@jeehyunshin4881 15 сағат бұрын
Hi, thank you for your information about TSW, I'm currently going through Protopic withdrawal or TSW, and I wonder how strong is Elidel cream if you compare to Potency of Steroid cream? Is it like class number four or something? Can you please help me with this?
@NuzhatShafique-pv9sv 5 күн бұрын
@luisafernandabaez3802 7 күн бұрын
Can you please send me the email of the clinic in Tailand? Thank you for everything, Lu
@TSW.healing 7 күн бұрын
Hi Lu, yes sure, you can reach me on my Instagram page: instagram.com/tsw.topical.steroid.withdrawal Or post your facebook page or email here and I will contact you.
@felisha3079 10 күн бұрын
I have just stopped steroids 3 weeks ago and I have had ring worm for the last year that would not clear up with creams as I was pregnant so couldn’t take the oral antifungals I thought it went away but started going to the solarium and there’s 3 white dots that won’t tan and I’m about to start my TSW journey what should I do I’m not pregnant anymore
@TSW.healing 9 күн бұрын
Hi dear, if you think it might be fungal, it is best to have your doctor check it for you. 3 white dots doesn't necessarily mean fungal, so best to have it checked out. All the best.
@TheShamwari 11 күн бұрын
I am white but was born in Africa from parents who had come there from UK after WW2. I am 89 and the skin on my forarms was covered in brownish patches , from years of being out in African sun, Now age 89 I used a steroid (Hydrocortizon 1% ww) cream hoping to improve my condition IT MADE IT WORSE - all patches going red and skin going thin,I stopped after about a month, Now I am using a Mepyramine containing cream (Anthisan), and after 4days thinga are getting better, I was stoopid as the pharmacy would not sell it to me so I bought it online (VoicePharm).😵‍💫😵‍💫 f
@user-jl4cb2bg4p 12 күн бұрын
Is it Cold plasma or Gold plasma therapy?
@TSW.healing 11 күн бұрын
Cold Atmospheric Plasma :) There are two other videos on this channel about CAP treatment that you can watch for a better understanding of this treatment is.
@mudelta4068 18 күн бұрын
What was the treatment referred to that speeds recovery???
@TSW.healing 17 күн бұрын
CAP treatment. It stands for Cold Atmospheric Plasma. There is another video on this channel about CAP treatment that you can watch.
@mudelta4068 17 күн бұрын
@@TSW.healing Thanks. And for your very measured and clear vids for someone just embarking on this nightmare. It's good to know at last what was happening to me after long trying to convince doctors that the topicals no longer worked, and that their advice to stop use after a period of time now meant that every timne I did so, 2 days later I was in a start of an absolutely torturous and tormenting crisis. Then I would be offered stronger topicals. Lucky (?) I only ever increased to moderate (bad enough of course), but I am 59 now, and have been stuck in this addiction for 50 years, not realising it was an addiction. I was only a child. No wonder drug solutions have subsequently been a damaging factor in my life, having learnt early that certain critical aspects of your body and mind need your direct intervention to functioin as they should, whether bodily organs like the skin or moods and emotional states. So despite the fact that I had knowlingly got myself into trouble with addictive substance, at least I was aware, and called the additions what they were, It's obvious to me now that the associated behavioural and psychological impacts of addiction were shared between topical steroids and the substance of abuse in my case: the constant mindfulness of the supply on hand, factoring in the continued supply to your calendar, special attention to particular events and occasions (e.g. a speech to give next weekend might precipitate a week's long heightened skin anxiety, skin consciousness and often prophylactic application of steroids -just be sure.!) A general concealment and denial of the dependency, both to others and oneself. And there's more besides, all so obviously addictive behaviours. I am slapping myself for having never recognised them as such WRT steroids, and suspect that having not done so will have made the months and years ahead worse and more prolonged. Oh, woe 😞
@superrayray6809 26 күн бұрын
Need information for treatment in Thailand Asap Thank you
@TSW.healing 26 күн бұрын
Hi Ray, I think you have send me a message on my Instagram, right? I have just answered you there.
@superrayray6809 26 күн бұрын
Help I need to know more info for this treatment where and how to make an appointed ASAP!
