1 MONTH ZEPBOUND JOURNEY: The good, the bad, the ugly!

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2.0 Mommy

2.0 Mommy

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@margueritevoigt2827 6 ай бұрын
This does resonate with me. You and I think similarly! So you know my journey- 52 yrs old started zepbound 1/28 - 2.5 for four weeks then went to 5.0 and I am on my fifth week of 5.0. I inject on Fridays and I weigh myself on Sundays. As of last Sunday I have lost 27 pounds. Other than the first couple of days after my injection I still could eat anything but the difference is the medicine helps me to not. That is what I am experiencing. Grazing-It is habit. It is what you are used to doing. I remember the first week on zepbound how many times I thought gosh what else is there to do and that’s when I realized my existence was based around everything food oriented. All….The….Time! I work from home except for Wednesdays and before Zep I started getting nervous about Wednesdays because people will witness constant eating and judge. After starting zep it’s helped me control the food monster and slowly change my habits. I heard somewhere it takes like 27 times of not doing something to make it part of your habit/routine. My heart goes out to you- Sometimes I feel the same way like a lot is riding on this medication and it’s taking 550 a month away from my family so I put a lot of pressure on myself that it’s GOTTA work! And then OMG what’s gonna happen when we can’t get it anymore because of shortage or money and then I start catastrophizing! Then I tell myself- just trust the process and yourself. Find something to do with your hands and every time your old habit and comfort seeking wants you to graze “graze” with your hands doing something else. I know that sounds silly but it’s just habit. Find comfort in something else. I know it sounds like I’m over simplifying it- but without zep bound it would be a whole different ball game. No one could convince me to not eat something once I got it in my mind I wanted it . I would try to talk myself out if for the next 45 minutes always ending with just eat it so you stop thinking about it. With zep it still enters my mind sometimes but not enough to win. I am able to redirect my thoughts. I have done a lot of reading of people’s reaction on this medication and the horrible side effects and while I’ve had some- I don’t eat the crap I used to and I think that has helped. Despite what others say, I don’t think this is a “miracle” drug in the sense that you will never think of food again and it will also change what you are used to doing. It’s a tool that helps YOU do good, hard work that without it- it’s impossible without hourly suffering and obsessing. I think the food monster will always be with me. I am just wired that way. But the more weight I lose and the better I feel about myself he is loosening his grip more and more. I have about 70 more pounds to go and I am trusting that the closer I get to that the further away the food monster will be and I am more able to see food as fuel not fun. I’m finding fun in different ways now. It’s kinda weird but this zep has helped me to see it through. It is my hope that when I am done with zep- there will be so more different stimuli and rewards in my life other than food that I will gravitate towards those instead of food for comfort, happiness, euphoria, friendship. I love watching your videos and know that you are not alone!!!
@myotheraccountonothe 6 ай бұрын
Great Comment thank you ❤
@myotheraccountonothe 6 ай бұрын
I think you are on the right track, about rewiring your brain 🧠
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@margueritevoight2827 Wow, thanks so much for sharing your story. 💕💕So much good advice and insights. 📝 🤓 First, 27lbs is amazing! I’m so happy for you! 🥳You must be thrilled! what you said about catatrophozings was funny because I’m the same way. I can easily convince myself of the worst case scenario. The “what if” monster lives on my shoulder, so does the food monster! They’re best friends. 😂😅 Also, I love the way you said, “graze with your hands.” That’s such a good way of looking at it. It’s about making a CONSCIOUS decision to redirect the behavior instead of just hoping it’ll pass. Because like you mentioned, a 45 minute diversion still ends with giving in. Redirection over diversion! Love that! Thank you! And you’re definitely not over simplifying at all! This medication is definitely a game changer for so many people, and like you pointed out, it helps give us the willpower to make better choices. But it’s still ultimately up to us. That’s what I meant by saying I feel like I can override it if I really wanted to. Eating to the point of feeling uncomfortable is not a foreign feeling to me, so I could absolutely push pass the full feeling we experience from Zep. But I just don’t want to. At least, most of the time lol 😂 And finally, yes, food is fuel. We need to start looking at it like that more and stop attaching all these other emotions to it. Very good reminder! It’s definitely a process. 😅 Thanks so much for watching and taking the time to share your experience and insights. I hope others read your comment because it’s all about motivating each other and knowing we’re not alone. 🤗💕🙏🏽 I hope you can join me next week! It’s not huge, but I’m so excited about it. 😁 Thanks again, see you soon!!!
@Robyn-Bell 5 ай бұрын
I feel the same way! The money I am spending is taking away from my family too. I usually never put myself first, so it’s hard for me. I am committed to using the meds to help me learn to do other things. I’m reading more, doing puzzles, exercising, etc. it’s true what you said about finding new ways to socialize and celebrate.
@AliPrieta 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much
@ninjamom2042 5 ай бұрын
Hello! Welcome to the journey to a healthy you. I'm 54 and 5'9"and started Mounjaro on April 24, 2023. I have lost 119 pounds. My A1C started at 13.9 and is now 4.5! I want to lose another 30 - 40 pounds. I take 7.5mg or 10mg depending on the availability of doses. This drug has been life changing for me. For the first time in my life, I truly feel like I will get to my goal weight and be able to maintain.
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
That’s awesome!! Wow, that’s really incredible! 🥳🤩🎉thanks for sharing that and being an encouragement to me and any one else who sees that. And dropping your a1c to 4.5 is amazing! That’s lower than most people’s. 🥳It really is life changing. Thanks again for sharing and I don’t doubt you’ll get those last 30lbs off! 🙏🏽💕💕
@duasfam Ай бұрын
Is there any side effect ?
@exo1998 6 ай бұрын
You look amazing. Can’t wait to keep up with our progress
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Awww thank you! I’m really enjoying doing these updates so there’ll definitely be more! 😁Hope you can join me next week for my special announcement! 📣 🥳Thanks again for watching!
@EthHinex 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your 13lb weight loss!! That's amazing! ❤
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@EthHinex Thank you so much!! 😊 🤗 I’m very happy with it. Didn’t think I could lose that in a month! Are you on a weight loss journey too? I’m working on a special video this week and I’d love for you to be a part of it! If that sounds interesting, don’t forget to subscribe so you won’t miss when I post it! Im hoping to post it on Friday. 💕💕🙏🏽
@iceyjo 4 ай бұрын
I hope everyone realizes that you cannot just stop this medication. The rebound is vicious. I think you need to reach your target weight and then go past it for at least 3 months. If you do not change your set point your body will store every ounce of excess food as fat. I gained 30 lbs in 2 months after taking 4 months to get it off. Please do not stop at your target!
