20 Space Marine Homebrew Pitfalls To Avoid | Astartes Anonymous Podcast #52

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Astartes Anonymous

Astartes Anonymous

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@Radium_Alarie 2 күн бұрын
The new movement style is... not the best, honestly. It feels like the avatars are yeeting themselves at the camera. It might be better if it was dialed back a bit because the intensity of the effect when someone is being loud is something else
@astartesanonymous 2 күн бұрын
We're trying new things! Thanks for the feedback!
@Radium_Alarie 2 күн бұрын
​@astartesanonymous Experimenting and trying new things are great! It was really just a bit jarring, and I think it could work with a bit of tweaking (Alex explodes every time he talks)
@ygamer3713 2 күн бұрын
honestly i like the idea, but what should be done is have the model increase in size by going up rather than beneath the frame.
@originalcontent9150 Күн бұрын
​@@astartesanonymousdon't listen to them, increase the jump
@yopoxikeweapescai9066 Күн бұрын
True, but its actually funny lol
@FormosusII 2 күн бұрын
My homebrew chapter has 42 Gloriana class battleships because my chapter master won them by defeating the chapter master of the Ashen Claws in single combat (thanks to his unique mutation that gives him laser eyes and makes him immune to Chaos corruption).
@YourStylesGeneric321 2 күн бұрын
That is dumb, only like 20 were ever made and they were mainly gifts to primarchs to be flagships of the first legions.
@iainhansen1047 2 күн бұрын
@skaut_games7644 Күн бұрын
Too bad my chapter master will take all those at once. He has rare mutation that makes him able to make clones of hismelf Including all he wears. Entire chapter of 300 000 marines is just chapter master
@leavit2levi432 Күн бұрын
​@@YourStylesGeneric321the post is being obviously sarcastic
@sneko6724 9 сағат бұрын
Weak. My chapter is blessed by the Emperor of Man himself. They are the long lost II legion, their primarch died whilst wrestling with Khorne. They don't believe in the codex astartes and have a 100,000 marines.
@SaintNamedSlickback 2 күн бұрын
My first homebrew chapter, the amber clad, were white scars and I was super proud of their lore but I wasn’t 100% sure on their color scheme so I looked up existing white scars successor chapters and that's when I realized I had just made the Mantis Warriors again.. like it was almost 1 to 1 it was uncanny On a positive note guess who started a Mantis warriors army!
@CuriousLumenwood 2 күн бұрын
I have to say right off the bat, just seeing numbers 2 and 3, that no one is better at breaking rules than GW. If you’re ever worried about your homebrew chapter or character being too main-character-y or overpowered or whatever, go read some of the stuff on Astarion Moloc. I’ve never seen a more Mary Sue-esque character.
@christophersmith8848 2 күн бұрын
Asterion Moloc is like Tyberos, those aren't characters, they're plot points, they happen to other, real characters
@LegiamasC-OnTwitta Күн бұрын
@@christophersmith8848I love my Red Wake, but there has never been a more apt description. Massive impossibly stealthy semi termi armored marine, who devastates things by looking at them just about
@giominus7402 22 сағат бұрын
Holy fuck does number 20 speak to my soul. If I had a nickle for every time someone tried to tell me I was wrong about something becuase they saw a lore video or read the wiki when I experienced it in full context in the book, I'd be a millionaire.
@gammothdraws 2 күн бұрын
Oh hey! That Jump Pack Helbrecht is me! Yeah, he got toned down, but im still learning. Tom's points are entirely fair too, let me make that entirely clear. Sorry i made you so angry lol. As another mention, I did take a LOT of the feedback. He was pretty stupid OP (and might still be oops)
@MrCyplixo 2 күн бұрын
Really like the new movement style. While the change was jarring for the first minute or so, It's very neat for telling apart who's speaking at that moment, since my dumbass has a hard time telling apart voices and I tend to just listen while painting. My only piece of feedback is maybe making the jumps lower when someone goes loud. Oh, and also the video's pretty great. Been thinking of getting into homebrew and you guys deliver just in time. Thank ya for the great work.
@christophersmith8848 2 күн бұрын
The offhand mention of a wolverine-esque healing factor had me thinking about a cursed founding chapter that had that trait, but also would, after a few centuries, develop that one kind of bone cancer where wounds are healed with bone tissue instead of normal tissue, dooming them all to a shorter lifespan, and orecludimg the use of dreadnoughts entirely
@malusignatius Күн бұрын
Re: Point 3. Crisis and/or calamity is a great way to justify variations on a theme. Chapter has some interesting quirks in their geneseed? They had their original gene reserves either wiped out or corrupted and as such are reliant on a limited pool of geneseed that's of dubious quality. Chapter has a lot of/lack of a certain unit? Either they've lost a lot of (insert unit here) so they've been forced to rely on what they have, or they've learned a harsh lesson that's led to them promoting or eschewing certain units. So on and so forth. And you can do this with characters as well. For example, my homebrew chapter's oldest dreadnaught is their second Chapter Master, and it's a point in his history that he wasn't that exceptional a commander on the field, and indeed has relatively few battle honours. However, it was his medical knowledge (he was an Apothecary before he became a Chapter Master) and diplomatic skills that allowed his chapter to rebuild after it's near-destruction during the Age of Apostasy, so he's venerated as a saviour of the chapter and an honoured ancient.
@Iaminyourwalls-fi4dm 2 күн бұрын
You feel especially… wobbly today
@rakisuzuki-burke4148 Күн бұрын
On the topic of "writing a thing where your homebrew loses can be really fun", the first thing I'm writing for my homebrew chapter is about the role they played in the Devastation of Baal, and they're going to die. A lot. It's going to include fun things as the previous Chapter Champion 1v1ing the Swarmlord (and lasting a whole thirty seconds), and the next chapter champion being one of two survivors of his company.
