10 Most Profound Doctor Who Moments

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In almost 60 years of Time and Space, you’re bound to drop the occasional nugget of wisdom...

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@lastat00293 3 жыл бұрын
Say what you want about Capaldi's run, but that speech he gave about war is still one of the best monologues in history.
@kieran7675 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly isn't even just one of Doctor Who's best, but especially if you know the context, it is literally an all time great monologue
@noahkarlinsky1249 3 жыл бұрын
I personally liked Capaldi's run. They tried to make it too politically correct for a show that has worked for decades (of which saying that instantly puts a target on my back I know) but he as an actor did his best to portray a timeless character and did a really good job in my opinion.
@someguy4331 3 жыл бұрын
@@noahkarlinsky1249 ya. Capaldi was truly great at it. I couldn't stand the change to Jodie cuz the writing is such crap. I'm sure the 4 of them are decent actors, but the stories were so lacking I stopped watching before the end of Jodie's first year
@edwardbell4928 3 жыл бұрын
He had several great monologues. The War monologue, the Where I Stand is Where I Fall monologue and perhaps my favorite the Regeneration monologue. Peter has the gift of placing the pain, the terror, the remorse, and later the optimism that he feels into those lines and then making the viewer feel it as well. Peter can do it with his mannerisms as well as seen in the music video he did for his cousin awhile back. Never spoke a word during it, but you knew his thoughts, his feelings and his dreams just by his actions. By far...12 is my Doctor.
@jerbib9598 3 жыл бұрын
@@someguy4331 - we needed a female doctor. Those men were all too, err well... MEN!
@andrewpagan6266 3 жыл бұрын
I think Van Gough learning he'll one day be appreciated for his genius is one of the most emotionally impactful moments in the franchise. However, the bit I find truly profound is the fact that the date and cause of his death remained unchanged. It's a realistic look at mental illness, and depression specifically. Amy immediately echoes the fatalistic conclusion I'm sure most viewers held. That what they did for the man didn't matter, that his life was ultimately just as tragic and short lived. But then they see a little signature on one of his paintings. A physical reminder that, while they could fix all the man's problems, they made him happy again. Even if only for a short while.
@dandydabberdude 3 жыл бұрын
What you just wrote is very insightful
@noahkarlinsky1249 3 жыл бұрын
Very wise words from an assumedly wise person
@ryancoulter4797 3 жыл бұрын
There’s also a theory that a couple of kids who teased Van Gogh were messing with a gun and accidentally shot him and that he was covering for them.
@dustytruck1 3 жыл бұрын
For me when I saw nothing had changed was an unnecessary gut punch and I questioned why the writer had to do that.
@robertbeaudry9872 3 жыл бұрын
@@dustytruck1 realism I suppose. I can honestly say that when my depression rears its ugly head, nothing ANYONE outside of my head does will stop my spiral. Only *I* can pull myself up, but sometimes even I have failed in the attempt NOT to give in, I just thank the good Lord I also failed in the attempts to check out.
@captain_dsz6049 3 жыл бұрын
@caddan4175 3 жыл бұрын
The way I always see it is not just 11 saying goodbye to Clara, but also Matt saying goodbye to us. Matt had his time playing the doctor, and he will always remember it.
@noahkarlinsky1249 3 жыл бұрын
I was choking up on those words too.
@edwardbell4928 3 жыл бұрын
Rumor has it that Matt ad libbed the "...the Doctor was me" part. If true, then it was Matt truly saying goodbye to the fans.
@StealthyGamerGirl2020 3 жыл бұрын
When Matt did the read through he actually broke down reading it. For me that adds so much to the final scene.
@leanman2 3 жыл бұрын
You could say , I'll always cry when the doctor was him
@emilyniedbala 3 жыл бұрын
This one has also stuck with me a lot: “Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”
@jerbib9598 3 жыл бұрын
Me too. It has stayed with me. It reminds me of the lyrics "Follow your dreams - Be yourself an angel of kindness.." from this song ---> kzbin.info/www/bejne/o6q3q6Wqp5lpmqs
@arcanpokevids8101 3 жыл бұрын
Hate is always foolish and love is always wise
@rockysandman5489 3 жыл бұрын
In my experience I only ever manage to apply it backwards. I try to be kind, but never fail to be nice.
@NightridewithNikki Жыл бұрын
Me too
@dreamer_of_hiraeth Жыл бұрын
His whole speech is my life's mantra, so so good.
@mvolestrangler 3 жыл бұрын
“It’s funny, the day you lose someone isn’t the worst. At least you’ve got something to do. It’s all the days they stay dead.”
@matthewryan8463 2 жыл бұрын
I re-discovered that one recently after my dad passed away, and it's so true.
