011 ASL American Sign Language Vocabulary Expansion Series (Dr. Bill) (Rach)

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Bill Vicars

Bill Vicars

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The ASL Vocabulary Expansion Series:
Learn American Sign Language with Dr. Bill Vicars of "ASL University" (Lifeprint.com) as he discusses a variety of signs with his awesome assistant "Rach" who is an IPP (Interpreter Preparation Program) student.
Want to order a USB drive with four semesters worth of ASL instruction? (ASL 1, ASL 2, ASL 3, and ASL 4) for $79.95?
See "SuperUSB" in the ASLUniversity bookstore at:
For free ASL lessons check out:
For a great “100 First ASL Signs” resource, see:
To learn basic fingerspelling see • ABC's in ASL: Learn ho...
Instructor Bio, see:
Take care and love to you all.
Dr. Bill
Transcript of the Powerpoint slides:
Vocabulary Expansion Series 11
1. BISHOP Version 1 Version 2 Why? …
The kissing of a bishop's ring.
BISHOP LDS (Mormon) version.
For today let's just do version 1 of BISHOP
What is the verb form of NAME?
2. christen
call "assign a name to"
4. CASHIER data-entry
5. BACK versions
BACK-to-here BACK-to-me came back
NAME-[verb] call christen named
6. CHAIN linked linkages
CHAIN = Olympics
The Deaf version of the Olympics
7. defiant
REBEL protest defiant
DIG versions
FIND locate pick-up
8. EXCAVATE versions
9. SEND versions
SEND-digitally …
SEND-digitally send-electronically ask-to
send to phone or mobile device
digitally SEND to all
10. TEXT
TEXTING present participle gerund form
texted TEXT verb form
Sentence: I texted him/her/them
send to mobile device
send to pager
Digitally send to all
Test time!
2. NAME-[verb]
5. fs-BACK-[to-here/me]
6. Deaflympics
9. send digitally
10. texted [verb]

Пікірлер: 28
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
Hello ASL Heroes!!! Hey, I could really use your help. If you’ve enjoyed having access to an expert in ASL you can help me continue my work for you. A small monthly donation from you would instantly make a big difference here at the studio because teachers don’t earn much and I could use some help paying for server and domain hosting for Lifeprint.com. Right now you can help out a humble (not to mention kind, caring, generous, compassionate, helpful, friendly, fair, and hard-working) ASL teacher -- just go here and a few clicks later you too will be a true “ASL Hero!” www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=64QMBRBXQSV6G Thanks! - Dr. Bill p.s. Want to have your very own USB drive with four semesters worth of ASL instruction (that’s the equivalent of two years of colleges classes) for just $79.95? See "SuperUSB" in the ASLUniversity bookstore at: lifeprint.com/bookstore/bookstore.htm Take care and love to you all. :)
@comfortberinyu479 5 жыл бұрын
This is very beautiful and educative thank you for all this you lessons Dr. Bill Please can I have the studies onlion? I really need it please. if they is a wbsite that I can use to study online please just let me know. Thanks very much in advance
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
@comfortberinyu479 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much
@KristaPojman 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful lesson as always, and you always put a smile on my face by the end of the video. Thank you for taking time out of your day to create these amazing videos to educate and inform. Such a great gift :)
@sign-language 4 жыл бұрын
How to use ASL University to learn sign language for free: 1. Visit Lifeprint.com and become familiar with the ASL University website. 2. Bookmark the official ASLU KZbin master playlist: kzbin.info/aero/PL6akqFwEeSpiLwRFA3ZvuOWMwPXwI7NqA 3. For quick reviews (to prevent memory extinction) bookmark the "Signs" channel playlist page: kzbin.infoplaylists 4. If you use a desktop or laptop computer you can look up signs using this page: www.lifeprint.com/search.htm 5. If you use a mobile device you can look up signs using this page: www.lifeprint.com/search/index.htm 6. If you can’t find a sign after using the search options at Lifeprint.com then consider applying to join the Lifeprint-ASLU Facebook group and asking your question there. See: facebook.com/groups/Lifeprint.ASLU/ 7. Go through the ASLU Lessons for free: www.lifeprint.com/asl101/lessons/lessons.htm Your comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome. To contact Dr. Bill Vicars, see: www.lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/contact.htm Ways to support the ASL University channel: 1. Click the “thumb up” (like) icon on videos at KZbin.com/billvicars 2. Click the “subscribe” button at KZbin.com/billvicars (if you haven't done so yet) 3. Click the “Share” link and share the videos. 4. Visit the “ASLU” bookstore at www.lifeprint.com/bookstore/bookstore.htm (feel free to suggest new products that you would like to see). 5. Buy some ASL University “official” clothing at: ASLU gear: teespring.com/stores/aslu 6. Subscribe to the ASLU subscription site: asl.tc (For information see: lifeprint.com/asltc/ ) 7. Donate via: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=64QMBRBXQSV6G 8. For other donation options, see: www.Lifeprint.com/donate.htm If you have any friends who might be in a position to do so you might want to consider inviting them to donate -- thus supporting Deaf children and the promotion of free sign language resources via Lifeprint.com
@catthouser9032 5 жыл бұрын
Who knew learning could be so much fun.. And funny.