@Gabriell1126 Күн бұрын
Love that! My successor Chapter's world was besieged in a surprise attack by the World Eaters and Kharn, the Master of Sanctity and his veteran Chaplains facing the great evil in blade to blade combat. Most of the Chaplain's die as the Master of Sanctity is getting beaten down and quickly. At the last moment, the Chapter Master and his 1st Captain show up, the Chapter Master forcing his own 1st Captain and Master of Sanctity to retreat as he goes to his death in a duel with Kharn, but ensures his Chapter lives on.
@victorayorke7123 6 сағат бұрын
On the grimdark aesthetic, it's very easy to go the other way and fall into the trap of no one even trying. Or of leaving the audience with no reason to care about the story because it's going to devolve into a pit of iredeemable pricks punching various equally iredeemable pricks for eternity. Or especially of accidentally creating the exact headspace of a spiralling depressive episode where there is no future and no reason to see tomorrow. You don't need to have the good guys win every time, you don't need to shy away from making tough decisions and facing consequences. But a chapter that chooses to be better and fights for that can be a very powerful vibe and an excellent drive to try and bottle.
@Tom_Shaver 2 күн бұрын
You were asking about the chapter that could hear lies when told, they were the truth seekers, who were with the orto hereticus, asked the emperor for the ability, but tzeentch. They went nuts and went chaotic and are now known as the scourged.
@shocker1209081 Күн бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="62">1:02</a>:13 "Wait, I thought the second company captain was (insert name)?" *The 15th company captain who also has gold shoulder trim:* "Oh, we uh, just swapped the shoulder trim colors to confuse the enemy. It's in the codex, don't worry about it."
@ZrrMe 2 күн бұрын
My primaris turned chaos marines currently stand at about 300 strong and are facing imminent rebellion from the worlds they oversaw as loyalists. They're entirely indebted to a dark mechanicum forge world that maintains what's left of their war gear as well as their fleet, which is the battered remnant of the torchbearer fleet that took them across the Great Rift. They're also actively falling apart because while the chapter initially fell to Slaanesh, the chapter champion took some over to Khorne worship, the sole remaining librarian is actively worshipping Tzeentch now, and the apothecary is starting to smell suspiciously like a Nurgle worshipper. It probably won't be long before they become a fleet based bunch of pirates who have exactly 5 minutes to prove themselves worthy recruits of the Black Legion or else get harvested for geneseed. I think I got point 2 covered now lol.
@roguecarrick816 19 сағат бұрын
my home brew chapter are a ninth legion successor with no idea how many marines are running around, because the companies rarely run into each other, they know roughly how many ships they have assuming mia ships are active and how many they have assuming all the mia ships were destroyed. the hawks sanguine dont have a "scout" company. each company has its own scouts because they "collect" aspirants on the move (abduct war orphans) they collect misplaced wargear as well so occasionally you'll find a hawk toting around another chapters heavy bolter. the hawks sanguine throw themselves at space hulks. partly because they have boarding action trauma from the vengeful spirit, partly because theres no civilians on a space hulk when the hulk turns into the vengeful spirit for several battle brothers. the hawks are surprisingly adept at identifying civilians when they're losing their shit, as well as other blood angels or dorns kids. anyone else though... you better hope theres a chaplain around. as far as the hawks are aware none of the death company has encountered a custodian so weather they'd recognize the watchers of the throne is still a mystery. (dorns successors are always addressed as imperial fist or occasionally dorn, (despite said captain being dressed in all blue armor with red gauntlets during the most notable instance)) the hawks dug their current "cruiser" flagship out of a space hulk. (one of their battlebarges disappeared with the first company and the second is a recurring guest of ryza for repairs, ) the hawks from the end of the scouring have been subject to 381 inquisitorial inquiries (mostly related to space hulks), 72 inquisitorial taskings, and 12 shootings. (2 inquisitors, 4 interrogators, and 6 agents)
@Feroce 10 сағат бұрын
Sounds similar to mine, except they're seventh legion successors and don't have access to a forge world so they lack a lot of the more rare wargear (like plasma weapons and land raiders) and have to improvise with their equipment. They're supplied from a semi-local industrial world that they maintain a garrison on. They commit minor tech heresies like adding non-standard armour plating (counts as gravis, resembles Mark 3 suits) to conserve their limited supply of terminator armour, or stripping down their armour for scouts (counts as phobos) in favour of having to manufacture and maintain scout armour. The logic being, it saves on logistics having to only maintain one kind of armour instead of three. Their rank structure is a little non-standard too, baring similarities to rogue trader. So despite them not having primaris reinforcements they still have lieutenants; additionally their first captain is referred to as Lieutenant Commander while their chapter master is referred to as Commander. Haven't decided on any names for them yet.
@roguecarrick816 8 сағат бұрын
@@Feroce phalanx knights? The imperium is very familiar with the 7th legions flagship. A chapter sharing it's name is likely also dorns legion.
@john_mystery 22 сағат бұрын
I feel like one way to start is brining some marines back from a penitent crusade where most of their history was lost in the meantime so you can put in some vague wide things and then build up more detailed lore from that point
@john_mystery 22 сағат бұрын
Might work well for an escalation game
@john_mystery 21 сағат бұрын
Gives an excuse for why you might have extra scout companies as well, might be a hold over after you bring your chapter back up to strengthz
@malusignatius Күн бұрын
Speaking of different ways to view factions, one of my favourite personal creations was a Chaos warband called the Warp Dragons. The core concept was a cabal of sorcerers with a sworn bodyguard of warriors defending them, that over time the cabal fell in with Tzeentch and the martial nature of their bodyguards leaned them towards Khorne. So the warband ends up with this internal tension between these brutal but incredibly honourable warriors, the sorcerers carefully balancing their plots and agendas against their minion's desire to Purge the Witch and rank and file of the warband who don't fall into either of those two camps.
