10 Things That Make No Sense In Doctor Who

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@95GrBr 2 жыл бұрын
I think the sonic problem can be explained as the Doctor constantly updating it with new settings and abilities. In “Silence of the Library”, River reveals the sonic will eventually have red settings. And we knew the Master has built an upgraded version as well. I think the Doctor, every time he faces a problem the sonic can’t handle, builds a new setting to address the issue. Similar to Iron Man in the MCU constantly updating his suits for each new issue he faces.
@jacktuell6977 2 жыл бұрын
Except wood
@geoffroi-le-Hook Жыл бұрын
the sonic umbrella and sunglasses
@Charl3y3 Жыл бұрын
@@jacktuell6977 wood is the greatest enemy of the universe
@julieeverett7442 Жыл бұрын
remember though the doctor is actually THOUSANDS of years old, you really think he wouldnt improve things over time?
@SpeedyCheetahCub Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the problem with wood is that each individual piece of wood requires different calculations because of how vastly different they are, and the calculations would take too long to do normally.
@amaelboisson5439 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought that Pete didn't get sucked in the Void because it happened in a second, it feels a bit longer because it's in cinema time I guess, if he stayed longer he would've been sucked in, if they had a bigger budget maybe they would have made him catch Rose while flying towards the Void like her, but they still did great :) And yeah it's a shame they made us feel like Torchwood doesn't exist during Moffat's run, and overall the premice of "The 21st century is when everything changes..." of the Davies-verse being retconed with Series 5 *, but I understand that making things that big in a spin-off can be an issue for writing for the main show
@cgmanning 2 жыл бұрын
That's what I thought about Pete. He was there for so little time, the sucking force hadn't taken hold yet.
@chloed835 2 жыл бұрын
That’s honestly what I’ve thought the whole time. Like it’s meant to be a second but for cinematic effect it has to longer
@chrisrd86 2 жыл бұрын
Same they put everything in slow motion so in real time it was a split second
@Weeping-Angel Жыл бұрын
This is what I always presumed to be. I never questioned it.
@LCBK Жыл бұрын
Yeah same, but I always through since it took Ten and Rose a second for them to really be pulled towards the void that it would just take a few seconds for one to be effected
@TexasTimeLord 2 жыл бұрын
The "Dropped out of the sky" thing is even worse when we are shown that Amy and Rory grew up together
@nichole4133 Ай бұрын
To explain it away, I usually had Canon that Rory and Amy met when Rory fell out of a tree when they were kids. It would allow the ambiguity of the moment while still making it clear that Rory is who she is talking about.
@CaptainCushty 2 жыл бұрын
While the Doctor wasn't present to keep the Titanic from crashing, Midshipman Alonso and Astrid Peth were there so my head-canon is that (while they couldn't save the ship from crashing) they were at the very least capable of significantly reducing the impact of the crash
@iamzedv1914 2 жыл бұрын
yeh it looks like the Titanic is lifting upwards slightly and then proceeds to crash into Buckingham Palace, not straight into the ground.
@triforceofcourage100 2 жыл бұрын
while I think that may of had a small part of it my theory is that the Doctor miscalculated the size and scale of the impact because he was in a bit of a rush, hopped up on adrenaline, trying very hard not to die, and was also very very upset so I think due to that stress he massively overestimated the potential impact of the Titanic it’s not like he hasn’t been wrong about these sorts of things in the past
@iamzedv1914 2 жыл бұрын
@@triforceofcourage100 in this timeline, he was dead which is why it crashed. In The Doctor's timeline it's BECAUSE he was in a rush that London survived. Besides the doctor normally is stressed and in a rush.
@CaptainCushty 2 жыл бұрын
@@triforceofcourage100 Interesting theory, very credible I must say
@4P0CA1YP5E 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly. Perhaps the Doctor was calculating how much damage the ship would do if it achieved terminal velocity with no change in angle or reduction of speed. Like maybe the ship could have acted like a wedge in the Earth's crust on impact and with the explosion resulting in a chunk of the planet breaking off.
@Kranitoko 2 жыл бұрын
For number 9, you could argue that… well, Ian only heard one heart because thats all he checked for? That or for some reason the doctors second heart had stopped for a few moments while he was out.
@nutsymcgregor 2 жыл бұрын
I had assumed the Doctor was having a mild heart attack. By which I mean only one of his hearts was affected.
@Englishham 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. Ian doesn't know at that point the Doctor would have two hearts
@LibraGamesUnlimited 2 жыл бұрын
But wouldn't you still hear the other beat? I'm pretty sure there have been many times that characters, who didn't know he had two hearts, discovered it because they checked his heartbeat and heard the other one. I will admit mostly they had a stethoscope but still. I'm also fairly sure the way his heartbeats have been described it would have been really hard to miss. :) I like the fan theory that he didn't get a second heart until he regeneationed. It's quick, it's clean and it ignores that stupid Timeless Child B.S.
@retrogiftsuk4812 2 жыл бұрын
I've often been more surprised that people deduce that the doctor has 2 hearts, rather than faced with an erratic sound assume that the doctor has 1 heart and some kind of arrhythmia (an erratic heartbeat). Plus Ian isn't a doctor, he's not using medical equipment. He's checking for a pulse. Why would he question the number of hearts? No plot hole here.
@deathlokprime2645 Жыл бұрын
Even a cardiologist didn’t realize that he had two hearts. Thought it was a mistake on the x-ray.
@TheHufflepuffSaint 2 жыл бұрын
I'm probably the only person who doesn't get agitated by the Statue Of Liberty Angel and the only person who finds it fun and whimsical for a one-off gag.
@carisrandomchannel5101 2 жыл бұрын
I found someone else ❤
@youcantakemehottogo 2 жыл бұрын
I loved it. laughed then almost cried because they're so creepy
@laalaa9284 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. I’ve always loved (and feared), the angels. Even though Blink is the best story, I still loved The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, and this one. Hell, I even liked them in Flux 😂.
@youcantakemehottogo 2 жыл бұрын
@@laalaa9284 the flux one was funny because they actually tried to ring the bell. Also, the emptying of 13's pockets is always funny
@NickPiers 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, same. It's absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense if you stop and think about it. But it made for one HELL of a visual.
@patrickokeefe4603 2 жыл бұрын
Ian was a teacher, not a physician, so him not realising that the Doctor had two hearts isn't implausible.
@chuckasualty 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing...it's likely he didn't know to listen for a second heart
@chrismeade 2 жыл бұрын
@@chuckasualty That was my first thought, why would he know about two hearts as he had just met the Doctor and knew very little about him.
@DneilB007 2 жыл бұрын
Alternatively, the reason that Hartnell’s Doctor was less active than the subsequent Doctors was that he had been operating with only one functional heart, the other having failed some time before Ian gave him the once-over.
@patrickokeefe4603 2 жыл бұрын
@@DneilB007 When a Shakri cube gave the 11th Doctor a heart attack in one of his hearts his abilties were more impaired than that of Hartnell's Doctor so Hartnell's doctor was probably impaired by old age.
