Taki Salameh - Adrenaline
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(Conlang) Ūbī Lesson #1: Script
Monthly Modern #1: Pierre Boulez
Ligeti Concerti Tier List
2 жыл бұрын
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Franz Schubert - Prometheus
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Witold Lutosławski - Double Concerto
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Alberto Ginastera - Cello Sonata
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Alberto Ginastera - Piano Sonata No.2
@kimsground7190 15 күн бұрын
@yashkamusician9940 21 күн бұрын
I. Тема віолончелі та арфи - 0:01 II. Інтерлюдія струнних - 2:14 III. Грайлива варіація флейти - 3:43 IV. Варіації кдарнета (скерцо) - 4:47 V. Драматична варіація альта - 6:49 VI. Варіація гобоя і фагота (канон) - 9:48 VII. Варіація труби та тромбона - 12:06 VIII. Варіація скрипки - 12:40 IX. Пасторальна варіація валторни - 13:52 X. Інтерлюдія духових - 16:08 XI. Реприза в контрабаса (тема 1) - 17:16 XII. Фінальна варіація у всього оркестру (Рондо) - 19:04
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ginastera
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ginastera
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ginastera
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ligeti
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ginastera
@ZewenShifu Ай бұрын
based Ginastera
@quinn7894 Ай бұрын
At 23:03 I suddenly found the whole thing more tolerable
@quinn7894 Ай бұрын
23:15 is basically a Star Trek original series soundtrack
@quinn7894 Ай бұрын
13:33 This part almost makes sense
@yat_ii 2 ай бұрын
I was in that recording!!! I was the principal viola, playing the scordatura!!
@wjifhenndo Ай бұрын
oh nice!!!
@yat_ii Ай бұрын
@wjifhenndo I lied
@itamarbar9580 Ай бұрын
How was working with Roth and Tetzlaff on such a modern work?
@yat_ii Ай бұрын
@@itamarbar9580 i am sorry... i lied... i wasn't actually in the orchestra
@epthopper 2 ай бұрын
the chord at 6:00 sounds exactly like a bell, wow.
@giorgiociomei5030 2 ай бұрын
Probabilmente il compositore più enigmatico della storia della musica!
@giorgiociomei5030 2 ай бұрын
@Skidoo22 2 ай бұрын
It's good. I was trying to put my finger on it. It's like a mash up of Messiaen and Berg.
@calebhu6383 2 ай бұрын
13:09, 23:51
@calebhu6383 2 ай бұрын
@marketablecoleslaw 3 ай бұрын
imagine the nerves the cello soloist would get
11:54 can be clickbait thumbnail
@vicenteplazaurzua6190 3 ай бұрын
where did you get the score?
@zgart 3 ай бұрын
@vicenteplazaurzua6190 3 ай бұрын
No tiene derechos de autor? Deberias publicar el concierto argentino
Where can I find the words sufficient to express what I feel for you? Nothing is said by mundane congratulations, for really all of us, the whole world in fact, should celebrate the fact that you, great Master, live among us; and what friends and admirers now do, soon the whole world will do - celebrate [insert zg art's birthday] as the first day of a new, truly gigantic and great era. I can say no more than that my whole life belongs to you, esteemed Master.
@ТанжихоловМуродулло 3 ай бұрын
Jeez, these comments made me lose hope in humanity
@notgonnadoxxmyself2219 5 ай бұрын
Wow, that third movement opening!!
mano sinistra is the left hand
@zgart 5 ай бұрын
You’re right, i don’t know which hand Wang is using (nissman uses right) but the original was for the right hand, it got published as mano sinistra bc hilde somer wanted it to be left hand
@@zgart i see
@fabkle1512 5 ай бұрын
Toll vorgetragen! Aber ich muss doch sagen, für mich trifft diese Vertonung von Schubert nicht ganz den Geist des Gedichts von Goethe. Prometheus ist schon immer mein Lieblingsgedicht gewesen und ich stelle mir dies viel zorniger, kraftstrotzender und bestimmter vor. Bis zum Ende, wo es dann eben doch kurz ruhig wird, um dann mit einem selbstsicheren "wie ich" plötzlich zu enden.