@zoyabattol754 Ай бұрын
I'm having ringworm it was small and it was the place where my cat scratched it was just a little scar by mistake i was I've just started to itch that area where my cat scratched and that scratch caused a small bump and then i started to itch that bump and it was getting bigger and then i use some sort of steroid cream in it which is used to treat ringworm infection and then it started to peel off my skin which is was centre clear but the sides which is peeling and expanding in size n then after i went to my gp and then i showed him my skin he again gave me some kinda steroid based cream i wasn't aware of that again i just used it for a month or 3weeks and then it started to become normal and it left dark pigmented skin but again it started to peel like the circle sides started to expand by peeling itself n then i went to dermatologist he gave me antifungal pills and ointment but still it's expanding in size the center is clear but sides were just expanding and then the shedding skin is getting brown but the center is clear but the sides is just peeling slowly what would be the reason ??
@deniceevan3953 Ай бұрын
I have been using steroids creams for 2 months straight i just noticed my skin cant fo with yhe cream, if should stop it i just get rashes and I decided to make research to find i have TSW😭😭
@dwaipayandeka2483 Ай бұрын
I have used betamethasone 0.05 for 4 days, now i am on TSW for four months.
@mnayak9348 Ай бұрын
What I put on flaky dry itchy skin , very itchy
@TSW.healing Ай бұрын
If you are in the process of healing TSW, then it's best to put nothing on the skin. The skin is very sensitive and thinned and moisturizers can irritate the skin to the extent that your skin starts reacting with a protection mechanism, creating hardened skin. To avoid the development of hardened skin and a delay in the healing rate, it is best to avoid moisturizers. The itchiness is part of TSW. There are 3 types of itchiness: 1. healing itch. This is the same itch that you can experience when a wound is healing. It is part of the healing process and cannot be avoided. 2. itchiness from irritant exposure or an allergen. This itch is avoidable if you are able to avoid the irritant or allergen. Also anti histamine tablets can help with this type of itchiness. 3. itchiness from a skin infection. In case of a skin infection, you need medical treatment.
@laurapritchard5598 Ай бұрын
This process is called lichenification (not elephant skin) and its not excess skin- its over scratched skin that looses its elasticity due to constant damage
@lottebais5061 Ай бұрын
Hi! Are you from the Netherlands? ☺️
@TSW.healing Ай бұрын
yep! :)
@movarmaa8259 2 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you. Just one question, can TSW come back after years of having no steroids? Say 9 years?
@TSW.healing 2 ай бұрын
Hi, It is very case dependent. It depends on the healing timeline and circumstances. The healing timeline of TSW can be very long. I have met several people who have used over a kg of high potent topical medication. In that case the healing time line is long (decades). That doesn't mean the person has open, impaired skin that long, but the skin cell proliferation rate is not back to normal yet and there is still skin atrophy (thinned skin), which makes the skin more sensitive. As an example: someone has an estimated healing timeline of 20 years. Phase 1 will take 5 years. At the end of Phase 1, is when the person reaches normal looking skin. But at that point the skin is not fully healed yet at all. The skin may look normal at, let's say, around 75% skin thickness (this is an estimate and serves as an example), but is still thinned and hyper sensitive at that stage. The skin can very easily flare at that point from all kinds of triggers (watch Triggers that slow down the healing rate of TSW). But over time the skin quality improves. The skin gets more strong and a bit thicker. At the near end of Phase 2, this person will be into TSW about 9 years. At this point flaring does not happen easily anymore, but can still happen (for example: the person moves into a new home with lots of chemicals in the air). So yes, in case of a long healing timeline, 9 year into TSW, a person can still flare. Other example: a person used a much smaller amount of high potent topical medication. And , for example, this person has an estimated healing timeline of 4 years in total. Phase 1 being 1 year (with visible TSW symptoms). After 4 years the skin cell proliferation rate is back to normal and the skin thickness as well. In this case, if something like a big rash happens 9 years after using topical medication, this is not related to TSW anymore, but is more likely and allergic reaction to something or some other (new) root cause. I hope this makes things more clear.
@MarvY-xq9xw 2 ай бұрын
Can i stop using topical medium steroid after using twice daily for a month even though the contact dermatitis has not healed,will it cause TSW?
@TSW.healing 2 ай бұрын
If you used the steroid creams for only one month and not in a high dose (for example only one small tube), then you should be fine. You might experience a short rebound, but this should last max 6 weeks. But of course the contact dermatitis will come back as long as you haven't resolved the root cause. (which is avoiding the allergen). Best of luck.
