Getting Neutered | STORYTIME

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10 ай бұрын

Greetings, my little maggots!
Today I wanted to tell a story about how I got an IUD and how perilous the journey to getting one was.
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Пікірлер: 81
@hu7380 10 ай бұрын
I hate people who think lifelong fulfillment is having kids but make even taking care of YOURSELF barely affordable.
@falco5148 9 ай бұрын
The economy was better back then.
@Pinkpostednotezz 10 ай бұрын
Bro the reasons why you don't like children are litrelly so relatable
@ImTired17 9 ай бұрын
@ConiferConnieTreeCow 9 ай бұрын
oh my god the way people insist "yOuLL cHaNgE yOuR MiNd OnE dAy" makes me so furious, this video was so relatable and real
@dragonfly._.doodles 10 ай бұрын
BRO THIS- I have never liked the idea of childbirth it sounds like a nightmare so whenever having kids came into discussion I always said I’d adopt and on top of the idea of seggs in general sounding extremely unfun, once I realized I was ace it made all the sense. and it’s kinda comforting to know that someone else feels the same way
@JDslushieking 10 ай бұрын
I honestly like kids but the idea of having my own biologically sickens me. I’ve wanted to adopt since I was five.
@amphibialover1235 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I want kids but j don't want to give birth to one so I have want to adopt when i become an adult
@JDslushieking 10 ай бұрын
@@amphibialover1235 same bro. I wish you luck with the eventual adoption process.
@StarSkies- 10 ай бұрын
Ive heard HORROR STORIES about birth
@HailAndTail 10 ай бұрын
Me too! One of the reasons I don’t want to have biological kids though is because I have endometriosis, so it could make birth really hard with the kind I have and it’s hard for me to get pregnant.
@weirdcakes304 9 ай бұрын
@@StarSkies-Same. My family has always joked about my aunt “not having a tail” and it’s because she broke her tailbone while giving birth to my cousin. I think after hearing that was the first time I thought about not wanting to give birth.
@coffeebunni 10 ай бұрын
As someone who is only on a birth control pill and how difficult it was to convince my doctor to let me take it, I can't imagine how much harder it was for you. I need bc for medical reasons and they still gave me crap of things like "oh but you're too young" or "you will change your mind of being on it" :((
@DemiSuaton 10 ай бұрын
Doctors need to be there for there patients, that’s absolutely disgusting and those things should have never came out of their mouth. I’m so sorry that happened but I hope you’ve got your pills.
@telosnium 9 ай бұрын
Unrelated to your comment but a fellow it/its+ xenogender user! Hi :3
@coffeebunni 9 ай бұрын
@@telosnium ayyy may the it/it's xenogendeds unite!
@weirdcakes304 9 ай бұрын
I’m also on birth control pills, and they help with gender dysphoria a lot. The only reason I didn’t have to go through hell to get prescribed them is because my mom has already had some medical problems and we wanted to be cautious. But lucky for me I got a secret bonus with that B) just wish it wasn’t this hard to get prescribed medication
@Nealthefrog 9 ай бұрын
as someone who just had a baby four months ago(20 F) I completely agree with how hard doctors make it for you to get on birth control .Having children isn't for everyone, I mean it sure wasn't for me I was mid 19 when I found out and homeless with my partner at the time but services here for that are illegal. I love my baby but I think people should have a say in what happens to their own body
@hpthelonesomeartist 9 ай бұрын
Being asexual (on the highly sex repulsed side of the spectrum) I can absolutely relate to being unfairly subjected to backlash for simply not wanting kids. It always ticks me off when people assume they know my preferences more then me. Those common phrases like “your too young to know what you want” and “you’ll end up changing your mind” not only irked me but also made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. That pressure to live a lifestyle you never wanted is absolutely terrible, and I’m very sorry you’ve had to deal with that. Thank you for sharing your experience and I hope your doing well 💜
@hpthelonesomeartist 9 ай бұрын
And just to clarify there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting kids! This is simply coming from my personal experience and preferences. And I understand there’s plenty of asexuals who still want to be parents, you are valid
@BunnyNotFound 10 ай бұрын
Having listened to your story, now I can imagine experiencing exactly what you did but everything vice versa. Transfem, being 21, wanting to be pregnant and being told nuh-uh at every step. The country got bullied by EU for 10 years for human rights violations until they allowed HRT but nothing else, the magical place that is eastern europe. Then getting my first shot and saying "hell yeah boobs!" or something equivalent. I'm ready to settle on hornomes alone, honestly, I want to see myself growing into something else. I know the channel has entirely different culture at this point but I'm here because I'm curious. Struggles from opposite ends seem surprisingly similar.
