10 Things That NEED to CHANGE in FFXIV | Dawntrail Wishlist

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Ember's Arcade

Ember's Arcade

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@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I may have misspoken about “In From the Cold”-it appears that the easier difficulties of the quest were made easier, but the quest itself wasn’t nerfed. You’re all still babies, though.
@ShikiRyougi05 9 ай бұрын
Oh god, and i thought i was a bitch for struggling with it even tho it was nerfed xD. Good to know i experienced the _t r u e_ version
@DarkDyllon 9 ай бұрын
i loved the in from the cold quest, kinda sad the whole "body snatching" thing wasn't explored more, since it was just "look at what I can do!" and then never used again. I loved that I had to struggle and sneak through the dangerous area's, that I can't just pull a single mob and kill it and repeat till the instance is done, for once we were weak and ordinairy again, wish the game did this more often, an actually hard encounter in the MSQ, but as you said, people bitch and moan as soon as they have to use their singular braincell for anything.
@Star-Gazor 9 ай бұрын
​​@@DarkDyllon from what I've heard, Ishikawa wanted to split Endwalker up into 3 whole expansions, because it's such an event packed story, that putting it into a single expansion would need a lot of compressing and glossing over things that should shoukd be taken slow and seriously... And they didn't let them do it in three expansions, since it's supposed to be the be all-end all expansion for the first arch of the story... And ngl.. I wish we got it in 3 expansions.. While I enjoyed EW, it felt rushed, and the pacing was really uncomfortable imo.. And the story in the EW patches are even worse than ARR imo. At least ARR built up to a massive and grand story.. EW patches just took me through a no-stakes, painfully predictable boring story, leading up to the worst finale in the whole game... Shame on them for making such a dog water story. They could've done so much better..
@aiahri 9 ай бұрын
the only kind of point i disagree with is #2, 14 was always marketed as a MMO second and a Final Fantasy (story game) first. i do agree it needs to be updated and most definitely changed/altered to fit the same quality as the newest expansion.
@vincentbeton 9 ай бұрын
I would argue the worst part about that Quest wasn't just that it was surprisingly hard, but that it involved a ton of trial and heavily punished error if you got no clue on what to look for and how the enemies work. That Solo Duty with Thancred earlier is also untypical, but it is way easier to understand what you are supposed to do and how it all works
@AzureRoxe 9 ай бұрын
I really think it's about damn time they make Rogue a selectable class on the character creator instead of forcing you to pick something else, level to 10 and THEN switch to Rogue.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I can’t believe I forgot about this one.
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
This is a good idea. Long overdue.
@anjoumaaka 9 ай бұрын
1. Half of these wishlist items are completely unrealistic with how the game is designed. 2. I agree about the gearing, but disagree about how to fix it. The reason it is abysmal is because the loot from savage is handed out via RNG, and is limited to where not everyone in the raid can have a piece of loot. The easy fix would be to make the loot personal, while reducing it to 1 coffer of player choice + 1 upgrade juice. The infrastructure for personal loot already exists in the game via Baldesion Arsenal and Bozja/Zadnor, so it would be easy for SE to make this change. The tome cap shouldn't be completely gone, but it should definitely be increased to at least 750/week. This would drastically reduce the grind. We need this first before asking them to make the loot role-based. 3. Healers have been simplified this way because the players asked for it to be that way, and because the players that like it that way far outnumber the players that want it to be more complex again, you will never get a community consensus for it. I personally think wanting it to be more complex is just ungrateful. Astrologian is the most complex of the healers right now and I rarely ever see someone actually be able to play it correctly. It is so rare that I have only seen it twice in the past 2 years of savage. Please stop asking for this. You are asking for savage to take even longer in party finder if you do. I do not want another week where it takes 6 days to get my reclear of the 2nd fight of the tier. You, and everyone on board with that, clearly doesn't respect peoples' time in this game, or even have that in mind when making this request of Square Enix.
@msyr7703 9 ай бұрын
Completely disagree with your healer take. By your logic, having more complex jobs means “wasting others time” cause bad players choose to play those jobs, and inevitably perform poorly (might as well just remove BLM then lol). The actual issue here is picking bad/inexperienced players for reclears and then complaining that they’re bad, not jobs with higher skill ceiling existing. Healers in ffxiv are fundamentally flawed game design wise imo, you spend 99% your time spamming your ST button while maintaining your dot, avoiding the use of gcd heals at all costs (unless you’re a WHM). You’re basically a neutered green dps with 4 ish buttons that do damage, and some ogcds to keep the party alive. Spamming the same spell for 10 minutes isn’t exactly my definition of good design. Imo they need to either give healers a more diverse (no, not necessarily more difficult) dps kit, or design encounters around healers actually needing to heal. I’d prefer the first option, but knowing the community, people will complain no matter what SE does, whether that be having to focus more on dps, having to actually use gcd heals or them not changing anything at all. Tbh, as long as they stop homogenizing every damn job I’ll be happy, not everyone needs to like the gameplay of every job.
@anjoumaaka 9 ай бұрын
@@msyr7703 Yeah, I suppose I'm somehow expected to magically be able to telepathically find out how good a rando that joins my pf is at the game, or that half the people in a pf that I join are just bad at the game. You have your expectations way to high to have come up with that much of a hot take out of what I said about healers. Square Enix said it themselves that the players asked for the jobs to be simplified. You are correct that they can't satisfy everyone, but it is far more profitable for them to keep the majority satisfied instead of the top 1% who want to complain about a game they are too good at because of having 16 hours a day poured into it. If it's too easy for you, then you don't know how good you have it. Perhaps you never played Star Trek Online or Runescape, games that are so braindead as far as their activities for players go that you might actually get more entertainment out of watching paint dry. We can all agree FFXIV is far more entertaining than that as is. What you should really complain about is the learning curve, because there isn't one. Most players stick to normal content, so yeah, of course it's boring and too easy. You don't even need a healer to clear that stuff. You just bring a warrior tank and 3-7 dps. The game needs something that bridges the gap between normal content and extreme trials. Midcore content that prepares you for the next step. I can tell your comment is from the viewpoint of never doing anything harder than MAYBE Urth's Font, synced, but wanting something more challenging to do with your precious healing job. I have separated what I want for the game, from what would be healthy for the game, before making my points. I'm sorry, but it is far too successful and integrated to be the way it is for Square Enix to just pull a 180 and undo what they did to healers in Shadowbringers. It is an unrealistic request, and much too late to be making it.
@msyr7703 9 ай бұрын
@anjoumaaka Idk man, I see a LOT more people complaining about EW AST than people who go "omg I love the EW changes", and the general player consensus seems to be that people think healers are getting too homogenous. And ofc you can't magically know if a player is bad in PF, but you can always leave groups that aren't performing as they should, or kick an obviously hopeless player. You're talking as if you're stuck with the group you create/join, or perhaps PF is simply unreliable when it comes to skill and you get bad players (no shit sherlock). People being bad players isn't the games fault, and doesnt mean the job needs to change for them... Not every job has to be equal in terms of difficulty either, like goddamn, if you can't play AST in savage, go WHM or SGE. I'm not a healer main in ff, nor a hardcore player, but I do the ex on patch day and sync old savages with my FC. When I do heal, it quickly gets extremely boring, cause yea, spamming one button while waiting for the occasional mechanics. Can't cater healers only to ultimate or super casual players who might prefer easy playstyles, as that leaves out a large portion of the playerbase. Have you tried healing in other MMOs? The FF kit is similar to other MMOs, where you have few dps options and a variety of healing options cause you need to heal nearly constantly, except you don't actually do that in ff... you spam your boring ass glare or whatever. The problem isn't healing being too difficult or easy, it's that the kit they have is repetitive and tedious for what they have to do... which is DPSing with the occasional heal tossed out, when the kit implies the opposite.