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
That definitely makes sense. Thanks for sharing your insight and experience. I’m sorry you gained back some weight , that’s definitely very frustrating. 😢Are you back on zepbound or something else?
@dinaramadan3416 4 ай бұрын
Should one maybe go down in the dose and maintain this dose a bit until the body adjusts?
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
@@dinaramadan3416 yes definitely stay on this medication for at least a couple of months after reaching your goal weight so your body gets used to it. For some people, they’ll always need to be on it. It could be weekly injections, bi-monthly or monthly. The only people being successful getting of it completely, are those that changed their lifestyle. Have a great Sunday!
@AliPrieta 3 ай бұрын
Y'all scaring me!
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@AliPrieta Hey! How come? Its not bad at all lol
@kansasgal4778 6 ай бұрын
Hi, New subscriber to your channel. I started on March 11 and am down 7 lbs. I definitely had to change my eating habits quickly. I know how bad I need to lose weight and want to get it off. I have had some insomnia. I had it before Zepbound , just a little worse now. Glad I found your page. Congratulations on your weight loss. You got this❤
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks for subscribing! It means a lot and I’m so glad you’re here. Together we can encourage each other on this journey. 🙏🏽💕7lbs in two weeks!! That’s amazing, congratulations! 🥳🤩🎉 The insomnia has been the worst side effect for me. I have to take melatonin every night now. But I’ll deal with that if it means I lose weight! 😂😅 Good for you on making those food changes right away. A lot of people don’t because they feel they don’t need to since they can only my eat small portions anyway, but IMO that’s a sure way to guarantee that you’ll need Zep for life. If you have any hope of getting off it, I really think you have to change your eating habits. So kudos to you!! 🤩💪🏽Hope to “see” you soon! ☺️
@garberpartyof6 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!! I’m a mom and fight the same grazing issues. I started on June 15 at 190, and am at 183. Have 3 year old triplets and an 8 year old. So it’s a LOT! Can’t wait to watch your progress and other videos!!!!
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
That IS a lot!! Wow, 3 yr old triplets?!!! I can barely manage my 3 yr old! 😂 😅 Congratulations on your weight loss! Thats so exciting. 🤗 Have you noticed a difference in food noise?
@Robyn-Bell 5 ай бұрын
I feel exactly the same way. It’s a constant battle to stop grabbing handfuls of snacks. I hope the food noise gets quieter after I move up to the 5 mg dose on Wednesday.
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
I think it definitely will!
@johannac7755 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your weight loss!🎉
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Thanks! 🙏🏽 🤗 Trying to stay focused each day and build better habits. Thanks for dropping in!!If you remember, come back next week for my announcement!📣 🥳
@renepaulin6289 5 ай бұрын
I'm 1 week in, currently on 2.5, next month I will be on 5. Congratulations on your weight loss
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! So far 19 lbs! 😀 💃🏽 Have you started to notice a difference in your food cravings at all? So excited for you, you’re going to do great. And remember, a lot of people don’t lose anything or even experience the loss of food noise till they get to 5mg. So don’t get discouraged if that’s you. Just trust the process and you’re going to be very happy with the results! I’m so excited for you! 🥳🤩🙏🏽💕
@p.creates705 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your truth. I have a similar problem. I had Lapband 2xs and the sleeve. With both surgery I have found some way to sabotage my weight lost. Good food was hard to go down or when I was hungry I ate bad stuff because it went down smoothly. I’m still waiting to start the zepbound. It have not been able to locate it due to the shortage. But thanks again for sharing
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! There’s such an emotional aspect to why we’re overweight, that I’m surprised it’s not addressed more. Does your insurance cover any kind of behavioral health? And I really, really mean that in the most loving way possible. 💕🙏🏽 It’s just that since you mentioned the lapband and sleeve surgeries with still no long term success, I think that having someone to help you figure out why you self sabotage, might be the key. I really wish there was more emphasis on this part of weight loss. It’s mostly all calories in, calories out (which has a place of course) but it’s so much bigger than that. 😤Most insurance cover behavioral health so it might be something to consider. If you really don’t want to go through the hassle or just don’t want to talk to anyone about it, you can go to google and type in “podcasts that talk about overeating.” Then find one you think you’ll like. That’s what I did! I’ve been listening to The Recovery Warriors and enjoying it. I hope I’m not overstepping, I just wanted to offer some suggestions. 🤗And you said you’re waiting on the script to be filled so can I offer another suggestion? 😬 I started a walking challenge today for the month of April and the purpose of it is to build habits that are sustainable, that we can do long term, because I think I had mentioned it in my 2 week update, I feel with this medication, as amazing as it, I can absolutely override it and force (not sure if that the right word) myself to eat.A lot of the time, I don’t eat because I’m hungry or even craving something, I do not because it’s there. 🤦🏽‍♀️ But anyway, there’s a couple of us doing the challenge. You just have to walk. You set your own goal for how long. There’s a giveaway involved too! Not too late to join! You can catch the full details in my last video. I talk a little bit about the shortage and what I’m doing in the meantime. Sorry this was so long, I basically wrote you a book. 🤪
@merari1098 6 ай бұрын
Glad I came across your channel 😊. I just started on 2.5 mg yesterday and just like you I'm a grazer. I was wondering if they started you on 5 mg instead of 2.5mg?
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for dropping by! My first two shots were actually samples from my doctor. I was supposed to pick up my prescription for 2.5 but they didn’t have any and weren’t sure when they’d get more in so Dr gave me an another script for 5mg. She didn’t want me to be without it for who knows how long, and thought that it was better to move me up to the next dose. But I think typical is staying on 2.5 for a month. Although I have heard of people staying on that dose for a couple of months because they feel it’s working. It’s definitely a short stay for most people though. I hope you come back next week for my special announcement! 📣 It’ll be fun! 🤗😉💕
@TracyWilliams-z9w 6 ай бұрын
yeah I’m still very snacky or grazing all the time. I’m trying to get it under control
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
It’s so hard! But there’s hope, I’ve been doing much better this week. And I’m terrible! So if I can do it, you definitely can!! What dose are you on? Also just curious , are you grazing because you’re hungry or is it like me and just habit?