@gardanothdaedra-blood6834 Күн бұрын
With the mention of Space Marines with short term memory loss being on a constant quest, I am half imagining that they're making it through most situations, somehow. Like their forgetfulness works in their favour to a ridiculous extent.
@roguecarrick816 8 сағат бұрын
@@gardanothdaedra-blood6834 why are we down here? I don't remember. "Goes back up the lift to call the ship for instructions, misses the plasma venting that liquidates everything in the shaft they were just in.
@gardanothdaedra-blood6834 7 сағат бұрын
@@roguecarrick816 And everything that gets caught in that is maybe some traitors or whatever instead.
@toxos265 Күн бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="66">1:06</a>:17 - The setting should be "I hope to survive the day", not "I hope we'll get along"
@skullsquad900 13 сағат бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="156">2:36</a>:11 Oooh, too late...I can't wait to send you guys my HB shenanigans. The main theme is Whalers, Lighthouses, and Physchers turning into Tentacle Abominations *Wouldn't a Xenos species that have Borg'd themselves, turned off their pain receptors, and possess technology (like people with heavy cybernetics), be a very Cyberpunk Undead 40k analog? **if we're going with the Primarchs living there best lives; Then Angron is either dead or the most aggressive planetary social defender XD
@Luckie_7 Күн бұрын
I have a character in my homebrew chapter who claims to have fought along side Dante before the formation of their chapter, in reality he saw Dante a few times and Dante likely doesn’t remember him. His nickname the tomb sword was gained by killing necrons really well but, the reason he was entombed was he was struck from behind by a necron. He has a massive grudge and likely never kill enough necrons to get over it. The chapter is a blood angels success based off Icelandic culture and polar bears. Big singers and composers of poems and sagas, they also enjoy fishing. They are called the hvitabirnir
@Luckie_7 Күн бұрын
They had a few companies decimated during more stringent times nearer to the Horus heresy to to their home planet’s spirituality being perceived as heretical. Despite being similar in some of their beliefs to the vika Fenryka whom they hold in high regard, they were not granted the same leniencies to practice that culture until later on and thus are a small chapter, still recovering from their little dark age.
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 2 сағат бұрын
I came up with my homebrew blackshields for Horus Heresy because i wanted black (obviously), then i wanted red, cos its edgy and looks like blood, so i painted the right arm, then to balance it out i painted half the opposing side of the chest too
@Rybear1977 Күн бұрын
Hearing how "you SHOULD make a homebrew chapter's story like a bunch of Mary Sue's" just so it gets toned down later naturally.. I can attest to that. I wanted to make a turned to chaos set of Battle Sisters that were effectively noise marines, but to try crank the dial so far past 50 that they rip off the dial. It's just 3 different Slaanesh Battle Sisters, but one was so pissed that she forced MORE of this "gift" into her body so she became strong enough to literally punch Tzeentch so hard that half of his bones break and dislocate. The second has a pocket dimension that just makes you experience a harsher death forever. And the third can make fire do literally anything. Even consume other chaos marines' souls so they're forever experiencing a never ending increasing brightness of light in their eyes and ever loudening screams... Yeah.... I trashed that lore the year after and now I'm more into the idea of a Salamanders successor chapter that's a little less insane with their love of fire that specialize in self reliance with the occasional teamwork and martial art type of fighting. Think Kazuya uppercutting Night Lords, while in black and orange armor. So yes.. make your homebrew chapter OP, because you'll naturally realize how ridiculous it is. And you'll know, because you'll realize that you made Kaldor Draigo.
@ChuckGinther 2 сағат бұрын
The idea of a chapter that sees the dead is pretty cool. They'll often see their fallen brothers and it will cause them to stall or to think they have someone watching their backs and it will get them killed. Either that or it's like the Black Rage but they randomly see their fallen brothers instead of Horus fighting against them and they'll often just stop fighting and leave the planet.
@haydenkinney5318 Күн бұрын
Although I’ve been trimming the fat off my own homebrew chapter for years this has been a nice way of reinforcing my own thoughts on what I should and shouldn’t keep or add to my homebrew. I am guilty of not having real consequences for my chapters action. But one you guys mentioned it I opened up my writing folder and started editing right away. So thanks for saving me from myself.
@t.d.mcintosh 2 күн бұрын
Had a project on hold for a while where I was making a homebrew loyalist sucessor chapter for each of the 18 legions. I found a lot of these points helpful 👍
@skaut_games7644 Күн бұрын
I have a simmilar project but with 9
@fireofargentis 21 сағат бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="71">1:11</a>:11, how REASONABLE those marines sound, i personally say they would fit Star Trek better, they would probably enjoy tea with Picard.
@fish8008 Күн бұрын
That concept of writing about a time your chapter got beat hard Funny enough that’s how I got the idea for my chapter when I first got introduced to 40k through kill team in college 4 years ago My first match: “oh you’re fighting tyranids” “What the fuck is a tyranid” By the end I somehow won but the image of 1 lone space marine survivor being charged by like 4 genestealers influenced the background of my chapter losing their home world
@louisnall3102 Күн бұрын
Two questions. 1. Where can I find examples of a well written homebrew chapter? 2. When I finish creating a homebrew chapter, where do I go to see if people think it's good?
@JoshuaKevinPerry 22 сағат бұрын
this discord?