@anjoumaaka 9 ай бұрын
@@msyr7703 I am not talking like I don't have the option to leave parties, I just didn't think I needed to state such obvious common sense knowledge in a discussion about peoples' wishlist for the next expansion. As for your way of playing the game, it means you are not doing savage content while it's current, so you have echo making it easier than it was at release. I have tried healing in other MMOs. It is far more stressful and receives far more toxicity than it does in FFXIV because of being the complete opposite end of the spectrum where you spend too much of your focus on healing and then the group has to look at you when they can't meet the dps check because you couldn't throw out the miniscule 500 dps that would have made the difference. As I said before, I am separating what I want for the game from what would be healthy for it going forward, and I'm sorry, but healers don't need to get harder. At the same time, I don't think they should get easier either. If you were to play the current savage tier, you might come to realize that you do a hell of a lot more healing than just "occasionally." And with p10s as a perfect example of this, if your co-healer is actually glare maging the way you claim they are designed to be, then you are definitely going to spend the majority of your time healing throughout the fight. I am sorry but I have seen wipes caused by the regen healer trying to force the shield healer to cover everything because they are so worried about their parse that they refuse to use a GCD heal. For context, Medica II and Aspected Helios are both worth 2.5 casts of Succor from Scholar, so when you see the shield healer out of MP during a savage clear while the pure healer is sitting near full, that's why. It also leads to the shield healer being unable to dps because they are constantly out of MP for the 2nd half of the fight. And p10s is not the only example of this that I have seen. I saw it a lot last tier as well. This claim that healing is too easy is entirely based on the story content in the game. Story content is fine. But the jobs themselves are also mostly fine. The bigger problem is that there is no step between story content and extreme trials to help people learn and get better at the game. This claim about the jobs being boring also does not take into account that the majority of the players that play FFXIV only hop on for the story and then move on to other games. If they were to increase the difficulty the way you are suggesting, the story content would be unclearable at launch for most players. You already invalidated your opinion by confirming what I already said about the way you play the game. If you are not at least doing savage raids on release, then you do not need to be making an opinion about the state of healing in FFXIV, because you are missing the most important and relevant application of the role. Would I personally like healing in dungeons to be more interactive? Sure, it would make it more fun. But why would I worry about the state of healing in content that most players do once and then quit the game until the next content release? There's no reason to be worried about that portion of the game. I can get behind endgame dungeons having a difficulty slider, but I cannot get behind increasing the difficulty for story content, especially when they seem to have already done a great job of improving it for Endwalker. Is it still easy? Yes. Unfortunately you have these people, who bought story skips, and only ever saw the Endwalker dungeons, only play one job, and never see how the difficulty in the story content ramps up from the beginning to the end of the game. It could be better, but there is at least a small learning curve. I can't be the only one who dreads playing dark knight because it is the only tank job in the game that doesn't have any self-healing and is reliant on the healer doing their part. If there was more learning curve to the content so that more than just the self-healing cooldowns were needed on the other tanks, then perhaps we wouldn't have healers that fail at healing because they expect exactly what you've described to be the way they usually end up getting played. The thing to ask Square Enix for is optional content that improves the learning curve. Improving the hall of the novice and adding a hall of the master would be great. I can't get behind anything guildhest related as most of the mechanics currently taught in guildhests are literally 1.0 mechanics that no longer exist anywhere else in the game. It is a relic of 1.0 that needs to be removed entirely.
@msyr7703 9 ай бұрын
@anjoumaaka I completely agree that there's a lack of midcore content. Normal content is like a 2/10 on difficulty, then ex trials are a 6 and savage ranges between 7/9. That's a difficulty spike, not a curve. I'd really like some sort of content that's between ex and savage (which isnt old unsyched savage that is). Hall of the novice and guildhests need a serious revamp/removal, but I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon. I still stand by that healers need a more interactive dps kit. I've started playing FF as SMN in SHB, and mained it for parts of EW. It's by far the most brain dead and easy job in the game along with DNC. Still, I enjoy those jobs, its not like i wish for a gruelling and intese rotation for every job, and when i wanna play something more engaging, i have that option as a dps or tank. But if I wanna play a healer that has a bit more going on than one button for 7 mins, I'm out of luck (besides AST, which feels clunky atm). And dont try to tell me it's cause i don't do savage day one. Just look at ANY ff log, all the way from the first clears to the completely fresh ones, and you'll see that they barely use gcd healing spells. The random sage whose TOP runs i checked cast dosis over 10x more often than eukrasian prognosis, which is the most used healing gcd by far, and even then it gets used like twice a min at most... the other ogcd heals/dps casts get used like once or twice every minute. I just wish the healers dps kit didn't feel identical to each other. I don't think you need to make it more difficult per se, but something more than the same 3 spells with different confetti for each job would be nice. SCH could be more dot based, AST more time based (earthly star kind of stuff) and SGE/WHM could have their dps more tied to healing or reverse, I'm just tossing out ideas. Healers don't really need to be more difficult, if shit hits the fan as a healer it's by far the most stressful job, but they sure as hell should be more varied and distinct from each other imo.
@thattallmexican6900 9 ай бұрын
Into the Cold is hands down the best solo duty they've ever made. I didnt realize they nerfed it so thats kinda lame but I did it at release and it wasn't even that bad? I like your idea with having raid gear lockouts for different roles. Good players who like different jobs will be rewarded for playing the game and it'll also encourage 1 job peeps to try new roles. Really hoping they make some changes for Dawntrail
@Inukipachuki 9 ай бұрын
“Into the Cold” normal version was not nerfed. They just added easy and very easy versions if you fail the normal difficulty version at start for people.
@thattallmexican6900 9 ай бұрын
@Inukipachuki Nice! That's good to hear:D
@Yunikurururu 9 ай бұрын
For me, the most needed change is the separation of raids (savage, ex,ulti) from MSQ. Let MSQ be that chill visual novel, but don't force players interested in raids to do it. It's like forcing a shooting fan to play a farming simulator so they can keep playing their favorite mode.
@ThisIsAigle 9 ай бұрын
My issue with healers here is their kit is designed like the healer kit in every other MMO. Lots of ways to heal, a couple ways to do damage. but Final Fantasy's fights aren't built around that kit. Other MMOs healing is an engaging role requiring regular, and in some fights, constant, maintenance of the party health. Chip damage exists. Failing a mechanic as anything other than a tank doesn't equal dead, or at best the boss's next sneeze kills. FF has two damage modes. Dodge or die, and raid wide that all but kills. And that created a healing economy where healers have no reason to heal until they have to. There's no small patchwork requirement. Rather than lean into a deeper damage rotation, lean away from the damage design to better increase the requirement to heal. Then you can see changes to the healers that further delineates them from others. A change to a more traditional incoming damage system like other MMOs could, in the example of sage have Kardia go away, and damage converts to party wide chip healing, with big CDs for those big damage moments, while at the same time, making their barrier upkeep more important because their is consistent damage always rolling out versus 'oh big tank buster coming, time for a shield'.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more.
