10 Simple Fixes That Would’ve Improved Doctor Who

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@WhoCulture Жыл бұрын
If you could apply one simple fix to any episode of Doctor Who, what would it be?
@lukeskywalker8543 Жыл бұрын
Give 12 his sonic in series 8
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
Not treating the Sonic Screwdriver as some magic wand.
@robertfeld5829 Жыл бұрын
Mm, that's a tricky one. Okay, here goes - 1, Don't give the writer job to a moron who doesn't have a clue. 2, if you're going to have more than one character in the TARDIS, develop them, don't let them stand about like shop window dummies. Ryan, Graham, and Yaz fit that bill because Chibby didn't know how to write their characters. 3, for the love of GOD, stop treating that stupid screwdriver as a magic fix-it because the writer's too lazy to come up with a better solution. 4, Stop running around. 5, Bring back more Time Lords. The Master is a boring waste of space. He gets dull very quickly. 6, MORE ALTERNATE TIMELINES AND TIME TRAVEL; ironically, we don't get many of them. Doctor Who could do with a multiverse tale featuring different Doctors. 7, The Timeless Child and Fugitive Doctors were poorly developed. Stop giving characters and not developing them. 8, When Flux was on, Storm and Azure were pointless. 9, Lay off the classic villains for a couple of seasons, and redesign the Cybermen to get rid of their current image. They were seen as big-silver robot people who were aimless in the classic series, and now they are aimless. 10, Be more imaginative with the villains. 11, What happened to the universe following the Flux???
@zaarthwren Жыл бұрын
@@robertfeld5829 I agree everything unless you’re implying retiring the Daleks as they are my favorite part of Doctor Who and honestly I want more of them grander scales, invasion sequences of both individuals in formation and fleets, new types, more power, more lore, etc. Also I’d say for bbc to return the funding for the Classic who complete series Blu-Rays, animated restorations of lost episodes we have the audio tracks for, and EAGLEMOSS COLLECTION FIGURINES
@robertfeld5829 Жыл бұрын
@@zaarthwren No, I don't mean retiring the Daleks for long, but give them a chance to be recharged. The Sontarans and Weeping Angels received that treatment, and they came back grander. I also think the Dalek Paradigm was handled poorly and needs to make sense.
@BoomStickization Жыл бұрын
Ellie touched on one of the great things about early Angels. I always thought that the reason we did not see them move was specifically BECAUSE they were on-screen. That is, they can't move when they are being watched, and WE were watching them.
@christopheralthouse6378 Жыл бұрын
Yep Annnnnnnd then Moffatt ruined that TOO within the same Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone episode with the whole "that which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel" which is scary only until you realize that your OWN TV isn't becoming a Weeping Angel like the one IN THE EPISODE...😵‍💫🙄😣 "Blink" works because the threat is kept *just* plausible enough to make you wonder if it is real. As you mentioned, when the Weeping Angels are seen on-screen, they don't move...same as when any of the characters themselves looks upon one of them. This makes you feel as though the Angels are being frozen even when YOU'RE looking at them, making this threat that surely HAS to be fictional feel...somewhat *less* fictional...and thus, more frightening...😬 "Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone", on the other hand, breaks...more like completely destroys...that immersion first by introducing that whole "image of an Angel" plotline (which one can clearly see ISN'T happening irl, making the threat already too obviously fictional) and then later by having that one Angel visibly move on-screen. Without that immersion, one becomes a simple observer with no investment within the story. We clearly see a video image of an Angel move on the TV screen within the episode as that TV holds the image of an Angel and has thus become one...but then, so is literally EVERY irl TV that people watched that episode ON and, to my knowledge and experience anyway, no one's irl TVs became Weeping Angels on the prowl sooooooooo....🤷 Add to that the Angel moving as we watch...so very clearly NOT affected by the viewers watching at home...and you now have a monster whose scariness THRIVED on that connection with the viewer now wholly DISCONNECTED from those same viewers and from there... Their threat became that of a paper tiger. One must find what works with these sorts of villains and stick to that... immersion was the core dynamic that worked for the Weeping Angels, much like the fascistic tendencies of the Daleks works as the core dynamic for them. Lose that and you risk losing the threat, simple as that.
@frankharr9466 Жыл бұрын
@Nicolas-lz6pg Жыл бұрын
And thar's why Village of the angels is a better use of them (and probably one of the best episode of Flux)
@LadyDoomsinger Жыл бұрын
@@christopheralthouse6378 To be fair, that "image of an Angel becomes and Angel" absolutely worked on me. To this day I can't bring myself to freeze-frame on the image of a Weeping Angel. Even a youtube thumbnail, or pausing a video for a few moments - I know it's ridiculous, but I always either close the tab or run the video a couple more seconds before pausing, just so they aren't on screen. But I agree with the point about them moving on screen. That pretty much ruined the concept.
@uncreativename4249 Жыл бұрын
@@christopheralthouse6378 I like the "image of an Angel" plot line because it makes those episodes MORE scary for me. Because even though I know in the back of my mind, it's fiction, every time an angel would appear on screen, I would get that boost of fear of "what if it comes through?" I think Moffat used that effect again with the Sleep monster and every time, I get that shot of adrenaline/heebie-jeebies that sticks with me for the next few episodes.
