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@michelemcguire8995 2 сағат бұрын
No brain chip fir me because i love being YHVH s created human..and if he wanted humans to be integrated with machines he would have made us all into nonhuman robots with out a soul!! Having a soul gives us a promise that he will accept anyone ( human) into his soon to be established kingdom on earth in his favorite place, MT.ZION!!
@hdcolors Сағат бұрын
That’s all Christian mind control bullshit. Human beings are still conscious and sentient animals with soul even when their being computer-controlled with neural precision. The computer aids their cognition by scripting intelligent options for them to choose from. We still have independent choice, it's just that our choices are guided by FIRST PRINCIPLES of ETHICS and MORALS.
@michelemcguire8995 2 сағат бұрын
Love color dancing ❤🎉😅
@michelemcguire8995 2 сағат бұрын
Im soon to be 65,woman and know exactly how you feel, as tears well up in my eyes, prayers for strength 💪 comfort peace and healing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen ❤
@hdcolors 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you very much for your kindness. Thank you for commenting.
@hdcolors 3 сағат бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@shawnburnham1 Күн бұрын
@tobiasmaniera 2 күн бұрын
increible en 4k, haces los mejores videos de su tipo!
@cheapuglyplasticsurgerykor8433 2 күн бұрын
good old super lemon haze does this to me every time
@rachaelr530 3 күн бұрын
I just came across this video for the first time, and I just wanna say… I’m in recovery, & watching this flipped a switch in my brain & gave me a new perspective of my perception of life. I can see it in a more positive light with the reminder that we’re all connected, and a lot more alike than we are different. If that makes sense… Thank you so much…
@pdcoronado 4 күн бұрын
Que chevere. En que programa se hace eso y cual es la metodología?
@hp5864 5 күн бұрын
acid is the best
@GabrielDavidMaldonadoAng-gj4lt 5 күн бұрын
This video has been watched so far by 7,400 or Seven Thousand Four hundred viewers and who knows how many individuals that are Robot AI, Centient being or a human.
@las13390 8 күн бұрын
Cool avec de la Dark en fond
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@marikanoro7547 21 сағат бұрын
Grazie 🙏
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 8 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@michelemcguire8995 2 сағат бұрын
Mine too 😢
@michelemcguire8995 2 сағат бұрын
After the mind explosion of unchecked anger..I find some soothing music to mend the hurt and anger that was pent up for a long time and I found your color's healing in the deepest part of me,and only God can reach me there.. Thank you Father for creating the one who blessed me this year ❤your child.
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@marikanoro7547 21 сағат бұрын
Grazie 🙏
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it fucked-up my karma in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. In this case, I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER shit around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@tobiasmaniera 10 күн бұрын
creo que encontre este video en el 2018 si no es antes, desde la musica hasta la sensasion nostalgica es irrepetible, una pieza de arte a otro nivel, MISTICO, muchas gracias de todo corazon por dejarnos esto
@hdcolors 9 күн бұрын
De nada. Muchas gracias por las amables palabras y por expresar que la música te hace sentir nostálgico.
@ex1stenZe 10 күн бұрын
It's so deep and beautiful! <3
@GabrielDavidMaldonadoAng-gj4lt 13 күн бұрын
"Talk back on."
@andreadybvik 15 күн бұрын
So beautiful! 💛
@hdcolors 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for commenting and for the kind words of appreciation!
@TheDanrach 20 күн бұрын
My 5-year-old nephew and I love to watch this together. Beautiful and awe-inspiring!
@normanmacfarlane6724 20 күн бұрын
And my evening medication medicine is working it's promise on me 😂❤ God bless and sending love and hope to all
@PargaliDustin 24 күн бұрын
I'm hyphonitised
@carlayvette1069 24 күн бұрын
@hdcolors just last night seemingly out of nowhere and for the first time I searched for kaleidoscope videos and I meditated to Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video v1.3 (Hypnotic Visuals to Relaxing Ambient Meditation Music and fell asleep to it. Then I woke up and meditated to it again this rising. And now I click on Dream Wise and here you are. That eclipse was extremely powerful because I simply followed my spirit and the connection is REAL!🤯🪄
@hdcolors 24 күн бұрын
That is wonderful! Just think of all the gravitational forces that were aligned during the eclipse! Thanks so much for enjoying these videos and sharing your pleasure! All the best! -Ken
@homesick6861 28 күн бұрын
Link to the original fractal flame images??
@hdcolors 28 күн бұрын
@homesick6861 28 күн бұрын
Bring back the fast kaleidoscope animation
@kono9460 29 күн бұрын
@Brainalicious Ай бұрын
I was so happy to find these newer upscaled versions. Your Kaleidoscope videos are replayed all the time in our house!
@hdcolors Ай бұрын
Wow, that’s great! That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing that.
@Brainalicious Ай бұрын
I'll have to upload a video showing our setup. I set up a projector in our bedroom that points to the ceiling up above our bed. That's where we stream video content rather than on a TV. I also have a couple of Blisslight galaxy projectors I can run so the whole ceiling is a pallet I can paint with light. It's especially nice to lie in bed and look up at those beautiful kaleidoscopes.
@SisterAngelaBreeden Ай бұрын
Okay. I've started viewing this version and it is very clear. Also, I found out here that the composed is Bjorn Lynne. Thanks so much.
@hdcolors Ай бұрын
You are quite welcome! Thanks so much for communicating with me and comparing both versions of the video. Your personalized feedback is very valuable to me. All the best!
@SisterAngelaBreeden Ай бұрын
Who wrote the music for the Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Videos? It is amazing!
@SisterAngelaBreeden Ай бұрын
I came across an AI version of this video this morning. It seems blurry. Returning to this one seems to confirm my theory and I'm happier with this one.
@hdcolors Ай бұрын
That is interesting that you found it to be blurrier than the normal one. I found quite the opposite. I thought it was very sharp. I’ll have to rewatch it to see if I can see what you’re talking about. Thanks for the comment.
@SisterAngelaBreeden Ай бұрын
@@hdcolors Now, I'll need to look at the AI version again. Thanks for the reply. Also, thank you so much for Splendor of Color. It has been one of my favorite sites for a number of years. It is so relaxing. I use it for meditation often. It was interesting how I discovered it. I was looking for something that had light, color and moved. Imagine my surprise when I found it.
@Galindorf 12 күн бұрын
Hi! It's possible that, because the other video is a lot bigger (data-wise), it began pre-loading at low quality (blurry) and needed a little bit to catch up to full HD mode. When I am on a slow connection videos load in low quality and then straighten out. Hope that helps!
@hdcolors 11 күн бұрын
@@Galindorf Yes. That happens to me to all the time and I have a super high bandwith connection and quite often it starts on the low bandwith version until it caches. Thanks very much for all your research on this.
@jonnykuleo Ай бұрын
wen video
@cosmosheesh Ай бұрын
this is amazing ❤
@jakeprins-gervais3315 Ай бұрын
I would like to thank the Most Replayed recommendation
@incredibleabhay4004 Ай бұрын
I was going to my childhood in my school days in vasai India my imaginations 😌
@DanielCunningham_Gia-na-dai Ай бұрын
Wow! How did you get this job? How can I get a position like this? I have PTSD, depression, MaDD, insomnia, age-related dementia .....
@hdcolors Ай бұрын
You have to be willing to be totally open and transparent, fearless, grandiose, rebellious and revolutionary and to make an educational example out of yourself on the web:
@maxgame4811 Ай бұрын
@user-xv3yb8jd3g Ай бұрын
That reminds me of my best LSD trips, coming from the purest crystals possible. It was very comfortable, felt like being embraced by divinity.