@eliyasosia9536 8 сағат бұрын
That guy is rtz?
@bazadogpolce997 8 сағат бұрын
Honestly, yes life stealer is a very good carry right now , but before the big patch , he was way better imo , he had a way better open wounds that spread , a way better laning with max feast lvl 7 and better numbers on feast rather then lvl 18 , he had enemy slow with ghoul before which is arguably better then mvnt speed on lane , I'd say life stealer became a 400 hp tanky but with worst life steal in lane and in game , Just compare old life stealer to the new one , I'd say that people underestimated him before , it's not like 2 extra hp makes a difference min 15 with extra 200 hp , I'd rather have a max feast with more dmg .
@SaltyVest 10 сағат бұрын
Ahh yes the yearly Veno jungle Speeed video. Surely this time it's the year of the snake.
@JayEmTee85 16 сағат бұрын
Dude recommended a wand on a jungle build 😂
@user-hz2ub4qb6v 14 сағат бұрын
works with neutral creeps skills 4head
@Zimped 17 сағат бұрын
Turbo is the only mode I've played for 3 years now. Wish they would have ranked
@kckillakrack9714 20 сағат бұрын
Surge is great but if the other team has ranged or heroes u cant get to vacuum is very strong
@kckillakrack9714 20 сағат бұрын
When has dark seer not been a good hero? Like...
@SaifUllah-mb1wm 23 сағат бұрын
Lmfao. ❤
@mahanbravo Күн бұрын
this is what you get when ypu subscribe to his channel 😆
@MrBozuu Күн бұрын
I think Ceb put the plague ward down on the ground to aggro the camp. Its far enough away it won't block the camp and Ceb plays Veno close to the ward to take aggro off the ward. The creeps re-aggro from the floor ward, rinse repeat, and you preserve your HP and you have a ward giving slightly more vision for you to avoid ganks.
@lukapopovic8041 Күн бұрын
I was legend 3 last month I started to spam lifestealer,tiny and luna and now I'm Devine 1. Those are the best for me. Well, I used a lot of double downs 😅
@wiizardx Күн бұрын
our veno did this earlier. he did have two support items very fast. problem is, we traded our offlane for the AM carry . even with two items, the mid and carry targetted our veno almost always in the clash living him to die before the clash even starts. i guess this is ok if you can somehow create chaos for the other team once you are online(by that when he is 6 or he gets his first item, which is mek) . unfortunately , didn't work for us.
@krnzzang84 Күн бұрын
Gj speeed nice game on regional qualifier bro, almost made to TI, hopefully next year broo! GL🎉
@GianTehGreat Күн бұрын
i've been doing this and have been winning most games. Dont care about the reports
@DANNph Күн бұрын
Now everyone is going to jungle. How could you show this
@keighzcaberoy476 Күн бұрын
Doesn't work on low mmr though. They jungle which is fine, then end up buying carry items. Not support items.
@EugenioGastelum Күн бұрын
Congrats on taking a bath, we need to keep the gaming community proud.
@MeesterSun Күн бұрын
the advantage of this is that you can get all t1 neutrals for your team in a minute or 2 when they spawn at 7 minutes and that gives a huge advantage bc even at low divine i see some games not have all t1 neuts even when t2 comes out.
@PseudoDak Күн бұрын
Speeed I just had a Venmo do this at level 1 and left the lane and never returned. Ranked game in Legend. Why have you cursed me like this?
@dwinealiviado1047 Күн бұрын
i had this dark seer and venomancer support duo as teammates, mthrfking next level grief.. puts ionshell and toxic wards on me lmfao i cannot forget its too funny
@bhoot2194 Күн бұрын
Im scared to go in my pubs now 😢
@markk2254 Күн бұрын
People playing under immortal are getting flooded with toxic teammates playing like low priority 7 games in a row. Instead of making these pointless videos you should make a video pointing out the massive problem with Dota 2 right now. Endorse long term punishments for things like people feeding mid from random rage or afk the game. Doesn't matter how good you play if people keep getting hit by waves of toxic players ruining and trolling games. Its getting out of hand.
@djpnda-ed1dh Күн бұрын
Whenever speed runs out of ideas he makes a jungler video
@felipehuentelican3279 Күн бұрын
Hi speed, i think the drums isnt for health or something, more for the attack speed against the phoenix ulti
@fernandomagallanesjr935 Күн бұрын
This update on veno is really disgusting tbh like literally
@amirahmadi3963 Күн бұрын
Yeah if I try this in my 3k bracket I'm getting 4 insta reports and then low priority 👍
@raulduarteferraz Күн бұрын
poor night stalker
@darthbinks5987 Күн бұрын
The moment I've seen the patch notes back in the day I was hoping that it'll go unnoticed so I can abuse it longer. It's op and not necessarily for jungle.
@peropero2307 Күн бұрын
But don't you think that other talent is way stronger? You can slow all heroes, and it can do a lot of dmg? Veno can farm just fine without 3 wards on his head?