@louisnall3102 19 сағат бұрын
@@JoshuaKevinPerry ah, thanks. I’ll have to download it.
@Feroce 10 сағат бұрын
Bolter and Chainsword forums have a lot of great homebrews.
@Kottery 10 сағат бұрын
My "homebrew" is lazy and more me adding fluff to the fact I just wanted to play with Luna Wolves in 40k.
@brunorochaleao 4 сағат бұрын
Ngl, this was my first listen of this podcast and it was kind of a bummer... the whole talk sounded less like what the title proposed and more like "if you do this I'll personally think you are ridiculous, and it matters because I know better".
@grumpfrog8602 2 сағат бұрын
Well.. Isn't the premise subjective off the bat? They also regularly reiterate that you can write what you like. But like obviously this going to be more about their opinions on what can negatively impact the quality of homebrew because there aren't any real objective rules about homebrewing a chapter for a miniatures game
@joemiller361 Сағат бұрын
That's very fair. But I do suggest giving them another shot, they're worth the time in my opinion.
@malusignatius Күн бұрын
Re: Grey Knights and corruption: I annoyed a bunch of people by using Grey Knights parts (It just fit the archaic feel I wanted for the figure) for a Chaos Champion of Tzeentch who I named Konrad the Silent. So it became canon that he *might* have been a Grey Knight. Being Tzeentch, it could all be a lie. Or it could be true. Or, given how perverse Tzeentchian plans can be, maybe even both.
@henrychurch6062 Күн бұрын
It doesn't even need to be complicated. He killed a grey knight and went "Well now, that is some FANCY armor."
@malusignatius Күн бұрын
@@henrychurch6062 Yup. But the main point was to keep the truth vague and hard to pin down, because Tzeentch. Also he wasn't the big power-player in the warband I was building, that was his master Zaraphiston.
@cigman777 6 сағат бұрын
I feel like homebrew in the Imperium Nihilus should be discussed more, because sure you probably can’t get away with black templars 2.0 or something over there, but I really do feel that to a certain extent the rules really are different over there, especially the further out into the fringes of the galaxy you get.
@FuegoBacon 16 сағат бұрын
I'm using the Black Templars as my homebrew base. BT send out crusades all the time, so I'm having my Marshal/Captain be a Castellan who is promoted after his master dies. He inherits the crusade and I've been going from there.
@averageeughenjoyer6429 Күн бұрын
the movement of the avatars looks like as if it was rendered on top of a sphere
@PowerYoutuberViewer 2 күн бұрын
My chapter is newly founded, but has roots in the Great Crusade as they operated as a monastic lavra on a lost knight world, founded by some word bearers on a personal pilgrimage to better understand the emperor’s will. Only with the advent of Imperium Nihilis and the addition of primaris to their ranks have they refounded so that they may use their miracle relic to revive dead knight houses. Also that is definitely the emperor in the relic and not an AI. Don’t ask why it only started working miracles once vashtor hit the scene.
@Rigel443 2 күн бұрын
I disagree on the “no good guys chapter” rule. Rogue trader shows that there can be genuine morally good people despite how fucked up things are. The galaxy is grim dark but not everything in it needs to be.
@zenoblues7787 2 күн бұрын
Just do a Lamenters and have them suffer for it but not be completely disparaged.
@lupisvolk2420 2 күн бұрын
​@@zenoblues7787My Homebrew chapter suffers from a high casualties rate because they actively answer every imperium call for aid.
@zenoblues7787 2 күн бұрын
@@lupisvolk2420 Mine keeps oaths of protection, which became a disaster after the Great Rift. The only reason they survived is Primaris reinforcement, and they're still in the thick of it. Doesn't help they're also Dark Angels successors and also need to hunt the Fallen on top of that. They are not having a good time.
@lupisvolk2420 Күн бұрын
​@@zenoblues7787Mines pre Angron War Hounds, they were picked up by the lion when the war spat them out to they do try to work with the DA whenever they call for aid. The companies of the chapter are scattered throughout the Imperium.
@SabreTheTaleTeller Күн бұрын
If you make everything as grim as possible you end up with edgelord Marines, and we already have Night Lords for that. Its a balancing act. My Blood Giants are very protective of civilians and Guardsmen, especially on their homeworld. However this gets them in trouble when they smack the jaw clean off an Imperial noble for talking smack or fight other Imperium forces for threatening them and have access to certain supplies restricted. However they are also Chaos hunters and if you are a heretic they will hunt you like a vengeful god before Akira sliding over your corpse (they really like bikes). In that case the Blood Giants being kinder to citizens has given them problems, forcing them down a harder path. However it can translate into benefits, like a loyal populace to recruit from with relatively few temptations to Chaos, not that it doesnt happen.
@Gabriell1126 Күн бұрын
My successor Chapter the Dragon Guard is a "theorized" descendant of the Salamanders, however their founding is mysterious due to records being incomplete, especially after their homeworld of Undirax was destroyed by Kharn and the World Eaters in an event the Chapter calls the Second Sundering. They are now fleet based and were sent on a penance crusade by the Inquisition due to suspected corruption via close range to Chaos in such a concentrated area. After their crusade ended, their numbers significantly reduced even from what they had left post Sundering, they were surprisingly reinforced by the Indomitus Crusade, being granted the new Primaris Marines and ability to create new marines. They however hide a deep secret that only the original 2 "living" founders know. They are descended of The Fallen, almost all of them dead by this point, only Gabrius and Tanamor remaining, interred in Dreadnoughts they "procurred" from a heresy era Salamanders ship lost in the Warp after the battle between The Fallen and Dark Angels Loyalists. The Fallen were freed of The Warp in M.39 and forged documents alongside some eager Mechanicus specializing in Gene-Splicing, who assisted the secret Fallen in creating a "Salamanders" successor through Chimaric gene seed experiments, granting the new marines red eyes but relatively regualr skin tones for where they originated from. Gabrius was the first Chapter Master, and alongside his brother Tanamor, led the new Dragon Guard in a path to redemption. After many centuries of leadership, Gabrius and Tanamor were all that was left of the original Fallen, and upon discovering the planet Undirax being assaulted by an Ork force they stepped in. This however ended in the internment of Gabrius in a Contemptor Dreadnought and Tanamor into a Leviathan Dreadnought. From the Dreadnought Gabrius continued to lead, but having to awaken him so often was straining, the Chapter deciding that the council they held when a major event occurred was leaderless and aimless in strategy. All leaders of the council inducted Nihilen Calgurius as the second Chapter Master in M.41, who upheld the chivalric nature of their elders, the care for mortals, but their righteous fury against their enemies as well. I could go on and on, but I would rather save it for a reddit post or something, lol.
