10 Questions for a Quranist: A Quran-alone follower

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Said Mirza

Said Mirza

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@SaidMirza 5 ай бұрын
Shortcut to the questions: 1. How do you perform the Prayer according to the Qur'an alone? 2:56 2. How do you perform the Hajj using the Qur'an alone? 11:05 3. Do you know about the Ihram clothing using the Qur'an alone? 12:55 4. How do you know when to perform the Hajj if many of the Quraniyoon cannot agree on the months of Hijri calendar? 14:37 5. How can you bury the dead using the Qur'an alone? 16:54 6. How can you not trust the Hadith when the Qur'an was preserved the same exact way by the same exact people? 18:53 7. How do you know nothing was added or deleted in the Qur'an after Prophet Muhammad? 21:55 8. Well then how do you know that this verse that says that God has taken upon Himself to preserve the message was itself not added by later Muslims? 22:47 9. How do you know to pay 2.5% Zakah since this percentage is not mentioned in the Qur'an? 28:13 10. Why do you reduce Muhammad to the role of someone delivering a message only? 29:15 ***Bonus Questions*** 11. How do the Quranists know when a certain Surah or verse was revealed or what historical context they were revealed in? 31:33 12. You do realize that the rituals of the religion are incomplete or unclear with just the Qur'an 36:03
@mdshahnawaz7022 5 ай бұрын
My question is if you come to know thay SAW did call/worship to Allah in a certain way (since he is the prophet and a gretaest of human beings as mentioned in Quran)he will be knowing much about Islam than anyone in this world he was closer to God than anyone he was dearest to god than anyone he was most knowledgeable on this matters than anyone Then why would you not follow his steps ?? Thinking he knew how to pray to god(correctly) how to ask from god(correctly)how to etc ..... Then why would you not follow it ??
@samirsirenglishbafsd8701 5 ай бұрын
Does Allah permit you do excess? Have you got Allah's permission to go elsewhere to learn these? Do you want to teach Allah with your din/religion? if i ask you how you do these, one who keeps faith in Allah's teachings may find hundred of mistakes in you observation of these things if you use your intellect! it means you have to turn back to the message of Allah and then you will find a lot of transgressions according to the ayats of Allah! i may say to my Almighty, i tried to be in and with in His ayats as much as i understood though which are less showy to people, but it its a try to be connected to Almighty.... Just think what will you answer? Okay Said Mirza, would you put reason to answer-Who do i need to show how i pray-you or Allah? Or, is it a 'show'? ~~~~~Allah, Forgive me if i do any mistake here~~~~~ .......sorry, everyone for the interruption........
@singaporeghostclub 5 ай бұрын
@@mdshahnawaz7022Did Muhammad authorise the books that they created about him after his death? Did Muhammad approve of those books? Use your reasoning brother. Refrain from idolising and fear God and His Quran.
@mdshahnawaz7022 5 ай бұрын
@@singaporeghostclub what muhammad who Muhammad?? Even my name is Muhammad Its Muhammd SAW And prophet did say to write/note even its its a small advice And SAW taught most of things gow to pray, fast etc..... Use your reasoning you guys did nothing except reading hadith fron sunnah .coms english vague translation And getting triggered when ex muslim quot them while you dont know usool ul hadith , its takhreej , its sharrr, its isnaad. Matn etc and nothing you ste not even basic beginners to start fist if all and then judge sayong we dont believe it Even a basic beginner of hadith study guy will tell you how deep , complex the study is Not like when a Islamophobe quote a hadith you go check and get triggered or offended and say we dint believe it it doesn't work like that Even a normal beginner will say you that you cannot reject whole hadith nor can you accept whole hadith nor does saheeh isnaad means its correct or truly from prophet there are countless other thing involved
@mdshahnawaz7022 5 ай бұрын
@@singaporeghostclub and btw the saheeh sittah are not books to study for lay mans its for scholars/peole of knowledge and study hadiths with tafsir Peole study Quran with tafsir which is funny 🤣 coz Quran is crystal clear ans easy to understand While hadith isn't so 99% of scholars genuine scholars of hadith will tell you to read hadith with tafsir
@TheZenShark 5 ай бұрын
Question for people who believe Quran is not complete: when god himself says I have completed my favor upon you 2 centuries before any Hadith, why don’t you believe him? When god warned of people whose hearts would sink when asked to call upon god alone why don’t you think he’s talking about you? When politics and infighting started the moment the prophet died why do you think something written two centuries later is valid? When god says the religion is complete and yet leaves things that you think are important do you think you know better than god or perhaps there was a reason he left them out? When the Quran itself says anything with contradictions is not from god why do you debate to justify the many many contradictions in Hadith? This arrogance towards god has lead Muslims to the great heights we are at today. Aim for guidance not for being right.
