MeditTime 大家好 歡迎來到MeditTime冥想引導 深呼吸... 再吐氣... breathe in... deep breath out... a channel to let go of your worries 我們是催眠師也是靈性的好奇寶寶,對於冥想、清醒夢、星體投射等等議題都非常有興趣。 如果您也是歡迎加入臉書粉絲頁一起探討及經驗分享 facebook.com/medittime MEDITTIME會持續推出"簡單易懂" 的 催眠式療癒冥想引導,希望能夠提倡冥想、靜坐的習慣。讓我們每天都可以聆聽不同的引導來放鬆身、心、靈.同時我們與來自各國的知名療癒音頻創作家合作,全部使用腦波的"雙腦節拍音樂"(必須使用耳機聆聽),"腦波音頻"(必須使用耳機聆聽) 等等。希望可以幫助到各位 NAMASTE~ MeditTime也推出專屬兒童聆聽的冥想頻道[MeditKIDS兒童冥想],提供給照顧者多一種育兒管道。www.youtube.com/@MeditKids Hello Curious Souls! We are a group of hypnosis professionals who are interested in the topic of anything related to Meditations, Lucid Dreaming and Spiritual Growth. We continue to record SIMPLE and EASY TO FOLLOW scripts focusing on helping you relaxing the mind, body, and soul. We work with healing musical artists around the globe and that provides professionally composed musicals. These tracks include relaxing sounds, music, binaural beats music, and pure brainwaves. #冥想引導 #療癒冥想 #兒童冥想 #雙腦節拍冥想音樂 #清醒夢 #星體投射