16 Personalities in My Life (INTP)

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@Skimmerlit Жыл бұрын
My novelette is available. Picking it up and leaving a positive review would be a tremendous help to me. Thank you. Novelette: www.amazon.com/dp/B09XL1VWJW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2O9IAGTS3FCV2&keywords=skimmerlit+book&qid=1649553882&sprefix=skimmerlit+book%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-1
@giomar89 Жыл бұрын
The ESFPs launching mid/late 20s and suddenly becoming incredible good with money is way too real. They are a very underestimated type, in my experience they have both the personal selling charm and the capacity for logistics necessary to platform any business
@cross-eyedmary6619 Жыл бұрын
So true and it makes me mad. My cousin is a very bright ESFP with potential, but other than her own immediate pleasure and comfort she doesn’t care about anything in life long enough to stay focused. I wish we could work together on some things but she can’t hold a deep conversation without interrupting to comment on my hair or something dumb. I wish her in the moment abilities to make things happen, we’re mine. Lol
@giomar89 Жыл бұрын
@@cross-eyedmary6619 give her time. I met ESFPs that were loving very hedonistically, until they had their moral calling (most of them found a humanitarian cause they wnated to get involved with). The 180 they did was amazing. One of them managed to set up a fully working and effective NGO in less than a fortnight and did so while being already in the warzone area she wanted to work in (what I mean is that she didn’t set it up from the comfort of a house in a peaceful country, with all the commodities of the developed world)
@cross-eyedmary6619 Жыл бұрын
(I am an INTP) The way you described things with other INTPs is how I feel when it comes to INFPs. If we disagree it’s gonna be too personal. I am in a debate/discussion group for INTPs and there are people who have felt like mortal enemies in some threads but then on another subject we agree. Over time, continued interaction in the group, our value for each other seems to grow, even for those who you seldom agree with, just because our appreciation for the safe space to debate and discuss and be pedantic and annoying, supersedes everything else. (The theme/subject matter of the group is a topic that is inherently fundamental.)
@caleblechler8929 Жыл бұрын
I agree (INTP). I am in high school and I found myself in a social group of just NTs. But I would theorize that INTPs would get more along when you are tough due to the fundamentals not being completely built apon yet. So we can argue about fundamental topics and we actually, or at least I, try to fix those fundamentals when address because I haven’t built anything on it so it can be easily replaced.
@self_education6077 Жыл бұрын
Yep, as an INTP, i relate to this relationship with INFPs more.
@grazynawolska8160 Жыл бұрын
I see someone changing their mind on some intjs, that's good! We're not all terrible I promise lol. Yes we are overwhelmed by life because low Se, and because Ni looms large with all the implications each choice made brings. I agree, we understand Fi types well, at least I do. Intps: think intj is alienesque all the time lol. I seek intps online (don't meet frequently in life, maybe met 1... had one intp boss once) because I want to absorb their Ti. Then I try to extrapolate it to how can it be used externally, in a Te way. Te is annoying, it's my most extroverted side and it forces me to participate in groups. But sometimes I need better framework so I research the Ti frameworks and then shift it around until it is absorbable by society if that makes sense. For example I love finance topics but some Ti frameworks there are deeply complex. My Te forces me to absorb and simply for the masses. Intjs: met one once and fell for them deeply. It wouldn't work anyway but I definitely hung up on them for a long time. Just their ability to analyze quickly, deep moral convictions and knowledge on all sorts of topics. I agree when it'd your own type you have the I can see why you think that even if you disagree. Entjs: always vibe with them and we become dynamic duo. Until one day they want to control me and put me under their thumb. They all get to thst point and so I drop them. Currently working with one