Why More Women Have Insomnia
Can Anesthesia Damage Your Brain?
@colejstyles 22 сағат бұрын
Your content is so useful, I am grateful. Thanks, Dr. Park!
@catsrus2890 Күн бұрын
Great video! Thank you!!
@bloomo3165 Күн бұрын
I suffer this a lot. I've been down 3 days before my period with mouth sore. I sneezed constantly for 3 days. Sore throat, fever, migraines. This is what I go through. To top it up, very intense menstrual pain that I can't even move.
@ChrisPBacon3000 Күн бұрын
1 comment in 2 years?
@BrokeAgain 3 күн бұрын
I do have Rhinitis and apnea! now acid reflux...
@christinacyr 3 күн бұрын
Yes, I use 5mg of Melatonin each night. It helps me to fall asleep one half to one hour after taking it, it works well
@alchemy1 3 күн бұрын
According to this guy I must have sleep apnea whether I am sleep or awake. I will damn. I am also in perfect physical shape and eat no sugar, very little carb, no processed anything, Heck I don't even put salt in my food
@wfd7144 4 күн бұрын
How much to take for stomach acid reduction?
@rodpettet2819 6 күн бұрын
I tried taking melatonin for sleep, but felt it was only a placebo. So I stopped.
@brittani7916 6 күн бұрын
I have the aches (my back usually being the most extreme) fatigue, moodiness, and sore throat that feels like a lump on one side, which actually hurts me while trying to sleep on my side. The throat pains also lasts my whole menstrual cycle. While I may not get this symptom all the time, I do get it frequently, and this last menstrual cycle, the pain was so intense and actually altered my voice as if I was coming down with a cold and made sleeping difficult because of the pain. I watched this whole video and I really appreciate the care you have put into trying to teach us the why and how to fix these symptoms. I’m a little disheartened though because the methods you described to help fix the symptoms, a good majority I already do. I haven’t checked my products and I don’t sleep with my head raised but I’m currently doing keto, so little to no sugar or carbs. I also do intermediate fastening and my “eating window” ends way before bedtime. I do tend to read e books before bed but I have a blue light screen protector on my phone. I’m not a back sleeper by nature, i strictly sleep on my side or stomach. So even with almost all the to-do’s crossed off, I’m still having these issues. Am I doomed lol? Do you think I should seek out different treatment options?
@lrdavis444 8 күн бұрын
Hi Doctor Park, You haven't posted a video in several months. I hope you are doing Ok? Keeping you in my prayers 🙏🏻
@danielanderson204 9 күн бұрын
For over 5 yrs I've been taking a 12mg fast dissolve Melatonin a couple hrs before bedtime and I usually take another right before bed this is about the only thing that let's me sleep a Good 6 -8hrs! Not really ever had nightmares more like Bad dreams usually about Work and I'm retired since 2015 that's pretty Funny isn't it!!! Beverly
@willatmiami 9 күн бұрын
My doctor operated on it twice and I still can’t breath as good on right nostril
@narus1234 10 күн бұрын
Hi Dr Park, can you make a video on laser treatment (low level non ablative laser ) and its relevance for sleep apnoea. Will that help with people who are using CPAP and have residual UARS ? What are the risks ?
@donaldnorris5659 11 күн бұрын
My wife's urologist says she does not poop enough. We were shocked and in disbelief. He put her on miralax every morning now she only gets up once a night if that
@JohnDoeEWI 11 күн бұрын
Manganese superoxide dismutase also is an antioxidant in the mitochondria.... Manganese is an important mineral ,and is quelated with glyophosate , making it unavailable to your body ...
@martiadams1534 11 күн бұрын
@martiadams1534 11 күн бұрын
@itsonlyapapermoon61 11 күн бұрын
John Ott (Ott light) Health and Light READ! free online
@narus1234 12 күн бұрын
One other request Dr. Can you publish a video on dual therapy, with both MAS and CPAP for treating UARS. Some people it seems CPAP does not address UARS, even at high pressures
@narus1234 12 күн бұрын
Can you publish a video on Nightlase laser treatment? In particular, how it can be beneficial for some one already using CPAP with flow limitations (as seen in CPAP data) -UARS. They want to continue using CPAP but increase the airway open volume to reduce UARS.
@ahmedvanya8840 14 күн бұрын
I have been on CPAP machine for six months and have gained 8lbs(4%). I am 67 years old and retired, on diabetes and blood pressure medication, but do not have any sleep problems such as daytime sleepiness before I started using the CPAP machine. I typically use the machine 4 to 5 hours every night right after I go to bed. I take it off when I wake up to go the bathroom. After that I typically read for sometime and get a bit more sleep without the machine. I was put on CPAP because my red blood cell count was high(Polycythemia). I am very concerned about weight gain will be talking to my sleep doctor see whether I should stop using it. Thank you so much!
@Peter-od7op 14 күн бұрын
Wherecis the guy thats list all 10
@asmrbee9979 14 күн бұрын
this is from the book breathe!
@wrw1870 14 күн бұрын
Your Part one of this Part two is not listed (or at least not identified as such). Please list it. Thank you.
