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성공비밀 by 민팍

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@롱롱맘-t6e Жыл бұрын
원하는 무엇이든 이뤄지는 날이 오길
@ElmerOLockerjrKorea Жыл бұрын
앗, 영상 감사합니다!
@소담소담-t6t Жыл бұрын
한번 설정시켜놓은 미래의 사건은 안바뀌는군요
@롱롱맘-t6e Жыл бұрын
좋은결과가 오길
@_YouOnlyLiveOnce_ Жыл бұрын
@maummbuza Жыл бұрын
@leesunggun2088 Жыл бұрын
감사합니다 민팍님
@오호-x6e Жыл бұрын
제가 느꼈던 것과 표현이 너무 비슷해서 놀랐어요 저도 매일매일 심상화 현실화를 하는데 여느 때와 다름없이 아침에 똑같이 일어났는데 [나에겐 무한한 창조적 에너지가 있다] [신의 부가 나를 관장한다] 를 세상에 그 어느 때보다 명료하고 확실하게 알고 일어났습니다 그날 아침 , 평소에는 엘레베이터를 무조건 기다리고 올라가는데 이미 나에게 무한한 창조의 에너지가 흘러넘치고 있다는 것을 알아서 그냥 계단으로 걸어갔던 기억이나요 6층이나 걸어서 올라가야하는데 그게 너무 간단하게 쉽게 됐습니다 근데 놀라운건 이 영상을 보기까지 저는 그 경험을 잊고 살았어요 망각이란 내가 싫어하는 것도 잊게 하지만 내가 장엄하고 아름답게 느꼈던 강렬한 느낌마저 잊게 합니다 과도기에 있는 모든 사람들이 이런 놀라운 경험을 꼭 해보길 바랍니다 증말
@히히-p7e Жыл бұрын
느낌을 어떻게 잡아야 할 지 잘 모르겠어요..
@데니-b3c Жыл бұрын
저도 그래서 100번쓰기 하면서 그냥 누워서 계속 시각화중인데 어떻게 느끼는지는 알게 됐어요. 진짜 느껴져요 가끔 기독교인들이 ‘신을 느꼈다’ 이러잖아요? 저도 그게 뭔지 알게됐어요 진짜 느껴져요 그 미래가
@데니-b3c Жыл бұрын
아 근데 공부도 하고 있어요 제가 끌어당기는 미래가 지금 대학교거든요
@히히-p7e Жыл бұрын
@@데니-b3c 저도 100번 쓰기도 하고 시각화도 하는데 몇 사람들은 눈 감아도 이미지가 보인다는데 저는 아무것도 안보여서 그런가 싶기도 하는데 저는 안느껴지더라구요.. 느껴지셨을 때 어떤 느낌이셨어요 ??
@장경희-y6p Жыл бұрын
​@@히히-p7e 대신 답변이라 죄송한데 100번 쓰기를 하는 이유 먼저 설명 드리자면 제가 알기론 정말 실제로 이뤄졌고, 그것이 현실처럼 느껴지게 하기 위함입니다. 생각의 전환을 해보자면 이미 이뤄졌다는 느낌과 눈으로 꼭 보이는것이 아닌 감정과 상상이 핵심입니다! 이뤄졌다는 감정과 매일 목표를 잊어버리지만 않는다면 사실 100번 쓰기는 사실 거의 안해도 된다고 봅니다.
@데니-b3c Жыл бұрын
@@히히-p7e 원하는 장면을 상상을 하면, 하자마자 “오, 진짜 됐네” 정말 이런 생각이 자동으로 든달까요? 진짜 제가 그 장소에 있는 것 같고 이미 이루어진 것 같아요. “와 좋다. 진짜 됐네?” 진짜 이렇게 생각이 들고 그냥 감정이 느껴져요
@전제의법칙 Жыл бұрын
상상력 통제
@-messagefromthestars5471 Жыл бұрын
지금 이 순간 여기에서 원하는 무엇이든 끌어당기는 법을 알려 드리겠습니다. 1. Align what you want to what you need 2. Know that ego does not know what you need 3. Know that your higher mind knows exactly what you need at any moment 4. Know that what you experience is what your higher mind allows 5. Know that what you do not experience is what you do not need at the moment 6. Know that you experience now is what you need for you to remember who you truly are 7. If you align your ego with your higher mind and allow what needs to happen to happen, you always get what you need, which is what you want You are right where you need to be. Timing is always perfect. You experience what you need to experience when you need to experience it. Everything is right where they need to be. Love and light to you all...