@Uneventfulyou 9 ай бұрын
Some of the things you say make sense. Like gear buffs. One thing i always see is that the developers don’t mind if people take a break from the game. I have been playing since heavensward (back when SMN Earth egi was a tank)and i also played WoW since burning crusade. I think we need to accept that these are two games made by different companies that have a different philosophy and understand that FF14 is made by Japanese Company and the gaming philosophy is so different.
@ZalrokChaos1 9 ай бұрын
Into the Cold was stressful due to the time limit, but I thought it was good. Also another thing they need to change is Double the Total of all Tomestone caps. Make it 4000.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t be against that.
@davidbernardino8109 9 ай бұрын
Never going to happen
@MrMelikesongs 9 ай бұрын
Oh man, I viciously agree with all of these especially with how the MSQ needs more gameplay
@viridianloom 3 ай бұрын
Shout out to Realm Reborn scholars who remember that the class used to be a Warlock with a fairy that did all the healing for you. That was when it was a true "Green DPS." Scholar used to have 3 dots (Bio, Bio2, and Aero from what I recall), which could be spread to all enemies with Bane, as well as Shadow Flare which is like Ninja's Doton. You spent a majority of your time reapplying and managing your DoTs while also weaving in your heals to keep the party alive. You felt more like a DPS with the added responsibility of keeping the team going, rather than a baby sitter waiting for something to happen. Honestly, what they've done to the jobs in the game fucking sucks. A lot of jobs are losing their identity, further exemplified by Pictomancer basically being a better Black Mage.
@rossker123 9 ай бұрын
Really I think the solution for people who just wanna raid is just a new, optional starting point that would get you to current content significantly faster. Let people pick whether their priority is enjoying the entire story, or if they want to get to current content asap. Folks who like the "visual novel" aspect of the game don't necessarily want to be forced into a series of lengthy tutorials on how to git gud. I initially got into the game just for the story- I since became a stinky raider, but had I been forced to approach the game from a raiding mindset when that is not what I had come for, I would have fallen off a lot more quickly.
@GTheepicguy 9 ай бұрын
As someone who is new to MMORPG’s, I would really like if MSQ content was more difficult so that I could actually learn how to play properly while doing the story. A lot of the content is so easy I can barely even try to practice
@ShikiRyougi05 9 ай бұрын
Yup, i tried to make it harder for myself by actually learning how to perfectly play dragoon during the msq.
@dragonlflyjnr 9 ай бұрын
the moment they nerfed 'into the cold' they took away the purpose of that part of the story, though it was still a 1 shot clear, the struggle to do it was really fun it made you realise what you are without your WoL. dungeons should be harder when you are not playing with trusts and alliance raids should not be locked if the gear is crap, either remove the ilvl and stats or make it raid equivalent and have the ally raids go back to Ivalice pre nerf, i miss those raids.
@SupremeLoui 9 ай бұрын
Great video! I agree with every point you made and I can't wait until Dawntrails comes out. I will come back to this video later and say ember you were right because I don't see square enix stopping making the game text heavy.
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
You want a game that is known for being story focused first to stop being story focused first? That's a realistic expectation how?
@Diddz 9 ай бұрын
it would be funny as a troll move for there to be story only mode and plotwatchers get to read the story, but have to play bejeweled every 20 minutes to "prime" the aether for the cutscene to unpause
@IRCannonFodder 9 ай бұрын
The issue with Levequests was that most people didn't do them for battlecraft, that was the reason they stopped making them for it. That was why Crafting Leves are still available as it was a way for crafters to make money and get exp.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I wish I could convince the developers to reverse that decision. There’s so much potential for challenging and rewarding content in the overworld with battlecraft leves.
@Meg_88 9 ай бұрын
As one of probably 6 people that does use them for battlecraft, this hurts, lmao. I love leves, and I was shocked when I said I had leveled my Black Mage from 45 to 50 using leves and my FC friends were like, "no don't do that!" but like... why not? It was easy, gave me good xp, and it was FUN. This was like 6 years ago, and I have only recently started using them again because why the eff not.... my leves are just sitting there gathering dust otherwise.
@DoXuanQ 9 ай бұрын
Really wish healers would get a damage rotation. That and harder dungeons would be huge )
@magicundead5838 9 ай бұрын
And then people will stop healing all together, because gotta do dps rotation, sorry
@HyouVizer 9 ай бұрын
​@@magicundead5838 tbh they kinda already do that now anyways lol. WHM barely toss a regen, and keep benediction on CD. SCH just faceroll their fairy skills with no heal shields. SGE same as its purely an ability healer, zero GCD heals needed. AST keeps Essential Dignity on CD at best with out of raid dmg synced heal bombs.
@magicundead5838 9 ай бұрын
@@HyouVizer I mean I am all hands for healer to have DPS rotation but it should be done in a way not to make them choose to Heal or finish their DPS rotation in a way not to miss their burst window yada yada. But from videos like this I hear simply propositions and never the details where a person would try to analyse and see if there will be any problems with adding DPS rotation to healers, how its better be done, something to avoid, something to cut out, something to add. Just simple "add more DPS to healers" sounds stupid. There is so many things to consider. Author tried to do this a bit with gearing system, but then said that people will content with finishing harder content with little reward... or a simple reward such as title. Well we all know how it went for savage variant dungeon.
@Luminieri 9 ай бұрын
the big problem is healers need to heal, not to do dmg, the big error on FFXIV is because you have dps, blue dps and green dps, not dps, tank and heal. All FF is a dps check
@AzureRoxe 9 ай бұрын
@@magicundead5838 Healers USED to have a dps rotation and they never stopped healing, your excuse is pure garbage. What they need is to actually have reasons to constantly heal instead of slapping a Regen on everyone and spamming their 1 damage skill. Give them their DPS rotation again, add mechanics where they constantly have to heal instead of sit there.
@sacredlunatic 9 ай бұрын
They haven't said they are embarking on another 10 year arc, btw.
@shadowofchaos725 9 ай бұрын
The complaint about the story instance having to disband the party seems a little silly and the technical side to implementing party in a story heavy instance tuned for a single player seems unnecessary considering how jank ARR is and the dev time required to rework that spaghetti. While I agree with the necessity of guildhests and hall of the novice rework. But I think you forget that savage raiding in general is a VAST MINORITY of the people who play this game. The game is a single player setting final fantasy game first and an MMO second. Or at least from how the dev team has treated the game since the olden days of Heavensward and when PLD couldn't block magic damage lmao Hi I'm an FFXIV boomer that saw how the synergy in raiding nearly killed the game and having it more "skill based" for stuff outside of people who want to pursue that avenue in savage and ultimates will kill it. The new player is a lot less skilled than you would think and that's ok. We got people like my father in law playing the game through trusts and occasionally partying up with us. He will 100% need the echo buff for "in from the cold" when he gets there since ff14s story failure states are some of the most convoluted I've seen in terms of them trying new things with the engine. Even thancred's instance in Endwalker is not hard... But for some long time players I've seen criticize it as "a knockoff metal gear experience" and I can't really say anything against that. Difficulty isn't the solution. And an attitude of "people are babies and can't handle failure states" when there is more nuance to it is a little disingenuous. And no I'm not babying the new player father in law... The man grinded through old school RuneScape and EverQuest. I'm just saying that there is no need to say "man people are babies for complaining having difficulty in their solo instances" when there's nothing to prove there. The tension being given to the story context is enough. It's meant to make you feel bad and it accomplished that for the majority of people. It just happen to do it's job too well for some portions of the playerbase. I completely agree about the tome limit being low AND the savage lockout per role. The common vibe I feel for this list is you're not satisfied with the skill of the general playerbase with the dungeon comment? Kind of like a preparatory phase for more difficult content. I want more of that a la criterion but I do not want it forced on to the general playerbase. You want enemies to be dangerous to chase down as you mentioned. While I respect that want... I don't want the Stormblood on content Eureka experience. People CONSISTENTLY said how overtuned that crap was on shout and other avenues. As for healers, it's weird because the philosophy of the game has changed over the years. Min ilvl coils FORCED you to gcd heal because of how much the boss hits. With a simpler kit and how much missing a single cure 1 would kill the tank, you had something to do to optimize how much damage you put out.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
@iwifia 9 ай бұрын
I randomly found your Lost Ark video and have since watched almost all of your videos. Love them man! Keep it up!
