10 Things Nobdy Told You about Epidurals

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Nurse Zabe

Nurse Zabe

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In today's video we are going to talk all about the epidural! How it works, how it can work not so great, side effects and everything else you need to know before getting one!
Did you get an epidural as part of your birth? Any other tips you'd like to share?
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@lori2719 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't plan on an epidural, but after them increasing my pitocin a time or two, I asked for it. Pitocin is no joke.
@kateiplasters4726 2 жыл бұрын
After hours of back labor, I had a near perfect by your standards, perfect in my opinion, epidural with my daughter. I had near full movement of my legs, I felt a ton of pressure and a little pain, and in my mind feeling a little pain, some of the “ring of fire” I assume, I had minimal tearing and despite that discomfort with the burning, it was bearable and I was actually pretty comfortable. I also accredit that to what I assume (this is my first and only birth) was an extremely easy recovery, I was mostly pain free for the first week after, and had no pain after the first week of recovery. I hope I can have that experience again with my future births, my anesthesiologist was a rockstar, he was fast and joked with me the entire time which kept the mood light and happy. I’m by no means an ideal candidate, I’m overweight and carry a fair amount of weight in my back. I wish everyone could have it the way that i did. I hope this can give some hope to any plus size birthing people who are nervous about their odds of having a great epidural and birth experience.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Yay for your perfect epidural!!
@rachelle2227 2 жыл бұрын
I was so glad I got the epidural too, and it went just fine. The nurse and anesthesiologist just kept asking if I was okay before putting it in, and since I was going through contractions, I didn’t want to talk, so I was nodding, and they told me to be still, and I know that… I wished that they would have told me to signal I was okay by putting my finger up or something… totally going to verify something like that for my next baby.
@Happilyhaleyafter 2 жыл бұрын
The epidural was not in my birth plan but I’m glad I learned about it because I needed it.
@chazzy4214 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I’ve been watching your videos for 2 years now when I had my first baby. I went through a really traumatic experience and your videos are really comforting to me. Thank you for being the kind face and voice we all need ❤️ such a light 🥰
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry you went through a traumatic birth 💗
@aisha-3857 2 жыл бұрын
I just had my baby last night, I loved having the epidural it didn’t even hurt going in! Everyone talks about how big the needle is but you don’t see or feel it! I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in minutes and had my girl in a few pushes, got a small tear but overall positive
@victoriaadams7026 2 жыл бұрын
@JYYB Жыл бұрын
I felt mine! Sting so bad, lucky my nurse she was a doll and she literally talked me through it and hugged me when I needed it. You probably had someone who was good at injecting the needle in or your pain tolerance is high. 😵 Congrats on the baby!
@allie3320 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning, Elizabeth🌞 Loving all the recent uploads!
@lenarobinson9948 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I found your channel a little while ago. You explain things so well and you seem so kind. I really hope to have a positive experience. I am pregnant with my first baby. I'll be 7 weeks and 0 days tomorrow and have my first prenatal appointment. I'm so nervous but I'm so glad it's here and I'm putting nothing but positive energy out there.
@kristinejohnson5951 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had a natural labor and planned that the third time. I had to be induced because of preeclampsia and I was THANKFUL for that epidural. Those pitocin contractions were NO joke.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. They can be brutal!
@kshelley121 2 жыл бұрын
This is the best video that explains Epidural in its entirety. I am close my due date and this really helps a lot. Thank you so much🙏
@letty88 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved watching this vlog. Made me reminisce when I went through labor almost four years ago. So much great info. NURSE Zabe always makes my day brighter. What a amazing human being. Hope everyone has a good day!!! 👍🏼
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
@darasoapery Жыл бұрын
Love your video! I did not plan on having an epidural because of all the horror stories people feel the need to share. But I did educate myself on it just in case I needed it. So happy I did because my contractions were so strong and so close apart that I couldn't relax between them. As you said, positioning is KEY! My nurse would come in often and move me around with the help of my husband. I'm so grateful for the epidural. Once it kicked in, I was able to enjoy labour and had a wonderful experience. Only thing that I believe is epidural related is that I was tachy for a few days.
@debomcd7 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. I didn't get any pain relief or numbness from my epidural, but I did dilate from 2cm to 10cm shortly after getting it. So glad to hear some of the reasons why that can happen.
@donikatod460 Жыл бұрын
I had been in labor for 2 days, active labor about 7h with no food or sleep throughout and my doula recommended an epidural. I agreed (the doctor was recommending to break my waters and I refused). It helped me sleep for about 2h. After that there wasn't tremendous progress. Half of my body was numb, the other half not. The pain came back no matter how much I'd top the epidural. In the end with a very low dose pitocin I progressed. All in all epidural was helpful so I could nap. But during my 60h total labor can't say it made a major difference but I'm glad I experienced it so I know what it is. Had no bad experience from it. And overall my labor was long and hard but very positive.
