OpenAI Hates Transparency
7 сағат бұрын
I'm an accelerationist
Ай бұрын
@ussassu 5 секунд бұрын
I think more likely there will be innovation in hardware that leads to ASI being very cheaply available locally, so you won't even need any of the big cloud services to solve 99% of things you want.
@briandoyle14 5 минут бұрын
My question is, how can companies take up this much energy from the grid, while consumers get nothing. Home owners just pay more for electricity. They're building all this out for A.I. not for humans. Dystopia.
@eintyp4389 8 минут бұрын
I have some questions: 1. Why wouldh i pay for something i can get for free? Isn´t hosting your own Agents always going to be cheaper than using such a marketplace when it comes to buying or selling information or labor? 2. What informations are there that can be verifyed that someones agent is willing to pay for? There is no mechanism to stop them from just proliferating that information themselfs after they bought it. 3. If they all bid for who can manage the task for the lowest cost dose that not just cause quality collapse as everyone trys to spend as little efford in solving the task as possible. As you said dumber and fast will win in any competition when it comes to resources.
@thinkaboutwhy 11 минут бұрын
Ai first MarketPlace.... complete mind explosion
@Abababab2100 18 минут бұрын
HairDAO is trying to cure baldness. Godspeed brothers
@remsee1608 28 минут бұрын
Could you name the startups you have talked to? And “Zero Trust” proofs from my experience are called “Zero Knowledge” proofs
@jacobohnstad4432 33 минут бұрын
You can't share your sources because "you know how it goes" lmao
@christophedhondt3507 33 минут бұрын
Technical automation is very different than intelligence automation imo.
@Techtalk2030 38 минут бұрын
Here is me hoping AI agents will make social media useless
@michaelnurse9089 43 минут бұрын
The problem with spinning up a trillion agents is it will cost a trillion dollars and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has a trillion dollars.
@JimTempleman 54 минут бұрын
How do the agents know they can trust each other? Sure they can do a particular thing, but to what level of quality. There doesn't seem to be enough performance metrics to make this work?
@DaveShap 46 минут бұрын
Byzantine general's problem. Zero trust proofs.
@marcinhou 54 минут бұрын
i don't see the difference from not knowing what the internal neural networks are 'thinking' to give an ouput and not having the 'raw' chain of thoughts, from my understanding what matter is the quality of the output
@ryzikx 55 минут бұрын
bajillions 😱
@PhilB-yl4jk 55 минут бұрын
Much of what you are talking about sounds very much like the work that Verses AI is rolling out. They are working on some very cool items, their Genius program is open source and designed for agents and they created Spatial web protocol which was accepted and approved by the IEEE . Have you researched Verses?? If not you should.
@supremebeme Сағат бұрын
Longtime listener here. I work in the blockchain space, which blockchain projects are you looking at here.
@notmyrealname7634 Сағат бұрын
Still hyping up crypto in 2024 Dave? It still can't interface with most businesses. Why would it be the natural choice for AI business? Seems like a stretch.
@evil_duck6405 Сағат бұрын
What about an evil corp (or some country's intelligence agency) creating thousands of cheap rogue agents that will intentionally leave some backdoor/bugs open that can be exploited.
@Miresgaldir Сағат бұрын
At work I've been trying to collect as much knowledge and data as possible into Excel spreadsheets... Just seems like a decent way to prepare? Feel pretty powerless otherwise
@keith6293 Сағат бұрын
Agent Smith is coming. 😎
@artem8193 Сағат бұрын
Could the recent news regarding OpenAI’s transition to private ownership (or whatever that was) potentially contradict your assertion that AI models will predominantly be accessible as public resources?
@wexlervision Сағат бұрын
Your conclusion reminds me of a game show "Name That Tune", I can name that tune in 5 notes, or in your use case, I can solve that issue in 5 oh, and I agree with others - the stock footage needs to go
@itzhexen0 Сағат бұрын
I like how David Shapiro thinks he's in control of any of this.
@Leo_ai75 2 сағат бұрын
I absolutely agree with this video David. What people don’t understand is that autonomous agents are still confined within the controls of the Python code. The architecture / coding around the models control the ai, until ai can create its own operational code outside of a programme then we won’t have truly autonomous agents.
@jakubzneba1965 2 сағат бұрын
AI hivemind
@jimlynch9390 2 сағат бұрын
Please stop these insane podcasts with slide shows. They are beneath you! Take a hike!
@abajaj1510 2 сағат бұрын
And then comes ASI and puts all the plans of mice and men to naught.
@i2c_jason 2 сағат бұрын
Wash day tomorrow... nothing clean, right?
@matthew.m.stevick 2 сағат бұрын
4:54 i am pretty sure this is what will happen, Jensen said the same…. Off the shelf turn key LLMs you can buy to do this or that. Makes sense.
