5 BROKEN Top Lane Champions (And I Explain Why)

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Do you want to know 5 easy champions for top lane that can help you climb ranked in Season 14? Then this video is for you. We take a look at 5 champions that are easy to play and why they are so good, even though they are simple to play. This is not a tier list, but a video explaining the champions strengths and weaknesses. I will do one for every role.
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@supura8098 7 ай бұрын
Your content is so underrated bro, it's what beginners truly need, hop they'll watch your videos!
@allaneagleson1881 7 ай бұрын
Check out strider too!
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate that!
@kaitogirldraws 7 ай бұрын
Yay, video before Xmas!! Happy holidays!!! 🎉
@autoMATTiic 7 ай бұрын
Really good content!
@ryvexP Ай бұрын
good content man, what do u think about morgana jgl?
@elsa9026 6 ай бұрын
great video, i wish i could play malphite lol, i find him tough
@bambinox9 7 ай бұрын
love the content!!!
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Thank you!😊 It depends on the champions you like and the strengths and weaknesses you have as a player. What do you play? What are you good at in the game? Do those things fit the mid lane role? I am from Sweden 👍
@vatsalyasoni8324 7 ай бұрын
Thanks brotha
@tako397 6 ай бұрын
looking forward to the other roles
@kamilkollodi2060 7 ай бұрын
sion, darius, mundo, trundle, sett , nasus could be potentially mentioned
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Agreed, but Mundo and Nasus are pretty weak in the laning phase and on average are very likely to give away kills in the laning phase playing over aggressive. Trundle is very good but will lose often because he requires good reset timers because of his mana issues, and most players are unaware of those timers so they overextend and give away their leads. Sett and Darius are solid, but they require very good mechanical spacing otherwise they fall off hard. Sion is very good as a tank but loses too many matchups vs BoRK champions with % hp damage. Renekton, Garen is pretty point and click. Hard to mess up on. Malphite is point and click or huge AoE so its also hard to mess up. Warwick is mostly autos and Q healing, good timed E and R, and Mordekaiser is probably the hardest champion from the video, but even he is pretty simple to play and can afford to mess up because of his tankyness.
@kamilkollodi2060 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL Olaf, udyr, zac, chogath, volibear, kayle, tryndamere, jax good alternatives
@iratevagabond204 7 ай бұрын
The only champs I'm consistant with on top are Urgot and Yorick. I almost always get destroyed by Fiora, Sett, Riven, and Ksante. No matter who I play.
@mstqkes 4 ай бұрын
for urgot you shouldnt be losing vs sett you just have to dodge the w and your r with urgot goes through the shield he gets if you r him before he w’s. fiora you need to build grievous wounds and bait her counter strike you hard outdamage her with your passive early but if the fiora is good (which most arent) you need to just play super passive riven is the mist free lane ever with urgot as no point in the game are you outdamaged if you feel you are take ignite but i rarely do i go tp and you can outscale her really hard just be patient with ur e because she is very mobile
@iratevagabond204 4 ай бұрын
@@mstqkes Huh. Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind!
@derpyefalant478 6 ай бұрын
Thoughts on Ornn? I get Malphite is also amazing in terms of “laundry list”, but just curious if Ornn is good as well.
@ECPlaysLoL 6 ай бұрын
Love Ornn, I would argue that hes way better than Malphite, but that comes with the fact that hes also harder to use properly. There is a simplicity behind Malphites kit that is very relaxing for the player. BOOM instant ult, team can win you the fight. Rather than Ornns slower approach to a teamfight. Even though Malphite is quicker impact, Ornns great laning phase, side lane and late game clearly is all in favor of Ornn over the good old rock.
@franrns5366 Ай бұрын
What do you think about Udyr and Gwen?
@davib 6 ай бұрын
do adc next
@crashka5860 7 ай бұрын
I think sett fits this list very well, amazing engage/counter engage, one of the strongest lvl 1-3 of any toplaner, scales like a monster with high ho bruiser items allowing him to oneshot entire teams or can build tankier to engage and peel for his Carrie’s while being a serious threat if ignored
@bobiyahoo5962 7 ай бұрын
im like lvl 40 and right now i have like 40k points on him he is very good champ i have like 65% wr and hes very good
@redpanpan7979 6 ай бұрын
@@bobiyahoo5962 gradually gets worse the higher you go but teaches fundamentals well
@egebey8614 7 ай бұрын
I hit Plat today. Someone told me that I need to get Emrald to officially become Plat. And others said congarts for hitting gold. I didn't understand anything someone please explain; they're like that just because I'm gonna replaced to Gold next season?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Basically with the addition of Emerald, everyone below Diamond got bumped up 1 rank because of the distributions. In simple terms, Gold 4 from Split 1 is Silver 4 in Split 2, Plat 4 today is Gold 4 from the start of the year, old Plat 4 is now Emerald 4. I dont think it should discourage people from enjoying hitting their milestones, but if you have a decent winrate and you hit Plat, you should keep going until it balances itself out, then you know that you hit your elo.