@hannahtucker94 2 жыл бұрын
I loved my epidural! I was induced and stayed at 4-5cm until I got my epidural which helped me progress to 10! One of my legs went completely numb, but my husband and nurse were able to help hold it and prop it up so that I could push effectively
@aisha-3857 2 жыл бұрын
Same here one leg was out cold😩
@Sierramilliron 2 жыл бұрын
Epidurals are magic! My first son was induced and it was great because i could sleep despite all my discomfort. My daughter though…I went into labor naturally and ended up not going to the hospital until I was 9cm dialated. It was wild! The security guard rushed me into L&D. I was begging for medicine by the time I got there. I didn’t even feel the needle being placed. Unfortunately it was not 100% because I gave birth about 20 mins later. We also had a lot of problems with the epidural pump. It had to be replaced twice! Definitely took the edge off though after they got it. Craziest experience of my life by far! I could’ve kissed the anesthesiologist. Thank you for your video. Epidurals can be scary, but in my experience, it was worth it in my experience.
@HiDeeism 2 жыл бұрын
Your hair and makeup look fab! Thank you for your videos!!
@frozenpixie8801 2 жыл бұрын
I am planning not to get an epidural, but it's great to have the information in case I change my mind when I start to feel the pain! Also, your hair is absolutely adorable.
@JYYB Жыл бұрын
My cousin who has 3 another on the way she went all natural. She told me it just the contractions that hurt but once you start pushing it gets better. I am pregnant with #3 and I am going for natural. Good luck hun
@ThreeTorties 2 жыл бұрын
This is reassuring to me, thank you. My water broke at 35w4d, which was very scary. I had about 14 hours of natural, unmedicated contractions. They still couldn’t even find my cervix, and they talked me into an epidural I hadn’t planned on and really didn’t want… turned out to be exactly what I needed. Within 3 hours I went from “they couldn’t find my cervix” to 8 cm. Then by the time my doctor got there, I was at 10 cm. Pushing with the epidural was really weird though.
@Marketinginhereyes 2 жыл бұрын
I gave birth naturally with my first son and didn’t even consider an epidural, but now I’m pregnant with our identical twin boys and my MFM Dr. said I need to get an epidural because of a higher chance not being able to birth both vaginally. This is a great video to get me prepared on what to expect. I’ll be taking a look at the what the nurses what you to know about them.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your twins! Another option might be to place the epidural but not dose it. Meaning you have the catheter in your back but you’d still be able to get up. Something to discuss with your OB if interested!
@thesoapymitten Жыл бұрын
Haven't been on your channel for a good year... wow you look amazing. Loving your cut and color since I was here last!
@lenadeloache6193 2 жыл бұрын
I had a brand new anesthesiologist who was being coached on what seemed like one of their first epidurals. It made me very nervous and very quickly I realized I had lost all feeling and movement in ONE leg but still had full movement and feeling in the other. My contractions did feel somewhat milder I think, but unsure by how much (first and only baby to date). Wish I had known a bit more about what was supposed to be happening or had been asked more questions so we could have tried some of the tips in this video. This was very early in the pandemic and a very busy maternity ward so I was left alone for the most part. I think I could have avoided some issues though had I been able to advocate for some adjustments. My hip on my "dead leg" side was injured when my leg was lifted WAY too high by a med student assisting (no clue why so maybe newbies attended my birth LOL) and I ended up having a rough recovery and trouble walking post-birth. I also ended up pushing for nearly 4 hours, which was exhausting. I also had 2 second-degree tears both external and internal (didn't find out those details until a follow-up appointment).
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Ooooffff on the lifting the hip way too high. I’m so sorry that happened to you!
@annakillgore4216 2 жыл бұрын
I had a great epidural with my first and plan on getting another one with my second due in 11 weeks 😁 love your videos!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
@badromancelover1 2 ай бұрын
I had one with my first, and thank god i did it. I kept tensing up every time i had a contraction, i couldn't help it, its just how my body reacts to pain. My mom kept telling me not to tense up because my body would have to work harder. Once i got the epidural, i felt amazing and even fell asleep. I slept through my entire labor. I woke up at about 530ish feeling pressure. I called my nurse in and told her, "i think im giving birth." She checked me and said i was 10cm and to start pushing. I only pushed 4 times before my daughter was born. The midwife was just walking through the door, putting her gloves on when my daughter popped out. I laughed and said, "That was easy." I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with my second daughter and plan on getting the epidural again.
@kjsassibear 2 жыл бұрын
I have had 5 epidurals and I have loved all of them!! Planing on getting a 6th in September! Wouldn’t want to have a baby without one!!
@phoenixfreefall 2 жыл бұрын
I had my first baby just 3 weeks ago. She was sunny-side up and giving me excruciating back labor, plus my labor progressed at lightning speed so I was already 1-2 mins apart when we got to the hospital. I hadn't planned on having an epidural, but knew I had to revise my plan at check in and told my nurse. By the time I was ready for the anesthesiologist, my contractions were 1 min apart and I was having a hard time not pushing, but they told me I couldn't yet. I was staying as still as I could, but the anesthesiologist had extreme difficulties getting into my epidural space and he ended up puncturing me 6 times over the course of an hour before he got in. I went almost completely numb from the waist down, couldn't feel my contractions at all, and could only sort of feel one of my legs. Labor progressed through my nurses watching the monitors for contractions and telling me when to push-- by imagining I still had control over muscles I couldn't feel at all. They told me I was doing a great job, in any case. After several hours of this (and having my husband and a nurse each take a leg and push my knees into my chest to help me push), my baby wasn't progressing, was sticking her chin out rather than tucking it, and I ended up needing a C-section. I also ended up with a spinal headache, and was hesitant to get the blood patch after the 6 punctures to get it done in the first place. But I did get the blood patch, during which my 2nd anesthesiologist said I had a somewhat deep epidural space (but he didn't seem to have the extreme trouble the first one had). For almost 2 weeks after the blood patch, I had weird hearing issues in one ear, which my follow-up nurse had never heard of before, but which a google search told me was a possible side effect of the spinal headache. It started out like a really bad popped ear, evolved into a weird distortion like I was listening through a water-damaged Bluetooth, and then turned into a lingering tinnitus until finally fading away. All my heavy bad luck on this one leaves me wondering if I'll get an epidural next time... Well... I really don't know. Also, the anesthesiologist who did my blood patch told me that one possible side effect of the blood patch treatment is that it can cause future epidurals to be less effective.
