4 Months MMA Training vs Tai Chi Master

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Fight Commentary Breakdowns

Fight Commentary Breakdowns

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@elenchus Жыл бұрын
There's a much larger organizational problem in the kung fu world in terms of credentials. Whether it's wing chun or tai chi, even if we could throw his resume up on the screen and verify every element of it, we would have no idea what it really means. Let's say we can prove he trained for 5 years under Master So and So. What is the implication of that? Do we believe that Master So and So is a good fighter and therefore able to impart fighting skills to his student? Almost certainly not (his instructor has, quite possibly, never sparred in his entire life, much less fought). If we know he's from Tai Chi Style X, we will also know that Tai Chi styles Y and Z will hate style X and say it's fraudulent and useless, but their styles are amazing and the true style (and X also believes this about Y and Z). Who do we believe, and why? My point is that there's essentially no reason to even try to validate the credentials of kung fu fighters. We have no method of interpreting them in a useful way. If you're a black belt in judo from a Kodokan instructor, great, we have a sort of pedagogical chain of custody that strongly suggests that the fighter in question is a good representative of judo. But there is no analogue in CMA. Because of this hierarchical, organizational failure, it opens the door to constant No True Scotsman fallacies and it also makes quality control behind a brand (brand, in this instance, being a style) nearly impossible. Even if there were a legitimate, highly effective tai chi style out there, the brand of tai chi would be and is so damaged by all of the ineffective schools that the phrase tai chi would be effectively meaningless.
@FightCommentary Жыл бұрын
@k3tum Жыл бұрын
i didn't know about the organizational state of these kung fu masters. I always thought that the main reason of them getting knocked out was that they just didn't want to spar because of cultural reasons. maybe on a higher level these martial art schools are so fraudulent on an organizational level that they are not able to produce fighters anymore.
@TheAnsonysc Жыл бұрын
@@k3tum They are smart. They don’t want any side effects on their brains especially when getting older. Those are sports for two players only.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
​@@k3tum while there are definitely fraudulent "masters" out there (this channel has covered quite a few), I'm not sure I would attribute the large scale organizational failure to a deliberate attempt to pull one over on the masses. I think this is more of a lack of vision combined with a lack of organizational skills and/or business know-how. This isn't even necessarily an attack on the styles themselves; it's entirely possible to be a great martial artist and a terrible businessman, for instance, as they don't share core competencies. While the styles ought to consolidate their various branches to the degree possible into a larger major style, construct concrete syllabi that identify what skills and techniques students learn to reach certain ranks, and do rigorous quality control on their schools to make sure those are being followed, there is another way to do QC. If you have constant inter-school competition, like in Muay Thai, or jiujitsu, for instance, and we have the rational assumption that students and schools prefer to win, then you will create a mechanism of policing where bad schools die off and good schools grow. There are a few problems with that method too, which I can expand upon if you want.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnsonysc It is certainly true that never sparring will result in fewer injuries, but it is also true that not training at all will result in fewer injuries yet. Tai chi (and other similar disciplines) must decide what their fundamental objectives are. If they're inclined to remain beautiful dances and forms of exercise to promote basic health, then they may continue on their path but should drop their claims of fight efficacy. If being able to fight is valuable to them, as they seem to suggest, then they will have to endorse at least somewhat realistic, regular sparring. There is simply no known way to develop fight competency without sparring and/or fighting.
@Joelvel Жыл бұрын
I'm imagining the Tai Chi guy were Adam Mizner instead. The bold charlatan.
@danteeudora6330 Жыл бұрын
Am I a bad person for laughing when he got KO'd. 🤣
@robertwang2788 Жыл бұрын
@Screaminchief55 Жыл бұрын
No. Tai Chi is like Chinese yoga. There's no fighting to it. Like you just witnessed. He should not have gotten in the ring.
@Ironheart73 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Clearly the old man was delusional and should have not been allowed to spar with the younger guy without at the very least protective gears.
@hwoarang2001 7 ай бұрын
It’s like beating up our dad or granddad at 75+… I could never do this to any old person
@arcfide Жыл бұрын
I've always loved the traditional martial arts, but it continues to annoy me (even though it shouldn't) that so many people have these weird, divorced perspectives on their own arts. If you do even a tiny bit of historical investigation, you easily uncover a recipe for the use, application, and training of these traditional martial arts, but so many people today just disregard this for some sort of fuzzy idea like "forms training will make you instinctively discover fighting techniques in the moment." Huh??? Especially with Taijiquan, you find so many people who have never actually thought to study the historical applications of their form, the evolution of that style, and the additional training that was expected for fighters outside of forms training. And then there is conditioning and strength training. There's ample evidence that even the Taijiquan from Chen village put a strong emphasis on strength training and conditioning. If you are doing Taijiquan and you're not taking specific postures out of the form, taking the specific historical application, and drilling those under pressure and sparring, you're not coming anywhere close to an actual traditional training practice in Taijiquan. Sorry for ranting here, but it just annoys me that such a richly historical art has lost so much that most people don't even know what a real fighter training in that art would have done or looked like or practiced like in its true historical context.
