George Widger on Jesuit Coadjutors - 07/09/24
George Widger on Jesuit Coadjutors - 07/03/24
Pope's Gaza War - 05/20/24
Ranks of Demonic Powers - 05/05/24
@michaelbelnavis6631 Сағат бұрын
Read the book “The Great Controversy” By Ellen G White
@DudeMaccabeus 2 сағат бұрын
Why do you continually preach jesuit gap theory? Why...either your a jesuit limited hangout....or you are willfully ignorant. All of daniel 9 is done
@bigairnohander 12 сағат бұрын
It's another bases loaded dinger for the rookie Drake. Perhaps we are witnessing the birth of a future hall of famer's career here folks... stay tuned! ❤
@DeniliTsemi-d1j 18 сағат бұрын
Speaking of Africanization, that's where the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement originated
@thomasboularian5798 18 сағат бұрын
I have the most appropriate title for your book. You need to add the word satanic to the title. In other words "the Jesuit satanic world order.". Why, because that's what they are, do and manifest. Stop skirting the real issue here. They are high level luciferians, sorcererd, dark occultists, who worship Lucifer or Satan or the devil, etc, who do the will and bidding of Satan, via his Legion of demons possessing them.
@tammykint5207 19 сағат бұрын
11 Timthy chapter 3 is my favorite, along with Psalm 37. I always called 11 Timothy the Police chapter because that was what I dealt with for 22 years.
@tammykint5207 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your broadcasts
@KFBbythesea 22 сағат бұрын
Walter Conrete....go Eric go. You and George are together so powerful. Be blessed.
@ikeremo Күн бұрын
The Vanishing American Adult by Ben Sasse
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 Күн бұрын
U hav read?
@ikeremo Күн бұрын
@@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 No I was driving and wanted to remind myself to look for the book.
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 23 сағат бұрын
@@ikeremo gotcha
@Mr_m888 Күн бұрын
Changes 'was' to "became" in Genesis 1:2, and then talks about Satan... 'Yea, hath God said,' (Genesis 3:1). That's not "clarification," that's literally changing the word. And are we gonna act like the English AV doesn't have a superior revelation to the Hebrew or Greek anyway? Yeah, I don't trust you.
@justaman33 Күн бұрын
I don't see part 2. Only part 3. Any place to listen to part 2?
@user-hn4bw3cx8j Күн бұрын
Anybody has a clue why lately in warsaw, pol.visibly in local neighbourhoods can be seen presence of africans in high numbers every time.
@user-hn4bw3cx8j Күн бұрын
Also as a traveler, without any bias or prejudice ,the honest fact is if anybody travels to Brazil , the southern states which are populatet by majority of whites who emigrated there as a poor and uneducated in 18 - 19 century from europe are visibly prosperous and highly superior in maters of standard of living and quality of life such as safety, economy, infrastructure; housing, parks, transportation, more ethical in personal behivour, awarness of human dignity ect. than rest of the states which are populated by decendants of blacks from africa.
@KFBbythesea Күн бұрын
Gabbi Choong on YT has 11 uploads with a woman called Nellie. She grew up in one of these dark families in N.Z and Australia. She said the lone killers with names the end in ski or sky are from the brotherhood. She has given lots of good info. Nellie explains the length they go to, to send innocent folk to jail. They use scopolimine like water.
@theriffguy8237 Күн бұрын
The Pearl of the East, aka Francis Xavier, was said to have levitated, smite an army with lightning, pick ulcers and lick his fingers, wash feet and drink the water, and mortify his flesh horrifically. He was also the right hand of Loyola and why I believe Pope Francis called himself Francis, as he is not a Franciscan. In any other era, Xavier would be locked up as a fanatic of extreme tendencies.
@user-oe5ep2tg3t Күн бұрын
I enjoyed this alot, my Brothers in Christ... Please keep up the great work... Peace and Blessings to You all.
@bigairnohander Күн бұрын
Bectel? Do you mean the megacorp that provides the desalination plants that permit the hoax of Mecca to exist???😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@bigairnohander Күн бұрын
Caitlin Clark = CC= gematria 33😂😂😂😂😂😂. Well done Rome!