@MarvY-xq9xw 2 ай бұрын
I have almost used up the second tube of kenalog (0.1%) which is a medium steroid. Will the withdrawal be severe and how will i stop using it? Is there anything recommended after stopping the steroid tO treat the dermatitis? Please reply
@REDAKABBAJ-ye9vb 2 ай бұрын
Hello. C'rdt une vidéo d'utilité publique Auriez-vous un mail où pourrai-je vous joindre ?
@TSW.healing 2 ай бұрын
Hi! You can send me a message via Instagram or Facebook. Link to my Instagram (dedicated to TSW): instagram.com/tsw.topical.steroid.withdrawal/ Link to my personal Facebook page: facebook.com/marietteMariri You don't need to send a friendship request. I will get your message via Messenger and I keep an eye out and check the folder with new chat requests 🌟
@khayriyyaamatullah7186 3 ай бұрын
Does all tsw result in skin shedding and flaking ❤
@TSW.healing 2 ай бұрын
Hi, yes all TSW skin has flaking, although in light cases of TSW this is invisible flaking, which can be felt by touch (rough skin) but these flakes are very small.
@khayriyyaamatullah7186 2 ай бұрын
@TSW.healing ahh right... topical steroids have been placed on my skin for 50 years. I stopped using them in January this year. I felt the burning and stinging sensations, but given I have brown skin, I went darker rather than red. I've been doing no moisture for several weeks, and my skin went very dry and a little rough and scabbie in parts, but the burning has stopped. My skin has also started to moisturise itself in parts. This invisible shedding is new to me, and so I'm wondering if you would do a video on this, please, to help me and others further understand. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge it is invaluable x
@october65-h6e 3 ай бұрын
Hi, any difference between psoriasis/eczema biopsie and tsw biopsie? The problem with the soles of the feet is that over time, calluses form over them again and then they feel like armor. And underneath, after a while the inflammation flares up again, followed by insane itching, redness and hundreds of very very tiny gray dots (I almost suspect that it is dyshidrosis). I had a total of 4 biopsies on the soles of my feet. The first (2013) could not verify exactly whether it was psoriasis or eczema. The second (2016) showed eczema. The third (2017) and fourth (2023) both showed psoriasis.
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
Hi, this is a recent study in which also biopsies of tsw skin is discussed: www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.17.24305846v1.full?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1asUs5-NTZRhiktX7iGw2pGblaqsbX74KPw6BNaL2L5h90iGA_SPi5UOs_aem_AT5oU6uDEbQnwA6p4tVX8S9piNK4CFFBs800VshEw3cRYbRim9vEIqPcKxEYq7lZuZYAoqcNHolwbXMVQ9zJMSvx I hope it is helpful.
@dianag59 3 ай бұрын
thank you so much ive been seeing a lot more of your videos lately and they are truly fascinating and informative. im on about month 5 and its horrible. do you recommend no moisture in order to completely heal? I tried no moisture for maybe 4 days and o gave up because i had to go out and i couldn’t because of my scaly face.
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
If you have a light case of TSW, (only some redness and invisible flaking) then you can moisturize. In all the other cases (so with visible flaking) it is not recommended, because of the risk of getting hardened skin. All patients I talked to who have hardened skin absolutely regretted having moisturized their skin since hardened skin is very slow and sometimes very difficult to reverse and it is not always 100% reversible (in severe cases) leaving deep wrinkles and the skin looking old. Flaking is part of TSW, it is a sign of healing. Your skin is trying to get thicker and heal. It is mentally a step to go out side with your skin flaking, but it's the best for your healing (and I have to say, after a while, I didn't even think about it anymore, and accepted my flakes :)
@nancygregg5108 3 ай бұрын
After you recover, does the original problem come back, ie eczema?
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
That is very case dependent. For me, until now I have the best skin ever (I had eczema since baby). I don't have any eczema at the moment. But the root cause of eczema can be very diverse, so if the root cause is still present, yes, then eczema is still there. But what other ex tsw patients report is that their original eczema is peanuts compared to the suffering which they had during tsw and that they manage to live with it very well. (finding out your tiggers (stress, foods, contact allergens, alcohol use, etc) and what helps your skin (like sun and sea vacation planned during winter time or moving to a better climate for your skin) can both massively help with the management of eczema and even clear it completely if all triggers are found and addressed.