@sanddagger36 Жыл бұрын
I always assumed the angels were not actually made of stone, they just turn to stone when observed. For that reason I thot watching them move you would be able to see their gowns flowing or they might actually change color. The fact that they are still stone even when moving, despite the long explanation of a quantum lock during blink is just disappointing.
@crowlord Жыл бұрын
100% this and I didn't even realise that's why I had a low-lying dislike of it. Now seeing them without the quantum lock... would have been special.
@CaritasGothKaraoke Жыл бұрын
OMG you’re both right. If they’d looked like proper angels...
@Paradox-es3bl Жыл бұрын
Could always retcon this episode with some wibbly wobbly mumbo jumbo, and then be like, "THESE are how the Angels without the Quantum Lock NORMALLY look."
@Creek932 Жыл бұрын
I’d prefer if we never saw them move at all. They’re scarier if you don’t know what they look like when you’re not looking at them.
@GeneralBoulder Жыл бұрын
If I remember reading correctly, the original angels were not stone but over time they started to take over statues themselves and become "stoney" so from then on they remain in the form they took over. Which is why the current angels we see are mostly stone when moving. Secondly I agree that for the audience, not seeing the angels move is much more scary, however, in the particular episode the doctor tells Amy she needs to move "like" she can see as to fool the angels but when she falls and flails around the angels start to question if they are even being looked at. So for the story I think that was a good decision, except the doctor was saying this on an open radio so it's stupid that the angels got fooled in the first place lol.
@lillynichols9884 Жыл бұрын
The reason that we didn't see Mels until "Let's Kill Hitler", was that time was rewritten. Actually, Amy's life got rewritten a LOT. First it was just her, her aunt, ...and the crack in her wall, then Rory never existed, then Rory came back ...as a plastic, Roman centurion. Then they rebooted the universe, and she had a mother, and a little father. It's not surprising that Mels wasn't shown earlier! Amy and Rory's timeline is a •mess•!!
@AhsimNreiziev Жыл бұрын
The suggestion was to show Mels at the beginning of _The Impossible Astronaut_ , though. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but at what point between _The Impossible Astronaut_ and _Let's Kill Hitler_ was time/Amy's life rewritten? IIRC, the real reason Mels doesn't show up before LKH is because of production reasons: Series 6 was split into two halves, and Steven Moffat didn't even start writing _Let's Kill Hitler_ until well after _A Good Man Goes To War_ was shot. Nor was casting done before that time. This probably also explains why the scene from _The Wedding of River Song_ was greenscreened, instead of being filmed at the same time as the scene from _The Impossible Astronaut_ .
@uncreativename4249 Жыл бұрын
They could've improved the Graham talk SO MUCH simply by, instead of having her say "I'm socially awkward and don't know how to deal with this", have her just put an awkward hand on his shoulder. It would have shown an attempt to comfort, while also SHOWING that she's socially awkward and they'd still get the effect of showing that even the Doctor doesn't always have the right words for the situation.
@stevenkarmazenuk2540 Жыл бұрын
As far as the Doctor not going to see Joan, we both know that he doesn't "do" goodbyes very well, and if he's parting ways with someone he truly had feelings for, he's always afraid of being hurt, by seeing them again.
@theranter Жыл бұрын
@Vassilinia Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I'm 100% sure they knew this, but just put it in anyway for content/because they needed a point on the list/to create viewer engagement.
@pjmorley5785 Жыл бұрын
Agreed - plus this was likely less painful.
@danthemeegs8751 Жыл бұрын
Not really. He revisited ROSE during the farewell tour, his most painful separation of all. So there was nothing stopping him from going to check in on Joan, even just from afar.
@rmack562 Жыл бұрын
IIRC Joan didn’t like the doctor cause in her eyes he “took away the man she loved, wore his face and asked her to run away with him” she may not have said it but she may see the doctor as a monster and never wanted to see him again. Visiting her granddaughter might’ve him wanting to check up on her but knowing the hostility he possibly would have faced.
@Wizborg Жыл бұрын
The thing I loved about Blink is that it got the audience involved. Even when noone else was looking, if the audience could see them, they couldn't move. It was a kind of immersive 4th wall break. When the angels moved, it broke that immersion.
@SixtyDoesStuff Жыл бұрын
The only one I disagree with is number 1, sort of, I think visiting Joan Redfern would have been a mistake because it would have hurt her. I do agree that visiting the identical twin great granddaughter at a book signing also didn't make sense, but that may have been a bone thrown to the actress from a very good two-parter getting to be a part of the farewell tour.
@Enigmanaut Жыл бұрын
On Joan: I think he stayed away because it would be too painful for both the Doctor and Joan. And he may have been aware of this book telling the tale from previous time travels. But mostly, I want that scene to exist as is, because Jessica Hynes played it PERFECTLY. She's not looking when he says to make it out to the Doctor. She says that "that's what he called himself" line, then it hits her. She pauses. Steels herself, then looks up. She just sold the hell out of that moment exactly right. There is a bit of a flaw in the scene, though... she's signing the book, but her pen never touches the page. It's about a half an inch above it.
