Keep an invisible line in your mind that indicates how far the farthest distance forward the tank had to go to pull and dont go past that line. you put your butt of the cat far beyond the "invisible tank frontline" often to get behind targets. stay alive! loving it grubb
@Aisaaax10 күн бұрын
You need to start Onyxia attunement ASAP and make sure you have finished MC attunement. It will take a few days at your pace. You know you finished MC attunement when you can talk to an elf outside of BRD (he stands in a small room right when you descend the last chain towards BRD). He can teleport you to MC. You know you have finished Onyxia attunement when you get Onyxia amulet - you need to wear it to enter Onyxia's lair.
@williampatrickfurey10 күн бұрын
Consider that if the kefir has anything less than like 60 functional enzymes(some of which perform functions of DNA), that it's not actually all that it should be. There's also the thought of colostrum, gonadotropin hormone, and a carotenoid diversity that would heal many.
@Aisaaax10 күн бұрын
Why not Tauren Shaman?
@ikkiplays10 күн бұрын
u seem havily invested in WOWClassic, are u not going back go to WC3?
@HeyLoIo9 күн бұрын
Just give it time. Game takes at least a year to get through classic content and id say it depends on only fangs stay in the game. Also he might 1v1 tyler soon, he thinks he can beat grubby in a few weeks of practice lol.
@graverobber1355 күн бұрын
if you guys keep asking he'll do what you want for sure