@egebey8614 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL Some of my teammates and enemies are being Emrald for some reason (I play in Russia) and I have 150+ (or200+) matches on Master Yi with %68 winrate. I guess I would be able to hit Emrald too. (And with my Nocturne) but I wanna master some other champs like Lillia or Evelynn and I’ve quitted from ranked for now.
@claudeheinrich3613 6 ай бұрын
I saw Irelia in the thumbnail
@Alex-vi6iz 7 ай бұрын
Would either Aatrox or Vladimir (top) fit in this category ? Both can trade and sustain, and if needed can farm from behind somewhat.
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
I would say so, but none of them are actually easy champions. Aatrox needs good spacing or else he dies because he deals no damage outside of the sweet spot Qs, and Vlad is extremely gold dependent and needs to stay even or ahead. Vlad can play sidelanes and be annoying when behind because at least he can clear the wave, but Aatrox takes 3 years to clear a cannon wave and super minions takes a decade so he cant really do that as well as others like Illaoi or Tryndamere when they are behind. I would say yes to Vlad, no to Aatrox when it comes to playing from behind.
@Alex-vi6iz 7 ай бұрын
​@@ECPlaysLoLthanks for the breakdown, makes a lot of sense
@N0stalgieEd 7 ай бұрын
Finally a new video
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, its been a bit slow lately, but I am getting back on it for sure👍
@N0stalgieEd 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL Bro do you stream or something I would love to watch it but I can't find anything ^^
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
@@N0stalgieEd I dont stream mate, dont currently have the time for it. If it changes, I would announce it here on KZbin 👍
@ulquiorra635 7 ай бұрын
Im waiting for mid
@thenikropolis 4 ай бұрын
I play Briar top like Warwick c:
@ECPlaysLoL 4 ай бұрын
Im guessing you permaban Fiora then 😁
@thenikropolis 3 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL DEADASS LOL but lately I’m permabanning Karma cause fuck her
@pavellekar3703 7 ай бұрын
im emerald 4 my champ pool is jinx kaisa ezreal samira ik 4 champs and 2 of them are pretty hard might be reason im still not challenger since i chose to otp ezreal when i started to play adc but i love em
@Insanityltself 7 ай бұрын
Solid list but i disagree with Renekton. Snowballing got nerfed because Doran items got buffed. This is really bad for him because he is a champion that is on a timer. His late game is better than it used to be but his early game is way worse, and there are far stronger picks for lane bullying now. I think Jax is a more safe and easier pick in lower elo. Maybe Darius depending on matchups.
@MatiasDypala 7 ай бұрын
I disagree, jax is really weak against heavy magic comps or heavy dashes comps. On the other hand, jax excells agaist heavy DPS autoattack oriented teams. Jax doesn't have sustain, and is the same case as Kayle, can be really trash in early game uless its the main champion of the player who knows how to play him well. Renekton on the other hand have a lot of tools for safe laning without dying, jax doesn't have those tools.
@Insanityltself 7 ай бұрын
@@MatiasDypala Jax has plenty of tools for safe laning. All his CDs are shorter than Renek, he scales better, is better vs Magic comps because he has build in mr in his kit and Renekton mr got nerfed not long ago. The only real bad matchup Jax has is Malphite as far as i know. And Jax his early game is far more powerful than Kayle while being easier to play than both champs AND doesnt get countered by armor because hybrid damage. And if we talk about Jax having no sustain. He can easily go Dorans shield because it got turbo buffed while sustaining since he can play safe and scale while also being able to go insiration tree + biscuit. Renekton does not have that luxury all the time and because of proplay nerfs his sustain has been literally cut in half over the years.