@Sabert00thsa Күн бұрын
That is awesome man, what are the chapter colors? And what type of dragon did you use for an emblem/heraldry?
@Gabriell1126 Күн бұрын
@@Sabert00thsa They are primary Leadbelcher or dark steel, khorne red secondary (ironically enough) and abbadon black tertiary. Their weapons have a mid tone green casing, sergeants wear red helmets instead of dark steel, and Veterans wear helmets. Their logo is the Salamanders logo hence the "procured" Salamanders supplies in the Warp the original Fallen took, it's just red on the black background with red trim.
@Gabriell1126 Күн бұрын
Veterans wear black helmets*
@richardcole591 15 сағат бұрын
Sometime I need to collect the latest versions of all my homebrew notes and jump in you guy's discord, I'd love to chat with folks and get feedback on some of this stuff
@aj.hardwick Күн бұрын
The Eisenhorn quote is "my patience us limited, unlike my authority." And yes, it does go hard as fuck.
@sol7107 Күн бұрын
since we are talking about homebrews here, might as well throw this into the void. i'm working on a homebrew loyalist legion based on the concept of "the emperor's failed experiments made a legion with a goal". the TL:DR is i made a legion on a constant penetant crusade full of humanoid monsters made marines as the emperor's emergancy "fuck you".
@superblobfish2567 Күн бұрын
Loved this episode, I *edit* the lex and I agree, but honesty doing editing has been the thing that got me into reading primary sources more thoroughly and it has helped my own homebrew quality substantially
@tidlywank Күн бұрын
I'm a huge fan of The Expanse, so I had thought of an Iron Hands successor chapter that I wanted to name the "Astramarines," who'd have been majority tech marines with a focus on space/naval warfare. AKA Boarding operations, and piloting small fighters because their space marine enhancements would allow them to survive G-force and perform maneuvers that would kill even the best regular human pilot. Basically Top Gun, the chapter. I even made sure they weren't stupidly OP, and wanted their face-to-face combat to be about on par with night lords, meaning if they were to board a World Eaters vessel, they'd be like a cell phone in a blender. Then I learned that ships come with some scifi bs that magically removes the effects of g-force, making the entire point worthless.
@Delta-es1lg 4 сағат бұрын
My space marines started out with "man i think this is a really cool color scheme" when i was in like middle school I used it for both my Space Marines in dawn of war and my spartans in Halo (and I still do lmao) Yeah it's not anything super original but I still like it and as I grew and learned more about 40k and about writing I started to fluff out my guys, defining their progenitors, their tactics, and a little bit of history. In the end though it's really just "i like the way this scheme looks on my marines." And not much more lol
@Mr.G7777 Күн бұрын
I get frustrated by my situation. I really wanted to be able to create and show a chapter that I created, receive feedback and criticism, and do something cool, but I can't. I'm from a country that barely has any idea what warhemmer is, and I have no one to talk to, and my English isn't good enough to talk to someone from another country (I'm using Google Translate to write this text). I can't even get into the Warhemmer hobby because besides everything here being 5x more expensive, there are no physical stores to play and meet people. I wanted to be able to show what I think, which is not at all incredible (and I must say that I was also frustrated that someone else thought of a chapter that has heavy mutations and tries to hide it from the inquisition and that is their narrative focus, this was my first idea I had for a chapter), I wanted to have other homebrew examples to learn from and people to talk to
@JoshuaKevinPerry 22 сағат бұрын
Make a YT channel in your language. I will watch
@Mr.G7777 21 сағат бұрын
@@JoshuaKevinPerry It's sweet of you to suggest this, thanks, but I lack the ability and time to learn how to edit videos, and also, I don't think it would be as functional
@sharmanner6239 Күн бұрын
I’m not as dedicated to making stuff in the warhammer universe as others but this has been very insightful and actually makes me want to make a homebrew chapter so thank you and can’t wait for more homebrew spotlights
@joshlarson4010 Күн бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="107">1:47</a>:56 The carcharadons second book just got released on audible and it made me love the third captain
@MistaBaze 9 сағат бұрын
All I know about my homebrew is that I wanted to make em Space Wolves that were too prideful to take the fenrisians bad attitude. Oh and their colors somehow got a bit of Emperors Children purple in it.