@kshelley121 2 жыл бұрын
I am sorry you experienced all this 🥺. I am v close to my due date and your experience is eye opening. I hope your next delivery (if you have one) is smoother. Also, that anesthologist needed to do better job. 6 punctures by a professional is not normal.
@silviarossi2690 Жыл бұрын
Love the thumbnail, depicting exactly my thoughts on epidurals BEFORE being in horrible pain for several hours 😅 I don't remember feeling any pain at all when it was placed, it was probably drowned by the contractions pain
@rachelblevins3260 2 жыл бұрын
I have has five babies three without epidural, one with a failed epidural. My last baby I had HG and had gone into labor at 34 weeks. I had an epidural with him because my body was so weak and tense. I finally was able to relax and I don't regret it at all.
@just_toko 2 жыл бұрын
I am not pregnant, not planning on having another one any time soon, definitely never planning on getting an epidural but I just LOVE watching your videos. I've been following for years! Thank you for dishing all the good info you do, and I just love your personality
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the support! 💗💗
@n00dlie 2 жыл бұрын
I had a vbac last week. First baby was a planned C-section due to being breech so I never went into labor with that one. Didn’t know what to expect. I labored at home for quite a while then reached out to my doctor when I was having trouble handling the pain of my contractions (nurses told me it was because baby was back to back). Doctor said to go in, and I was so glad when the staff was able to get me an epidural very quickly. It was quick and easy. And the rest of my labor was a breeze because of it. I’m so thankful for that so I didn’t have to suffer through the contractions anymore.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! So glad you had a great epidural and VBAC!
@amandagrimes666 2 жыл бұрын
Had my baby in December but still here watching your videos lol. One of my fears was deciding on if I wanted the epidural this time. I had 1 baby with a failed epidural, 1 baby with no epidural in hospital and had my last baby in the ambulance on the way to the ambulance. My ambulance birth was my favorite my first birth my nurses didnt beleive i was in pain until they cut me so i didnt tear and i jumped and they cut the baby's head. Love love love your videos ❤
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I guess baby #3 made the decision for you 😂. I’m sorry your nurses didn’t believe you with your first birth!
@allisonlacy6506 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see you do a video on how a c section feels! I had one recently and I’m not sure my epidural worked properly, I wasn’t feeling pain but I could feel everything else very strongly. I hear that you should feel some ‘pressure and tugging’. But to me it felt like being ripped up by a bear, minus the pain. I never realized how many other sensations are as unbearable as pain :0 So I’d like to know if this is pretty normal or if maybe it wasn’t working properly?
@makenzievelazquez6696 2 жыл бұрын
Had an induction and pitocin and I agree pitocin is no joke. They had a hard time getting it in my back cause I have a curve in the bottom of my back. So they went in and out about 5/6 times my husband said. But once it was in I felt great! Pushed for a few hours with pressure and no pain to no avail and had to go in for emergency c section. But I have my blessing! 💕💕💕💕
@ladybugbeth00 2 жыл бұрын
I loved my epidural! It wasn't apart of my original plan, but due to some complications I was confined to the bed on my right side. I figured if I wasn't allowed to move or walk around, I was going to be comfortable. Because of my epidural I was able to sleep for 4 hours and in that time I went from 4cm to 9.5cm! I could still feel pressure and lift my left leg, my right leg was lot heavier but I could lift it for a few seconds. I did have to rely on the monitors on when to push, but I could still feel myself pushing. I pushed for 30 minutes exactly, which impressed my doctor and nurses 😂
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Yay!! They really are a fabulous tool!
@sonjag89 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't want an epidural but I was on nonstop monitoring with Gestational hypertension, random fetal tachycardia and was only allowed flat on my back when we induced at 36w6d. Never got past 1.5 even maxed out on pitocin with ruptured waters, and ended up with a CS, so I was glad I didn't let myself suffer for nothing!
@singingchick200 2 жыл бұрын
With the birth of my first baby, I knew I wanted an epidural but didn’t know when to get it. At about 24 hours of my induction, after 6 hours of pitocin, just having gotten an excruciating foley balloon, and blood pressure that was creeping up to a dangerous level, my nurse pulled me aside and told me, you’re ready, you need the epidural now. I was so relieved that she said that and immediately agreed! Funny thing is that she had actually called for it 5 minutes before cause she knew. My blood pressure went back down after that and my labor was a lot more manageable.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Rockstar nurse and you!