@C0RPS3.N3T 10 ай бұрын
I’m a trans guy and I’ve been out since like 13? I’m soon to be 16 and have been thinking about birth control stuff because I also hate the idea of having kids and this was pretty helpful lol
@Sueee_yt 10 ай бұрын
I live in germany, getting a hysterectomy at 18 gets covered by the insurance here. The only problem is that even the doctors are like: ''but you're so young, what if you change your mind? I'm not doing it.''. So saying the first part, cpmpletly fine but the second part?? Like sorry but why do u care?? So yeah everything is easy here but no, these doctors have to smash their personal opion into my face.
@Funkikitty 10 ай бұрын
Only reason I tell ppl that they MAY want children one day is when they’re only reason is, they don’t feel responsible enough or they don’t see it happening. ONLY if they are my age (a child) because you yourself are getting taken care of ofc you can’t have a kid RN!!
@Ema-mo4bn 10 ай бұрын
The country I live in still requires hysterectomy for transgender men if they want to legally transition...
@rottika 10 ай бұрын
Oh, that's awful. :/ My condolences if you're a trans man struggling atm.🫂
@odin-aries 10 ай бұрын
THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT MAN! Its your uterus. If you want to keep it, you should be able to, and if you dont, you should be able to yeet that bitch at your discretion!
@jaded_wings61 10 ай бұрын
It may not be that bad over here for me but they do deadname you and call you a mother when you give birth as a trans man. Still icky but not THAT icky.
@Inketta 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. It was pretty relatable, and I'm so glad I'm not alone when it comes to this kind of stuff... Sad it has to be so weird to deal with by the possibility of intrusive questions or people who have the living proof of why NOT to have kids tell others "b-but it's so fulfilling!!! But the hormones!! Who's going to take care of you when you grow up?? What about your partner (mostly husbands)??". Like, why do you care about our personal choices so much man- I really hope someday I can get some permanent sterilization but it's hard knowing what would be best for me because I'm still kind of in the closet as an NB and even if my family is generally supportive... it's scary. Phone calls are awful too LOL BTW topic aside but the artwork was so pretty!! Really love how the colors pop out and glow 💕
@cantthinkofaname5234 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, doctors in America are really bad at actually explaining the serious reasons that afab people should delay doing perminent birth control procedures. My gyno has told me that doing something that ends a young afab person's period means starting menopause early and by that it usually means more fragile bones and aging prematurely. Sadly our genitals control our hormones and our hormones control aspects of our entire body. For some reason no doctor in America seems to explain this very basic thing and instead makes it all about having kids. This way they are leaving vital information out of the picture that might lead to a person not making an informed decision and I cannot understand why. Just putting this information out there so people might make an informed decision. Not trying to discourage anyone btw, just making sure people know the full consequences of such procedures because God knows no one seems to want to inform them for some reason.
@digikaa 10 ай бұрын
today I learned i'm tokophobic, didn't realize there was a name for it. its nice to know I'm not alone, i genuinely feel sick thinking about that stuff and have felt kinda crazy because it's been dismissed by the people around me as overreacting. I'm not able to watch most this video because of my own traumatic experience with an IUD (and the discomfort with discussion of pregnancy), but i'm still gonna sub! your art is very cute and i enjoy your storytelling!!
@joven_drawsart 10 ай бұрын
I really want kids of my own but I'm super happy to hear you got the care you needed and I'm gald you shared you're story, personally my family also has a history of mental health issues so I just plan on making sure my children have the medical care they need!! I hope everything continues to go well, it was super cool to here another perspective and that you were cool with sharing this ✨✨✨
@joven_drawsart 10 ай бұрын
I almost forgot to mention we also have an autoimmune disorder that's genetic that popped up in my brother called scleraderma, it's something I'm def gonna get all my kids checked for
@Xuphilo_CHSM 15 сағат бұрын
I absolutely agree on your reasoning. I’m not even halfway through high school, but I’ve had enough experience working with small children to know that if I ever want a kid, I’m adopting a preteen or teenager.
