PS3 Controller repair
8 ай бұрын
Bosch PowerTube DeCelling And testing
BEOSYSTEM 5500 Amplifier Reapair
BMW E60 IBS Failure
3 жыл бұрын
Robe Colorspot 250 AT Repair
3 жыл бұрын
@halfpast30 7 сағат бұрын
Onko tuon itse sulakeboxin irroittaminen/ vaihtaminen vaikea homma? Tai pystyykö maallikko tekemään omin päin jos ottaa vaan töpselit irti jne
@andreaspapadakos869 2 күн бұрын
hi i have one, with the same error, do you want to fix it?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 2 күн бұрын
Yes and no xd it might be difficult to get that crazy heavy controler to Finland.
@ilir1487 6 күн бұрын
Hello, i changed new alternator and new battery but it still drains it, it says battery is discharging i dont know what to do 🥲
@ThePiitteri 8 күн бұрын
Bought a bundle of three hiltis from auction. One seemed to have this exact problem. Thank you from posting. Hopefully I will be able to fix my. The best part was that the symptoms are the same and the most basic things are the last we check. I was lucky thst I found your video since there aren't many videos fixing these. Even though they are build for easy repair
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 8 күн бұрын
Nice to hear about that. Good luck for repairs and have a pleasent new year
@prosyamedia 14 күн бұрын
If I have a diesel, fuel pump is not used. Can I use output of Fuse 5 to drive AC blower motor (my relay for this is open) ? So F11 goes to 87, and F5 to 86 - will this work?
@zemunac011 4 күн бұрын
Have you fix this? I've got same problem.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 4 күн бұрын
@zemunac011 im sorry but i dont know. Perhaps programming is difrent so If i had to guess it won't Work
@MAADMAAC 16 күн бұрын
Just disconnect the blue cable on the back right and the problem is solved, it no longer drains the battery, simple and without talkin and talking for nothin...
@slowjgaming9233 21 күн бұрын
Hi sir I have the same model rear Sam. My fuel pump does not come on but I have power to relay and fuse. Windshield wiper randomly comes on. Is it bad?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 20 күн бұрын
@@slowjgaming9233 i,m sorry but i dont know and for now i dont have a Time to Focus that kind a fault. I am not Mercedes specialists so i have to search help from internet to your problem and i am pretty sure that you can do that also. But just basic troubleshootting steps are first check that pump is really missing Power. And remember that it is not powered until engine is cranking. And it should run couple seconds to pre preasure Fuel system before sart when ign is turned on.. If you have a Power you have to check also ground. You can perform both measurments with multimeter connecting another testi lead chassis off hour car and another lead to Fuel pump conector . Measure volts from Power lead and ohms from ground lead to Make sure that you have good ground and Power. If you Crank motor and dont have Power it might be solution to check obd tester to see If your Crank sensor is faulty. Have a good christmas and Happy troubleshootting
@slowjgaming9233 15 күн бұрын
@ hi sir I just wanted to update you it was a bad rear Sam. It has a broken filter/choke and I think I broke an electrolytic capacitor while pulling it apart after the fact that I knew it was broken. I’m gonna try and get replacement parts and repair and see if maybe the filter/choke was the issue
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 14 күн бұрын
@slowjgaming9233 wow. Thankx for update. It might help someone with same fault. Have a nice xmas
@GusztávJónás-f3g Ай бұрын
hi friend! super video!!! help please! diagnostics gives me two errors, in external fuse box. fuel pump relay and power lock relay. Which are these two relays exactly?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 2 күн бұрын
Well i am not sure but i have one unit at workbench and i can try to figure it out
@octymocty132 Ай бұрын
Now thats a proper engineer and work bench just look at that cupp o t looks superb ❤❤
@boomer4373 Ай бұрын
Mahtava suoritus 👍
@fassi3804 Ай бұрын
Moi, kiitos videoista! Tarkoitatko siis että tv kasataan takaisin niin, että alimpana on tuo päärunko (missä ledit ja piirit yms, jonka päälle nuo suodatinpaperit ja viimeiseksi näyttöpaneeli kehikon kanssa? Ruuvit kiinni ja käännetään sitten vasta näyttö alaspäin?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland Ай бұрын
