I Quit Playing Jungle
2 ай бұрын
Why Yasuo is So Hated
3 ай бұрын
@inksword6029 16 сағат бұрын
NO, its the worst its been, havent seen anyone genuinely enjoy it currently, not streamers, not casual players, not tryhards, just people trying to get views, theres a reason even riot says theyre struggling to get new players, no amount of shill will make this game appealing
@LukeChudoba Күн бұрын
I hate League. Its my Favorite game.
@sideswipedude Күн бұрын
what tier would you put syndra in? with a roa cosmic dcap setup with haste runes
@devilgirl7054 2 күн бұрын
I was there back 2014 Still mana ryze today
@devilgirl7054 2 күн бұрын
No need ap .. Get ad stuff with ryze.. Frozen heart, manamuren spirit health .best item to ryze
@devilgirl7054 2 күн бұрын
Mana ad ry,ze with pressence of mind needs blue trust me. Mine step bro gave me his acc. Yes i am girl And teaching me to play mana ryse is. Please No offen or anything Don't care people saying. Jg doesn't exist. Except ryze . Mana ryze needs blue. For keeping high Mana for mana damage. It works . It takes time ..
@applentee 2 күн бұрын
LoLDobby is pretty good to learn champs through videos. tells you enough then the rest is up to you.
@dazeen9591 2 күн бұрын
League is not worth playing. The best player doesn't win. The worst player loses.
@lokkiirl4793 2 күн бұрын
If youre a casual who likes running around and playing team deathmatch without putting much thought into it, now is the perfect time to get into League
@ralofsart243 2 күн бұрын
Just no.
@tomkycze2620 2 күн бұрын
One of things I hate on LoL is the absence of voice chat. The game is just too complicated to just communicate with pings and chat. Players expect you to have some kind of telekenisis reading mind powers. The thing I hate the most is the way Rito desings champs. Like who asked for gay character who can kill you from the other side of mid lane, or who asked for another doggo with point click W, or master Yi with crazy life steal and auto pilot....and nice foot......... whatever. I dont say that they are somehow too OP or smth. I just want to say that rito takes concepts of other champs, and combines them together and creates a complete non-sense. For example Lillia with her sleep taken from Zoe. The point of Zoes E is to be a high risk high reward spell, that if you use wrong, you take away from yourself the only CC. And they just take it, make a high mobility champ with big damage, relatively good hp and a multi-target sleep that will make you cease to exist.
@abogmus8904 14 сағат бұрын
i couldn't care less about the visual design of new champs, but BY GOD is the actual game design shit. what bugs me, and i think could be the reason for this, is that many people from Riot's game design department haven't played the WC3 DotA, or any other MOBA, or perhaps even old (Seasons 1-5?) LoL. their only experience with "good champ design for League" is based only on other, fundamentally broken, new LoL champs
@askofly_7754 2 күн бұрын
Short answer : no long answer : nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@nicksorenson346 2 күн бұрын
Been playing since like s6 on and off, came back after a few years, and I’ve been having a lot of fun again. It’s a little more accessible than it used to be, (especially jungle lol) but there’s a lot of skill expression. Honestly new champs don’t feel as busted as people will tell you. Just mute the chat.
@petternordsken3474 2 күн бұрын
Haha wtf i was swain in that game XD
@ECPlaysLoL 2 күн бұрын
I was looking for Jax Challenger Gameplay on Porofessor and that game popped up. Must've been a hard game considering how fed he got 😁
@mmr1137 2 күн бұрын
Save your life and do not play this game
@bonestorme101 2 күн бұрын
@dunkin9443 2 күн бұрын
Im a relatively new player, i started in January and i come from dota 2 and i gotta say, the new player experience is absolute dogshit, like you said, barely any actual tutorial, and a shit ton of smurf. I gave up for one week then i came back and tbh im glad i powered through, i found my main champion (Ornn) and im enjoying the game. I also have to say that Dota 2 eclipse by far league in term of new player experience. There is a full actual set of small tutorials that break down a lot of mechanics in the game, there is a glossary which list everything there is to know, there are in game guides for heroes, you can try everything beforehand super easily, you can watch very high MMR games in the game, and there is a coach system. Riot should really invest into that kind of stuff, cuz league is more than far behind, a shame for the top moba game of the market and an actually very good game in the end.