@Indoboyva 3 ай бұрын
My first week also, my sleep has actually gotten better and no weird dreams. Guess we’re all different .
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
That’s great to hear! The insomnia for me has gotten better thankfully. I guess my body got used to it. 🤷🏽‍♀️Im sure you’ll do great on it! Congrats on getting started!
@Indoboyva 3 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy also I get the whole munching thing. I’m on day 5 and I can start to feel it coming back. Had chips and guacamole that I’ve been snacking on all day. Hope with the second shot that it (cravings) stays away longer. 🤞🏻
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@Indoboyva are you on 2.5? I feel like I had to move up to 5mg before I started to feel like it was managing the picking all day. And now that I’ve been on 5 for 3 months, I feel it coming back. So I may go up to 7.5
@Indoboyva 3 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy yes on 2.5 since it’s my first week. Cant wait till Wednesday so I can do my second dose.
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@Indoboyva great, hopefully that helps you a little more! You got this! 💪🏽🔥
@theresemathias7631 4 ай бұрын
I literally became overweight by all the sugary coffee I was drinking, before I knew it, I was 30 pounds overweight. I will never be given any weight loss meds sadly
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
@theresemathias7631 Hi! What if you did compound? They might be willing. I wish I had the money to go that route as this medication is almost impossible to find now. you’re supposed to take it every week and I’ve been going 10-11 days to try to stretch it. I have one last shot left and it’s basically out of stock EVERYWHERE. If you can afford compound tirzepitide, it’s not a bad way to go. A lot of people are doing that and having success. Just a thought. I’d hate to see you dig the whole deeper and end up like me- almost 90lbs overweight. 🙏🏽💕💕
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
Also, one more thing. At the risk of sounding totally desperate and creepy, if you’re looking to get motivated to move more, I started a walking challenge last month and doing it again this month. Everyone sets their own goal, but the benefit of it is having the accountability. I know that doesn’t seems possible, but I don’t know, it tot helped me and some other ladies stay on track. I’ve never stuck with anything that I started, so this was a shock to me! 😂 I basically post on my community tab each day and we all just check in and share how our walk went. If you’re interested, you don’t need to do anything but walk and check in from time to time. I’ll absolutely cheer you on! 🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️💪🏽🥳
@baxter-m 6 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your video. I have been on 2.5 for two weeks and I've lost 9lbs. Before I started the medication I grazed on sweets in the evening. I think out of boredom, then it just became a habit! My cravings for sweets have left me!! Very surprised! I hope it continues this way because it was every evening. I hope you have success with your grazing battles. You can do it!
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
9lbs!!!! That’s incredible!! Wow, so excited for you! Thats amazing! 🎉🥳 The peace that this medication brings is truly such a gift. I’m so glad you’re having victory over the grazing at night, it’s hard because you can almost rationalize it by saying you deserve it 😂 🙈 But we got this! Thanks for watching and please try to tune in next week for my special announcement! 📣 🤗 Have a great night!
@TheAlejandra8814 6 ай бұрын
Titrating up might help withvthevfood chatter in your head
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for stopping by! Yes that’s definitely a possibility. I may consider that if I don’t get a grip on it. I don’t want to go up to quickly since I just started and want to make sure that I don’t hit that ceiling so fast! But I will absolutely consider it for sure, thank you! 🙏🏽
@bunnyyyonline 6 ай бұрын
13lbs is amazing progress in just one month
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Thanks!!! I can’t believe it myself! 😂 😅
@adrienneteitelbaum5643 5 ай бұрын
Congratulations! Thirteen pounds is awesome! It took me three months to lose 15 pounds without medication!! I’m setting up a constant to get on this medication at 68 it’s a struggle that I have never had to deal with. Keep up the good work 😊
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
@@adrienneteitelbaum5643 I hope you get that appointment scheduled soon! It’s such a game changer for so many. And I really hope that you find success with it! There’s so many on here sharing their stories and it’s very encouraging and it’s a very friendly community. Hope to hear back from you with good news that you got it!
@thesleevednana 6 ай бұрын
Great video! I'm the same type of eater. All the time eating, mindlessly, just putting stuff in my mouth because it was there. I'm on week 6 of Mounjaro down about 4 pounds. Going slow over here, but that's fine! At least we're losing :)
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
H again! Slow and steady is actually better. It gives your body time to adjust to it so it doesn’t go into starvation mode and want to hold on to the weight. I think you’re going to have maxing results! 🥳 Keep doing what you’re doing and stay positive! You got this! 💪🏽💕🙏🏽
@thesleevednana 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy thanks!!! 😘
@Robyn-Bell 6 ай бұрын
Trust The Process 💜. We can do this!!! I’m on week 2. I’m still hungry too, but I am fighting it with everything I have. I heard the next dose helps more.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for saying hello! Yes, we can totally do this! We have to take advantage of this opportunity. 🙏🏽💕 Love your determination, stay strong!💪🏽 And yes, the higher doses help a little more with the cravings. Unless you’re me, and you just want stuff for no reason! 😂 🙈I hope you come back next week for the little thing I have planned!! 🙏🏽💕
@Robyn-Bell 6 ай бұрын
I will absolutely be back. I look forward to going on this journey alongside you and seeing your progress. Thank you for replying to me. That was nice 💜
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@Robyn-Bell so happy to hear that! I’m so excited about it and I think you’ll like it too! The motivation that I’m getting from all the support has been amazing! I hope I’m able to motivate you as well! We got this!
@MaryAnn-ej1rf 6 ай бұрын
Hi I enjoy your videos. I started Zepbound 2.5 yesterday. I did experience insomnia as well.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for watching,so glad you’re here! We have the same injection day! 🥳😂 I’m soooo excited for you! This medication is a blessing and I know you’re going to have amazing results too! Hope you join me next week for my little announcement! 📣 🤗
@lunaluxaz 3 ай бұрын
How long did the insomnia last
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@lunaluxaz hmm probably just 2-3 nights after the injection and that went on for the first 1-1/2 months. 6mg Melatonin was enough to help with that though. Didn’t need anything stronger than that. No problem with that at all now. Hope that helps. ☺️ Are you thinking of getting on a glp1?