@jfiosi 5 ай бұрын
Brother Said Mirza, thank you for tackling these questions. You have pointed out many critical issues and the main point as I understand it is that the Qur'an itself is the authority on the Qur'an. Yes, and that makes total sense. The Qur'an doesn't ask us to refer to a secondary or tertiary source of guidance. And while I love and respect the prophet Muhammad and all the previous prophets for their efforts, contributions, sacrifices and battles, it is not hero worship, but a sincere appreciation of their difficult role in conveying God's words to humanity. I grew up in a traditional Sunni family and my entire childhood was very pleasant, God-loving and kind. My family were wonderful and I was surrounded by kind, loving people. Thank God for that. But we were following all these ritualistic ceremonies and listening to religious leaders without actually looking at what the Qur'an itself stated, most of the time. Of course, I didn't know any better. But I know my father was an amazing man who read the Qur'an, accomplished much in his life privately and publicly, and did many many good things in his life for others. I have to wonder how many Muslims actually read the Qur'an, how many that did/do read the Qur'an study it and contemplate the messages/guidance it contains, and how many question the discrepancies between the Qur'anic guidance and the ones emanating from the Hadiths and supposed Sunnah of the prophet. After looking into the practices of Talmudic Jews, Christians/Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists, I have come to realize, among other things, that rituals play the overwhelmingly major part of their practices with God being a figurehead(s) with little actual impact on their practices. Differences between people seem to be a key highlight and divisions are sowed between people based on religion, race, politics, color, language, nationality, customs/traditions, gender relations, etc. I found very little of actual, purely God-related worship and practices. I have finally settled on "you do it your way, let me do it my (Qur'anic) way". However, I am guilty of not perusing the Qur'an myself so I have to be mindful of that. I hope that I can spend more time on the Qur'an and less time brooding over mankind's shortcomings. I will end here. Btw, I came here through Sam Gerran's suggestion. I am using his translation as my source. Thank you for your thoughts on these matters, some of which I have also wondered about. I will look at your other posts. Peace.
@VainakhQuranites 5 ай бұрын
Great video, brother Said. The "Muslims" have invented a religious system of rites found nowhere in the Quran, then they make the argument of "how could you follow the Quran alone if the Quran doesn't explain such rites". This keeps them within the cycle.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
The Qur'an COMMANDS us to perform certain RITUALS/ RITES.... 22:29 & 34 & 67 2:128 & 200 But it never has the details of these! The Qur'an didn't fall from the sky! The Qur’an and Islam reached us via the Companions who showed us practically what the Prophet (saw) did during the RITUALS of Prayers and Hajj and Birth and Marriage and Death etc. By rejecting what the Companions taught, you reject Islam and Qur'an!
@VainakhQuranites 5 ай бұрын
@@mikhan5191 "By rejecting what the Companions taught" - You think that a bunch of silly contradictory stores written down 200 years after Muhammad by Persians who never even met him are what the supposed "Companions" taught?
