5 Reasons This Game Is Better Than Minecraft

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The Vintarian

6 ай бұрын

Vintage Story is a survival crafting much like Minecraft. Vintage Story and Minecraft have several difference, but both games are still sandbox block building games. In this video we share 5 ways that Vintage Story is better than Minecraft and why you might want to make it your block game of choice. This sandbox survival crafting game is voxel based just like Minecraft.
Thanks for watching!
#vintagestory #survivalgame #vintagestorygameplay #minecraft

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@tyronx1 6 ай бұрын
Lol, brilliant as always. Terrain ruggedness is something I'd like to address still. Clunky world edit and prospecting should be improved in 1.19. Chiseling a block is actually 4096 voxels, because 16*16*16 :P
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Looking forward to seeing the changes! And I would love to say it was on purpose to farm engagement, but I'm just bad at math.
@LabiaLicker 6 ай бұрын
Terrain ruggedness shouldn't be viewed as a bug. It adds character to the world. "Do I try and follow the ridge around or risk crossing the gorge?"
@Napsteraspx 5 ай бұрын
Similar here, I love the eccentric terrain!
@electrobob992 3 ай бұрын
THIS is another reason the game is better, the direct Developer will comment on videos and fan stuff.
@IllogicalCounting 3 ай бұрын
@@LabiaLickerI love vintage story, but because of the terrain I really dont explore much. It would be cool if it happened every so often, but when every area in the game has me climbing giant cliffs it gets old super fast.
@HoverDoog 6 ай бұрын
I gave the analogy in a discord chat that "Vintage Story isn't a Minecraft replacement, it's the steak dinner to Minecrafts cake dessert" and I think that covers it fairly well.
@Sleepy_Muse 5 ай бұрын
Raw gritty stake by the looks of it
@joshHines-bs1dz Ай бұрын
cheap bargain bin steak thats about to go out of date, VS is just a sad rip off and nothing more
@HoverDoog Ай бұрын
@@joshHines-bs1dz you sound asshurt, maybe go outside and touch a little grassy grass?
@theleh Ай бұрын
@@joshHines-bs1dz someone never took the time to actually play the game, and it shows 😂
@cattsythekitty 6 ай бұрын
Important bit of info: gear IS NOT a sanity meter! It's more like a Geiger counter that shows the level of temporal unstability in your near proximity. Low temporal stability = more drifter spawns in the dark. Some areas on the surface and most areas underground will have a permament low stability and this will push your gear backwards. Being in temporally stable area will push your gear forward. There's also Rift activity that is more like temporal weather - it will change over time and affect spawns of the temporal Rifts. The misconception about the temporal stability being sanity is so common, it started to annoy me a little...
@SxSxG666 5 ай бұрын
The gear not only turns to show temporal unstabilities and the likelyhood of drifters to spawn it also loses it's color in order to show your own stability. If the gauge loses all color you start to lose health. With the xskills mod you can even get skills that affect your own stability to reduce the speed your "sanity" drops down. Maybe you don't get it right after all.
@theguyfromsaturn 3 ай бұрын
I think a reason some people associate temporal stability with "sanity" is that drifters only seem to be perceived by player/humanoid characters. To animals, they do not exist. And some of them really do appear to just be partially phased into this world. I reserve judgement if it's a valid take until the lore is fully fleshed out. I am not currently sure that the Drifters are meant to be .
@cattsythekitty 3 ай бұрын
@@theguyfromsaturn I'm assuming that's because only the person seeing the drifters is "temporally radiated" and this personal instability draws them only to this person. And for why they're phasing after the temporal storm?... Maybe the local stability is rising rapidly after the storm ends and they're struggling to stay in the world? Like they want to stay, but are being forcefully pulled back to their dimension? Only Tyron knows 🤷
@chukyuniqul Ай бұрын
​@@theguyfromsaturni think they're meant to be some form of people who didn't make it through the calamity like we did.
@brandynstahler5266 28 күн бұрын
think of it as you have so low temporal stability that you're astral projecting into another dimension
@raycapetillo5569 6 ай бұрын
I'm an old gamer that played Minecraft when it was in its infancy and have seen Minecraft grow to be the wonderful game it is today. So when I found out about Vintage Story, I jumped in...and immediately felt overwhelmed. Not gonna lie. My first few hours, I died more times than I care to count because "XXXX believes food is optional". Then the wolves... and the bear... Holy crap though, I persisted and let me tell you, it is as immersive of a game as you will find. It's a tough game and not for the faint of heart. I have struggled but having the help built into the game is a winning move by the devs. I am looking forward to many years of getting to love this game. Tough yes.. but nothing easy is satisfying.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Very true! Everything feels like you have to earn it and it makes the game play way more enjoyable for me.