@iluvj00 Жыл бұрын
Legacy martial arts do not work. Maybe they did against farmers or civilians. Nowadays mma is they top art. Legacy ma will never work against top mma. Bring any Kung fu fighter against Adesanya or the best Tai Chi fighter VS kabhib. Legacy ma... Just look at how body fluidity has changed in 100 years. Videos of football or soccer back then VS now. It's the same with legacy MA. You need to evolve them to become relevant and when you do you end up with Sanda and mma.
@arcfide Жыл бұрын
@@iluvj00 I think that's a limited perspective. I also think it's short sighted. There are lots of traditional arts that have demonstrated themselves to be effective in the ruleset of MMA but which were initially dismissed as inefficient and useless. But the historical context of these martial arts is more nuanced than just that. Sanda *is* a traditional martial art, IMO, and does count as Kung Fu, it's just a specific ruleset and the associated training that comes from training for that specific ruleset. But even so, the historical context of these arts in which they were effective should be understood, and in such cases, we would expect that people who could adequately apply their arts in their historical context would also have a much better showing in these cage fights than what we see here. That's my point. You could make a case that the historical context for some of these arts isn't a good match for cage fighting today, and that's fair, but at the very least, if you are practicing a traditional martial art in its traditional methods, you should be able to demonstrate some effectiveness relative to that historical context, and we *aren't* seeing that. The people in these videos wouldn't even be good fighters in the historical context of their martial arts, because they aren't even training effectively by historical standards and their own traditional art. That's what annoying. It doesn't particularly bother me that some traditional methods that are optimized for a different fighting environment (say, Lei Tai non-cage fights without gloves and less ground fighting; or military conflicts with spears and weapons) are less efficient for cage fighting. Fine, but at the very least, I wish people would train authentically or acknowledge the limitations of their levels of training relative to their *own* professed systems. All traditional forms of martial arts in their historical context involved pressure-testing and drilling against resisting opponents. Almost no one does this for traditional martial arts now, despite that being the historical practice for fighters (vs. people using forms for exercise). Sanda and Shuai Jiao, for instance, were historically just the rulesets for pressure testing any Chinese martial art, not separate arts in themselves. A typical traditional martial artist would have been expected to participate in Sanda-type or Shuaijiao-type practice as a matter of course, there was no distinction between a Sanda fighter and a "Kung Fu" fighter, at least historically. It's like an MMA fighter only ever doing solo-shadow training while dismissing conditioning, drilling with partners, sparring, and so forth, and then calling what they are doing MMA. Then 200 years later, everyone thinks MMA is just that thing, and everyone thinks MMA practitioners can't fight. Well, of course MMA would be ineffective if you basically disregard most of the applied training that matters. Even worse, some TMAs are like someone training MMA shadow boxing/wrestling while having no idea what the moves were originally designed to do, and then claiming that they'll just discover applications in the middle of a fight. If you did that to MMA's technique set, you'd end up with just the same result that we see with these TMAs.
@iluvj00 Жыл бұрын
@@arcfide of course my perspective is limited as I am just focusing on combat efficacy. Look, some of these legacy ma have critical flaws that only now we see because fighting evolved to a more complete system in mma. It's not that mma is one thing, it is judo, wrestling or jiu-jitsu on the floor, it is boxing on the hands and muai Thai on the legs, or karate on the legs, or even kick boxing standing. What I mean is legacy ma like Kung fu have their hands down and they all eat punches, or that wing Chun rain of fists cannot knockout someone with good guard. When these arts are put under pressure, they best of fighters forget their fancy stance, their ballet movements and recur to brawling. Brawling is imo the proto art. So I think even if you bring the big kahuna of Kung fu from any era, against any ufc champion they wouldn't last a round. It's like bringing Pelé to a match against any professional champions league team. The bodies are different (steroids and enhancing drugs, evolved training), the tactics are ultimate, the timing is different.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
would anyone know what "real" tai chi looked like? who? how would they know that?