@lunaluxaz 3 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommyYes and I want to be ready for the side effects as much as possible. Insomnia would make me grumpy lol Is the insomnia related to the time of day you take injection? Or no?
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
I suppose it could play a part for some people. For me, it lasted the first couple of days after the shot so I’m not sure if that would have made a difference. Sometimes it was not being able to fall asleep, other times it was not staying asleep or waking up pretty early. I have to say though, I was very productive during that time! lol
@DavidPutnam-c6u 5 ай бұрын
Started Mounjaro February 23rd, 2024 today is April 4th. I have lost 17.6 lbs since starting Mounjaro. Keep up with your progress. God Bless
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
We started a day apart! 17 lbs is amazing, great job! I’m so happy you’re finding success. I feel that aside from the weight loss this medication has given me the motivation I needed to get healthy and WANT to exercise. It’s been amazing. So, I’m actually doing a walking challenge, and a couple of people on here are doing it with me. You set the pace as far as how long you want to walk. I’m doing 30 minutes, but others are doing longer. If that sounds like something you’re interested in, you can find the full details in my last video. There’s times stamps if you want to skip to that part. Or you can go to my community tab and scroll back to March 31st for the abridged version! 😂Just didn’t want you to miss out in case you’d be interested in a little extra motivation to get those steps in! 💪🏽🙏🏽💕
@sharkbites5472 6 ай бұрын
Congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the good work. I’m also having a hard time sleeping. And I do take medication for sleep. Even with the medication I toss and turn a lot of the nights. Other than that I haven’t had any side effects whatsoever. It’s been 5 full weeks on Mounjaro, and I’m down 16 pounds. Starting weight 203, 5’6, now 187. I just wanted to know how tall you are? ✌💙😁
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi again! 😁 I’m 5’5. 16 pounds is amazing!! 🥳🎉🤗 Keep up your great food choices! Also, you might find my next video useful. I talk a little bit about Vit d and sleep. Hope to see you there!
@sharkbites5472 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy thanks for your answer. And I definitely be watching for your next video! ✌💙😁
@cindywilliams5355 6 ай бұрын
Only a week…..maybe 3 lbs!
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Ugh! My reply got deleted 😭 Just wanted to encourage you to keep going! That’s amazing progress for just a week! So happy for you!!🥳 Also, thanks for tuning in again, much appreciated. Dont forget to come back next week for my special announcement!📣 😁
@lyndeeluu 6 ай бұрын
You're still doing well... Congratulations
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!!! Thanks, for the encouragement! It means a lot. 🙏🏽💕 This medication is such a game changer for me, I just wouldn’t have been able to lose 13lbs in a month without it. Thanks again for the support, hope you come back for next week’s video . 🤗☺️
@jasminesuarez8358 6 ай бұрын
You know plain popped popcorn has really helped me when I want a snack. Maybe try snacking on things that are less calories. I love grapes and a baby carrots with fat free or light blue cheese dressing. I love snacks and I'm not giving them up but I'm really trying to think about snacking healthier. Also protein and fiber helps too. Figure out which healthy snacks satisfy your hunger. I'm down 7 pounds in 2 weeks.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi! 🤗 That’s the thing, I wasn’t snacking because I was hungry, it was more out of habit. 🙈😅 I’m happy to report that I am doing a lot better with that this week. So far, I’m sticking to eating at the table! 😅 But that’s a good idea about popcorn. It’s great that you found stuff you like that you can work with. So important not to restrict completely because we know that leads to binging a lot of the time. Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you around soon! 💕🙏🏽
@luckyinwv 6 ай бұрын
You’re doing great! I’m at 12 pounds started at 211, starting my Third injection tomorrow. I have really enjoyed your videos! Thank you ❤
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
We’re the same! I started at 212! Congratulations on your weight loss! 12 pounds in two weeks is amazing! 🥳🤩💪🏽 If you’re interested, we’re doing a walking challenge for the month of April. The full details are on my last video, but you don’t have to watch the whole thing. I added timestamps in the description so people can skip to the good part 😜 There’s a giveaway involved! I also made a free chart that you can print out to help keep us all motivated. I’ll be posting every morning of the challenge on the community tab too! Check out the last part of my video if it sounds like something you’re interested in doing!
@JennyBoomBoom 4 ай бұрын
I hope you’re finding grace with yourself. ❤ you sound really hard on yourself only a month in. ❤❤
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
Hi! Thank you, yes I’ve gotten better at accepting this is a learning experience. 😂😅 Working on finding the balance. 🙏🏽💕 Thanks for stopping by! 🤗
@kaibethcruz-philippe9592 Ай бұрын
This absolutely resonates with me.
@2.0mommy Ай бұрын
Hi! Sorry for the late reply we just got back from vacation. I’m so glad this resonated with you. I’m 6 months in and I have nothing but good things to say about my experience. If you’re interested, I recently posted my 5 month update. How’s your journey going?
@kimsisneros 5 ай бұрын
Im one week in and lost 4.5 lbs. 2nd shot i take today on Friday. So sad so good congratulations on your 13 lb weight loss. That’s amazing!
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
That’s wonderful! I’m glad you’re having great results so far! Have you noticed a decrease in food noise or is it mostly appetite suppression? Or both?! Congratulations, excited for you! 🥳💪🏽🙏🏽💕
@kimsisneros 5 ай бұрын
Yes the food noise is gone. I used to be a chipaholic and now I can pass on them. So so happy! I have an issue with getting my protein in too. Insomnia is awful! Can’t sleep long
@15swsbrg 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video!! I believe that you are right when you say you have to retrain your thinking, so thank you that nugget of advice 🤩
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
Hi! You are so welcome! I’m happy to report I’m gaining ground on that front so if I can, you definitely can too! 💪🏽💕 🙏🏽What week are you on?