@madamwinnifer4666 4 ай бұрын
12:00 Regarding gear: After playing Destiny 2 and ESO, horizontal progression would be very much welcome and breath much-needed life into the end-game and all that came before it. That alone would make XIV my go-to MMO, alongside healer reworks, for many years to come.
@redpandazzz8421 4 ай бұрын
yea I was throughly impressed when I failed "in from the cold" as a raider when I did it for first time It made me try again in a more stealthy manner since it actually felt like I was weak, and a nobody again. I'm tired of story quest being trivial, they don't need to be overly difficult but depending on the quest you are supposed to be fighting some important person or thing, not a wet noodle.
@embersarcade 4 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more.
@FiliusTTT 9 ай бұрын
Sometime you just have to accept that there are casual player that are doing MSQ thats why they added difficulty setting for MSQ instance and they are not making the story quest hard and will never do so thats what the two biggest MMORPG since the start
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
and caasuals and solo player are usually 85 % of the playerbase
@vrahnkeneisenbach9148 9 ай бұрын
I just realy want them to.mix up the core gameplay and make the overworld more involved. This game's formula is getting as stale as Pokemon. I know they can find creative solutions there if they think outside the box.
@loneblade201 9 ай бұрын
And this reminds me why I'm glad that players aren't in charge of development.
@networknomad5600 8 ай бұрын
This reminds me of how the devs listening to players like you complain about XIV being too difficult in one way or another over the past 10 years has led to the devs making the current state of the game insanely stale and jobs are now empty of class fantasy and feel the same to each other within roles.
@MalcomMalediction 9 ай бұрын
I agree with ur criticisms. It also really sux when ur doing MSQ and going through the zones n wanna do a Fate but the zone is so dead there arent any players around killing anything. Cuz of zones being devoid of players. I dont get to meet random players and team up to kill Fates in the open world zones bcuz nobody is around or interested in doing that.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
It’s a missed opportunity.
@BookerDeShaq 9 ай бұрын
I like pretty much all of these! For the alt gearing in savage though would the coffer just automatically open when you get the loot as compared to how it sits in your inventory now? I feel like running on tank, healer, DPS and then funneling all of the loot to one class would make people max a little to quick
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
To be honest, I haven’t entirely worked that out in my head.
@aar021 5 ай бұрын
I play both WoW and FF14. Love them both and do not expect them to offer me the same experience. I agree with most of what you expressed here, but I doubt it will happen.
@rhombusx 2 ай бұрын
I think a few things are really important to note when we talk about major change-ups to a game like a FF14. I hate to be cynical business/data guy, but: 1. Have you seen SQEX's earning statements? It's not an exaggeration to say that FF14 is practically single-handedly keeping SQEX financially afloat. It's actually something of a miracle that a now 11-year old game continues to be as popular as it is and is actually still GAINING players at this point in its lifecycle. They're clearly doing more right than wrong and have little reason to rock the boat. 2. We all live in echo chambers of our own making. Almost any argument for change involves people citing personal experiences and preferences or quoting how similar players love x or hate y. We already tend to hang out in-game with other like-minded players, plus places like forums, the youtube community, etc. are a self-selected subset of players that chooses to engage with game-related content outside of the game. While I'm sure SQEX doesn't want to ignore any segment of its player base, they have the hard player data. Forget what people SAY, they know what people DO. It can be very difficult for a dev to extrapolate and determine whether certain content isn't played because it's overlooked or unappealing, or cause it's just "bad". If people don't engage in certain forms of content, they simply make less of it, and vice-versa.
@GrimDarkHalfOff 2 ай бұрын
I also think it’s ridiculous that any job requires you to be LEVEL 50 before you can play
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
One thing I have come to realize from some of these videos on smaller channels is that you fail to realize something. FF14 is a Final Fantasy game first, then an mmo. Final Fantasy games are heavily story driven with tales meant to inspire, provoke thought, introspection, and so forth. This game is incredibly unlikely to ever focus on gameplay first, so if that is your main draw then either buy a story skip or just skip cutscenes, otherwise this is not the game for you. Personally, I enjoy both. I love getting deep into the story and the characters, then once that is done I dive into leveling jobs and enjoying endgame. It just sometimes seems like these videos are made by endgame raiders who have no interest in the story and casual content and want everything made to fit their tastes. Something this game will never offer.
@AzureRoxe 9 ай бұрын
You DO know that a lot of the issues the game has right now exist solely because CBU3 keeps appealing to casuals who don't want to bother learning, right? And that quite a lot of these issues did NOT exist in the past, especially Pre-Shadowbringers, right?
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
You misunderstand. I love XIV’s story, but I want to _play it,_ not just read it. The more time passes, the more it seems like XIV is ashamed of the fact that it’s a video game, let alone a massively multiplayer online one.
@JuleBrusen 9 ай бұрын
Play any other FF game and you'll see that the gameplay to story ratio is very much different from 14 as you actually do have to play and win fights that sometimes actually challenge you pretty hard unless you grind (FF10 has plenty of these). FF14 is just way more story/reading focused than any other FF game, so much so that it's an outlier and not like other FFs.
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
@AzureRoxe oh I understand completely. I've been playing since ARR. You realize that even if all these changes were implemented, the people who have no interest will continue to have no interest. They won't participate. I may not agree with all the changes, but I don't delude myself into thinking, making the game more difficult or returning it to its prior complexity, which will change anything. Those same players existed even then, in the same numbers, they still played their classes badly. This idea that adding in all these things will somehow convince the casual playerbase to get better for extreme, savage, and ultimate content is laughable. At "best," it would chase off the casual players, which would still end up as death of the game since they make up a fairly large portion of the community. It may seem like raiders are huge portion, but we aren't. That said, I would personally like to see more "midcore" content put out. A return of Eureka/Bozja type content (which was hinted at). A relic grind that is worthwhile, some more Extremes to do, and so on. I like criterion dungeons and need to find a group I can prog with. The one thing I can respect about the changes they've made to some classes is that I'm seeing friends who previously had an interest in raiding but were put off by perceived job difficulty are actually out there trying now. I think that's amazing personally.
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
@JuleBrusen played every FF game. It's not nearly as different as you are trying to claim it is. Unless you skip stories in the single-player games, then maybe yeah, the mix would feel different.
@StarlitSoryn 9 ай бұрын
I think my biggest disappointment with Endwalker, aside from the current state of healers, was the lack of any sort of relic weapon grind. I was excited since this was my first expansion to actually play endgame from the beginning. Finished the MSQ in like 3 days and was ready to run raids and all that. Which, was great for a while. But then the relic weapons released and you just buy them with tomes. I was looking forward to diving into something like Eureka or Bozja, which I never got to do while they were current. I hope this doesn't become a trend.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I’m almost positive that we’ll be receiving content similar to Eureka and Bozja, which I’m looking forward to.