@abogmus8904 14 сағат бұрын
агент брайтмуна и габена в одном лице
@LeBimbo 3 күн бұрын
I don't agree that it's necessarily the opponent who decides the win/loss, it's honestly your teammates who have the biggest impact! The amount of times I have won a game despite losing in the beginning is astounding. So many LoL players just insta-quit if they aren't winning in the first 5-10 mins. I don't even think this is something that can be fixed tbh, people are just such egotistical babies that they can't STAND playing out the game if they even begin to struggle. The best way to play from behind is to simply PLAY THE GAME lol. The worst that can happen if you don't ff is that you still lose, but you would have lost the game anyways if you ff'd, so.... Why not take the chance that you can squeak out a win from behind? It genuinely confuses the shit out of me how normal it is to just give up.
@Blasco_Snap 3 күн бұрын
I've just started playing (lvl 14) and I'm fortunate to have friends who can teach me, because the game doesn't do that good a job at it. Playing support, the game tells me the support item, however I wasn't clear on what the item did. I didn't know I should give kills to the other guy and wait until I have those orbs. Also bag items made it hard to distinguish which items were just stats and what was activatable. I only knew what wards were because I've seen other people play. Even now I still don't know why the support always goes to the bottom lane instead of supporting either of the other 2 lanes. I've been picking up jungle and I do like the game highlights where to go at the start as a suggestion, since it's hard to know where to go. I wish it kept doing that throughout the match, even if they're suboptimal suggestions, just to give me more structure. Jungle feels like either I clear everything and think "now what?" or I have too many things to do.
@chrishaven1489 2 күн бұрын
If an item has the word ACTIVE in it, then that means you can activate it. Laning with more than one person in early game is usually bad because you have to share xp and gold with them. Which means you level up slower and dont gain gold as fast as someone who's laning by themselves. The reason why you lane with an adc/bottom is because adcs tend to be very squishy early game. They need someone to keep them alive long enough to become very dangerous and powerful late game. Not leveling up fast enough is the trade-off with keeping an adc alive. Midlaners dont need that support because they have the tower. The distance between the lane and the tower is shorter than the other lanes. If they're in trouble they can just run back under their tower. Top laners don't have that luxury of a support or a convenient distance from the tower. So toplaners need to be able to look after themselves. Which is why most toplane champions tend to be tanks, bruisers or duelists Now, I'm not the best jungler in the world, but I find it's good to prioritize the river monsters: the dragons, void beasts and scuttle crabs. Those buffs are very helpful for the team. Also when enemy champions and/or waves are pushing into one of your towers, you should probably gank it. It helps to treat your map like a chess board and encourage your minion waves to push into enemy territory and conversely stop enemy minions pushing into your territory. It sounds obvious, but there have been too many times when a lane is pushing very well into my territory and no one does anything about it. When it comes to deciding which priority you should chase for, that's just something you're gonna have to trust your instincts with and decide which prio makes more sense at the time
@robertaap4295 18 сағат бұрын
Why support go botlane is because ADCs scale with gold more than with levels and are very vunreable. So you being there keeps them protected, lets them scale up while sharing the XP isnt a huge deal for them. There definitely is a difference in ADC and supports when it comes to how they play the map. Some supports will roam around the map and leave their ADC alone for a lot of the time, some ADCs are fine with the support doing so, others arent.