@jakupsundoe6226 19 сағат бұрын
I’m fine with making my homebrews similar to other canon chapters, because GW does that all the time. All I care about is if the paint scheme looks cool
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
A bunch of stuff I don't need to know is my jam. literally I watched videos to learn how to make jam
@kaleb2643 Күн бұрын
Calgar said "nah, I'd win"
@colincatalan6313 2 күн бұрын
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="94">1:34</a>:43 "that's why I read the salamanders books" also the salamanders books: here's 2 3rd company sergeants, they don't get along
@betternamepending9543 12 сағат бұрын
The small jab at Star Trek reminded me of one thing, I hated about some Star Trek episodes: The crew made some morally good choice and then were rewarded for it. There's a difference between not being an asshole and actively being good. Being good is supposed to cost you something, be it suffering, lives (yours or others), or, more commonly, money or just time. That goes even moreso for 40k. If a space marine chapter is kind, that should also come at a great cost of some kind.
@dr.stronk9857 2 күн бұрын
Good timing, I’m making a metal themed raven guard successor
@ulfar321 8 сағат бұрын
Is this about homebrew chapters or about writing a book?
@caboose3191 3 сағат бұрын
@guilhermeissaRbbr 2 күн бұрын
@truemind1018 Күн бұрын
Konrad, alpharius and omegan (Dont care I spelled them wrong), would basically run the inquisition, I say. We're still talking about humanity and the imperium so they wouldn't be completely bored out of their numbskulls during peace time. Though god forbid you jaywalk in the city emo-boy is in.
@Paradukes Күн бұрын
Alpharius and Omegon would definitely be running the Inquisition, unless they end up running a super-secret Super Inquisition that keeps an eye on Inquisitors. Konrad... Nah. He'd take up skinning people as a hobby, or else doing everything he can to provoke the Emperor into killing him to fulfil the "prophecy".
@Crouza Күн бұрын
I've been working on making a chapter of "loyalist" marines who are actually being infiltrated and controlled by the Alpha Legion. This video has been really fun in order to think on and refine what I have.
@Paradukes Күн бұрын
Considering how many times this has been suggested, I love the idea of a whole bunch of chapters converging for a massive war, which has secretly been orchestrated by the Alpha Legion as a means to weaken the enemy, only for everyone involve to realise they're _all_ Alpha Legion in disguise.
@natedog182 5 сағат бұрын
I was thinking about writing some lore for a home brew I’m working on, I think this sold me. I’ll be in the discord with it shortly😂
@CloseingStraw97 22 сағат бұрын
I honestly would prefer if Warhammer just went the way of Battletech and was 100% dedicated to "here's your dudes. Why is an orc, a space marine, and an eldar in a squad? Make up a reason."
@garrettlich7140 Сағат бұрын
What’s battle tech?
@CloseingStraw97 Сағат бұрын
@@garrettlich7140 A different Miniature wargame in the 6mm scale where you pilot mechs. There are offical factions but every player can use whatever unit in the game that they wanted. As long as you can fit it in with the point cost of the game.
@garrettlich7140 Сағат бұрын
@@CloseingStraw97 I’ll look into it
@CloseingStraw97 Сағат бұрын
@@garrettlich7140 it's a bit/ a lot more crunchier as a rule system then warhammer and uses a 2d6 system
@StudentofNerds 2 күн бұрын
I’m only 22 but the next generation is my jam!
@HelloThere-ec4ry Күн бұрын
Where is the thumbnail from? Would love to use it to help design/organize my homebrew chapter.
@samfish2550 Күн бұрын
So, periodically my runaway adhd brain has come up with a pretty good feeling base concept i feel for a home brew that is deeper than "oh that loose concept is sorta fun". So do you have any tips about homeworld development? Because do to my ping-pong thought process I've come up with a lot of ideas for them, founding, origin chapter, and handfull of major events, a curse (I got the idea from your section where you were talking about cursed chapters so.... Here we are) Regardless I have everything except * Name * Heraldry/esthetic * Home world * Characters sorta (I know what at least 2 major characters will BE just not WHO they will be)
@Milliondollarcup Күн бұрын
If your space marines are all dreadnaughts, who or what the hell are they fighting to warrant them all be placed in a dreadnaught?
@LegiamasC-OnTwitta Күн бұрын
They gotta be fighting existence itself😭
@redman457 Күн бұрын
what if space marine renegades join the tau?
@jibbajabba Күн бұрын
Clip clop
@myonlyfriendtheend4958 Күн бұрын
I posted this on dutch's channel a long ass time ago but i recently got an age of darkness box and I can make the medusons They're technically chimeric because technically, they're from the most cursed founding THE ISTVAN V DROP AITE MASSACRE BBY I was so baby butt mad how shadrack meduson got killed that this chapter are the remnants of his strike group with a mix of raven guard, iron hands and salamanders just going berserk on chaos. It also lets me bring back a massive character flaw the modern iron hands got rid of that white hot fury the legion used to have. In fulgrim and a buncha the heresy books the iron hands ironically fly off the handle almost as much as a space wolf and i really miss that
@JWat-ko1hr 2 күн бұрын
Not an astartes fan. But I've thought it would be really fun to build up a really small renegade not by choice loyalist chapter made up of stranded and lost marines. Most of them are from different legions and completely at a loss as to how to fit in to the current state of the galaxy. Kinda like trailer park black shields. Nothing but flaws and dumb luck.
@Jmamjs 2 күн бұрын
That sounds pretty fun ngl deathwatch but for rejects 😂
@JWat-ko1hr 2 күн бұрын
@Jmamjs rejects and lost bois. But they can't really go back to most of the Imperium. And going anywhere near chaos is basically suicide. I was thinking command structure being kind of like real anarchy. There's no chapter master, but five or so veterans that work like a council and employ lateral decision making. It would make sense to make them exceptionally adaptable with all the different skills present, and a flaw being predisposed to crippling depression and apathy. Basically sad boi grab-bag of astartes rolling around the galactic fringe trying to be good bois and not die. Another flaw, more situational, would be being completely disconnected from what's going on in the Imperium. Which makes things super sad, since they wouldn't know that Guilliman and The Lion are back. Two primarchs that might accept wayward loyalists astartes back in to the fold.
