Africa's Lost Kingdom: Makuria
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Hidden Ukraines Inside Russia?
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@VArzur 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you very much for spreading information about the Ukrainian nation abroad, you are doing a great service to the Ukrainian nation♥️
@edincisic1302 13 сағат бұрын
i don t think beside Hungary that any other EU country will claim parts of Ukraine
@ivan1kot 13 сағат бұрын
Как коренному жителю Крыма, забавно слышать как историю моего региона переписывают все кому не лень. Крым - многонациональный регион, и 3 самых больших национальностей - это русские, украинцы и татары. Если вы говорите о "аннексии" Крыма в 1783 году, тогда аннексией нужно считать и времена Крымского ханства, а также греческой колонизации. Очень удобно считать что-то "аннексией" ,а что-то - нет, просто потому что тебе так захотелось. И да, все настолько считают референдум "фиктивным", что коренные жители Крыма не одного восстания не подняли и все "притеснения" их устраивают. Вот так история и переписывается. Всем возражающим хочу задать вопрос: а почему вы не кричите об аннексии Техаса США? 😁
@alex_ho 16 сағат бұрын
The country everyone discovered from Vicky 2, honestly I'm surprised as many people know about it as they do from Indonesia, that country isn't the most kind towards its Chinese population, or that there were still a significant Chinese population there after everything
@ilasq 20 сағат бұрын
dude your comment section is filledxwith russian keyboard warriors
@danielbickford3458 21 сағат бұрын
I mean if you're a devout Muslim, it would be a lot easier for you to make a flag with a white background with black calligraphy then it would be necessarily to make a more intricate flag with a lot of pictures. So it makes sense that they use both Flags
@G-Cole-01 22 сағат бұрын
DLC countries
@Huvpalto 23 сағат бұрын
I shit you not, I had people on twitter argue with me that russia occupying Ukraine now is okay cause it’s a response to the “Ukrainian colonisation of Russia”. I asked wtf does she mean and she send me the pictures of predominantly Ukrainian population in Siberia. You know, descendants of people forcefully relocated there by tsars and Soviet Union. I honestly didn’t know if she was trolling or that stupid so o just logged off. Enough twitter arguments for me.
@JTL1776 Күн бұрын
Id rather the proposed state of Lincoln be state of Washington. And coastal Washington becomes Cascadia.
@danielbickford3458 Күн бұрын
Kind of curious what happened to the German descendant individuals period is there anyone in Venezuela who can trace the lineage to them?
@gavrilabomj461 Күн бұрын
You didn’t understand the topic at all and made a misinformation video. keep it up!
@danielbickford3458 Күн бұрын
What a mess
@Volodyka.Official Күн бұрын
8:39 №1 flag look beautiful
@Volodyka.Official Күн бұрын
"ethnic lands" they saids 😂😂😂,Hello from Ukraine 👋💙💛
@goodboidoggo5542 Күн бұрын
Careful they might claim that as the sovereign rights as well like the south china sea
@Gulitize Күн бұрын
Is it automatically done by KZbin? but when you said to like the Video a small animation played around the like/dislike button.
@apr0l Күн бұрын
@Ussonan-Foderation2016 Күн бұрын
Eussia has so many Ukraines. Why do they want another?
@degoumet Күн бұрын
They didn't just migrate to the east, they were forced to go to the east.
@gelgocheptah Күн бұрын
You are using the wrong map of the UPR, you do not include the northern part of the Tauriya province, which was declared a part of the UPR in November 1917 as the third universal. And after the signing of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty, and finally, after the coup d'état of April 29, 1918, the southern parts of the Minsk province became part of Ukraine. Thanks for the video! ❤🇺🇦
@Andomanskaya Күн бұрын
I am ukranian hello
@MrTeeri4 Күн бұрын
This video is a little misleading. You show the first meeting in todays Djibouti yet the Ethiopians never controlled Djibouti and did not even control today’s Somali region until the British and American and Soviet’s handed it over in 1958.