@MrBCWalker01 9 ай бұрын
That's because Hildibrand became the grind. No, I am not joking. For a massive amount of players, just getting through Hildibrand is a massive grind. They hate it, hate doing it, and resent being forced to do it to get their relics.
@Meg_88 9 ай бұрын
@@MrBCWalker01 I do hate Hildibrand. The only reason I started doing it 7 years ago when I first joined FFXIV was to get the cool green chicken. After that I just kept doing it to be caught up. Soooooo glad that I did, because I can't imagine going through that boring, unfunny cringe-fest all over again just for some stupid relic that will be obsolete in the next couple of months.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
@@MrBCWalker01 ppl resend doing eureka and bozja more beucase most ppl dotn want to be challange and to gridn for week witohut end that why ew relics are best for the vast mayority aka the causals all other relic cater to midcore and hardcore player aka not ever 10 to 15 % of the playerbase in most modenrmmorg(excluding wow)
@mesiagamer5217 9 ай бұрын
Honestly i would love to add new job stones that diverge much like how the summoner and scholar
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
It would be great if those divergent job stones were simply the original job. Let me play as an Archer at level 90, Yoshi-P!
@mesiagamer5217 9 ай бұрын
or maybe go all out on the gladiator thing make it a full blown dps with a bit more armor.@@embersarcade
@Ririten 9 ай бұрын
Healing *used* to be incredible fun back in Stormblood and earlier. Scholar especially had two offset DoTs to maintain, a DoT spreader, and an insta cast but global gcd melee range move. They took all that away because people complained that it was too hard to DPS and heal. It's what made me stop playing healer after maining Sch for six years and swap to tank.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
What a shame, that sounds much more engaging. I wish CBU3 would just tell the community to get good. It might not go over well, but it’s a video game-getting good is part of it.
@Ririten 9 ай бұрын
@@embersarcade Half the Scholar's kit used to be DPS. We also used to have two completely different fairies that did different things. Selene was party buffs and haste, Eos was pure healing. We had an *opener* where you started with selene and precasted your long dot, then swiftcasted back in to EOS as you did your other dot and dropped shadowflare as a weave. Fuck, I miss Stormblood healing so much dude. If we got a private server one day I'd kill for it to be Stormblood.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
@@Ririten I missed out. That sounds involved, challenging, and rewarding to pull off.
@MarkusZawodowiec 9 ай бұрын
more Gameplay in the story... Sounds like a wet dream. And yet my FC mates are suprised im a story skipper XD
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Just let me _hit something,_ man.
@KonglomeratYT 8 ай бұрын
Archer becoming bard is my least favorite concept about starting 14. I love archer classes. I hate bard classes. XD Your candor when talking about things like that duty nerf is some of the most entertaining parts of these videos. Yeah yeah take my like. You're one of my few go-to channels I sub to for reliable entertainment. Good mic. Good music. Good video flow. I'm never disappointed.
@rface0 9 ай бұрын
I understand Heavensward class design was too complex for the dev team to balance the game around, fine. But right now every job of the same role barely feels different to play compared to back then.
@ashiix9813 9 ай бұрын
i agree with arr needing better voice acting, character creation being mid, and that there are people who whine too much. also fully agree with adding sliders for story duties. however, all of your takes on difficulty are garbage. the design philosophy since shb has been stated to be, and very clearly is, to make jobs more approachable to casual players while making the fights themselves more difficult. you are complaining about the game being too easy while at the same time have never cleared a savage tier nor any ultimates. if you want a challenge, do the hard content. you are also complaining about healers being too easy while only playing what is widely considered to be the easiest. you are advocating for more player opt-in difficulty, while not taking part in any of the content in which there is opt-in difficulty. gearing is absolutely not perfect, but you are advocating for gearing to be faster and easier, which is terrible for the lifespan and health of a game. destiny 2 is the perfect example of what happens when you make getting everything too quick and too simple. at the end of the day this is just a ragebait channel, so i'm just feeding into the engagement, but on the off chance you are serious, just want to give you a reality check.
@VizerPS 9 ай бұрын
very brave video, there are still enough warriors of light out there who will blast you for asking a giant company for better great video, keep up the good fight
@Draylin41 9 ай бұрын
While I do find healing to be enjoyable, I can definitely see why people get bored with it. I do want healers to get more than a couple of dps buttons, maybe some kind of combo or proc system that can then be used as a healing resource. Granted, Sage does have that going with its shields to a point but it's not very meaningful when spamming Dosis is the same damage in a lot of cases. Feel like that's not something they're really going to prioritize though. The game hasn't really taken big risks with it's gameplay formula since the 2.0 launch and I don't see that changing unless it becomes a necessity to keep people playing.
@warllockmasterasd9142 9 ай бұрын
If given the chance, players will optimize the fun out of a game.” Basically about the tome-cap. If people could gear up everything at once they would even quicker burn out and complain even more about having nothing to do. Also I'm against the idea of not every job being viable. But each their own.
@beyond0967 9 ай бұрын
For real though, this game needs more open world content. Like i wished i could be more excited with all the new cool and unique environnements they show off but it's just used for eye candy while players do the story. FATES and sightseeing log completion shouldn't be the only that makes me wanna go and explore the world they put so much effort into. Gotta give more substential stuff to do in it. Or at least, give people a reason to do those sidequest that most ignore unless there's an aether current involved.
@BranBal 9 ай бұрын
I'm a Ragnarok Online son, born and raised in Rune-Midgard, therefore, I wholehearted agree with you. Though, I believe that's a server/hardware limitation. Most mmo's have lots of dungeons and fewer open world stuff. I may be wrong but I think they prefer doing Eureka, Bozja and POTD-like because content because it is easier to sustain.
@bean2122 9 ай бұрын
I always tell people FF14 is an RPG Before an MMO. I think with more people coming to to FF14 we are seeing a lot more of a variety in the player base. In my opinion the devs will have to find a way to meet in the middle so casuals, mid, hardcore players will be happy, and not attacking eachother/ insulting one another because of skill level/difficulty. I think this will be a lot of trial, and error to find what will work. But its important to not just make one type of player base happy ...there should be things for your casual, mid, hardcore players. Content that will keep the different type of players happy. I think a difficulty slider would be an awesome idea for dungeons, trials, and so forth. But idk how that would effect que times either unless you solo que. I would love to see things in the game for all player types if that make sense. Finding that balance is very important. ARR use to be way worse.. they have cut it down so much already. I would be curious to see what else they could do to improve ARR for the new player experience. I think ARR scares a lot of people away from the game. I would love horizontal progression for gear. Also I think the openworld definitely could use a lot more love. The open world explorations... Feels dead. Compare to a game like gw2. I love gw2 open world exploration in the game. I would love for FF14 open world to feel more alive and fun to explore
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I cannot disagree more. I don’t believe that FFXIV is much of an RPG at all. Writing an essay about this as we speak.
@stoicraziel6272 9 ай бұрын
I respectfully disagree with most of your opinions
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
That’s totally fine, but I can’t help but laugh, because the next comment on my KZbin Studio page says “I 100% agree with you on everything”. The duality of man!
@Kate-ms2mn 9 ай бұрын
I think the only thing worse than your opinions about the MSQ needing to be arbitrarily hard or your glam
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Critical hit!