@mjblue84 3 ай бұрын
Do you know anything about Mometasone Furoate 0.1% cream? I was using this over 10 years for an itchy/sometimes blistery rash. (I have an autoimmune disease). I am thankful that I did not use it everyday but only when I had autoimmune flareups. I can no longer use it because this past year, I noticed when I would use the cream, it would sooth the itch but a couple of days later, the flare up would be worse! I have just learned about TSW and I will NOT be using any steroids. Moisturizers make it worse too. My skin, especially my face is red, patchy, and dry. I feel like someone took sandpaper and rubbed it all over my face.
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
Mometasone Furoate CREAM is a mid-potency steroid. (Mometasone Furoate Ointment is stronger and is classified as a strong steroid). The amount of time you used the cream is not what determines if you have developed TSW or how severe the case of TSW is. This depends on the amount (the dose) that you have been using. So exactly how many tubes did you use and how many grams per tube. If you indeed developed TSW (or better: damaged skin by topical medication) then you can experience these symptoms as a result of that. In that case, simple moisturizers that were previously not a problem can indeed cause a reaction of irritation and inflammation (due to the skin being very thin and compromised as a result of the use of the topical medication). If you think you have developed tsw, then it's best not to moisturize and just let the skin flake, so it can restore and get thicker over time. By watching all the videos on this channel, you can learn about the phases of tsw, what irritants are and possible triggers that affect the healing rate of your skin. Your case doesn't sound like a severe case of tsw (which can often be full body with symptoms like oozing, hair loss, shaking, temperature dysregulation, muscle spasms etc.). So in that way you are lucky, although the impact is still very big and a difficult process to go through. But you will heal by time. What you could consider is getting a Red Light Therapy panel. Since this is proven technology and will help your healing rate. Don't expect dramatic changes, but it can make a difference and speed things up a bit. Wishing you all the best!!
@llrainll 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been attempting to heal myself through Non Moisture Therapy and Changes in diet, avoiding certain foods along with using red light therapy. My skin has been repairing itself! Also been avoiding foods high in histamines that can trigger hives.
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic results! Well done!!!
@user-dh7wj7vt6o 3 ай бұрын
I don't know what is happening, but my skin first become red then in 2 or 3 days it dry and within a week it completely disappear and then the next day same cycle happens. And it last for 3 4 months. BTW it is only on my neck whereas my whole body is completely cleared. So it is a way of healing ?
@TSW.healing 3 ай бұрын
Yes sure, it sounds like you are not a severe case of TSW, only your neck area and that your healing is going well. Try to avoid irritant exposure and other triggers that make your skin flare. Even it you have a mild case of TSW, you'll have to try to avoid these triggers for a while to have a good healing rate. You can check the videos on this channel about 'Triggers that delay the healing rate of TSW' and other clips about irritants. Best of luck!
@cord11ful 4 ай бұрын
What device are you talking about?????
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
CAP, Cold Atmospheric Plasma, you can find several videos on this channel explaining exactly what it is, what it does and where you can find clinics.
@Itch_N_Bitch 4 ай бұрын
Not everyone who uses topical steroids will develop Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW). It is unclear why some people experience TSWS after using topical steroids and why others do not. This underpins the need for more research to unravel this issue and provide better support for those affected. Every time I see Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) being discussed I am overcome with excitement which quickly turns to anger and sadness. Awareness on such a large scale is amazing BUT with no real action or change by places of power, it again leaves me feeling gutted. There’s growing global awareness about the side effects of topical steroids, shared online, in the news and even warnings in pamphlets accompanying prescriptions. Yet no real action or change. There needs to be action by the Government to address this issue, silence and lack of action are only contributing to widespread misinformation, online hysteria, and increased worry among those prescribed them. Research on TSW is crucial to aid current sufferers and help prevent future cases. It’s time for tangible support and proactive research to alleviate TSW suffering and prevent future cases. I've started a petition to hopefully address this and give us all some much needed relief from the overthinking petition.parliament.uk/petitions/658458
@SoulEscalator 4 ай бұрын
@SoulEscalator 4 ай бұрын
@tonytzouvelis1183 4 ай бұрын
Hi Marriott Tony here I just would like to get in contact with Dr J. How do I get in contact with the hospital to discuss treatment? Please could you help me?
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
Sure, you can send me a message on my Instagram or via FB Messenger (contact info is in de description of this video or the description of this channel). I can give you contact details of the clinic and explain a bit which info to send them.