Ehdottomasti näin. Eli ruutu selälleen. Ja sitten laittaa takaisin yksi kerros kerrallaan niitä polarisointi filmejä mitä siellä oli. Niihin löytynee kohdistusta varten siitä telkun pelti rungosta sellaiset lovet jotka pitää sattua kohdalleen. Jos tekee noin kun mä tein niin ei saa kohdistettua niitä kohdalleen ja tulee ongelmia
@fassi3804 Ай бұрын
@ loistavaa! Kiitos videosta! Sain ledit vaihettua ja telkkarin kuntoon. Huomasin tosin kasauksen jälkeen että jäi pöydälle nuo läpinäkyvät muoviklipsit jotka ilmeisesti tukee näyttöä/kalvoja, mutta toimii ilman niitäkin onneksi. 😅
@ElectronicMechanicFinland Ай бұрын
@fassi3804 no perkele. Hyvä kiva etten näitä videoita tee sitten ihan turhaan. Mukavaa tulevaa ittepäisyys päivää ja onnea tuleviin korjauksiin
@sergionava1666 Ай бұрын
Take it easy my friend...Good video
@emadodeh309 Ай бұрын
ممل ممل جدا وبطئ بطئ جدا شئ مقرف وتتحدث كثيرا ولا تفعل شيئا
@hhnyvyg54 2 ай бұрын
In my car no blower motor not working is probably bsm fault too ... sadly i am not sure how to repair it :D how is called that mashine what you using to remove motherboard
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 2 ай бұрын
Desolder gun. But first toughts i would guess that motor itself has broken brushes. U can try to knock the fan when it is turned on with hammer / screwdriver etc to get brushes litlebit movment. Sometimes fan will start spinning when knocked if brushes are bad
@aurelisZamora 2 ай бұрын
Por lo que veo ese error es falla la batería de litio que contiene chip
@aurelisZamora 2 ай бұрын
Por lo que veo ese error es falla la batería de litio que contiene chip
@aurelisZamora 2 ай бұрын
Hola tengo la falla de un compresor atlas copco GA22 y me dice error de system 200, me podrías ayudar
@Marcink126 2 ай бұрын
Is it some general PA speaker PCB? Looks like unpopulated place for TDA chip on the bottom.
@Marcink126 2 ай бұрын
Btw, did you clean up the fan and glued capacitor on the buck converted. Such sub will vibrate a lot.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 2 ай бұрын
@@Marcink126 i cant remember anymore xd but it is still working =)
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 2 ай бұрын
@@Marcink126 watched a video and yes i glued it. But i did not record the fan issue repair. I just cleaned fan bearing and oiled it to get it spinning again
W210, 2000model turn indicator,hezard, horn and wiper not work , SAM replce or not?
2 ай бұрын
Miért nincs felirat?
@vadimbellous8313 3 ай бұрын
Bro, the bridge rectifier is the first component you test when working on power supplies/battery chargers. Haven’t seen the ending yet, the suspense is crippling 😬🫣😝
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 3 ай бұрын
Thnx for tip. I will try remember that in next Time
@calvinrichardson3562 3 ай бұрын
There is a Crown in the logo on the front. There’s 3 screws on the bottom.
@calvinrichardson3562 3 ай бұрын
Please explain what parameters are you testing? I’ve watched from the beginning and you never stated what you were testing for.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 3 ай бұрын
There was a fault that one channel was clipping all the time and another was working correct. And when amp warmed up aprox 10 minutes, then it started to work without clipping. And for testing i just injected some signal in and checked output that it is not clipping anymore
@calvinrichardson3562 3 ай бұрын
Please explain what parameters are you testing? I’ve watched from the beginning and you never stated what you were testing for.
@nikospapafotis6062 3 ай бұрын
good evening, because I have encountered a similar fault in a smart 451 relay transmission, they are replacing the legs of this relay with the OMRON G8PE-1A4 if you want to try a better quality..
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 3 ай бұрын
Thanx for a wonderful hint. Lets hope that it helps someone with repair attemp
@clauderoussin4875 3 ай бұрын
Busch powetube
@mynty2864 4 ай бұрын
I think dort work. And Fußes 11 ist blower Fan
@trevorsmith5946 4 ай бұрын
I have same vacuum not turning on maybe fuse?
@olavfarnes226 4 ай бұрын
Very useful video! I will try your methode by charging each cell-item with RC charger before deciding witch single cells to change. One of my batterypacks is charging in the mower with service test battery display on, and all cell-items shows from 2,9 to 3,2V. Has been charging for days now, but it is still difference of 0,3V, and the mower will not start. I will start working on two other batteries. Thanks again!
