去年の9月後半に長崎を観光して、博多駅へ向かう時に"かもめ"号[白いかもめ]に乗車しましたよ。 2021年のダイヤ改正から、列車の号車番号[◯◯号]や[Lady's and Gentleman]との案内が廃止されたのは知らなかったです。
@LimChingLiang3 жыл бұрын
Great video and great journey with some new added Map + Speedometer. But sound problem still remain same as previous video. Your video recording camera / mic got sound received problem. Please checked it.
@DeaconG19593 жыл бұрын
This is a very interesting route, both from the trackage and the stations. JR obviously dropped some cash on this one. Well done!
All the British people whineing about the 800 Azumas, particularly the seating, need to go to Japan to experience the 885 series! Love this and all the trains in Kyushu! Thank you Eiji Mitooka, chief designer for JR Kyushu, and also thank you to the person who made and posted this video! The quality of the video is outstanding but shame the train driver didn't wash the windscreen first! I wish there was an app that could turn videos like these into train simulator games so you could drive the trains yourself. That's all the PS2 Train Simulator game based on the 800 series Tsubame shinkansen and 787 series Relay Tsubame was afterall! Also I wish there was a way to download this video onto my phone so I could use it as my live wallpaper.
特急 かもめ19号 長崎行き Limited Exp. Kamome for Nagasaki (JH-45). 0:17 博多 出発 次は鳥栖 Next Tosu (JH-01). 21:33 鳥栖 Tosu (JH-01) 鹿児島本線 久留米・熊本方面はお乗り換えです。 Passengers transfering to Kagoshima Line, please transfer at this station. After leaving Tosu (JH-01) will be stopping at Shin-Tosu (JH-02). 26:25 新鳥栖 Shin-Tosu (JH-02) 35:03 まもなく 佐賀に着きます。 Arrving at Saga (JH-08). 唐津線はお乗り換えです。 佐賀を出ますと肥前山口にとまります Passengers transfering to Karatsu Line, please transfer at this station. After leaving Saga (JH-08) will be stopping at Hizen-Yamaguchi (JH-12). 37:03 佐賀 Saga (JH-08) 38:08 次は肥前山口(江北) Next Hizen-Yamaguchi (Kohoku) (JH-13). 45:03 まもなく 肥前山口(江北)に着きます。 佐世保線 (武雄温泉・西九州新幹線方面)はお乗り換えです。 肥前山口(江北)を出ますと肥前鹿島にとまります Passengers transfering to Sasebo Line (To Takeo-Onsen and Nishi-Kyushu Shinkansen), please transfer at this station. After leaving Hizen-Yamaguchi (Kohoku) (JH-12) will be stopping at Hizen-Kashima (JH-15). 48:03 肥前山口 (江北) Hizen-Yamaguchi (Kohoku) (JH-15) 1:06:18 多良 Tara (運転停車) 1:30:35 まもなく 諫早に着きます。 Arrving at Isahaya (JH-27). 大村線(西九州新幹線)、島原鉄道はお乗り換えです。 諫早を出ますと長崎浦上にとまります Passengers transfering to Omura Line (Nishi-Kyushu Shinkansen), Shimabara Railway, please transfer at this station. After leaving Isahaya (JH-27) will be stopping at Nagasaki-Urakami (JH-34).