@phoebejean82 Жыл бұрын
Agree completely
@duncangibson6277 Жыл бұрын
As someone who remembers Patrick Troughton's Doctor, I was surprised to see the criticism of the Christopher Ecclestone "Dalek" episode title. Even though it was inevitable that we would see a Dalek, the Doctor's reaction to meeting the Dalek in that darkened room was completely unexpected and electrifying. The Doctor, suddenly terrified of a Dalek? When the episode was first shown, I'm not sure that the viewers had really been made aware of The Time War where the Doctor had consigned all Daleks to their fate, but the Doctor's terror of being confronted with a Dalek was excruciatingly real. That moment was incredibly powerful and that's what stands out for me from that episode, and I re-lived that moment when I saw it again on DVD many years later. I could understand if you had commented on the bit where the Dalek goes literally opens up for Rose and goes all gooey, but the initial reaction from the Doctor was so unexpected and visceral it was chilling.
@ventrue24601 Жыл бұрын
The Timeless Child could have worked, if it was revealed to have been The Master; the experimentation/testing done on them would have also added to reasons for his behavioral....concerns. Also how he has been able to continue to survive beyond his original regeneration limits so effectively.
@KatMEW93Productions Жыл бұрын
Tbf it would have still worked with 13 (or 13 AND the Master both being the "timeless children") if it had been written better and if 13 (or both) had been taken from the future, brought into the past and they went through their respective regen cycles from 1st (and 1st master) to them now in the present. A better plot/explanation would have been the time lords only have one life (this is about 1000 or so years, so much longer than humans but still not forever) and after interfering in time and space, they create enemies and are facing extinction. So they go into the future, find the child/children and steal them, take them back to the past to harvest their regen abilities but only 13 and the Master survive the experiments and thus are the two timeless children that save the future of the time lords through regeneration. Their memories are wiped and they go to the academy together, raised as time lords, do their stuff etc etc and become who they are from first doctor/first master to present doctor/master. Technically, that doesn't disrupt canon as well all know both doctor and master were kids at some point as the 10th doctor mentioned it (and we saw young master too). They both obviously live oblivious of these memories until the master (Sacha) just happens to stumble upon it/tortures it out of the time lords after finding them. Granted, this would have probably had to have been done over the course of a full series much like the "prime minister/master" storyline. But at least it would have been a much more thought out and planned storyline than what we got. Throwing in a phrase like "the timeless child" and then giving us a hastily put together episode that is also mashed in with other things going on too. It would also account for no other mention of this information in previous series and could also explain the master's madness (possibly due to not being compatible with the time vortex) and also why the doctor ran away (subconsciously knowing they don't belong with the time lords but not knowing why)
@lis_mayakovsky Жыл бұрын
I've been saying that for ages, god, you're so right!!! It ruined the idea of the doctor for me, as now it feels like every sacrifice of regeneration energy was sort of in vain.
@28russ 11 ай бұрын
Woulda been better if they'd just never made that shit at all.
@ensaracar9608 9 ай бұрын
the episode is called Timeless Children, which could mean that Timeless Child Bi-Generated in the past one of them became The Master other The Doctor would even make more sense I think.
@28russ 9 ай бұрын
​@@ensaracar9608It should just be erased from canon and fkn burnt. They only did it so they could retcon the Dr into being every fkn race, colour and different genders multiple times and not a white British male the whole time to pander to woke bs. They tried to completely rewrite 60 years of Dr Who history and now that Disney owns it Dr Who is dead. The Dr getting told off for misgendering aliens. Piss off. What a load of utter bs. A lot of old fans like me couldn't give a shit about it now. I'd rather watch old eps with Tom Baker than the shit they're making now. What a fkn joke. Smh 🙄🤦‍♂💩💩🤮
@rebeccatompkins Жыл бұрын
"Flux" felt like it should have been a feature length film. Yes, refine to one antagonist for sure. Jack not dying was refreshing twist yet it did take something away from Jack.
@CaritasGothKaraoke Жыл бұрын
A feature length film about a train wreck maybe. And no, I don’t hate Chibnall. I liked a lot of what he did. But not flux.
@julianaylor4351 Жыл бұрын
Especially since in one Torchwood story he gets killed multiple times.
@Michelle_Schu-blacka Жыл бұрын
I thought most of these would be nitpicking, but they were all really good points with great solutions.
@basilbrush9075 Жыл бұрын
The weeping angels were shown to move in 'blink' - the silhoutte moves and holds its human form. You can see why the doctor wouldn't visit Joan when she directly told him how much that would have hurt her.
@johntaggart979 Жыл бұрын
I agree about Joan; it also would have wracked the Doctor too much. My initial thought was that it was a cop-out on the part of the show, but the truth is it was a realistic and very emotional cop-out on the part of the Time Lord.
@CaritasGothKaraoke Жыл бұрын
she said he should have stalked her. ok it sounds bad that way but YKWIM.