@cutiefoxgirlslps 10 ай бұрын
for the longest time my bf didnt allow me to have birth control because it would "make me fat" yet he would refuse to use a rubber 😮‍💨 one pregnancy scare later and ive been on it since
@ghostly570 10 ай бұрын
Honestly this was really comforting because I just went through a whole process of getting some sort of birth control myself I am also gender fluid so I was looking for something that could also block off hormones and it was annoying as hell. I had to explain to every doctor that I wasn't just getting this because I was trans even though that's a fully legit reason but apparently I need more than that and so I also had to explain to them how my period gave me like physical pain that was unbearable I was getting heartburn at a very young age and almost passing out every time I got my period that it was actually be coming a huge problem in my life like I couldn't do anything as soon as I got my period because I also have a blood disorder so that explains the majority of the pain. Anyways I just really appreciate people talking about this because I feel like I'm the only one sometimes.
@MxJester 10 ай бұрын
Yo! This was great to learn about! I've been planning on getting my uterus removed for upwards of 3+ years, I would love to be able to donate my uterus to someone who wants one but I'm to young for that rn. I really don't want to have kids, if I ever want one I'll just adopt... But regardless it's great to know I'm not the only one who feels like that 😅 My family also has a lonnnnnng history of genetic based issues, so if I had a kid they would have it HARD. Plus my aspec and trans self does not like the idea of berthing a human...
@Mobile_Warrior 10 ай бұрын
Interesting video! I didn't know the term "getting neutered" before now lol (I don't speak English fluently)
@mimby4648 10 ай бұрын
I know exactly how you feel. I just hate the idea of something growing inside of me, I can't help myself to make the correlation between this and a parasite in my body. Having a uterus is a nightmare to me, I can't live my life without worrying that I can get pregnant even if I on the pill, using condoms, having all the precautions... this is just scary af.
@DarkShadliy 10 ай бұрын
Despite the title being a joke and me knowing what you meant, i plan on getting something relating to being neutered as well, since i plan on getting an hysterectomy because i don't want to reproduce, that is to say if my "insurance" covers it but i hardly doubt it. Also i don't have Tokophobia but i get uncomfortable around the idea of pregnancy due to something related to it in my past and mentally scarred me, it has something to do with "wanting a give birth to a child to use as a weapon" unlucky for me i was that child, so every time something related to pregnancy pops up i tend to get really uncomfortable and not wanting to be around those topics. I have pedophobia (yes i know it's weird but the word "pedo" is latin for child, so it's child-phobia) i am scared of children and can only handle talking to teens around 16-19 (also fun fact 18-19 year old's are still teens but their also adults, their in a subset category of being called adult teens, almost like young adults) Edit: Forgot to mention that if i do get a hysterectomy and go into recovery process, is that strangely and the doctor's noticed this to ever since then, that i have an insane fast healing process meaning i can recover quickly though it really does depend.
@GothicPhantomZero 10 ай бұрын
There's a lot of stuff I could complain about but I'll spare ya. But I just learned this myself, as for insurance, depending on what one you have that is, you have a caseworker that you can contact. You can work with the insurance for different things; procedures, appointments, etc. Spent almost an hour on the phone with mine about a procedure that I wanted to have done, but sadly couldn't due to them not finding a safe way to do it as I'm allergic to a lot of the stuff. So, we're looking at other options instead. It's pretty neat. (plus it really helps having a doctor who ACTUALLY listens!)
@hawkblood_art 10 ай бұрын
Me and my partner personally don't want children neither. Not only are we both super awkward with children, I struggle with a lot of health issues both mentally and physically and even if my child wouldn't inherit those struggles they would disable my capacity of caring for that child in a way that I would deem as appropriate. The last thing I want it to accidentally traumatize my child because I am disabled. We are also weary of the whole climate crisis and global warming. We don't want to put children in a world that is falling apart and not worth living if stuff evolves the same as it does now. I feel the same as you about pregnancy- the thought of a human growing inside me is making me extremely uncomfortable. I personally don't like to make any permanent measurements in regards of birth control because I like to control and watch my health with my period. It's closely linked to the pain and flow that I get during it so I can decide depending on that when to take what medication. I am not a big fan of hormonal birth control due to the side effects it has and how it influences afab bodies in general. My partner is considering to get vasectomy for similar reasons and because of the fact that IF we ever actually change our minds with having children vasectomy would be reversible to a certain degree.