@ericg4568 Жыл бұрын
The Tai Chi Guy is not using TaiChi, he is just moving around aimlessly, wondering to himself, what the hell am I doing here! But I bet he has flawless forms. 😮
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
Yes lol
@ivanyardin9022 Жыл бұрын
My friend did tiger kung fu, wushu and feng shou and he won real fights, one time against 6 people. He even knocked down a prospective Olympic boxer. He was about 1.70m in height and weighted about 90k I would say. When he hits people go down.. But he trained 7 days a week, sparring, bag work, weights and did tao or Kata. I trained 7 days a week also and I trained in Judo, karate, thaiboxing and some kung fu. We sparred a few times and he was so powerful. I day he hit me in the stomach by accident and I felt instant internal pain. Traditional arts work but you need to train and train. What was interesting is when he fought he used Tao (tao) movements and they worked. Usually people take sort of a boxing stance but he never did. He would use horse stance, front stance etc..and he was an expert at timing and distance and redirection. Probably one of the best fighters I have known. Attitude is also important. We trained to win fights on the streets and so we used powerful techniques to break anything in our paths. You need to train with the attitude that you are always fighting to the death and that you will the one going home in one piece. Believe in your art, train, spar, run, lift weights, condition your weapons using heavy bags, makiwara, wooden dummy.. Good luck in your journey.
@hectorheckler6327 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work.👍
@jacekkow119 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for fairy tales. I loved to read them when I was a kid, then I realized there is not a single proof they are true.
@ivanyardin9022 Жыл бұрын
@@jacekkow119 I saw the proof with my own eyes. I was attacked by 2 people. First one got a broken jaw and second one broken ribs. I had just finished school, I was 20 and they were in their 30s, thinking they could bash this young man... First one got a right cross on his jaw, spun around 180 degrees and I hit his back with a huge hammer fist and he went down like a sack of potatoes. Second one got 3 uppercuts in the ribs, followed by a mawashi geri same spot. The fight happened outside a popular nightclub in a rough part of the city. I had lacerations inside my mouth and was bleeding from the guys left hook.. I had 16 friends and not one of them lifted a finger to help and from that time, the lesson was do not expect help from anyone. Always try to walk away, but if cornered fight like a wild beast. I wished it was a fairytale as I abhor violence but anyone who puts their hands on other people to bash them deserve a just dessert. Fighting in a real situation is very different from fighting in the ring. There's much stress involved and you don't think what technique you are going to use, you just hit. My Thai boxing teacher was Sagat Petchyindee. Please check him out for creds. All the best to you.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
could you link us to the video where your friend KOed an olympic-alternate boxer? What was the boxer's name?
@kcvic Жыл бұрын
he qualified in tai chi from a video game.
@johnmarty2966 11 ай бұрын
I always thought Tai Chi was a form of exercise people did in the park, almost like a form of free flowing yoga done entirely on your feet. I guess it's also good for getting your ass kicked.
@jamellee504 Жыл бұрын
I think the Tai Chi guy had about 2 seconds of sparring, and 4 days in tai chi, while the other guy probably has two months
@monarch1651 Жыл бұрын
Wdym? Why would you say that? I'm sure the tai chi guy has dedicated his life at least to some extent to his art no matter how useful. I sincerely doubt someone that doesn't take tai chi seriously can self delude themselves into accepting an mma fight
@TheTrueMr.Chicken Жыл бұрын
Very likely not the case. Tai Chi is basically the martial arts equivalent of yoga. Fair exercise and a nice activity, but not very good at all for actual self defense
@oscarvinoya6428 Жыл бұрын
@paullau7753 Жыл бұрын
What Tai Chi? I see no Tai Chi what so ever.....
@mohammadtausifrafi8277 11 ай бұрын
I would really like to see someone with 4 years of Tai Chi then. Based on past experiences, I assume that they probably will not do much better. I can be wrong though.
@user-iz8hu2hn5b 10 ай бұрын
20 years of tai chi vs 20 days of MMA
@joecountry8397 Жыл бұрын
Tai chi is a martial ART!!❤It promotes health ,nutrition,longevity, self defense last . Practising 40 yrs.. .now 70,...it works !!🎉
@daveharris6621 Жыл бұрын
Tia Chi "master" couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag....poor little thing
@kden8321 11 ай бұрын
Couldnt even defend against a kid i think
@SomeOne-wl6wp Жыл бұрын
You don't understand, the master has to first collect the feng shui around the area to finalize his energy blast also known as the dark secret of Hado. Ofc not everybody is allwoed to use this and there are white mage tachi masters and dark magic master. This was clearly a novice but the council of master will dishonor him ,I feel so sad right now :(
@FightCommentary Жыл бұрын
Oh! I get it!
@TheCrusher72 Жыл бұрын
WAY too lethal to be used on someone untrained….
@hectorheckler6327 Жыл бұрын
Lol. So that's why tai chi masters are not allowed to be world champions 🤔
@RamiSimmons Жыл бұрын
I've trained in about 3 different schools of martial arts. If the school focus is on fighting. Then you would have someone who can compete with MMA. Fighting is only an element of martial arts. There's so much more to focus on. The problem is many of these people who have the Title Master may not be a Master at fighting. Although they say they are. 😆
@legion162 Жыл бұрын
You can 100% be a Tai Chi master, at the same time as being a sh1t fighter, both can be true at the same time
@TheTrueMr.Chicken Жыл бұрын
I'm not a fan of these videos. They're the equivalent of making a yoga master go in a weight lifting competition against a body builder. Tai Chi is pretty useless in actual self defense, and more of an exercise form. More then likely the "Master" is just some old guy who thought he was better than he actually was
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
@@TheTrueMr.Chicken If it's useless for fighting/self-defense, that is fine, but then we need these students and masters to stop claiming that they are great at combat/self-defense.