@masondissick698 2 жыл бұрын
My first epidural was placed wrong, only working on my left side, the listened to me and redid it, then it was perfect, I needed it because of pitocin and I WELCOMED that needle when I decided I needed it!!!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad they listened and it worked so well the second time!
@MorganEileen 2 жыл бұрын
I got an epidural at hour 26 of pitocin at 30units, but it helped me relax enough from being guarding due to the pain of my baby getting stuck OP. In the following hour, switched positions a lot and got baby rotated, dilated the last 3cm in an hour and started pushing ! The pitocin never caused me labor pain. My only pain was with every contraction her head getting shoved into my tailbone🥴 I was to the point that I couldn’t move because of my pelvis feeling locked with baby’s head. 5 hours of that locked feeling was nose diving from coping to suffering and my provider was starting to talk c section. Epidural was not part of my birth preferences but it saved my birth memory!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Great job moving and using the epidural as a tool to bring your baby earth side!
@alexamunoz7943 Жыл бұрын
I had preeclampsia with my first. They put me on pitocin and magnesium drip (which made me so nauseous that I would throw up during contractions). Having the epidural made things bearable. Still felt sick, but at least I wasn’t puking! They did have to reposition my epidural catheter cus it wasn’t working anymore due to the length of my induced labor. But it was worth it.
@dillamy07 2 жыл бұрын
Do blood patches work if you're on lovenox (or different blood thinner the hospital may switch you to during labor/delivery)
@sydneypetrekovich434 2 жыл бұрын
Having an epidural was the best idea I’ve ever had.
@emilybunny_beauty1291 2 жыл бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly
@AnnaRvlogs 2 жыл бұрын
Nurse Zabe, this is my experience that I remember back when I had my toddler January, 2018. What I wish someone told me if you have scoliosis that is still permanent, not corrected despite seeing a chiropractor, to have on hand the type of curve you have. I assume it's supposed to help the anesthesiologist to find the right place to insert the epidural. Well, since I didn't know this the anesthesiologist had to feel around my back to make sure he could find the right space. I had a man doing it the first time and after I had my legs numb but only one side of my stomach was numb. So, later in the labor when my doctor came in to check on my cervix suggested we redo it. The second time, they had someone else a lady come in and she took the time to really feel my back more than guy who initially put it in. It hurt the second time when they were put in the actual needle like bad bad pressure despite the numbing medicine injected on my back. After it was a relief somewhat because I learned my now toddler back when he was inside of me was sitting on one of my nerves with the placenta in front of him rather than in the back. So I remembered that although you are not allowed heat pack I could ask for ice pack. So my mom and the nurse would alternate getting me ice pack so that. I can relief this nerve pinch. I did have a vaginal delivery and so glad I went with the epidural despite having to have it placed in twice. Before the epidural I went almost 10 hours without an epidural before finding out I was 4 cm to be able to get one. I wanted to make sure I experienced some natural labour until I was no longer able to do it. Lastly, I wish I had asked the nurses how my partner could be more of help in my labour since I broke my water in the evening so when we got to the hospital my husband was so tired from working at his center job as an early ed teacher. I was not able to work at the time being that I was about to have my baby. My toddler back as a baby came early before 37 weeks needing nicu stay. I am not able to for medical reasons have another but if I were then I know all the things to make it that much better.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
A good idea if you have scoliosis is to do a anesthesia consult before you come in in labor so they can take a look at your back!
@GenerationYoga 2 жыл бұрын
Currently 7 weeks PP. I've had back pain since I delivered (with epidural). It's a midback pain that flares up when I've been rocking baby or hunching over the changing table. It can be quite intense, where it feels like I can't breathe. Do you think this is related to the epidural?
@alisonbruno5488 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I’m being induced with my first in 18 days and plan on getting an epidural😬😬
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck!!!
@elissay.3288 2 жыл бұрын
Can a full bladder make it harder for baby to descend? I think he would’ve gotten stuck anyway but I stalled out at 9cm for 3 hours and no one emptied my bladder until I was going into c-section and they were surprised. It was about 5-6hours later.
@ashleylee7630 2 жыл бұрын
I had to get 2 epidurals. The first never worked at all and made me feel sick. The second anesthesiologist thinks that the first one wasn't in the right space. He redid it with fewer attempts and it started working within minutes. Literally took him three quick pokes. First one gave me that funny bone like pain on my left, second gave it to me on my right, then the guy said okay got it, and went right in the middle of those two and got it right on point. Let me sleep for the first time in nearly 2 days because of pre-labor pains keeping me up. It did make it where I couldn't feel my contractions at all, even when I was fully dilated and started pushing. The NP watched my charts and told me when there was a contraction to push for the first 5 minutes or so, then I could feel them easier than the chart could read them. The epidural also stopped working after that and it turns out it got pulled out from the movement of me pushing. It was completely worn off by the time he was crowning. Still going to get one for baby #2, it was a game changer for pre-labor. I have a low pain threshold and high pain tolerance. I can deal and manage with a lot of pain, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't bother me and keep me from relaxing.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Middle of the back is key! Glad you finally got some relief even though it was not as much as you may have hoped for. Relaxation is so key for dilation!
@silverscapes9628 2 жыл бұрын
Is it normal to feel a little pain in the epidural injection site 4 months postpartum? It’s not super painful, just a little twinge that I can usually ignore.