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 4 ай бұрын
Nice to hear. Highly recommend to buy cheap battery welder to job xd that my setup was really horrible
@64021233 5 ай бұрын
Voitko auttaa hieman? Itselläni on samanlainen moduuli työnalla. Onko moduulin kaikki maat yhdessä sisäisesti, jos mittaa nastoista suoraan? Itselläni yksi maa ei yhdistä kahteen muuhun ja käsittääkseni sen pitäisi olla yhteydessä toisiin.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 5 ай бұрын
@@64021233 enpäs tiiä. Mulla yks loota viel odottaa korjausta niin voin siitä koittaa asiaa tarkastaa. Se on vaan vähä eri mallinen. Niin en tiiä kelpaako suoraan vertailuksi. Ja mitä tarkotat että maa puuttuu ?? Näissähän on hyvin tyypillistä että vaikka suuttimelle menee kokoajan virta ja se suuttimen - palaa eculle missä on sitten mosfet puolijohde joka kytkee sen miinuksen oikeasti miinuksen silloin kun halutaan ohjata suutin.auki.... tavallaan ohjataan niinkun sitä maa puolta vaikka yleensä valot yms muut vemmeet toimii just toisin päin
@64021233 5 ай бұрын
@@ElectronicMechanicFinland Kiitos vastauksesta. Eli sähkökaavion mukaan MR7(Ruskea liitinkampa), GR19 ja GR26(Harmaa liitinkampa) nastojen pitäisi olla moduulin sisällä maadoitettuna. GR26 on piirretty erikseen suoraan maihin moduulin sisällä, kun taas GR19 ja MR7 ovat yhteen piirretty moduulin sisällä maihin. Kuitenkin GR26 ei ole yhteydessä GR19 tai MR7 nastojen kanssa. GR19 ja MR7 ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Yksi kuva selventäisi tilanteen paremmin kuin teksti 😅
@MarkkuPenttila-t6r 5 ай бұрын
Hei, hienoa ja vaikuttavaa työtä. Minulla on R Mersu, jonka takaSAMiin tuli vesivahinko 2 vuotta sitten. Sen seurauksena PA mittari näyttää aina täyttä. Miten voisin selvittää, voiko vikatilan korjata vai onko jokin komponentti niin tiltissä, että koko piirilevy pitää uusia? Diagnostiikka antaa Sisäisen virheen C35E komponentille N10/8. Tätä enempää en sitten verkosta onnistukaan löytämään. SAM on suhteellisen siisti ja olen putsannut se mahdollismman hyvin, samoin liittimet.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 5 ай бұрын
@@MarkkuPenttila-t6r en oo näihin sen enempiä perehtynyt. Mutta tässä boksissa oli ainakin valmiita paikkoja piireille mitä ei ole ikinä asennettu. Että ilmeisesti varustelutasosta riippuen on myös rnemmän kalikoita samin sisällä. Ensin luulin et ois vaan ihjelmointi ero mutta taitaa olla kyl ihan fyysisiä komponentti eroja myös. Ja ihka ensiks kattosin miginy pinneihin se pa tankin tason anturi tulee. Ja niitä seuraisin piirilevyllä ett mille piirille se tulee. Toden näköisesti anturilta tulee kuitenkin jännite tai vastus tieto joka menee joko suoraan jonkun mikrocontrollerinnanalog inputtiin tai sitten se menee johonkin analog - > digital muuntimeen josta digitalintietona microcontrolliin... Jos on joku muunnin välissä niin senhän voi kyl vaihtaa ilman mitään kodailua.. ja toden näköisesti sellanen analog to digital muunnin on kuitenkin pintaliitos kikkura ja on erittäin mahdollista että on vain hapetumaa jalkojen välissä. Mikroskoopilla tai jollain muulla hyvin zoomavalla vehkeellä vaikka kameralla käyt huolella läpi koko piirilevyn ja hapettumat peset pois ipa alkoholilla ja hammas harjalla . Isoprophyl alkoholia saa ainakin hyvin varustellusta apteekista
@АлександрПетров-э6ь 5 ай бұрын
Шикарный мастер на все времена во всех технических смыслах. Советую...
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
Я уверен, что все подобные телевизоры Филипс - одинаковы технологически при сборке. (маленькие винтики имеют значение в разных моделях на внешних панелях. Важно снять крышку. и уметь снять простой штеккер на плате (там замочек ). Отвёртки нужны разные и хорошие (там роботом закрученные винты невозможно выкрутить плохой отвёрткой.
