Autism Q&A [CC]
3 жыл бұрын
I’m autistic [CC]
4 жыл бұрын
120 hours with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Parking Lot Accessibility (USA) [CC]
Pride Rewind Tag [CC]
6 жыл бұрын
@lucasalbright4127 Күн бұрын
I've dealt with people that think the only thing that qualifies one for a disability is being pushed in a wheelchair while having a severe mental deficiency, and also convulsing wildly with one's tongue hanging out of the side of their mouth. This attitude hasn't changed in centuries it seems. It isn't as bad as it was in the days of the lobotomy, but it seems that what the general population can't immediately SEE as a disability, they regard as laziness. This also seemed to be the only thing the lobotomizers cared about as well - as in, "see, we basically removed the thinking part of the patient's brain, such that now they are now a 'more visually pleasing' (and programmable) person to appease the mob." The key really is truly not caring at all what the mob thinks, and then most likely interests and pursuits will naturally guide one into very meaningful and, in many cases, more profound work than the vast mob who try to criminalize disabled people. I'm not into having a victim mentality, and I'm not a Woke person, oh, but when I've worked my ENTIRE LIFE and might need a little help from my country, now I must be the lazy demon of the universe arch villain. I just don't care at this point, and I'm focused on getting the surgery and help I need to live a normal life again. Being disabled has certainly opened my eyes though. Being disabled does NOT make one lazy; lazily judging someone without knowing them and trying to make their life even harder makes one finally realize the vast MAJORITY of people are lazy - morally and mentally lazy. Oh well. Having ' a job' does NOT by default make one honorable. Having a beautiful and positive purpose creates honor.
@jreddoch1 11 күн бұрын
When these writers are making their little "diverse" characters they start with a default and then make one change. So race, nationality, religion, disability, etc. It's a result of their biased worldview.
@jreddoch1 11 күн бұрын
For me it depends on the day. I got good days, ok, terrible, and good enough days. Also sometimes it hurts me to walk; even if mofos cant see it hurts.
@marybethmacnulty3500 18 күн бұрын
❤Thank you
@animemanXLK 19 күн бұрын
If we really wanna stop offending people we should all just stop talking altogether.
@John-gu4zn 26 күн бұрын
I've been on a mission to file a complaint about serious sexual abuse on youtybe advertising in which at the end of the video, there was explicit pornography and I mean explicit! Personally, I can only hope to get youtube executives to resolve this and not the U.S.Attorney Generals Office or other Congressional Body. This is only an extreme example of corruption of the minds of children that must stop!!!
@mzlww Ай бұрын
Not me, looking this up after coming to the same realization and having you take the words out of my mouth. Could drs BE anymore disorganized???
@v4mpire_doll Ай бұрын
I love your content so much! Keep up the great work! <3
@scott111566 Ай бұрын
I was very moved by your story and wanted to interview you on my podcast. Thanks!
@holisticliberty7430 Ай бұрын
I have canes, crutches, Rollator/Transfer chair. Manual Wheelchair & Recently I got an electric wheelchair. I don’t have the same condition you have. I do have several chronic pain conditions, including fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis all over my body, sciatica on both sides, sacroiliac, plantar fibroma in both feet and tendonitis on both knees, that’s just what I can think of on the top of my head. Thank you for your openness, it does help to know I’m not alone.
@Ryndragon778 Ай бұрын
I’m not reading a bunch of these comments considering some of the ones I have read are genuinely awful takes. Thank you for this video. I definitely have experience with the misuse of disability terms. My sisters were calling something delusional and when I asked them what they meant, they said that delusional just means being a little zany or silly. I tried to tell them that’s not what it means and was shut down. I am not currently diagnosed with any kind of psychotic disorder. I am in the process of seeking a diagnosis. But I do experience intense paranoia and the feeling that people are out to get me. I hear voices that others don’t. I won’t say my life is miserable. I’m not miserable. But my life isn’t a cakewalk either. I decided then and there that if I was diagnosed with a delusional disorder, I wouldn’t tell my sisters. I wouldn’t tell my own family. They wouldn’t understand the gravity of that statement. What it actually means beyond quirky memes. There’s also the fact that my family refers to bigoted politicians as “delusional” or “literally living in a different reality”. Bigots aren’t bigots because they have a mental illness. They’re bigots because of their own stereotypes, their own assumptions. Not because of any “delusions”.
@brownbri1983 Ай бұрын
The job requires able,to,lift 50lbs. Obciously its wrong,to,discriminate against someone who cant lift 50lbs
@kjchicago1 Ай бұрын
Hope you feel better and can walk again-Hope your foot heals
@Volundur9567 Ай бұрын
You can't.
@mimibelta259 Ай бұрын
It’s not the bans that caused the problem it’s the fact that the plastic straws have micro plastics and they are a danger to everyone’s health
@theroyalone7588 Ай бұрын
Is Eds tha same heds?