@Medaya14 2 жыл бұрын
Curious now, is it not normal to have no control over your lower half? I literally felt nothing from belly down - and the nurses did say over and over again I should be able to participate in adjusting myself/changing positions (but definitely 100% could not).
@Olivia-nd6mu 28 күн бұрын
My epidural didn’t work with the birth of my son 15 years ago. It was rough. I’m now 17 weeks pregnant and educating myself all over again. I hope the epidural works this time.
@Ishyona 2 жыл бұрын
I had an epidural when I was induced at 42 weeks after three days of labour. I ended up getting an emergency C-section when they gave me too much synthetic oxytocin by accident, and it made my contractions go out of control and baby went unresponsive. The epidural didn't work for me at all, even though they gave me the maximum allowable dose. They actually redid the epidural three times before accidentally giving me a spinal. Numbed me all the way up to my nose, and I had to be put on oxygen for a week, because I was partially paralyzed and couldn't breath properly on my own. Finally got full feeling back in my legs at 8 months post partum. Those spinal headaches are no joke. I think I'll just be going for a planned c-section next time 🤷‍♀😅
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, what a story! I’m so sorry it was such an ordeal for you!
@ParisLeShea 2 жыл бұрын
Loved my epidural and I loved it even more when my placenta didn’t detach and they had to manually detach/remove it.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! This is the worst when your epidural isn’t working!
@victoriablack2093 2 жыл бұрын
Would love to know the difference between epidural and spinal block for c section. I’m guessing a lot of the same thing - great video as always ❤️
@SamanthaVictoria661 2 жыл бұрын
I had an emergency c section after a failed ECV (which I got an epidural for beforehand) and I overheard them saying I think you'll really benefit from having a spinal as well and I said whatever you gotta do, let's do it.
@victoriablack2093 2 жыл бұрын
@@SamanthaVictoria661 yeah there is a difference but I feel like no one talks about it! Haha would be nice if someone like nurse Zabe could cover it :)
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely super similar for you as far as placement and positioning, but a spinal the needle is much thinner, goes in a slightly deeper space, the medication is placed and everything is taken out of your back. You also go numb much faster!
@victoriablack2093 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nurse_zabe wow I didn’t know they take it out! Thank you so much for answering!
@teethgroundsharp 2 жыл бұрын
A weird side effect of what assumed to be my epidural, but please inform me if otherwise or normal (that epidural did not last through to pushing BTW 😑) was feeling like cold water was pouring slowly down my scalp randomly for the week post birth!
@mileenarose4143 2 жыл бұрын
I felt a sharp pain in my back while they were inserting the epidural and I still have pain in my back 5 months later.. but it was great while giving birth. I told the anesthesiologist but he continued.. and I didn't know if it was normal or not because it's my first birth
@conservative_bts_army6801 Жыл бұрын
Had my 3rd child 2 weeks ago and had an epidural with all. It was nice to be able to rest thru labor...
@pattygiron-jones6930 2 жыл бұрын
I loved my epidural and getting it was so smooth, I couldn't believe it. It just made me reeeaaallllyyyy sleepy and kind of drunk feeling that's the only thing I regret about it. I didn't feel super present with my baby. Maybe 36 hours of labor was apart of that too
@MoniqueCalabro 2 жыл бұрын
epi before pitocin was my best idea
@MoniqueCalabro 2 жыл бұрын
oh I had the epi rise before too like up my chest, wound up having a c section
@dinosaurpancakez9521 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't want an epidural but after going from 1cm to almost 7cm in 3 hours my body was shaking uncontrollably and the pain was intense. The needle didn't even hurt. I was completely numb. Didn't feel anything. I only felt the empty feeling once the baby came out. It was really weird feeling lol. The nurses were glad I got the epidural. They said I was having too many contractions and it calmed after the epidural.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that sounds really intense. It can be super overwhelming to dilate so quickly!
@laurejohannesen1024 2 жыл бұрын
May I ask how often they have to try to put it in more than once? I gave birth two years ago and even though I had 3-4 contractions at a time w only one minute before the next 3-4, i still felt it being put in each time. They had to try four times and i felt a crunchy feeling each time. Was I just really unlucky or does it happen more than we know?
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I think it really has to do with the scale of the provider, as well as with your own anatomy. I don’t find that we have to do the repeat that often at my facility
@rachelway8913 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely felt the “zinger” but it made me involuntarily sit up straight! Is that normal? I’ve always wondered why that happened
@anapineu 2 жыл бұрын
I was shaking so much right before the epidural, that I was panicking they wouldn't be able to do it (I had no control over the shaking). So I didn't let my husband hold me, I asked the nurse to hold me as strong as she could so the anesthesiologist wouldn't miss! I Dilation actually went backwards (at least that's what nurse said) from about 8 cm back to 5-6 (?), and had a negative effect on contractions so that they had to up the pitocin (except that somehow that tube was not connected to the IV, so they kept "increasing" the pitocin for over 3 hours with zero effects until I told my husband to check and it had been running and wetting the floor for 3h :( Finally, at end of birth, I asked to turn down the epidural so that I could feel the pressure and push, and that worked well for us.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Ooopppss on the pitocin. Sometimes the connection gets lose. Not necessarily your nurse’s fault, but still frustrating. I’m glad it worked out well in the end!