@solidsteal 5 жыл бұрын
haha "I'm Dr. Bill... she's Rachel" You've gotta give us more credit that that ;)
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
I hereby officially grant you more credit. May it benefit you greatly and bring joy to your life.
@solidsteal 5 жыл бұрын
@@sign-language As I soar through the skies with my more credit, I feel joy-beneficial! ;)
@chickiebaby20 3 жыл бұрын
Hey professor when I am fingerspelling what’s the best advice you can give for improving speed? Thank you so much for all these amazing videos. I really love all the content ASL your an awesome advocate for the language that we have!
@sign-language 3 жыл бұрын
Develop muscle memory by doing the same letter groupings again and again. cab dab gab lab nab tab add bad dad fad had lad mad pad tad bag hag lag nag rag sag tag wag gal pal sal bam cam dam ham lam nam pam ram sam yam ban can dan fan man pan ran tan van cap gap lap map nap pap rap sap tap yap bar car far jar mar par tar bat cat fat hat mat nat pat rat sat vat law paw raw saw bay day hay lay may pay ray say way eat pea sea bed fed led ned red ted wed ref beg leg peg elf del gel mel ben den hen men pen ten yen pep rep yep her per bet get let met net pet set vet yet few jew pew hey bib dib fib nib rib hid lid rid sid vid big dig fig gig jig pig rig wig ill nil dim him jim rim vim bin din fin gin pin sin tin win dip hip nip rip sip tip dis sis bit fit hit lit mit nit pit sit wit bob cob lob doc odd hod pod rod sod doe hoe roe toe woe off bog cog dog fog hog jog log nog sog old mom son ton won boo zoo bop cop hop lop mop top for nor cot dot got hot jot lot not pot rot tot cow how now tow sow row bow box fox lox pox sox boy coy roy soy bub dub hub pub rub sub tub bud cud dud mud pud due hue rue sue bug dug hug jug lug mug pug rug tug huh bum gum hum rum sum bun fun nun run cup pup sup cur fur bus but cut gut hut mut nut rut tut buy bake cake fake jake lake make rake take wake bike dike hike like mike nike pike yike! coke joke poke toke woke bale dale gale kale male tale bile file mile nile tile dole hole mole pole role sole came dame fame game lame name same tame dime lime mime time dome home nome rome come some bane cane lane mane pane sane vane dine fine line mine pine sine tine vine wine bone hone lone pone tone cape gape nape tape cope dope hope mope nope pope rope bare care dare fare hare mare pare rare ware dire fire hire mire sire tire wire bore core fore gore lore more pore sore tore wore bate date fate gate hate late mate rate cave dave gave nave pave save wave bead lead mead read deal heal meal peal real seal beak leak peak bean dean lean mean heap leap reap beat feat heat meat neat peat seat fair hair lair pair beet feet meet deed heed need seed weed meek peek reek seek book cook hook look nook rook took boom doom loom room boon goon loon moon noon soon ball call fall gall hall mall tall wall bill dill gill hill jill pill will feel peel reel host most post dive five hive jive give live dish fish wish farm harm warm barn darn warn fort mort port sort tort dart fart mart part tart face lace mace pace race bade fade made wade dice mice nice cage gage page rage sage wage damp lamp ramp vamp band hand land sand bent dent gent lent pent rent sent tent vent went dune june rune tune brace grace place trace black crack flack quack shack snack track tract blade evade grade stade trade claim brain chain drain grain plain stain train blame frame shame crane blare glare flare share stare plate grate crate brave clave crave shave stave clasp grasp class glass crass grass brass blast bleak creak freak sneak cream gleam steam dream clean glean wheat bleat cheat treat check fleck bleed creed freed greed brick chick flick prick stick trick blind grind brine shine thine whine sting bring cling wring fling flint print quint arise bliss grist wrist groan crone drone phone stone amore chore store arose chose close prose those whose dross gloss gross floss flown brown crown drown frown shown froze stuck truck cluck pluck prune trunk plunk clunk flunk drunk chunk thunk stunk brunt grunt shunt stunt
@chickiebaby20 3 жыл бұрын
@@sign-language oh wow this is amazing thank you so much 😊!!!