@moskalyaky_na_hillyaku Күн бұрын
1:26 Малиновий клин Жовтий клин Сірий клин Зелений клин
@112313 Күн бұрын
Never even knew there is such a republic in south east asia....well done ghost
@memeboi6017 2 күн бұрын
Thought this would be about the Cuban flag itself, also, before the bastards took over, the flag was a tad lighter a shade of blue
@hazchemel 2 күн бұрын
Looks like the Tsarist period fief Grand Duchy of Kiev. In the time period I was researching, the Grand Duke was the uncle of the Tsar.
@just_hris 2 күн бұрын
And why is this popping up during the war and not before that?
@ultracummer Күн бұрын
because almost no one knew Ukraine was a country
@zymbaluknik8093 Күн бұрын
90% of the world wouldn’t know bulgaria exist, until there will be a crisis or som
@just_hris Күн бұрын
@@zymbaluknik8093 I mean that facts abd history around Bulgaria isn't popping up rn but has been know for hundreds of years
@zymbaluknik8093 Күн бұрын
@@just_hris this facts abt ukraine also exists for hundreds of years they just dont rly bother western ppl, there are tons of videos abt them in ukr and rus languages sides of KZbin tho
@detauseless5407 2 күн бұрын
Как сертифицированый кубаноид могу сказать что мы больше похожи на укров с юго-востока (местный говор и тд) ибо во время переселения на кубань, ехали сюды с новороссии. А так хохлов тут не очень любят, да и с современной украиной в историческом плане никак не связанна
@tarro78 Күн бұрын
Никак не связана?😂 Вы буквально орусевшие украинцы
@detauseless5407 Күн бұрын
@@tarro78 я в том смысле что никогда в составе украины кубань не была, как бы не считали некоторые приверженцы украинского ирредентизма
@tarro78 Күн бұрын
@@detauseless5407 ну это логично Дай Б-г может в обозримом будущем свое государство заимеете😅
@detauseless5407 Күн бұрын
@@tarro78 а смысл, лучше быть частью большой россии ежели независимыми, да и долго такая независимость не просуществует
@tarro78 Күн бұрын
@@detauseless5407 это россия долго не просуществует с такими успехами на фронте😅 Либо вас федерасты отправят на Киев, либо чурки обратят в ислам НАТО лучший союзник для неокрепших государств, опыт Армении это подтвердил
@burner555 2 күн бұрын
The Green Ukraine ball is a cute frog
@Tony77428 2 күн бұрын
Russia never colonized Africa, they helped Africa gain independence. This is why poeple in Africa love Russia.
@Tony77428 2 күн бұрын
Russia never had colonies in Africa. This is Western propaganda. Russia supported African countries in the fight for independence.
@danielbickford3458 3 күн бұрын
So fun fact, in Eric Flint's Grantville series there is a German prince trying to rebuild burgundy as his own personal fiefdom.
@Mishu77_ 3 күн бұрын
Nothing about Russian Madagascar? :''''
@GabrielCGA 3 күн бұрын
Finnaly someone who thinks Russia has enough land
@stefo_kid56 3 күн бұрын
The name Ukraine does not mean anything, it just means end, or more precisely, the end of a country. We have this in Bosnia too (Bosnian Krajina). Just because some of the residents call themselves "ukranians" doesn't mean they are from ukraine. Ukraine got it's name from the Polish who named it "Ukraine" because it was the at the eastern end of polish lithuania (who took it from the Rus'). In Bosnia, old people used to say "Idem ukrajinu" as in "I'm going to (in) Krajina". The "idem ukrajinu" sentence can be translated as: "I'm going to Ukraine"d, because the old people for some reason connected the u (to) and Krajinu (Krajina). Something similar might have happened to the name Ukraine when it was made by the Poles.
@souroshi Күн бұрын
now try to understand the meaning in ukrainian language, not in russian