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
Огромное спасибо автору !!! Без Вас я бы не смог починить телевизор. Очень сложно разбирать. Работает теперь как новый. Сэкономил много денег и получил моральное удовольствие.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 5 ай бұрын
Hi. Nice to hear and thanks for comment =)
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
@@ElectronicMechanicFinland Greetings to Finland from Moscow! You've explained everything so smartly and clearly. There is not a single specialist blogger on the Internet like you. I do not know English, but I understood everything with the translation anyway. THANKS, buddy!!!
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
Спасибо, дружище!!! Вы-лучший!
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
Реально за такой ремонт сдирают 10 тысяч рублей. Проще выбросить телевизор. Мне всё обошлось 1648 рублей за новые светодиоды и плюс 6 часов труда... (Привет, выбрасывающим на помойку новые телевизоры....
@КонфеткаШоколадная 5 ай бұрын
Теперь, бухаю от радости. СПАСИБО!!!!
@atomichawk3720 5 ай бұрын
My dipped or dimmed headlights are not working. The main beam is working but the normal light for night driving is not working anymore. Can I switch a LO4 unit with a LO3 unit? Or which relay is for the dimmed headlights? Greetings
@atomichawk3720 5 ай бұрын
My dipped or dimmed headlights are not working. The main beam is working but the normal light for night driving is not working anymore. Can I switch a LO4 unit with a LO3 unit? Or which relay is for the dimmed headlights? Greetings
@atomichawk3720 5 ай бұрын
My dipped or dimmed headlights are not working. The main beam is working but the normal light for night driving is not working anymore. Can I switch a LO4 unit with a LO3 unit? Or which relay is for the dimmed headlights? Greetings
@movie3447 5 ай бұрын
I have bmw 525i 2004 getting no power on the dash no crank no start only my head light work and power in the park light near the lever stick. Any help
@veroetlaurentglobailleurs6811 6 ай бұрын
Hello I have identified also à diode trouble and the can bus burning. Diode réf is l1851a or l1751a. I am going to trier to change it... does someone know equivalent part number thanks
@sofocle80 6 ай бұрын
EU should interveine here also not just phones, the right to fix parts should be all over eu. Deign that is anty fix should be punished with huge fines.
@sofocle80 6 ай бұрын
Bad design is bad design
@rduwe9466 7 ай бұрын
you should not make how to videos if you dont know how to do it yourself
@rduwe9466 7 ай бұрын
Thats the dificult way, theres a easyer way
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 6 ай бұрын
Can u tell more about it
@GoranK.-yu6hw 7 ай бұрын
Green wire MUST NOT be connect to relay on position 87A (check the relay picture marks) but ONLY to 87. Only in this way "control" plus voltage from fuse no. 9 will do it's job. If you connect green wire on relay to 87A, fuel pump will work all the time.
@ionutcosminbujorianu7178 7 ай бұрын
Thank's for the video , at the end problem how it solved ?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 7 ай бұрын
not fixed. car shop programmed presense feature off to get rid off fault codes
@Bastard_Operator_From_Hell 7 ай бұрын
How did you lift those few pins of the PCB.
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 7 ай бұрын
With soldering iron and sawing needle. I used needle as leverage and iron to melt solder
@ronanjuries7091 7 ай бұрын
Dud the car crank? Before removing connector. Swing but no start?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 7 ай бұрын
It was no crank no start situation.. only wisit workshop logo in dashboard
@mikihd000 7 ай бұрын
Best video , great work 👏
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 7 ай бұрын
Thnx :)
@Laptop-Repair 7 ай бұрын
przy odłączaniu: najpierw B+, potem wtyczka balansera (mała, potem duża), a na końcu B- (masa) Podczas podłączania: Najpierw B-, potem B+, potem wtyczka balansera duża, potem mała. Po podłączeniu B- i B+ działający BMS powinien mieć 1..5. Diody LED zapalą się na około 3 sekundy. Nawet jeśli nie jest podłączony balanser.
@perttikorhonen6937 7 ай бұрын
Hi, I've got Hilti VC40 vacuum cleaner. When turning on gives 3 clicks from motor and doesn't turn on. Would u like to fix it, can I email you?
@ElectronicMechanicFinland 7 ай бұрын
Laita mailia niin palaillaan asiaan [email protected]