@TexasScout 3 жыл бұрын
The most profound for me was when Matt Smith took Vincent Van Gogh to the Louvre to see what the world thinks of his life's work. I ALWAYS cry watching that.
@Michelle_Schu-blacka 3 жыл бұрын
I hate to point this out but that wasn't profound, it was touching. But yes, it definitely gets the waterworks going.
@TexasScout 3 жыл бұрын
@@Michelle_Schu-blacka True, true. Thanks.
@Isaac_Clarke 3 жыл бұрын
@@TexasScout I'm unemotional for things like that but boy did that make me feel happy and sad at the same time. What made it more emotional is that the actor looks like Vincent.
@TexasScout 3 жыл бұрын
@@Isaac_Clarke did you notice that the guy that played the museum Director was also named Vincent from the movies “underworld”
@Isaac_Clarke 3 жыл бұрын
@@TexasScout Wasn't it Viktor? I love that Sheen is in it. Also the guy that acted as Vincent is in there to.
@emilyniedbala 3 жыл бұрын
I think this one deserves a spot on the profound list: "Pain is a gift. Without he capacity for pain, we can't feel the hurt we inflict."
@UgandanPrinc3 3 жыл бұрын
Near 14 mins of talk about Capaldi’s acting ability and Moffat’s writing? I’m in
@christophersudbrink4946 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Moffat was a good writer for the series. Sure he had his problems, but he gave us the weeping angels.
@rockysandman5489 3 жыл бұрын
@@christophersudbrink4946 And some of the best episodes of Doctor Who history. He figured a way to save Gallifrey without cancelling out previously established canon or rewriting history, and he got both Capaldi and John Hurt to play the Doctor as well as giving McGann a regeneration scene. There's so much good that he did for Doctor Who. A shame he had to trash the First Doctor like that.
@christophersudbrink4946 3 жыл бұрын
@@rockysandman5489 agreed. That was really clever the way he worked out a way to save Galifrey on his part.
@obiwankenobi687 2 жыл бұрын
@@rockysandman5489 he did undo RTD’s version of the time war though. Little scattered statements here and there throughout RTD’s run about the time war dont really line up with Moffats version. Which doesn’t make much sense. For moffats to work, the Daleks would have to be surrounding the planet at every single possible angle and firing constantly at just the right position to kill every other Dalek ship at every one of those angles when the planet disappears. That requires absolutely massive luck and piles of convenience. And when he brought back gallifrey he didn’t even know what to do with it. As it’s current state in the universe changed about four times. First it was frozen in a single moment, then it was behind a crack with the time lords not frozen, then it was at the end of the universe locked, then it was at the end of the universe unlocked with time lords able to come and go and fly off the planet like rassilon. Where did rassilon fly off to at the end of hell bent? Why aren’t the timelords back in charge if they have all their technology and are free to move around. What was the point of saving the planet? Other than to just have yet another overused, stakes killing ‘everybody lives’ moment?
@julieeverett7442 2 жыл бұрын
@JetZV 3 жыл бұрын
10:01 I don't think the Doctor actually believes that Wilfred is unimportant when he gives this rant. Right before he starts to ramble, Wilfred explicitly tells the Doctor to let him die; the Doctor says those things because it's what *Wilfred* thinks of himself in that moment. The Doctor can do so much more if he leaves Wilfred in there, but the Doctor gives himself up because he knows Wilfred matters to Donna.
@NikolisKitchen 2 жыл бұрын
Ten 10000% does not believe Wilfred is unimportant and I am *BAFFLED* by people who watch that scene and think otherwise. He laments and is angry that his time has finally come as he can do "SO MUCH MORE!" but he never for a moment considers leaving Wilf to die or thinks he is unimportant. He sacrifices his life to save one "insignificant" life because EVERY life is important to and significant to The Doctor.
@heatherqualy9143 Жыл бұрын
I have never understood people’s misreading of this moment. It was always glaringly obvious to me that Ten was being facetious! “Oh, yeah, sure! Why save you? You’re only someone I really care about, who matters a whole lot to someone I care even more about? Sure, I’m just going to let you die!” He was UNDERSTANDABLY upset. He had two whole seconds to think he had cheated Fate, then has the rug pulled out from under him when he realizes he IS going to die (regenerate), because there is no way he would ever let Wilf die. Wilf was an Achilles heel to him.
@alexanderrobertson9297 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree, if he believes willford is not important he doesn't have that rant. He would have said a heartfelt good buy and left him there.
@terryhurley3568 3 жыл бұрын
"Do You Think I Care for You So Little that Betraying Me Would Make a Difference? " Bloody hell. That line, to me, is incredible. Yes, Clara betrayed the doctor, but it was for a totally understandable reason. So, when you're close to someone, and they make a mistake, it changes nothing. You still love them Oh, and this is a great vid
@tracyroweauthor 3 жыл бұрын
@Sanquinity 3 жыл бұрын
This one so much. Such a short sentence, but it tells you so much.