@williamfarnham5452 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the idea he avoided it due to the emotional pain on both sides, another reason but less likely could have been that maybe the Doctor and Joan had a closer encounter than we think and perhaps the Doctor is checking in on the history of his old flame while also observing his own descendant. Adds an added depth to the scene in my opinion. Not likely as it may be, as even 1 visit to a hospital would highlight the Doctors progeny as odd if they inherited the Dual Hearts but then again there are people in real life occasionally born with additional functional organs like a man with 3 lungs and a man with 5 kidneys, no one with 2 hearts to date unless conjoined twins as far as I'm aware though, but if there were someone with 2 hearts it may end up considered a freak birth defect rather than proof of intergalactic hanky panky.
@fordcooke722 Жыл бұрын
I always thought that 10 was visiting Joan and his great granddaughter, which made it even more sad for him
@AnimeFiend176 Жыл бұрын
I think the explanation for the Angels moving in Flesh and Stone is actually based on how the audience's eyes work with our brains to process visual information. Apparently our eyes sort of frame skip, and the slowness of the angel's movement is down to them moving in the instant we don't process. Their actual in-story movement is after all meant to be very fast.
@RaggedyDoctor11 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got another one, LET ME KEEP MY FEZ!
@WhoCulture Жыл бұрын
@dazdronson 9 ай бұрын
I found the angels moving incredibly creepy, still gives me chills, with that blank stare. I took at as in-between their true form and stone form as they weren't sure if Amy could see.
@AndrewLakeUK Жыл бұрын
I think you're wrong about "Dalek". It was about suspense, not a twist. We knew what was down there, but the Doctor didn't. If it was all about the twist, it wouldn't be worth watching twice; knowing what is coming and seeing it dawn on the Doctor makes it rewatchable.
@charlestownsend9280 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to the paradim daleks if they'd replaced the yellow and orange colours with black and grey and tone down the red I think it could have worked. As for Jack dying, that wasn't an issue for me, he doesn't have to die in every episode he's in, just cause you can do something doesn't mean that you should and nu who has a habit of overuseing everything, so for them to not do something is good. When it comes to flux, I'd say just give it the full run that it was intended to have. But outside problems prevented that. Considering that Moffat seems to be from the same school as jj abrams, mels would never have been shown before let's kill Hitler because that means actually knowing what they mystery box is when they begin writing it. But yeah it would have been a good idea to introduce her earlier. I didn't mind 13 responding to Graham that why, it humanised her doctor and maybe it could have been better if it were different but I also like how the doctor isn't an endless well of answers amd that sometimes they don't know what to say or how to make things better. Or just don't have a stupidly drawn out farewell tour because that was just awful.
@joer.g8568 Жыл бұрын
The whole “perhaps don’t have that scene” quote, could work with half of these scenes
@samanthafairweather9186 Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you've said.
@Tardis_Treasures Жыл бұрын
I think the problem with Moffat story's were that he changed direction of where he took his original ideas. The river song astronaut scene I believe was reshot because he changed his mind how that was going to be done, the paradigm daleks weren't followed through, and melody too was just a new idea he threw in. He made it quite jarring. Chibnall too is quilty of this with propping up the tooth face people then never hearing from them again.
@BMakabre Жыл бұрын
It says a lot that the Paradigm Daleks have been improved by fan artworks and fan animations - especially in colours (one fan animation had a nice menacing black coloured Paradigm Dalek leading a force of bronze Daleks). It was a fan animation where you get to see the alternate weapon within the hatch at the back in use (something part of the design and plan but never used).
@abbeyhall4624 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see criticism aimed at the revival era and the simple things that could be done better. About time it was done!
@ftumschk Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this interesting and thought-provoking video. Very well presented, too!
@WhoCulture Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@StingNicks Жыл бұрын
In the episode "Dalek" I love the easter egg throwback to the episode with Sylvester McCoy where the UK found out that even though Daleks could conquer the galaxy and be all powerful that they could after all climb stairs !!! (The Sun had a massive report on this the day afterwards after all, it was well known as I grew up that they couldn't climb stairs)
@andrewdreasler428 Жыл бұрын
6:36 "Almost as if Chris Chibnel didn't know what to do with him." Here's a wild idea:Chibbers had NO CLUE what to do with ANY of the characters in Doctor Who: hero, villian, or bystander.
@PyroNine9 Жыл бұрын
My first thought (and comment) when the bright colored Daleks were revealed was: iDaleks!
@SNMG7664 Жыл бұрын
Was the idea not very specifically that Mels *DIDN'T* grow up with Amy and Rory until their personal timeline was altered because of Mels? The Doctor mentioned having not heard of her before (and being confused by that), Mels said that they got to raise her after all. It was clearly an edit Mels made to their personal histories - why it was always that way for Amy and Rory but new for the Doctor in that crop circle scene in the field.
@OddNess9339 11 ай бұрын
I think the episode titled 'Dalek' should have been called 'Enemy Mine'. Would have fit the theme of the episode, and the opening with them seeing the classic Cyberman head would give a hint that it's a returning enemy but not which one. There are a lot of old Doctor Who enemies that could have been used.