@-messagefromthestars5471 Жыл бұрын
The points provided here suggest a framework for understanding desires, needs, and experiences that's grounded in mindfulness, self-awareness, and acceptance of what is. The underlying assumption is that the key to achieving what we want is not about exerting external control over our circumstances, but rather about attuning ourselves to our internal needs and aligning them with our desires. 1. Align what you want to what you need: The assumption here is that our wants and needs can be different. Wants can often be influenced by external factors or societal pressures, while needs often pertain to our fundamental wellbeing. To get what we want, we first need to understand what we truly need and align our wants accordingly. 2. Ego does not know what you need: The ego can be influenced by desires born out of illusion of past and future time or the desire born out of fear based beliefs, and can often lead us astray from our deeper needs. Recognizing this can help us better navigate our desires. 3. Your higher mind knows exactly what you need: This refers to a deeper, more intuitive understanding of ourselves beyond the ego. This 'higher mind' can encompass our long-term goals, core values, and intrinsic motivations, and is presumed to have a more accurate understanding of what we truly need. 4. What you experience is what your higher mind allows: This suggests that our experiences are not arbitrary or entirely shaped by external forces, but rather reflect our inner state and what our higher mind deems necessary for our growth and wellbeing. 5. What you do not experience is what you do not need at the moment: This underlines the importance of accepting what is and trusting that we are experiencing exactly what we need to at any given moment. 6. You experience now what you need to remember who you truly are: This highlights the belief that our experiences serve to remind us of our true selves, reinforcing our core values and sense of self. 7. Align your ego with your higher mind: This point emphasizes the importance of integrating our ego and our higher mind. This is about finding balance between our immediate wants and deeper needs, and allowing life to unfold naturally rather than forcing outcomes. These points culminate in a holistic understanding of personal growth, self-fulfillment, and contentment. They propose that getting what we want isn't about struggling against the world or constantly striving for more, but rather about deeply understanding ourselves, aligning our desires with our true needs, and accepting and trusting the flow of our life experiences. The philosophy presented is one of harmonious alignment, self-acceptance, and mindfulness.
@-messagefromthestars5471 Жыл бұрын
Life, as we know it, unfolds within a vast and intricate tapestry. Each thread weaves into another, creating a design so complex and awe-inspiring that it can often feel bewildering. Yet, within this intricate design, lies a fundamental simplicity, a cosmic order that guides us on our journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. The undercurrent of existence affirms that everything is, and nothing isn't. The galaxies far away, the blades of grass beneath our feet, and the thoughts that flutter through our minds, all exist within the vast expanse of possibility. From this perspective, every perspective is true. And in this truth, we find that our reality is not happening to us, but rather, it is happening for us. In the grand scheme of things, each one of us serves a unique purpose. The specific threads of our lives are woven in such a way that they contribute to the entirety of the cosmic design. Our individual experiences, the joys, and the sorrows, the victories, and the defeats, all serve a higher purpose. They bring us closer to the truth of who we are, to the truth of our essence. Time and space, often seen as linear and fixed, are fluid constructs, an infinite canvas upon which we paint our experiences. As we navigate through this dynamic panorama, we find that the present moment is all there is, a constant unfolding of now. Our past is but a series of 'nows' that have come to pass, and our future, a sequence of 'nows' yet to unfold. In this ever-present now, we find a profound unity, a oneness that binds us all. The illusion of separation dissolves, revealing that we are all part of one existence. We are drops in the ocean of consciousness, each reflecting the whole, yet unique in our expression. Our individual roles in the universe are essential, and our contributions are invaluable. The happenings of life are not arbitrary, but orchestrated in perfect harmony. Every experience, every encounter, every