@Boxkar24 9 ай бұрын
All I really want is more/better outdoor content, a vastly improved glamour system, improvements to the original ARR game and being able to craft from your retainers. Having to get pull items off the retainers through all those menus is annoying asf.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I agree, the number of menu windows that have to be open at any given time makes for a messy user interface.
@Inukipachuki 9 ай бұрын
At the very least Ember at least understands that this list are pie-in-the-sky wish list requests. So I can’t really be upset at this list. Lol. I think out of all of them, the guildhest and an expert version for learning certain mechanics would be the most viable. I wouldn’t expect it for Dawntrail though. Oh! You might be happy to hear this, but character creation was actually been confirmed by Yoshida to get more additions in the future! It looks like 7.0 will be the expansion where they’re implementing the systems that will make system-wide changes in the future more applicable in the future. Another example is in the EU fanfest, part of the dev panel talked about a system where they showed the various heads morph into each other. This kind of thing can potentially help with the FUTURE development for headgear that’ll work for Viera and Hrothgar finally. Sorry for the wall of text! Tried to make the tone as friendly as possible. :)
@lexiconprime7211 6 ай бұрын
I'm not really a "git gud" andy. Hell, I tend to prefer games with less stress and avoid hard games like the PLAGUE, but I agree that FFXIV has gone waaaay too far in the other direction. I also really hope they make gearing/itemization FUN. It's a HUGE part of why I don't bother playing the game for years in between expansion releases anymore. Gearing just feels flavorless.
@HeroGuy3 9 ай бұрын
Expanded hotn would be a godsend Explain the common evergreen mechanics and markers to new players so they can sightread bosses more easily I shouldn't have to explain to veteran players what the earthshaker marker looks like and those memes about the sprout running away with the stack marker shouldn't be an accurate representation of the modern game
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I had a tank in the level 83 dungeon who seemed unaware of what the tank stance was supposed to do.
@WoWRefugee 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like you'd be happier playing World of Warcraft.
@fredericodib 9 ай бұрын
Could you explain a little about it? I never played wow. I started ff14 recently, but I am having the same feeling shown in the video
@WoWRefugee 9 ай бұрын
@@fredericodib ok, just a little. But it would probably be easier if you just watched a video. I started playing WoW in 2005. Gameplay was good, story was ok, it was based upon the Warcraft RTS game. Today's WoW. Pay-to-Win: WoW sells its own currency Gold (Gil) in-game. Add-ons: Too many and in most cases required. Toxic community: unless your in a good guild, the community is famous for its toxicity and extreme lack of managing it by WoW. Terrible narrative, writing & Marvel style storytelling: it's just bad, Retcons galore, contradictions, nonsense, too much of the story in books and external media that is critical to understand what's happening in-game, trying yo get 'pay-off' moments with flashy cutscenes the haven't earned it, or just plain old garbage cutscenes that make no narrative sense and don't fit in the story properly. On and on and on. Massive Botting issues. RMT (Real Money Trading) for Gold, Resources, Runs, Gear, Leveling, etc... you can even buy accounts. Chat flooded with gold-sellers & level boosters Bliz does nothing about I could on and on. Just check out some videos. FFXIV may have some issues, as all games do, however they are nothing compared to the shitshow that WoW has become. If you just recently started playing FFXIV I wonder, how are all the videos critiques things you've already got a problem with? And if you do, unfortunately I don't see Square Enix changing their model too much since it's been working for the majority of the playerbase. But... play other games!!! I do. I don't have a "Main Game" and I play, get what I like from a game, then play another, then come back, and so on. Right now I'm playing FFXIV, BGIII, Civ VI, GWII... I've finished up last year having played FFXVI, Harry Potter, Starfield, and many other games. Don't get locked into one game. This is not a fanboy, FFXIV is perfect post, not by a longshot. I want the WoW transmog storage system. I want less menus in the game for shits sake. I want to be able to zoom out just a bit more. I'd love to have the entire game voice acted. But I don't 'presum' as the creator what NEEDS to CHANGE. The poster is griping about what they WANT to change and that's the issue. NEEDS vs. WANT. Simple.
@fredericodib 9 ай бұрын
@WoWRefugee Thank you very much for your elaborated answer. 😀 Currently, I just finished ARR, and I am doing the ARR patches. I am enjoying the game, and now I am trying to do the level 50 "endgame." The things I am struggling with the game are: - I don't feel my gear makes much of a difference. Since I have the minimum item level to join the trial, I am good to go. The min item level power and max item level power allowed in the trial seems to be very similar. Maybe that is because I am only level 50. - So far, I had some issues with ARR. I felt a lack of game play and challenge during the stories. I also missed some voice acted cutscenes. So far I got those issues, but I hope it gets better at a higher level. Thank you again for your answer. I will try to see more videos about it
@WoWRefugee 9 ай бұрын
@@fredericodib ARR can be a bit tough, especially at times in Post-ARR content. I also struggled at times, but reminded myself of when it was released (2012) and how it compared to other games from 2012 to give myself perspective. One thing that gave me an insane appreciation for the game (ARR) was when I watched the 3-part No-Clip Documentary parts 1-3 On FFXIV from the original 1.0 failure to the recreation to ARR 2.0 That alone made me appreciate what they pulled off in ARR and encouraged me to see it through and get to Heavensward. And oh boy, it was worth it. I won't spoil it for you. To address a point you brought up. Gear. You are correct. Gear matters a bit less in this game than many others. They have made the acquisition of gear easier and therefore not the driving force as to why you play. Your skill in most cases, except in the hardest tiers of the game is more important. One suggestion if your finding the story-mode regular instances too easy. Try to get a group together and play as many dungeons, trials and raids on Minimum Item Level & No Echo. It will be tougher to find a group honestly but if you are in an FC, you should be able to make it happen. Min IL & no echo sets the instance as close to original difficulty for when it was released. In terms of story/narrative as compared to something like WoW. Imagine a game where the writers cared about the story enough to not retcon anything thing and also they "go back to the well" as it were, and revisit their own work, pull on story threads from the past, make things connect in such logical ways you would have thought they wrote all of the expansions at the same time, which obviously they didn't. Something from your travels in ARR that seems like a minor story beat turns out to be huge in a later expansion, sometimes two or three expacs later... and it all makes sense because they respect their own lore and they respect your intelligence and time. It is not just a meme. This game just builds upon itself and you can clearly see, especially as you enter Heavensward that the production quality skyrockets. The company realized they had successfully relaunched a disaster of a game 1.0, and the team was now pumping out better and better stuff. A couple of streamers who I follow gave the game a chance. First Preach. His stuff is amazing, watch it if you like, but don't get ahead, only watch up to where you are you seriously don't want to be spoiled. He streams on Twitch but posts all his stuff on KZbin also. Another I watch is Grinding Gear. Kyle & Garrett do such an awesome job. They stream on KZbin, but don't watch current, check out their videos... it's a journey! This game, it's community and the story, at least for me, changed my life. I suffer from depression and the story, by the completion of Endwalker... literally gave me such a mental and emotional uplift, I will forever cherish the game. That being said. FFXIV doesn't want all of your time. They want you to take breaks, enjoy at your pace, to not burn-out. So I play other games and enjoy myself. I'm not just an FFXIV player, I'm a Gamer! I will say though. The spot you're in, you have allot, I mean allot of content ahead of you! Don't burn yourself out. Just enjoy!!!