@Sophine 2 ай бұрын
I got GBS years ago then developed POEMS syndrome three years after. I was called lazy. It was interesting to see my mother's face when the doctors told her "she isn't lazy, the cancer took the ability for her nerves and muscles to work. The nerve conduction tests show she can be tased right now and just lay there looking at you" which is exactly what I did. I've gotten a decent amount of function back four years after treatment but I still cant do everything. But it took this long to be able to hold a bottle of water and sit up in my wheelchair. I attempt walking around my room and sitting at the piano trying to get my fingers to tap the keys. And I'm not there yet but it's fine. Just like you, I'm pushing myself all the time. I got things to do and places to go. You aren't lazy. I'm not lazy. Hell if anything I'm still pissed because I went from someone living her life dancing, running down jail halls to stop inmate fights, going to nursing school, making crafts, driving, going overseas on holiday.... To not being able to make my bed, open a water bottle, sit up and eat at the table in less than two months.
@jecj2024 2 ай бұрын
I think she has a mental disability 😅😅
@ethics3 2 ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly AGREE .
@sueallen952 2 ай бұрын
I had a bunion op 2 yrs ago and a week later a biopsy on the bottom of the same foot, wasnt given a cast but heavily bandaged, crutches and a boot. Had to walk on it from day one and I live alone and have know family so had to cope on my own, have to have the same op on the other foot this year, same situation!!!
@faithfulhill3769 2 ай бұрын
I was abused verbally my whole childhood by my father for an invisible illness he gave to me. I hate the term lazy and i try not to hate anything. I’m not lazy for caring for myself.
@emonighteverything4827 2 ай бұрын
Oh I remember a story where an old lady took a piece of paper and wrote faker on it and put it on someone's car. Wanna know the twist. The person who owned said car made a tiktok where she listed many things that impacted her quality of life and the main one I can remember is that they only had 1 lung.
@pnilsestuen5055 2 ай бұрын
I am struck by how similar my dilapidation has been: Plantar Fasciitis that resists conservative treatment, followed by lower back pain and dysautonomia. This video has helped because I've been getting nowhere in primary care, and I need to advocate for a referral to a specialist.
@cassandrawest1784 2 ай бұрын
I have autism and mild intellectual disability people think I am too pretty to be disabled or just being lazy or entitled . I get harassed by family members who think I am just making excuses grrr. So frustrating
@disableddisneymom3604 2 ай бұрын
Hello! I am a disabled KZbinr (just starting out…) but I’m here, trying it is hard for me as I have had two strokes have SLE lupus fibromyalgia and a lot of other health issues but I’m trying! 😊
@mariajosedelacruzmontero1108 2 ай бұрын
I really thought I was the only one, and yes, I use all aids: cane, walker and wheelchair, but it’s hard, since “I don’t look disabled”. I feel the planet pulling me down and the pain makes it even harder to breathe. I am afraid of leaving my home. This video was really helpful. Thank you.❤
@laco403 2 ай бұрын
I'm partially paralyzed. I have *some* feeling and control over my legs. I can walk short distances. I can walk about half a mile at most using a walker, and a city block at most using nothing but my legs. I had a spinal cord inquiry, but didn't disrupt ALL the connection in my spine. When I don't have a wheelchair, I feel like there's an invisible force field around me. I can only go a block in each direction. Who can live like that? No strolls (or rolls) through the park, no going out with friends, no visiting family. I love to go out and explore. I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user.
@theo._1522 2 ай бұрын
love this!
@1973betti 3 ай бұрын
numai cei care sint in situatia asta pot sa inteleaga si stiu cum e,cei sanatosi nu au cum sa stie cum e si sa se puna in locul tau sa poata sa-ti inteleaga situatia si boala ( only those who are in this situation can understand and know what it's like, healthy people have no way to know what it's like and put themselves in your place to be able to understand your situation and your illness )
@marie_eva 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video!! I have a placard because eds and pots make me unable to walk for long distances (i don't use a wheelchair... probably "yet"). But I've always seen other disabled people leave their carts in the middle between-cars wheelchair access lane. I thought this made sense, because the cart putaway spot is far to walk to, so I followed. I'm so sorry that I've done that for the past few months! I wish they were marked. Where I live, they don't even have the lines so being an empty space, I thought that was correct. But now I know! Thanks again! I don't wanna be a jerk!
@natalierochon 3 ай бұрын
i'm so sick of people being so judgmental of people with disabilities, i wish the judging and gossip would stop and we can just accept each other for who we are
@Smudge7Four 3 ай бұрын
As a teacher, I typically use person-first language to be respectful, but always try to ask what language the person prefers so I can address and talk to them correctly. I plan to be a special education teacher, so this was informative to hear. Thanks for some good insight.
@freesoul3371 3 ай бұрын
Quit crying and whining about every little thing.
@Chiller-pc1dv 4 ай бұрын
Someone called me a faker of disability, because I was standing in some of my videos.
@annberlin5811 4 ай бұрын
It could be celiac
@squiggly7 4 ай бұрын
I’m going to disagree; I don’t think you can assume that someone is judging you negatively just by looking at you. You make everything very us vs. them, but you make just as many assumptions as the people you are in turn objectifying. I think some of this is your perception only based on some negative experiences certainly. Don’t let it poison your thoughts. Your message becomes a very negative one.
