9 жыл бұрын
Dr. Darrel Ray on Circumcision
9 жыл бұрын
@felixngari4481 13 сағат бұрын
This is thought provoking...
@felixngari4481 13 сағат бұрын
Think about a God who gives instructions on how to treat a slave rather than just tell people slavery(owing another human) is wrong😢... Every since I was a kid, I was very skeptical about this so called God's book...it did not make sense when I had no information and still makes no sense when I am informed
@michaelparks5669 3 күн бұрын
HAHAHA Carrier is such a poor huistorian that he did not know that Rome and Jerusalem were burned in the First century AD . Any freshman ancient history student knows that. Carrier is considered a "tabloid" journalist by real scholars. 99.9% reject his bogus claims.
@michaelparks5669 3 күн бұрын
@toastcrunch9387 5 күн бұрын
49:40 they're doing a real bad job these days, thats for sure, lol.
@toastcrunch9387 8 күн бұрын
I think it's interesting that christians don't think about how the ones that represent their religion have no fears about doing evil in front of their own god. Like, the people who know it best know it's total BS and so act however they please, and the followers, who statistically will never read a bible in their entire life despite claiming to believe in it, never put 2 and 2 together. It's a bad joke.
@eigelgregossweisse9563 12 күн бұрын
23:00 that is a poor analogy but I get what he's trying to say. There's no horses that can always win a million times and never lose. Lose some win some. Supernaturalism, there's alot of frauds, false things out there, but there's certain documented proof.
@jpb6511 12 күн бұрын
Your problem is with Jesus.Jesus believed in hell! Jesus is liar, lunatic, Lord. You have chosen..... Maybe you are the lunatic!
@jpb6511 12 күн бұрын
@retribution999 12 күн бұрын
Gnosticism erradicates all of the issues associated with Yahweh. Christianity has all of the elements of the Eleusinian mysteries essential for salvation. It has also given us sublime art, architecture, literature and music.
@hhp84 15 күн бұрын
Christian ladies have more orgasms because they were taught to believe they must have orgasms no matter what 🙂
@CryoftheProphet 17 күн бұрын
When Christ does return, people will beg for death, but it will not come.
@anushkasekkingstad1300 18 күн бұрын
I’m Norwegian and naturally atheist. In Norway, the vast majority of us is atheist. If you ever visit Norway, you’ll find very little anger, intolerance, hatred, violence or bigotry. The best place to find an excess of those traits is the deeply dysfunctional US. Your generalisation is ridiculous and makes you look extremely ignorant, foolish and bigoted.
@Meowwolfwarrior 18 күн бұрын
John 8:42-47 is the answer. Jesus is not the god of the bible. He came to point this out to blind lost people.
@karenloveland1428 21 күн бұрын
She’s funny….. it seems that the Christians are the angry ones. They get angry when someone asserts there is no God. They also get angry with each other when one Christian differs in theology from another.
@psychologie2go633 26 күн бұрын
Here is plain answer: yes
@afwalker1921 Ай бұрын
Considering that the Mormons falsely accuse the Samoans of being Jews, it's no wonder that they are so Angry...
@franklinbross2602 Ай бұрын
You heathen have issues God may have given up . He said " He will cause some to be come REPROBATES . No chance for salvation. And you won't be in hell as one big family but alone in solitary confinement enjoying the heat . Happy landing 😊😅😮😢
@UniquaDaBackyardigan Ай бұрын
Here from the SkepTick's video: Big Nik's Big Discovery. New sub😊
@JodyRivers Ай бұрын
Maybe they are angry over the gross hypocrisy displayed by so-called Christians, as is especially evident for their devotion to their orange God tRump!
@petedambski3792 Ай бұрын
9 years later, who got the jab here? doctors religion all the same evil. both wrong, both right..
@thecentralscrutinizer304 Ай бұрын
Christianity is bs, but so is atheism. "Everything came from nothing." Makes perfect sense.
@grantgunz Ай бұрын
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals, except the weasel!
@johnholmesinchesahead342 2 ай бұрын
Richard's ancestors just "carried" things for a living (peer reviewed on Ancestry).
@tahoeclimber 2 ай бұрын
Christianity was a Jewish psyop designed to subvert Greco Roman culture, which btw was not atheist. Ultimately, Christianity and Islam serve the Judaic agenda laid out in the Torah. These two cult Abrahamic spin-offs don’t benefit their gentile adherents, only the authors of the religious propaganda. I’d imagine Carrier must have Christian apologists claiming ‘secular humanism’ is a variant of Christianity as well. There’s plenty of ‘woke’ Christianity going on right now
@themasculinismmovement 2 ай бұрын
Wait....so can I have sex slaves or not??? lmao
@DrPhilGoode Ай бұрын
Yes…but if she’s a virgin you must give her first to the armies of the lord as they prepare for battle. If she dies within a fortnight before the 3rd blue moon, the virgins father or next of kin must reimburse you a donkey and 2 chickens.