@BuddyC99 Жыл бұрын
We really missed a good Arc between 9, 10 and 11 all knowing the future of Jack. In the Christmas of the Doctor just a nod we could've had the doctor remember a line from the Head of Bo about being alive longer than he imagined
@phoebeburt2668 Жыл бұрын
*Face of boe
@BuddyC99 Жыл бұрын
@@phoebeburt2668 I read this has the face of borf and Instantly thought of the swedish chef has the Face of Bo
@michaelpopely4408 Жыл бұрын
Dalek could have had the title “Survivor” being that of both the Dalek and the Doctor
@kieran7675 Жыл бұрын
The point about let's kill Hitler just reminds me of the scene when Amy says Rory is gay, Rory is like no I'm not and then just fully sprints out of the house 😂
@erikanders3343 Жыл бұрын
8:15 I like the title 'The Survivors' which was a working title
@SamButler22 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely did not notice the differences/green screen for the impossible astronaut stuff
@cardinalhamneggs5253 11 ай бұрын
04:20 The f**k you say? These are my favorite version of the Daleks! I’m mad they were underused! I’m also mad they passed over green for the Dalek Scientist and made it orange instead.
@queensmum Жыл бұрын
Yeah it really bothered me that the Grand serpent was not just Swarm in disguise - like it would have made a great deal of sense with the plot, and helped tie the stories together better. I was actually waiting for a scene where he transforms/disintegrates into Swarm, they even laid the groundwork for this by having Azure do the same early on in the arc. Like maybe Vinder mortally wounds him then he becomes Swarm. A five minute scene to tie everything together. The actors even have similar physicalities so it wouldn’t have been much of a stretch.
@brinnrobinson17 Жыл бұрын
“Dalek” WAS originally going to be called “Absence of the Daleks” (and featured a single Toclafane instead)
@odonovan 9 ай бұрын
For "don't show the weeping angels moving," how about "don't show the weeping angels at all?" They're just about the most absurd characters I've ever seen. It's already been shown all you have to do is face two of them toward each other and they're frozen in place. Likewise, if you have a bunch of them chasing you, turn the first couple around and let them and the rest following stare each other down. Also, I find it STUPID that no one, on any of their episodes has said, "blink one eye at a time." And, the best one is, The Doctor carries a sonic device which has been shown to produce VERY powerful sound waves. Sound causes vibrations which will crack stone, so the sonic should be able to eliminate the angels en masse, with relative ease.
@robertjohnson592 Жыл бұрын
Jack should have used his ability to absorb the power of the prison shorting it out then when he woke up they could escape.
@vinicius.g.h2039 Жыл бұрын
I think that the name of the episode "Dalek" could be something like "The Last Survivor" or even a bigger title like "The Last Survivor Of The Time War" or just "The Last Survivor Of The War" (Sorry if something is wrong, english is not my first language)
@that.man.js.yawned Жыл бұрын
Actually the Weeping Angels move at least twice in Flesh and stone, cos one of them grabs the Doctor's jacket.
@davesuneyes Жыл бұрын
Nah, the weeping angels moving like that...terrified me! It was incredibly done
@so1opiniao Жыл бұрын
Please, make a list about *top 10 episode titles that gave us spoilers!* For instance, "Rise of the Cybermen", "The Sontaran stratagem", "Dalek", "Time of the Angels", "The Zygon invasion" and "Legend of the Sea Devils".
@johnyesjustjohn Жыл бұрын
I mean, any title that's "(noun) of the (name of alien here)" is gonna be a spoiler. Unless it's the first time we meet that alien, like "Terror of the Zygons" where Zygons made their debut. Also "The Android Invasion" where the Doctor and Sarah spend two episodes wondering what's going on and we're all sitting there saying, "It's ANDROIDS. It's in the TITLE." Also also, there's something to be said for distinctive titles like that. There's one serial called "The Visitation," and the title gives zero hints on what it's about.
@CurtisRamer Жыл бұрын
I'm new to WhoCulture, but really enjoying your videos. Thank you Do you have a video addressing why or how The Master went form helping The Dr. as Missy to trying to destroy The Dr. when played by Sacha Dhawan?
@WhoCulture Жыл бұрын
Hey, glad to have you with us! And yes, we recently discussed that subject in this video... 10 Doctor Who Controversies That Divide Fans: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZmxeXqsnbh6d8k
@azbanspace Жыл бұрын
The mistake with the chonky daleks, was to make the reveal indoors with bright lighting and with a low ceiling room. They would have looked more impressive if they were shot outside. The outside light would have toned them down just enough to make them look bright but not toy-like
@sammychelseasc6223 Жыл бұрын
Metaltron would have been a horrendous title for Dalek 😂
@lauradavies8838 8 ай бұрын
I think 10 visiting her granddaughter makes so much sense!! For the vast majority (until 11 told us he visited everyone) of his visit he stayed within the 21st century, meaning he wasn’t entirely sure how much time he had (assuming that the further in/back in time he goes the longer it takes) meaning he wouldn’t of been able to make it to see her.
