@Callsign-Blade_RunnerSG Сағат бұрын
Would be Nice to see a future interview with Eugene Tay and Jonathan Lim from Supernatural Confessions. 👍🏻
@JimJamJoo 16 сағат бұрын
Last time not long ago I can eat 4 square meals with $10. Now at least $20.
@LonganLee Күн бұрын
Singaporeans generally no protests, no boycots , no demonstrations, no publicly voicing up. Wonderful for businesses
@LonganLee Күн бұрын
Singapore hard to find boycot. Isolated by self interest. Loose sands? I not sure. Theoretically, if hawkers jack up prices unfairly, just half the customer base if they boycot for a short while, the hawker will know and surrender. But this is not possible in reality and that's why many continue to pay even if they not happy
@aspirojohn7617 Күн бұрын
Many are able to accept all shyt using this mind trick : 1. COE bloody expensive tax? Their mind trick : compared to the worst in the world where they have no roads, this is a bargain. So they accept happily and ensure no change 2. Corruption cases? They use this mind trick: Aiyo, look at other countries. Much more corruption. We very good already. This Corruption is ok, acceptable. Keep status quo. We got long way to go to the bottom. 3. Price hiked ten to twenty times more than the than the 1% gst hike? They use this Mind trick : very good already, we still got food to eat leh. Want to eat shyt or not? I share with you. 4. World highest salary for leader: Their mind trick : aiyo, thats nothing. Compare to other countries where corruption is common, thats nothing. 5. Cpf lockup? Mind trick : a minority number get cheated their savings by women or sex lures. This minority can broadbrush the majority and justify the lock up. Here, please lock up all my for many decades regardless of health, age, race or religion. So , expect No Change. You are stuck by decision of a group of certain kind of people. The mind trick in short is, ignore the bad and race to the bottom.
@Hs5687 Күн бұрын
This Channel sometimes Gives PAP honeypot Vibes 😊 … Wonder Why?
@shuibsulaiman8746 Күн бұрын
dont listen to this dog... Anwar just dumbfuxk lol....
@rrs2023 2 күн бұрын
Who are you to play god onbehalf of Singaporeans senior citizens.
@peterlee8317 2 күн бұрын
I’m from KL and enjoyed listening to you guys. Feel welcome and warm when you mentioned kindred spirit!
@user-gy4bp2vc9b 2 күн бұрын
I love the chemistry and the different views provided by Haresh and Terence, funny and real, just like why friends gather and chit chat ❤
@YahLahBut 2 күн бұрын
@LonganLee 2 күн бұрын
Folklery suggestion : 1. Interviewing parents: these are likely less conversant in english which is the medium of this channel. Should branch into the bigger market of vanacular languages
@russiasucks7170 2 күн бұрын
Simplistic Podcast. Nowadays got all these useless podcast. If one wants to do podcast, no expertise information nevermind , but at least do your homework in sorting out the basic information right. Your understanding of the greenwashing concept is half-understood and there are many factual inaccuracies in the whole podcast. Otherwise, this podcast sounds and feels like a platform for opposition supporters to voice their loser views. Pathetic ! The people who said that the podcast was great is either intellectually obtuse or dull. Because, all this while, both of you clowns (podcasts wannabe) put up a discussion but end up shallowly discussing another topic which has either little relevance or is incomparable to the topic that is first raised. Come lets give an example, your discussion of NTU student protest cannot be conflated or linked with the protests on the middle east. Why? because the former is a student based protest and the latter is a much a more differentiated group consisting from all walks of life. Both groups of protest have different motivation incentives and operate on different levels. Hence, they cannot be put side-by-side.
@mzt8491 2 күн бұрын
As someone who has bid for a hawker stall at the NEA run hawker centres and tendered for a stall at the NTUC/Timbre led ones, I would like to highlight that the data on hawker stall rent may not paint the full picture on rental related cost. Besides the base rental, there's also things like maintenance, utilities, pest control, dish washing etc. These are cheaper for the older hawker centres, but for the newer ones they are substantially higher and compulsory, so individual hawkers can't even reduce their costs by washing their own dishes. Also for the newer ones, many of them tend to have a 10% discount if you use their related cards (e.g. ntuc card). For the one I bid for (and I assume the same goes for the other hawker centres), the 10% discount comes out of the hawker's own pocket, and that is a huge amount because it is 10% of your revenue. So yes the govt and the papers may go spouting about how rental is not that expensive, but that is because they have defined 'rent' a certain way while obfuscating other costs.