@maxlopez6423 4 ай бұрын
This is the most shocking situation for me
@SnowySpiritRuby 4 ай бұрын
The only time anyone made a negative comment on my parking in a handicapped spot (my chair is my only mobility aid, and I wasn't using it that day), I didn't actually catch what he said - something about forgetting crutches, but that was all I heard - and I didn't even realize that he had been talking to me until several hours later, which made me even more surprised, because I know his older sister, and she has invisible disabilities that affect her mobility, so once I realized that I was the one he had made that comment to, I couldn't figure out why he even made it in the first place. I've never had anyone actually challenge me on it, but I have a couple different responses prepared in case anyone does: "You're not my doctor" (this one I can use for just about anything, not just parking) and "I don't care, call the police if you want - they'll look it up and tell you it's valid" (I have handicapped plates on my pickup truck). For reference, this is in an area (not sure if it's just county or wider) where there's a $750 fine for parking illegally in one, so a deterrent in and of itself. I had a first happen a week ago, though - I went out to dinner with my best friend, and the place we went was one of those places where they put the food together as you tell them what things you want in it (like at Subway, but it was an Italian place). I've been out to eat in my wheelchair with friends and family many times in the past at all sorts of restaurants, but this was the first time that one of the employees asked the person with me, instead of me, what I wanted in mine - I very clearly told him that the one he was asking about was mine, not hers, so hopefully he got the message that just because I might be in a wheelchair at the moment doesn't necessarily mean I'm not capable of ordering my own food: I had been placing my own order up till that point, and he was the one who'd been taking it, so I couldn't figure out why he all of a sudden thought I couldn't order for myself. I know this is something that is all too common among this community, but it was a first for me (the end of July marks 6 years of me utilizing a wheelchair part time).
@jes3927 4 ай бұрын
Ironically, this "casual openness" about disabled conditions has somehow made it easier for me to address these in normal, everyday conversations amongst peers and friends, as these issues are normally seem as taboo to discuss about in my country/culture lol. Thank you for this video, Annie.
@streaming5332 4 ай бұрын
Depends on the circumstances. People with MS are a nightmare and users. They use their disabilty to get sympathy, money, they'll suck the life out of you.
@crunchycookie06 5 ай бұрын
Candace Owens, is a despicable human being.
@bonnieross9334 5 ай бұрын
As someone with multiple disabilities, I often use humour in relation to my own disabilities, as I find it more positive than being all serious and depressed about it. Is this wrong and/or demeaning?
@My_klei 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@010101Be 5 ай бұрын
Omg. You totally need my cane! It flips open to a seat to lean into to take the pressure off whenever I need to stand longer. Otherwise, before I had this, i would often sit on the floor/ground wherever I happen to be. Then folks come asking if they need to Call ☎️ someone, like ambulance. 😂 It is from Comoy’s of London. Ordered online. Leather sling seat is comfy. It is my favorite!
@denisewhalen8932 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. It's very reassuring to see a young person speaking out. I have Ehlers and I am 59. Each year my world becomes smaller because of my body. I was diagnosed by accident when my son was referred to a geneticist. My son has Ehlers, Autism and ADHD. He was 21and I was 47 when we learned about Ehlers. I began struggling when I became pregnant and my hips kept dislocating. After my son was born I rolled over in bed and dislocated 2 vertebrae between my shoulders. My son and I have been put through hell because of this "your lazy" attitude. We were at a mall and use the mall scooters and I had to take the employee to task because my son doesn't look disabled. He was called "lazy". My own mother just a few years ago called me fat and lazy because I used a walker and scooter. Keep up the great job of bringing these antiquated preconceived attitudes towards disabled individuals. Your voice is strong and it helps to know that you will speak the truth.
@mikegrok 5 ай бұрын
My wife is a quadruple amputee. She can walk, but after 80 feet without something to lean on she needs to get off of her legs. She uses a power wheelchair when out and about. If there is not a chair nearby she will sit on the ground. But once down she can’t get back up without something to lean on, or assistance. Ie her wheelchair. For her it is easy to show her legs are prosthetics, but many people lack that obvious physical difference.
@BuffiOmega 5 ай бұрын
@user-pz3if4pf2y 5 ай бұрын
What kind of shoes are those?
@darthapple87 6 ай бұрын
As someone living in a tiny apartment with no room for a stool in the kitchen, the egg cracker would make eggs more accessible for me since I'm on forearm crutches. Currently, I put down one crutch, meaning I sacrifice some balance (balance issues and vertigo are what I was prescribed crutches for). Then I do my best to crack an egg one-handed. I have really small hands, so it's a challenge for me. That egg cracking tool would definitely make it more accessible for me.
@HughMorristheJoker 6 ай бұрын
Probably cause it's negative
@ghostlylover99123 6 ай бұрын
Because disabilities is the only white privilege card, lol, but anyway, way too many poc people don't like to speak about it much.?