@predatitor4183 2 күн бұрын
In the first point when you say about the dreanought chapter i believe that perhaps doesnt work like a chapter it could be a company in the deatwatch than can work similar, brothers than fall during they servicies in the deathwatch and for some reason they cant go back or dont want to, so for not going crazy for probably losing your battle brothers that you deep know join in the company for not being that alone over time.
@Izayoink_Saccuy Күн бұрын
Im making the "oaaa oaaa oaaa" sound in my head everytime i see your guys' avatar bounce
@t.d.mcintosh Күн бұрын
My BongoMarines have 40,00 warhammer class battleships because they beat the Emperor in single combat.
@crazymike7883 2 күн бұрын
I'm glad you guys did this I am definitely trying my best making a Custom Killteam and I'm glad I haven't gone too far out of bounds in seems. I dont like Hombrewing chapters because I know myself and I would want to personalize everyone from the chapter master down to the lollies serf. And will my Killteam that has a Keeper as it's "seargent" thankfully the Killship he has is mostly autonomous (thanks GW for the Killship specs In a forgotten lore book) but like I can make everyone in that team. From the Keeper who is on the ship giving his expertise from on high to the Killteam Leader who is the on the Ground group leader and just the absolute dog's hit that happens. Including the 2 blackshields who are on this Kill Team.
@redrunner3649 Күн бұрын
I've been toying with the idea of a ship of Night Lords bailing on Istvan 3 thanks to how bat shit mad the whole ordeal was. Not for anything noble but because they were worried they were next. They hit the dash but warp fuckery throws them out at around the 16th founding.
@malusignatius Күн бұрын
I mean, it tracks. Night Lords being paranoid cowards who stay loyal because they don't want to risk their necks being on the chopping block is pretty on point.
@LegiamasC-OnTwitta Күн бұрын
I’ve a similar idea, but it’s the Unsung Alpha legionnaires in Night Lord form. Basically it was half a company lead by an infiltrated Alpha boy, but he never needed to manipulate them into loyalty because they were all so paranoid they just fell in line.
@hgrim2773 2 күн бұрын
This has me motivated to finally write down my lore for my crimson heralds
@BridgetOfHestia Күн бұрын
Horus would go into some kind of violent sport, like boxing or rugby. He would become *obsessed* with it and either play it or train for it every waking moment. Angron would be the same, but he would absolutely be a bare knuckle to-the-death like 40K UFC and eventually go down under six xenos dinosaurs in the highest grossing PPV fight before or since. Rogal Dorn and his husband would get into some kind of obsessive model building club, like ships in bottles or Legos. Alpharius and Omegon would devise "The Game", which would be a millennia long Spy Vs. Spy competition that they will both still be surviving to the present day.
@dougvillegas8303 Күн бұрын
Feedback appreciated on my super early concepting of my own homebrew Chapter (literally started thinking about this yesterday), a Salamander's successor from the 21st Cursed Founding. Names I'm considering are Drake Knights, Silver Dragons, Scalebound, Knights Of Silver, etc. Something like that, I want something Paladin-y. I see them as primarily silver and black with red and white highlights. Mostly themed around the Salamanders, but their knightly aesthetic and heavy use of dreadnoughts has given them a flare of Dark Angel and Iron Hands. Very tanky melee juggernauts, they use Meltas often like their forebears, but Flamers much less so. Instead, they prefer shields and blunt melee weapons. Not many swords or axes, but hammers and mauls and maces aplenty. And flails. So many flails. The curse is something I came up with is rooted in an attempt to "fix" thier Geneseed. Salamanders have that signature onyx flesh and burning eyes appearance, which has on occasion gotten them strange looks from other Imperial organizations. The good news: They no longer have that iconic Salamander look, no more "is he a Mutant or Heretic" look. The bad news: They fixed one thing and broke another. I forget the organ that control their bone growth, but essentially, as they get older, that organ goes into overdrive. At first, it makes their bones even tougher and adds some increased resilience to their soft tissues. Their bones can even heal at a massively accelerated rate. However, the benefits don't last forever. Thier soft tissues begin to convert to bone. They become more and more durable, but their mobility and speed begins to suffer. Basic movement becomes agony, as simply moving requires them to shatter their bones to move thier limbs. Should a Marine have the (mis)fortune to live long enough, they become living statues, trapped within their own bodies. The solution? Saw down their limbs, replace as many organs as possible with cybernetics, and inture them in a dreadnought. Eventually, even their brains will become bone. But until them, they will serve. The Chapter, The Emporer, and the Citizenry of the Imperium. P.S. If you wanna unlock a new fear, this whole bonification thing is based on a real disease that turns ligaments and tendons into bone due to incorrectly storing massive amounts of calcium in them, thus calcifying them into bone. Enjoy that mental image. Edit: Just got to where they talked about kind Salamander successors....my bad....
@jamiep9991 Күн бұрын
The furthest that i went with op old tech is making my chapter's flagship an infernus class cruiser.
@guilhermeissaRbbr Күн бұрын
Hey following Zarrek’s advice, where can I find the 5th edition votann codex (sarcastic)
@BorninFlames237 2 күн бұрын
Episode sounds really interesting! Can't wait!