@defnotsmoj6760 Күн бұрын
I think this will only work in high ranks. My archon ass carry will cry about me jungling lmfao
@polo619652 Күн бұрын
Pos1 is usually last pick, as he said this is situational. You have to consider if the enemy offlane is a hyperaggressive duo. If they are, don't do this. You have time to tell your carry once you first pick veno that you are leaving him after level 3. He will pick a self sustaining carry. If he doesn't you have time to pick patient zero facet. Simple as that.
@matiasmanjon6147 Күн бұрын
Después aparecen gente en jungla ignorando completamente el juego para perder estompeados en 25 minutos y uno se pregunta por qué!! El juego castiga muy fuerte el juego pasivo de jungla si un team detecta que puede pushear sin oposición , por q el parche anterior los off jungla de ancestrales o support en ancestrales se convirtió en costumbre. Por algo Lycan, Brood , DK , brewmaster etc están fuertes. Videos como estos me hacen cuestionar seguir el canal
@Jigoku_No_Iru Күн бұрын
Haste un favor y exprésate en inglés, algo has de dominarlo si estas aquí, tampoco amenazes con quitarte porque no creo que a nadie le importe y menos aun si no entienden lo que dices, además si crees tener tan vasto conocimiento del juego por que ves estos videos en primer lugar? Aprende a sacar provecho a los videos que a ti en lo personal te convengan, aqui hay de todo guias, trucos, curiosidades, meta y para todo el publico, no esperes guias superavanzadas para 8k en adelante ni nada por el estilo, pero eso probablemente ya lo sabias, tampoco te pongas en la cola de los que dicen que estos videos acaban con los ranked, es mentira, si tienes suerte y te topas con un inventor y ganas todos contentos, si pierdes el que quiere lo reporta y pasan pagina.
@hardygonzalez8958 Күн бұрын
Here we go
@ivanpaijolin9128 Күн бұрын
what next? nyx assasin jungle? T_T
@pcxxy Күн бұрын
Divine veno spammer here, been toying with facet 2 for a while now but I've never gone full time jungling. Gonna give this a shot now wish me luck xDD
@marinovargasjorgefranco329 Күн бұрын
Veno's wards don't pull agro if attacking on top your head, you can use this info to jungle safely this strategy works even to solo kill roshan, just use the select other units button
@dooomguy5956 Күн бұрын
Ty for making ranked unplayable. All the animals will jungle now and I have to solo all game.
if the other team didn't have a slarder carry, the jug will be losing by 1000 gold at the 10min mark
@LMbulking Күн бұрын
Yes I will have griefers
yea defintely do this guys, ur offline is just gonna self exist against popular 5 of wd and ss
@krazysamurai Күн бұрын
venomancer late game can do two things: get vision and pop linkens. playing him jungle is stupid
god fking hate this, it will ruin 10% of the games
@Mr.gameplayer123 Күн бұрын
Thank u for a new , nice insight speedy, and wich Team are u in now?????
@ChristianTuulaniemi Күн бұрын
Is this your way of saying that you hate playing pos 5 instead of pos 3 in your new team, Speed? Is it!?
@Asterix958 Күн бұрын
7:44. Isn't Veno very weak against ranged heroes in laning because it has very low range. In my 3k games, laning of Veno isn't strong.
@summerishere5146 Күн бұрын
It took me until literally 3:00 to realize speed was in the bottom left 😭😭
@Asterix958 Күн бұрын
I don't know. Normally Veno is low range slow hero, having very little impact in the game because it hasn't stun, silence, high range skills, tankiness. This hero feels not strong.
@dejanjovic265 Күн бұрын
Pros agree that veno is now top 1 pos 5, but with F1, since ult pops 2x, big aoe slow etc. It was fun when u could kill rosh in minut 10 with veno alone, with F2.
@MajinCanon Күн бұрын
de ja vu, feel like if there is ever a jungler its veno
@Bleacher22 Күн бұрын
The idea of venom jungler comes from that those plague wards hit creeps 2 times harder than heroes and that you can carry them now, but not sure it's worth it to grief teamates with jungling, maybe if your carry has an easy lane then why not, but i would farm the closest neutral camps that you could always come back help when needed.
@Internet_Enjoyer Күн бұрын
think about that for a second: is dota getting more stupid, or is that actually a cool design? putting 4 wards on your own hero? wtf is that? i like the patch overall but some of those facets are so dumb and make no sense whatsoever. like the gyro rocket shooting other rockets. like wtf is that, is it so hard to come up with cool hero designs?
@sedimiri.7195 Күн бұрын
Want grief even more? Play 4/5 Tinker with heal robots. Im having fun with it in 3,5K
@zaynali9923 Күн бұрын
Medusa is terrible, 2-3 items to be even viable which means passive farm for 30 mins and in this patch people just run at you and hero can't do shit once ult is used. 'There's a reason nobody picks the hero in pro scene'