@llrainll 4 ай бұрын
Can I take sleeping pills to help me sleep? Mine randomly started spreading and showing up in random spots after using RTL at a clinic ;(
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
Hi :) Sleeping pills on itself usually don't case any problems with TSW skin (unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients). Of course discuss with your doc which ones are safe for you to use and dosage and so on. RLT on itself is well studies and has great benefits to the skin. So it's more likely that you were exposed to a irritant at the clinic you went to (cleaning detergent, perfumes in the air, etc.) Clinics that are not TSW specialized, are usually not TSW friendly in terms of irritant exposure ;) Or maybe some irritant exposure elsewhere coincidentally after you went for the RLT. RLT will help your skin heal, so you could also consider buying a panel for home use, so you can control irritant exposure better. Only avoid RLT on oozing spots or when you have a bacterial skin infection or when you are flaring heavily from irritant exposure.
@neceetastic 4 ай бұрын
Please help me I can’t find a case like mine. I used neomycin polymyxin with dex (steroid) .01% for 8 months on my eyes. I stopped and immediately got rash on my eyes. I am in week 3 and rash is now spreading to arms very slowly and hands. Does this mean I have a mild case? I didn’t suffer from eczema prior to this or any skin conditions.
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
It depends on the dose (how many bottles) that you have been using. (so not the length of time). You might have spread the steroids a bit by rubbing in your eye with your fingers and then touching your hand and arms. Usually a period of 8 months of steroid usage does not give a person severe TSW, but as mentioned before, it depends on the dose. It's not very likely that you are a severe case since the rash has spread only to your hands and arms and not full body. Although what you are experiencing is still very uncomfortable and intense to go through. Best what you can do at this time is check all the videos on this channel so you understand better what tsw is. Also: avoid moisturizing and learn about irritants and avoid irritant exposure and other triggers until your skin is healed. I wish you the best healing rate possible.
@LukeTang-er1qz 4 ай бұрын
@AE-yt4lx 4 ай бұрын
So, basically none of this is reverzible?
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
No, it is reversible, just not in every case 100% reversible. It depends on the severity of the hardened skin (which depends on the dose and type of moisturizers that have been used on thinned, impaired skin). To give an example: if a person has middle or severe TSW and has used moisturizers 3 times a day for 3 years, the chronic hardened skin is much more severe than someone who has middle or severe TSW and who has used moisturizers for 6 months. The longer the moisturizing on thinned, impaired skin has been going on, the more severe the hardened skin will become. In the first example (3 years, 3 x a day) the hardened skin is likely not 100% reversible, but 80% reversible or 90% reversible. So this person is left with visible wrinkles and when you touch the skin it still feels thickened. Hardened skin is a real issue. Sooo many TSW patients are using moisturizers on their skin and end up with hardened skin, not knowing what it is. Severe hardened skin is very painful and the process of healing is very slow. From what patients describe if can feel very very thigh, like suffocating in their own skin. The skin is not flexible and cracks with movement. Some patients are not able to turn their neck or open their arms fully. To get a better understanding you might watch all videos on hardened skin on this channel (I think there are 3 of them). I really hope this information will spread, to prevent further suffering. So please share if you can.
@AE-yt4lx 4 ай бұрын
Just curious if the animal and bird sounds in the background are added or if it is part of your surroundings?
@TSW.healing 4 ай бұрын
:D good one, lol. It was part of my surrounding at the time (I was in Thailand then)
@getknowledge37 5 ай бұрын
Where can I get Cap treatment
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
At the moment there is a clinic in Thailand, Singapore and in the UK. Some beauty salons are also offering CAP, but be aware that the result may be very different. The UK clinic has a waiting list at the moment, the Thai clinic is the most economical. If you send me a message on my Instagram, I can answer you with a voice note if you need more info.
@safia_tabassum 5 ай бұрын
Hey there....How can I get this serum in India?? Thank you
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
Hi, as far as I know the serum is not available in India yet. I guess you could order it in Thailand at the clinic and they can ship it to you, but you would have to check if the customs in India let it through.
@user-tt1hc6fk7o 5 ай бұрын
How’s your skin now ?
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
Very good, best skin I can remember having, not even any eczema spots. I learned a lot about triggers, allergens and irritants during my CAP treatment, so maybe this is also helpful for avoiding eczema triggers. I'm much more aware of what products I'm using (not only on the skin, but also around the house), I'm much more conscious of triggers like not enough sleep or stress or alcohol use (I don't drink at all) and some personal food triggers I have. All in all, my skin is doing really good and most people even think I'm younger than my actual age, haha, who would have thought after looking like a granny during TSW. :)
@user-tt1hc6fk7o 5 ай бұрын
Hey did you experience zinger pains in nearly 2 months in I feel like iv been through the worst but when I try to train go for long walks I experience zinger pains it’s proper annoying
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
Hi, no I never had zingers or hair loss. All the other symptoms, yes. Very intense! I'm glad to hear you are doing better! I wish you the best healing rate possible.