@michaelcook2290 Жыл бұрын
At 0:59 is the best example of Mountain Crashes into the Stream I've seen. Quality Tai Chi
@Biomaterials_Science Жыл бұрын
I would say the MMA guy has done his 4 months and some sparring but as soon as it got hard he mentally regressed to basic. The Tai Chi guy probably never got hit before and immediately lost the plot when it happened.
@thumperhuie Жыл бұрын
A person with no training should challenge the master and beat him
@rzlb5 Жыл бұрын
Love to see how the tai chi master try his best to looks cool after receiving punches one after another. Tai chi is an exercise. Please don't try to be a punching bag.
@Despisefundamentalists-cm5dv Жыл бұрын
You don't seem to understand. Some people just don't have it, no matter how many months, years they have any type of combat training.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
Since tai chi training is, generally speaking, not something that promotes fight competency, I'm not sure it matters if he's done it 1 day or 5 years. If anything, he might be a better fighter with 1 day of training because he will revert to instincts faster. I do get that there are a handful of tai chi schools that additionally teach kickboxing or Greco Roman wrestling on top of tai chi dancing/exercise and that those will have better outcomes, but I view that as tai chi dancing/exercise + unrelated styles, not really a product of tai chi in isolation. I think it just turns out that dancing (what martial artists have rebranded as forms) and push hands just don't enhance fighting skills much.
@TheTrippnotist Жыл бұрын
Been training in tai chi since the 90s (on an off in various schools). Never encountered any school that teaches Greco Roman alongside, but a fair few who teach the the tai chi wrestling methods and hand fighting (push hands). Also trained with a school that trains for Sanda
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
@@TheTrippnotist I just use GR wrestling as shorthand to describe the kind of wrestling that some tai chi schools have added, as to my untrained eye it's the best comparison.
@jacksmith4460 Жыл бұрын
Tai Chi dude is like 20-30 years older though LMAO, not saying age would affect the outcome, more highlighting how silly this idea is
@laperrablanca1 Жыл бұрын
4 months MMA vs 0 sparring training and maybe 1 day of Tai chi. If he had some minimal understanding of Tai chi he wouldn't get himself into a ring to get himself beaten by someone more proficient in basic sparring
@PeterJRaia 8 ай бұрын
An actual Tai Chi Chuan (or Aikido for that matter; there's plenty of "vs" videos of someone wearing a hakama getting his clock cleaned too) master wouldn't ever be drawn in to what would properly be called a fight. He's concerned with his health and probably isn't prone to public drunkenness or false ego ... which I suspect someone involved in an activity where you only "win" at someone else's expense would find more common. In short, if someone feels something he needs to prove, you're NOT looking at a master.
@blkxdragon Жыл бұрын
Tai chi is not going to keep you from getting your ass kicked!
@Yogyalama Жыл бұрын
That's an old ass man tho damn bro 😂😂😂
@robertcook5597 Жыл бұрын
Take the gloves off and the tai chi guy wins every
@richardhenry1969 Жыл бұрын
Jerry what's with the weights in one hand and water in the other. Are you training that hard? Love the content bro, always worth watching.
@FightCommentary Жыл бұрын
I was paying tribute to Jersey Shore but nobody gets the reference. Guess that show isn’t in the public consciousness anymore 😂😂
@richardhenry1969 Жыл бұрын
@@FightCommentary might just be me never seen Jersey shore.
@norbertpires1518 Жыл бұрын
After the Taichi guy got hit he started doing drunken kung fu.
@Domzdream Жыл бұрын
Come on Tai Chi people. Stop challenging people anymore. You are looking a bit foolish. Tai Chi is NOT a fighting style. It’s a meditative style. I guarantee you - if all tai chi masters gets started fighting each other in practice, all of them, and I mean , ALL of them, would start to looking like they’ve taken up MMA. The interaction would lead them away from tai chi, and towards boxing, karate, wrestling….within that range.
@sebastiananderson2047 Жыл бұрын
Taijiquan is a grappling martial art.
