@Cristinec06 19 сағат бұрын
I get shadowbaned on 850 level acc created in march 2020, unlocked specialist camo for every cod from MW2019 to MW3(I also bought BO2,3 and 4 only to play zombies)
@CenReaper. 21 сағат бұрын
They can't release a good game because they won't have anyone playing another iterations without deleting the map completely.
@Frazierhcv 22 сағат бұрын
They will never put an anti cheat like valorant, because the people that the company uses to get people's attention to their game are cheaters themselves. Some of them were invited to install the faceit anticheat on their stream, they refused it.
@Rob-gs8lq Күн бұрын
I use a controller and still run into many cheaters. Trust me, your imput device doesn't matter and there are console cheaters as well who use wall hacks & soft aim. I report them not only through the game, but on the Xbox platform as well and always check to see if it's a smurf account. Unfortunately, I can't do the same if they're on Steam or PlayStation, but I do run into them quite frequently in ranked play multiplayer matches. Just yesterday, I had a guy with the Warzone nuke skin & camo, was diamond in Warzone ranked and he had 0 gamer score. I reported him countless times, but he was still playing. Ricochet isn't detecting cheaters, it just lets them run wild.
@johnnyMAYObish Күн бұрын
mad nice nuke. the squad is good but you carry
@Lizard-e7y Күн бұрын
I hate the idea that they need to bring back old content because it will only make people happy for like 2 weeks. (thats what happened to rebirth island and now rebirth island personally is my least favorite map rn)
@ZeNith94 Күн бұрын
Activision allows cheats. A billion dollar company owned by a trillion dollar company and they can’t figure out how to punish cheaters and keep them from coming back? Game companies with a fraction of the resources solved this years ago
@pret0rian19761 Күн бұрын
It's 2024!!! the devs can actually make a better anti-cheat system My guy!!
@amigopuerco Күн бұрын
Im glad i suck. Cheaters arent in my bracket of SBMM
@user-gz4pk7sx9q Күн бұрын
Ricochet is absolutely worthless!
@rickfowler273 Күн бұрын
It’s sad when you never know if many people are cheating or not. Even just by a little bit for a slight edge.
@beAlsekiet Күн бұрын
Congratulations' on the Nuke, my guy. MUCH respect.
@eyrac6143 Күн бұрын
Been stuck in this loop for ages and just ruins me being able to play the game.
@eyrac6143 Күн бұрын
Only sad part as well is people abusing the anti cheat with being able to mass report anyone they think is cheating because all the oldies don't think people can be good so they just mass report good players and we get stuck in limited match making for a week and this is just a cycle constantly and basically you can't be good at this game anymore without getting limited matchmaking.
@j1mgg Күн бұрын
We are again seeing what I can describe a cheat sellers selling their cheat in the chat messaging within the game (in mandarin so not 100%), and this was UK after 10pm. I wish they would just fix their servers, they are horrendous in the evenings.
@jakubszulc Күн бұрын
I play with my friend few times a week and last month or so was really frustrating. We play in europe mostly in tge evenings and we get Cheaters everywhere mixed with server lags that make people kill you before you even have time to react. I don't mind getting killed by better player but the game just seems unfair now. We play better than ever, but it became almost impossible for us to win the game (and 2-3 moths ago we could mange to win almost every evening that we played).
@user-gr7ui1nl4m Күн бұрын
I hope activision is the one who gets punished when they see that no one is pre ordering their shite game after years of us getting punished by hackers. Billions of dollars made and they still have the gonads to tell us that it’s a “slow process”
@timothyfeltner4272 Күн бұрын
Seriously what's the point they get caught cheating they get banned an hour later they got a new account they have an unlocked tool to unlock everything that they previously lost from the from when they just got banned they don't care about stats or anything like that it's an on ending going cycle and I believe unless they start getting hardware band IP band it's not going to stop
@techpriestsgaming6525 Күн бұрын
I have stopped playing Online FPS games. Its just a chore. This comes from someone who played semi professionally COD4 back in the day. I was so into FPS games, especially online ones. I just cannot push myself into it.
@jakewilliams8327 Күн бұрын
The question is why activision haven't implemented a better anticheat and who it benefits!
@seyrnahd Күн бұрын
Kernal Access... No thanks. If a games requires that level of access to my machine to play a game, well, I simply won't play. I honestly don't think a lot of people actually realize what Kernel Level Access means and how invasive that is. IMHO there should be a giant warning label that makes you read it 10 times and preform a test to ensure you understand what it means before you sign away such access. YIKES!!!!
