@donutstudios6353 9 сағат бұрын
i mean in ROTS palpatine refers to cody as 'commander cody' so they always had nicknames
@kupambazua 19 сағат бұрын
What was that fanart at the end
@kupambazua 19 сағат бұрын
Mace Windu is impressed
@Stardiplomaticincident 19 сағат бұрын
Oh and with 99, the Jedi convinced the kaminoens to let him live
@Stardiplomaticincident 19 сағат бұрын
Given that the clone troopers wouldn’t be as popular without our current clones (Rex, bad batch, fives, waxer, etc) and all the attention and development they’ve been getting… I’d say no, they were not ruined. Without the clone wars there basically wouldn’t be clones as we know and love them. Fans didn’t love clone troopers when the movies or the original show came out. They only became fan favourites after the 2008 show started. Also, the original clones didn’t really have enough scenes, characters or development to be “ruined”
@garbotoxins840 Күн бұрын
I way, way prefer the 2008 version because it allows for more stories. In the 2003 ad-break shorts, they're action figures, in 2008, they're characters. The inhibitor chip is also a great tragedy. They spend the entire war fighting mindless droids only to become mindless droids themselves. There are certain eras of clone storytelling, too. There's the spaarti clones and their clone masters that were suggested in the legends thrawn trilogy, the 2003 multimedia project, and finally, the 2008 inhibitor chip take that is the currenr version. With that being the canon George Lucas take, I doubt that more wrinkles will be added to them.
@OodieMcGroovy Күн бұрын
Best depiction of the clones was from the Republic Commando novels. Regular line troopers had their own personalities and names but were not as outspoken about it to non-clones. Characters had to earn that trust to know their real names.
@stevenclubb7718 4 күн бұрын
Pretty much what will always happen when fans enter the professional ranks, that death becomes an inconvenience rather than a permanent state. One of the first things the EU did was resurrect the Emperor and Boba Fett. This was taken to it's ridiculous extreme with Maul getting extra miffed about getting cut in half. Everything else is a rationalization for their desire to keep characters around after their expiration date. They just want to keep playing with their toys.
@Thewackiestwizard 5 күн бұрын
I think the clone wars is an accurate depiction of war, it kinda reminds me of Vietnam, a useless war that was never won by either side with corrupt leaders on both sides, and how the clones act is reminiscent of 'Nam soldiers with the nicknames, helmet and vehicle art, deserters and loyalists, it's a perfect depiction of war, and I really enjoyed it.
@viket8316 6 күн бұрын
"you dont know where he could be" close yourself in a window box and when you see the snail coming after wake up theres where you can capture it you dont need to worry on die because you re inmortal so just close yourself in that box and done you see later or early that snail
@feyblade866 7 күн бұрын
Mace Windu's treatment of Anakin was not problematic. Anakin was not at all rational in episode 3, and his addition to the council would have essentially been the first step in allowing Palpatine to take the Jedi over (earlier drafts of the RotS script even mention this). Windu had every reason to be apprehensive about Anakin's appointment. The most valid criticism you could probably mount against Mace is that he utterly rushed the attempt to take down Palpatine and in so doing left the jedi order vulnerable to the inevitable purge that would have followed. However, Mace Windu ( and the Jedi as a whole) kind of just allowed the clone wars to happen in what is either a borderline plothole or a damning indictment of the Jedi as a whole. The clone army was an extremely immoral idea. The Kaminoans had essentially bred millions of slaves to fight and die for the whims of the Republic's leadership. Instead of put up any objections to the creation of the army, Mace and Yoda largely just shrugged and allowed dictatorial powers to be handed to Palpatine, who then put said slave army to use on a galactic scale. The Jedi then went on to serve as commanders in said army. To me, it comes off as somewhat odd, perhaps even inconsistent, that the Jedi largely followed the will of the chancellor without question in episode 2 even when he penned into law the press-ganging of a slave army and an attack on a sovereign planet that had not yet committed hostilities against the republic, then were intent on removing him 'right away' in episode 3. I feel a more realistic (and consistent) outcome from both sides would involve the Jedi simply never moving to overthrow Palpatine, Palpatine taking control of the Jedi Order rather than executing order 66, and democracy dying not with thunderous applause, but a few murmurs and handshakes.
@ksamuel9 7 күн бұрын
Chosen ONE
@CoalitionStopmotion 8 күн бұрын
I like Mace’s bald head
@RocketHarry865 9 күн бұрын
I think we really need to see villainous smugglers like a smuggler gets hired by a group of refugees to smuggle them off a world that is being locked down by an oppressive government to another world that is meant to be safe location only for the smuggler takes a detour controlled by a notorious crime syndicate and he sells out the refugees to the chief crime lord who enslaves the refugees.
@thevomchar1018 9 күн бұрын
big fan of this video and how you have an actually interesting take that isn’t “sequals bad!” reading this comments section has me convinced that most star wars fans don’t even know what writing is
@mardy3732 10 күн бұрын
In Cowboy Bebop, smugglers are the bad guys. But in Star Wars, bounty hunters are the bad guys.