@alyzu4755 Жыл бұрын
This line sums off The Doctor for me.
@chenling2937 2 жыл бұрын
LOVE THIS video. Also Capaldi: "Never be cruel, and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always make amends."
@Venemofthe888 3 жыл бұрын
The 9th Doctor also was high on importance in Father's Day talking to wedding couple saying they are important.
@lindasmith6316 3 жыл бұрын
LOVED that, and the whole episode! And EVERYTHING 9th Doctor!
@TheHufflepuffSaint 3 жыл бұрын
I loved Father's Day. Such a unique episode. Even though The Doctor is at utter vulnerability with The Tardis ripped out her shell and Reapers attacking everything in sight, he still manages to deliver wise words and put everyone's safety first. Plus I loved that Tardis materialisation in the church via the key. I'm glad no one else has tried that again. It just makes the situation so unique in the Who-iverse.
@PhantomObserver 3 жыл бұрын
My personal favourite? “There’s no point in being grownup if you can’t be childish sometimes.” The Fourth Doctor, “Robot.” Profound because it acknowledges immature behaviour as simply part of the human experience.
@daina12000 3 жыл бұрын
@PhantomObserver I heard that when I was in my teens - and it has always stuck with me :D ................. And I think I am younger for the hearing of that! :D
@briandaly8880 Жыл бұрын
This quote is my guiding star
@ex-navyspook Жыл бұрын
I heard that one in the 80s (when it played locally in the States), and it's always stuck with me.
@jad43701 Жыл бұрын
As a child of the 80's I grew up on Tom Baker's run of the Doctor. And this was\is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Not just Doctor Who time.
@SenecaRaine 3 жыл бұрын
I still love the speech by Ten as he dies, if only because it's followed by him realizing his error and going to "claim my reward", with his reward just being him seeing the happiness of his loved ones. That... I think about that all the time.
@uklie01 3 жыл бұрын
@TheHufflepuffSaint 3 жыл бұрын
11's goodbye speech has really helped me in recent years... First of all, it really helped me adapt to change, I suffer from low level aspergers so while it hinders my communication with other people but it kinda impacts my dislike of change but 11's speech struck me that change is inevitable but it doesn't mean my past is changing too, all I can do is go forward and embrace change. Must admit, I tend to forget that as I also have had memory loss sticking with me since birth, might have something to do with my aspergers but I haven't a clue, so it helps to revisit Time Of The Doctor for the speech.
@someguy4331 3 жыл бұрын
Nah, my best friend has aspergers too, and he's got a steel trap of a mind
@eshbena 2 жыл бұрын
With us, the level of emotion that is associated with the memory determines how much of it we retain. There are studies. XD I read a lot of studies trying to understand the way that my brain works. Autism is a fascinating subject in and of itself, but I mostly try to just figure out how I think.
@RaggedyDoctor11 3 жыл бұрын
Oh come on, we all know that the wisest thing I’ve ever said is “I’m the clever one, you’re the potato one”. Amen humans.
@Isaac_Clarke 3 жыл бұрын
I agree that is why I am subbing
@TheHufflepuffSaint 3 жыл бұрын
Ahhh I miss Strax and the gang.
@Isaac_Clarke 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheHufflepuffSaintBruh it'd be legendary with 13
@thebloxburgblues-bloxburgm4783 3 жыл бұрын
@@Isaac_Clarke irrelevant, but my name is Isaac aswell!
@Isaac_Clarke 3 жыл бұрын
@@thebloxburgblues-bloxburgm4783 Idc. Hi Isaac keep the name in good measure. Are you righty or lefty?
@Mysterio1021 2 жыл бұрын
The Speech to Akhaten - The Rings of Akhaten always gets me. One of the best moments from Doctor Who that will always stay with me.
@andrewmcgregor7097 3 жыл бұрын
11s final speech will stick with me forever. Whenever I'm down I watch that goodbye scene and it never fails to make me both smile and tear up.
@danthemeegs8751 3 жыл бұрын
Me too :-)
@westnashguy 2 жыл бұрын
Same. The most beautiful and perfect speech and ending for a regenerating Doctor.
@mikespangler98 3 жыл бұрын
It was one of Clara's comments in 'Hide' that stuck with me and made me think. The "We're all ghosts to you, what else can we be?" exchange as the consequences of time travel suddenly sinks in. They stuck pretty serous metaphysics into the middle of a ghost story.
@obiwankenobi687 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I don’t like that episode very much but that bit has always stuck with me. ‘To you I haven’t been born yet, and to you I’ve been dead a hundred billion years”
@dearls921 3 жыл бұрын
How long can Peter hold the screen? A whole damn episode is the answer. Yeah, zygon war speech is great but just a warm up for heaven sent
@Sanquinity 3 жыл бұрын
That was definitely his era's most powerful episode. Like It so much I've watched it twice as many times as the others in his era.