@TheAnsonysc Жыл бұрын
Challenging others are not just the Tai Chi people, but also other styles or types of the Kung Fu or Martial Arts. Have you watched the movie Ip Man? Mr. Jin (Gold Mountain Claw) from the northern part of China challenged different Kung Fu schools first and then to Ip Man’s house. Finally beaten up by Ip Man. Telling you that challenging others is not limited to Tai Chi style but all styles. They were beaten not because their skills. It’s because they don’t know what are the golden rules to win a fight. And they don’t know that their style is a one man band while the others are two players sports with several rounds experience. You don’t know what is fighting & what is sport and the main requirements to win a fight. You only see the winner without seeing they lose first & other losers. If they were so good, why they lose instead everyone won in the fight? So it’s the persons win not the styles!
@Domzdream Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnsonysc Are you using a movie to make your point? A movie! It's a movie dude! Any person who defends Tai Chi as a fighting style, was probably NEVER in a fight, other than maybe versus another tai chi practitioner. You sound like that guy. I agree with oyu on ONE thing - yes, it is about knowing how to use what you've got rather than knowing what you know....but not in Tai Chi's case. It's a style designed for meditation. And you know they dont spar, or move against each other, or get punched in the face to know how to take the blows. NONE of that. NONE! You get good at something by DOING IT! If you're constantly sparring and fighting, you will get good at movement, rhythm, explosive energy, breahting....all that and more. In Tai CHi, they mainly focus on relaxing/tensing your body in an extremely slooooowwww way. Why? Because it's function is meditation, not fighting. That is why 100% of all Tai Chi masters always x100! will go down in flames. Like in this case. The lad's been in MMA classes only 3 months, against a master! who probably been at for 20+ years, maybe more. That's embarrassing! But,.....it is understandable. I reckon the lad would have beaten the tai chi guy irrespective of having mo practice at all. Anyway....why defend them? The Tai Chi guys I mean? They're demonstrating complete incompetence, and on top of it all, arrogance. They think they're blessed with X-man like powers. Like they're bottling up energy inside their palms, like Draong-Ball, and able to Ska-doosh! it into the heart of an enemy. It's so silly man.
@monarch1651 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheAnsonyscpls don't reference movies when talking about combat sports history lmao
@monarch1651 Жыл бұрын
​@@sebastiananderson2047yes at one point in time. The qin dynasty and the communist party completely intentionally destroyed Chinese martial arts to neuter their population
@ytb460 Жыл бұрын
Taichi guy who has spent years doing a form and maybe maybe some push hands. They can't fight as they have never learned to BUT some like the Dan Docherty bunch say they do fighting and can fight so get some of those to do these matches. MMA just means taking what works and learning it. Easily the best approach and logical. Just make sure you are balanced. The sooner we have very clear fighting arts, clear self defence stuff and then self development or spiritual or whatever stuff the better.
@MichaelBuieFilms Жыл бұрын
This us happening because the Tai Chi guy is not a fighter. All Tai Chi is not combat
@dalajlampa1170 Жыл бұрын
I am only here for the camera guy comments.
@Pinkylotus7 10 ай бұрын
I hate those self proclaimed tai chi master. They should have formal national exam like Karate yellow black belt. Or paino grade 1 to 8. They never join national competition never win anything. Self proclaimed ridiculous!
@alimmia223 Жыл бұрын
the light was too bright for taichi master 😂
@chainote9936 10 ай бұрын
Tai Chi is an art. The styles are for building your health and Not focusing on attacking. Dont use it against MMA. You have to use similar attacking martial art.
@giamweiming4618 6 ай бұрын
Why don't hsing yi or shaolin internal art n mma challenge. Their training is tougher then maa . Hope to see that.
@suadhalilovic1501 Жыл бұрын
There's traditional movement and application and I didn't see any tai chi application at all
@superionnavigator9231 Жыл бұрын
Tai Chi is not for fighting. Chinese martial art is for making movies.
@donjabbar6449 Жыл бұрын
Silat vs mma fighters??when?
@DreanPetruza Жыл бұрын
👍🏽Like for the laundry reminder
@FightCommentary Жыл бұрын
Someone watched til the end ;)
@helgar791 Жыл бұрын
If this guy had a shovel on his face he'd have buried himself 6 feet under.
@mtower235 Жыл бұрын
Back to the park to impress the old folks with “master” status
@StevenRayW Жыл бұрын
From the looks of it, he could've knocked the Taiji uncle out with 4 minutes of MMA training.
@aku656 Жыл бұрын
Even if you study and memorize techniques for 30 years, you will lose if you don't practice and build your body strength for a real fight. If you want to be a master, you don't just have to memorize fighting techniques. First, body strength training. Second, technique. Third, continuous training. Fourth, confidence.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
and it's also really useful to have techniques that work in fighting too, like jabs and triangle chokes
@QutraLored Жыл бұрын
I don't think tai-chi guy has any tai chi at all, he did not show one iota of it. I should know, i studied it for years with Kajukenbo. Anyone that in anyway wants-to seriously utilize tai-chi should be incorporating its aspects, not relying on it totally
@juelz713 Жыл бұрын
The old vs the young
@pusapusatv8056 Жыл бұрын
its not tai chi master its TAE MASTER HAHAHA
@Sandman9811 Жыл бұрын
Tai Chi master got owned 😂
@DAF21films Жыл бұрын
Young in shape guy beats up old man......