@chickiebaby20 3 жыл бұрын
For double letters do I make the word lexicalized or move the double over to the side to show that it’s a double letter?
@sign-language 3 жыл бұрын
Double letters are a complex topic with dozens of little rules and a lot of bad advice out there. In general just keep this in mind -- if you were Deaf and had to spell somethin thousands of times over the course of your lifetime how would you spell it? You would use the most efficient method possible -- it is a form of natural evolution. Plus, something that none of the online "gurus" out there seem to be mentioning is that the "rules" change depending on context and the level of importance of accuracy. Spelling a double letter in a password on first reference in a conversation is often going to look a heck of a lot different from spelling a double letter in the middle of a common word that has already been spelled eight times in the same conversation. So I'm going to tell you that most double letter advice out there tries to sound authoritative but often breaks down in real life. I will mention a few pointers: If an ASL letter has an internal contact point it will often but not always just be slightly reformed (mm, nn, tt, plus others). If a double letter is at the end of a word it is much more likely to slide a bit. If a person is spelling a word slowly and deliberately you'll see a slight (very slight) bounce (but too much and it looks like you are a newbie). If a person is spelling quickly you really don't have time for a bounce and instead it tends to use a bit of a slide. Plus you'll see a lot of inconsistency between signers. If you watch videos of signers and then slow down the videos and advance frame by frame or watch them at quarter speed and start documenting what you are seeing eventually you'll start thinking, "Gee that other person did it the other way!?" Yah. Also, the double Z uses a bent-V handshape moving in a Z path. Then there's this dirty little secret -- much of the time we just drop the second letter. I've yet to see that in any of the "advice" the gurus are giving. If you watch and slow down enough examples of high speed spelling you'll see it's true. I encourage you to do your own research by noticing and documenting double letters in "natural" (not contrived) circumstances -- and post back here with timecodes of real life examples that you come across. Or join my FB group (Lifeprint-ASLU) and post there. See: facebook.com/groups/Lifeprint.ASLU/
@baudecordier 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Teach, Question: Some signs---like FINISH and , as I learn here, SEND-TO-ALL--have a mandatory lips/facial component. In FINISH I'm guessing it's vestigial (heh--new word for etymological) signed-English for saying "finish." 1) But the little puff you corrected the ever patient Rachel--any similar etymology? 2) Come to think of it, for a moment, when I read you, I thought the sign was SPAM. Bigger puff and eyes-roll for that? Also, on your grammatical discussion, because the playoffs are on my mind, and I thought maybe yours, my first read on "D-H" was "designated hitter." Why you were going there discussing EXCAVATE I had no idea, but waited in perfect faith that your ways may be mysterious but always right... (Which is exactly why if you [I] grab at the wrong end of the stick for context, or absurdly instantly create one out of whole cloth, conversations can get screwy real fast. :) ) ETA: Abomination of the American League.
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
It is all nice and well for "ASL experts" to proclaim that "such and such" sign is done with "this particular" facial expression or mouth morpheme. The problem is the lack of flexibility in the words "is done." It is done this way! Except when it isn't. In the "real world" the rule is almost always: "It depends." My wife just walked into the room. I asked her how she would sign "send an email out to everyone." She did the sign SEND-digitally-to-all WITHOUT doing the plosive mouth morpheme! When I asked her about it she replied that "Oh, yah, Some people do it - I don't." (Actually sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. It ... depends.) Most of us Deaf are the same way. If we are feeling dramatic or the need to be emphatic (or precise) we add more "emotion" (or precision) via facial expressions. Sometimes we are tired or feeling some other emotion that needs access to the face. ASL instructors will tell newbies that when you sign FISH you add a fishlips-looking mouth shape as if you were partially saying the word "fish." Then we call it "vestigial." - Oh really? Vestigial from what? Vestigial is defined as "forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable." (Source: Lexico.) Are such instructors claiming that people in the Deaf Community used to say the whole word "fish" and then over time said it less and less until it is now just a remnant on the lips? Perhaps the mouthing of "fish" isn't vestigial at all. Perhaps it is the product of bimodal diglossia? At some point it would be nice if we all collectively took a deep breath and admitted that we Deaf Americans live in a "diglossic" world. Diglossia is defined as "a situation in which two languages (or two varieties of the same language) are used under different conditions within a community, often by the same speakers. The term is usually applied to languages with distinct “high” and “low” (colloquial) varieties," (Source: Lexico.) Bimodal means "using two different modes" (Source: my memory). In this case the two modes being "signed" and "mouthed" (but not voiced). To thrive in the Deaf Community we need to know the "high" form of communication - "ASL." To thrive in the larger American Society we have to know English. Meh…while it would be fun to delve further into the above -- I've got other projects to work on. You asked for an etymology. Let me be blunt. People spit. Spitting projects spittle. Projection then comes to be associated with the "plosive" movements of the mouth when spitting. So when projecting (spitting) out emails we use a mouth morpheme that looks (a bit) like you are spitting. Except when we don't.