@abogmus8904 14 сағат бұрын
supports go botlane because it's historically done this way. in pro play we sometimes see teams switch the lanes, so the toplane goes bot, or it's solo ADC and supp+top in the toplane. because the game has closed itself into these very rigid "roles" with not much champion variety, going to a different lane as a support may as well be griefing. also, on why the botlane seems to be the way it is: Dragon. the ADC would want to stay botlane because of how important an early dragon may be for a team. having a champ with high damage stay close to the dragon pit makes it much easier for both teams to contest this objective. and, because the ADC want to go botlane, the support must go there as well, to protect their ADC. ADC is the most volatile role in LoL, as they scale primarily from items, and not from levels, and ADC/marksamn items tend to be expensive. As such, getting killed or otherwise harrassed out of lane could be game-ending for the ADC, and therefore for the team. it is very difficult for an ADC to catch up with gold from behind, so the support NEEDS to be there for the carry for them not to lose out on gold and exp. which is also why you wouldn't (most of the time, not talking about wave managment) last-hit lane minions. you deny your ADC the gold and delay their crucial items (power spikes + tempo)
@Tearnor 3 күн бұрын
My comment will be a little bit longer but I wanna say that yes - you should play League of Legends in 2024. This is my favorite game ever for a reason - every single player I just finished and left behind. All the multiplayers like CS GO, R6, Wow, Sc2, WoT- there was something always wrong like cheaters, boring gameplay, not free to play. BUT playing since Season 3 I must say current year is probably my last one. Because I’m getting older and most of my friends are already gone and League is irritating when you play solo, spending Fridays with 5 stack on ranked or aram is amazing. Second thing - Riot Games wasn’t greedy and every year I was sure I can get as far as I can just need to work hard. Recent Riot decisions like making 500$ bundles, making events only to sell skins and event pass makes me sad and they are just like other greedy companies. And third thing - League is no longer that game which you can play once per week and still be good. They want you to spam 8 hours a day every day and be tryhard all the time. It’s just not fun. And also they changed ranked to have “3 parts” per year so they want all your time. I’m too old for this and I want video games to give fun and competition and not feeling like a slave to min-maxing everything and following what’s meta the time. Conclusion- play League, give it a chance, especially with friends. And then decide
@dracuhl8342 3 күн бұрын
4:25 Definitely disagree. In doing so you would just create LoL's version of what happened in WoW Shadowlands. The game already had a number of problems that the community was very vocal about and then they started sterilizing the game, telling players how they can and cannot act, etc which caused player counts to plummet. This imaginary scenario where there is drastically reduced toxicity is just not possible in a game like League. People will just go from typing, which you can literally just mute, to soft inting in game. That literally already happens. Imagine it amplified. Until they stop selling the dream that "you too can be as good as Faker!" they will continue to foster a community of sweaty nerds who wants that dream. With their current message it turns their audience against each other. Each round is just another obstacle, your team a means to an end, and a teammate that makes a bad play into someone actively wasting your time. They need many more casual game modes where you actually work together to unlock something other than more blue essence and champion shards and chests that they wont give you keys too. After youve promoted a more casual environment then sure by all means. But until then this is the community that they foster even if they dont want it.
@Purafus_the_world_ender 3 күн бұрын
i am relativly new to this game (a bit less than 200 hours over four splits), for me the best thing i have done is stopped carrying about rank and lp, not playing to win rather just learning to play better and enjoying game. That is just much healthier mindset then "i need to rank up, i need to grind". This mindset switch really helped with my mentality problems(self hate, range at teammates, tilt after a loss) i also stoped playing only meta and just played champions i liked visially and in lore and then if their gameplay clicked i would keep playing them. Only after this when i start playing ranked to improve rather then rank up, i surprisingly begin to rapidly rank up, i guess mental impact our permormance much more then we think
@iratevagabond204 3 күн бұрын
League isn't nearly as toxic as other games. The real issue is bots, scripters, and smurfs. Just this split, I've had four games with bots (two malphite, two yuumi) and one scripter (riven). The amount of LP I've lost from that, and from people who just leave or disconnect and reconnect constantly. . . With no compensation for the losses caused by that. Then you've got the smurfs that come in on a fresh account and play high-skill hyper carry champs, then proceed to get a kill per minute on their lane opponent, snatch all their towers, then push everything around the map, being impossible to deal with.