and he's respected at work but very rude. I don't mind the rudeness and I am thinking of a sort of alliance lol for ntjs and am already putting ideas into their head that in 10 years from now we'll work on at this job. He'll totally be the boss and I'm hoping to easily ride on those coattails lol. I'm there for the ride I just don't have the energy to do stuff as much. He seems to be perpetually working and perpetually making Si mistakes due to blind Si lol. Entps: like drugs to me same as entjs for you haha. Fell for 2 of them. 1 was aweful and it ended terribly. The other one can only be a friend and that's ok. I think there is a powerful attraction to your shadow type. I do think about them for a long time too. It may go both ways I don't know as no Fe. Enfps: stalk me. Just in my face in my space all the time. Similar to entp but way more emotionally needy. They seem to always want my Te to solve all of their problems and they have a lot of problems. I often think why we get paired up with our opposite nf type is because people want to outsource their 3rd function so they don't have to develop theirs. They just want to admire and make you use yours. That's enfp women to me. Haven't met guys but I enjoy 2 enfp male streamers. Just fun chaos to watch. Infp: never gave them a chance before because the female ones when young weren't very smart. I work with infp now and it's interesting. Lots of the TJ types women at work seem to admire him? Even tho they are the forceful ones, being Extjs. So he has a sort of an internal soft, calm power I didn't expect. He likes me a lot and enjoys my dumb jokes and helps out any way he can which I appreciate. And when I make fun of myself for being very particular about details he doesn't pet me and denies it, he laughs it off too and it's nice because it's sincere. Infjs: no new ones. I appreciate the ones I trust but I can't handle the emotional abuse they can dish out if you rub them the wrong way. Enfjs: tend to hire me. Another enfj boss. They feel like a stern mom. I like that they leave me alone to do my job... but they require a lot of checking in mostly for the emotional connection, so I try to remember they need that. Istj: run me the wrong way a lot. Rigid, difficult, will not adjust. Difficult to make them use their imagination as Ne is their fearful place. Isfjs: nice and kind but struggle so much to use Ti for themselves. To busy raising other peoples children to have their own type thing. Esfj: manipulative gossips. Be friendly but careful what you tell them. It's like announcing it in the Sunday times. Very low on self reflection as Ti last. Estjs: shouting screaming jerks. Difficult. You open up emotionally they slap you for being weak. Isfps: lovely to vibe with and enjoy Se. Eat nice cake, listen to nice music type thing. They can be hilariously funny. I struggle with them being unable to use Te and read reviews. They just do what they feel all the time without checking with the group what works. Esfps: party people, but like when they get close to 40 they grow a brain. Sounds mean but it's true. They discover they got Te and become informed. Mine works a minimum wage job at ridiculous hours so she can be around people and Se. If they do make money is prolly because like entjs they loop Se-Te. Istps: nothing special but flavor du jour in the mbti community. Like the only acceptable Se type since most mbti are n types. I find when they are young their annoying little shits. Just care about themselves and what their Ti wants. Difficult to work with because will not bend to Te approach of let's design a system that works for everybody. They will cockblock the whole thing and only insist on what works for them. Fuck everyone else's needs. See, Te is similar to Fe. Anywho, older istps are a delight. Worked with 2. They have this I'm old and I don't give a damn approach. It's very sincere and honest. They also always care about me and use Fe with me this way but they are very blunt. If they think you're unfit and decrepit they will ask you point blank why are you so decrepit. They seem not to realize not everyone in life has a parent Se function that awesome. Estp: too intense. Constantly running at the world and trolling people in it, getting sun burned, skin cancer, the devil may care approach to Se. They exhaust me just by looking at them.