@pinkieglitterheart 10 ай бұрын
I'm surprised that when I wanted children mom was questioning me why. also yeah I want to get my uterus removed as well but I'm waiting to be 25. or at least what you mentioned in stream
@sunseedleaf 10 ай бұрын
im a transmasc person who at some point plans to take some type of birth control pills, people throughout my entire life told me that i will some day "change my mind" and "will want kids as an adult" and trust me, it still hasn't changed and i was a little kid when i began SAYING THAT I DON'T WANT KIDS WHEN IM AN ADULT! so, nowadays, as a teen, i just... ignore my own body (not my basic needs like eating or drinking, just the fact that its a female body), it sounds incredibly stupid but outside of like making sure i do things to take care of my period, i generally ignore that i was born female. my friends accept me as male, so why shouldn't i just accept myself as male and move on? this video was a bit uncomfortable to watch but it is still very helpful!!
@chrystalbunny6732 10 ай бұрын
The Nexplanon implant works for me (I got it because of my horrible cramps and I'm bad taking pills) it lasts 3-4 years and was really painless during and after the insertion. Also I would recommend getting your tubes removed instead of tied as I've heard that is generally more successful.
@cassoliravioli 10 ай бұрын
I'm also kinda afraid of getting pregnant, it's scary, I would rather adopt, I relate to some of your reasons bro Also I can see how much stressing it can be to have a kid, my mom is constantly stressed because of me and my sister I don't think I have the patience neither enough responsability of taking care of children, even tho I like them my mom says I can regret someday, but she still supports me and can see why I don't want to have children tho
@mysterionz 10 ай бұрын
I’m on the pill and it has been a mixed bag for me. A friend of mine got a hysterectomy in their 20’s last summer.
@mysterionz 10 ай бұрын
I’m on the fence about having kids. As of now I want to wait until I’m older and can afford to find a sperm donor. Freezing my periods has been a godsend and I may look into more permanent options once I’m older
@kaileychambers6969 9 ай бұрын
Implants are a great! They have their side effects but it can be such a good option. As someone with ADHD I find it hard to remember to take pills at the same time every day, so birth control pills wouldn't be safe for me to rely on. Got the implant that goes in your arm, and although I have had some kinda bad side effects, it's been well worth it. Just not looking forward to having to have my arm cut open again to replace it this upcoming year 😅
@pupperlynnmcgee4722 10 ай бұрын
as a non-binary person i just want to adopt a kid with my partner because that sounds terrible (childbirth ‘n stuff)
@pikxelVX 10 ай бұрын
Ty for making this vid, glad to see someone like myself ^^
@dragonfly._.doodles 10 ай бұрын
Also extremely happy for you dude!!
@Cartonof_milk 10 ай бұрын
I respect people who don’t want kids! Ngl I’m not sure if I want kids myself lol
@ellyneil8219 Ай бұрын
I am SO happy this video was NOT what I thought it was from the title. 😮‍💨😊
@Phobia269 10 ай бұрын
Nice and also hope u heal good
@boyinthatbox 10 ай бұрын
I personally had to go on birth control not because I’m having a lot of sex but because I suffer from ovarian cysts which caused such extreme pain that I was throwing up and having to skip school. I can’t imagine being asked all of those questions and stuff about why you want to go on birth control just because you wanna make a choice for yourself. I, also a trans man, wish to have a more permanent form of birth control done. My aunt had her tubes tied and she’s straight and when she did it she was fine, minor questions and she got her procedure. Me, if I wanted kids then I would adopt but I’m happy with fur babies and would vomit and cry if I ever got pregnant, not because of hormones but because I would hate it so much. To have the pro birth people control our bodies in such a way is so disgusting. Just let people be people man, it’s none of your business what they do with their lives.
@zeroCY_ 10 ай бұрын
I too don’t want kids I realized this when I was like 9-12 because I knew of this stuff and my parents talked to me about what I’d do if I had kids I said “nothing I don’t want kids” and don’t want to go threw pain and the take care of them for 18 years or more lol so I kinda get you (but I don’t hate being around them/talking to them) I feel tho it’s to early for me because I am still a teen eh I nearly think I don’t want to have sex In general it’s ew to me but still eh
@obeselasagnacat 10 ай бұрын
I totally agree, children are so annoying and they steal attention and destroy things.