@christophertan7466 2 күн бұрын
Same like HK triads who tried do charities to whitewash their past actions that bled the society.
@Humorousguy64 2 күн бұрын
Hawkers rental already low compare to coffeeshop or food court but they also increases price and even charges for extra bit of chilli or extra empty plate requested...what is that? These stalls should be banned for 2 days when received complaints with prove....then i think other stall would not follow those unfair path
@mzt8491 2 күн бұрын
the newer hawker centres charge hawkers for dish washing for each piece of cutlery. requesting for an extra plate increases the cost for the hawker, so it is understandable why some are unwilling to provide it
@Humorousguy64 2 күн бұрын
The increase all done by greedy humans
@Humorousguy64 2 күн бұрын
Cup of ice charges between 50 cents to $1 ...hahaha what the hell is that? Fair? A little water makes a cup of ice ...
@ewmurphy 3 күн бұрын
Guys, GST is only charged by GST-registered businesses. A business must register for GST if its annual turnover exceeds S$1 million. For small businesses that do need meet this threshold, GST registration is optional. So hawkers are generally excluded from GST collection although other cost components stack up 😅 The quantitative and qualititative analysis were too binaristic, without considering the holistic business models of hawkers, also not forgetting commission charged by platforms for same hawker food deliveries as well.
@natural.oil.tachikoma 3 күн бұрын
3 tix left after my purchase from the shownotes link
@aaraonhon 3 күн бұрын
Every increase is an opportunity for owners to try justify a 50 cents hike.
@ivanlimzg 3 күн бұрын
Then keep raising the salaries to match the cost of living.
@Marty-gv4nv 3 күн бұрын
I have to say I am very impressed with haresh, he is a great host and has a terrific sense of humour. To top that off he is a Manchester United fan just like me. I am not bias just stating facts . Terence is all right. 😊
@tamachan1987 3 күн бұрын
Not sure why coffee shop increase from 7% to 8% then next year to 9% How can a coffee from $1 to $1.2? My Kopi-peng downstairs was from $2 became $2.6 (Large glass) Not sure how their 1-2% is about 15-30% increment. And who pays the difference? Us Consumers. Dont we think that "coffee shops' should have a control is their rental? which directly affects their food pricing. I am sure Kopi in 2030 would be $2 by then.
@user-dd9od8qb1c Күн бұрын
Why? Because it's a business opportunity . If people cannot do anything about it, businesses will makan you
@user-dd9od8qb1c Күн бұрын
You willing to buy then don't complain. I boycott
@LonganLee Күн бұрын
Many just say Bo Bian and pay for the much jacked up prices. So hawkers know you Lan Lan
@user-dd9od8qb1c Күн бұрын
We need to be pro business 😭
@nicholasgoh3526 3 күн бұрын
A lot of Sinkies still think an increase of GST from 7% to 9% over 2 years is just a 1% increase each year so no big deal. Makes me wonder why we still have Advanced Maths in school. BTW 8th Jun is my birthday so you should give me a free ticket to your event. Thanks
@lilychua7866 3 күн бұрын
Blame the opposition for wanting staggered increase in GST instead of taking 1 hit! With each increase in GST, retailers will increase their prices more than each 1% increase . So don’t go pushing your blame on voters of the incumbent party like you guys have no part to play in this!
@mzt8491 2 күн бұрын
@@lilychua7866 a quick google search on 'workers party staggered gst hike' will provide you cna/ST articles that show WP objected to GST increase and PM Wong was the one who initiated the staggered gst, so I'm not sure where you're getting your info from that the opposition wanted staggered increase.
@tonykwok9763 4 күн бұрын
@nicholasgerard1579 5 күн бұрын
Singapore Airlines did a great job communicating with the public, providing timely and accurate updates as need to be, instead of the media which went into a frenzy which while seemed to communicate more frequently, the media's information seemed exaggerated or inflated. From a branding angle, Tony Fernandes of AirAsia is always in the spotlight, unlike SIA’s Goh Choon Phong who keeps a lower profile. Given that, I think it's fine that Goh hasn't made many public statements.