@1990sDialUpWeb Күн бұрын
Verdansk should have been the selling point of this year leading up to 20205
@thecasualgamer1457 Күн бұрын
As a European privacy lawyer, I can't even imagine how creative and potentially illegal the legal basis of the Valorant processing is, giving acces to K0 on the basis of "less stress when gaming". Not even banks are allowed to that. No legitimate interest assessment or informed consent seems obtainable, because it is a all file no hinterances access solution. No kid or yound adult, not even reasonble adults, understand the threat it may cause, and seeing noone is talking about it - Riot Games is not informing them about it. They are getting K0 access to children. I'm flabergasted
@Simplyeffinastounding Күн бұрын
If it meant a cheat free gaming experience I would give anti cheat representatives full permission to come into my home and sit beside me while I game and ensure I am not cheating. Hell they can bring all their friends with them. Do you know why I have no problem with Kernel Level, Invasive Anti Cheat that is Always On and monitoring, and a system that BRICKS any and ALL devices downloading 3rd party software, or plugging in third party devices designed to circumvent a systems security and "hide" from detection... ...it's a redundant question, the answer is "Because we have nothing to hide". The people most vocal against any kind of security service that actually works and gives a company the ability to hardware ban any device from accessing their services are those who have something to hide. As someone who has held "The Ban Hammer" and enacted it many times over a more than 2 decade experience in the gaming industry as a player, and as a moderator/admin, I can safely say it is always the cheaters, and cheat sellers that come into the conversation to spout the "they are taking away your privacy with the anti cheat" rhetoric as a scare tactic to get support from the uninformed, and uneducated playerbase (read toddlers being babysat by consoles and their parents PCs), and the irresponsible parents that are downloading the cheats that have more malware and system hacking programming than any anti cheat from the nefarious sites that have the power to hardware ban cheaters from their cheat selling sites and run off with all their money because they are about as educated as their toddlers. Give us anti cheat that works and the only thing we will lose is the toxic playerbase ruining multiplayer for everyone. Every gamer should have an ID like a SIN number or drivers license that identifies their system, and allows them multiplayer access, and should they cheat, they lose multiplayer access license permanently. F**k 'em. We won't miss em.
@tmac4809 Күн бұрын
@ariel_._ Күн бұрын
I’m surprised that they’re not leveraging their parent company relationship with Microsoft to improve their anti-cheat. Cheats run on Windows, surely the operating system could be useful in reporting suspicious activity to Ricochet. This isn’t just an Activision problem, this COD cheating issue also affects the Microsoft bottom line.
@PowerGeizer Күн бұрын
I play on pc multi player and cheaters are not hiding their cheats unlike before in mw 2019. Sad to say but their anti cheat is useless.
@jayjohnson9729 Күн бұрын
The worst thing is, out of all these games, COD makes by far the most money, yet has the worst anticheat, worst servers, worst update quality and by far the worst audio. Cod will never change, just a horrible company that has lost me and so many others.
@AndyT306 Күн бұрын
You are saying they need to invest, something they never do, just remove cross play and all the console players can be happy
@User57655 Күн бұрын
They will never do it unfortunately, they didn’t when Verdansk was cheater heaven and they won’t now because they need the PC player base for revenue growth. In addition Cronus is still possible on Xbox (and PS with some workarounds from what I understand), so console only won’t necessarily be 100% ‘clean’.
@AndyT306 Күн бұрын
Nothing will change
@Thund3r4 2 күн бұрын
The game relies on outdated servers and systems yet brainwashed people continue to buy info it
@punkradio5384 2 күн бұрын
I think this will be my last week until BO6
@scottyg1834 2 күн бұрын
My man spitting Facts! Can’t argue with any points. * If you’re worried about your privacy, hot tip, Facebook / TikTok etc have all your details already. In fact TikTok would be worse than any other potential that a “zero level” Anticheat has. * Keep up the good fight mate.
@iskabin Күн бұрын
It's not only about privacy, do you think your PC won't suffer with all that bloat of services running in the background? There is absolutely no reason the anticheat should be on if the game is closed
@iskabin 2 күн бұрын
I hate cheaters as much as the next guy, but if the anticheat runs without the game opened I will uninstall and never play again, just like I did to Valorant and League
@mattshergold3836 2 күн бұрын
Yeah its unfortunate that cod can't seem to get out of their own way. Bad anti cheat, bad servers etc. All my friends have moved to different games and i hadly ever play anymore because its just not a fun game with all the issues.