@lauradavies8838 8 ай бұрын
Furthermore, it is without doubt that 10&9 were the most distancing given how fresh the time war was for them. The hurt 10 would have to face knowing that was yet again, another loss of love he had. Not to mention his own struggle with immortality and the life he could have had, where life would seem enjoyable and settled. Unlike life as a time lord, as he mentions to Jack on plenty of accounts. I think it was very psychologically necessary for the character of ten to play out his connection in this particular circumstance, to see a generation of the woman he once loved who only knows him in admiration rather than hurt, anger and resentment. When you look at it, in this regard it feel VERY NEVESSSARY and well done RTD 💋💋
@lauradavies8838 8 ай бұрын
Essentially this interaction took note of all the troubles the doctor faced • immortality • love • yearning of another life • yearning of a lack of responsibility • ability to feel human (emotionally) something that is ADMIRED across all newhu doctors
@tzarg 8 ай бұрын
my reasoning for it was that Joane wouldn't ever want to see him again (since he has the face of John Smith)
@keirjarvie6998 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got three other fixes for Doctor Who. 1. Have the 10th Doctor stay silent during his Regeneration. Him saying “I don’t want to go” honestly removes the impact of his sacrifice to save Wilf and the way Tennant said it is honestly a bit cringe worthy and paints the 10th Doctor as a bit of a coward and wimp. 2. Keep Clara dead after Face the Raven. The Doctor bringing Clara back to life in Hell Bent completely destroyed her admittedly well done death in Face the Raven, removes all consequence of Clara being reckless and makes Heaven Sent pointless as The Doctor had no grief to overcome. 3. DO NOT make the Doctor The Timeless Child. An inter dimensional alien child being responsible for the creation of Time Lord Society and giving Time Lords easy access to Regeneration? Fine. The Doctor having Pre-Hartnell incarnations? I’m also okay with that. However the problem was that the Doctor was both. Sending tidal waves across Doctor Who lore and also being an incredibly cliche trope of the main character being super important. Another reason why I gave Rey a Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker such a hard time. My fix would be to have the Doctor and Timeless Child be two separate people. The Doctor could have been an agent working for Division assigned to take care of the Child. However the Doctor soon assists the Child with escaping Gallifrey and due to the Time Lords hunting him down for that, he steals a Tardis with his granddaughter, Susan, and as soon as they leave Gallifrey, the Doctor uses a Chameleon Arch to wipe out any memory he has of the Child and Susan gets rid of the Fob Watch as soon as the procedure was done.
@Warioer Жыл бұрын
A title like cold casing would be absolutely perfect for dalek
@valoraknightingale9906 Жыл бұрын
The Grand Serpent and Azure should have been the main antagonist and be one and the same character. As in we see this Grand Serpent throughout the run but don't know his connection to Azure and then in a Red Skull from Captain America moment he rips off his skin to reveal he was Azure all along.
@aaronvasseur6559 Жыл бұрын
I personally like the paradigm Daleks they made the Daleks feel fresh and different giving color coordinated ranks to them
@jennyluteable Жыл бұрын
And I thought Doctor visited Joan’s granddaughter bc she had literally just released a book entirely about Joan’s experience… which said granddaughter had written, therefore would be an honest & objective source for 10th doctor to find out. Because if he had travelled back in time to see Joan, it would prob stir shit up for Joan and cause further heartbreak, not to mention the possibility that she may have felt inclined to withhold the honest truth from him as to not make him feel more guilty or imply that she wasn’t thriving without him, so to speak. While I didn’t really like that the granddaughter looked exactly like her, I wasn’t put off by the fact that the doctor visited HER to try to find out about Joan. I dunno, that’s just me. (And the writer/director, etc lol)
@georgeelsley7960 28 күн бұрын
The issue I have with 11th Doctor angels two parter was, the angels could see each other. They are WEEPING angels for a reason. They have to cover their eyes so that they couldn't possibly be looking at each other. The scene towards the end with all of them at the control room meant that the only ones that could move were the ones at the back of the crowd which meant they would have been frozen the moment they moved forward because the ones that were infringement of them were now behind them, looking at them.
@pertuk Жыл бұрын
8:29 yeah, "Last Of The Daleks"
@overtheoverseer Жыл бұрын
My fix would be changing the first ever serial, so that when Ian and Barbara are taken away in the TARDIS for the first time, they land on Skaro, so we can skip the 'Cave of Skulls' entirely. In my personal edit I made, it takes a lot longer for Susan to show up too, and all the extraneous stuff with the school is removed.
@RetroBonesMA Жыл бұрын
Yeah... The bit about the weeping angels was a big one for me. I appreciated that the angels don't move because we, the audience, were observing them.