@lyhs0219 5 күн бұрын
I dont feel like a citizen. Every time people will tell me, if you want to complain, feel free to leave Singapore
@MightyRoy 6 күн бұрын
Most Nobel prize winners especially in science and engineering field (not the peace prize ones) are incredibly intelligent people who are the straight A's type. Not sure why they are saying straight A's never rise to the top. Example, Lee Kwan Yew was the top of his cohort at Cambridge.
@HarishPillay 6 күн бұрын
To be fair to SQ and the CEO, I think he probably is doing all that is needed on the ground in BKK. I am not privy to anything SQ is doing, but I think keeping out of the limelight and focusing on the people on the ground and doing in-person action is what I would want to do as well. I'd agree that he should have not done the recorded video release, but held a live press conference and to let their corporate comms folks run it. When SQ006 had the on-ground crash in Taipei, the corporate comms and PR of SQ was, from what I can remember, very effective in information management. Communications is crucial at times like this. Open, honest comms. My gut feeling is that it is happening, it is just not in public. Thanks for discussing this unfortunate incident. My trust in the pilots, the crew and all of Singapore Airlines is intact. The crew, I am sure, did the best they could - their training certainly came in useful. I am sure also that there are unsung heroes among the passengers who did what they could. WRT the two royal portraits, I initially thought the one for Charles was silly, but it did take sometime for me to get to agree with it. Likewise for Kate's cover portrait. Like Terence's comment, it is not meant to be photorealistic. I think it is good drawing.
@LonganLee 6 күн бұрын
❤ None of you talked about In-Cabin security camera footage right? Not one channel in the world has shown it based on my many searches. Is it : 1. No surveilance camera recording in this SQ as a policy or other reasons like privacy? Or 2. There is but no one knows nor asked? If 1 is true, what happens when terror strikes or serious incident ? If no footage, will this affect investigation in such scenario? If the crew did a good job at making sure all the passengers were all strapped in, would there have been less injuries? All IFs, no allegations
@hosay10 6 күн бұрын
Reason is simple. When under investigation will they anyhow release info so ppl will anyhow come out wth their own conclusions? Have to be patient and wait. The black box is only recently retrieved by the authorities
@LonganLee 6 күн бұрын
@@hosay10 yes you are right. The fact remains as what I said, that Not One TV station even ASKED. The Fact that such pertinent question is totally not asked by any tv station any where in the world is strange . Under investigation the case may be, asking is still allowed in other jurisdiction like the wild wild west. So, if there is, they should say there is. If not just say it's not available. Chatgpt says some airlines intentionally don't record for privacy reasons. This means many do record. Given terrorism is real, the excuse for privacy lacks strength in justification
@hosay10 6 күн бұрын
@@LonganLee Well again it's a very simple explanation. Maybe one should put aside the conspiracy theory first. Maybe news outlet did ask for more info however SIA declined the interview as they need more info themselves? Do note this is in Thailand. SIA or even SG have no rights to interfere with their procedures, we ain't the west, that force other countries to their needs. So if follow the west, if they themselves hv no info, their standard replies will also be no comments or not ready to answer. The critics will also spin their own narratives, and asked why agree to the interview when they know nothing, correct? There is no way to cover up for this incident and abit too early to see whose fault. Unlike this podcast just spinning to their narrative through the easier "popular" way to gain more viewers as many like you think it's going to be a cover up for SIA, which I can bet there is no way to cover up. Not sure will there be video recording, but in this incident due to turbulence, whereby no criminal activities is involved, I highly suspect they would not release the full video. In respect to the victims too.
@user-dd9od8qb1c 7 күн бұрын
Were SIA crew belted in too? Why some has injury? Setting good example?
@hosay10 6 күн бұрын
Have u taken a plane before? Highly suspect not since u ask such stupid questions
@josephc-xb3oz 7 күн бұрын
I actually find SIA’s response to be very well coordinated. Although there was a death onboard, it was still a turbulence incident at the end of the day and not a crash so maybe a press conference was not necessary. Plus I doubt SIA had the necessary infrastructure (backdrop etc.) or clearance by the airport authorities to hold press conferences at their airport. SIA labelled their FB updates numerically with timestamps and did not rush them out as many news outlets did, each of them reporting a different injury count. Some even used the wrong footage of another SIA turbulence incident more than 10 years ago in their news story. The Thai news outlet also had to take back their report on the second death because SIA insisted on only one death which turned out to be true. Their response might have been “slow” compared to news outlets, but they’re focused on what’s happening on the ground and getting the facts right. The CEO’s message was also clear and to the point, and took accountability for the incident which is not even their fault to begin with. The way he spoke shouldn’t be as big of an issue as it is because that’s just how he speaks (look up any interview he is in). His hospital visit and the care representative allocation to the injured passengers were probably already planned in advance and ready to be executed but that Australian man went for a press run instead of letting the crisis response take its shape.