@robr7815 11 күн бұрын
Anakin defeating Palpatine fulfilled the prophecy. He directly brought balance to the force for 60 years. Additionally, he indirectly defeated Palpatine again through Rey. Without Anakin doing exactly what he did, Palpatine would live on and pass on his knowledge- plunging the universe into unbalance for the next 1000 years. If Anakin had done anything different, he would not fulfil the prophecy - if he was too evil, he would never have defeated Palpatine and if he was too good, he wouldn't be chosen by Palpatine. All this has to happen to bring balance to the force for the next 1000 years.
@ThatTallBrendan 11 күн бұрын
0:00 **Cough** ʸᵉˢ **fourteen minutes of black screen**
@Wubster649 12 күн бұрын
The man has shatter point as an ability, he threw hands with battle droids, he’s goated.
@michaelholland1936 14 күн бұрын
I also saw Anakin's story as yes he is the chosen one who everyone called thr chosen one but had to much pressure placed on him by others, and yes he did bring balance to the force it wasn't from being a jedi. Rey and Luke are not the chosen one. Luke was just the son of the chosen one.
@michaelholland1936 14 күн бұрын
Rey story felt like it should have been a nobody who became the hero of the story. Kylo feels like the chosen one
@michaelholland1936 14 күн бұрын
Well isn't Anakin just the only chosen one. Luke wasn't really the chosen one has he was never called the chosen one. I feel like people call Luke a chosem one because hes a Skywalker. Rey isn't the chosen one.
@Fesh101 15 күн бұрын
clone 99 was a P.R stunt
@Umbra2079 15 күн бұрын
Gaslighting 101
@wizard_of_poz4413 15 күн бұрын
Look you can appreciate the characterization of the clones in the 3d show, however you can't argue that they didn't write themselves into a corner that they could only get out of with an insanely broken and inconsistent magical macguffin like the inhibitor chip
@CH22Live 15 күн бұрын
An issue I have with the chosen one prophecy: Even if the sequels didn't exist (WHICH THEY DO EXIST, GET OVER IT PEOPLE) if Anakin brings back balance to the force by stopping Palpatine and dies at the end of ROTJ, what will happen if the force goes out of balance again if the sith return or something? Palpatine comes back as a clone in legends (Dark Empire, I think) and Jacen Solo turns to the dark side, right? How can Anakin bring balance back to the force again if he's already dead?
@Mario_Angel_Medina 16 күн бұрын
Althought I understand why Star Wars often portrays outlaws as the good guys, specially around the time of the Original Trilogy, they would really benefit for more variety in the outlaw's personalities. Yes, when you live under an authoritarian regime, breaking the law doesn't necesarily means you're a bad person, but that also means people from all walks of life would end-up in an illegal carreer path, specially if its something as broad as smuggling. You can smuggle anything for any reason, you can smuggle refugees to a saffer place or you can smuggle them to an slave camp, for example. You could make an smuggler duo to be an dangerously odd couple where one is a violent psycho who only cares about money and the other is a good-natured but struggling parent who needs illegal medicine because one of their children needs a treatment for life, but to get that medicine they need to work under a crime sindicate, and the sindicate is like "you can move all the medicine you want, but you'll also had to move our stuff whatever we say so. Otherwise, you'll be sleeing with the fishes... assuming you can't breathe underwater, we'll figure out another way to take you down if can"... not all smugglers need to be the Dukes of Hazzard (althought now that I think about it, the main characters in the _Droids_ cartoon aside from C3-PO and R2 were basically the Dukes of Hazzard in space)
@sirfishe9949 16 күн бұрын
Leia was suppose to be the true chosen at the end of it all. She was the skywalker that was suppose to rise. If written carefully, it could have worked. It was for shadowed in the clone wars t.v show with the force Priestesses and in return of the jedi. "there is another Skywalker" was the key hint for it. The reason why the skywalkers are the most powerful in the force is because they are literal children of the force itself. That's why they have a midiclohiran count that surpasses some of the strongest jedi like Master Yoda or Mace Windu. Rey can never be the chosen one and will not. She robbed Anakins destiny. The idea of everyone being a chosen one in some way is bull crap. CHOSEN ONE, means that only one is chosen. Not multiple
@LedKitty73 16 күн бұрын
I think it's almost ridiculous conjecture to assume that all smugglers in SW are good guys. I think the idea is that in times of need, heroes can come from all walks of life, including the shadier ones. I can only imagine that with the Empire's boot over everything, as we usually see in authoritarian systems, the people have many of their rights stripped and they might not have access to things they need to live and thrive without massive taxes and fees. So yeah, I'd smuggle medicine, books to help educate the masses and whatever else to help the people overthrow their oppressors. And yes, smugglers should be low profile with boring unremarkable ships.
