her motivations were... complicated. In this ongoing campaign, she is a follower of Loki (or whatever Loki is called in Hule), corrupted from Petra's worship, having stolen the Bell of Petra from her monastery at the outskirts of Krakatos. She also corrupted some novices to escape with her. These novices will play the role of the evil clerics in the other B modules, while I am still trying to decide if I will put the Sanctuary somewhere in Karameikos, or if I will tie it to the the X modules going after the Master of Hule. Depends which way my players wish to head out, I guess.
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
Those are solid ideas. I might be tempted to do the same with the cleric, who in my campaign is a cleric of Crom. But I also have an alternative. I am making the doppelganger a recuring character by now, and she too may play a part in the theft of the Bell/macguffin 😊
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Looking forward to seeing what you do with that adventure. :)
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
(I missed this yesterday and hence I am late in commenting. Subscribed and notifications on so that it won't happen again!) Very nice again. Some comments: 1.) Hobgoblins: I would not increase the normal HD of the hobgoblins. Instead, I'd increase the numbers a bit (3 lizard men -> 4 hobgoblins, type of thing), as well as make the Hobgoblin leader into a mini-boss (maybe HD 3 or 4 and +1 or even +2 to damage), while his bodyguards would have max hp (so 9 each). Of course, depends a bit what level the characters are, if they have already done Castle Caldwell. I'd also boost the goblin leader a bit. 2.) How to find the lair: Another commenter brought this up. Easy enough to write that a local huntsman saw the kidnappers from a distance, and noted in which cave/cliffside they went, and is there to guide the players up to the cavemouth thanks to the reward Caldwell is paying him. 3.) Balcony: I am a bit less enamored with this, since why bother making it a secret room when it is so blindingly obvious? Not to mention most PCs would just climb the balcony anyway. If assuming that this would be some lost temple, I would be tempted to change it into a big statue with a secret room in the head, accessible from the backroom, but let the players see a flash of light in the statue's eyes as Oliver opens the door from the head to the lit backroom as he leaves, before closing the door behind him. Alternatively, I'd keep the balcony but change the bedroom secret door into a normal door. I mean, why bother hiding it at that point? 4.) Hidden passage between goblin quarters and entrance: This passage makes little sense given the layout. However, if you block the lower entrances out of the hall, now it would be a way to both reinforce the entrance quickly, as well as to outflank the enemies in the hall, blocking their escape. I might make this secret door easier to find, the lazy goblins have been using it to get to their guardpost rather than going around the hall, and there might be some dirt/mud/scratchmarks...
@TheGrandfathersCave 6 ай бұрын
In the original Module the bodyguards have Max hp and the leaders have an extra HD as far as I recall. Increasingly the numbers for hobgoblins is a good alternative. I understand what you are saying about the balcony. I view it more like a strategic feature than a secret room. But I really like you statue idea. I had a simular thought about the passage. When I ram it, the door was not propperly closed and the PCs found it by chance rather than searching for it. But I removed the green slime - it would have eaten half of the goblins 😆
@anarionelendili8961 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGrandfathersCave Fully agreed on the removal of the green slime. That is one of the reasons I hate putting aggressive wild monsters mixed in with humanoids: the former would try to eat the latter, so the latter would already have killed the former. Or at least blocked them away somehow. As for the balcony, that is kinda my point... Since it is not intended as a secret, might as well make at least the bedroom secret passage into a normal one. I could see the kitchen one being a secret 'escape passage', though.