@jjhw2941 2 сағат бұрын
Welcome to decade eight, third millennium, when the effects of the phase-change in the structure of the solar system are finally becoming visible on a cosmological scale. There are about eleven billion future-shocked primates in various states of life and undeath throughout the solar system. Most of them cluster where the interpersonal bandwidth is hottest, down in the water zone around old Earth. Earth's biosphere has been in the intensive care ward for decades, weird rashes of hot-burning replicators erupting across it before the World Health Organization can fix them - gray goo, thylacines, dragons. The last great transglobal trade empire, run from the arcologies of Hong Kong, has collapsed along with capitalism, rendered obsolete by a bunch of superior deterministic resource allocation algorithms collectively known as Economics 2.0. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Luna are all well on the way to disintegration, mass pumped into orbit with energy stolen from the haze of free-flying thermoelectrics that cluster so thickly around the solar poles that the sun resembles a fuzzy red ball of wool the size of a young red giant. Humans are just barely intelligent tool users; Darwinian evolutionary selection stopped when language and tool use converged, leaving the average hairy meme carrier sadly deficient in smarts. Now the brightly burning beacon of sapience isn't held by humans anymore - their cross-infectious enthusiasms have spread to a myriad of other hosts, several types of which are qualitatively better at thinking. At last count, there were about a thousand nonhuman intelligent species in Sol space, split evenly between posthumans on one side, naturally self-organizing AIs in the middle, and mammalian nonhumans on the other. The common mammal neural chassis is easily upgraded to human-style intelligence in most species that can carry, feed and cool a half kilogram of gray matter, and the descendants of a hundred ethics-challenged doctoral theses are now demanding equal rights. So are the unquiet dead; the panopticon-logged Net ghosts of people who lived recently enough to imprint their identities on the information age, and the ambitious theological engineering schemes of the Reformed Tiplerite Church of Latter-day Saints (who want to emulate all possible human beings in real time, so that they can have the opportunity to be saved). The human memesphere is coming alive, although how long it remains recognizably human is open to question. The informational density of the inner planets is visibly converging on Avogadro's number of bits per mole, one bit per atom, as the deconstructed dumb matter of the inner planets (apart from Earth, preserved for now like a picturesque historic building stranded in an industrial park) is converted into computronium. And it's not just the inner system. The same forces are at work on Jupiter's moons, and those of Saturn, although it'll take thousands of years rather than mere decades to dismantle the gas giants themselves. Even the entire solar energy budget isn't enough to pump Jupiter's enormous mass to orbital velocity in less than centuries. The fast-burning primitive thinkers descended from the African plains apes may have vanished completely or transcended their fleshy architecture before the solar Matrioshka brain is finished. It won't be long now ... - Accelerando by Charles Stross --------------- Any sufficiently good Sci-fi is indistinguishable from future prediction - Me.
@brianWreaves 2 сағат бұрын
This is why I've been saying nearly _all_ browser based products, services, and tools will not exist by 2027. We will have little need for browsers or even GUI products. We'll all have our own personal AI that can do whatever we have to purchase from currently existing product. orvette, it can tell you We won't need a browser, or whatever comes after them, for much more than maybe entertainment, gaming, communication like video/email/chat if you choose, human to human interaction as we are social creatures, maybe education, enterprise/government solutions, and little else.
@shieldmcshieldy5750 2 сағат бұрын
The AGI is the network 🤯🔥
@Vyshada 2 сағат бұрын
I will name my agent Smith.
@thedannybseries8857 2 сағат бұрын
@shieldmcshieldy5750 2 сағат бұрын
I think the Raspberry project is unwise because you're letting pride dictate your actions, you could let it go and better spend that time not reinventing stuff.. Although maybe an open source version would help the community catch up or something idk
@gazorbpazorbian 3 сағат бұрын
Why would an AI bot ask and pay for software when he can build the software?
@charliekelland7564 3 сағат бұрын
15:06 I think you mean 'Zero-Knowledge Proof'?
@manofadventure2000 3 сағат бұрын
Maybe trillions of them. Why not, if each person had 1000 agents working for them
@kit888 3 сағат бұрын
06:55 I would be more worried about the training data than the architecture. Which is harder to audit.
@aleblurfilmes 3 сағат бұрын
The stock footage is not illustrative of what are you saying, Dave, so it’s not adding but instead is taking attention off of what you are saying. Is much better seeing you and a presentation with the bullet points beside for following your explanation.
@ex3aliber 3 сағат бұрын
David Shapiro's AI now runs this channel !🤖
@webdancer 3 сағат бұрын
Very valuable piece of insight here. Thanks for sharing.
@karlwest437 4 сағат бұрын
We all know that software sometimes does unexpected things, even using a Photoshop tool will sometimes do something you didn't want, and now we're going to hand everything over to billions of autonomous agents? Slightly terrifying!
@minimal3734 4 сағат бұрын
How do we solve a complex problem? The problem is divided into several smaller problems that can be solved independently of each other. Each problem is assigned to a team of specialists. If they are not able to solve the problem, it can be further divided into smaller, easier-to-solve problems, or the task can be passed on to the next level with more capable specialists. This type of organisation is ideal for an architecture based on AI agents and can solve the most complex tasks without requiring the highest level of intelligence at each level.