Romaji and English translation!(Lyrics)歌詞↓ 幼い頃に繋いだ小指 osanai koroni tsunaida koyubi (The little finger I connected as a child) 王子様になったら ōji samani nattara (When you’re a prince) 君を迎えに来るからと kimio mukaeni kurukarato (He said he’d come for me.) 瞼まぶたにくれたキス mabutani kureta KISS (Then he kissed me on the eyelids) そしてあなたは大人になって soshite anatawa otonani natta (And you’ve grown into an adult) 私を感じなくなった watashio kanjinaku natta (You don’t feel me anymore) 記憶のメリーゴーランド kiokuno merry-go-round (my memories of you go around like a merry-go-round) 光の速さで… hikarino hayasade… (at the speed of light…) いつか運命の人に出会えたら itsuka ummeino hitoni deaetara (If you meet your destiny one day) 優しい心の中に私はもういないの… yasashii kokorono nakani watashiwa mō inaino (I’m no longer in your tender heart) There's a character limit, so you can read the rest on my blog.