@kssgpv 2 ай бұрын
Fi users are not there to exploit your Te, as you said they admire you and they want to let you express yourself. It's an honor lol Do not underestimate the emotional labor Fi users do for you in return 😉
@hiteshkumar-cr4td Жыл бұрын
Logic is a slave to passions - David Hume (entp)
@creepshowkate Жыл бұрын
INFP here! I find it fascinating hearing your viewpoints, specifically as an INTP, on each of the types. Even moreso regarding my own type. It helps me get a better understanding of what other people value and how my behaviors could possibly be interpreted. Some thoughts on what you said about INFPs, at least based on my own experiences; I can't speak on behalf of every INFP out there. You mentioned that you get a lot of "spikey energy" from us specifically and I wonder if that's a consistent aura we put out there or if there's specific instances where you're picking up on when we're feeling very emotionally volatile. I know that whenever I'm Fi-ing, in my head feeling/processing my emotions, I Do Not pay attention to my body language and it's easy to figure out from that alone that Something is happening. While I personally don't ever like to talk about my emotions before I've had enough time to process them, for someone with Fe it can probably be startling to see someone going through Big Emotions™️ and not be able to easily fix it, smooth things over and get the vibes back into equilibrium. Idk if it's the case for every INFP but I find that hugs are a Phenomenal way to get me out of my Fi funk and into focusing on the real world again. Which brings me to my 2nd point of discussion. Physical affection is my top love language because I find it to be the easiest way for me to show my love, in a very Fi kind of way. I will feel all my love, appreciation, excitement, ect for that individual and rather than fumbling over my words trying to explain it without seeming like a creepy weirdo I can just show it. We want to be authentic as possible honestly to a fault sometimes but when you get a warm hug from an INFP please know that they genuinely care. If anyone feels like replying to this long ass comment let me know what you think! ♥️
@ferb8944 Жыл бұрын
I can't say what other INTPs' experiences are but as one who also gets a lot of "spikey energy" from the INFPs in my life, it is for different reasons. For me and my experiences, an INFP's affection at first feels instinctively safe, an apparently unconditional love that seemingly comes from nowhere. I find myself wanting to open up to INFPs more than other people and become closer with them because they appear to care a lot. However time and time again I've found that because their affection is often not very conscious and they are not particularly logical people from my experience, their feelings are easily swayed by the society around them and they can easily become hostile for illogical reasons and know exactly where to strike to take advantage of what weaknesses you've revealed to them. So if you're someone who fits a lot of negative stereotypes or has a lot of very controversial fundamental values/beliefs, from my experience you at least usually have to be very careful around INFPs because they are prone to dehumanize you over such things if you don't take the time to give sufficient evidence for an INFP to know that you're still "human". It sounds like this solution could work for a person to take care of the vast majority of these kinds of conflicts but unfortunately that's not always the case because some such values/beliefs are very difficult (at least for me) to humanize without bringing the INFP into the depths of Ti to explain the 100 reasons leading up to it, and INFPs are usually unwilling to try exploring such depths from my experience because they're so uninterested and the consequence could mean taking away a lot of their everyday pleasures.
@creepshowkate Жыл бұрын
@@ferb8944 I Very much agree with with you, for the most part. We have a tendency towards thinking very highly of people from the get-go and get disillusioned when said person then does or says something we fundamentally disagree with. We usually have a "you be you" type of mindset unless you hit one of these topics that we've already made into an important value/belief and cement it into our Fi. Sometimes we get far too attached to said thing and by criticizing it it can feel like you're criticizing *us* as a whole. Definitely illogical but if an INFP overreacts then reassuring them that you're not hating on them but merely trying to have a discussion it might help cool their jets. Based off my own experience I don't necessarily agree with you when you say our feelings are swayed by the society around us but that could certainly be true for the INFPs you've encountered. Another thing I'd like to add is we tend to be very insecure about our Te. It's not easy for us to explain why we think what we do; it can honestly be frustratingly hard at times. For me it can sometimes feel like being a toddler trying to talk at the adult table and it's really embarrassing. It can be easier if it's founded around a memory but often times people need more to go off of than that. So when an INFP instead of explaining something themselves merely sends an article then they're trying to show where they got the information that lead to their thoughts. INTPs with their high Ti can be incredibly enchanting for us if you've first gained the trust of our Fi and then teach us with your Ti, in that order. We're very loyal and will listen to things we would otherwise brush off if you make sure to give our Fi respect. Thank you so much for replying btw!
@creepshowkate Жыл бұрын
@@ferb8944 Also I'm so sorry that you've been hurt by INFPs or anyone in general like that. They way they took advantage of what you confided them with is very much not ok. I genuinely hope they grow up and you're able to heal and move past what they've done to you.