@mattbagel6783 Күн бұрын
I have an idea for a home-brew chapter that is a blood angels successor that venerate the Lamenters. Their gene seed was tampered/experimented with and instead of the Red Thirst, they have the Yellow Fear, which turns them into cowards rather than vampires. They have DEEP SHAME because of their flaw, being soldier who should "know no fear" yet are quite susceptible to it. They also aren't even that great as space marines, but are obsessed with being showing courage through reckless means (fond of dangerous plasma weapons to prove they aren't scared, which gets many killed). Recently their entire third company was slaughtered by tyranids, their chief librarian turned to chaos, and a deathwatch kill team (brought in to help with the tyranid invasion) sold their genetic flaw out to the inquisition which got their chapter master executed and them sent on a penance crusade to prove they are worthy enough to be space marines, even with their fatal flaw.
@jdc1748 Күн бұрын
GWs authors should listen to this too.
@hewkii7157 21 сағат бұрын
Which Marine codex would you guys recommend reading over 5th edition’s?
@Alyrant Күн бұрын
Ok. Screw it. I'm making my own chapter with hookers and blackjack
@Paradukes Күн бұрын
* Furiously taking notes for my own homebrew *
@TheWideMurloc 7 сағат бұрын
I guess I might be guilty of #4 but it’s not without reason. I love the Gray Knights, but wanted to make something that would make sense playing as in space marine 2 being Primaris, having some different colors, and without assuming my character killed all his allies after the mission
@ethanm2926 Күн бұрын
Also at point 17 i literally am including religious themes, terms, etc. In my necron homebrew, a race that literally shattered gods. Not including that in marines just sounds really strange
@JWard-sp7wt 2 күн бұрын
I'm just getting into Warhammer through Space Marine. I've been watching a lot of lore videos and I must say I'm really falling in love with the story. But I have a quick question. As a beginner, what media do you recommend for people new to Warhammer? Books, movies, games, etc?
@plaguesnstuff7657 2 күн бұрын
Astartes and Sodaz's old animations are great, If the Emperor had a text to speech device was fandom defining until GW shot it in the foot. Books wise the original Horus Heresy trilogy is dope. For games: the first two dawn of war games, Boltgun is basically 40k doom, and tabletop simulator in case you wanna try the actual game out without selling a kidney
@samfish2550 Күн бұрын
I'm looking for advice on how far you think I can push without outright inquisition nuking for a cursed foundation idea I've got and been sculpting during this video. To spare the text wall I'll just lay out the loose dilemma. I can't cut it from the chapter, and inquisitors nuking them outright early on removes way more interesting options for later on. Like I am talking gutting most of the fun plot lines it opens, including inquisitorial tension later on. Problem is justifying how they live long enough to dive into and flesh out the story. Like it's not innately warpy, it's just biological mutation that gradually worsens with age (basically slowly growing more limbs, teeth, faces, heads etc.) due to a runaway of their healing factor. So maybe they would be viewed as suspicious but acceptable, they do carve away what they can until it gets to out of hand and they incinerate themselves as they are unfit for war. Idk, y'all think I could justify their existence at baseline or to mutant.
@skaut_games7644 Күн бұрын
This one is hard mate. Black dragons are on knife edge and all they have is bones poking out Yours mutation would be outright exterminatus. Unless they go carcaradon way and hide somewhere
@Demongordon Күн бұрын
Hello, amazing video in fact theses advices aren't just to write Homebrew chapters, but would work wonderfully as any writing advice with a little change could become generic really important advice that many author from any genre need to listen. however I would like to point out that around At <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="85">1:25</a>:00 the Host interrupted Zarak point about Lore Precedent and didn't let her return to it before moving to the next point. While I do believe that was related to what was being said, and maybe Zarak didn't mind it and perhps she was just about to conclude her thoughts, but I do feel that is something you may want to keep a eye out.
@ethanm2926 Күн бұрын
I appreciate the general nature. I don't have the most interest in homebrewing marines, other than what it necessary for my story. I have a cult of thousand sons marines, but they mostly serve to be antagonists to my necron dynasty. Though I might end up developing them more after listening to this. That being said I appreciate a lot of this is easily transferable to other factions and just good writing advice in general. I'll have to go through and reexamine my dynasty a little and actually finish the dynasty overview doc and also chapter 3 of my story.
@brastionskywarrior6951 Күн бұрын
My first chapter were a white scars successor who were colored brown and white with light blue accents. They were space sharks basically and they had monowheel dreadnoughts
@yopoxikeweapescai9066 Күн бұрын
We have aaron more than half of the og cast now lol
@triangularbox949 11 сағат бұрын
Dragon Spears mentioned 👀
@Luckie_7 Күн бұрын
I feel a way to make ur guys a little nicer and get away with it is have them actively being punished by hierarchy for wasting resources, they could need the ppl of their home planet bc they are struggling for numbers, it could also be that the inquisition views their level of kindness to be heretical. Just making it make sense in universe rlly. Maybe instead of hope it could manifest as honoring sacrifice. My chapter comes from a death world that consists of vast icy oceans and the ppl there herd and fish while plagued by beasts and sea monsters. They honor the sacrifice of a strong son who can help feed their village and it’s celebrated in a way but just as often the sons given are given to get rid of another mouth to feed. When they are on planet they often hunt and fish for the beasts that plague the ppl there and give them as food for the ppl but there will always be more beasts or another famine. The marines offer the ppl hope but with the other hand they take their strongest to join the chapter and occasionally they return to a village destroyed and wiped out or swallowed by the sea.
@jibbajabba Күн бұрын
This came to me at just the right moment cause i just made my own chapter.
@telkhine_4067 2 күн бұрын
I’m so down with the new animation, please keep it 👊
@ildlyn8966 6 сағат бұрын
biggest pitfall is thinking anyone cares about your homebrew lore
@almightykingpin6322 Күн бұрын
@samuelspry6955 2 күн бұрын
For BankCrasha: Roleplay it with a Rogue trader.
@PaimenPlays 2 күн бұрын
Ayo! Love the new avatar wobble.
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