@hbilbeisi1 5 ай бұрын
Brother I like to describe the traditional sunni narrative as the likes of one who stands outside of a house, and is screaming, huffing and puffing, trying to tell the person inside the house what the house looks like from the inside. The person on the inside has the true view and is telling the person outside what the rooms actually look like, yet the person outside doesn't want to accept it.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@VainakhQuranites - if you had some sense you'd understand that the Companions learned directly from the Prophet (saw) and some even wrote down what they learnt ! Then these Companions taught their students whatever they had learned and this generation wrote books of Sunnah & Fiqh and formalised the Schools of Law. What you're referring to are the Hadith Book collections written by later Scholars.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@hbilbeisi1 - ppl can see for themselves that the Qur'an says one thing and you ppl say something DIFFERENT! Yet you still claim to be Muslims!!!!
@jackbarnes5589 5 ай бұрын
Muhammad was just a man. Human like everyone else. Too many blindly follow whatever a Hadith says or whatever some scholar or Imam says. The Quran is from Allah. The Hadiths are just one man's ways of living. Some of us don't really care how Muhammad lived his life. He had the freewill to make his own choices, that doesn't give him the authority to govern over every little aspect of a person's life. Do they submit to a man or God? I got no problem being called a Quranist.
@flykiller 5 ай бұрын
And that's assuming the hadiths are 100% true in the first place...
@ironmask2629 5 ай бұрын
﴿لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا﴾ [ الأحزاب: 21] Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
@AR-49 5 ай бұрын
if you are saying that Muhammad (PBUH) was just a normal human being like everyone else then cant he have made mistakes when the Quran was revealed to him? With your argument we shouldnt even follow the Quran as it was conveyed to the people by "just a man. Human like everyone else".
@jackbarnes5589 5 ай бұрын
@@AR-49 Most will just blindly follow whatever their book says without thinking or questioning anything. Other just blindly follow Muhammad. If there was a Hadith about eating dirt every morning. I bet people like you would be taking a spoon full of dirt just because "MUHAMMAD SAID SO!". If he told you to jump off a cliff or into a volcano. would you just blindly follow your prophet? Or actually use your brain and think for yourself. Seems many Muslims are too afraid to use their brain and think for themselves. They let Muhammad think for them.
@anishussain7093 4 ай бұрын
So you don't love respect the phropet ? Is he not the greatest creation?
@TheBobbysPerspective 5 ай бұрын
Don't you find it problematic that God creates a Book for all times, but then the Location of the Pilgrimage is lost?
@murraymoore8668 5 ай бұрын
Hello Bobby; I have watched and enjoyed many of your videos. I would argue that we have many instructions in the Quran that regard the specific time of its revelation. For instance we know that the verses instructing us to fight the disbelievers were in reference to the quraysh and not all non-muslims, and that this instruction was no longer applicable once once the conflict was over. The same can be said about any instructions related to Muhammad, peace be upon him, such as how to visit his home and how to regard his leadership. These cannot be applied anymore because the prohpet is no longer with us. Since the instructions regarding hajj refer to a particular place that the early muslims knew of and had been to, I think it is reasonable to say that Allah was speaking to them with account of the particular knowledge they had.
@MU-we8hz 5 ай бұрын
Quran is the book for the lost. That is very sad.
@VainakhQuranites 5 ай бұрын
The pilgrimage was an Arab tribal tradition that occurred every year and was the only place to release the Quran to all the Arab peoples and tribes. Think of it as a yearly conference of the tribes. The Quran clearly says that once the Quran was released there, that the pilgrimage will not be carried out further afterwards. The tribal aspect of this conference brings a very deep and important ancestral connotation. The current Hajj wouldn’t make any sense since all sorts of different peoples and backgrounds go there and perform unquranic practices.
@SM-tl9ls 5 ай бұрын
Nope. The pilgrimage is mentioned in context of AT THE TIME WHEN THE PROPHET WAS ALIVE.
@Hamzah.315 5 ай бұрын
Assalamu 3leikum brother, watch Sola Qur'ana
@PrincevincentiusEL 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work my brother 🙌🏼 Salam to you and your family
@solaqurana 5 ай бұрын
Peace, Don't forget "Where is Makkah?" 😂 This is something we are looking to answer given the unfair replacement we have been given in Saudi Arabia. Part 3 will shed light on this important topic. Petra doesn't fit the bill. They lied to us about everything.