@Tronkh01 2 күн бұрын
If u climb a bit more the bots will stop. Feeders and leavers come back around plat emerald and also diamond 4, upwards it's mostly fine for me this split. Scripters were a high and low elo problem (not so much mid) but vanguard should eliminate most.
@adem4674 2 күн бұрын
"Just this split alone I had 1 scripter" First of all This is not an issue my bro, this is actually praise. If you disagree, just go play cs2 where the devs actually don't give a single fuck about their game and come back to delete this comment or at least edit it. Second of all I dont get how you reached the conclusion that bots AND scripters are ruining the game. Bots are almost exclusively prevalent in low elo while scripters are mostly in higher elo brackets. You reaching this conclusion honestly makes it seem like you faced a smurf whom you thought was cheating. 3rdly I believe riot has implemented a compensation system recently. Sucks that they didn't have one before but credit where credit is due. Finally Smurfs are a part of the toxicity problem. Even if they are not toxic to their teammates (if they are masters/emerald on their main, they %100 will be because only animals inhabit those ranks) them stomping on their opponent usually causes their opponents team to flame the opponent even when they know that they are facing a smurf and that they would also get shit on if they were in their shoes.
@iratevagabond204 2 күн бұрын
@@adem4674 You started your entire argument off disingenuously. When you quote something someone says, you're supposed to actually quote what they've said; if it's long there are acceptable ways to shorten it. For example: "Just this split, [. . .], and one scripter (riven)." You're definitely not supposed to add words or alter structure. In this instance, it would have been best to keep the sentence intact for context. "First of all [. . .]" It is an issue in a competative game where your LP losses, more often than not, outweight your gains. I do disagree, but I'm not going to go play CS2 because I want to play League. I could care less about CS2 and it's not relevant to the state of League. CS2 is a perfect example, in my opinion, of a game that is more toxic than League - not only it's player base, but as you've hinted at, it's developers. This is making my points though. . . so. "Second of all [. . .]" I defnitely faced a scripter. My recieved a message thanking me for my report and got a -full- refund on my LP losses, rather than a partial one you normally get from the compensation system when people leave and such. I'm low elo, sure, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to discern the difference between a scripter and smurf. Smurfs play well in all areas, not just in their ability to dodge and auto-combo. The riven script is readily available and pops up with a simple google search. "3rdly [. . .]" They have, but for the most part it's only a partial compensation of roughly a third of the amount you loss, unless something particularly egregious convinces them to do a manual full refund, but that requires you to make the report in game, and submit a ticket. "Finally [. . .]" I'm sorry, but it's just not my experience. Maybe I am lucky, but the majority of the people I encounter seem cool. What I do notice, is that people seem to get back the same energy they give. So if you're being a jerk or pinging the crap out of people, or acting like an entitled brat, you're gonna get a verbal spanking for it. I've made it a habit to say hello to my team mates, wish them all a blessed day, and hope they have a good time. I do the same for my opponents when the game starts and I can type in all chat. I also apologize for my mistakes when they happen, compliment team mates and opponents on cool plays, and just try to be as pleasant as I can. I actually met a smurfing GM player who destroyed me in mid as Qiyana (I was pantheon, whom I picked because I figured it would counter her), and he actually added me and walked me throught the game to show me my mistakes and how to fight a Qiyana next time I run into one.
@dazeen9591 2 күн бұрын
Only thing that makes League less toxic than other games is that you cannot directly shoot your teammate to death at spawn. Otherwise League is much much more toxic. Smurfs are not a problem. It's players who stop caring about winning and go 0/10.
@iratevagabond204 2 күн бұрын
@@dazeen9591 I would define that as griefing, not being toxic. Toxic, as I've always understood it, is being maliciously unpleasant. If someone has tilted and given up on the game, that is only an indirect slight towards you; it's actually a display of a person's weak mental and emotional fortitude, and likely a sign that they're to immature in those areas to play games/sports competitively.