@jce3086 2 күн бұрын
I play on diamond and it is so disheartening to start a game by being kicked out by a team of cheaters. If things keep this way, this game is gonna be known as a Call for Cheaters
@walkerdarin2003 2 күн бұрын
Mixing pc and console on a free to play system was pure greed.
@TheRealMrGreen 2 күн бұрын
Mate I'm looking at your gameplay and I'm wondering... Why the fuck would you need to pay for cheats when there's a built in aimbot? 😆
@Trying_but-failing 2 күн бұрын
If COD adopts a valorant approach to anti cheat lol I think the “pro” pool might drop to single number digits.
@user-gz4pk7sx9q Күн бұрын
Doesn't matter, dma board with firmware will just bypass most a/c! Give up fps or just play for fun! Cheat industry is a Multibillion dollar industry now and it ain't going anywhere!
@jkhkjbhjkhfhgvb 2 күн бұрын
It’s been like that for at least 2 years .. ban pc that’s sad but that’s the only way at this point
@Errburritoes 2 күн бұрын
The game is just not fun anymore since the end of season 3 the cheaters have been out of control my last game was a week after season 4 started every game was lagging server's and cheaters everywhere, it's just shit
@User57655 2 күн бұрын
Ricochet is a kernel driver (ring 0), but it doesn’t load at boot unlike Vanguard. But having a kernel driver is step 1 of a solution, all the other mitigations and steps taken are where the real difference lies vs Vanguard. For obvious reasons the anti-cheat developers don’t discuss what they are doing, but to my knowledge Ricochet doesn’t attempt to identify or kick users with DMA cheats for example, meanwhile Vanguard does. Either way, I just stopped playing WZ, there’s no incentive for them to fix anything if you keep playing the game and buying bundles.
@wilber1982 2 күн бұрын
The engine is just dog shit in general constantly says I’ve got 15ms yet getting shot around corners every other fight using lan with good internet is actually a disadvantage that’s how fucked this franchise is.
@IncredibleFlyinSquid 2 күн бұрын
Logged on this evening to three successful reports (also a fourth from last night) all from quite obvious wall hackers
@iJobama 2 күн бұрын
It seems like Ricochet has somewhat devolved overtime. They used to have multiple different mitigations that they'd place onto cheaters. None of which seem to be in any effect whatsoever. Things like Invisible Bots that mimic other players to catch people using walls should be compulsory in every match. Just sucks that multiple people need to have their games ruined before Rick actually does anything
@sickranchez2023 2 күн бұрын
Engine Owning giving cheats away free and its legit too. Is there any wonder the game is DEAD. Ranked is now Hacked mode and solo is equally as bad. The only way i get a half decent game is in trio or quad when the cheats are focused on the rest of my team!
@corydowdy3741 2 күн бұрын
Always on anti cheat and or Console only cross play
@MarkKidsley1989 2 күн бұрын
Doesn’t even seem to be any mitigation at the moment
@Limozo 2 күн бұрын
Between the crashes, the bugs, SBMM and hackers I simply stopped playing and uninstalled
@ZypherGames 2 күн бұрын
Needs to happen BUT should also be Opt-Out and mandatory for playing Ranked. Anyone who knows better can disable it if they want, everyone else gets it enabled by default. That way, if you want to be ranked at all you must do it with this level on anti-cheat enabled, enforcing no rankings are from cheaters. Everyone else can live in the free for all.
@User57655 2 күн бұрын
Can you imagine how bad public lobbies would be in that situation? Might as well remove the option because they would be unplayable
@ZypherGames 2 күн бұрын
@@User57655 you've misunderstood my comment. It would be Opt-Out which would mean that it is enabled by default 80-90% of players will keep it enabled. Call of Duty can matchmake all these players together if they wish. Worse case scenario is that public lobbies remain in the same state as they are now except that CoD would have highly trusted users in lobbies because they have it enabled, and extremely untrusted accounts who have it disabled. I imagine that it would still be a vast improvement on today's cheating issues and gives those who don't want or trust kernel level anti-cheat an option.
@antsa85 2 күн бұрын
Im on a break because cheaters and server issues. I really hope they fix their shit. If not, thats it for me for good