@percy9228 5 ай бұрын
yeah same story in most of them. the old man has been told he's amazing all his life and hasn't been shown it was all lie. if he had a real fight with an aggressive opponent 20 years ago, he might have learnt bettre
@DAF21films 5 ай бұрын
@percywhitehead9228 nah it's just youth vs. Age... time is the true master you don't know what he was like 30 years ago when he was in his prime. Don't assume.
@percy9228 5 ай бұрын
@@DAF21films have a look at a wing chu person called Ding Hao. He's young and got some size. he's fought two mma fighters and got KO'ed twice. TMA isn't fighting. TMA lifestyle , like nutrition, cardio, conditioning, strength training, sparring, actual fights to build mental strength, to get hit, to face aggressors, isn't their. It's like a saying , work smarter not harder. you can go to the mountains and learn TMA or spend a year learning a how to fight and beat the 'masters'.
@DAF21films 5 ай бұрын
@percywhitehead9228 right but we are talking about this person here not another person.
@percy9228 5 ай бұрын
@@DAF21films you're saying that young TMA practitioners can compete and win against young MMA practioners?
@seansartor Жыл бұрын
Appeared to me the Tai Chi Master was about 65 years old 👀 Age could have been a factor
@PaulGappyNorris Жыл бұрын
TBH with a month of MMA training….that should be plenty enough.
@johnstayer233 Жыл бұрын
Tai Chi is not a combat form in the martial arts....like a doctor fighting a boxer....??????
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
good taijiquan is for normal fights it has kicks, punches, elbows, knees and mainly takedowns, projections and etc. because they are recognized worldwide as the direct lineage of the creator of taiji and excellent practitioners of the martial art, so if you say this without any basis in something, it is difficult to read a training video below
@michaelmcclain6704 Жыл бұрын
Conditioning, technical proficiency and sparring/experience all contribute to fight performance. The TC guy lacked conditioning and looked like they had no fight experience or sparring under semi realistic conditions. I think they might have done slightly better with finger gloves, but the lack conditioning was still a factor.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
he also would do a lot better if he trained a functional martial art for fighting like Muay Thai or jiujitsu
@matthewjh138 3 ай бұрын
Agreed since Tai chi is mostly grappling it makes no sense using boxing gloves
@peteben9635 Жыл бұрын
I think tai chi is excellent for joint health and longevity. Best to train in mma, boxing, kickboxing etc and use something like tai chi for recovery or relaxation
@jacekkow119 Жыл бұрын
And we see a confirmation on video: thanks to tai chi training, this old guy have got a nice massage session. His joints will be healthy as never before.
@peteben9635 Жыл бұрын
@@jacekkow119 lol 😆
@wonghauyoung6681 Жыл бұрын
The founder of taichi was trained in Shaolin since young age, don't compare it with nowadays taichi as old people exercise.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
why believe that? why believe he was an effective fighter?
@matthewjh138 3 ай бұрын
Because the historical record has enough evidence of him as he was in the Ming army military and led successful campaigns against Japanese raiders around the early 17th century. Most historians agree these events happened and he was real. We also knew he knew standard army training manuals of the of the time. So he was good for the era
@Bitheluck Жыл бұрын
Young 30+ vs Elder 60+....😢😢😢
@theJACK__ Жыл бұрын
the "master" only trained in very specific drills and in recent years only with students showing deference to him.
@paul_7078 Жыл бұрын
At 1:04 he went down like Ric Flair.
@danielgeoffreyanakjuliusno5208 Жыл бұрын
For Taichi side i hv much respect but if u dont spar and just use fixed forms to fight, ur not in the right mind. Example, karate kata, understands implications, but need adjust to fluid form n be ready to spar. I think the ancient traditional tai chi masters also never fought with the flowery stances and strikes. U need to adjust to the situation.
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
so, in fact, masters fight when they are young since to become a master it's normal that you tend to be in your 50s and you don't fight, you just teach, you know
@jonurieta Жыл бұрын
El Tai Chi (Taiji) y otros estilos internos creo que hace mucho que perdieron el Chuan (Quan). La forma o serie (trabajo interno) sin una exhaustiva e intensiva brega, con su preceptivo dolor añadido, de las aplicaciones marciales de la anterior enfocadas al combate (trabajo externo) dan como resultado a individuos que en una pelea, lucha o enfrentamiento parecen querer vencer sin hacer un mínimo de daño al adversario como si su cuerpo fuera un proyector de Qi y de sus extremidades fueran a salir rayos de poder capaces de someter y vencer a cualquier criatura racional o irracional. Resultado: luchadores bien entrenados y acostumbrados a fajarse tienen enfrente a artistas no marciales de artes marciales internas que no pueden dar ni un minimo de digna batalla porque trabajan el Yin y obvian el Yang.