@kcnieves9169 3 күн бұрын
If you are reading this and you have never play league pls don’t ever play league
@ripvanwinkle1745 3 күн бұрын
I just started playing league bc i like the learning/getting better journey in every game i play once I become good in a game i just stop having fun and look for something new and that has been the case for every game I play (mostly fps)
@Ash-my4gf 3 күн бұрын
exactly the same for me, i only played fps entire life and wanted to get good at league since its so difficult. was worth it
@wladynoszhighlights5989 2 күн бұрын
If you like the learning process of becoming good in a game I recommend RTS games like age of empires 2-4, Starcraft and similar. They have extremely hard learning courve in the beginning but great feeling once you master them and can control multiple units across a whole map
@rookie4582 3 күн бұрын
I naturally am competitive in games. When it comes to league, I see it as a fancy game of chess with some RNG shenanigans. What keeps me playing is playing my favorite champion Poppy. Otherwise, at least for me, it’s kinda pointless to put yourself through the 50% win rate grind in ranked and detrimental, unless your going pro or a streamer. I love learning to go master my champion and potentially carry the team. While in the opposite scenario, learn how to play behind and increase the chances of turning the game around in my favorite.
@ECPlaysLoL 3 күн бұрын
This is one of the aspects of league that I really enjoy as well, but also on the opposite side of the same coin. I love pushing my lead to the limit and keeping my opponent as far behind as I can. And LoL is the only game that I feel allows me full control over that.
@mazenmohamed4861 2 күн бұрын
No way same bro i love poppy and i also hate the ranked system of coinflips 50%wr
@oriohazuki1393 4 күн бұрын
Such a good guide, good job sir!
@TheDeadGunslinger 5 күн бұрын
Anytime I get filled jungle, or just choose to play it for funsies, I always say "no leash" because it's pointless.
@omarhossam9200 6 күн бұрын
Which teir is better if I want to main jungle as a second role
@newmeta1237 8 күн бұрын
btw you can cancel the evolution animation by manually left clicking on the upgrade and at the same time pressing recall or E. The timing might be tight at first but after a couple of tries it’ll come naturally
@trmntr100 8 күн бұрын
Hello. I see that the crit build is popular on ashe now (at least the sites show it as the biggest wr build). What is the difference between the two builds? As I understand it, crit slows down the opponent more(with ashe ofc), has more upfront damage, and on hit is better against bruisers and tanks. Am I describing this correctly or did I miss something? Also, I'm a low elo player, I've read in many places that in lower elos the crit is almost always better for ashe. How much do you agree with this? Great video btw, love your channel amazing content :)
@ECPlaysLoL 7 күн бұрын
You are correct but to add to that, Kraken Triforce also made Ashe a bit tankier with more haste. Crit is more damage vs squishies but less W E R spamming. In low elo, I favor the build with the most survivability. So, Kraken Triforce would be my choice since I get more chance to impact the game with more ults. On-hit is also a lot of magic damage and crit is full physical so it also depends on what the enemy team is building. The way I see it, both crit and onhit have the same runes and they start with Kraken slayer. So I would make my decision after building my first item. Do I need crit, or on hit? Glad you find the videos useful 😊
@trmntr100 7 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL Ty! Well that makes sense, according to lolalytics, the on hit build performs better in lower elo than in higher, compared to crit, so it's definetely not worse like I've read on reddit where a it's wroten that on hit Ashe is not recommended. Tbh people on reddit give so often bullsht advices like (I'm a Kayle main, adc secondary) recent discussions about why ad Kayle is better than ap, when AP is clearly the superior version. Idk on what planet are some redditors living 😅😂
@takataki2 9 күн бұрын
can you try to cutting out some boring parts so your videos gonna be shorter and more entertarning
@laicord 9 күн бұрын
7:52 so u want to tell me that riot didn't yet completely fix the client but if I cast a spell while my cursor is on the icons near the map, the spell gets casted towards that particular ally. OK
@allaneagleson1881 9 күн бұрын
16:40 too
@botzuki5246 9 күн бұрын
Please more Videos Like These für ADC! Epic content for someone who’s starting with league & adc again 🫶🏽
@noahmaurice8903 10 күн бұрын
i love kai sa jungle!! feels like a weird kindred to me
@ExiledSummoner 10 күн бұрын
This is going to sound like a random question but what do you think of zyra jungle and if I'm not asking too much, could you possibly make a video on it?
