I agree with him that Australia is too far from Europe, Middle East, N America for vacation visits, esp when not young. I used to urge teenagers to acquire more language skills. Not any more. In a few years, Ai will solve most linguistical communications seamlessly.
@GiGiWellness285 күн бұрын
@tonykwong5048 我都唔同意佢對澳洲嘅觀感。 差唔多三十年前我哋一家四口由香港移民到澳洲,起初我要做有生以嚟第一次嘅 housewife, 後來啲女大咗,開始返學,我就去咗一間全部白人嘅公司做 part time 文員。過咗幾年後,我喺另一間全部白人嘅公司做全職文員,一做就做咗二十二年。再過多幾年,我同老公都快退休啦。 不過我同意佢話悉尼地產貴。我哋個大女就係因為呢個原因,幾年前一家搬咗去墨爾本。個細女一家遲一俾都會搬去墨爾本。我本人就唔係咁鍾意嗰度嘅氣溫,所以暫時都無想過搬去。睇吓退休之後點啦。 不過話返轉頭,我都識過有個喺香港小學做校長嘅,移民之後搵唔到教書,所以就自己做老細幫人做園丁。我哋嗰時幫襯佢,有問過佢嘅睇法,佢話好在自己一直都對園藝有興趣,所以就當騎牛搵馬,完全無問題,不過就比做校長時嘅體力勞動多好多啦。後來佢搵倒份教學,噉就轉返行。
Stephen and Moon 媽都是 好好的真實事例.主要是到 過做過實地比較.才有取捨.從白澳政策到多元文化澳洲轉變很大.本人從歐洲.北歐、美加.澳紐都到過、考慮到不同地區的生活環境及發展.最後都決定移民到悉尼.但是英國就沒有到過.只知道稅重.氣候寒冷.日照太少.而回港探親都要十多小時.
@WYCheng-hg7pnАй бұрын
非常好👍🏻 的嘉賓說得對❤
@robertowen84924 күн бұрын
A very good interview with lots of balanced views and positivity well done 👍
@meilingng760117 сағат бұрын
@evelynkwok1929Ай бұрын
感謝Moon媽& Stephen的分享,移英港人加油!
@MoonMaChannelАй бұрын
我在西澳洲Perth由中年住到老年退休, 宜加70歲 天氣一流,空氣清新,退休金夠我生活(因為我以素食為主食,素食花費比肉類平好多)。 可能素食關係,冇老花,冇風濕,最重要退休後有自己的物業,唔洗供樓或交租,這是最好的優勢,可以saving money,每日上網買賣吓股票,好enjoy Perth Western Australia 的退休生活,I love Perth, the Paradise on Earth💚🌹🌱
Hi Stephen, very good interview I am Wendy's brother. Very down to earth and humble opinion. Hope I get chance to meet you back in Australia.
@kenken8458Ай бұрын
英國冇OT可能只係啊Stephen個人經驗,我係London做software engineer同我女朋友做測量師好多時候都要OT,一樣都有deadline要跟。我地UX designer同我講甚至禮拜六都要抽幾個鐘時間做嘢。仲有擦鞋文化同埋堆文化英國都好多,at least 我做過個幾間都有。純個人分享,不喜勿插
Agree completely. I have immigrated to Australia for 30 years and worked in a large company u til retirement. The weather in England is horrible and no comparison to Australia particularly Sydney. I have been to England many times, the food, the weather and the coffee!!! are much worse. Australian are also much more straightforward and friendly. As for work culture, what he said about the ‘positives’ of English work culture are what I see in Australia as well so I think it depends on the person.
@barwonetАй бұрын
@@alanapearl I was, and still am, a UK citizen before migrated to Australia 30 years ago and have never looked back. The weather and culture are unbeatable, but need to drive is a hindrance to many HK migrants.
@wonderfullword123Ай бұрын
@@alanapearl 係呀英國同澳洲點畀呀?氣候已經輸咗幾條街
@wonderfullword123Ай бұрын
@@alanapearl 英國出街食飯好貴!sydney Melbourne Brisbane 多華人餐館茶餐廳中超 you name it they have it, 而且可以負擔 日日出去食都得😋 因為有平有貴 但一定平過英國好多
Good video. Thank you, Stephen and Moon Ma. I totally agree with your comments of your own lifestyle 😃😀I hope everything goes well with you.
@27374-errorАй бұрын
如果係專業人士,英國工作機會會比澳洲多好多。澳洲注重本地工作經驗,同埋澳洲職場上有一樣嘢叫做cultural fit ,升職上位會比較難。 反而英國會注重個人背景、過去成就,有國際工作經驗有加分,英雄莫問出處思維,比較似香港。
@someernie6179Ай бұрын
@pikyi2001Ай бұрын
Stephen , 好真實的分享。 well said and very realistic, especially your advice when starting out in a foreign country. 識你2 0幾年了。 for weather, medical and retirement then nothing compare to Australia. We will have the next Sydney gathering one day. All the best in UK.😂
Actually, it depends on your experience in that country. While he moves to England, a lot of white in England move to Australia.
@wesleylam4830Ай бұрын
I cannot agree more. I have plenty of pommy friends moved to Australia for better pay, better weather, better quality of life in general. Those Hong Kongers that's obsessed with the "Great" Britain can stay there. Don't even bother come to Australia.
@natalielai1803 I am living in Perth Western Australia, a lot English people like to living Ocean reef which is north side of Perth, 🌹🌱
@barwonetАй бұрын
認同受訪者說法,澳洲熱愛運動,體育報導充斥電視節目包括新聞時段。沒有運動細胞,在澳生活三十年仍不知 footy、rugby、cricket 在玩甚麼。不好外地旅遊,更厭坐困機艙,Down Under 與外隔涉無損,地大可駕車穿越州省更為樂。
The living experience depends on individual. There are many young people move to Australia from UK and Ireland for better weather, taxes, lifestyle. Also, Economic is not great after Brexit in recent year.
@sochan683Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing ! It is a good advice finding a job before landing.
if you hold BNO passport and under 35yrs old, you can apply working holiday visa to come to Australia. Renewable up to 3 years. No requirement to spend time in rural area ( not any more). Under the UK - Australia Free Trade Agreement
@tungtung8378Ай бұрын
But they won't get Australia visa, just a working permit for 2 years. BNO can allow you to stay as PR later at least
Immigration is good for the young guys to adapt new enviroments, once you turn to above middle age, it's harder for you to adjust yourself to fix it the new environment