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
The concept of SPAM has versions -- but yes -- more facial expression. You can change the handshapes too. Start with "S" hands and blast them out to 5 hands thus showing "lots" of emails going out. (You'd need context first though.)
@Fred-h4p 5 жыл бұрын
Hi. I am kind of stumped on something. What is the sign for "Intentional" or "On Purpose" For example: " You did that on purpose!" Is it THINK + MEANING?
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
The general sign for "purpose" is MEANING. Some people "do" sign ON MEANING for "on purpose" -- however, there are often better choices depending on your context. For example: GOAL: MY GOAL = "My purpose" or "my intention." REASON: MY REASON DO THAT = "My intention or goal for doing that..." PLAN: YOU PLAN THAT! = You planned that! = You did that on purpose." WANT: I WANT ... = "My intention or my goal is ..."
@Fred-h4p 5 жыл бұрын
@@sign-language Thank you. I think I understand. So if I am telling someone that I think they did something wrong intentionally, I will sign YOU+MEAN (exaggerate the MEAN)
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
@allenquartermane6134 5 жыл бұрын
Hard for me to concentrate because she is so beautiful and has a killer smile!
@tristanriabo5483 4 жыл бұрын
I am not ready for this video, to fast.
@sign-language 4 жыл бұрын
I recommend people go through the official ASLU KZbin master playlist: kzbin.info/aero/PL6akqFwEeSpiLwRFA3ZvuOWMwPXwI7NqA It starts with the basics and gets harder. People can just skip ahead to a level the feels comfortable.
@xxxxxx3901 4 жыл бұрын
You could slow the video, if you like.
@monoham1 5 жыл бұрын
aaaaah please stop finger spelling everything. that shit is useless in vr! also how do you say oculus vr hmd etc? inb4 irony
@sign-language 5 жыл бұрын
@monoham1 Clue an old geezer in. Why is fingerspelling useless in VR? (I'm seriously asking. I would love to make it easier for VR users to learn ASL via VR.) Seems to me that to find the most appropriate sign for Oculus we need to see what Danik Soudakoff is using for that sign. (Or some other hard-cord Deaf gamer who uses such signs on a daily or frequent basis). --------------------------------------- Resources and notes: Video game featuring sign language out now (Moss on PSVR) kzbin.info/www/bejne/n5ndc4Z3eapmmbs --------------------------------------------------- Learn American Sign Language using Mixed Reality (Hololens) virtualrealitypop.com/learn-american-sign-language-using-mixed-reality-hololens-yes-we-can-e6e74a146564 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Augmented Sign Language Modeling(ASLM) with interaction design on smartphone - an assistive learning and communication tool for inclusive classroom Suman Deba,, Surakshaa, Paritosh Bhattacharya www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050917328284/pdf?md5=af776efdc4df3e2e401e6eb002c0bed6&pid=1-s2.0-S1877050917328284-main.pdf&_valck=1 -------------- Deaf VR Gamer: www.hearinglikeme.com/deaf-gamer-danik-soudakoff/ Specifically: kzbin.info/www/bejne/a3LJm3Z6iqaVa6M =============================== Glossary: inb4: Generally used on internet forums, inb4 refers to a user posting a reply to a message/topic "before" another user posts an obvious response. When used appropriately, inb4 is followed by a word or short phrase that the user knows will eventually appear in the topic conversation. (Source: Urban Dictionary) VR: Virtual Reality HMD: Head Mounted Display
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