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
I think it is very underrated and people are slowly adapting to it. Zyra has the fastest lvl 4 clear in the game right now and she is very good at abusing the very strong AP items. She can farm fast, she can gank, she has objective control and she has a lot of damage. Her only downside is that shes slow and very weak vs divers like Malphite or Camille etc.. I will make a video on Zyra jungle.
@xXGyakusatsuXx 10 күн бұрын
so. whats now the best role to carry with? am i dumb or wasn't it answered at all?
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
The idea behind the video was to present many different ways that all the roles can carry with, and have you the viewer decide which role is the best for you depending on what you like. Nobody can really answer what the best role is because its a subjective thing. All people think differently.
@Tendouko 10 күн бұрын
could you do more videos on Kai'Sa (ADC) please? very interesting champion
@p.l.5860 10 күн бұрын
I've been thinking about ADC JG for a long time. Kai sa is great and I have fun with her JG. I also want a pentakill, so I looked up champs with highest penta kill % chance. Samira has the highest number of pentas. Can you do Samira JG pls?
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
I mean, if you want a pentakill, look no further than Master Yi, Thats probably your biggest chance. Samira JGL could probably work with her Stridebreaker build and a tiamat but it would not scale very well imo.
@barandemir364 10 күн бұрын
Brother you cannot prove anything by playing in Iron lobby. Atleast play in emerald+ elo to prove something is viable
@rookie4582 10 күн бұрын
I don’t think he is catering to the higher elo players. So this isn’t bad per say.
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
And what if I do that? I could do that today, but I doubt it would bring any new arguments. The point of this is to see if Kaisa would be viable. if she clears fine, has gank options and scales well then by definition she should be viable. If I played this in a Masters lobby then sure the opponents would be better, but so would my teammates be and they could play around me even better. Is she at risk of being invaded? Yes. But the same goes for Karthus and Zyra who are viable junglers with even less 1v1 potential early than Kaisa has. And just like the other comment said, I dont make content for high elo players. They dont gain much from watching videos. Coaching is time better spent. I agree with you in principal, but the video is not titled "Kaisa is the best jungler". Its literally titled "Trying out Kaisa jungle". I know who my audience is.
@rookie4582 10 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL It was pretty entertaining to watch for sure. Your title was on spot. Is it viable, not THE BEST SLEEPER JUNGLER. Lol
@MultiDarkghost 10 күн бұрын
Are you by some chance Swedish?
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
I am 😁
@MultiDarkghost 10 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL jag visste det, haha. KZbin-algoritmen gjorde ett bra jobb för att hitta dig. Sjukt bra content, har studerat dina videos om ADC fundamentals och även jag har klättrat i rank sedan dess. Tack för att du delar!
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
Det märker man snabbt haha. Gött att du tycker att de hjälper. Lycka till med dina games 👍
@comradesusiwolf1599 10 күн бұрын
@comradesusiwolf1599 10 күн бұрын
Varus jungle because he does alot of dmg?
@ECPlaysLoL 10 күн бұрын
I dont think thats possible at all. His early cooldowns are so high it would not be worth it.
@comradesusiwolf1599 10 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL aphelios jungle
@comradesusiwolf1599 10 күн бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoL tristana jungle
@legitplayin6977 10 күн бұрын
Interesting, interesting, now do jhin jungle :)
@aarondaniel2380 11 күн бұрын
this tierlist is genius and couldn't be more what I need right now as a low elo adc main trying to grind. This is helping so many people thx.
@pink_floyd5750 11 күн бұрын
It would be great if you could place some champs in multiple categories. Like Lucian (he has self peel kinda( But I guess its impossible in tierlist maker
@ECPlaysLoL 11 күн бұрын
Ideally yes, I would if it was possible