@minicle426 Жыл бұрын
RTD not solving every one of his overblown series finales with some clumsy deus ex machina. :P
@robertruiz98 Жыл бұрын
I love the series so much and I've been following along with it since it was on PBS when I was a kid in the '80s. But when the doctor regenerated and it wasn't that pretty black lady that felt like a mom and a teacher all at once I was done I couldn't deal with that Jodi lady
@Noxfallen Жыл бұрын
If 10 visits Joan herself he runs the risk of hurting her again... or even hurting himself. It's hinted that he still has a sliver of love for her in his heart(s) when he asked her to come with him... if he just popped in and she's married with kids that sight could still hurt him. Visiting a descendant cushions the blow for everyone. It also legitimizes the stories Joan would've told her family.
@jespertollerudjakobsson6013 Жыл бұрын
At 8:18 Did some of you know there is a fan made audio drama called The lost solider based on the events before the episode Dalek. We follow the dalek before it ended up in Henry van stattern cell and ends when the 9th doctor discvoring it. if you have not listened i would recomend giving it a go
@elizabethfahrlander6224 Жыл бұрын
I want to edit out every scene in which Martha complains to some random person about how “in love” she is with the Doctor and how he doesn’t notice her. “Show, don’t tell” writers. Both Freema and David are more than good enough actors to convey those undercurrents through acting (and do, all the raw material is in fact there if you just edit out the dialogue). Leave in Jack saying “you too, huh?” to her when they meet, that’s enough text for that subtext. The constant overt statement in every episode makes an otherwise kickass character one-note and pathetic and is a disservice to one of the best seasons of the entire show.
@vi818 6 ай бұрын
Tbh i think that the difference between the two impossible astronaut scenes (apart from literal different mountains (seriously?)in the same place) can be easily written off as a way to give early pointers to fans that something had changed with river song between the first impossible astronaut scene and the second one.
@britkpopreacts Жыл бұрын
I would assume that 10 not wanting to go and see Joan is to do with him not wanting to drag the past up again for her. If he already feels guilty, going back and seeing her again is just going to add to that since it’ll just remind her of all that, not to mention he’s then got to leave all over again. She’s likely moved on with her life since then. Why go back and dig the past back up again?
@STE6677 Жыл бұрын
I have to say regarding the name of the episode Dalek. It was the first time kids and young adults had probably even seen or heard of a Dalek.
@kieran7675 Жыл бұрын
Also with regards to the weeping angels moving, it takes away so much of the fear when we see them move? It's hammered home that any image of one is an angel, blah blah... So if we can see them, someone can see them? I know it's not real obviously, but make it seem more real?
@adventurekitty101 4 ай бұрын
As someone whose first ever exposure to Doctor Who was Matt Smiths first season as the 11th, the Flesh and Stone scene of the Angels moving actually quite terrifying my 7 year old self. Still kinda is tbh, and I’m speaking as someone who grew up to love horror and is not easily scared.
@basiliskboy17 Жыл бұрын
for Redford I kind of understand because it's kind of implied she never wants to see him again. In a sense he's maintained that boundary and given her the space she needed while also learning her fate.
@catmomchantel Жыл бұрын
I think that having the angels move would be more suited to only Angels Take Manhattan but at the same time, having recently learned of how they did the costumes and makeup for the angels, I don’t fully hate the scene because the costuming was seriously impressive
@thegrumpymonkey17 Жыл бұрын
Joan would never have wanted to see The Doctor, not even as an old woman. It would have caused her too much pain. Clearly she loved him, but in her mind, he wasn't the same man she fell in love with. That's why she wouldn't go with him. "John Smith is dead, and you look like him." And then she made the very valid point that, had The Doctor not chosen that place on a whim, no one would have died. It is possible to genuinely love and hate someone at the same time, and I think that's the case here.
@christinewhoyt Жыл бұрын
I heard that Season 13 had plan to have Jack Harkness, but it had to be cut I think.
@elisalatimer1449 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t now Daleks could smell through their eyestalk and let me guess can see through their dome lights
@wolfielps4411 Жыл бұрын
I loved the paradigm daleks they had to stand out as the alite stand alone not just another dalek dalek, these were the thinkers the one's who thought outside the box
@michaelbeadle5156 Жыл бұрын
I feel like you could show daleks as being elite free thinkers by giving them names, perhaps make one black
@wolfielps4411 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelbeadle5156 they did have different names dalek thai dalek khan etcetera etcetera
@pertuk Жыл бұрын
-ditch the whole "in the future people we wear the same clothes as now" trope-recent incarnations of the Star Trek franchise and The Orville have shown you can have people in the future wearing futuristic clothes without the whole "in the future people will wear silver togas" route -visit some alien civilisations, again you don't need to do the whole "silver toga" thing as franchises like Farscape have shown
@kennethkates3140 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, a better title for the episode "Dalek" would have been "Survivor" with allusions to the Daleks throughout the episode.
@peterdixon7734 Жыл бұрын
Very good video. I agree with most of these, apart, perhaps, from the Joan Redfern reference. His reappearance would have been a hardcore unpleasant reminder.
@Dragonblaster1 Жыл бұрын
“Dalek” is my favourite episode of New Who. The Dalek is absolutely devastating, the way Daleks should be.
