wow finally some 50-50 fights, or mostly its just enemy is way too bad or feeding/trolling.
@Giocattolo88 Жыл бұрын
lol! Magmus feed him a lot and mk lost the game.
@MATIK000 Жыл бұрын
im not saying its 1900 gameplay they both are equily making mistakes, but at the end they both could be a winner
@bonsaiload222 Жыл бұрын
This 50/50? The legion had 0 hardcarries, mk aint no carry anymore since his stats got downpatched hes no longer full lategame. Tempest giving freekill early to gunblyat, this aint no 50-50 game. Bad setup of legion, if they had a tdl freefarming bot, they would won it
@XvL2 Жыл бұрын
Кто мне объяснит? Зачем он на ганблейда купил cleaver, лучше бы линку и инвиз себе выгребал с этих деталей) сам лично в эту игру играл 10лет) P.s. с Dutchownage попадался очень много раз и против и вместе) если что чекайте XvL ник в HoN