Hi. :]
6 ай бұрын
Goodbye For Now.
7 ай бұрын
OC Rundown | Fredrika Stone
8 ай бұрын
Need Some Help.
8 ай бұрын
Getting Neutered | STORYTIME
NSFW of REAL PEOPLE?! | My Thoughts
I'm a Man (+ Other Updates)
10 ай бұрын
Watcher's Spire | Speedpaint
10 ай бұрын
How I Discovered I Was Queer
OC Rundown | Arthur Noir
Жыл бұрын
@xox_grayy_xox 7 сағат бұрын
i love how un bias this video is u gave us both sides without blaming one of them thats pretty rare nowadays
@queennovella7723 Күн бұрын
I have to say, Fredrika is probably my favorite character design out of all of your OCs. Even though I know you referred to her as "deceivingly cute" I still find myself wanting to give her big hug 😂
@stolas_goetia_official 3 күн бұрын
i draw nsfw. but i would NEVER. AND I MEAN NEVER post that online. it’s something me and my friend so as a joke and it’s just the usual “haha sëx joke funnee” and we laugh it off and move on. we don’t spend a lot of time on the art or make it super explicit i think it’s okay for minors to draw nsfw as long as they don’t post it or show it to anyone or people who are uncomfortable with it.
@Xdeal_with_itX 3 күн бұрын
Think she wanted the base layer to be her charcter nude and then have a layer with the clothing on top to cover eveything idk
@vhsbluepicsarecool 3 күн бұрын
man...this was way too relatable. I think im going to have a sexuality crisis again lol
@mxth_114 4 күн бұрын
Honestly, I agree with some of the points mentioned here and in the comments, Stolitz while definitely a cute ship for me a least is a unhealthy one putting it simply. While I feel like stella already hated stolas from the very beginning, along with stolas not getting along with her (The man literally cries after seeing one photo of her which is telling) I definitely feel like they could have wrote the story in a different way without the cheating, sexual coercion and abuse. overall the way its going now has me feeling conflicted on how I feel about them to be honest. they have done fucked up things from blitzo seducing stolas for the book, and stolas calling him a bunch of nicknames that scream classism. I really just hope they develop a actual connection with genuine common interests, and actual conversations that lead to actual positive things.
@thecalicocat6657 5 күн бұрын
I’m graysexual too and I feel like a lot of people are graysexual and just don’t know it
@Hatsune-Miku_Fan 5 күн бұрын
I don't see how you can be offended over someone "stealing" your art style I'd be flattered,like,damn, I'm that good you wanna draw like me??
@GMDkarra 6 күн бұрын
I honestly agree, lol. I'm also a minor and... That's just the way I explore myself. I dont see anything wrong with that, bc i just don't post that online. Btw, you're a great artist, luv ur artwork. Wish ya luck on getting more subs ♡
@user-rj3ch1vv6r 6 күн бұрын
Can i repost it on bilibili if u agree?,😮 I love analyzing shows stuff but I want to use ai translation on bilinili.
@813bamby 6 күн бұрын
Doc helo I have LIGMA 😭
@813bamby 6 күн бұрын
Oh hi rot
@813bamby 6 күн бұрын
@813bamby 6 күн бұрын
I drew a LOT nsfw as a minor but it was the gore kind- I LOVED gore (still do) and I was like- 8 when I first started drawing that kind of stuff and it was completely fine for me but I never showed it to grown adults because I had a REALLY strict mom and she’d set me up for adoption. (das a joke she’s a good mom, just really strict ) I just showed them to my friends and kids at school and they were fine with it but they thought I was weird and strange for drawing/liking that stuff and I NEVER showed my art at that time in Social Media because again my mom was so strict and she made me and my siblings watch yt kids till we were like 8 and I had no social media so I couldn’t post my art even if I wanted to- Then some stupid dumb stuff happened with my family when I was just 9 and i had to live with my grandma for several years. I was like 12 when I got exposed to rule 34 art and subjects in general when I was still drawing gore and I decided that I wanted to draw that stuff and those drawings I showed to no one thankfully but I had social media THEN so I started posting my gorey art on KZbin and like two other platforms I don’t remember- When I became 17 and a half to be exact 🤓☝️ I started posting my nsfw art on tumblr I think and I didn’t really look at replies I got but people seemed to like it and I didn’t get any creepy messages or anything so I was good Also I think your points are valid and I respect them Also I love your art
@dummyyogurt5375 6 күн бұрын
looking back on this whole situation it's clear that the issue isn't wether or not the allegations are true, but the way timothy was treated. Both parties should've been given the benefit of the doubt in the absence of evidence : it'd be unfair to condemn melanie when there's no proof against her, but calling tim a liar was disgusting and horrible.
@Burnt_Loaf. 7 күн бұрын
I fr thought you said "Sup, bitches."
@Flexitplayz 9 күн бұрын
Eyyyy, are you also born in Juneeee!!
@Flexitplayz 9 күн бұрын
What app/site is that?
@SweetTooth1102 10 күн бұрын
I'm bisexual and demisexual. I only just recently found out I'm grey-ace as well.