@CaritasGothKaraoke Жыл бұрын
#0: “no, the moon was not a frelling egg”
@purquewa 10 ай бұрын
13:34 yeah but they are still looking at each other, that's why Sally and Larry were saved in Blink, they cannot see each other or they will never ever move again ("They can't risk looking at each other. Their greatest asset is their greatest curse") So even if Amy wasn't looking at them, they shouldn't have been able to move 🤔
@julianaylor4351 Жыл бұрын
The Grand Serpent could come back though. Remember the Master/Missy always seems to get out of seemingly impossible traps.
@danielleigh5759 10 ай бұрын
I actually quite liked the paridime Daleks 😅
@timidwolf Жыл бұрын
Even simpler fix for number 6, pick a better winner in the first place. Pretty certain I remember there being some much better designs to choose from in that competition.
@qwertyrobbo101 Жыл бұрын
Or don't get kids to design stuff for the show!
@timidwolf Жыл бұрын
@@qwertyrobbo101 perhaps, but Blue Peter has always had a close relationship to Doctor Who so is nice to see that continue after the reboot.
@SammyInTheCloud 11 ай бұрын
If you have a big returning guest star that's managed to stay hidden all through filming and not even the briefest rumour, don't stick a clip of them in the coming soon trailer at the start of series 10. Honestly, World Enough and Time was an incredible episode, but tell me it doesn't go from 9.5/10 all the way to 15/10 the second John Simm pulls off his mask and reveals himself IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS COMING. Having seen it in the trailer I managed to spot it the second he turned up on screen because I knew that he had to be in the story somehow. 2 Masters in the same episode had never been done before and there was honestly no other clue about it because everyone's focussed on the Mondasian Cybermen and the fact that Bill was shot minutes into her first season finale. John Simm did not need a trailer appearance.
@Starwarsfearsome Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that actually likes the Paradigm Daleks? Yes it’s goofy but I love it
@veggiet2009 9 ай бұрын
I agree with removing the Grand Serpent in favour of Swarm, but i loved Azure and would've actually tried to raise her from her henchmen status in some way.
@qqq1701 Жыл бұрын
I was fine with most of these as they are. Never even considered they needed fixing.
@axlefoley6330 10 ай бұрын
Um why couldn’t Joan Redfern’s great granddaughter possibly have known how her great grandmother felt? I knew my great grandparents for 10 years before the last one died, it’s possible that she spoke with her elderly antiscendant when she was young and remembered the story I mean she gets John Smith’s book published so it is apparent to anyone that Joan held onto those memories with John and for someone to do that they must have loved them very much even though the time they spent together wasn’t very long. Plus the revelation that her love turned out to be an alien would have definitely stuck out in her memories.
@presidentghardonien 10 күн бұрын
13:50 they could have made a Camerablink like it looks like we blink and then the angel is moved
@brettjohnson536 8 ай бұрын
For the last one, I actually liked that scene. For one, he didn't go back because Joan made it very clear she never wanted to see him again. And the reason for that, and the Doctor's guilt, wasn't because he broke her heart, it was because he was at least partially responsible for bringing the family of blood, which got a lot of people killed. So he probably wouldn't want to go back to that time period because of the guilt ir visit her as an old woman because she probably still wouldn't want to see him
@douglasmcneil8413 Жыл бұрын
It's hard to be afraid of a villain that has to just stand there like a statue, while you take its head off with a sledgehammer.
@shipshill6026 Жыл бұрын
Here's a new title for Dalek: The Return/Soldier/Survivor. Hell, you could even call it Staten's Exhibit.
@r0nn0c0nn0r 6 ай бұрын
I thought the reason the angels moved slowly was because, in that episode, they were not at full power. They had had their energy drained and were trying to get it back - which is why they moved more naturally
@julianaylor4351 Жыл бұрын
The Telly Tubby Daleks. 😁 But on the plus side, they did have scary voices.
@AaronJamesMediaProductions Жыл бұрын
I usually call those daleks the “mighty morphin’ dalek rangers” 😂
@zaarthwren Жыл бұрын
A better name for the episode Dalek could be something like return of the greatest enemy, the last enemy of time, or simply the return
@sopcannon Жыл бұрын
or "collectors trophy"
@antney7745 Жыл бұрын
"The Lone Survivor."
@Cally.Summer Жыл бұрын
I'd go for "Endling" (it means the last known individual of a species).
@mastcharub7177 10 ай бұрын
I personally always thought that the scene was how Amy imagines the angels while she has her eyes closed thats why you dont see her getting teletransported to River
@garethzero Жыл бұрын
The best episodes are: Blink,Midnight they are honestly the best ones.
@Eligio1234567 9 ай бұрын
Amy having her eyes closed isn’t really an excuse for them being able to move because the angels are still in sight of other Angels. And doctor who already set the precedent that Angels looking at each other still causes them to freeze. Like at the end of the episode Blink where the doctor guilds those people and saves them from the angels without being there. (At least I think that was blink)
@benmiller3252 Жыл бұрын
I'm hoping Big Finish will explore more of the flux
@Sci-Fi-Mike Жыл бұрын
Great list, Ellie!
@eliothamilton2630 Жыл бұрын
Paradigm daleks== mighty morphing dalek rangers.
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