@kaiquecrisostomo846 5 ай бұрын
Peace be upon you! Acconding to David Ewing Petra is a "made up" city, totally fake which was build recently Just to make money(I dont think its Just about money), as Jerusalem etc. IT's funny that ALL of those ancient cities were kinda Lost before european discovering them. Looking forward to part 3. Allah bless you!
@Brandon_Opinion 5 ай бұрын
Provide links to your other videos that give the answers to these questions. Thank you for all your informative vidz
@chanyaroshan1852 5 ай бұрын
Salaam He already mentioned all surahs and verses in those videos. You just need to listen to the full video! Enjoy. Ma Salaama.
@dalirkosimov4623 5 ай бұрын
"O you who have believed, obey Allāh and *obey the Messenger* and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allāh and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allāh and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result" (4:59)
@vaishalikhan6243 5 ай бұрын
Quran (24:54) Say: "Obey God and Obey the messenger." But if they turn away, then he is only responsible for his obligation, and you are responsible for your obligations. And if you obey him, you will be guided. The messenger is only required to deliver clearly.
@SaidMirza 3 ай бұрын
The messenger is dead. You can’t obey a dead person. Is this really so difficult to understand??
@omarmy3495 5 ай бұрын
"Obey ALLAH and obey the messenger" merely proves that ALLAH had the full confidence in Muhammad to deliver the Divine Message, the Qur'an, verbatim. As a Prophet though, he was merely a human like us, prone to make mistakes. Even he, as well as his close companions,had to reflect much to interpret the text of Qur'an.
@NedimTabakovic Ай бұрын
About Hajj: "Call people"... Where? "To yourself"... Do more research about this topic... It is like world-wide conference that was cut down by "traditionalist"...
@rascalrichard7271 5 ай бұрын
Assalamu alaikum brother. I enjoyed the content a lot...I appreciate your work. I am new to Islam...so...would you recommend 'Ali Quli Qara'I translation, besides Sam Gerrans' and A.J. Arberry's?
@rashidajeeva2105 4 ай бұрын
As all Muslims I too was indoctrinated with the 5 pillars since 5 years old. I first became suspicious😢 about haj many years ago after my dad passed away and because he had not performed the haj a family member who was a hadji had to go back to perform my late dads haj. 40 years ago we had no access to this kind of information but that’s when I suspected that maybe it’s all about funding the Saudi. We were told it’s in the Hadith that this should be done
@DjJay 4 ай бұрын
Man if I had a dollar bill for every time someone asked my how do I pray, I would have a mountain of money right up to my chin. Also funny how they ask on how to justify their hadith based rituals and beliefs from the Quran, like 2.5% zakat thing?!?!?!?!?! As if, if the Quran doesn't explain them then it must be false rather than if its not in the Quran then their hadith is false. Its like a Christians asking you to justify Jesus is God from the Quran.
@mdshahnawaz7022 5 ай бұрын
My question is if you come to know thay SAW did call/worship to Allah in a certain way (since he is the prophet and a gretaest of human beings as mentioned in Quran)he will be knowing much about Islam than anyone in this world he was closer to God than anyone he was dearest to god than anyone he was most knowledgeable on this matters than anyone Then why would you not follow his steps ?? Thinking he knew how to pray to god(correctly) how to ask from god(correctly)how to etc ..... Then why would you not follow it ??
@SM-tl9ls 5 ай бұрын
And that is the question...how do you come to know what Prophet Muhammad SAW did? By believing "other people" who "narrated"? How do you trust the people who narrated? Is the narrator's infallibility promised by Allah SWT in the Quran? Do you see how circular this argument of knowing what the Prophet SAW did?
@WinAllDayFC 5 ай бұрын
Because he did not author the books you refer to. Nor did he author the Quran. Allah is the author of the message. Muhammad’s only job was to deliver the message that Allah authored. Muhammad didn’t leave us with anything else but the Quran.