@eddie_3xists 13 күн бұрын
im glad someone is FINALLY talking about this, ive always hated this ship, its incredibly toxic and its very,, uhh. theres way too much casual sexual harrassment and borderline assult? its just so odd its looked over so much and treated as like "theyre just like that!!!!!!" nobody should 'just be like that' its weird asl
@fnafqueen1983 14 күн бұрын
One year we had a substitute teacher that spoke Spanish and English but I couldn't really under stand her and most of the class couldn't (I think) but she would get mad if we didn't understand what she was telling us in class or just would tell us to go on our computers to see what we had to do for the day.I am a smart kid and I love to draw but this teacher along with many others of mine would get onto me when I was drawing in class especially my social studies teachers the one class I could get away with it in was science and I loved that class
@LycanthropeGirl796 15 күн бұрын
It is recommended to be 18+ to produce, distribute, or consume NSFW art, because they are graphic. Adults are braver than minors and therefore are recommended to view 18+ material. Same goes for graphic gore. Alot of sites don’t allow minors to post 18+ content, not because they think it’s pedophilic to do so, but more probably, it is to prevent grooming. People wanted to date me on Twitter, but I am a minor, so I made a post like “Please report this pedophile”. This probably occurs because you like NSFW art or follow NSFW accounts as a minor. This is exactly why you should never share NSFW art, post that you like NSFW art, or follow NSFW accounts as a minor.
@ConiferConnieTreeCow 16 күн бұрын
I've identified as demisexual and demiromantic for a long time, which are under the greyaro/greyace umbrellas. Being demi means I've never been, and could not imagine myself being, romantically or sexually attracted to anyone I didn't already know for a long time. Previously it took me several months to a year of getting to know someone platonically and gaining strong trust in them before any romantic or sexual feelings could develop, or before I'd even consider the possibility that they could, but recently I started falling for a friend I'd only known for 3 months and as far as i know that's my record. Now that I think about it it might have taken less time when I was a kid like in primary (elementary) school, but that doesnt change the fact that I've consistently only ever considered people that way who I feel like I can trust. And apparently most people can sometimes just. Feel things. For someone they just met????? nah dawg. Anyway I've also experienced squishes which are like the platonic equivalent of a crush. Like when I really enjoy a friend's company more than my other friends and i think about them a lot and get really happy when they talk to me, but without the desire to cuddle and kiss them and stare in their eyes and all that stuff that I feel when I'm romantically attracted to someone. Also I don't agree with the hollywood movie definition of romance. I don't think "grand romantic gestures" and gifts and flowers and stuff should define romance, because I know I feel romantic attraction but if my hypothetical boyfriend gave me flowers or jewellery I would feel hurt. Like that would mean he either doesn't know me well enough or he didn't listen to me or take me seriously when I say I don't like being given such useless things. I'd highly prefer just spending time with him alone together just hanging out and talking and cuddling, or if he insists on a gift, get me some food I've said I like. Flowers are a waste of space and money, but buy me a strawberry pastry from my favourite bakery and I'll actually feel appreciated. But even that gift doesn't feel inherently romantic in nature. I'd feel the same way if a friend or family member bought me that pastry. Just happy, not attached to my attraction or lack thereof to the person. So the hollywood movie romance idea that romance HAS TO involve gifts and a whirlwind of lovebombing is some bullshit that pisses me off for making no sense and often glorifying/romanticising extremely toxic relationships.... I'm not even aro and I think that. Also people talk about "butterflies fluttering in your stomach" and im like ???? I feel something when i think about the person i'm attracted to but it's not that!! it's not fluttering it's like an exciting spark kinda feeling and it's not even in my stomach it's in my chest! I've also heard someone say that butterflies feels like nervousness and again im like no???? like I know the nervous fluttery stomach feeling but I don't feel that about people i'm attracted to 😭 i feel that when i'm terrified to the point of shaking, my dude! y'all are feeling nervous around your crushes?? y'all are having crushes on people you don't trust or feel comfortable around?? y'all's crushes aren't your friends who give you a sense of safety and ease and happiness and the trust that they won't blow up at you over saying something slightly wrong?? sweaty no.... but apparently my demi ass is the odd one out and that makes me concerned for people's safety haha Oh yea and usually the venn diagram of "people im romantically attracted to" and "people im sexually attracted to" is a circle, with the only discrepancy being that the romantic attraction grows in long before the sexual one does. But in recent years I've had weird feelings for at least 2 different people that have felt like "I don't particularly wanna date this person or be emotionally intimate with them but if they wanted to make out I totally would" and this is scary and new for me. In both those cases I wasn't close with the guys but found them attractive in more than just an aesthetic way and felt this weird new feeling of "i would if he offered but im not craving it" that later turned into craving it but still not wanting to be anything committed. Both guys were someone I know I'm incompatible with personality wise, but I still found them hot somehow, which scares me because huh???? this is the closest i've ever come to understanding the feeling of being attracted to someone you don't like as a person. both guys are reasonably likeable, but guy 2 and i had an argument that made me uncomfortable for a while but the feelings I had already developed weren't fully eradicated and gradually came back in full force several weeks later. i know we have very incompatible personalities so i don't really want any romantic relationship with him.... but damn if he isn't hot af (in an unconventional way that basic straight girls would probably laugh at me for ☹). idk whether this change in my attractions is because im just affection starved from not having been in a non-platonic relationship since literally 10 years ago, but yea. that stuff do be fluid sometimes.
@CallOfTheDragon885 16 күн бұрын
PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT Just so everyone knows, Rottika is done with Helluva Boss. He told me on one of his streams that he doesn’t want to watch this show anymore. He hasn’t even seen the Mammon episode so don’t make any comments asking if he’s seen Full Moon or Apology Tour.
@user-rw8gi3ne1l 17 күн бұрын
The ship got WRECKED in the new episode