@LibraGamesUnlimited 2 жыл бұрын
He was a science teacher so I would think he would know enough biology to realize he was hearing the sound of two hearts beastin and I think it's been established that his hearts beat in turn, not at the same time (left, right, left, right) so anyone listening (or even feeling) should be able to notice.
@ShaneJMcEntee 2 жыл бұрын
Why would Ian assume he has two hearts? He checked for a pulse and found one so said his heart is fine. I think that's the the only explanation needed and not the one about 1 heart in first incarnation (which I've never heard of by anyone?)
@julieeverett7442 2 жыл бұрын
I saw that one in one of the wiki files
@rodmorrison47 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting that the 21st century medical department in The Wheel in Space only found one heart when they examined the second Doctor, then. There is a huge discrepancy here - the first Doctor was explicitly said to be human on several occasions, the second was "more than human", the Time Lords turned up in time to explain everything for the second's transition into the third, and the third was the first time the Doctor was shown to have two hearts.
@brainlock72 2 жыл бұрын
Pete- he was only there for a second to catch Rose. The Void may have tried drawing him in, but not only did he anticipate it, he was barely there long enough to affect him. They drew out that second for dramatic effect by having her look back to 10. Torchwood- WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT WHICH WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT. (Also, my head canon is that the Pandorica reset the universe, and MD was set in the old universe, and NEVER OCCURRED in the post-Big Bang 2 universe, where River killed 11 at Lake Silencio. This ripple effect also erased the deaths of Ianto and Tosh.) Liberty Angel- in the real world, we all know this harbor chick is a tin statue. Not solid inside, at all. I believe you can still go inside, but not up to the crown, let alone Torch, save for extra-special permission cases. Like slathering slimy ooze all up inside her and walking her to the museum whilst blasting some Feelgood Strumming music via speakers and Nintendo Joystick. My head canon is that Angels can BRIEFLY possess such a work of art, but the cost is high and rarely done. Since they had already created an extremely fragile time bubble in that time period, they did not with to continue, let alone repeat, this stunt/spell, as it drained more energy than they planned on.
@bradcsuka5054 2 жыл бұрын
Yep. The answer for Pete is that he was there only momentarily, catching Rose and pressing the button in an instant. Corny? Sure. Unrealistic? Of course. But there's your answer.
@JimboLP 2 жыл бұрын
I've never heard even a theory that the Angels can "possess" something/someone! What do you mean by "Angels can possess work of art"? The angels become statues when they are looked at (or when their energy is drained/weak). They ARE the statues. When is something like "possession", ever mentioned? Even in the episode with the Angel inside Amy's eye, it was explained that the "eye is a window/door to the soul" or something like this... But no one ever mention possession. Did I miss an episode or a special or ...?
@jwb52z9 2 жыл бұрын
The reason the Statue of Liberty is green now is that she's supposed to be copper colored and over time oxidized because, well, it's originally brownish copper.
@stephaniemantle5029 2 жыл бұрын
We don't talk about miracle day 🤣 if we pretend it didn't happen it'll cease to exist
@Ariaofeffect Жыл бұрын
@@JimboLP literally this video tells you the episode it is mentioned in… any depiction of an angel becomes one, so you could kinda infer the one in that time bubble might have been replaced by a version that was based around an angel, but isn’t the one all the merch/pics are of… yeah I know, leaps of logic, but this is doctor who, leaps in ligic is the standard
@michaelpettitt8656 2 жыл бұрын
Ok then, challenge excepted. 10, The tech that was used by Pete was created to travel through the void so it would have still negated the effect of the void drawing in the void matter. That was easy. 9, Back in those days, they may not have written in the second heart but, in that situation you would only have checked the area where a human heart would have been and would not have thought about checking the other side. Next. 8, If you had a chance to mess with the head of the person you loved, just enough to make them love you even more, would you, she did. 7, Let's see, your spending the day at the beech with friends having a wonderful day and, by the way the world has gone tits up and people can't die. Not what I would talk about, maybe looking back on what they have been up to and catching up with a normal Doctor day, yeah, much better. 6, A day lost in Colchester, have you ever been to Colchester, unless your looking for The Zoo, The Castle or The Hospital then you need Google Maps. And as for the one way system, don't get me started. 5, Maybe, just maybe the 4th Doctor was not full human based time lord, perhaps he had part of some other species in his makeup or just to do with the way he was regenerated. Other than that could had been a reaction to the bite? 4, Perhaps like many rumours, they increase in power the more there are known of, just need to get someone to go in the Tardis underfloor archive and look in W for weeping or A for angels to see if he still have the pics and give it a try. Other than that, I got nothing.... 3, Perhaps, I say that in a light hearted way. Perhaps there is a limit as to how much matter anti-matter can effectively consume, consider also the amount of neutreno energy in the Dalek ships which we know from past stories can de-stabilise all forms of matter and anti-matter. In a science paper only the anti-matter version of the matter is dangerous to that atom of matter. 2, From the 9th Doctor on, the sonic was created by the Tardis so in part is alive and evolves as needed by each new situation and is most likely slightly telepathic as well. New one, not so much. 1, With the Doctor missing and the planet under all sorts of Alien attacks, maybe the crew on board saw what was going to happen and reduced the effective damage level. I thank you if you got right to the bottom. Yes I love Doctor Who, don't knock it. If there is no real answer then it's because the question isn't real in the first place. It's Science Fiction, so fiction the answers it easier than you think.
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
This is a big comment!
@zyg9 2 жыл бұрын
exactly. Fiction is just something somebody made up, so if you need an answer just make something up. Its not that hard to use yer imagination if you only try
@CritterKeeper01 2 жыл бұрын
I think you and the video maker get to share a NoPrize on several of these. As for the Flux, up until that point Tecteun had been controlling the Flux, creating more of it as needed. Once she was out of the way, the Doctor only had to deal with the amount of Flux that was already in existence.
@michaelpettitt8656 2 жыл бұрын
@@CritterKeeper01 Awesome, I didn't even think of that I was to busy in my own world to even spot that connection. I now sit chastised.
@lordsathariel4384 Жыл бұрын
plus with miracle day it might be like what happend when the daleks invaded and stole the earth it seems specific events that happen to humanity seem to get sort of removed from the general population's memory abit like torchwood did in victorian times and what unit do to people visiting or working at the black archive seems someone or something erases traumatic or severe events from mankinds memory i think its a branch of unit doing it tbh because they seem to be the only group that remembers these things
@TheDarkVampire666 2 жыл бұрын
Something I noticed in The Time Of The Doctor when 11 starts to regenerate he says “We are braking some serious science here boys” like it’s something that’s never happened before when while it’s rare it’s not unheard of for a Time Lord to get a extra set of Regenerations hell that was a major part of The Master’s storyline from the very beginning and was offered them a few times in return for helping The Time Lords and in the end was given one and Rassilon was obviously given another set
@rockotarsoldaccount 2 жыл бұрын
Also the Valeyard was promised to be given The Doctor's remaining regenerations if he could prove he was guilty in Trial of a Timelord
@carlrix4646 Ай бұрын
The master was resurrected and also leached and merged with other beings.not the same and another regeneration cycle
@Imdeadpool 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s a big one- in the episode “The Angels Take Manhattan” the Doctor says he can’t go back to New York in 1929 due to the paradox that was created and he’ll never see Amy and Rory again. So here’s the problem- he has the TARDIS, a TIME MACHINE- what’s to stop him from going there literally a year later (1930) because obviously Amy and Rory would still be in Manhattan at that time. Sure yeah he can’t go back to that area in 1929 but that doesn’t apply to any other year of existence. Never understood that.