@rashidajeeva2105 4 ай бұрын
Please quote the Quran verse that says he was the greatest human being.
@karriemjonathan2860 5 ай бұрын
Slm A Said shukran for your excellent and detailed presentation of Al Quran. Can you comment on the so called "last sermon" of RSAW minfadlik.
@Mguns180 5 ай бұрын
Well said Br Said, in full agreement.
@ElJimmy-f4h 4 ай бұрын
Those answer are available in Quran. God knows to whom He will give His guidance...if you have no his guidance you should ask yourself why..instead of asking someone else such questiones. Your heart is still doubting quran is complete explaining everything...even though someone tell you those explanation...you will still be in doubt.
@pavelp8346 5 ай бұрын
Thank you brother for your work!
@MohdRashidMohdYusof 5 ай бұрын
I think you should get a better translation of the Quran, rather than depending on those traditional orthodox translations to back up your points. Because it's hard to backup something when you are referring to mistranslation and disinformation of Qur'an true meaning. If salah is duty then why you assumed its worship/rites ? God says the birds in flight knows their salah/duty/follow God's universal law . The birds don't do worship rituals nor do hajj . I would recommend the understanding of Aurangzaib translation. Check it out in his webpage. TQ .
@HABIBIVIDEOS 5 ай бұрын
Great video. Really appreciate your work.
@thegreatspy6166 5 ай бұрын
Quran is a book of knowledge. To be debated by evidence and reasons. There is no believe only here.
@blankasahami2470 5 ай бұрын
God bless you brother Said.
@user-kf9kb8gb6j 4 ай бұрын
If the universal god who created planets bigger than our solar system, galaxies trillions of kilometers away from us , wanted to say us anything and he didn't mentioned in his own book, and his teachings are dependant on hadith and Sunnah which are writen by 200 hundred years after hazrat Muhammad saw , and he never said them to write hadith allah didn't say them to write , and now we have to believe them
@aljineerjiningjining5741 4 ай бұрын
Additional for prayer read 17:106-111
@baeshahsas6879 5 ай бұрын
May we be guided to the righteous path
@ninimusta336 5 ай бұрын
Obey Allah and Obey His Messenger....vs Obey Allah OR Obey His Messenger.. Clear as day
@frostpitt 5 ай бұрын
Gods Sunnah never changes. Only blind Dogma can make Muslims think that verse 15:9 was some forever promise by God that he will preserve the Quran. Dogma is dangerous. In the context of that verse, the disbelievers are questioning why God doesn't send down the angels with this reminder, why did he send it down to a mad man? God simply responds and reassures that it is indeed We (God and the Malaika) who sent down this reminder and indeed we are its care takers/supervisors/protectors. In the context it is WHILE the reminder is being sent down. Just like all other revelations God sent down before, after it was completed and the Messenger passed on, it was left to humans. Only Dogma can take a solitary verse out of context and turn it into some magical forever promise. Conveniently, those who propagate this without evidence also have no explanation as to HOW God magically preserved this Book through the ages when we do not have an original copy. The alternative explanation, i.e. it is just what has survived to this day for us is an explanation that my mind is at peace with. No blind Dogma needed. No cognitive dissonance required. It is how the world works and the world was created by God with everything in it, the animals, the wind, the sky, the earth, us humans, we all work in accordance with God. History attests that people and the world just go through the same cycles. Take the Quran for what it is. Accept what you understand and do not follow what you do not understand and continue to call out to God alone for guidance. Peace.
@frostpitt 5 ай бұрын
@shukriyusof2104 option c. Though I would add to it the Bible and Old Testament. You can find examples and guidance on how to call God in previously revealed scripture. However, in the end, it must be your way and not a copy of someone else's way. It's your call to God for what you need, not someone else's. I think people ask for lots of things but often forget to sincerely ask to be guided to God and to the truth of matters.