@giomar89 Жыл бұрын
INTP and same here with the INFP’s initial crazy amount of affection and unconditional love. While so far my experiences with INFPs have been positive (if a little bit disappointing) this is one of the main reasons for that “spikey” feeling. Even when I am the recipient of this unconditional love I feel weird about it, since I don’t understand where it comes from (given that I don’t feel line I’ve done anything to deserve it, it seems to be highly illogical), nor do I know how to take it. Most of the times I just feel bad because I genuinely cannot reciprocate it withiut feeling phoney. Overall I’d say the “yikes” feeling comes mostly from their sense of attachement: I can never understand why they like what they like, nor why they like it with the intensity they do. I know we are the ones said to berd about random stuff, but for me, that’s what INFPs do, namely, *insert random passionate obsession about weird thing here*
@ferb8944 Жыл бұрын
​@@creepshowkate From my experience you're definitely right about reassuring INFPs like that, unfortunately the dehumanization I faced was usually of a more long-term kind and independent of their mood. I agree that it isn't necessarily true that an INFP will have their feelings easily swayed by the society or become illogically hostile easily, I should have clarified better that I was talking about the INFPs I've had experience with. It's definitely probable that I've just encountered INFPs who are more easily swayed this way than most. Thanks for your reply as well! I am very curious, how would you suggest gaining the trust of an INFP's Fi?
@greenleafnumber70 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this one. Makes me want to learn more about typing others around me. Thanks Skimmerlit
@flying_oyster Жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP I don't have 16 people in my life lol
@visible2927 9 ай бұрын
as an isfp , haha i found the isfp part funny , i never imagined we come across like this , i think a isfp acts this way when they want to get close with someone cause i dont see me doing things you mentioned normally , because my te critic is constantly telling me to show my top version , so me asking for minor things will make my te critic bully me haha
@ipsycho8469 14 күн бұрын
Isfp don't have te critic they have si critic extps have te critic
@detonateinc Жыл бұрын
liked your observations, maybe I should keep it on the lookout more often and attempt to type more people in my life
@rarapwibawa4391 Жыл бұрын
As an enfp, it’s always compelling listen to an intp talking.
@alexw4827 Жыл бұрын
Looking forwardthe video on INTJs and their FI empathy.
@saranonimus9211 Жыл бұрын
Stopping partway through to release the observation load...I turned 50 last fall, and while I definitely do still have the classic INTP instincts, it seems to me that decades of experience have tempered my approach quite a lot. My current theory is that INTPs have a lot of potential to grow into themselves, provided they deal with their emotional turmoils in a reflective way. I'm quite interested to know if anyone here knows INTPs of various ages and could speak to this more objectively. My experiences with ISTJs almost always begin with me feeling very self-conscious about being a weirdo. I went through this with my closest ISTJ friend, but over time, I have found his presence oddly calming. Something about his no-nonsense way in the world helps me center my thoughts, and I sometimes try to observe myself through his eyes to filter out what I'm being too flaky about. I had a love affair with an ENTJ once, and I got addicted like he was a free gram. Stars in eyes. Powerful indeed. Would be very hesitant to try it again, as tempting as it is.
@marandatalks6831 11 ай бұрын
What’s your thoughts on ESFJ’s i think that one was missed
@treblestrings6263 Жыл бұрын
Skimmerlit, I don't like the way you talk about people like they are tools. Instead of saying you "use" a person, you should say that you "utilize" someone. That being said, you and I do use INTJs in kind of a similar way.
@shane1948 Жыл бұрын
You mean "utilize" INTJs?
@treblestrings6263 Жыл бұрын
@@shane1948 No.
@Masszay Жыл бұрын
I downloaded a chrome extension because I had to watch this on 3x speed.
@kssgpv 2 ай бұрын
@graycat7704 Жыл бұрын
How do you even meet all these personalities types?
@CrimsonCat-s5h Жыл бұрын
Hi Skimmerlit, I just wanted to ask, where do you get most of your information on MBTI?
@Beefstraganoff Жыл бұрын
Love ur stylee
@chicagodude8888 Жыл бұрын
Does INTP Elon Musk evoke the same cringe as some other INTPs? His body language and other quirks are like watching myself as a teen/early 20's with a photoshopped face and voice pitch.
@wwizer Жыл бұрын
Is Elon an intp?
@pedroturcios9591 Жыл бұрын
@@wwizer yes
@SS-bu8ez Жыл бұрын
He's an ENTJ.
@tootootutu Жыл бұрын
Elon is not an INTP.
@pedroturcios9591 Жыл бұрын
@@tootootutu why not?
@vmmm5953 Жыл бұрын
Fine vid
@jaymenjanssens720 2 ай бұрын
@GB_i25 Жыл бұрын
12:42 😅
@PizzaIsPeak Жыл бұрын
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