@bluesquidny Жыл бұрын
The commentator sounds like he has taken too many hits to the head. GUYS!
@kaismidic Жыл бұрын
I believe the Tai chi is not a fighting art. And I believe the Sanda is the only fighting forum from the Kong Fu can compete with MMA Karate or Taekwondo
@simoneriksson8329 Жыл бұрын
I dont see anything even remotely tai-chiish in this "masters" stance, guard, techniques or in the way he moves... I get the "everyone have a plan until they get punched in the face"- thing but he didnt look like he had a plan even before he got hit.
@jacobaguirre288 Жыл бұрын
Tai chi is not for self defense It is only exercise for good with healthy
@0animalproductworld558 Жыл бұрын
Ta Chi doesn't fight in ring with gloves right. Look at his age and his size... I wonder if this is stupidity...
@solovoldo Жыл бұрын
Tai chi isn't exactly compatible with boxing gloves
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
this is 100% true, but the problem is that it isn't compatible without boxing gloves either
@noway4875 Жыл бұрын
Real tachy punches they call them pao chuan Cannon fist and when I practiced for about seven or eight years I could finally throw one that's how long it took me to get it but I guarantee you that if I had hit someone with that I would have burst their guts open with one hit they were the bodyguards of the emperor for a reason and that's also the reason why not many people know or have ever been exposed to the real thing because of the lethality of the art and the time that it takes to get it
@noway4875 Жыл бұрын
Tai chi I meant to say I was using speak text
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
is there any evidence of this? Can you provide some reliable police or news documentation of men who have been killed in a single blow by tai chi masters?
@fazares Жыл бұрын
Ridicolous...come on...
@assoverteakettle Жыл бұрын
To be fair, if MMA guy took one lesson every two weeks for four months then he is right on track! 😀 As for taichi guy, he is exhibiting taichi. He's taking a pounding but summoning his internal chi to suppress excessive bruising and bleeding.😂 "That's cuz I'm a karate man! Karate men we don't bruise on the outside. We bruise on the inside. That way we don't show our weaknesses." -- Eddie Murphy as Reggie Hammond in Trading Places.
@seechunchong9876 Жыл бұрын
So sorry, but I don't see any Tai Chi stand, moves, defense or when he throw a punch from this "master". All I saw was a Tai Chi punching bag. Tai Chi is extremely good for health, including maintaining good body balance, a calm composure and a focus mind etc. instead jumping around like Ali or Bruce Lee.
@mantaurus04 Жыл бұрын
The mma guy is young. The taichi man looks like 50s. Not a fair fight. I think tai chi is not a combat martial art. The mma guy should look for a kung fu expert
@msimpson1859 Жыл бұрын
I doubt if he is a Tai Chi Master
@terenzionedd9852 Жыл бұрын
A knockout is forthcoming trust that. Smh
@jaychyzyk Жыл бұрын
Why is this even a thing! Tai Chi is for long term health. Why is that guy even in a ring? Wow. How old is this Tai Chi guy? I see alot of young guys fighting senior citizens lol. That's not ok. Lol
@GGbrodudeslol Жыл бұрын
@urantia487 Жыл бұрын
False confidence fruit of fantasy. Very dangerous but alas they still taught the same thing to their students.
@BatTuThanQuyen Жыл бұрын
Tai chi guy is made from paper
@Jzak25 Жыл бұрын
😂tai chi? Nothing about that "master" shown anything related, not the stand no counter no form. It's like watching a young adult picking a fight in the senior center 🤣🤣🤣
@richardwilson349 Жыл бұрын
Tai chi is a little different when you have boxing gloves on he would have done better with UFC gloves in my opinion
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's very different, but in my view, he doesn't know how to fight alone lol
@jacobnichols2182 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't Tai Chi involve grabbing and grappling? How can you do that with gloves? There is no legitimacy to thie video.
@hermann167 Жыл бұрын
A strong young man sparring an old man. Nothing great.
@kannasashi9117 Жыл бұрын
A Ballerina could do much more damage than this Tai Tai master. It's not the art fault. Just the practitioner 😂
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
again that's what I say a tai chi or taiji master is around 50 to 70 years old they fight when they are 10 to 30 years 40 years old because they are young after that they decide to improve and pass it on to new people you understand the cycle is more It's easy to get a disciple or a well-graduated student, don't you think?