@frostpitt 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104Nope. Just like I don't think the Quran is today what it was when it was revealed. Statistically improbable. None of these books from the Prophets have an original copy today so I am of the opinion that we have to use our own intellect to reach our own conclusions on things while believing in God and asking him for guidance. In the end we will be judged for what we did and not be held accountable for anything from people who lived before us. Peace
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - where YOU there when it was revealed???? How did the Qur’an reach you???
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - so what is your LIE on how the Qur'an reached you. Why can't you answer such a simple question????
@aimanadzhan5135 5 ай бұрын
You talk like you don't want to talk.
@eimanticklay6874 5 ай бұрын
Can you please comment on the practice of aqeeqah?
@lucharward 5 ай бұрын
1 many way to pray - a human may pray when he wants - he does not need a profet to tell him how many times he should or not pray - so a Quranist is fine Q2: you don't have to do Hadj, and the less you do pagan Hajj things the better - Q3 you don t even need to be muslim to practice charity - leave Islam everything will be easier for you
@saminarasool8107 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@benjenkins3220 5 ай бұрын
may god guide you
@mohammadbenattia9102 5 ай бұрын
الحمد لله رب العالمين
@ashsharp1985 5 ай бұрын
From the Sirah.
@Sh4d0wl3ss 5 ай бұрын
So you believe in the ritualistic wudu but not the ritualistic prayer
@neaalitygandhi 24 күн бұрын
He believes in what The Qur’an says.
@samirsirenglishbafsd8701 5 ай бұрын
Does Allah Permit you do excess? Have you got Allah's permission to go elsewhere to learn these? Do you want to teach Allah with your din/religion? if i ask you how you do these, one who keeps faith in Allah's teachings may find hundred of mistakes in you observation of these things if you use your intellect! it means you have to turn back to the message of Allah and then you will find a lot of transgressions according to the ayats of Allah! i may say to my Almighty, i tried to be in and with in His ayats as much as i understood though which are less showy to people, but it its a try to be connected to Almighty.... Just think what will you answer? Okay Said Mirza, would you put reason to answer-Who do i need to show how i pray-you or Allah? Or, is it a 'show'? ~~~~~Allah, Forgive me if i do any mistake here~~~~~ .......sorry, everyone for the interruption........
@Junaid-USA 4 ай бұрын
Your only problem is with Prophet Mohammed SAW, How sad mirza 😂
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
The Qur'an COMMANDS us to perform certain RITUALS/ RITES.... 22:29 & 34 & 67 2:128 & 200 But it never has the details of these! The Qur'an didn't fall from the sky! The Qur’an and Islam reached us via the Companions who showed us practically what the Prophet (saw) did during the RITUALS of Prayers and Hajj and Birth and Marriage and Death etc. By rejecting what the Companions taught, you reject Islam and Qur'an!
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - without the Companions, there is NO Qur'an and NO Islam. Both came THROUGH them. Ramadhan starts by sighting the Hilal /Crescent which was only possible on Tuesday for most of the world. Saudis are NOT a criterion for Islam. From the beginning of Islam till about 300 years ago, about 99% of all Muslims were Sunnis. Then Iran was forced to the Shia Religion so today about 95% of all Muslims are Sunni. Islam = Qur’an and Sunnah. Sunnah = any one of the 4 Schools of Law/Fiqh /Madhabs.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - why ask about Ibrahim (as) when we are supposed to follow The Last Prophet & Messenger Muhammad (saw)??? The Sunnah of Muhammad (saw) incorporates the Sunnah of the other Prophets Ibrahim & Musa & Isa (as). And the Scriptures that were given to the previous Messengers have all been corrupted by men. That's why we only follow the Final Revelation given to the Final Messenger of God (saw).
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - you believe that Revelation ONLY refers to a Book, while we believe it means EVERYTHING inspired /sent down to EVERY Prophet inc. those Prophets who never received a Book/Scripture.. The Final Revelation is ISLAM which consists of the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - Moses & Jesus peace be upon them received the Torah & Injeel respectively. As I keep repeating, these Messengers from God didn't just bring a Book /Scripture but a whole SYSTEM /RELIGION /DIN which they taught to their followers in detail that is not available inthe Revealed Book. But you believe that these Messengers were just Postmen whose only job was to deliver the Book & NOTHING ELSE!! But the Qur’an itself proves you wrong because it lists several other roles that the Messenger had to do.