@AnchorMoments 6 ай бұрын
Hi 2.0 Mommy! I believe you can break your grazing habit. Put a notebook on your kitchen counter and each time you graze and have a bite of something write it down. Make it count as 50 calories a bite. That could stop you before you put that next bite in your mouth that isn't your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Being intentional will help you and it is a process. Congrats on your weightloss so far! Slow and study wins tge race! I am on Mounjaro and am on my 12th week and am down 17 pounds so far. I am happy about that...slow and steady and hopefully my skin won't be too loose! 😀
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
What a great idea!! Thank you! I actually think that’s such a useful way of going about it bet it forces you to see in black and white, right there in front of you, the cumulative effect of all those small little bites of this, that and the other thing. Great advice, thanks. I hope others who come here and struggle with grazing, see your comment. 🙏🏽 Also, if you’re interested, I’m starting a walking challenge on Monday, it’s be great if you joined. I talked about it on my last video. There’s timestamps if you want to skip to the good part 😂Maybe I’ll see you there! 🙏🏽💕
@DoreneT316 6 ай бұрын
Love that you’re just starting out (well a month ahead of me) and it’s nice to see some commenters are new too. My first shot is today, although I did Wegovy for 4 weeks in November then couldn’t continue because of the shortage. So I asked my doc to try Zepbound in hopes that maybe my insurance will cover Zepbound in the very near future or switch back over to Wegovy at a higher dose that would be available because that’s what my insurance does cover. We’re on this journey together. I’m in the mid 200’s and can’t wait too see 199. Congrats
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for coming by! I hope the shot went well and you’re not having any bad side effects. Hopefully the fact that you were on Wegovy for a bit helps with that. I’ll be curious to know your experience when you have enough time to compare the two. That would be interesting. If you happen to pop in again sometime, let me know your thoughts on that! The shortages are crazy! So many people having a hard time. It’s my fear too. I hope your insurance starts covering it for you because it’s no joke. 💰 😭 You’ll get there! This medication is amazing and you’re going to love the results! Rooting for you, Dorene!! 🥳🎉
@simonemowatt827 6 ай бұрын
What pharmacy did you have the zepbound covered? My pharmacy has it on backorder for months
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@simonemowatt827 Hi! I’m so scared of that happening! I know it’s been crazy for a while. I was supposed to be on 2.5 for a month but the pharmacy was out so the dr wrote a new script for 5mg since that’s what they had. I got it at cvs. a couple of weeks ago. But I only have one pen left so I have no idea if I’ll be able to get it refilled by the time it runs out. I have an appointment next week and that’s when my dr will write the next script. I hope I don’t have a problem filling it. 😭 And I hope you can get your hands on it too! It’s so frustrating for a lot of people. I’m sorry you haven’t been able to get it. I think the problem is with the lower doses. A lot more people are getting prescribed Zepbound since it was approved late last year. Then you have people who were taking Mounjaro for weight loss last year that have switched to Zepbound that are now on their maintenance dose which could be the lower doses. Or people that were on higher doses that can’t find it so they’re taking the smaller doses just so the medication doesn’t leave their system entirely. I have no idea, that’s just what I’m thinking is going on. Hopefully they get it figured out soon, increase production or do whatever it is to fix this. 🙏🏽💕💕
@HenryWeems-kr9wr 24 күн бұрын
I'm on my second week. Minimal side effects. Lost 8 pounds so far.
@2.0mommy 23 күн бұрын
That wonderful!! Congratulations on your weight loss and no side effects!! That’s great! If possible, try to stay on each dose as long as possible. This strategy will serve you well especially if you have a lot to lose. You don’t want to get to the highest dose too quickly. So happy for you! 🤗🥳
@HenryWeems-kr9wr 23 күн бұрын
Thanks! I only need to lose 60 pounds so I'm hoping this keeps working.
@2.0mommy 23 күн бұрын
@@HenryWeems-kr9wr It will, you got this!! I know it gets pricey after a while, but focus on protein if you can. Its made such a difference for me. I try to add another portion of meat to my meals so I eat less of the carbs. It’s been working!
@HenryWeems-kr9wr 23 күн бұрын
Never thought of that, but it's a good idea. Cutting carbs should speed up the whole process.
@simply_taisha Ай бұрын
So many great tips! ❤❤❤ Side note: Your editing was fun! ❤
@2.0mommy Ай бұрын
I wonder if we were following each other then. 🤔💕💕
@Gemma1558 4 ай бұрын
I am also somewhat of a grazer. I don’t eat large meals, but I do pick at things throughout the day - mostly sweets, not constantly, but enough to add extra calories. I was thin growing up and put weight on in phases. I put extra weight on in college and then with each of my two children. Then came menopause and more pounds. These situations are in the past and feel like I can learn to eat better and hopefully keep the weight off. I want to develop good habits on this journey. I know you can do it too. You are much younger than me.
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
It creeps up on you doesn’t it? 😬 And I know menopause makes things harder too. It’s great that you’re using this as an opportunity to improve your eating habits, so many people just want the quick fix. I’m of the mindset that we should use this amazing opportunity to reform ourselves while we have the help of this incredible drug. I trust your journey is going well, and that you’re happy with your progress so far! Thanks for encouragement and support! 🙏🏽💕
@debbiemarlow4027 3 ай бұрын
Everything you say makes sense to me. Everyone beware of this drug causing dark thoughts. Depression, anxiety, and just feeling down.
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I’ve heard of that too, but I also know that losing weight quickly can also shift your mood. Definitely agree people have to be aware of all the potential side effects for sure! Hope your journey is going well!!
@AC-vg3zd 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. Before Zepbound, I snacked, overate during the day and ate late at night. I started 2.5 the first week of March, felt some side effects and appetite suppression, but have experienced no loss. It didn’t help that the medicine was out of stock in the beginning of April, which caused me to miss a scheduled dose. I resumed yesterday with 5.0. I’m hoping I see results soon; otherwise, I may be a rare case in which the drug doesn’t work and allows me to either gain or remain stagnant.
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
Hi! A lot of people don’t experience any loss on 2.5 because it’s a loading dose. Meaning that it’s just meant to get your body ready for the other doses. Also, as a woman we have a lot of water retention because of our cycles. I wouldn’t get too discouraged just yet. And also, a lot of people that you see losing on 2.5, most of that is water weight from inflammation, so it’s possible that you just didn’t have much of that to begin with. And one final thought, I’d try to add in some exercise and protein. Your body needs muscles to burn fat, so exercise is key and the protein helps build muscles. I’m no expert (obviously 😂) but that’s really what Ive been learning from all the research I’ve done. I’m not just trying to send you over to my last video to get the views, but I think you might find it useful. I learned a lot about walking, like A LOT, and made a video about it. The benefits of it are better than doing intense cardio for fat loss! It doesn’t seem possible because it’s relatively easy, but I’m telling you, it’s amazing. The only reason I bought up the video, is because I mentioned exercise and I know that when I heard that word in the past, I’d groan. But it really doesn’t have to be that hard. I hope you’re feeling good today with no side effects! Off to do my walking! 💪🏽🙏🏽💕
@Pilguahawa 5 ай бұрын
Grazing is absolutely ok as long it’s heathy food. I’m weak so i make it a point not to have junk food in my house and office. Thank goodness I have no GI issues with zep.