challenge, and triumph serves a purpose. They are reflections of our inner state, mirrors that reveal who we are. By acknowledging this, we can embrace these experiences as opportunities for growth and evolution, allowing us to become more aligned with our true nature. Change is the one constant in the universe. It is the rhythm to which life dances, a dynamic harmony that keeps the cosmic order in balance. Despite the flux of circumstances, we have the freedom to choose how we respond. This freedom to choose, to act, and to be, is a profound form of empowerment. It is an affirmation of our autonomy, a testament to our creative potential. While our external environment might change, the timing of these changes is perfect. Just as the sun rises when the night has reached its darkest point, our lives too unfold in perfect timing. What we experience and when we experience it, is exactly what we need for our growth, evolution, and remembrance of our true nature. As we navigate this journey of life, we are guided by a higher wisdom, a wisdom that knows precisely what we need at any given moment. By tuning into this higher mind and allowing it to guide us, we align our desires with our needs. The pursuit of what we want then becomes a journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. It becomes an act of allowing, rather than insisting, an act of embracing rather than resisting. In this alignment, we find a synchronicity, a harmonious dance between our desires and the universe's responses. We realize that what we truly want is not outside of us but within us. We are not chasing after something but aligning with it. We are not seeking fulfillment but realizing that we are the embodiment of fulfillment. When we tap into this state of being , we create from a space of abundance rather than scarcity, of peace instead of discord, and of love in place of fear. We realize that we are not separate from joy, success, or unconditional love, but rather, we are these very things at our core. Our journey then becomes a process of unveiling these qualities, of remembering who we truly are. This journey, this adventure of discovery, is a choice. We chose to explore the vast landscape of human experiences, to lose ourselves within the depths of time, separation, and limitation, only to rediscover our true nature from a myriad of perspectives. We chose to play the cosmic game, to partake in the dance of creation, using our minds and bodies as vehicles for experience. Each moment that unfolds, each experience we encounter, is precisely what we need to further our journey of self-discovery. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. Every interaction, every situation is an opportunity to align ourselves more with our higher selves, to remember who we truly are. Within this alignment, there exists a formula, a path of least resistance, a guideline that can help us navigate the waters of life with ease and joy. This formula involves acting on our highest excitement with integrity and to the best of our ability, without any insistence or assumption about a specific outcome. It involves trusting in the inherent wisdom of our higher selves and the perfect timing of the universe. In this way, the pursuit of what we want is transformed. It no longer involves chasing after external objects, situations, or states of being. Instead, it becomes a journey inward, a journey of aligning our outer reality with our inner truth, of allowing our highest excitement to guide us towards the remembrance of our true nature. When we embrace this formula, we find that the universe supports us in unimaginable ways. New opportunities arise, synchronicities occur, and the path unfolds in front of us in perfect timing. We come to realize that everything we need, we already have. We understand that everything we want, we already are. So, how do we get what we want? By realizing that we are already everything we could ever want. By aligning ourselves with our higher selves and allowing the universe to guide us. By embracing the journey and trusting in the perfect timing of all things. By remembering who we truly are. In this remembrance, we find that we are not just a thread in the cosmic tapestry but the tapestry itself. We are not just a drop in the ocean of consciousness but the ocean itself. We are not just seekers of fulfillment, but the embodiment of fulfillment. We are, in essence, the universe experiencing itself, a beautiful dance of consciousness unfolding in perfect harmony and timing. This, in itself, is the ultimate fulfillment, the highest joy, the deepest peace, and the most profound love. And it is in this state of being that we truly get what we want.