@amelias1801 3 жыл бұрын
I would add to this list 11's monologue at the end of The Rings of Ahkaten. Profoundly moving.
@Emperorhirohito19272 2 жыл бұрын
Is that the one with the angry sun? I like that one
@pauloz9359 3 жыл бұрын
Tegan saying goodbye - "My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if you don't enjoy it, give it up. It stopped being fun, Doctor."
@lindasmith6316 3 жыл бұрын
I remember that... :(
@ashlynsummers9263 3 жыл бұрын
“ just an angry Scottish bloke acting his heart out” favorite line of this whole video
@stumbling_ 2 жыл бұрын
Capaldi's and Smith's exit speech before they regenerate always hits me so hard. Matt's especially. I was so sad when he left and that speech of his just made me bawl.
@baaron7 3 жыл бұрын
Matt smith's era had the most profound writing in my opinion, thats why he's my favourite. Some of his episodes were lacking but damn could he make a speech
@philadelphiawhovian5641 3 жыл бұрын
ur comment cements that, while 11's era gets hate from parts of the fandom, it will always be a popular era. despite a lackluster story every once in awhile, 11's era still had such profound writing at times, some landmark moments, and when 11 gave a speech, u always came out of it saying 'that was one of the greatest things i've ever seen'. i welcome each incarnation (unless the new actor/writers disrespect the previous actors/people who worked on the show for cruel reasons that were uncalled for) but 11's era will always have a special place in my heart.
@lucypreece7581 3 жыл бұрын
There are 3 moments that have impacted me because of the words and how they affect me in my life. Series 3 Episode 6 The Lazarus Experiment: "Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that matters it's the person" I had a close friend who passed away in 2018 and he was only 23 when he passed. He lived the life he had the fullest he could and he was such a kind and genuine and lovely person and he will always have a place in my heart. Series 5 Episode 10 Vincent And The Doctor: "The way I see it life is a pile of good things and bad things. The the good things don't soften the bad things and ice versa the bad things don't spoil the good things or make them unimportant" Anyone who struggles with mental health issues can relate to this. You have good days and bad days. The bad days don't last forever and they don't take away from the feelings you have on the good days but at the same time your feelings on the bad days are valid. The Time Of The Doctor: "We all change, when you think about it. We are all different people all of out lives and that's good you've got to keep moving forward just as long as you remember all the people that you used to be." I have been through stuff and I know that I am a completely different person to who I was 5 years ago and I will keep changing and evolving over the years and become a newer better person but the insecure, closeted, shy, awkward girl I used to be is the person who made me who I am today and I won't forget her or ignore her. She is part of me and who I am.
@whiplashthunderhead4258 3 жыл бұрын
4's "Do I have the right?" Has always had me be aware of the consequences of doing the right things...
@briandaly8880 Жыл бұрын
Lets hear it for Tom!
@MCU_Spidey_2099 3 жыл бұрын
Matt Smith's child-like behaviour and heart warming words of wisdom makes him my favourite Doctor, his version of the Doctor inspires me in my every day life to be just like him 😁
@chrishetmanski1709 3 жыл бұрын
Given that I'm currently watching First Doctor episodes, I can say with some confidence that Twice Upon a Time did not "reduce" the first Doctor to a misogynistic old man trope; he WAS a misogynistic old man. I've lost count how many times he told Susan or Barbara that they didn't see what they saw, while pretty easily chumming it up with Chesterton. I know that was the era, I don't begrudge it; just defending the recent portrayal.
@MartinInBC 3 жыл бұрын
One quote that struck me as so thoughtful that I initially assumed - incorrectly - that it was an existing quote was the line from the War Doctor (John Hurt) in the epic The Day of The Doctor: "Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."
@planetbumble5060 Жыл бұрын
Tennant's tantrum is totally fine considering he is about to regenerate for what he believes is the final time. He's going thru the stages of grief, and he's pissed because he only got to live a very short time in comparison to his other incarnations. But even then he sacrifices himself to save Wilf, proving he genuinely does think that he is important as a friend.
@liamwilliams1794 3 жыл бұрын
God i love the speeches in capaldis run. His entire regeneration speech is great. and is what everyone should strive towards. Run fast, laugh hard, be kind!
@jasonrunion614 3 жыл бұрын
12's war monologue and 11's Van Gogh ones were unbelievably powerful pieces of writing. The war monologue actually made me look at war in a completely different light than I ever have. Cant think of any other piece of writing from any fiction that has had that same effect on me as that did. And the whole end of the Van Gogh episode is full of dialogue thats heartbreaking while still uplifting at the same time. Master class in writing by Moffat there
@Cyberbeagle1000 3 жыл бұрын
No love for Seven's sugar scene from Remembrance? "Every decision creates ripples"
@marcoludema8876 3 жыл бұрын
It's these kind of lists that make me love DW's writing all the more.