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
I think it's mainly the art's fault, unless the allegation is that tai chi just exclusively attracts bad fighters for some reason
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
@@elenchus The blame becomes on the martial art if it is practiced wrong and you can see that in most of the videos there are elderly people who do not know how to fight following a compilation of some original taijiquan training (I say original as they are trained in chenjiga or where taijiquan was created/ Tai Chi Chuan) In my view and experience, they are very realistic training and can be applied in normal fights
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
@@contaparajogar1666 It doesn't seem like those people are able to fight, absent additional kickboxing training anyway, when tested.
@contaparajogar1666 Жыл бұрын
@@elenchus There are fights for them in internal championships and against other martial arts in fact, it is rarer to find fights between them than fights against other opponents and it is not Kickboxing what they do, please stop thinking that everything is Kickboxing for pleasure, this is a normal kung fu training that when put on with a glove becomes a sanda
@shenmue5765 Жыл бұрын
This doesn't prove anything. Being Messi's soccer coach doesn't mean you know how to play soccer and can beat Messi. These Masters know the theory and strategy of the game not necessarily know how to play the game themselves.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
I see no reason to believe that this master or any of the other tai chi masters are high-level combat strategists or tacticians
@xHizukax Жыл бұрын
Why the tai cho master fighting? Tai chi is only for elderly exercise, why use it on fighting? Lol
@waiminglau8960 Жыл бұрын
Most kungfu practitioners become big headed because of those kungfu movies . Sorry man fighting is not just that easy like in the movies. Mr IP man do you still want to fight with 10 black belts?
@ricardotorres5462 Жыл бұрын
That Tai chi "máster" isn't using His discipline jus it's tryng to copy the MMA Fighter, if the Tai chi máster fight with Tai chi defeat the MMA Fighter easlly
@Kenkalsi Жыл бұрын
Its what Chinese Army think of USA.
@darrenlee8379 Жыл бұрын
This is ridiculous whoever brain washed this tai chi guy to think he could go up against a mma guy is crazy. Stop doing this and stick to your own thing before you get really hurt!
@paeng46 11 ай бұрын
PROVERBS 14:12- There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways death”. EXAMPLE: Stupidity!
@noway4875 Жыл бұрын
There are some delayed effects from the strikes the whole Yang style system is a road map of dim mak we love to strike the carotid sinus knock people out instantly plus you run the chance of killing them they go into instant cardiac arrest we love punching the heart we like to punch the spleen the liver we like to use the other person's body weight to break their bones I'll grab them and put them in a joint lock and such a way that they lose their balance and break their own arm leg or neck That's real Tai chi effortless it feels like you've been touched by a feather and then you go flying you become a ragdoll broken and find the way to peace cuz you'll never be able to fight someone again if you find a real one a real master
@jacekkow119 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for interesting fairy tales. Unfortunately, there is not single fact proving them true.
@elenchus Жыл бұрын
could you provide us with some news and/or police reports for these dim mak KOs and murders so we can verify them? Could you send us some videos of professional fighters getting thrown around like a feather by a tai chi master?
@WilliamCollins-i2j Жыл бұрын
Henis not a tai chi master lol he probanly had 2classez and was talking noise!!
@JonathanChiasson-s4h 8 ай бұрын
Tai chi does not belong in an MMA fight, it belong in wrestling, if you want to throw kicks and punches there are other martial arts for that. Tai chi is great for grappling, and not good for this kind of fighting. Get mad kids.
@nickcc2003 Жыл бұрын
I highly doubt dude has 4 months training
@Jon_Hing 10 ай бұрын
These Dumb Tai Chi Masters need to stick to their lane. Tai Chi is a martial art with health benefits so is MMA Difference is MMA is also a fighting art while Tai is not
@kokovas Жыл бұрын
Yeah wtf. Gen X Vs Gen Z?
@LunaticReason Жыл бұрын
Combat Tai Chi or Meditative park Tai Chi because the later is more likely you arent gonna see many people who know the combat applications and even if they did they probably dont train and spar functionality the way an mma person does even with 1 week would be more useful than someone who spent years doing Tai Chi. I say this as a Kung Fu practitioner and knows there can be ways of using Tai Chi. It doesnt matter the style the core fundamentals of fighting arent there. Difference between training and play fighting.
@shahmudinkarim4910 Жыл бұрын
this is totally unfair fight
@DannyBoyT66 Жыл бұрын
A ballerina would have done better.
@PerunaMuayThai Жыл бұрын
I get some entertainment out of the delusion on these kinds of matches but I still don't get it. Are the rich dudes funding these fights going in knowing the old "master" is going to get starched or are they hoping that their own biases for kung fu tai chi business will be confirmed and that it will win? From an outside perspective it seems obvious that advanced age and lack of sparring won't lead to a good night for these people.
@xuetingfuyu7062 Жыл бұрын
Wow😂 you call him a Tai Chi master😏🧐a Tai chi disaster!!!! Next time show a real master ok!!!!🫵🧐👍
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