@fredericodib 9 ай бұрын
@WoWRefugee Thank you very much for share it with me. I will check those youtubers and the documentary you mentioned. I am very happy that seems it gets much better on HW. I will go through ARR patches to reach HW soon. Thank you very much
@teoakio1902 9 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly
@bemtheman1100 9 ай бұрын
Haha i just watched your video on what happened in shadowlands and commented about how id gladly olay ffxiv if it had good healing, just to come to this video and see you share the same sentiment 😂😂😂
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
It’s unfortunate, but healing in FFXIV feels like treading muddy water with lead boots.
@bemtheman1100 9 ай бұрын
@@embersarcade I'm ngl though, i feel like this isn't something i could see being fixed by making the healer class more of a healer, which is what id want. I think the way ffxiv fights are the only thing is to just learn in to healers being support dps and make their dps rotation more interesting, but i think at the end of the day that really isnt what i want cause i want to be a healer, but ffxiv fights just arent made for that with them being so dance like.
@ShikiRyougi05 9 ай бұрын
Lmaoo the dislikes are crazy. I love and hate this community so much!
@steveh1474 9 ай бұрын
the savage loot lockout is not "one item per instance" but rather "one chance to roll per instance" you could be super loot gremlin and win all 4 accessories from P9s this coming tuesday. you could be maximum loot gremlin and win the head, hands, and foots coffers, and the tomestone and the augment from P10s, FIVE WHOLE ITEMS, in one clear, on one tuesday. the flipside of that is that the other 7 players all rolled and they all got nothing. you could be one of those 7 players. odds are pretty good youve been in this situation where you didnt win anything. unfortunate. come back next week to roll again. however i dont really agree that gearing up is too slow or painful, even considering the lockouts and tome caps. my savage static isnt world first racing, we didnt clear p12s until november, almost 6 months after the tier had started. it took us 3 weeks just to clear p9s. i have full BIS for every job now, except the weapons. ill get Manderville weapons by the end of the month. if gearing up is too slow for you, try getting into more hardcore statics that clear the tier the week it starts. getting all your reclears every single week, youll get enough coffers and books, youll be fully decked out for every job before the alliance raid patch is out, youll just need to keep capping tomes, week after week.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for clarifying that, apologies for misrepresenting the system.
@ctrl.s3565 9 ай бұрын
my favourite part of xiv critique videos is reading all the cope in comments
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
It’s mine, too.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
Cope more like disagreements
9 ай бұрын
Based take, player want to play a game, not read a game. Too bad that they only listen to JP community feedback.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Please make the game fun, onegaishimasu!
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
@Diddz 9 ай бұрын
what if there were two modes, novel mode for the turbocasual plotwatchers, and game mode for those who want to actually play, novel mode would autoplay dungeons, trials, and raids for the player in cutscene mode and they watch dialogue and action, but would have to hand prog the instances in msq order to unlock queueing for them and would be ineligible for any instance's loot if instances are run from novel mode ( for example, as if one were to story skip, they would not be able to run the endgame dungeon right away until they play the basegame dungeons in msq order first )
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I'd be happy with that.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
ppl dont want to just do a novel but they dont cae or seek out challanging content .
@Vict0rRezn0v 9 ай бұрын
What's your next wow video topic? :D Love your content man but def prefer wow over ffxiv
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I’d like to bring some of the community in to discuss the state of the game going into 2024. My next upload will be an approximation of what that type of video will look like, so stay tuned!
@unironicallydel7527 9 ай бұрын
guildhests.. exist. like, thas it really, they just exist. dunno if anyone does them for dailies, i did a few times but i dunno if its worth it their piss ease even a caveman could do them. Healers are surprisingly fun in my experience, but ye, sage seems pretty ass. Like it cant be the collective players are bad at using sage, so it has to be that the class is mid. aesthetically sage is dope af, which is why ppl wanna play it. but its not as good as any other healer it seems
@DisappointedBatman 9 ай бұрын
I %100 agree with you on everything. With a difficulty slider for all dungeons, maybe unique rewards for beating a certain amount would be nice too.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
so simple m+ that the most toxic sistme in all mmorpg
@ShikiRyougi05 9 ай бұрын
Wait wth purposefully saying the fanfest location wrong for more engangement is big brain shit😂
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
No one’s taken the bait, unfortunately.
@tropicalrubi_LOA 9 ай бұрын
It's crazy how giving legitimate critisms of the game will get you crucified by the FFXIV community, just look at the like/dislike ratio. I can't think of any other MMO community that does this.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
It’s alright, I like making divisive content-anyone can speak to illicit applause, that’s easy. I want to make content that inspires more than just passive agreement.
@shadowthehedgehog181 9 ай бұрын
...or people just didn't agree with the suggestions
@tropicalrubi_LOA 9 ай бұрын
@@shadowthehedgehog181 Hmm, weird how that happens with literally all critisism. Game must be perfect, then.
@shadowthehedgehog181 9 ай бұрын
@tropicalrubi2 That's your take from that comment? This community will point out issues with the game, but give unrealistic solutions or solutions that will go bad later. Most issues with the game were done from user input, like the AST. Sooooo, people have every reason to not like his or other player suggestions
@tropicalrubi_LOA 9 ай бұрын
@@anteprs7908 I quite literally can not understand one word of your comment. Please respond using proper spelling and grammar and then I will be able to read it and reply accordingly.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
weird take on hating on causal and ppl who do not seek a challange you know the 85% of modern mmorpg players . the endwalker duty sucked becuase it had not guide or a clear way to follow .most of the player dont care for hardcore content aka extreme /savage /ultimates i know raiders CANT UNDERSTAND THAT. you want to ruin the game for most ppl beucase you dont like the game being easy well buddy msq story driven part should never be difficult since the ppl who like that difficult are a irellevant minorty so stop speaking for the playerbase while being a hardcore player and and acting like oyur opinion would be good for the players .for more difficult dungs you have variants . your entire video is about the 5 % raider and the minor 10 to 12% midcore player not the VAST MAYORITY OF PLAYER you offer jack shit for the 85% of causal in fact all you suggest for dung would ruin the content for the vast mayority of players ,dung are easy, extreme trail,and variant dung are micore and raids (not including normal and alliance ) are hardcore .as for the gear part that fine pp lwho wanna lv more jobs at once should be given the choice. AS for healer no fuck no healer ruined dungs for ages(raider healers mostly) they refuse ot heal only ot dps and make tanks get stressful evertime . it feel like you jsut want wow but in ffxiv that all at this point one must ask why not switch to it .
@zombiegodsire 9 ай бұрын
I think they should somehow make dawntrail a potential starting point. You can either pick the old story to start at or the new one. Because the msq, as good as it is, is ridiculously long now
@steveh1474 9 ай бұрын
this doesnt really work because of the dungeons and trials and boss mechanics. do you want to meet a level 100 player who runs away with the stack marker because they never saw it in crystal tower, or against nidhogg or susano? do you want to see a tank bring the buster to the group, because they thought that was the stack marker they heard so much about? that was a line buster, and they just killed everyone with it. players must start at the beginning, and learn as they go. if the game has too much game for them, they should pick a game with less game to play.