@ziplag3082 3 жыл бұрын
In the day of the doctor when the 11th doctor stood on the broken statues he said “I’ve never stood on something that wasn’t important”
@waziotter 3 жыл бұрын
Bloody loved this list. Fantastic work. I’m very old and have been watching Who since the 70s. The “changing facts to fit their opinions” has been really important to me for years. Capaldi is definitely the best actor to have ever played the role and his “scale model of war” speech is totally epic. The only one I would add to this list is McCoy from Remembrance of the Daleks talking about the butterfly effect.
@qwertyrobbo101 Жыл бұрын
I do love the butterfly speech, and the response from the cafe worker 'Life's like that, best thing is to just get on with it'!
@chrisp7863 3 жыл бұрын
for me you missed the "love is not an emotion it's a promise" speach.
@paulbeardsley4095 3 жыл бұрын
Lovely video. One of the lines I was especially moved by was Clara [edit: actually 11] speaking to War: “You were the Doctor on the day it wasn’t possible to get it right.”
@caddan4175 3 жыл бұрын
That wasn't Clara who said that, it was 11.
@paulbeardsley4095 3 жыл бұрын
@@caddan4175 I stand corrected. In my head I can hear her saying it, but no, you're right.
@emilyniedbala 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve always had an attachment to this conversation from “Blink”: "What did you come here for anyway?" "I love old things. They make me feel sad." "What's good about sad?" "It's happy for deep people."
@noahkarlinsky1249 3 жыл бұрын
True. Sadness keeps us in touch with our emotions, which in turn helps us know how to react to others. That was such a good quote
@firelight3207 3 жыл бұрын
This is actually difficult. I tend to think about Twelve's Zygon speech because it was the best moment from a Doctor I didn't entirely enjoy (personal opinion.) And with everything going on right now, it's a very important speech. However, the good things and bad things speech is something I have used before, so it has stuck with me. For me, those two are interchangeable as the first spot.
@philadelphiawhovian5641 3 жыл бұрын
totally agree.
@haninasayegh7623 3 жыл бұрын
In my eyes the speech of the 12h doctor on war is rlly my favorite
@LdyJne114 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent list. Totally nailed it with #1. Absolutely my favorite episode ever. So wonderful in fact that I got a tattoo based on that episode. Well done. And it does bear saying that though Capaldi was rather unlikable at the start, following Matt Smith was a near impossible task, and by his end, Capaldi held my heart in his hands. Undeniably and amazing actor and a wonderful Doctor.
@lunaisbestpony4217 3 жыл бұрын
the ninth doctor. "Coward, anyday."
@willadeefriesland5107 2 жыл бұрын
This has to be one of the best of whoculture... Some many of the Doctor's speeches could be used by therapists, self help seminars, philosophy studies... Definitely up vote this one and file it for rewatching again and again...
@Wild_Bill57 3 жыл бұрын
Vincent and the Doctor in my mind was the greatest episode ever. There are many great episodes, but this is the greatest. The portrayal of Vincent is impeccable.
@vcom741 3 жыл бұрын
I felt 10th's "Nobody Important" was sarcasm. "Oh right, you, a dude I said I would be proud to be my granddad, are nobody important" I still side against the temper tantrum, but that line in particular is fine.
@uklie01 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree: I'm convinced, he was sarcastic in saying this.
@chrisg24601 2 жыл бұрын
he said he would be proud if Wilfred was his Dad
@pheebthedweeb5652 2 жыл бұрын
i love his outburst!! i know a lot of people don't but for me it's just the culmination of everything his character has gone through and grown from. he has gone from so recently thinking he's the most important person ever and that he has the right to mess with time because he's the timelord victorious, to realising that after miraculously surviving the events of the end of time, he's doomed anyway. in his speech he's angry, and a lot of that is at himself, for not being enough ("I could do so much more"). a lot of people see him saying "it would be an honour" as a contradiction to his outburst, but the whole scene is a display of him being so completely humbled since waters of mars. he goes through like every stage of grief. he wishes he was a better man and had done better, and as a response to that wish, he sacrifices his life. that whole scene makes me cry every time man, i love ten.
@thecitykitty7528 3 жыл бұрын
The stories quote was my high school yearbook quote, I loved it that much
@suzannemenuet947 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite Doctor speech: every single line spoken by Capaldi.
@pinpingarou 3 жыл бұрын
When words are able to bring tears to your eye, you know they can hit harder than anything else.
@Deltaflot1701 3 жыл бұрын
No matter how many times I watch it, I still tear up on Mat Smith's final speech. One of the few scenes in TV and movie history that does that to me.