@푸틴-q6k 10 ай бұрын
좀 쉽게 말해주라ㅜ
@-messagefromthestars5471 10 ай бұрын
@@푸틴-q6k 지금 이 순간 여기에서 원하는 모든걸 끌어당기는 법 1. 세상은 이미 다차원적인 내가 허락한 것이고 나를 위해 완전하게 펼쳐진다는걸 알기를 허락한다 2. 에고가 (소)원하는 삶을 끌어당기려고 집착하여 나의 본질을 기억하는 지름길을 밀어내지 않는다 3. 삶은 언제나 완전하게 나를 통해 펼쳐지고 나를 위해 펼쳐짐을 알고 에고가 (소)원하는 삶을 끌어당기는게 삶이 풀리는게 아니라는걸 안다 3. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 내가 원하는 진동을 나에게 필요한 것에 맞추고 펼쳐지는 삶에대한 두려움에서 자유로워진다 4. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 삶을 신뢰하고 평온함으로 펼쳐지는 삶을 부정/거부/저항하지 않고 환영하며 받아들인다 5. 모든 관점은 진리이기에 존재가치를 인정하고 부정하지않고 그 관점을 체험하는 나를 포함한 모든 존재의 가치를 부정하지 않고 존중한다 6. 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 있다는 환상을 체험할 뿐 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 없음을 알고 이미 삶을 통제하고있는 다차원적인 나에게 통제를 맡긴다 7. 결핍이라는 환상으로 부터 온 내가 원하는건(wanting) 없으며 나는 자유, 평화, 기쁨, 행복, 풍요, 성공, 조건없는 사랑 자체임을 알기를 허락한다 8. 지금 이 순간 여기에 있는 내가 신의 표현으로서 완전하고 있는 모습 그대로 온전함을 알고 지금 이 순간 여기를 떠나 더 가치 있는 곳을 집착 하지 않고 내가 가슴뛰고 내면이 기쁜일을 저항과 결과에 대한 집착없이 아이처럼 매 순간 긍정적인 의미를 부여하며 해 나간다. (상위자아와의 대화) 한마디로 말하자면 내 영적여정에 필요걸 원하면 필요한건 언제나 주어지기에 원하는 모든걸 끌어당기는게 된다라는 겁니다.
@-messagefromthestars5471 10 ай бұрын
@@푸틴-q6k 원하는 삶을 모두 끌어당기는 법 1. 세상은 이미 다차원적인 내가 허락한 것이고 나를 위해 완전하게 펼쳐진다는걸 알기를 허락한다 2. 에고가 (소)원하는 삶을 끌어당기려고 집착하여 나의 본질을 기억하는 지름길을 밀어내지 않는다 3. 삶은 언제나 완전하게 나를 통해 펼쳐지고 나를 위해 펼쳐짐을 알고 에고가 (소)원하는 삶을 끌어당기는게 삶이 풀리는게 아니라는걸 안다 3. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 내가 원하는 진동을 나에게 필요한 것에 맞추고 펼쳐지는 삶에대한 두려움에서 자유로워진다 4. 펼쳐지는 삶은 항상 나에게 필요한 것이기에 삶을 신뢰하고 평온함으로 펼쳐지는 삶을 부정/거부/저항하지 않고 환영하며 받아들인다 5. 모든 관점은 진리이기에 존재가치를 인정하고 부정하지않고 그 관점을 체험하는 나를 포함한 모든 존재의 가치를 부정하지 않고 존중한다 6. 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 있다는 환상을 체험할 뿐 나의 통제 바깥에서 일어나는 일이 없음을 알고 이미 삶을 통제하고있는 다차원적인 나에게 통제를 맡긴다 7. 결핍이라는 환상으로 부터 온 내가 원하는건(wanting) 없으며 나는 자유, 평화, 기쁨, 행복, 풍요, 성공, 조건없는 사랑 자체임을 알기를 허락한다 8. 지금 이 순간 여기에 있는 내가 신의 표현으로서 완전하고 있는 모습 그대로 온전함을 알고 지금 이 순간 여기를 떠나 더 가치 있는 곳을 집착 하지 않고 내가 가슴뛰고 내면이 기쁜일을 저항과 결과에 대한 집착없이 아이처럼 매 순간 긍정적인 의미를 부여하며 해 나간다. (상위자아와의 대화) 짧게 말하자면, 필요한걸 원하면 원하는 모든걸 끌어당기게 된다는겁니다.
@vlog-of3ye Жыл бұрын
@gwanchalman1618 Жыл бұрын
그만 끌어당기고 실행이나 하세요 좀..
@마지막생존자 Жыл бұрын
자기전에 상상하는게 도대체 뭐가 문제예요..ㅋㅋ
@busa11jo11 8 ай бұрын
뭔소린지 모르겠다.
@ikimd8 Жыл бұрын
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