@peterparker1683 17 күн бұрын
I hate the depiction of the clones in TCW because it completely contradicts the original films and the old EU. The clones aren’t supposed to be your friends, in fact in the old lore the Jedi saw them as expendable and this led to a lot of resentment between the two. This also leads to the current problem of today if Diloni just breaking continuity whenever he feels like it. Star Wars fans gave him too much credit
@peterparker1683 17 күн бұрын
I hate the depiction of the clones in TCW because it completely contradicts the original films and the old EU. The clones aren’t supposed to be your friends, in fact in the old lore the Jedi saw them as expendable and this led to a lot of resentment between the two. This also leads to the current problem of today if Diloni just breaking continuity whenever he feels like it. Star Wars fans gave him too much credit
@garbotoxins840 Күн бұрын
Seeing people as expendable is I think extremely out of character for most jedi. Pong Krell does this, and he's a villain who wants to join Dooku. If jedi see the clones as expendable items, they may as well be sith, and order 66 imo doesn't work if the jedi were all scumbags that deserved it.
@Morri7_ 17 күн бұрын
Love the animation! Is it hard to create/make? Its so great looking!
@CloneCommanderCrater1102 20 күн бұрын
If you're just going off the 2003 Clone Wars series then yeah, the Legends clones definitely appear to not have much in the way of individuality or personality, but the books and comics in Legends definitely paint a bit of a different picture. Sure, they're still a good bit less individual than the ones in the 2008 series, but there are a lot of regular old infantry troopers that have individual thoughts, dreams, personalities, names, and humanity.
@elkosins1686 21 күн бұрын
because dna doesnt determine your personality you can have different personalities despite having the same genetics that is biology 101
@spartanparty3894 21 күн бұрын
The Clones being actual people is the most important thing The Clone Wars did for the prequels. It retroactively strengthens every element of those movies by injecting meaning into regular movements. The Prequels is more tragic because the artificial nature of the Clone Wars hurt not only the Jedi, but also the weapons used to kill the Jedi.
@xmarksthespot4021 21 күн бұрын
You can make the EU consistent with the Chosen One Prophecy by intepreting it as Anakin indirectly bringing balance to the force through his descendants. That leaves no room for Rey Palpatine.
@Cainite 24 күн бұрын
You know, there's a multi-verse out there where Lucas put this version of Star Wars on film.
@ZontarDow 24 күн бұрын
I hate the chips because Knightfall could have been great to see in the show which clones we'd been following made the choice to follow the order and which decided to disobey.
@dannylavoie8348 26 күн бұрын
Remember Niles Ferrier…
@ARCtrooper65 26 күн бұрын
Remember, up until Season 4, the 2008 Clone Wars watch watched over by George, and they attempted to connect to the 2003 one. It was George who wanted the Clones to have personalites and wanted these stories to give hope to kids. I also feel people think the way that the 501st was depicted in the 2008 Clone Wars was the way every canon clone ever in existence would be depicted as well, but not even all of the 501st were full of personality, really just vets and the ARCs
@user-wo5dr3rk2e 27 күн бұрын
In my opinion the clone wars did not ruin the clones. It was sad the way they were used and eventually tossed aside. If u think about it this kinda thing is common in the world everywhere.
@theflev-matic4892 28 күн бұрын
I dislike Mace because he didn't care about his clones and also was very backwards thinking
@alanviniciuswanderleytavar4399 29 күн бұрын
Bro's not cooking at all
@peterparker1683 17 күн бұрын
Nah bro absolutely is. Let him stay in the kitchen
@GulYasar-jo4mz 29 күн бұрын
Theory rey reincarnation of anakin
@rayvonvelez3129 Ай бұрын
I liked mace windu and how cool he was, he was very powerful and he was wise. I always get sad before anakin betrays him to save Palpatine. Mace was a good jedi trying to do the right thing and stop the sith.
@mand4lex Ай бұрын
As Yoda said, "Misread the prophecy could be", so it's open to anyone's interpretation. I like yours.
@MrBazBake 24 күн бұрын
Lucas says balance in the Force is the Light Side. Also the prophecy is itself an unreliable narrator. No one knows what it means, no one can confirm who is the Chosen One, nothing matters. Anakin is the Kwisatz Haderach... a false messiah who destroys the Jedi. Also Filoni said Luke is the Chosen One in Rebels. Lucas said Leia would be the Chosen One in the sequels.
@marvinmartino6320 Ай бұрын
the idea of a chosen one in the original trilogy is absent. what angers a lot here is the very chosen one like way Rey defeated Palpatine. With flashy display, force ghost whispers, great struggle, all the Sith vs all the Jedi. Remember how Vader killed Palpatine? He was watching his son getting lightning zapped, looking confused and finally picking the emperor up and throwing him down a tube. The scene never looked like a chosen one scene. That is because that event was not designed to portray a chosen one ending. It was of Vader being redeemed as a father. No hint of chosen one whatsoever.
@senior_sakuga Ай бұрын
I like this explanation even tho ik fans are gonna be some god tier yappers abt how Anakin is better than breathing and is the bestest everest
@senior_sakuga Ай бұрын
im sure the comments will be very civil and not toxic and butthurt whatsoever
@senior_sakuga Ай бұрын
darth vader survived being burnt alive homie. The dork side is a hell of a drug