@mikhan5191 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 - You ppl think/ believe that only the Qur’an was revealed to the Messenger. But the Qur'an itself opposes your beliefs. It tells us in many places that the Messenger of God (saw) also had to EXPLAIN what was being RECITED. The Qur'an is what is RECITED. After that, then comes it's EXPLANATION. BOTH are from Allah SWT. As Allah SWT tells us in Surah 75 v. 18-19: - So, when We recite it (via Jibreel) then follow its recitation. - then We [Allah] will EXPLAIN it. We revealed the Qur’an to you SO THAT YOU EXPLAIN to the people what has been sent down to them (16:44). Indeed Allah favoured the Believers when he raised a Messenger from amongst them, RECITING to them His Verses (Qur'an); Purifying them; TEACHING them The Book (Qur'an) and Hikmah (Wisdom) (3:164) This extra revelation/Teaching/explanations is in the Sunnah. All this extra detail CANNOT be found in the Qur'an. Therefore, your beliefs go AGAINST these clear Verses of the Qur'an!
@mutamirmukhzani1240 5 ай бұрын
Where do you get your quran from?
@makhanikuan 5 ай бұрын
From Allah via prophet
@mutamirmukhzani1240 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 it's called methodology, minhaj etc. You don't learn and gain understanding by reading a book. Whats the point of school if you want to bypass the teacher and who's the best teacher to the holy Quran?
@mutamirmukhzani1240 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 that teacher pbuh got his from jibril as. Do you ever wonder why it's alif lam mim and not ta tsa Jim? Why sad and not yaa? How could one reject the hadith when that same unbroken chain brought you the Quran? What does obey God and obey the messenger even mean?
@mutamirmukhzani1240 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 what is qul in kuntum tuhibbunallahu fattabiuni? What is the the meaning of follow me? Do you understand the Quran?
@mutamirmukhzani1240 5 ай бұрын
@@shukriyusof2104 do you understand quran? Where do you get your quran? Do you understand what I'm getting at? What does fas alu ahlazzikri in kuntum la ta lamun even mean?
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
so the Qur'an is complete but you make up the prayer yourself,say whatever you like,so you just created your way of solaah, because Qur'an doesn't show you all things😂😂
@abdul__rahim.1 2 ай бұрын
Quran doesn't have the ingredients for proper cheesecake either. Yet you can find pronciples in it even for such trivial thing brother
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
haha the Quran doesn't explain you the hadj ,so you don't have to do it,😂😂😂,but Quran explains all thing. now your version of Islam is full of holes 😂😂
@SaidMirza 3 ай бұрын
By hadj you mean the running around Kaaba stone idol 7 times and stoning the devil?? Those shenanigans are not in the Qur’an bro. Do you know why? Because your parents and grand-parents were worshipping idols.
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
@@SaidMirza There is no Quran bro, where did you get Quran ,its all lies bro,made up, so you fooling yourself
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
@@SaidMirza you want to believe in Quran and follow Quran but you know same person who teaching you reject brought the Qur'an now you throw away his way and tell people to follow your way. how silly is that,you say if you solaah how you want bow or sujood up to a person,but not necessary, But if you accept Atee urasool you are obeying God.but if you only foll Atee ullah some of the "explain all thing"are lost so now you lost . common man leave your silly things just because you have pride and want to follow your own desires you choose quran only .what a stupid price to pay for hell
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
Everything the Prophet Saw said is lies but everything you say is right.😂😂
@SaidMirza 3 ай бұрын
No, what Bukhari told you about the Prophet are lies. I am simply quoting the Qur’an. Do you consider the Qur’an to be true?
@galielachmat2087 3 ай бұрын
@@SaidMirza how do you know the Qur'an is true but bukhari is lies. Both came to you the same way.
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