@Wolftatze 3 ай бұрын
Same here. I played Minecraft since about 2010 (and I am feeling old now), and I still like it very much. I do think it kind of lost its vision since the time after the nether update, but it is still nice to play. I started Vintage story about three weeks ago and am now on my first steps into bronze age. And let me tell you, when the first temporal storm hit, I was sure I would just put this game away and be done with it. I loved the atmosphere, the more realistic design, the complex chains to craft even the simplest stuff, because the payoff was far greater than in Minecraft. Not only emotional, but a copper pickaxe takes less resources and holds for more blocks than an iron one ever did in Minecraft. But the Temporal storm mechanic caught me off guard. I was expecting something like in 7 Days to Die, Hordes of Zombies crashing against my non-existent defenses. so I searched for defenses and found none that I could build. Alright, I killed one or two drifters before, and maybe I could just hide in my little hut, so how bad could it be? After all, the game had to give you something to not kill you outright, right? The temporal storm hit, and I could look outside through some small holes. It looked amazing, and again, I loved the atmosphere, how the world warped, and the thing-that-should-not-be in the distance. And then a wendigo-looking drifter spawned inside of my hut and killed me in one hit. I was more perplexed than shocked or angry. I was now back at spawn, not at my bed how I had expected, and died a couple more times trying to escape those drifters right in the middle of the night. I managed to dig a little hole in the earth, hid there, and realized I needed this for my base, stupid as it was. But from then, it was just a waiting game, which kinda sucked. I don't know how people survive temporal storms in the early game in any other way except for cheesing them in a "murderhole", as I had learned afterwards. Afterwards, I went back to crafting and the progression, and I liked the exploration of the caves, mining, occasional more dangerous drifters, and loved it again. So it stuck with me, and I am absolutely happy. But, the temporal storms need more work, I feel. TL;DR: Love the game, especially the horror vibe, but some mechanics might need to be improved to make it at least a little bit less frustrating for new players.
@enemote 17 күн бұрын
@@Wolftatze I definitely agree temporal storms and the spawn of Drifters needs a lot of work tbh. If I'm not mistaken the devs have said they'll adress these in the future combat updates, since combat is very barebones right now. I think drifters spawning when it's dark is not that good mechanically, would be better if they spawned only at rifts and then have more rifts open underground or something like that.
@laser_red1820 6 ай бұрын
I don't think it's better, but more a different style of gameplay. Minecraft is made to be more chill, and accessible, while Vintage Story goes full into immersion, complexity and challenge.
@josefstalin8069 6 ай бұрын
I would argue vs is more chill, the time it takes to simply knap an axe, or smith a scythe, waiting for grain to ripen; it all ads up to a game that takes its time, I would consider VS a better 'podcast game' than mc by a lot
@vintagebones922 6 ай бұрын
I agree. This to me looks like an alternative, not an upgrade.
@jesfest 6 ай бұрын
My favorite way of looking at it is like this: Minecraft is about macro, vintage is about micro. Minecraft is known to have massive sprawling creations, be it with redstone or just the sheer block count. Vintage story is known for its ability to chisel blocks and add extreme amounts of detail on each. Because for vintage story, it's the little details that count. The micro.
@josefstalin8069 6 ай бұрын
@@jesfest nice way of looking at it when it comes to the creative aspects
@alexanderdooley5833 6 ай бұрын
both games have creative modes, and configurable game options. we can make both games equally chill.
@lightthehodgehog 6 ай бұрын
Tactile is a good word for it, the whole world feels like it reacts to you physically interacting with it
@toqertv 6 ай бұрын
I'm an old old 2b2t player (2011, since the beginning) I came back for a bit, but man is the meta god awful. Just quit, and saw Vintage popping up on my recommended on YT. Got the game, fell in love, talked some 2b2t players into trying it, and now we have our own server. It just hits all the right notes of what I wish minecraft did or did better.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
I feel the exact same way. People say you can just mod MC to make up for all the things that it lacks, but I think that misses the point. VS's devs go out of their way to make all of the little things perfect.
@TwoPlusTwoEqualsFive32 14 күн бұрын
Knowing 2b2t players they will find a way to weaponise dry grass.