@yamivkd 9 ай бұрын
Oh no my "Hard" game is getting more accessible to more people and more playstyles. They must be babies who can't hack it.... Sorry but ending your video here mate, You may have had good points, but I'm not gonna watch if you can't see why that duty needed tweaking. Also FYI I finished it before the nerf, but it was so frustrating I stopped enjoying most of the Galemalde stuff directly after because it left a horrible taste in my mouth. This twisted notion of what "Difficulty" is, is something that is hurting this game. Make it fun and engaging. They game doesn't need to kill you 50 times to be "fun". Making the windows for reaction so small you have to live next to the data centre to not be unfairly snapshotted into damage is getting more and more annoying for a lot of people who aren't blessed with godly internet. I'm already having to work with 1-2 second delays, I don't need this shit getting worse. You have your Savage and such content to get your masochistic need for "Difficulty" out. Sorry for the rant but its crap like this that makes people who can't "Git Gud" for legit reasons, some as small as physical location not want to continue. You might see the game seemingly getting easier for you, but that is not a universal thing.
@TheToeSong 9 ай бұрын
No thanks. I like being a controller using scrub lol
@TheCooderix 9 ай бұрын
Very good list, I agree with all of this. Issue is that we all know that none of this is coming with dawntrail, I would wager outside of more character creation options, which we know IS coming, none of this will ever come. I'm pleased to hear you talk about the "Play all jobs on one character" feature and its flaws. IMO it's an objectively worse system to other traditional MMOs because they don't play into any of the upsides to that type of system. You still gotta level each job, you still gotta gear them all seperately, so what's really the point? Well, right now it's twofold: 1. It's an immersion thing, letting you play through the game on a singular main character. 2. It lets you skip loading into a new character. But what do we lose in the process? Alt play, account-shared progression, being able to play multiple races without paying. As someone who values being able to play a big brute warrior character, but may want to play something smaller for my healing roles, I don't think it's a great trade-off. The issue is, these things aren't mutually exclusive, but Square seems way too stuck in their ways in this regard. Why isn't account-shared progression a thing? It's common place in most other MMOs.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
This isn’t talked about enough. I love my singular character, so the job system works for me, but it isn’t a solved problem.
@GoatOfWar 9 ай бұрын
I want shit to do post MSQ.
@AzureRoxe 9 ай бұрын
You mean like the dungeons, raids, events and multiple grind locations that we do post-MSQ every single patch?
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
There is shit to do post msq though. A lot of it also, everything from casual Golden Saucer to Endgame raiding.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
There is _a lot_ to do post-MSQ. What you want is shit to do that feels urgent.
@GoatOfWar 9 ай бұрын
I do dungeons and normal raids once, i get BiS from savage in a month and i fuck off for a year til i can do it again because there's nothing else >.>@@AzureRoxe
@pod155 8 ай бұрын
Im so glad devs dont listen to every complaint about the game. other than open world content, everything else said just would not make any sense.
@MrBCWalker01 9 ай бұрын
I want my gear to matter in PVP. I play WOW. Gear matters. It's a massive performance boost to be BIS from the raid and then go wreck shit in BGs because I have twice the HP and DMG as some plebs in greens or blues. Now? Unless I get in on a dogpile, I get no kills (and no one kills me without blowing an LB). Lame as shit. You have to run with a murderball to get any performance, and with it a hope of winning. Bad PVP design. (Hint: All good PVP is based around 1v1 and scaled up from there.)
@Meg_88 9 ай бұрын
Disagree with almost all of this video, but whatever. I do agree that the MSQ needs to add more actual gameplay. In the end, it doesn't even sound like you enjoy this, so maybe play something else?
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
I love Final Fantasy XIV.
@anteprs7908 9 ай бұрын
@@embersarcade yeah ppl who say that often bs .
@asomeone8965 9 ай бұрын
Nah the lvl 83 quest was dogshit. not just mechanically, but from a narrative standpoint it makes no sense and is probably one of the worst mishaps of endwalkers story and something I found to be a detriment to my experience of it, by far one of the worst solo duties in the game. And I think the team at CB3 understood that as the encounter is more or less just immediately it was story retconned, just never looked at, never mentioned again. Additionally the duty had nothing to do with skill at launch it was all based on luck and managing to rush through the encounter and complete all the objectives before being killed, absolutely awful. EDIT: You can't stand healing? Then don't play healers? I'm sorry a large part of these points you're bringing up come across as extremely bitter, there are many things I agree with you on like gearing, dungeon difficulties as it's heartbreaking to see such amazing and cool dungeons just be relegated to tomestone weekly farm roulettes, Giving healers maybe one or two more buttons or some sort of mechanic that engages with their damage. But I feel like some of your points lose validity in a lot of peoples eyes just to the fact that you have so many bitter takes in this video as well.
@Ririten 9 ай бұрын
There was no luck element in the original 83 instance, what are you on about? It could be cleared consistently if you paid attention and didn't rush. And OP is right about healing. I mained a healer from ARR until Stormblood. Modern healing, where they replaced the multiple DPS tools we had, with one GCD and one DoT is the most boring thing in the game. FFXIV just doesn't have enough healing in it's content, outside of Ultimates, to justify using most of your GCD healing. Which means you spend 90% of an encounter mashing two buttons. Thats why healers went from being one of the most played roles, to "Healer in Need" almost as often as "Tank in Need". Something that didn't happen Stormblood and earlier.
@asomeone8965 9 ай бұрын
@Ririten yes indeed as I agreed I would like to see healers do more than press one button for their damage rotation. I, too, think its kinda sad how the state of healers are. I say RNG as it was largely luck based if youd make it through due to the many error points in the duty, however if youre absolutely assured theres no luck involved in it I would still like to add that even looking past that. It is probably the worst solo duty in the game, and I love laughing at forum cryers as well. So I'm not a part of the boo-hoo too hard crowd, I think the duty is unnecessarily hard for the pure reason it's janky and as mentioned already it is terrible from a narrative standpoint and I think the whole story hook is awful and (again) I feel like this was recognized by the developers as I have failed to see any mention of it ever again from anyone. Either way, it's subjective what I've just said, but if I am to argue objectively, I can only ask: What in the world is that duty supposed to teach? How to hammer 1 button while dying repeatedly until you figure it out and just not having a very fun experience? Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the time you took to put your thoughts out in a well-mannered way.
@HyouVizer 9 ай бұрын
Remove postionals, True North is just a bandaid now for expansion bosses randomly turning at last second ruining your bonus dmg. Remove spell/skill speed making GCDs fixed based off each individual class as MNK already sorta does this with GL becoming traits baked in. By LV15 all classes should have dmg aoe gcd to spam, even healers. Combo actions be one button like pvp counterparts.
@GoatOfWar 9 ай бұрын
The game is already braindead enough, let's not make it worse...
@AzureRoxe 9 ай бұрын
My dude, the game is hyper-homogenized already and you want to make it even MORE brainless and homogenized?
@stormkeeper1741 9 ай бұрын
@@GoatOfWar Yeah, I can agree with having aoes earlier but everything else is a definite pass.
@embersarcade 9 ай бұрын
Hard disagree.
@HyouVizer 9 ай бұрын
EW 8 man raid bosses are full circle so positionals dont matter or they make their targetting circle huge so melee dps give full up time. Its a flawed system now a days with how dynanic boss encounters are. Doing LV sync for past LV cap content, your GCD is extemely reduced. LV90 2.34 GCD going to 1.89 GCD LV50 synced as an example. Every single level cap increase this worsens having you clip your GCDs like crazy. Fixed GCD throughout melds it. Simple 1-2 aoe combo or 1-2-3 single target combo like drk being one button just frees up hotbar space, its already brainless cycling through it now.
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