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
Yes that’s the way to do, just don’t bring it into the house! And great that you’ve not been having any GI issues. I know it’s not always the case, but avoided all the junk helps a lot with that. Thanks for stopping in! 🙏🏽💕
@lizzieinNJ 6 ай бұрын
I started Mar 1st. Zepbound 2.5, lost 6 lbs. Friday I moved to 5.0 and I’m down over a lb. No side effects.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
That’s great to hear!! I was scared moving up to 5 because I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t bad at all! You’re having great progress so far! Congratulations!💪🏽🔥🥳 Hey if you haven’t heard, we’re (me and a few other ladies here) are starting a walking challenge tomorrow! I’d love if you joined us! You can get the full scoop on my last video or I’ll be posting on the community tab tomorrow a brief rundown. There’s a giveaway too! 💕🙏🏽🤗
@donnab1234 6 ай бұрын
Hi Jill. New subscriber here! I am enjoying your channel; and point of view. You are knowledgeable, and also beautiful and humble too. As 2.5 mg is the loading dose, many people do not find “food noise relief” until 5 mg! My Hubby has been on 5mg for ten weeks, and hasn’t needed to titrate up! Keep up the good work, and I will be cheering you on. 😊🎉⭐️
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for subscribing, it means a lot! 🤗🙏🏽 And your compliments just made my day! Thank you for that! ☺️💕As for the food noise, that’s just it, it really is gone completely, but I guess I’m just so used to graving that it’s my default. 😅😂🙈 That’s great that your hubby has been able to stay on that dose dose for so long. I hope to be able to do that too. I’m so glad you’re here because as I mentioned, I have a special video coming out (hopefully Friday) and i definitely want you to be a part of it! Or at least come find out what it is so you can decide if you want a to. 🤪😉 Thanks again for being here! 🙏🏽💕
@sugarsugar475 4 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your honest approach to this topic. Thank you for sharing your journey and best of luck in reaching your goal.
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate that. 💕🙏🏽 I’ve definitely seen improvement in my grazing habits so that’s been huge for me. Thanks for stopping by! Hope to “see” you around. ☺️ I trust your journey is going well too!
@mw8634 6 ай бұрын
I'm a new subscriber, I'm glad I found your channel. I'll be starting Mounjaro when it's back in stock. Following your journey has been motivating! Great job!🎉
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Glad you found me too! 🥳🤗I’m so glad you’re here and that’s so exciting that you’re starting on Monday!! 💃🏽will you be hoping my walking challenge too? 🙏🏽💕💕
@IdahoQueenBee 5 ай бұрын
I started on march 20th- sleep for me has not the problem so tired I can’t stay awake.
@2.0mommy 5 ай бұрын
I notice that too sometimes, but I don’t know if it’s the medication or just my hectic life making me tired. Because I feel like I’ve always been tired. 🙈🤷🏽‍♀️ Have you noticed a decrease in food noise/cravings? I’m so excited you started this journey. It’s been amazing for me and I hope you find that as well! 💕🙏🏽
@kristy3164 4 ай бұрын
I want to say thanks so much for sharing your story. You are so truthful about your experience, and that is very valuable to me. I am new to your channel, and I plan to catch up on your other videos. Congratulations on your weight loss. Your 1 month experience mirrored mine in so many ways. I am 20 days in on tirzepatide 2.5mg compounded with a weight loss of 9 pounds as of today. I will not be purchasing anymore of the compounded version. I anticipate starting zepbound 5mg on next week.
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you found me! And congratulations on your weight loss! 🥳🤩💪🏽So you’re a fellow crazer, eh? 😜It definitely got a lot better for me, although this past week was not great. 😬🙈 I’m posting my weigh in tomorrow if you’re interested. Also, are you not sticking with compound because you didn’t like it or because Zepbound is finally available? Thanks so much for subscribing. Everyone here is really nice and I always make sure to respond to comments. Sometimes I ramble on a little too long in my reply lol
@kristy3164 4 ай бұрын
​@2.0mommy I decided to change to actual zepbound instead of the compounded version because a doctor and pharmacist told me that it's not FDA approved, and they don't feel it's safe. I also noticed that subsequent shots were not as effective as my first injection. I had no desire for food for about 3 or 4 days. Afterwards, I could tell the medication was starting to wear off. I am hoping for lasting effects with the actual medication. I have an appointment next week and should receive a prescription for Zepbound 5mg. I pray I can find the medication. I would like to lose 110lbs. I really need this to work.😊
@KarenLambOfGod2023 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your videos and honesty ~ I too am a grazer 😢 I’ve am needing to loose 80-90 pds and have been on the compound version injections as my insurance has denied 5 times 😢 My journey so far is identical to yours I will be taking my 4th injection this Friday and have had bad insomnia as well as achy joints/bones, a headache on the first day after the shot then that goes away. I am not doing as well as I want to as of today I’ve only lost around 6 pds 😢 and I’m not sure why. I’m determined to keep trying and moving forward ~ praying after I speak to my doctor next week she will move me up to the 5MG 🙏🏻 and hopefully it will work well and can stay there for a while? Anyway thank you again ~ you are an inspiration ~ Cheering you on from Tennessee.. Hugs💕
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! Thanks for taking the time to chat! 🤗💕 It’s so hard not to feel frustrated when we feel we’re not making progress the way we think we should, but 6 pounds is still amazing! It’s 6 pounds that you wouldn’t have lost if you didn’t start this journey and 6 pounds closer to your goal! 🥳🎉 Try to stay positive and trust the process when that doubt starts creeping in. I think if you go up to 5mg, that’ll help curb your appetite even more. A lot of people don’t lost much on 2.5, but it’s a necessary stepping stone. 😊 Funny I see my doctor next week too! I think I’ll stay on 5 since I’m happy with how well it’s working. As for your insomnia, don’t happen to know if your vitamin d is low? Low vitamin d effects the melatonin your body naturally produces. I just learned that! Ps. Tennessee? I bet you’re having really nice weather! That might come in handy if you stick around for my next video! 🤫😊Planning on uploading it tomorrow night!