@juneBug412 5 ай бұрын
honestly, i'm sold. i'd been kinda been ignoring vintage story, writing it off as just "another slightly too realistic minecraft ripoff", but watchin this has me totally convinced. i adore minecraft, but it feels like mojang (though let's be real, it's prolly microsoft makin em dilute everything) doesn't or can't cater to more seasoned players like myself. it's the main reason i enjoy modded so much; it freshens the experience, giving me more to do, harder challenges to face, and more complicated gameplay to work with. and vintage story just has all of that in the default game! it feels like vintage story is a version of minecraft that's had a chance to learn what it did right n what it did wrong, n work off of that experience to make something even better. gonna go get it for me n my friends right now! EDIT: AND MAN, ACTUAL LORE?? i forgot to even mention that in my praise, i love lore so much. i do appreciate quasi-lore like what MC does, givin ya lil bits n pieces to clue it all together with is a fun way to do things, but sometimes it feels like a lack of commitment to an idea more than it does giving freedom for players to decide
@TheVintarian 4 ай бұрын
Glad you gave the game a shot! It is a super neat experience and feels so much better than MC in my opinion :p
@LaliaRose 6 ай бұрын
I've been playing VS for three months now and I'm totally in love. Thank you for shinning a spotlight on my new favorite game.😃
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it!
@pawofthewild 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad that I bought Vintage Story. I genuinely love everything about the game. One of things I love about the game is the chisel mechanic, it just so fun to mess around with.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Chiseling is hands-down my favorite feature, Minecraft is really missing it!
@qptech 6 ай бұрын
I loved chiseling so much I wrote a whole mod to help with it xD
@pawofthewild 6 ай бұрын
@@qptech What is the name of the mod, so I can check it out?
@qptech 6 ай бұрын
Chisel Tools (stuff for like rotating and flipping on all 3 axis, survival copying and pasting, loading and saving between worlds etc) @@pawofthewild
@fictitiousnightmares 6 ай бұрын
@@TheVintarian Chiseling has been around for years and years in Minecraft. Please stop comparing vanilla Minecraft to a modded Minecraft clone. It's just stupid.
@mahathirabir6201 3 ай бұрын
Minecraft: I want peace and explore this beautiful world. Vintage Story: I do not want peace, I want problems and winter is coming. I love both, one is for chilling, another is for stress where a wolf or bear would comes to end my gameplay. Don't compare this two games, chill or enjoy the stress
@theleh 2 ай бұрын
Isn't it stressful when a creeper can come and just delete you, and your build? Vintage story is very peaceful in its own right too.
@weevil8025 5 ай бұрын
The fact that vintage story runs better than minecraft too, not enough people talk about that. Minecraft lags when you add ten mods or more on some computers, vintage story can have 10+ mods installed and runs fine. I experienced this on my laptop.
@cherryrook8684 6 ай бұрын
I actually like prospecting after wrapping my head around how to make sense of the readouts. But yea it was a bit frustrating/daunting trying to figure it out 😅, makes getting the results all the more satisfying though
@charliesoulfire2140 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, prospecting is very engaging when you learn to use it, but the game doesn't have enough support text to help you learn IMO. I had to ask the Discord a lot of questions when learning proper prospecting, which it is nice that you can do that, I don't think that referencing outside of the in game guidebook should ever be necessary when the game has one.
@cherryrook8684 5 ай бұрын
@@charliesoulfire2140 I agree, it could definitely be documented better in the handbook
@logandarnell8946 4 ай бұрын
@@charliesoulfire2140 it explains it, but a more practical tutorial in game would be helpful. but to me its like learning all the base game mine-craft recipes for the first time again.
@Neshoba1337 6 ай бұрын
Honestly The game looks like someone took the idea of the mod TerrafirmaCraft and just ran with it. Which is pretty awesome.
@miguelpadeiro762 5 күн бұрын
Yes! These mechanics reminded be 1:1 of terra firma mechanics. From knapping (?) stone into tools, ingots and making charcoal It's awesome if this is the case, that they made a game out of inspiration from the mod. It was a fun idea for a mod, making a game out of it unleashes its full potential
@Rexxie44 6 ай бұрын
Finally giving this game a proper go over the passed couple weeks. Had it for over a year but I was too confused and afraid to play it by myself. Having started my own server with friends, it makes things much more interesting. The game adequately satiates what I would like out of minecraft, and what I feel like is reminiscent of old school minecraft. Minecraft fails to capture me anymore and hasn't in years, I've largely lost interest around 2013-2014 and I find burnout to exist rather quickly. Whereas VS, keeps me constantly doing things and working towards the next struggle. It kinda gives you constant things to do, similar to Rimworld. Thusly, you'll wake up and play till the sun comes up without realizing it. There is so much content and things to do in contrast to minecraft. Much more risk factor and higher amounts of personalization/affinity towards your crafts. I love that the game doesn't plateau quickly with each age. You more-so have a plethora of things to do in each age, to pad them well out. Where as Minecraft, the most padded out age is the iron age. Which loads of craftables tied to it. They still feel rather insignificant in the grand scope of things, whereas VS gives everything you have a purpose. You will still do primitive survival things while in the Iron Age. Bronze also has quite the extensive purpose as well. Alas, I can ramble on and on, point is, Minecraft has a very straight forward gameplay loop that flattens out quick, when VS gives you constant goals to work towards. There is no room to be completely clueless as to what your next objective should be. The game hands them out to you when you run out of personal goals.