@HellfireComms 3 жыл бұрын
It's so good. Capaldi's speech was decent, but Smith got the better send-off speech in the end I think.
@ChildrenOfWhistler 3 жыл бұрын
The way you matched the cadence that Matt smith had in his final line made the exact emotions I felt when I first herd it come rushing back. Thank you
@thegayone1911 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I’ve cried at all the modern Who regenerations (apart from 9). Always so beautiful
@pancakemaster8780 3 жыл бұрын
yeah I dont know why but nines regeneration somehow wasnt as sad as all the others
@rudrasingh6354 2 жыл бұрын
@@pancakemaster8780 because it had to introduce the concept of regeneration for a lot of people who only started with 9, and had to make it easier to accept 10, if they made it sad, everyone would be even harsher on 10, as 9 only stayed for a season
@pancakemaster8780 2 жыл бұрын
@@rudrasingh6354 makes sense I guess
@pheebthedweeb5652 2 жыл бұрын
@@pancakemaster8780 i actually disagree. i love the simplicity of nine's. it's not made a huge dramatic deal of, it's not drawn out endlessly, and there's no tired-to-death dramatic speech cliché. he has some simple lines that really show his character growth ("you were fantastic. and you know what? so was I" displaying how rose made him find not only all the good in others that the time war had shielded from him, but also making him see the value in himself again after the trauma of the war). his final lines show his development from a closed-off character devastated by his recent tremendous loss, to someone capable again of love and appreciation, of himself and others. god i love nine. most underrated doctor ever.
@mediamanjamessmith251 3 жыл бұрын
10 saying Wilf is "not important" is greatly misrepresented here as 10 was saying in the grand scheme of the universe Wilf was not important and the Doctor is. However, 10 proceeds to say he is more than willing to sacrifice himself to save Wilf because although Wilf is not important to the wider universe, he has been and is important to the Doctor
@luisz0339 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. 10 never meant that way, to make Wilf feel bad or like an ant. He meant in the general sense of the universe, yet he still gives his life for Wilf. Why? Because every life is important, even the simplest and shortest of them, and the Doctor understands that better than anyone else.
@mediamanjamessmith251 3 жыл бұрын
@@luisz0339 Exactly, I'm glad I'm not the only one who understood this
@Lukecash2 3 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately I think Tennant acting that got in the way of what the scene was supposed to mean. He played it emotionally raw and many interpreted it as throwing a tantrum. And it didn’t help that under RTD, Donna, Mickey and Rose’s Mother were mocked by the Doctor.
@mediamanjamessmith251 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lukecash2 I mean he essentially was throwing a tantrum as saving Wilf would be the end of his current incarnation after already sparing himself from changing his face (Journey's End - creating the Meta-Crisis Doctor) and the effort of trying to change things that are set (The Fires of Pompeii & The Waters of Mars) and is upset that he has more to offer in saving the universe. However once his mind is clear, 10 feels ready to do what's needed to save Wilf as it is what himself as the Doctor would do, after how important Wilf became to himself and influencing Donna's personality (this is both inferred and said in Tennat's dialogue so I find it difficult to know why people misinterpret what is being said). As for how he treated Donna, he felt Donna was essentially a replacement for Rose after just losing her to the parallel world, but after treating Martha the same way and Martha calling the Doctor out for this, upon finding Donna again he outright tells her he needs a friend and they end up bettering each other as they understand the other's perspectives. With Mickey and 9, there seemed to be this superiority complex almost saying "Rose chose me over you" (which is a dick move on the Doctor's part) but it's implied that he hasn't felt for someone like Rose for a long time pre Time War, let alone post Time War, and Mickey's insistence of waiting for Rose for a year comes across pathetic as he hadn't moved on so the Doctor exploits that (again dick move on the Doctor's part). Hoever when Mickey decides to stay in the parallel world to take care of his grandmother, 9 shows Mickey some respect surprised there is nobility in him and 10 extends that respect the following times he sees him, probably believing this nobility is from himself pushing Mickey (implied by Dalek Caan's "children of time" saying whether directly or indirectly, the Doctor changes people). Finally with Rose's mother Jackie, it's a similar situation with Mickey where he feels so superior that he puts her down in an effort to remove Jackie as an obstacle for him being with Rose, as well as a way to impress Rose given that she herself has slighted her mother as he at first 'politely' turned Jackie down when she hit on him, only to look down on what is considered 'Rose's boring life' (once again, dick move on the Doctor's part). But through his constant appearances Jackie begins to become a bit more proactive but still nothing compared to the extent of Rose (hence his mocking of Jackie in Army of Ghosts, when pretending she is Rose), however he slowly begins to respect her when he sees her genuine love for Rose through her proactivity again believing this is through his own intervention. So while he does treat people around him and his companion and following companions poorly at first, he learns through these experiences that it's okay to feel these very human emotions especially after losing Rose to the parallel world to a half-human version of himself, and having to erase Donna's memories of himself to save her mind from being Doctor Donna, he berates who deserves to be (Donna's mother for her hypocrisy) and praises who deserves to be (Jackson Lake & Rosita Farisi, Lady Christina, Adelaide Brooke, Cassie Rice & Jimmy stalkingwolf, and finally Wilf)
@NikolisKitchen 3 жыл бұрын
@@luisz0339 1000% exactly this. Taking the scene exactly at face value that the Doctor thinks Wilf is "unimportant" is exactly the opposite of the intention of the scene, which is why 10 still sacrifices himself to save Wilf even though he knows it means the end for him. Because every single life is important.