@Lionhart1991 7 ай бұрын
Warwick: actually it's not that easy, you need to know veeeery well your damage+healing window to not die baiting, if you can see the numbers you can take fights and you can harass in situations were nobody would, ww actually does not need barrier to win fights and the Q mastery to follow someone by predicting a dash ability it's also that easy to do well so for me it's a nono in this list, if you think you will always win bc you heal and can dmg red. your are already dead (thr fear also need some spacing work to be used well) Garen: yeah i approve, you don't actually need to fight the top, you can even proxy or start splitpush in a hit and run style, your regen+mov speed and tenacity makes you very good at this, just don't build pure tank items, a garen that can use the max potential of his R on a 1v1 it's dead meat, you need to be able to at least go 1for1 if you can't escape and it's all or nothing time, he can adapt Morde: in my time with him his AH spam+heal&shield was op but now? Eh... and in the next patch AH it'a gonna take a hit, he will not be able to spam his shield, i do not suggest to pick him right now, wait to see how his build will adapt with the new items and the lack of AH I have no idea about renekton... Malph: he is a counter pick, it's not a champ you take always, i do not suggest to use him every time as a main Nooow this is my spicy list: Fiddle: You wanna go Ap? Pick him, he can fear to disengage, heal to sustain, has a silence, can poke, has a big R, his bush control has more value in lane and he can spot vision, the list goes on and on, go around and look for more info Sion is also a champ you can't use if the enemy team has too much hp% damage but i can suggest Cho, he has a lot of cc, good damage and sustain, his R is very strong, he can really be a pain in the a. Voli i also wanna mention, you have alot of build paths and his R it's the perfect tool to dive and snowball even harder, he is very strong
@lucaschebance3135 5 ай бұрын
You forget shen, he is game breaker. But the best top champ these days is gangplank or teemo
@angelinapuente 7 ай бұрын
Thoughts on Zac top?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Decent, good early game, fills the engage requirements, sucks as a splitpusher and would most likely lose vs most Bork users
@onuremektar2595 7 ай бұрын
Second ww is very hard i think
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Maybe hard to pick up in 1-5 games, because of his clunkyness, but I still feel like his gameplay pattern is simple enough to be included, also I forgot WW in the top lane tier list, and upset half the league player base apparently with around 100 comments asking for WW, so he got a spot in this video 😁
@onuremektar2595 7 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL im joking just hit (minyon or calhampion) maybe r not easy to use. Overall very easyest champ :)
@himatite1151 4 ай бұрын
Mordekaiser send you to Brazil NOT NARNIA , FIX YOUR MISTAKE
@Leo-kf6zy 7 ай бұрын
Who do you think is the most annoying champion in the game?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
For toplane, Rumble by far.. If played perfectly it's impossible to gain a lead vs him if his jungler is hovering him.. The damage, the tankyness, the slows, the ultimate. You simply cant outscale a good Rumble in a good team. In the entire game, I hate Lux and Senna supports with a passion, because so many people pick them and lose lane pretty hard with them. They play like carries and not supports and puts the entire team behind for their enjoyment.
@VxDxLx 7 ай бұрын
Def singed, if they’re better then you he just runs around till your team ffs
@coach_scuffy 7 ай бұрын
Can we please stop telling people to build tank/defensive when they're losing, it's why people throw when they're winning and can't come back when they're behind. This is especially true with literally everyone champion on this list because they all have tools to function when behind, but if Malphite is a level down on the enemy carry because he's been sharing XP with his mid and ADC, he's not going to be able to front-line, face-check or even press ult effectively without some seriously fed teammates. TEAMFIGHT ULTIMATES ARE NOT ENOUGH, YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO FACE CHECK AS A TANK IF YOU'RE NOT PUSHING WAVES. You build defensive and sit on your carries when you're AHEAD not when you're behind, because if you've gotten your two core items and you're ahead, you don't need more damage, you need to just not die and use your lead. The best way to use your lead is to secure side prio, mid prio and take fights around objectives to rinse and repeat, taking towers in the process. If you're ahead in gold and XP, and you can fight, you're trying to end the game and dying makes it hard to end the game when you're ahead because you'll be worth more gold and when the most fed player dies it's not only physically hard to play for your team because you just gave a shutdown and a long timer, its bad for morale in that the team will lose hope thinking you're throwing. When you're behind, you likely cannot teamfight, building full offensive is your only way to come back. If you have no damage, you can't push sides because you clear slow and they can just send 1 to deal with you and your defensive stats aren't going to help you in that regard. If a renekton who's been losing all game draws 2 people top/bot and then just leaves, he's done his job. He does that enough and maybe you make some picks, but you can't win if the enemy plays perfectly and you can't win if you don't give them chances to mess up. Its hard to mess up when the 2-8 renekton with tank items is standing on his team doing nothing; Just take fights and win. People just hate doing what's boring. It's boring when you're 10-0 to build a guardian angel 3rd/4th, but honestly, i'd rather not give 1k gold to the enemy draven and just win by being 2-3 levels ahead of everyone and unkillable.
@timcan4176 7 ай бұрын
He’s right about Renekton tho that’s what you do, if your not ahead enough to be a big kill threat then you have to build tanky to at least be a good stun bot and meat stick, It’s just the nature of the champion. You are right for the most part tho
@Frenchtoastedfruitloops 7 ай бұрын
Riven I think should be on here. She may take skill to master and play at a high elo but her floor is actually pretty low. I never understand why she gets glazed as a high skill champ when I can button mash like a noob on her an still win 😂
@MatiasDypala 7 ай бұрын
Riven is extremely useless if played incorrectly. I automatically detect a good Riven or a bad Riven, and Bad Rivens are obvious and super easy.
@Frenchtoastedfruitloops 7 ай бұрын
@@MatiasDypala at low elo? Honestly I’m not even sure why people think this. Low elo players fail to close out games and let behind rivens farm up all the time. And basic riven game play isn’t that hard to pull off outside the flashy combos that you will slowly learn by playing her up the ranks.
@ZabKoughing 7 ай бұрын
Am I the first?...
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
It would seem so 😊👍
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