@Protect_all_ljf3forms 6 ай бұрын
Found out about it not long ago The chiseling mechanic is genius. Custom furniture
@theleh 2 ай бұрын
It's amazing. Meanwhile minecraft devs won't even give vertical slabs because it "inhibits creativity". You have infinite possibilities with a chisel. You can literally make ANYTHING. it's amazing.
@armarm4504 5 ай бұрын
i tried this game once and i am hooked, i've been playing minecraft for years but i love this wayyy more
@whetshu2641 6 ай бұрын
Vintage story has been on my radar for about 2 years now, and I think you've just convinced me to finally give it a try. I can agree with some of the comments that say that Minecraft isn't a worse game, just a different game. For me though, this sounds like the more technically advanced Minecraft game that I've been waiting for since Hytale was announced. i will definitely be giving this a try at some point in the next month or two. Thank you for bringing it back to my attention.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
@whetshu2641 6 ай бұрын
@@TheVintarian I hope I do too!
@Nephelangelo Ай бұрын
The main developer of Vintage Story was part of the Hytale team, but left after a year I believe due to a difference in vision.
@AndalusianLuis 6 ай бұрын
Awesome video. I’m so happy I discovered this game this year. It drew me in much more than Minecraft ever has, and I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2013.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! It just brings something different to the table.
@nugisdrawing 6 ай бұрын
Hello! I'm so glad to find this channel related with Vintage Story. Recently my friend discovered the game that I might be interested, and then here I am 60+ hours later in the game. Feels like I found a hidden gem and I could say the same with this channel! Keep up the good work ❤
@batatadolixo8932 6 ай бұрын
i love vintage story atmosfere, its amazing
@humanguyalsoperson7987 Ай бұрын
Vintage story is so relaxing for some reason it lets me forget about my problems for a while
@lukusblack6442 6 ай бұрын
I have got to try that new build. The dungeons alone!! I adore VS. I've never played a game like it. I think my favorite bit is the food system. You can swap out dry dirt for more lush dirt that has more minerals, once you've found some. You need to rotate crops so the dirt replenishes those minerals over time. The herbivores and omnivores will try to steal your crops, so you need them fenced in, or in a greenhouse once it gets cold. All of that is before ever actually cooking, which has hundreds of possible recipes, and needs wax sealing, and a cool dark place to store it so it doesn't go bad in the heat of summer because it's hard to collect food in winter. The smallest things feel like an incredible achievement, like actually locating a beehive, and getting the bees to migrate into a skep to relocate them to your home. Beehives are very difficult to find, and you need to listen for them, and watch the tops of trees for tiny bees flying around. Also note that skeps need protection, too, because racoons want that sweet, delicious honey!
@theleh 2 ай бұрын
When I was introduced to vintage story, I couldnt believe my eyes. It was like playing Terrafirmacraft all over again. I havent felt that joy since 2010 when I first started playing minecraft. I still feel that joy playing VS. One big thing that makes a difference is food spoilage too. No sticking food in chests and it lasts forever. Theres always a need for farming and food.
@gregorycomey 5 ай бұрын
Minecraft could definitely learn a lot of things from this game.
@rayrack5416 Ай бұрын
I'm a gamer that has played video games since the dawn of time. My first survival game was Conan Exiles which to me was an A+ game in terms of the existential dread I felt combined with the "someone is going to kill me and take all my stuff." As a PVPer I was hesitant to try out this game. Three weeks in and my mind is blown. This might very well be the best game I've EVER played. The game ceases to amaze me. There is SO much packed into this game. I almost died IRL when I got struck by lightning ig. My heart felt like I had a panic attack. The day it began to snow I almost cried it was so beautiful. And it can be brutal and I love it! In this playthough I've already lost two inventories. Bring it on! Way to go devs. And great video explanation.
@Bumblebee-qk2mv 6 ай бұрын
I have not played this game, but it looks pretty cool! I wouldn't compare it to Minecraft though, even if they are both sandbox games I feel they have a totally different gameplay style, so it might not be everyone's first choice depending on what you like to play.