@FanDanGo86 3 жыл бұрын
The 10 tantrum to me is one of the finest scenes in who. I get that people will disagree and at first when he's shouting at Wilf I wanted to punch him very hard in the face but then there's that amazing moment when he realises he's hurting one of his most loyal (in my opinion) friends and he gives up what he thinks is his last life for Wilf. I maybe a bit biased as 10 and Wilf are my favourite Doctor and companion respectively but I genuinely love that scene.
@sampenney545 3 жыл бұрын
I live my life by 1# quote knowing that any time something bad happens that there is still good and beauty in the world
@rebeccamcdermott9259 2 жыл бұрын
The Third Doctor's quote in Planet of the Daleks is probably my absolute favourite Who quote. Also love the Fifth Doc's quote in Earthshock; "For some people, small beautiful events is what life is all about."
@MrCaonashi 3 жыл бұрын
12s final speech has always been my favorite.
@Elfman126 3 жыл бұрын
Overall, some of my favourite quotes of all time from Doctor Who that I remember very fondly and agree with 100%.
@AdderTude 3 жыл бұрын
Ten's rant about importance comes right before he realizes something he said to Wilfred earlier: sometimes, Ten thinks that Time Lords live too long, after he caused the suicide of Adelaide Brooke by declaring himself the Time Lord Victorious after the events of "The Waters of Mars." He realized in that moment that he was falling back into that mentality and resigned himself to his fate.
@uklie01 3 жыл бұрын
I think he was being sarcastic when he said Wil was not important. And his line "Wilfred it will be my honor" will always stick with me
@grahamcann1761 3 жыл бұрын
In a few moments, as I do in all my comments, I'll express my gratitude for your video. But first let me tell you that I will be sharing, talking about, and revisiting this episode often. As always, thank you so very much for your video.
@ari.nogueira 3 жыл бұрын
AWESOME compilation! These moments are very important as reference to everyone, but so special to the Whovians! Thanks for sharing it!
@chrissycurtis4152 3 жыл бұрын
Capaldis war speech leaves me in tears every single time. It is so raw, so real and in my opinion the best bit of acting I've ever seen
@JoeEnglandShow 3 жыл бұрын
Another line I always liked came from the books, when the Eighth Doctor was confronted by a companion about why he doesn't seem to care about the people who just died around him. His response? "I'm a Doctor. I care for the living."
@tahaarshadshaheen 2 жыл бұрын
"Everything ends. And that's always sad. But everything begins again too. And that's always happy. Be happy." - 13th Doctor This has helped me keep going in some very sad moments.
@GarethAndersonUK 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if anybody has mentioned it, but the "Do I have the right" moment in Genesis of the Daleks as the Doctor confronts his own decisions and powers and challenges us to think about killing the most deadly of adversaries. It's deep and challenging.
@burningbones1686 3 жыл бұрын
Cant lie first time i watched 11ths speech on the rings of akethan i had tears in my eyes
@uklie01 3 жыл бұрын
Especially with that music... epic!
@jonnylawwd1 3 жыл бұрын
The nobody important quote is so good. One of my all time favourite quotes of all time.
@roanfish4878 3 жыл бұрын
It wasn’t the doctor that said it but rivers speech of everybody knows that everybody dies but not everyday is just brilliant
@fuckel98 2 жыл бұрын
I always took the Van Gogh ending as he DID end up really happy and they DID save him. Him being saved, hearing that Bill Nighy's monologue about him, he realized he had to keep history as it was in order for that to remain true of his legacy. So I always thought he simply didn't make any new paintings and willingly killed himself to keep history the same in order for his legacy to remain the same, just the details of his life before death is s bit different.
@sophiew757 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing for 12's "fear makes you fast" speech?
@eccremocarpusscaber5159 3 жыл бұрын
Nope. Phew!
@christinaketonianqueen9968 3 жыл бұрын
This video really hit me in the feels today really needed it. Can't really Place why. Hope all is well this was pretty fantastic ❤️
@ViolentStillness 3 жыл бұрын
A daunting list in its conception, but deftly executed, great work and thank you!