@paulhaynes3688 2 ай бұрын
Delusional creationists
@Magik1369 2 ай бұрын
We are brainwashed from birth with the unchallenged assumption that Jesus was a real historical person. However, when one goes searching for the Jesus of history, one comes up empty. It is interesting that we do know and have evidence that there was a Jewish Messianic sect documented in the Dead Sea Scrolls from the caves of Qumran. These writings mention a "Teacher of Righteousness". We know James the "brother of Jesus" was a member of the Qumran community and so was John the Baptist. However, the Qumran community were strict Torah adhering militant Jews who hated the Romans. Then how did the gospels end up being pro Roman? They instruct to "pay your taxes" and "submit to the Roman authorities as if submitting to G-d. The whole thing is a fishy mess...no pun intended!
@georgedoyle2487 2 ай бұрын
I like how she neglects to be angry about Stalin, Mau and Pol Pot!! That speaks volumes. It’s called selective anger!! The fact is that militant atheism, that is fatalism and epistemological nihilism is clearly a CULT MOVEMENT hidden behind the cloak of “rationality” and scientism and materialism of the gaps fallacies that constantly uses anti religious Soviet hate propaganda left over from the Cold War, that is history revisionism and dishonest memes and buzz words to mock, badger and demonise anyone who challenges its myths and metaphysical presuppositions. It’s no different to debating a recruiter from the church of Scientology who just won’t leave you alone!! Furthermore, the fact is that demonising religious expression, that is demonising your political opponents by pretending that they are all a massive PROBLEM who prey upon humanity, is an ancient propaganda tool that’s been used by everyone from communist dictators, to serial killers to the Soviet Unions propaganda machine. “Death is the solution to all problems, no man no problem.” - [Joseph Stalin]. “HAIL SCIENCE” The fact is that when you lie and stereotype religious expression, and straw man and malign Christ you are not raging against the MACHINE, you’re raging FOR THE MACHINE. The survivors of the Soviet Gulags reported that as they were being tortured by Stalin’s guards, the atheistic guards could be heard saying… “There is no God, no heaven, and we may do as we wish”. Which is obviously true if atheism is true. So like Ted Bundy they were just being “logically” consistent with this strictly reductive, causally closed, atheistic, nihilistic fan fiction!! The fact is that the theme song on the way to Hell is… “I DID IT MY WAY!!!!”
@toastcrunch9387 8 күн бұрын
That's a lot of projection you got there. would be a shame if it turned out those dictators were actually theistic. Oops, hitler was christian. whoops, communism was primarily jewish and stalin wasn't an atheist. looks like you're utterly out of luck.
@alicetheegreet 3 ай бұрын
You could easily replace Mormon with Jehovah's Witnesses, especially when it comes to the business and profit sections of this presentation.
@Aldarionz9 3 ай бұрын
The last time i heard Jesus is dead was from someone i argued with who preferred to believe in Judaism and while they insulted Christianity. Guess what? within weeks,israel got a challenge sent to it a judgment because only Jesus saves. God sent judgment.Dont mess with the One who the Holy Spirit sent,the only One who saves you from judgment and hell in this lfie and the next.Believe in Jesus and repent.
@maddmacs 3 ай бұрын
apparently God doesnt want you to have good audio or video
@KrwiomoczBogurodzicy 3 ай бұрын
@sincereflowers3218 3 ай бұрын
It really isn’t complex at all. Believe as you please, just don’t brandish your religious scripture as “undeniable proof of the existence” of anything, and don’t use it to make laws I have to live under.
@happynothappy666 3 ай бұрын
Free Thinkers
@bipolarminddroppings 3 ай бұрын
When I was about 11 or 12, it was definitely in secardary school, we had a Priest come in to speak to us during Religious Education class. He was actually a pretty nice dude and being from the Anglican chruch next door to the school (In the UK basically every school is attached to a church, it's bonkers!) he was quite wishy-washy about his theology. I have been an atheist since birth, my parents didn't ever mention the idea of god to me, I basically found out about it at school and always thought it sounded like the Tooth Fairy and Santa. Anywho, I was pushing back against some of the things the Priest was saying and he came out with something that I guess he had either been taught or had heard someone else use on kids, I've subsequently heard it several times so I assume it's a common retort. He said "Well, have you ever noticed that if you add an O to God, you get good? And if you remove the D from devil, you get evil?" with this smug air of thinking he was about to stump me, but unfortunately for him, I'm one of the rare Englishfolk who speak more than one language. My instant response was "Yes but in latin, god is deus and good is bonum, in French it's dieu and bon. And devil is diaboli in Latin, and evil is malum. In French its diable and mal, and wasn't the bible written in Greek?" My teacher was forced to intervene at that point and to tell me to be quiet.