@Hannahfab7 Жыл бұрын
@NotJustStreamsTV so maybe he couldn’t take them away but couldn’t he have at least visited them? I mean I don’t see what stops him from parking the tardis outside the city and then taking a train to meet with them like once a year for dinner
@Sanquinity Жыл бұрын
@@Hannahfab7 That's the part that really gets me yea. Like sure, he can't bring them back to their own timeline with the TARDIS. But does that also have to mean that he can never meet them again? What's actually preventing him from just visiting them? The only thing I can think of is that Matt Smith's doctor didn't want to see people "go". So once humans couldn't travel with him anymore he tended to abandon them entirely because he couldn't deal with the pain of seeing them age and (from his perspective) disappear from his life permanently. But even that is honestly a bit of a flimsy explanation imo.
@hughjohnson2674 Жыл бұрын
@@Hannahfab7 they are alive in a different multiverse. One that is different from the one the doctor is in. It exists as different because they are there, living, creating change, perhaps even having another child. So that world today would be a different one to th one the doctor exists in.
@Croftice1 Жыл бұрын
@@hughjohnson2674 No, it's not a different universe, it's literally the same universe, but there's too many paradoxes in that timezone already making it very unstable, so trying to land there with the TARDIS could result in very dire consequences. Only River with her Vortex manipulator could visit them. But not even she could save them. Remember how VM works, all three touch the device and whoosh, time travel! Well, Amy and Rory were fixed point in time, so no rescue, no time travel for them anymore. The 12th Doctor tried to fix that stuff some time later and accidentally created a superhero from a small boy in the process. "Return of Doctor Mysterio" shows, that he made some contraption on the roof of the building, where the boy lived. But he gave the boy a crystal for safekeeping, which the kid confused with a medicine. Also no, Amy and Rory basically didn't change anything, they lived their new life the way they always had in that time. It's just what Blink was about. Cathy Nightingale, Billy Shipton and others sent back by an Angel were still living in that same universe where Sally Sparrow lived, only in the past and they were able to interact with her (Cathy by sending her grandson with a letter, Billy by calling Sally to visit him in the hospital on the very same day they've met). Amy became a book writer, Clara later has (or the children she's babysitting have) a book written by Amelia Williams (Amy Pond). How could they, if it was a different universe? This is not Marvel, this is Doctor Who, everything happens in the same universe with time travel, but there's stuff, that the Doctor can't easilly fix, or bypass. The only stuff holding the Doctor form visiting them is not a different universe, it's the mess in that time period made by all the Angels. River can bypass that with the use of her Vortex manipulator, but the Doctor can't with the TARDIS. And even River can't disturb the "natural timeflow" of that era, meaning she can visit her parents, tell them to do stuff (Amy writting the epilogue to River's/Melody's book for example), but can't take them back to their original time. They are beyond that point.
@hughjohnson2674 Жыл бұрын
@@Croftice1 okay.
@LibertyBridgeProductions 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is with the Pete thing is that he transported away before getting sucked in wasn’t it 😂.
@Deltaflot1701 2 жыл бұрын
That was always my thought on the matter. He blinked in, caught rose and blinked out. no fuss, no muss
@ericreese7792 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely impeccable timing.
@pwpresents5660 2 жыл бұрын
I think I have a practical answer to the one heart conundrum. Ian checked for breathing and a pulse, which he found, and then just assumed he only had one heart. It’s not like he has X-ray vision (I don’t think) to confirm the two hearts. He wouldn’t be looking for a second, even if his pulse seemed irregular.
@juliannetraven5168 2 жыл бұрын
well we know from 'the woman who fell to earth' that the doctor can quite feasibly spend hours and hours in a charity shop. so maybe that's where he was in 'the lodger'
@benjaminschiel3339 2 жыл бұрын
I wold assume he try to contact unit or Torchwood ( even if he was basical the enemy of torchwood) he also try to make contact with a former companion or allied he have in that time. Or he have hide a void manipulator or other more primitive time machine device he have hide somewere in england .travel there for a few hours only to found out that this place were allready crashed to make room for a new building. or Torchwood found it and confiscatet it. Also general the question. the Tardis automatic tranzlatet nearly every language and text... And the Tadris still can do that from a big distance... What if the tardis was compleet out of reach and can't make a concetion ith him...Did the Timelord speak english or did he speak only english becaus the 'Tardis tranzlat it for him. What if the Doctor try to learn in one day english becaus his tardis can't tranzlate anything for him...
@LordWhatever 2 жыл бұрын
Doctor Who doesn't have to make sense. I have always throw logic and consistency out of the window in every episode and believe me, I'm very happy about it. After all it's all about like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
@spencerworkman6769 Жыл бұрын
Tbh they do such a good job at trying to make most of it make sense, which isn't an easy task. So yeah, only having a few inconsistencies is more than okay.
@Sanquinity Жыл бұрын
@@spencerworkman6769 I agree. It's understandable that they don't get all of the details and timelines to be completely consistent across all episodes and spin-offs. That's just too much for even a team of "experts" to take into consideration. I'll personally be happy if they at least keep the major things consistent. Sadly the 13th doctor shit all over that by changing the origin story of the doctor from "He's just a survivor of a universe-spanning war who wants to do good to make up for his wrongdoings" to "she's the origin of the timelords." Basically the chosen one, but in an indirect way.
@DestruoTheWithered Жыл бұрын
Agreed, Doctor Who gets very confusing at points I just don't question anything...
@Sanquinity Жыл бұрын
@jamezevans123 If you don't get chosen one vibes from this new origin story then you're pretty clueless... This new origin story made the doctor "special from the start", the origin of the timelords, and better than any other timelord all at the same time. That's exactly what many chosen ones have as well. Only it's not directly called that here.
@Sanquinity Жыл бұрын
@@jamezevans123 It makes her a special existence from birth, and once again, the ORIGIN OF THE TIMELORDS. That makes all the difference. That's no longer just a survivor exploring the universe and trying to do good wherever he can.
@Jedi_Spartan 2 жыл бұрын
4:08 Thank God I'm not the only one who notices this.
@tracyroweauthor 2 жыл бұрын
I think the bigger question with Doomsday and Pete is, how did Pete know Rose needed to be rescued to begin with? NO ONE talks about Miracle Day because Miracle Day is crap. The Titanic probably never had the capability to destroy the whole Earth. Tennant's Doctor did have the habit of using extreme hyperbole when he described the effects of events Also, why does NO ONE in NYC notice the Statue of Liberty step off her pedastal and just casually stride across the city? And how does she fit in between the buildings and the narrow streets? Moffat is a fantastic showrunner, he era is my favorite, but he did stretch the bounds of reality a LOT.