@Qwertyytrwq92 2 күн бұрын
The Germans were approaching their paid off debts.I think once a nation pays it's debts it doesn't owe and things are back to normal. But, I suspected that war debts which enslave nations is what people actually would rather have. This earth is being run by people who want to enslave people through that old system. Germany just announced it is buying 105 panzers for some war again so, I'm guessing it will further indebt them and the man enslavement will begin once again.
@theriffguy8237 2 күн бұрын
I spend a lot of time on the road and these broadcasts / podcasts are the best company. Thank you Gentlemen.
@theriffguy8237 2 күн бұрын
Fascinating Jesuit story was that of Robert di Nobilii when in India. Spent 50 years learning the languages and went on to write a new Veda. Called himself the Raja from Rome. They also invented a new language, a hybrid of Portuguese and Tamil.
@bigairnohander 2 күн бұрын
A few clarifications regarding The Trudeau family. 1) Pierre Elliott Trudeau wrote his thesis for his master's degree at Harvard. It was a dissertation speaking on communism and Christianity. Prime Minister Jean Cretian was taken under Trudeau the Elder's wing, and introduced numerous socialist policies. Justin was influenced from within his own home. 2) The photo that was mentioned about Fidel holding Margaret's baby, was actually him holding Michele; her second son. The Trudeau family and Casa Castro were frequent guests of each other's. Justin refers to Castro as uncle Fidel, and gave a controversial speech waxing eloquently at the dictators funeral. 3) Justin has a demon spirit of Haida Gwaii tattoo; not a maltize cross. 4) the newly wed Trudeau couple honeymooned in Victoria BC first, then in the Caribbean, in the spring of 1971. Justin was destined for greatness when he was born on December 25th, 1971; Tammuz could not have been happier.😂😂😂😂 5) none of Pierre's sons bore any significant resemblance to him. He was quite a lady's man his whole life, yet was never known to have sired any children outside of his 3 sons. Some have speculated that Jim Sinclair, who was Margaret's father, and a political colleague of Pierre, arranged the marriage of his much younger daughter to the much older Pierre, to give playboy Pierre a family man image. Perhaps it's not a coincidence that the two divorced months before Pierre left office. Margaret is still known to suffer with mental health issues.😮
@justaman33 2 күн бұрын
Thank you. I live in Denver and am a student of KL.
@fishouttawtr 3 күн бұрын
Rural cities and towns are now experiencing rapid, drastic changes in demographics! Odd stack n pack apartments are popping up as well. The new "neighbors" are well funded, auto reload debit cards in hand, subsidized housing built for them and the better jobs are often vacated should they choose to work them. Of course they don't have to because all their necessitates are provided! What's being done is truly evil!
@ikeremo 3 күн бұрын
My Prime Minister went to the same French-Jesuit school in Montreal his father Pierre Trudeau attended. Pierre Trudeau is known for the white papers which was a ploy by the liberals to diminish the Indian status and destroy the special rights Indians have. Now these days Justin Trudeau welcomes these Indians and minority communities, which I think, will be rounded up and persecuted which the majority population will be fine with. Funny times we live in and I’m doing my best to inform my fellow men and women.
@theriffguy8237 3 күн бұрын
All roads lead to Rome.
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 3 күн бұрын
Jesuit jab for the vatican virus😮😮😮
@KFBbythesea 3 күн бұрын
Gabbi Choong has done 11 uploads by a woman called Nellie. She gives alot of info about crimes committed by brotherhood. Her father was apart of JFK assassination. Her info explains alot of crimes that were in media in Australia.
@KFBbythesea 3 күн бұрын
David Shurter spoke of Trumps father as a participant of evil at Hummel Park. He said he was worse than Aquino.
@CopycatNinja875 3 күн бұрын
What is your opinion on Trumps Agenda 47 protocol? It think that it is a template to implement a New Right Fascist dictatorship.
@theriffguy8237 3 күн бұрын
Notifications are working. Bless you gentlemen.
@theriffguy8237 3 күн бұрын
Could you please address Pope Francis being a Jesuit and the completion of the coup?