@sharkbites5472 6 ай бұрын
Hang in there, you’re going to see great results. Can I ask you where do you get your compound medication from. I’m also on a compound Mounjaro and it cost $500 a month. And I get it from ShredRx. I’m trying to find something a little cheaper. Thanks✌💙
@jenniferprince6702 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been on mounjaro for 6 month and I’m down 33 pounds
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
That’s amazing!! So happy it’s working for you! Are you experiencing any shortages? Just did my last pen yesterday. 😬 Trying to focus on what I can control instead of not being able to get my script filled. 🙏🏽💕
@nikkiprobert8544 6 ай бұрын
My doctor said a minimum 60 g of protein.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi!☺️ I think thats probably more of what you’d take when you’re not actively losing weight. With this medication, muscle loss is a real problem so I was told to aim for 100 grams to help prevent that and retain as much muscle as possible. The easiest way to calculate that is to round up to 1gram of protein per pound. Since we’re overweight, we have to do 1 gram per GOAL WEIGHT. So for me, that’d be around 130. But that’s assuming someone is in a serious calorie deficit (which on this medication is likely). I believe the exact formula is about .73 grams per pound but 1 gram is easier to calculate and rounding up is good, because chances are that those first few days after the injection, we’re not eating much at all.The little extra we consume will ensure that we’re getting enough. But talk to your doctor or do your own research, I’m just a mom trying to lose weight!🤪🙈😂
@tanyahale1186 6 ай бұрын
I override the medicine at times too. My bingeing habits never quite left me. It’s hard not to be mad at myself. I’ve been on this 17 months. I am finally 5 pounds away from goal so then I can go on maintenance and then get off. I’ve lost 53 pounds but it took me soooooo long because I would still mess up.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hey! It may have taken you longer than you wanted but losing it slow is probably best for not getting saggy skin. And with less weight to lose, it’s bound to take you longer. But the main thing is that you’re almost there! Congratulations!🥳🔥🤩 Are you working out too?
@tanyahale1186 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy thank you for your words. Yes, I workout everyday. 🙂
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@tanyahale1186 That’s great. I’m trying to get better at that. 😜 I started a walking challenge to help keep me accountable and motivated, you’re more than welcome to check it out. It’s on my last video but you can just go to my community tab for the info. There’s a giveaway too! Nice “meeting” you!
@tanyahale1186 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy you too! And okay, I will check it out.
@LunaTheeGamer 6 ай бұрын
✨I started March 1st. Lost -10.2lbs, going on Week 6, 2.5mg✨
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
That’s amazing! 🥳🌟💪🏽 So happy for you! Do you still struggle with food noise or anything? Mine is completely gone and I think that great especially since I delayed my injection by a couple of days because it was my last pen. 🫠 Hey if you didn’t already know, I’m doing a giveaway and challenge this month. All the details are on my last video. There’s timestamps! 😉 Or if you look on my community tab it’s the post from two days ago. I’d love it if you joined! 🙏🏽💕 If not, maybe next time. ☺️ Hopefully I see you around , Luna. (Pretty name btw 💕)
@LunaTheeGamer 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy Hi 👋🏽 I my food noise was gone with my first 4 injections. When I started my week 5, I had maybe 40% suppression when I did my right thigh, that’s when I knew I messed up. (Never again☝🏽) I am going for my Left Arm for week 6. I will check out your challenge, Luna is a nickname my real name “Paquita”.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@LunaTheeGamer oh wow, funny how it works like that. I only do my thighs. Too scared to do anywhere else. 🤣 And Paquita is nice too! just looked it up. Means free, love it! 🥰
@HEATHERFREE2486 6 ай бұрын
Dr cywes (not sure on spelling) has a great video about habit change when on these shots, it helped me, having a specific time to eat and sitting down to a meal. I am a grazer too allll day, all night. What really got me was when he says “a snack is always an emotional event never a nutritional event.”
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi! Thanks I’ll definitely check that out! And so true, it’s never because I’m hungry, it’s just because.😏 Hope I can find it! What week are you on? If you haven’t heard, we’re starting a walking challenge tomorrow! I’d love if you joined! You can catch the full details in my last video or just wait till tomorrow when I’ll do a community post giving a brief rundown! 😉
@HEATHERFREE2486 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy wow didn't see all my text mistakes lol Im on week 3 of zepbound. I'm already contemplating switching to a compound thru either join Fridays or orderly meds, because I pay out of pocket for it, no insurance, so I can't use the coupon either.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@HEATHERFREE2486 yeah I just saw a video that Brittany Rose blogs posted about orderly meds. I think she said it’s $400! Maybe that’s a little cheaper than what you pay now. My insurance thankfully covers it, but at this point it doesn’t matter because I can’t get my script refilled.😬 I’m hoping it comes in this week. I was supposed to take my shot on Thursday but haven’t because I was trying to ration my last pen. Gonna take it now and hopefully get my new box soon!
@HEATHERFREE2486 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy yes she's where I heard of the orderly meds
@Ridinwiththethompsons 6 ай бұрын
I love your honesty! I just started Mounjaro on March 22nd.
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
That’s great! How’s it been for you so far? Have you noticed a decrease in your food noise or cravings? If not, don’t worry! A lot of people don’t feel much of a change until 5mg. Good for you that you took the first step and got this medication. You deserve the best shot (pun intended 😆) at managing your health! Keep it up! Maybe I’ll “see” you for the challenge? 💕🙏🏽
@Ridinwiththethompsons 6 ай бұрын
@2.0mommy thanks! I have noticed a decrease in appetite and food noise. So far so good!
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@Ridinwiththethompsons that’s great! 🥳🔥💪🏽Really, really great!🤗This medication is amazing. 💕🙏🏽
@petermartino2382 4 ай бұрын
You look great. Well spoken and beautiful
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
Aww thank you!! I’m not too articulate in person though . 😅☺️
@petermartino2382 4 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy you were excellent. Wonderful presentation. You’re a very pretty woman and I mean that with all respect. Keep moving ahead as you look great.