@wickideazy 2 жыл бұрын
if the Ghostbusters can make Lady Liberty stroll through the streets of New York just fine, then why can't she do the same here?
@whimsy339 2 жыл бұрын
Here's what I believe is an inconsistency. When Rose takes the Time Vortex into herself from the Tardis there is quite a long time that she has it. From receiving it, going back to where the Doctor is fighting the Daleks and then her long monologue as she obliterates the Daleks and brings Jack back to life. The Doctor then takes the Time Vortex from Rose and immediately transfers it back into the Tardis. So how come Rose being human and all survives but the Doctor, Time Lord, has to regenerate when he only had it in him for a few moments? This has never made sense to me and I'm usually not worried about inconsistencies.
@blackphoenix77 2 жыл бұрын
I've always wondered about that one too. They'll probably make a Big Finish audio to explain it away someday.
@KnightRanger38 2 жыл бұрын
Rose (using the Time Vortex) changed herself to be able to handle the Time Vortex.
@sunspot42 2 жыл бұрын
@@KnightRanger38 But then why couldn’t the Doctor do the same thing? Would probably make more sense to say that the Doctor somehow absorbed the damage the Time Vortex had done to Rose and doing so caused him to regenerate.
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
@@KnightRanger38 It was probably the TARDIS, as Rose/Bad Wolf expressed "I've looked into the Tardis and she looked into me", so they connected and the TARDIS protected Rose, while she absorbed the Time Vortex (it was still killing her slowly, if the Doctor didn't get it out of her), but what protected the Doctor then? The TARDIS couldn't, as it worked only by the first transfer (from the TARDIS to Rose, she didn't absorb the TARDIS, she absorbed the Time Vortex, people often mistaken Bad Wolf for Rose becoming a TARDIS persona, a physical manifestation of the living TARDIS matrix, but that's Idris, not Bad Wolf), the Doctor absorbed it all from Rose without the TARDIS protection in place. Well that's my headcanon.
@jstan626 2 жыл бұрын
the scene cuts to rose waking up on the tardis floor before the doctor regenerates. i assume some time passed while she was out cold
@johnmichaelcule8423 2 жыл бұрын
How about "Ian Chesterton was a school science teacher and not a qualified doctor: he simply missed the fact that there were two hearts there. Or perhaps whatever happened to the Doctor when he collapsed stopped one of them for a while." As for the blood thing, I am much happier for this to be ignored than I am the fact that the Doctor once said his mother was human. I've been assuming that the Angels are memes that inhabit statues rather than the statues themselves. (Look they can occupy the minds of humans can't they?) So a picture of the Statue of Liberty being possesed by an Angel would be dangerous but not one taken before or after.
@KnightRanger38 2 жыл бұрын
I believe there is a nuwho episode where the doctor has an issue with only one of his hearts.
@rockotarsoldaccount 2 жыл бұрын
@@KnightRanger38 I believe that episode with the heart was Smith and Jones
@GabePuratekuta 2 жыл бұрын
@@rockotarsoldaccount When was Martha with the 11th Doctor?
@rockotarsoldaccount 2 жыл бұрын
@@GabePuratekuta Smith and Jones is the first episode of series 3, a 10th Doctor story. Also I realized Smith and Jones is the wrong episode, Shakespeare Code (the very next episode) is actually the one where he has the problem with one of his hearts.
@solrachernandez3389 2 жыл бұрын
The Flux was basically DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths nobody ever points that out but it's clear
@callac 2 жыл бұрын
"Why Chibnall still the showrunner"?... Now THAT Make No Sense.
@jaschul 2 жыл бұрын
Well, technically he no longer is
@doctormew9399 2 жыл бұрын
He isn't anymore...unfortunately...What? I didn't say anything.
@lilyharris7629 2 жыл бұрын
@@doctormew9399 UNFORTUNATELY?!
@doctormew9399 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilyharris7629 Nobody said nothing here.
@CritterKeeper01 2 жыл бұрын
The reason matter didn't stop the Flux before was that Tecteun was still feeding new antimatter into it. Once the Doctor stopped that, they only had to counter the already-existing Flux.
@DavidBeddard 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the Hartnell heart, Ian wouldn't have known to look for two hearts, and maybe one of The Doctor's hearts had stopped as a result of the injury. As for the blood, maybe only the Fourth Doctor had blue blood? Romana tried on a blue body when regenerating for the first time, and the Doctor has canonically had differently coloured kidneys (though no colours are ever specified), so why couldn't one or more of The Doctor's incarnations have different coloured blood fron the others?
@SuperCrazyfin 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot about the fact The Flux was made to destroy the whole universe, yet its stopped by a small portion of the universe.
@lunakingsley.7247 2 жыл бұрын
It is stopped by another infinite universe.
@fisheyenomiko 2 жыл бұрын
Re: No. 6: There's also the fact that the Statue of Liberty is made of copper, not... marble? or whatever Angels turn into when they're "quantum-locked".
@jwb52z9 2 жыл бұрын
They generally appear to be made of cement or concrete in a lot of cases.
@chloed835 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Like when “you look away from the angels they turn back into stone”
@geoffroi-le-Hook Жыл бұрын
Russian copper that has oxidized over the years
@SariaSchala 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought about the Pete thing that he wasn't there long enough to get pulled in.
@cashkruz319 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering what number the sonic screwdriver would be. Love this list. It did not disappoint.
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
You have great taste good sir.
@just_kos99 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot believe you left out "The Brain of Morbius" (4th Doctor) !!! When the Doctor and Solon have their little mental duel, and images of the Doctor's past lives appear between them, who are all those people BEFORE who we know as the First Doctor? I got a screen capture of each one and there's a total of 8 preceding Hartnell's Doctor.
@Revan_Reborn 2 жыл бұрын
As terrible as it is, Timeless Children explains this. Hartnell wasn’t actually the first, just the first since the Doctor had their mind wiped.
@jaschul 2 жыл бұрын
Until "The Timeless Child" we generally assumed that those were the faces of Morbius.
@p1kaa261 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but the timeless child just breaks everything in 10 seconds the fact its nit mentioned shocked me
@darkness5101 2 жыл бұрын
The one thing i don’t understand about the statue of Liberty being an angel is the fact that New York doesn’t really sleep much like there are still people up in New York and nobody heard or felt the statue moving and only the doctor river Amy and Rory are the only people who noticed
@rhocat362 2 жыл бұрын
Love the sonic. Jodi has been great. Shame she got such gawdawful stories.
@librarysong8617 2 жыл бұрын
First comeeeeeeeent. It’s Doctor who, nothing makes sense
@davidburnsmusic 2 жыл бұрын
The Weeping Angels can get inside your head. In my idea of what was going on, the Statue Of Liberty Angel was a hallucination they planted in their minds. Might not make perfect sense, but seems more plausible to me than the Statue really being an Angel.