@lynnikki2303 2 жыл бұрын
I had an epidural, but I’m curious if they can only put enough medication to lessen the contraction pain instead of full numb? I didn’t like being fully numbed, I just wanted lighter contractions. I was induced and by the time I got my epidural, my contractions were like 10 seconds apart but I was still 4cm.
@kittensnugs 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve heard of a “walking epidural” which I believe is supposed to make you less numb?
@rinat2214 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on Pundental Blocks? I had a failed epidural and it made me realize I can handle contractions but I can't handle that ring of fire and feeling myself tear 😬
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
They honestly aren’t done super often. I’ve only seen one performed
@lexisisk8079 2 жыл бұрын
You remind me of Drew Barrymore!
@PettyPaigetastic 2 жыл бұрын
She probably hears that so much! I completely agree though! Both beautiful women. 😍
@lucidrover2385 2 жыл бұрын
An epidural wasn’t in my birth plan at all but my daughter was back to back chin up in the air and wasn’t getting through the birth canal properly and had already been labouring for over a 30 hours and was 9cm so had the epidural and ended up in theatre for forceps delivery and thank god for the epidural because my tailbone fractured during the pushing stage! :( was only 4 weeks ago still very tender and swollen. I did not feel it one bit going in at all as my contractions we’re far more intense to feel anything else. When doing into theatre I farted uncontrollably in front of around 15-20 people most embarrassing moment of my life but never have to see those people again so who cares haha 😂
@annanoble4529 2 жыл бұрын
I had originally planned to do just IV meds and maybe gas, that all noped right out. The IV drugs did absolutely nothing. Had my epidural line fall out and ended up under anesthesia. So I didn’t get to meet my son until a few hours later. Have lasting back pain from it though
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry things didn’t go as planned for you 💗
@amandalynn1991 2 жыл бұрын
Is that the same needle they use for a spinal for a C Section?
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
No. The spinal needle is a similar length but much thinner, because they do not need a thread a catheter through. With the spinal they place the medicine and withdraw the needle and nothing is left in your back
@ladyliddie7721 2 жыл бұрын
I gave birth in Japan and my hospital's rule was if you want an epidural, you need to schedule it in advance and pay $1000. I planned to do natural but ended up getting an induction. I didn't get an epidural. (also how do you schedule an epidural in advance if you don't know what day you will give birth??) Because I couldn't communicate well with the doctors/nurses, I had no way to know how long I had to go, or if my pain was normal or too much. In the moment I remember really wanting an epidural! In my head, I thought I had 12 hours to go... because I didn't feel any pain in my contractions until the IV was at the highest dose, I thought my labor hadn't even started yet! (I was having contractions no pain) They didn't offer other options for pain relief either. In the end, maybe I felt pain a total of 3-4 hours. I guess my point is that KNOWING there is an option in the moment, AND knowing how much further is left is more important than I thought. Sometimes you don't need the meds, but the thought of going all day in severe pain will make you lose lots of determination. Leading to a larger sense of pain!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that’s a crazy rule. Sometimes you don’t know till you’re in it!
@dmg912008 2 жыл бұрын
💜💜💜💜 so informative
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
@brittanybowen7710 2 жыл бұрын
My first epidural didn't take. That wouldn't have been that traumatic. What was traumatic was my OB told me I was full of it and put 4 stitches in with no numbing meds.
@erinshields8432 2 жыл бұрын
Is it normal for your urinary catheter to be very painful after getting the epidural? Both times I had an epidural the catheter hurt soo bad. Even though the epidural was working, I couldn’t feel the contractions at all and with one of the epidurals I couldn’t even use my legs. But I was screaming in pain from the catheter and had to get morphine for the pain.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I would not say this is normal or even common, but what I have noticed is sometimes people get a hotspot in that area. They often think that it’s a catheter irritating them but it’s actually the baby’s head on the pubic bone. Not saying this is what happened to you, but it is what I’ve seen
@mirandapontarelli5485 2 жыл бұрын
Thoughts on CSE/Walking Epidurals?
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
OK, I actually literally just talked about this with one of the anesthesiologist at work the other day. She said that walking epidurals are tricky, because they still pose a really high fall risk. And most hospitals would not allow full movement and getting up and walking due to liability. And that sometimes with a walking epidural what they do is they place it up a little bit higher so that it’s just covering the belly, but then you still feel a lot of the pushing and ring of fire, etc. She says it’s honestly like the worst of both worlds from her experience. I actually haven’t seen one in action though and they do seem like they could be a really good tool for increased movement. I’m lucky to work at a facility where we don’t have any doctors who are training to place epidurals, so all of our anesthesiologists are amazing. And almost all of our epidurals still allow for very good movement of the legs
@khaylaterry3429 Жыл бұрын
After my last 2 babies they made me push both of them when I only had half my body numb it was terrible and I even asked to get it fixed and they wouldn't
@killianmciver6579 Жыл бұрын
Hated my epidural SO MUCH. it hurt so so so bad going in, especially that pain plus contractions. Then it helped for maybe an hour, then it was worse then before. I could feel everything and couldn't stop screaming. I was being for help and telling them i couldn't do it. Doc asked if i could feel the contractions. YES OBVIOUSLY. The anesthesia guy said it was in right so idk
@Lilyunderwater 2 жыл бұрын
K apparently I can't grow up and still find butts and farts funny. LOL
@nicolacoyle5237 2 жыл бұрын
Epidural was an absolute god send I slept for 4 hours whilst in labour, 9hours of slow labour beforehand once the paid had gone I was gone 😂😂 woke up in agony cause I slept on my side next minute midwife telling me to push 2 pushes later and my boy was here!! If we have a second ide definitely not have one just because I feel like I didnt experience birthing my baby!!x
@marindavis371 2 жыл бұрын
My first baby the epidural SCARED ME. I went in at 7 cm, doing well but knew I wanted it. He did a fantastic job!!! I was shaking sooooo much after and felt freezing. For sure thought I pooped myself (I didn’t) but it was just baby moving down. My husband dropped my leg and 17 mos later found out I have a labral tear in my right hip, pseudoarthrosis in my L5, super bad SPD pain still, etc. debating if I’d have felt anything different without an epidural for baby #2.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no! I’m so sorry your having such difficulties after your husband dropped your legs. It’s so hard to know how protective we need to be of them!