@CRS-sw4xf 3 жыл бұрын
Just remember to never ask Doctor who?
@charlestownsend9280 2 жыл бұрын
I love the 3rd doctor's line about fear, it's important to know that even when you have fear you can still be brave and do what you should. The 11th doctors final words are great and meaningful to me for several different reasons. 12's dialogue about war is so true. I also like his speech about in thin ice and also his line against the war on terror (you know before the show was political).
@JCSR07 3 жыл бұрын
Just sitting here bawling through this entire video
@lucypreece7581 3 жыл бұрын
The anti War speech is a ten minute long scene and it is pure art. If you hate that scene then sorry you are wrong. Capaldi is so magnetic and he glitters in that scene. Only he could pull of that speech. You listen to every single goddamn word that man is saying and oddly that scene has become more poignant since the Paris terrorist attacks happened pretty much a week after that episode broadcast and we have had so much more devastation happen since then. It is one of the best scenes in the shows history.
@julieeverett7442 3 жыл бұрын
what makes it even more remarkable, he did it in ONE take, line perfect, first time! If you look carefully you can see the girls crying, he was that good. And got a standing ovation after it!!
@lucypreece7581 3 жыл бұрын
@@julieeverett7442 i know. Capaldi in the scene proves just how stellar of an actor he is. He glitters. It is magnificent. You hang on to every single word he says.
@jamesdenton3438 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making me reflect upon how much both classic and new Who has both shaped and reaffirmed my beliefs and views.
@Ano_Nymus 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever life feels hard, I'll just come back to this video and remember that it's all about the small things!
@carb_8781 2 жыл бұрын
you reminded me yet again why this is my favourite show and 12 is my favourite doctor
@MarrockV 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I tell the stories, stories about my parents, my friends that I no longer see, myself and the insanity I used to get up to on a regular basis... I tell the stories so someone, somewhere, will remember them... so long as those people are remembered by someone they are alive in their thoughts and not really gone from this world... as long as someone is remembered, they are not truly dead... This is why I tell the stories.
@TYFTM718 Жыл бұрын
The quote that gets me every time is “Everything ends and it’s always sad. But everything begins again and that is always happy. Be happy.”
@roberthelme8000 3 жыл бұрын
Bloody brilliant! Thank you so much...but now I’m a blubbering wreck!
@CRKerekanich 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic episode here. Thank you!
@alanthielking6527 2 жыл бұрын
Here's my take on Vincent's demise. Having heard from the Doctor and Amy that history would record him as having committed suicide, when he was accidentally shot by a kid he covered for him, knowing that the child would escape the blame.
@StealthyGamerGirl2020 3 жыл бұрын
Capaldi's war speech always makes me cry. Both the words and his incredibly powerful and passionate performance.
@saphironkindris Жыл бұрын
The war speech and the vincent scenes are ones that I can always look back on and rewatch and have them bring me to tears.
@pinkzeppelin98 3 жыл бұрын
Some of my favorite moments. Hell, #1 was my high school year book quote. I love it.
@pistachiostars Жыл бұрын
'we're all stories in the end, make yours a good one' literally stuck with me for YEARS and the hardest parts of my life, literally kept me going through my darkest moments and inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and not let crucial opportunities go.
@krisandersen8695 3 жыл бұрын
The Doctor's most profound statements. There are way too many to even begin to list. It's a shame that humans can never seem to actually keep profound statements in their minds during actual life.
@annab9791 3 жыл бұрын
So much Moffat ❤
@CannonRanger-1 2 жыл бұрын
Well done. I really needed this episode today. Keep up the good work and keep following your dreams. You really are making a difference. Cheers.
@salawinborn7246 3 жыл бұрын
This list sums up all the reasons I love Who. So glad that 11 quote was number one.
@nahtemor 2 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent video Matts smith final speech always really resonated with me. Now i kind of wish there was a video with the clips for all these quotes.
@qwarlockz8017 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you.. I really and truly needed this today
@aqdrobert 2 жыл бұрын
"It dings when there's stuff." When some try to sound epic with complex explanations, I choose to explain things in ways my audience understands in plain language.
@bryanabbott6169 3 жыл бұрын
Great going, Sean, you almost made me shed a tear 😢
@aworldmadeofcardboard3692 3 жыл бұрын
Very good list. These moments are based off of quotes and ideas heard throughout the years, but the way they were presented in this simple TV show put an illustration to the idea that made them more tangible. Great writing for great moments in TV history.
@sgommerable 3 жыл бұрын
Splendid list
@tirthasimanta2608 3 жыл бұрын
I always go back to watch some of these speeches Some of the best moments in terms of acting and writing
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