@kstormgeistgem461 2 жыл бұрын
[nods] the whole thing with TWAs is they quantum-lock to save on energy too, right? so imagine the amount of energy blown to make that big gal just Blink much less Move. i just had a thought of how bad the arthritis for that huge copper gal would be... i don't think there'd be enough tylenol to handle it. lol or wait, could the copper actually Help that, like all those scammy infomercials suggest???
@Adam-lw9xp 2 жыл бұрын
About the 1 heart thing, I would just think of it as Ian lacking knowledge of 2 hearts and wouldn't even bother to think about looking for a 2nd heart beat.
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
As the writer of this video, I just wanted to say… don’t take it too seriously! It’s just a bit of fun pointing out some oddities and inconsistencies in the show. Obviously, I (and everyone at WhoCulture) love Doctor Who to bloody death!
@daftwulli6145 2 жыл бұрын
How come the biggest plothole in who history, the timeless child, did not make it in ?
@angrytardis6776 2 жыл бұрын
@@daftwulli6145 how’s it a plothole?
@daftwulli6145 2 жыл бұрын
@@angrytardis6776 you gotta be joking it ignores 60 years of established lore
@angrytardis6776 2 жыл бұрын
@@daftwulli6145 what does it ignore ?
@daftwulli6145 2 жыл бұрын
@@angrytardis6776 the whole doctors backstory and childhood
@brendangatenby8066 2 жыл бұрын
the time child story: The time less child retcon makes the dr story more frustrating, for example in time of the dr, one of the daleks says that the 11th has expended all his lives but the timelees child retcon puts the 11th dr way older than his 1200+ age stated in the 50th, also it screw the dr history. I know people can defended this retcon by refrenced that his memories where erased but it still makes no sense, it still raises a load of questions like: 1. How old is the dr really? 2. How can he have more than 13 regenerations? 3. Where the dr even come from? 4. Why does the time agents remove the dr memories in the first place and let the dr leave galifrey without keeping a very close eye on him. To quote val kilmer batman " it just raises too many questions"
@rhocat362 2 жыл бұрын
I too hate the whole timeless child thing. Also flux sux......
@Tim.Stotelmeyer 2 жыл бұрын
The Daleks and the Timelords thought the Doctor was a regular Timelord with only 12 regenerations. It was explained in the Timeless Child episode that being able to regenerate is not something Gallifreyans originally could do. They gained the ability only after Tecteun experimented on the child to find the secrete to regeneration and she put a limit of 12 regenerations into the gene therapy given to the other Gallifreyans. She gave herself infinite regenerations.
@brendangatenby8066 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed flux was a mess really, the Story try to cram alot of side stories into six ep and not all of them were paid off properly..
@thelastofthetimelords9043 2 жыл бұрын
I have a theory for the blue blood. We don't know how long they were in Espace before state of decay. We know they were looking for Gallifrey, but what if they were in Espace long before Full circle and their bodies were starting to adapt to a new environment. Once back in Nspace it reverted back.
@willadeefriesland5107 2 жыл бұрын
The inconsistency of the Space Titanic's destructive capabilities. With Alonso piloting it alone, there was no additional power boost that the Doctor was able to coax from the engines. That power boost, if not controlled, is the reason for the increase in destructive power. Alonso piloting alone didn't have sufficient ship's power to pull up, and so... smaller ka-boom! Easy Peasy.
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
Though the "boost" wasn't planned by Max Capricorn, who revealed, that his intentions were to destroy Earth by crashing the Titanic into it and then blame the disaster on the new owners, who overthrew him, ruining them in the process and yada yada. His plan was to destroy the whole planet and not just one city. So even without the Doctor's interference (and thus without any additional power boost from the engines), the Titanic was supposed to go big boom. Though I guess it's like with the real Titanic, it's about how the ship crashed, instead of how it was supposed to crash. With real Titanic, the iceberg reaped the ship's side doing more structural damage, than anticipated with a direct frontal collision. So in a similar way, if the Space Titanic crash landed unmanned, it would go big bada bum as Max expected, but with the efforts of midshipman Alonso at the helm, the crash was lessened by his heroic steering and only resulted in London's destruction.
@magnusb9783 2 жыл бұрын
The timeless Child and Chibnall’s run has entered the chat.
@shenandoahbell455 2 жыл бұрын
Since Torchwood / Sarah Jane all prevent various disasters in Turn Left it stands to reason that Astrid and Alfonso team-up and manage to heroically prevent the Titanic from crashing with its full force so the destruction is limited to just southeast England
@daver9819 2 жыл бұрын
Peter Capaldi's eyes and Tom Baker as the curator make no sense in Day of the Doctor! In the very next episode, Time of the Doctor 11 says that he has no more regenerations left! But... but... he just saw the eyebrows of his next regeneraton and had a chat with a future 'old favourite'!
@TheDarkVampire666 2 жыл бұрын
He forgot about those as they were a future incarnation maybe when he saw them he just figured he must get more regenerations some how
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
He didn't see the eyebrows, he most likely saw the whole 12th, even had a long chat with him to explain their plan, only we - the audience (and the War Council) see the eyebrows of Capaldi, because of the freshness of his reveal as the next Doctor. And well, it's Doctor Who, time is way complicated in the show. Sometimes it's quite streight line, sometimes it's not. How did 11 escape his own personal prison (the Pandorica) to get River's Vortex Manipulator in order to escape his own personal prison in the first place? Timey Wimey ... stuff.
@daver9819 2 жыл бұрын
@@Croftice1 All true but it takes me out of the moment and drama of it when something so obvious and recent like that happens
@rickydona919 2 жыл бұрын
nobody mentions the fact that if you photograph an angel and that photograph is being observed that reality would dictate that said angel from the photograph should be stuck in quantum lock because his/her photo is being observed which in turn makes said angel being observed, if I take a picture of myself and post it on every door on the planet, that would mean that I'm being observed by billions of people
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly don't think, that's how "the image of an Angel becomes an Angel itself" works. When you take a picture of a "statue", that is confirmed to be an Angel, that Angel isn't affected in any way by the photograph, the picture just becomes an Angel copy. So when you watch the photo, the original Angel can move as it wants, because you're basically watching a whole new Angel copy, not the original. How do you think the original Angel escaped the Byzantium ship? Not through pictures of itself, but because it was left alone, while Amy and co. were busy with the video of said Angel. Also when the Doctor was speaking with Angel Bob about Amy: The Doctor: "What? What is it, that she has in her eye?" Angel Bob: "Us. She has US in the eye", he didn't say "ME", implying, that it wasn't the original Angel (dubbed as Angel Bob) in her head, it was an Angel copy. When the crack sucked all the Angels, including Angel Bob, who implanted a copy into Amy's head, the copy was erased as well, not because it was connected to Bob, but because what the crack swallows is erased from all existence, like it never happened. That's how the Doctor described the crack. So Angel Bob couldn't implant a copy into Amy's head, when he never existed in the first place. In other words Timey Wimey stuff.