@crazymusicchick 2 жыл бұрын
I had one but never progressed beyond 4cm so had a c section but I don't regret it only issue was I threw up my lunch I got my epidural before lunch lol
@allofcece5868 Жыл бұрын
I wasnt in pain but I kept hearing a clicking sound while the needle was going in. I wish I had ask but I was just focusing on monitoring my breathing and staying calm. However, the guy had to switch needles because the first needle he said was not long enough. That was annoying cause he had to take it out and do it again. Then is when I felt burning sensation but after that I was fine. I just kept telling him please don't mess my back up cause I need to take care my baby after. All went well though.
@mackeighlynn-annstuart9355 4 ай бұрын
I never felt the epidural going in. My team was amazing they explained every little thing they were doing and so did the anesthesiologist. It feels really cold to me that was the most shocking part lol. Mine was done great lol I’m 2 weeks postpartum and I didn’t have any side effects from it. My biggest fear was that i would feel the needle going in but if your contractions are super intense you really don’t feel anything. I was just focused on not moving bc those pitocin contractions are awful😭
@ramonaclash 2 жыл бұрын
When I had an epidural my pump was broken… I asked them to check it many times but they didn’t believe my pain until I passed out. When they finally called the epidural guy hours later he noticed right away it was broken.
@LimegreenSnowstorm Жыл бұрын
*The La Croix of pressure*
@jenpetersen93 2 жыл бұрын
At what cm is too far to get an epidural? I've given birth twice and both times I have asked and was told no. The first birth I was 6cm and they said I was to far gone, second birth I told them the moment I walked in and they waited till I was 5cm and said no they don't have time. So I'm confused how people actually are able to get them when they ask lol
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, all you really need to get an epidural is to be able to sit still. I have had patients who were 10 cm dilated and had pushed for a while be able to sit still and get an epidural if they needed to. However different hospitals do have policies that limit the timing of epidurals. Often though if you’re getting up to 8, 9, 10cm, it’s faster and easier to just go ahead and push out your baby. Sometimes you will get an epidural at that far of a dilation and not have time to enjoy the effects of until after baby was out.
@meganm7213 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on spinals please!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I can! What exactly would you like to know? I don’t work with them as much because the anesthesiologist is in charge of vitals and everything immediately after the spinal. But I can certainly do some research
@meganm7213 2 жыл бұрын
Any information would be great! I had a baby in April went in the 9th and was told I needed at c-section because he was 10lbs 8oz and my pelvis is to small. So i went in the next morning for a C-section I was over a week past my due date. I had no idea what was happening I was having an anxiety attack in the OR. Thankfully my midwife was with me to help me but it was definitely nerve racking as it was less than 24 hrs when I was told I needed one. I didn’t have time to research, I had to re pick my diaper bag,get my dogs into urgent daycare and so on. Thankfully he was born huge and healthy, but I would definitely like to know more for when I have another baby. I will be doing a repeat c-section. I love how your videos are so calm but also have so much great information you have! Thank you 🙂
@cassieleefryeklund5623 2 жыл бұрын
I wasn't planning onnhaving an epidural, but got one and so thankful I did because it stopped suffering.
@lindseybarr5169 2 жыл бұрын
So glad this video came out after I had my baby. I was Actively trying to not see what the needle looks like because I’m so deathly scared of any kind of needle. Putting it on the thumbnail might really stress some mommas out. Just a thought.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I did definitely have that thought 😓
@jaykaytherapy 2 жыл бұрын
I hated my epidural. It was extremely painful to get it done. The anesthelogist was mean and talking on the phone while trying to place the epidural. It didn't really work. I was going through transition while they placed it. I was still able to full move and felt the stiches when they put them in. I would never get an epi again. I was up and walking immediately and the nurses were all shocked. IT was my second pregnancy and it was twins.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry! That does not sound fun at all 😥
@charitycarter8640 2 жыл бұрын
I've had a spinal tap done before and got the headache. It was the WORST!! I would even say, worse than a migraine!
@masondissick698 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't hear anything about when they test to see if it's in the right place and you feel that snap in your legs, WHAT is THAT??
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure. Wonder if it was something brushing against a nerve…?