@Marty-gv4nv 7 күн бұрын
Hello YLBverse. Today’s episode is about turbulence. 1st topic is one in the sky somewhat clear and invisible 2nd is a turbulence of artistic expression which is pretty clear. Poetry in the unseen and seen in this episode. Hopefully we get a follow up once the investigations are concluded for the sq321 incident . Condolences to the family who has lost a loved one.
@user-dd9od8qb1c 7 күн бұрын
Was the injured crew belted in or broke the rules?
@jimw8615 7 күн бұрын
MH is not Tony F. tony is for air Asia fatal accident
@vtntanvt4389 7 күн бұрын
Was the victim belted in ?
@HKG-gq4kp 7 күн бұрын
The passenger that died had a heart attack.
@user-dd9od8qb1c 7 күн бұрын
What caused the heart attack?​@@HKG-gq4kp
@LonganLee 6 күн бұрын
​@@HKG-gq4kpbut what caused the cause?
@sidewalkslam 5 күн бұрын
@@LonganLee likely rapid negative G-Force as a result of the 100-foot drop due to the turbulence.
@LonganLee 5 күн бұрын
@@sidewalkslam makes sense👍
@Marty-gv4nv 9 күн бұрын
Hello yah lah but universe. In another life I feel Haresh would make a great teacher considering his gift of talking . Whereas Terence maybe a programmer or coder as he seems very meticulous in the way he articulates his thoughts, great episode by the way . 😎
@Humorousguy64 9 күн бұрын
Should be banned ..why ? Cos of his outfit as a monk dancing around .. why he chose monk outfit ? Better carry a CROSS and dance ..see if is permitted
@bunnystrasse 9 күн бұрын
SBF is stupid and short sighted
@bunnystrasse 9 күн бұрын
What is wrong with the dancing "monk"? The Buddhist religion is literally dying and the SBF thinks otherwise :D No young people wants to chant man.....they want song and dance!
@lagofala 9 күн бұрын
Eh, how come they have no issue with shaolin soccer the movie. Overreaction.
@Humorousguy64 9 күн бұрын
Movie is a movie .. fiction ...live is not !!
@lagofala 8 күн бұрын
@@Humorousguy64 It's the same principle. It's both entertainment
@mamoswim 9 күн бұрын
@kehoongluah9817 9 күн бұрын
Agree on that part where SBF may have miss the opportunity to share more abt the religion to the younger generation. Could even show that they are able to condone his performance because Buddhism is all about forgiving and moving on w life?
@James-mb5jr 9 күн бұрын
The first warrant to be issued to the leader of a democratic country? How about Putin? Doesn’t Russia have elections and hence a democratic country?
@armageddon87 9 күн бұрын
Why the wokeness in first 3 min
@kcchiew4247 9 күн бұрын
Yes. Israeli PM and Hamas leaders are war crimes.
@reallynousername 9 күн бұрын
ICC and UN Security Council are just symbolic. Barks but no bite.
@wenlong82 10 күн бұрын
thought today MHA already issue subtly worded statement to say that action will be taken against the discotheque if the performer is going to infringe the Public Entertainment Licence rules in the name of Buddhism. Minister himself also in no-holds barred comment have said it's inappropriate to use elements of religion in the performance...shows lack of sensitivity of the discotheque to ride on the hype to invite that gimmick performer... if allowing such dubious performers coming in, what is going to be the stance if someone come in dressed as other major religions to do these techno performance? there has been past instances where overseas bands were barred from performing for having anti Christianity elements in their performance content so sensitive issue such as religion should not be used in the pretext of pop culture performance.
@TheNascentLight 10 күн бұрын
There's a reason why there is a Security Council in the UN in the first place. Only the naive believe each country is equal within the UN, if the big boys don't have their own table then nobody would have tables to sit at to begin. Same applies for any UN sanctioned body like the ICC, ICJ, WHO, they serve at the pleasure of their political masters.
@munster1404 10 күн бұрын
Generally Koreans are more conservative than Singaporeans and even they can accept the DJ "monk".