@Milo-hp9fw 2 ай бұрын
I'm a trans dude and got birth control (pills) when I was 12. They did ask me uncomfortable questions that I hated not only because I was young, but because I'm a sex-repulsed ace and was (and still am) VERY dysphoric. The reason I got it was because I have a family history of endometriosis, and I was having periods so heavy and painful that lasted for 2 weeks at a time. I found it hard to get out of bed on my period because of cramps. So I got the pill. If I did have endo, it would prevent it from worsening. If I didn't, no periods. Been on the pill for a few years now and I skip the placebo because the doctor says I can. (also I've been asked why I'm on the pill because I should want to have kids. I'm in my mid-teens why would I want a kid??? I'm applying for McDonald's not McNinemonthsoftorture.)
@Pickup_Pieces 10 ай бұрын
I’m so happy for you!! But small psa for any young folk in the comments! An IUD or any type of birth control for that matter is never 100% while yes many types of birth controls have a higher chance of preventing a pregnancy you should still use a condom if you’re ever planning to do anything!!
@akilovescatz 10 ай бұрын
Hello I havent watched the vid yet as I am currently ... Commenting this 💀 but im the fifth comment soooo :] Also i just wanna say yout art is soooo cool_! Have a good day bro
@theartistickaiviti 10 ай бұрын
good for you!
@groaned888 2 ай бұрын
It’s weird. I’ve wanted a baby boy since I was 14; I’m also 19 and turning 20 this year. I identify as an anti-natalist, and I struggle very heavily with mental health, so I don’t think that dream is ever going to come true for me because I think it’s cruel that I myself was even born, so I wouldn’t force that reality on someone I am supposed to love. I get baby fever every other day. When I go shopping, I always end up in the infant supplies aisle. I feel like I'm missing out making the decision to never have a kid-this thing that I really want to do but also really don't want to do because I don't want to condemn someone to suffering when they simply don't need to go through it. I often pick out names for the future child that I know I'll never have and write letters addressed to them in my journal; it's just another thing to remind me of how irritatingly unnecessary life’s struggles can be.
@Clownie_P 5 ай бұрын
Here’s how I feel about it. I love children and I like taking care of them but I don’t want to have any or raise any of my own. I already know I would be a horrid parent. And it just hasn’t ever been something I have wanted. I have various mental illnesses and a personality disorder. I couldn’t handle getting married, having a partner, and having kids. I like being single for a lot of reasons, one of them being that I feel like a child still and it would make no sense for a freakin man child like me to raise a baby.
@spacecatnnabell 10 ай бұрын
@Sillywillywonkah 2 ай бұрын
As someone who is grey sexual and lesbian i cannot have kids and if i did want one I would adopt cuz i know that some lesbian girls would just jet pregnant through surgery and stuff but i am NOT going through that just to have to raise a kid Heck i hate babys (there just descusting and a ton of work) and i would get a kid that was 6 at least. Also i would 100% just get my uterus removed because its pretty much useless and having a period sucks especially how uncomfortable it is. I fully understand why you would want birth control and i hope your living your best life!
@dragonfly._.doodles 10 ай бұрын
I love the art in this but I hope your alright. cuz I don’t know exactly what the meaning is but it is slightly concerning depending on context
@bradonbyrd8061 5 ай бұрын
Incredible interesting very interesting how interesting super interesting
@dragonsfire286 10 ай бұрын
Me who’s 12 with three younger cousins who I love dearly: 👀
@sleepyday8434 7 ай бұрын
I as well don’t really like kids… not all kids, just most. I love your art. I draw as well. But I am more of a traditional artist. Keep drawing.✨✨
@cosmoz02 9 ай бұрын
omg we have the same birth date 😭🙏
@cronotose8558 9 ай бұрын
@gojifanpat 10 ай бұрын
I Know A Way To Do It For Free, Although It's A Bit Painful: Get A Friend To Kick You Down There Extremely Hard. Trust Me, As A Guy Myself, *It's Effective.* /j
@anomalousanimates 10 ай бұрын
this looks like a title
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