@sanddagger36 2 жыл бұрын
I have always hated the angels take Manhattan. I think that the angels found a way to turn statues into angels but then it got undone when Rory/Amy created a time paradox by jumping and dying. However, this still begs the question as to why they can turn statues into angels? Maybe if they carve them to look like angels they are then in the image of an angel and therefor are now an angel. Finally, this creates another problem because Rory gets touched twice by the angels and does not disintegrate like shown in the Flux. The least the writers could have done was re-watch the old angel episodes and not create more inconsistencies. While most inconsistencies can be forgiven, the fact that the angels have been messed up since their very second appearance (Making them remain stone when moving and only turn to stone because they think Amy can see her despite it clearly being established earlier that it was part of their biology to freeze and not something they chose to do.) How exactly does someone forget to re-watch the only other episode starring angels when writing their only second appearance to make sure they do not make mistakes?
@WhiskeyBrewer 2 жыл бұрын
I assume that its because it was "Baby" Angels that touched Rory the first time, so the effect wasn't as strong. But I get what you mean
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
In Flux (The Willage of the Angels), they create their own rules, for example an Angel touches the psychic woman (forgot her name, Claire, maybe?) for quite too long to speak through her. Clearly the Angel chose willingly to not disintegrate her (for a purpose, but doesn't matter), so their touch can work differently each time, it depends on the specific Angel, what it needs the touch do.
@Blaklighte Жыл бұрын
While I agree with your last two paragraphs, I'll add that being touched by an angel twice probably only disintegrates you if it happens within the same time stream. Rory was touched by the cherub angels first, but then he and Amy paradoxed that event out of existence. It never happened. So when he's sent back in time from the graveyard, it is (once again) the first and only time he is touched by an angel.
@sanddagger36 Жыл бұрын
@@Blaklighte i was meaning the people in the home who were "being repeatedly zapped backwards "
@Blaklighte Жыл бұрын
@@sanddagger36 Oh. I don't remember that. You only mentioned Rory so I thought that's all we were focused on. That does sound like an inconsistency then. I like the Village of Angels, but I thought the episode was hinting that there was a village in which angels were present every 60 years or so, and so the entire village was being continuously harvested, sending people back thousands and thousands of years in rapid, 60 year chunks as the angels sent people back, and back, and back, and back, and back again. THAT would've been cool. Alas, that's not what happened. And as per the current lore, that CAN'T happen. Shame.
@jollymaker3935 2 жыл бұрын
I just have a question. During the 10th doctor arc, the master dies almost immediately from a bullet in his chest (which wasn't in a letal position by the way but sonic screw that). Well...later, in the 12th doctor's arc, it's said that time lords take A LOT of time to die, and that's why the doctor was able to clone himself. Now...how is it possible that the doctor believes in the master's decease so soon? And why does he die so soon?! It just drives me crazy
@michaelmaguire4147 3 ай бұрын
1:30 It seems pretty obvious to me that the intention was to imply that he teleported in, grabbed her, and hit the button to teleport out fast enough as to not get pulled in. It's a bit of "sometimes time in a movie/show isn't meant to be taken literally" logic usually more used in anime fight scenes, but I think it works.
@crazycrab9467 2 жыл бұрын
With the first doctor having one heart. He was knocked out. Ian could heard a slowed down double heart beat and mistaken it for a regular paced singal heart beat. The 4th doctor having blue blood could be a quirk of his particular regeneration.
@Ollie_1022. 2 жыл бұрын
I personally think miracle day wasn’t referenced in doctor who and the Sarah Jane adventures was because of how graphic and violent it was and The writers possibly didn’t want young viewers from Sarah Jane or doctor who seeing it due to its gory material but idk that’s what I think 🤔
@MrWr4ith 8 ай бұрын
The sonic in my opinion makes perfect sense in the context of the show. The doctor tinkers all day every day. Three in particular invented a ton on earth alone, and 11 even made antigrav tech for a wooden train in time of the doctor. The sonic being upgraded as time goes on by a timelord genius in a ship that can literally grow machine parts is the thing on this list that makes the most sense.
@mikey102ish 2 жыл бұрын
With the new addition of the timeless child lore, this can (imperfectly) explain why the first doctor has 1 heart. If they used the chameleon arch to wipe their memory, and (for some reason, perhaps to give the cover more layers) give them human biology, they would only have 1 heart, but when they regenerated for the first time, which is an inescapably piece of their biology, it would reset to the default binary vascular system. Just my own personal explanation tho
@TechBearSeattle 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, though, the set of "things that DO make sense in Doctor Who" is quite small.
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
Very true.
@hopefulaardvark 2 жыл бұрын
On Number 4, I always thought that she (the angel) just made herself look like the Statue of Liberty and takes her place temporarily. So when they paradox the angels away, she was never replaced therefore, not the image of an angel
@jay_Roe 2 жыл бұрын
I can explain every point away... Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, simple isn't it
@butterflyqueenuk 2 жыл бұрын
#7. Miracle Day. Nobody mentions the 456 either.
@audreymoyers9350 2 жыл бұрын
Plot holes only count within episodes. We cannot hold Doctor Who to high continuity standards when the mythos is being created as it airs, like Star Wars.
@sarahglover3286 2 жыл бұрын
Am I the only person who found another issue with Amys speech in Day of the Moon. Just before the TARDIS arrives she argues with a Silence about the fact she's only just arrived and it says she been there days, showing she doesn't remember anything since her kidnap, so when Rory asks her about that later how does she know what he's talking about!?
@ThePeter444 2 жыл бұрын
I have mostly just dismissed the Ststue of Liberty Scene in Angels take Manhattan as a gag.
@DNulrammah 2 жыл бұрын
.. There was a scene in a Tom Baker episode (I cannot remember which one), where he was locked in a room, and he was trying to unlock the door with his trusty sonic screwdriver, but was unable. he looked at the camera, and said (something like) "Even the Sonic screwdriver can't get me out of this one!" (LOL) I am surprised that you did NOT use the clip, or even mentioned it. It might of been one of the episode worked on by the late Douglas Adams (YES, THAT Douglas Adams - He also wrote for Monty Python's Flying Circus).
@doubletrouble2022 2 жыл бұрын
You're wrong about "The Angels Take Manhattan". They do state in the beginning that the angels are *taking over* every statue. It doesn't elaborate on how they do this but it implies the Statue of Liberty is not a true angel, only a vessel they are using in their dinner plans during that time. The rest of the video was awesome lol. Nice job!
@timelordgeek16 2 жыл бұрын
In terms of the second Heart, Ian would not have known to look for it. And quite rightly so it wasn’t written in until Spearhead. It’s obviously someone they wrote in to show that the Doctor was not human for definite
@sarahglover3286 2 жыл бұрын
Rose's clamp didn't fail, she let go of it to fix the lever. I always assumed Pete was just fast, if he'd stayed any longer they would have both been sucked into the void! The better question is how did he arrive at the right second in the right place?
@carisrandomchannel5101 2 жыл бұрын
@RaggedyDoctor11 2 жыл бұрын
@LibertyBridgeProductions 2 жыл бұрын
@@RaggedyDoctor11 swear u r in every doctor who comment section.
@RaggedyDoctor11 2 жыл бұрын
@@LibertyBridgeProductions Just travelling back through my own time stream, don’t mind me!