@2.0mommy 4 ай бұрын
@@petermartino2382 That’s very kind of you to say, thank you. 🙏🏽 ☺️
@petermartino2382 4 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy good luck I’m rooting for you🙏
@bibidestin 6 ай бұрын
You look great! ❤️
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🙏🏽 💕💕It’s the headband! 😂
@tiffanyaris 3 ай бұрын
Hey so I’m going through RO, and they just reached out and told me they would be prescribing Zepbound. Is this a good option? Thank you!
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
Hi! I’m it sure what you mean by RO. Is that a Telehealth company? I can’t say for sure if it’s a good option for you because I’m not a doctor, but it absolutely was the best choice for me so hopefully it works great for you too! If you were prescribed it, I’m sure the doctor thought you were a good candidate and you should be fine!! keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing! Happy for you! 🙏🏽💕
@tiffanyaris 3 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy Yeah it’s a telehealth, I’m sorry I should have been more specific on that. Thank you!! I’m excited and happy that I have someone to relate too, I’ll definitely keep you updated! 😊
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@tiffanyaris When are you expecting to start? So exciting!
@tiffanyaris 3 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy Hey! So I started my first shot last night. I think I remember you saying you woke up with a headache the morning after your shot. What did you do to get rid of that? I’m experiencing the same thing and I’m not sure if I should take Tylenol or not. I almost regret this.
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@tiffanyaris aww I’m sorry you have a headache. Not easy to deal with when you have kids. Nice profile pic! 🙏🏽💕 I take Motrin when I have a headache or Excedrin if it’s really bad. That first shot was the worst by far. But only lasted 2 days. After that, they were much much better.
@LussotheG 3 ай бұрын
What is compound?
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
Zepbound and Mounjaro are the brand names for Tirzepatide. Compound is essentially the same thing but it’s produced in pharmacies as opposed to the factories that Eli Lilly uses. They sometimes will have added ingredients like B12 vitamin. Compounded tirzepatide will be cheaper than name brand Tirzepatide. Insurance will not typically cover compound tirzepatide. Hope that helps!
@LussotheG 3 ай бұрын
@2.0mommy thank u I just started zepbound I started 5mg
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@LussotheG Great!! I hope it’s working well for you!
@LussotheG 3 ай бұрын
@2.0mommy I just started today and I feel it's working already I been feeling full for hrs
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
@@LussotheG that’s awesome!! It felt like a miracle to me too! You’re gonna do great on it if you’re already feeling it!
@CarylQRadio 6 ай бұрын
Grazer here… 🙋🏽‍♀️
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Hi! Hope that’s getting better for you! 😅 old habits die hard right! 😜
@CarylQRadio 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy Ridiculously hard!!! Congratulations on your weight loss!!! 🎉🎉🎉
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@CarylQRadio thanks so much! I’m getting a little anxious because I only have one pen left with no timeline on when the pharmacy will get more, but starting a walking challenge on Monday to keep me motivated! You’re welcome to join! My last video explains it! Hope you join me if you’re able! 💪🏽🙏🏽🤗
@CarylQRadio 6 ай бұрын
@@2.0mommy I am more than able!!! A little backstory on me, I was on Ozempic for a year this past March 8th. I only lost 20 pounds; up and down two pounds since July 2023. Sooooo frustrating!!! So I jumped on Mounjaro 5mg to break the stall. I am now on my first 7.5mg dose and I’ve still lost NOTHING!!!😢 I thought I would drop SOMETHING, but NOTHING!!! I have a prescription called in for 12.5mg which is on back order, so I will stay on the 7.5mg until then. Btw, I am a T2 Diabetic who has a controlled A1C (Thank God!!!). I hear Diabetes causes GLP-1s to react SLOWLY on Weight Loss. 😢
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
@@CarylQRadio Thats so frustrating! 😤 😩 Do you think you’re eating enough? If you eat too little your body will try to conserve all its energy. (Starvation mode) How has your movement been? Sometimes we can get a boost by just increasing the steps we take each day. That’s why I’m so excited to do the walking challenge. Because even though it’s not rigorous, it’s enough movement to trigger our heart rate to burn up those fat cells. Another thought, if you don’t have much to lose, it will definitely come off slower. 🙏🏽💕
@UsernameUnkwn21 3 ай бұрын
Alot of food issue, binge eating or the new hot button word 'food noise' is psychological NOT physical.. so it is doubtful that the injection especially at 2.5 would have erraticated ypur 'food noise' the dose iscso low and needs to build up ..if u did find your food noise quiet that was placebo.. in the same manner that people who opt for Bariatric surgery gain back weight in most cases bc they did not address the core issue..
@2.0mommy 3 ай бұрын
Hi, actually you’re mistaken. GLP1 is a hormone produced in the brain. So while the act of binge eating may be brought on by psychological factors (trauma, stress, boredom etc), we know that some people either don’t produce enough glp1 on their own (different theories as to why- some say poor gut health) OR they are desensitized to it because of years of overeating. So no, it’s not a placebo effect. Did you know that some doctors have had great success micro dosing patients? So that means that even with a much smaller dose than 2.5 people have experienced the amazing freedom of not thinking about food all the time. And there are plenty of people who have been able to lose a substantial amount of weight while never needing to go up to the higher doses. I’ve been on 5mg for almost 4 months and have lost 34 pounds as of today! That’s about 2 pounds a week which is a very healthy amount and protects the body from losing too much lean muscle mass. So no, you don’t need to reach the higher doses to experience weight loss. What I agree with you on is that you have to address the root of the problem. You can’t expect to hop off this medication and resume your past eating habits. The only people who have a shot (no pun intended) at getting off this medication, are those that have made lifestyle changes. I can only speak for myself (but many people that are on this journey with me, feel the same) this medication has changed my life. I feel like I can finally stop obsessing over food. I have the motivation now to do all the things I knew I should have been doing before but lacked the energy to do. I’ve been walking 3 miles a day and just recently started strength training. I started a walking challenge in April, and you’re welcome to join me and the other ladies that have committed to prioritizing their health. It’s a great way to stay focused and motivated. Thanks for dropping by!
@maggiedow9686 6 ай бұрын
Awesome, Congrats ... You got this
@2.0mommy 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement! 🙏🏽💕I’m very happy with my progress so far. ☺️I hope if you’re on this medication too, that you’re seeing the results you want. Thanks for stopping by!
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