@sjurdurkjv 4 күн бұрын
General wicked was Wigget
@theriffguy8237 4 күн бұрын
I believe Mr Phelps would find the Franciscan & Dominican efforts to bring upon the Eternum Evangelicum or Eternal Gospel of the 12th century a fascinating albeit secretive episode of Church history. Only work I have seen it referenced is in the Anacalypsis of Godfrey Higgins, whereby he observes the Crusades were to clear a path for millions upon an expectation of the Return. The Book was obliterated from history when the day came and went. Great sermon btw. Regards from Brisbane, Australia.
@theriffguy8237 4 күн бұрын
Of interest is the Illuminati of Jesuit Weishaupt was setup in the same year the Jesuits were suppressed in 1769 (from memory)
@somedude5951 5 күн бұрын
Jews welcomed to the Jesuit Order in 1946? Thank you brother Eric for finally giving the year! 1946. In that case, George Soros may be a Jesuit. He betrayed his fellow Jews in WW2, and said he became "Christian" in WW2 to survive the onslaught, in the Catholic country of Hungary. George Soros being a Jesuit, would explain his role in world politics and media very well.
@theriffguy8237 5 күн бұрын
Really enjoy these readings. Keep them coming Sir. God bless.
@clintsequipment 5 күн бұрын
Moving the 70th week to the future was not the conviction of the reformers.
@keithwhitlock726 5 күн бұрын
Yet, not a single one of the 181 Roman Catholic colleges and universities made the top 50 American universities and colleges that have produced Nobel Peace Prize winners. They churn out a disproportionate amount of politicians, journalists, actors, and other media professionals. Ivy league prices for a substandard education.
@tangerinedreamer50 5 күн бұрын
Steven is a breath of fresh air for you Eric you can see he's given you a new lease of life hes picked you right up. I'll say one thing brothers your channel deserves more subscribers I believe alot of people are scared to admit their dislikes for the Jesuits. Yeshua loves yous
@ElohimHaveMercyICXC 6 күн бұрын
“The power of the church exercised over Sovereigns in the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) was not a usurpation, was not derived from the concession of princes or consent of the people, but was and is held by divine right, and whoso resists it rebels against the king of kings and Lord of Lords” (Brownson’s Review June, 1851) “Pope Gregory VII decided it was no murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was incorporated in the canon Law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which produces a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand,. It appears in every reprint of the Corpus Juris. It was been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical Law. Far from being a dead letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisitions; and one of the later Popes has declared that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a Catholic.” (The London Times, July 20, 1872) “Undoubtedly it is the intention of the pope to possess this county. IN this intention he is aided by the Jesuits, and all the catholic prelates and priest” (Brownson’s Review, May 1864) “No good governments can exist without religion, and there can be no religion without an Inquisition, which is wisely designed for the promotion and protection of the true faith.” (Boston Pilot, Official journal of the Bishop)
@fernandoscrenci4874 6 күн бұрын
Great information on exposing these Jesuits and there games!!!🫵🧐
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 6 күн бұрын
@mercedeshernandez-sn9tj 6 күн бұрын
9th of July
@red---paulvanravenswaay2247 6 күн бұрын
Is that an hispanic jew?
@theriffguy8237 7 күн бұрын
I derive so much comfort from these sermons. God bless you Mr Phelps.
@DudeMaccabeus 7 күн бұрын
Person is the issue. God in one person vs God in three persons. One is error.
@somedude5951 8 күн бұрын
Bible study as a political movement is correct. The Dutch Republic made it's political system based on the Bible based humanism of Desiderius Erasmus.
@somedude5951 8 күн бұрын
Lots of folks become over 90 years old. Hopefully more than 20 years to go still, brother Eric.
@somedude5951 9 күн бұрын
So the American Empire from the hidden papist hand, was constructed by the Jesuits by using Freemasonry? They're trying to do the same now with the European Union. We must suppose Britain was the only country defending some what with Brexit, because Britain was not occupied, as the rest of Europe was. The ridiculous huge immigration into Britain and other countries will end all prosperity there. Rulers and nobility in these empires, are selected from catholic orphanages and boarding schools, where they were the children that helped Jesuits to r*pe other children.
@user-qq8yq7xv8b 9 күн бұрын
I'm very Glad to hear you, spoke about David Daniel's and Chick Publications, I get there tracts from them to pass them out!!! Because I'm not a good preacher at all !!!