@thedelta4258 2 жыл бұрын
TBH I have trouble understanding most of Series 12 & 13, especially since Chibnall took 50 years worth of history, from a real world point of view, and effectively threw it out a window. Still, he brought back the Master, which is a plus.
@abundantabsurdity7085 Жыл бұрын
I think an honorable mention goes to the "I don't know where I am" wifi first Clara episode in which the reporter talks to the doctor through the TV. Not only single other human saw that?
@matthewrowlett1564 2 жыл бұрын
The sonic screwdriver is not nonsensical... Each regeneration UPGRADES IT. Adding new features and changing it's look... Makes sense to me.
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
It absolutely is nonsensical. But I still love it!
@Croftice1 2 жыл бұрын
It still doesn't do wood though.
@Dunebat 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the antimatter cloud in The Flux: wouldn't the nigh-invisible space dust that fills EVERY INCH OF OUTER SPACE be enough to stop the antimatter cloud before it ever hit a planet?
@Alexjk425 2 жыл бұрын
the image of an angel becomes an angel thing makes sense. it explains that when Sally gives the doctor the photos of the angels, that is what causes the Doctor and Martha to be sent back in time by the angels which came out of the photos.
@vivanecrosis 2 жыл бұрын
The Statue of Liberty angel could be a localised affect only. It wasn’t an actual angel but more like a thought of one or a hallucination. You could say because it was large that all it could do was look scary. This could be a way for the angels to confuse their prey.
@14possumsinatrenchcoat 8 ай бұрын
I personally think the simplest answer to the one heart thing is that ian didnt check his other heart, not knowing it existed
@deker0954 2 жыл бұрын
Turns out that the Doctor recruited the Vashta Nerada to keep an eye on all the Angels, statuary and also photographic, sometime after the events in Blink. Any problems after that are simply inaccurate story telling.
@blobdalek9632 2 жыл бұрын
What about the Tardis once having no problem with disappearing on one planet and materializing somewhere else, while for example Jodie Whittaker talking about how long time they have left to travel?
@Morphstock 2 жыл бұрын
Chibnall is busy taking notes so that he can write more story arcs to resolve all these issues. Big Finish meanwhile are planning a whole range of dramas based on The Doctor's day wandering around Colchester.
@jaschul 2 жыл бұрын
Watch for the "Stranded" crossover -- 8th and 11th Doctors meet! (Which I'd probably enjoy.)
@isbey 2 жыл бұрын
In season 7 episode 6, the bells of Saint John, Clara’s first official episode, at the the end it’s revealed that all of the employees at the company have been under the control of the great intelligence. When it leaves them, they have no memory of working there and have been there for years, one of them from even when she was a small child. However, earlier in the episode, Clara is able to find the location of their building by taking pictures of the employees with their webcams and finding them on social media and seeing where they work. If they were drones of the great intelligence, why would they use social media? If they continued to have social lives, why wouldn’t anyone has noticed how they’ve changed?
@noreason6 Жыл бұрын
because they were still humans and the great intelligence “loves” humanity so they had free will (knowingly) thinking they were the same as any other working stiff who had normal lives despite knowing they controlled wifi
@JonoVGC 2 жыл бұрын
I think with the titanic one it can be explained that the tricksters brigade are able to change some things as seen in Sarah Jane adventures so they changed how the titanic worked so that it wouldn’t destroy earth because they needed earth in tact for the reality bomb
@igorschmidlapp6987 11 ай бұрын
The Sonic Screwdriver is the Doctor's Leatherman multi-tool.... ;-P
@LibertyBridgeProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Can just head canon miracle day to happening in a 2011 before the universe is rebooted. We don’t even see what that year would’ve looked like anyway so it’s plenty possible.
@pineforest1442 2 жыл бұрын
In the angels take Manhattan episode, there’s no way the Statue of Liberty will be moving except in postcards and whatnot, because it is constantly being viewed 24/7.
@MirlitronOne Жыл бұрын
Having been born and raised in Essex, I can assure you that there is nothing in Colchester to occupy anyone for an entire day (but it's better than Chelmsford). The reason why "Miracle Day" isn't mentioned in Dr Who is because the final series of Torchwood was utter crap.
@Kuyjac258 2 жыл бұрын
Number 1 should have been: what the hell were the costume department thinking in Vengeance of Varos and why the hell did JNT allow it to go through. Seriously Sil’s costume? They couldn’t have come up with anything better than a giant turd?
@eastenders4k 10 ай бұрын
The fortune teller who changed Donna's fate from meeting the doctor by making her turn left instead of right. what i struggle to comprehend is why would the fortune teller want to kill off the entire universe with herself in the process...
@BOTHthosearetaken 2 жыл бұрын
The sonic screwdriver was designed by an immortal space wizard. It obviously has to be better than just a brand new smart phone duct taped to a top of the line multitool. It's not RTD's fault reality moved the goal posts on what constitutes sufficiently advanced "magic." I just assume The Doctor rejiggers it between episodes to give it new and better uses. Everybody needs a hobby.
@lycos94 2 жыл бұрын
3:42 ''my life was so boring until you just dropped out of the sky'' even tho it is shown later that amy and rory basically grew up together
@julianaylor4351 2 жыл бұрын
What you need to remember that a lot of the Who world time lines are altered, repeatedly after the Time Lords, seem to have vanished, especially by the eleventh Doctor.
@RayRemillard 2 жыл бұрын
You ask are there any other moments that make no sense that you may have overlooked? I suggest the entire Jodie Whittaker doctor arc makes no sense and has attempted to Retcon the entire shuttle into oblivion. And it may well have succeeded.
@rms.ziggler7344 2 жыл бұрын
The doctors heart Are we forgetting that Ian the guy who says his heart is a human and couldn’t possibly know he has 2 hearts and he only checks where the human heart is so no time lords have two hearts since beginning.
@ShaneJMcEntee 2 жыл бұрын
Don't even bother trying to explain Flux. It makes no sense. Kill it with matter even though it was capable of consuming all matter in the Universe (since that was it'd goal)?!
@leejohnstone894 2 жыл бұрын
The show's format doesn't make any sense. The Doctor is meant to travel throughout time and space but doesn't. The Doctor just travels throughout earth's history and that's not traveling throughout time and space
@medo5417 2 жыл бұрын
🎶Who don't talk about Torchwood no, no, no 🎶
@sherryrobinson3945 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I would look at the doctor who programmed just a few minutes ago they was talking about Rose Tyler and her father from a different dimension saving her life when they showed it and they showed her putting down those clamps you know when the in the void and the board was you know push you know dragging her through it okay when her father from a different dimension graft or that moment when he came through and he grabbed her he had to hit the button again to leave her hair wasn't moving so I took for granted when they showed it that way and she looked back at the doctor and Pete had really wasn't moving either I took it as being not a force field and you think of before it's still but it's like being out in the rain and you went you have an umbrella it's just that much coverage over you to get you out of the rain even though you may get wet a little bit cuz her hair was still blowing and his was too but not like it was in the beginning when it started I don't know if that answers the question or not but if you look back on the tape you may see it too thank you.