@sabrinasweet-gonzalez9613 14 күн бұрын
I’m weight and insulin resistance. Doc says I should be able to lose weight once I sleep better. What a gag
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
As you keep lifting the inter-musclular fat will start to go away and lower blood sugar toward control ability, Cut out all oils. None at all. I perfer distilled water. Increase protien and fiber from whole plants. I found boiling them works best. Seems they all get sweet. Odd right. Juice them too. Chicken, beef during the initial training is advised. Also before you start a work out, take 5 medjool dates, take the seeds out, pour two cups of distilled water into a bullet blender, blend untill milky. Drink half before you get there, then other half while working out, now your getting 45 min work outs. Be advised, after these initial 20 sessions you will need to sleep right after the workout. Eat, drink water and sleep as fast as you can.
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
WARNING FOR ALL OF YOU. get your bloodtest vitamin d3 lvl now. You want to be 50 to 80. Men: apply to scrotum and ingest. Women: apply to the outside and around the whole area. Get some prune juice for the grocerie store. Start lifting weights. Even if it only 1 arm. Work the sht out of that arm. You get my point. Ideally you want to do a light bodybuilder workout structure. Juice some fresh produce in a juicer , a glass a day. What ever you like. Keep lifting even if its for 5 mintes. Keep going you will get better. 3 months you will be reborn. I promise you. Your hunger will jump up for a while, get healthy fats to maximize hormone responce to the the work out. 72 hours you will start to see improvements up to 90 days. After that your body density will be increasing as your.mid section gets stronger as well. THIS IS HOW ITS DONE PEOPLE
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
D3, lift heavy weights, d3 on scrotum. This is why older men go down. You must adapt a light body building regimine. If you dont you will die off.
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
Vitiman d3 deficiency and low Testosterone is the secrete. Start juicing fruits and veggies in a juicer. Start lifting weight every day. When done correctly you will get better in 72 hours. Then you will sleep and sweat severly. Then wake up amd be shocked how good you feel. Keep pushing the weights. Hunger will explode, keep going, this will start to rocket your T and shrink the prostate. Try can help as well, but use d3 oil, break open a 10,000 iu and rub it all over your scrotum. Do and watch your health transform and get stronger. Keep going and you will have a deeper sleep, a better body and do a complete 180 reversal.
@tedbadami153 15 күн бұрын
I've suffered Mercurialism for over 35 years now, every EEG Test upon waking shows unidentified seizures? For years now upon waking, immediately I suffer what I call my Torture chamber, burning, feet, whole body feels electrified neuropathy, mind stupor wants to go back to sleep, when i can keeping my eyes open the torcher slowly dissipates. Now lately i decided to take a 3mg of melatonin tablet just before i go to sleep, I wake up normal? any explanation?
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
Ever realize why aliens have a large head, small mouth and jaw? Large eyes? These are not aliens but some beings from some future time, perhaps ours. All due from being forced to live under ground for a few thousand years.
@mjs1231 15 күн бұрын
Prior to 500 years ago, there were no crooked teeth. Its boils down to chewing 4 plus hours a day. This back and forth chewing expanded the mouth and thus affected the frontal skull and jaw. Dried meat, roots seeds and nuts were the only diet, and some fruit. So the end result was a wider face, stronger jaw and larger mouth volume which in turn resolves the spetum and expands the airways. That is the clinical historical view point in 2024. Now you know. The antithesis of this is soft mushy food in density. Aka what we eat today. Think outmeal and avacados. Soft steak. Ect.
@dabig_guy2204 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr Park
@ancientknowledge525 16 күн бұрын
I heard Melatonin and Bactrim help reflux by strengthening. Melatonin causes me to have nightmares though
@architecturalheritage 16 күн бұрын
Yes, if I cannot sleep due to overthinking or anxiety, I take 5mg milatonine tablets and I have a wonderful deep sleep.
@rosabelia9435 17 күн бұрын
Hello doctor, can 3 masturbations a day cause nocturnal urination problems? Thank you for your incredible work
@realistic1038 17 күн бұрын
This is great.
@frankreith9100 18 күн бұрын
Thank you. Your video stopped me from getting another snack after dinner.
@sekandarali9000 18 күн бұрын
I am suffering both acid reflux and nasal congestion while sleep. I feel fatigue and irritated during the next day and trouble to focus on office work.
@user-bj5qd6uz3r 19 күн бұрын
Virtual session link is not working. how do I get in touch with you Dr Park?
@verokaht6495 19 күн бұрын
once at midnight, and I got to bed at 8:30pm, one again when I wake up for the day. I eat dinner which is typically a big salad with protein at 6pm. Had a sleep study done and my AHI was 3.5, I was ruled out of sleep apnea. What I do notice is that I have a deviated septum, prior to bed I use a saline spray in both nostrils, but wake up with one completely block nostril.
@joevet4308 19 күн бұрын
How Fluoride Ruins Your Sleep, Brain Function and Energy Levels: It doesn't. This man is an idiot.
@dannycai386 20 күн бұрын
Yes. i takes it, and it, and it helps
@Enceladus007 21 күн бұрын
Just blow your nose with water at the bathroom basin.
@humanresetproject 21 күн бұрын
not a hormone :)
@JayTalksinjury 21 күн бұрын
20 mg melatonin helps me sleep, but only for about 6 hrs . I was told by a couple of people that more than 10 mg is too much, but i need to sleep . Thank you .
@TheBassplayah 21 күн бұрын
I've NEVER woken up to urinate in my life......ok....maybe 3 times......but I can't remember them.....I'm 67 years old
@latashatucker8141 21 күн бұрын
This news has to be new. I'm 47 with no wrinkles and never heard of this
@honkymonkey9568 22 күн бұрын
I can't sleep on my back because I always wake myself up by biting my lip.