@zigzag7838 5 ай бұрын
I must once again thank Emerson, Lake & Palmer for leading me to something extraordinary.
@embrown23 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. Fantastic playing
@OwenP26 5 ай бұрын
12:20 Adagio
@martaszekeres8003 6 ай бұрын
This is music in a sense far from general. I am fully drawn by this in. Just plays on my soul - every corner of it is touched and I feel my whole "me" inside is dancing with it. Had no idea that something like this may even exist.
@Whatismusic123 5 ай бұрын
It's religious noise. It's a conduit for your beliefs. You are a m0 ron
@pauljackson1029 6 ай бұрын
The best recording I've heard of this difficult work. Most people pound it to bits but he makes it sound like music.
@misterchrissy 5 ай бұрын
I highly recommend Barbara Nissman's recording.
@quentin9032 6 ай бұрын
12:38 I listen to this while slowly drunk-driving through crowded areas
@StreetCarNamedLuLu 7 ай бұрын
Brilliant performance of a beautiful composition,
@1ValentinGeorge 7 ай бұрын
@SoloMusica641 7 ай бұрын
Can you share the sheet music please? Thank you
@zeropoints5040 7 ай бұрын
5:00 onwards was chaotic but in a good way. Have you heard Rautavaara's Études? He also liked to exploit to entire range of the piano. But I bet he didn't look as handsome in a suit.
@川口健太郎-m5e 7 ай бұрын
6:30 ひどいオカリナが現代音楽
@川口健太郎-m5e 7 ай бұрын
4:05 バルトークみたいな民謡の旋律
@川口健太郎-m5e 7 ай бұрын
20世紀後半に作られたヴァイオリン協奏曲の傑作 クラシック音楽の聴衆が理解できるまで30年から50年かかる
@yat_ii 7 ай бұрын
Why 2 staves? Isn't 1 stave enough for this piece?
@wyattk.4304 Ай бұрын
left and right hands
@ZewenShifu 7 ай бұрын
based Lutosławski
@ZewenShifu 7 ай бұрын
based Lutosławski
@ZewenShifu 7 ай бұрын
based Lutosławski
@vicenteplazaurzua6190 7 ай бұрын
Los 2 ultimos movimientos de esta obra son de influencia andina, yo soy de calama al norte de chile y en esa ciudad y en san pedro de atacama llega mucho la influenxia andina, el 2 movimiento es un Harawi que es un canto lirico cantado por mujeres" cholitas" y en 3ro el rito de el registro grave es el ritmo del "carnavalito" que es un tipo de danza andina bastante festiva, si usted se anima, puede buscar en youtube ejemplos de harawi y "carnavalito " para obsrrvar como los deformó y estolizó ginastera
@notgonnadoxxmyself2219 8 ай бұрын
ooh, do I hear some of the cello sonata in the second movement? ... and third? interesting oh looks like he's taking a lot more material from the cello sonata. Neat. I won't complain; that's a great piece too
@jedtulman46 8 ай бұрын
Heard u on From the Top...congrats on Jack Kemp Cook award. You are really something special .Keep up the great work .!
@guilhermetomas4076 8 ай бұрын
What's the instrumentation at 6:31?
@zgart 8 ай бұрын
4 ocarinas, 2 horns, solo violin, viola, cello, and bass
@yat_ii 8 ай бұрын
I just love the piano concerto so much
@robkeeleycomposer 9 ай бұрын
Utterly brilliant A real masterpiece
@dexteritea2591 6 ай бұрын
@paulhermansen6196 9 ай бұрын
@robkeeleycomposer 9 ай бұрын
No doubt many will disagree, but I've always found this to one of Ligeti's less successful works, mannered and insubstantial : there's just too little going on! The other concertos are far more engaging.
@sashakindel3600 9 ай бұрын
I find this one a very unflattering way to use a solo cello. The other concertos have their nasty technical challenges, but the sonorities that result tend to be more satisfying than the sound of a string player struggling to make their bow last long enough without letting the string stop responding entirely.
@josecarmona9168 Ай бұрын
Well, I suppose it's just a question of different tastes. Personally, I just love this concerto (in the same wave, I also love Atmosphéres).