@masondissick698 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nurse_zabe They said I would feel I pinch or snap and it was like a nerve pain that shot down my thigh, but asked me if I felt it, like it was very on purpose
@cassieleefryeklund5623 2 жыл бұрын
I was so numb with my epidural that they told me when to push. My nurses were great and we had her out in 15 ish pushes
@angelcarroll2926 7 ай бұрын
Oh god the farting was so embarrassing. I wasn’t warned and literally it wouldn’t stop and all I could do was laugh and kid under the blankets😂
@kendallwilson5688 2 жыл бұрын
I cant believe I had one of these in my back. My husband watched and said it was intense. i had no idea the needle was that thick
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
It’s crazy what we go through for our babies!
@elizahay9796 2 жыл бұрын
I had the epidural and to be very honest I didn’t feel any contractions or the pinch of the needle in my back. Didn’t even flinch. But every one is different.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
Totally. I didn’t notice much with epidural placement because I was focused on the contraction
@Aiden-zl4ht 6 ай бұрын
Okay but why is that scarier than just having a baby naturally 😂😭
@kellydarling1 2 жыл бұрын
I had 2 failed epidurals and it was hell on earth. Never. Again.
@victoriaadams7026 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody told me my legs wouldn't feel like they belonged to my body anymore. The weirdest thing was touching my leg and it feeling like tight, dead skin. It literally felt like a corpse. The WEIRDEST sensation ever.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
So weird!!!
@Iamonlyadoll 2 жыл бұрын
😕 so you CAN turn them off.... hmmm???!!??!! I was induced at 39 weeks for advanced maternal age and high blood pressure. They did the Foley bulb to get me to 4cm. I got an epidural when I was 5cm dilated about two or three hours after my water broke. I had been awake for over 48 hours enduring the induction process, and I knew it could be a lot longer. I thought the epidural might help me relax enough to sleep. At first it worked great. I felt relaxed and pain free. I got in a comfy position and was just about to fall asleep when the nurse said the baby's heart rate dropped from 140 to 130 so she was going to have to turn over.... So they helped me turn to my other side. Just about to fall asleep. Nurse says nope baby's heart rate is at 130 you gotta sit up. And not just recline sit up. She made me sit up like I was almost sitting in a chair. I can't sleep sitting up!!! So finally after trying to sleep sitting up for an hour or two I begged her to let me lie down. She acted like I was being a big baby and that it's not like she was forcing me to sit up.... 😠 By this time I was so numb I couldn't move at all. My legs felt like innertubes and I couldn't really even feel my arms. They got me on my side to try to sleep again but it was so uncomfortable and I couldn't adjust myself that I just laid there and cried for an hour. I finally had had enough and told the nurse I was really regretting getting the epidural and I wanted to turn it down or turn it off. The b*tch just said "oh you just don't like feeling like your not in control." So I cried myself to sleep. In the morning they woke me up to check my cervix. I had not dialate at all. They told me I could labor for another four hours to see if I would progress or asked if I just wanted a c section. I said just give me a c section! I'm tired of this awful hospital and it's condescending nurses and I just want to go home. The anesthesiologist that came in to get me ready for the c section asked where my button was...... I told him I never got a button.... I think the nurse must have just turned the medicine up to full blast and didn't give me the option of turning it off or down. So I guess whether your epidural experience is good or not really depends on the nurse you have at the time you get your epidural and whether or not they are narcissistic, condescending, sadists!!! 😖😵 In hindsight I should have asked to speak with the doctor or the nurses supervisor. But when you are that tired and upset and traumatized, you don't think to do that stuff... All you can do is cry. I pray no one else has this experience. 🙏😞 Good luck everyone!
@anapineu 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through this, what an awful experience :'( Though I had mostly kind and good nurses, I got a really bad one PP and she made the post-birth a horrible experience. It seems to me that your nurse was the one enjoying and abusing her position of power over you, I'm so sorry.
@Iamonlyadoll 2 жыл бұрын
@@anapineu sadly she was not the only upsetting nurse throughout the 5 days I was there (the nurse shift changed every 12 hours) just the worst one. The inconsistency with the "policies" was amazing. The worst/epidural nurse, wouldn't let me lie down. And the next nurse on shift in the morning wouldn't let me sit up! Told me they don't encourage it with epidurals.... 😕 I had one early one before I was in labor when they were waiting for the prostaglandin pills to work that was very sweet and comforting. One during recovery after my c section that was sweet and another during pp that was great. The rest of them were condescending drama junkies. I'm glad you at least had a good one during your labor. That's when you need to feel the most supported and comforted!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I am SO SORRY you went through this. It can be so hard to advocate for ourselves especially when you feel so helpless with the epidural. 😥
@Lolee56 Жыл бұрын
Things they don’t tell you about epidurals… you still feel everything down there🤣😭 and I ended up with a painful last min c-section recovery on top of it
@hopeladymon8386 2 жыл бұрын
Tv static is what I call the weird feeling!!
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a great description!
@jijiian 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure I pooped during labor, but why is the idea of FARTING so much worse?! 😂 I think that's my only fear now for baby 2.
@Nurse_zabe 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t know either, but I totally feel ya. Good news is it’s nothing new. And compared to all the things you nurse could be seeing (like on a medsurg unit) it’s not a big deal at all!
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