@elainejohnson6955 3 ай бұрын
Very inspirational, even 12 years later!
@michaelparks5669 4 ай бұрын
99% of the world's scholars believe Jesus lived. Only tabloid journalists say he did not. PS Carrier is a poor historian.
@elainejohnson6955 4 ай бұрын
Does Mitt Romney really still believe in this?
@toms3664 4 ай бұрын
Religion is child abuse. Lying to children is evil as is cutting their 4skins and teaching them mock cannibalism and blood drinking. Evil stuff. Thanks professor Carrier
@unrecognizedtalent3432 4 ай бұрын
The more I read through it, the more I begin to realize that the Bible is comedy gold!! 😂😂😂 I could write such a good movie script from it!
@Jcs57 4 ай бұрын
This is not ignorance by circumstance it’s stupidity by choice. Preacher-You cannot trust mans word only gods word can be trusted! Child-Who told you that? Preacher-It is written in the Bible child. Child-Didn’t men write the Bible? Preacher-The Bible was divinely inspired child, the written word of god! Child-Who told you that? Preach-I’m calling your parents!
@Acidmix17 4 ай бұрын
And with all your humor and fancy words you still can't disprove Jesus christ or his resurrection you atheist just lure ppl with big title on your books just to make the buck just as the church leaders do...I am yet to see you'll actually prove otherwise...bunch of phoney....listening to you atheist is Luke running around tree going no where.
@insynthesiswithinfiniteis2318 4 ай бұрын
Such a great presentation
@marycollis6900 4 ай бұрын
One of the problems with both debaters is that neither seem to know there are different levels of research models, with some, such as a randomised controlled double blinded trials being more dependable and reliable than, say, a self-reported survey. The Christian debater is relying on surveys for his information, albeit surveys from a university, Barker says surveys are poor methodology (true) but doesn’t seem to realise this is totally agreed on in the scientific community. So Dan isn’t able to fully rebut what his gut instinct tells him. Surveys are merely a starting point demanding further research. The Christian doesn’t realise they are indeed poor fodder for a debate.
@rychei5393 4 ай бұрын
Carrier is still great.
@AccordionJoe1 4 ай бұрын
There is indeed an all-powerful creator and the vast, incomprehensible universe is proof of that. Our problem as mortals is that we can never understand why God does what he-she-it does or allows to happen.
@ShapeShifter1800 3 ай бұрын
Keep making excuses for your immoral god.
@timg7627 Ай бұрын
Willful ignorance to science is not justification for an all powerful creator
@oldpossum57 4 ай бұрын
Rapid development of myths. I met a gent whose wife owned the rose quartz and beryl pit in Quadeville ON. He was impatient with the village legends, like Al Capone’s hideout. He found an ugly concrete statue of a young woman in the shed, and decided to cement it to a boulder in the middle of a local pond. Within a year, the legend was it marked the place where an indigenous woman pined away for her lover and drowned herself. I won’t mention QAnon. For too many evangelicals, the kidnapping of children to harvest their adrenochrome is settled fact.
@oldpossum57 4 ай бұрын
8:37. I have heard various commenters say that the néodarwinisme evolutionary model is the best confirmed, most robust model in all science, with confirmation coming from more different disciplines and data sources than any other scientific model. If I am wrong, someone will correct me.
@unrecognizedtalent3432 4 ай бұрын
Deserves way more views!
@grimlund 4 ай бұрын
14:20 About that little girl who died of the disease. Most christians would say that the parents of that girl did horrible wrong. Most christians would have taken her to the doctor. Now after I left this cult I have wondered about these things. Isnt these kind of parents the real true christians? I mean they were 200% devoted and believed the Bible to be absolute true when they did this thing. Isnt that what all real christians should do? Isnt it like that the most insane, radical and fundamentalistic christians are the real deal? The case of this girl is a proof in it self that everything goes south really fast if you blindly do what the "holy book" tells you to do. If this horrible tragedy didnt made the parents of that girl hard core athetists nothing will.