@K-bob_45 5 ай бұрын
It seems like most people have the oozing and itching as main symptoms. For me the worst thing has been the loss of elasticity I guess causing moving to be painful. Do you talk to a lot of people that say the same?
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I have talked to hundreds of TSW patients and I have seen about 70 cases live. So being able to observe the skin, see a part of the healing process and talk to the patients.
@dreamers1782 5 ай бұрын
I have been using 1.6kg of steroid cream per month for 6 years. I just knew this TSW, what should i do
@TSW.healing 5 ай бұрын
That is a high dose. But It also depends which class of steroids you have been using. Most problems start from class 5 upwards. (class 1 being the strongest and class 7 being the least strong).
@dreamers1782 5 ай бұрын
@@TSW.healing It was 1/4 formula steroid, so i dont know which class was it.
@MoizKhan-ko9hi 6 ай бұрын
Can I come to the clinic, any availability??? Please reply, thabkyou so much for your info!! Liked and Subscribed too 😊
@TSW.healing 6 ай бұрын
Please send me a message on my Instagram. Link is provided in the description of this video. I'll send you a voice note back.
@MoizKhan-ko9hi 6 ай бұрын
@@TSW.healing done!! Waiting impatiently for your reply 😄😄😁
@MoizKhan-ko9hi 6 ай бұрын
@@TSW.healingcant find your instagram, can you pls tell??
@Juznik1389 6 ай бұрын
How much does it cost to get the treatment?
@TSW.healing 6 ай бұрын
In Thailand 2000 Thai bath per half hour. (about 60 UD dollar). Treating time per session is case dependent. You can imagine that a full body treatment takes much more time than half body or face only. It is best to first watch the videos on this channel about CAP treatment, so that your are well informed. It is not an over-night miracle cure. It does work, but you need treatment time as well (it takes many treatment sessions to get the skin cell proliferation rate back up and the skin to thicken and get strong again).
@Juznik1389 6 ай бұрын
@@TSW.healing Thank you so much for your answer! It's for both me and my mother. Especially my mom. Hers is even spreading and oozing so bad
@markm6488 6 ай бұрын
@Arsalan8000 6 ай бұрын
So hypopigmentation is not reversible, but what about hyperpigmentation, when skin gets darker from scratching ? Is this reversible?
@TSW.healing 6 ай бұрын
Hyperpigmentation is usually reversible, yes. Although it takes time. Hypopigmentation is not reversible when the melanocytes (skin cells that produce melanin which determines your skin tone) have been damaged. This can happen by scratching too hard and deep.
@jaypsocampo5191 7 ай бұрын
I am taking oral steriods (corticosteroid) on and off whenever flares happen, but now my eczema kinda gets worse, not sure if this is related to TSW. Is taking natural anti- inflammatory advisable? I know curcumin/ turmeric is one. Also, are collagen pills okay?
@wellwisher7778 7 ай бұрын
So why are is it still so readily available????
@jaypsocampo5191 7 ай бұрын
I use oral steriods for my eczema instead of topical ones. is it as bad as topical?
@selective288 7 ай бұрын
Yes jay they in some cases can be even worse but it just depends on how long you’ve been using them and how strong they are, but you never know with TSW some people don’t even develop symptoms and some do it really just depends on how your body reacts. I used one of the weakest creams out there that was over-the-counter. And I’m coming up on two years with TSW. I’m almost healed all the way up now but it really is just unique to your own body.
@jaypsocampo5191 7 ай бұрын
@@selective288Glad to hear that you are almost healed. I use oral steriods whenever I have flare ups, 1st 2 days 40mg, 3rd day 30mg, 4th day 20mg 5th- 7th day 10mg of steriods. that was prescribed by my dermatologist.
@snoopysnoopy2556 7 ай бұрын
Hi can you share contact for Bangkok clinic pls
@TSW.healing 6 ай бұрын
Please send me a message on my Instagram account. I can send you a voice note back.
@llrainll 7 ай бұрын
Is there a way to make it go away?..”