@davidioanhedges 2 жыл бұрын
Ian Chesterton a high school science teacher using no stethoscope diagnosed the 1st Doctor as "His heart seems all right, and his breathing's quite regular" ... not exactly conclusive that he only has one heart ...
@shaunhourston-wells458 Жыл бұрын
I love you dearly, Ellie, but it's "alternative", not "alternate" - we're not Americans! Alternate is what indicators do on a car!😁
@adrianhjordan1981 2 жыл бұрын
The Titanic thing is easy to explain. Rule number 1: The Doctor Lies. Or in this case exaggerates (or was just plain wrong).
@Mark_E_M Жыл бұрын
01:12 Rose's magnetic clamp didn't fail. She let go of it to pull the lever.
@Kicia84 Жыл бұрын
Turn Left gets even worse when you remember the Pyrovilles. If the Doctor and Donna don't travel to Pompeii, Volcano Day doesn't happen and the Pyrovilles could take over humanity. Yeah.
@FalloutJack 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, time to educate you. Let the lesson begin. {1} Pete Tyler was there for all of two seconds, his dimension-crosser having freshly deposited him in there to catch Rose, and then leave again. If we're comparing this to a man materializing in mid-air before taking a big fall, it wouldn't be *absolutely immediately* The inertia would take a second to get situated. He wasn't there long enough to be potentially drawn in, and never planned to stick around, so it was fine. It may even have been fine if he was drawn in, because unlike the Daleks or the Cybermen, he had the one device that was keyed for universe-hopping, and they didn't. For the last few seconds that the void was open, he could've also escaped. It's literally a push-button device, no biggie. {2} The in-universe explanation is that there hasn't been one given, but that's not to say it makes NO sense. Something happened to it, OR - as some believe - the first body starts with only one. Even if they don't do that, the first Doctor was always fragile by nature. He copes with only one, but he probably had two. Lacking a given answer doesn't mean it makes no sense. It means that you can't imagine that - Oh no! - he might've lost one! Or Ian missed the other heart. Or the Doctor's years in the junkyard had him using a device to mask the extra heart. All things are possible. {3} I mean, if you can't imagine that Rory fell out of a tree or something during their youth, or even that it's metaphorical for someone appearing out of the blue and making a surprising impact, then that's sort of a 'you' problem. I, on the other hand, needed all of three seconds to come up with 'Rory fell out of a tree when he met Amy', because that's such a Rory thing to happen to him. Let's not get bogged down, shall we? {4} Asking for half a year to be mentioned in a time travel series. Hmmm... Already stretching it a bit, but I'll add you one further. Nobody likes getting involved in Torchwood themes, and no, the Doctor would not be immortal from Miracle Day, assuming those were genuinely coinciding dates and not like you comparing episode launch dates. Still, you think Sarah Jane wants to gloss over the horrors of people not dying, even messily, with her group of young assistants? I think not. Do you think the Doctor is going to be around, then? No. He *avoids* times when humanity is acting less-than-decent with itself. Can't stand it. Equally, Rory and Amy would definitely not want to bring it up because of how bad it really was. The REAL question with this one was how it all happened to come together. Spilling all of Jack Harkness' blood through the 'heart of the planet' so that every human's bio-electric field acts a bit like his? You know the core of the planet is a flooded Racnoss ship, right? {5} Yes, he DID muck about. He was having to figure out why the TARDIS vanished, where the reason it happened was, how he could remain in contact with Amy even while in this place, what he could use on Earth to aid him in this endeavour, a few tips for becoming a lodger from Amy, and also he had to get the money from somewhere if he didn't have it. All of this, and general 'Oh deary me, what has become of my TARDIS?' fretting in one day, certainly. I don't see a problem here. {6} So, you find out that this was a mistake, a disagreement, and a scrap that they tried to undo as much as possible, but you still think it makes no sense. Well, as it was effectively undone - Tom Baker notwithstanding - it doesn't really exist. It was never a thing, in reality, so it doesn't bear being mentioned for the sake of scrutiny. {7} Oh, for god's sakes... They only exist in the times where they are ready to move, which is when you are not looking. If they are not 'there' in the statue, making it BE them, they are just statues. The Statue of Liberty was only a Weeping Angel at certain times, and it came about when and *because* they had developed a system for taking over Manhattan. They were organized, manipulating people into position, and had amassed enough energy to bring about a big one. BUT...they did not want to create a massive hole in time by trying to take on a whole 'nother planet. They tried that once, you know the results, both on the taking of a planet and of opening a hole in time. They're CAREFUL now. You forget that they were emergent metaphorical creatures from the imagination. Even in Blink, their existence is defined as very abstract, a point of view with a mind of its own. You're not using you're imagination, and that's why you can't imagine that the situation would unfold exactly as it did, because they wanted it to. {8} I think you missed the part where the Doctor either updates the screwdriver himself or literally gets a new one, sometimes from the TARDIS. He's an inventor, for crying out loud! (Sorry, I have to skip the Flux because I have not seen that plot yet.) {9} Oh, that's easy. Big shocker: The Doctor was being overly-dramatic, so nobody would trivalize that it would've only done SOME damage.
@thegeekyskunkgamer 11 ай бұрын
The second heart thing is easy... Ian didn't know he had two hearts so he only checked one.
@darkshotmk3 2 жыл бұрын
The one heart thing could be explained away as him checking where the doctors heart would be assuming he is human not realising he has two
@InWhoseOpinion 2 жыл бұрын
Captain Orson Pink, billed as Clara and Danny's descendant. Danny died before the couble had a child.
@CaptainCushty 2 жыл бұрын
While explaining how powerful the Statue of Liberty should've been, you simultaneously answered your own question as to why it never took over the planet, as we all know angels can't move as long as they're being watched... with all of the postcards, posters and the genuine article, who isn't looking at the Statue of Liberty? It's unlikely that literally nobody would be looking at the Statue of Liberty long enough for it to take over the world
@MystM 2 жыл бұрын
But the image of an angel becomes an angel, so all those postcards, posters of the statue of liberty should come to life, right?
@CaptainCushty 2 жыл бұрын
@@MystM That's as may be but the Statue of Liberty itself should stay exactly where it is, I think it was an unwise decision to make the angels that powerful because they've essentially won whenever they appear anywhere
@tracyroweauthor 2 жыл бұрын
which begs the question How can the Statue of Liberty just casually stroll off her pedastal, wade across the river and walk through Manhattan with NOBODY NOTICING? NYC is literally the city that never sleeps, so there would be people everywhere no matter what time of day or night it was. This is simply not possible.
@CaptainCushty 2 жыл бұрын
@@tracyroweauthor exactly!
@danthemeegs8751 2 жыл бұрын
You seriously think that out of the MILLIONS of pieces of Liberty merch around the world, ALL of them are being observed 24/7? What about when shops close at night, or people leave their houses?
@joseignacioreallozano348 2 жыл бұрын
Am i the only one who realizes that thr angels simulations in thd hotel episode would be eventually becoming real angels?
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