@viceunkwn 5 ай бұрын
dope video! this game is a definite hidden gem and needs some more viewership for all of the dope content creators in VS
@Ivan-bk9xs 6 ай бұрын
i wish VS had some more complex combat tbh.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Me too! It would be cool for it to a slightly larger part of the game.
@jesfest 6 ай бұрын
This is a big talking point, better combat. A lot of people say it, but I'm honestly curious on what people want. Like are we talking the ability to parry? Maybe having alternate attacks by holding the button down, or using the right click? A combo system like Zeno clash? Directional attacks? I imagine not going so far as to air juggle your opponents, but that would be funny! I think bullseye is also a great ranged mod, I would love it as standard but sling users might be upset. More weapon types with unique properties gets my vote. Weapons that might stun, others that cleave, maybe one that applies a DOT... Could be a mace, great sword, and dagger respectively. But yeah, I want to hear what others want because I swear it's in the top 3 of desires for this game.
@Napsteraspx 5 ай бұрын
The terrain generation being more intricate plus a built in world editor takes the cake!
@kozmikhero6749 5 ай бұрын
I've been seeing this game pop up for the last two years. Everytime I check in it gets more and more interesting. Pre-occupied with other games right now but this will absolutely be a title I visit with friends on a multiplayer server at some point in the future.
@MasterCakeX5 6 ай бұрын
I started liking prospecting after I installed the prospecting mod that, in some way, is going to be in the game anyway.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
It's a fun mechanic, just a big barrier for new players I think.
@htf5555 5 ай бұрын
haha idk if the whole process is fun but when you get results its a massive dopamine shot
@PuppyPlimby 6 ай бұрын
this randomly came to my recommended even though i never heard of this game chill channel tho, subbed
@discipleofveloth6058 5 ай бұрын
First time I have heard about this and I'm impressed and now have a game I'm gonna recommend to my friends so we can play together
@illuminaticomfirmed6948 6 ай бұрын
Im so glad more people are getting into this game, tried it awhile ago and Im waiting for more content to really sink my teeth into it with some friends. MC became just too ez and shallow for me personally especially with how strong armor and weapons are now as well as how easy they are to acquire via villagers and nether bed mining, and Hytale is sufficed to say, not coming out any time soon so this game is right up my alley.
@ChellSky Ай бұрын
@liamjenkins244 6 ай бұрын
Vintage Story feels like a better version of TerraFirmaCraft. I think the hype around the Hytale trailer & more recently Lego Fortnite shows that people are ready for a Minecraft successor, just wish some really major KZbin people would dig into this.
@theleh 2 ай бұрын
Terrafirmacraft was the GOAT way back when. I believe a few of the devs that worked on TFC are on the vintage story team.
@ymmatinthehat 6 ай бұрын
Dont gotta tell me that better minecraft is better
@1001digital 3 күн бұрын
Why in the world would I ever want to return VS? It is so great :D There is so much love and detail in the game... When baking bread you can even see the dough rise in the oven. I have a blast plaing this game.
@savlecz1187 6 ай бұрын
Yep, this video is pretty accurate. Of course you CAN mod Minecraft to have a lot of these features but it just feels way better when they are built in instead of tacked on. The game does feel quite time-consuming to play though, everything takes a long time. Whereas in Minecraft you can fill a whole world with your creations, in Vintage Story building just one big house can feel like a huge achievement (also because of the chiseling, which encourages you to detail every little thing). VS is better than Minecraft if you're looking for that. It's not better for you if you just want to chill and build. I'd definitely encourage everyone to give it a shot, though.
@mateusfolletto6142 3 ай бұрын
It's like 125 of my local currency. But I'm very interested in this game. I've been building a modpack for over a year, customizing recipes and all, to make it into an immersive survival game. Vintage Story just has it all in the basegame. They only need to add more animals and that's it.
@rodricbr 6 ай бұрын
I have no idea how I haven't played this game before, this looks amazing
@cubicflan 5 ай бұрын
I'm curious about this game, but a couple things keep me from giving it a fair shake. First is the ridiculous-looking player characters and npcs. They don't feel like they quite line up with the rest of the world, and just look sorta uncanny. It's a bit confusing since the rest of what I've seen looks very pretty. Second, which I didn't know would even be a problem until this video, was all the talk about extra steps and "realism". A lot of stuff shown here doesn't look fun, engaging, or immersive. Just tedious. The only way I could justify the idea personally is if there's no durability system, which didn't seem to be mentioned at all.
@luisjdavis 6 ай бұрын
Made charcoal in my back yard. Mined clay and fired it in my backyard. Went hunting and Tanned the Skin in my freaking backyard. If you play survival games and it’s real processes that are actually in real life. It’s a winner.👍🏻 I’ll be forging this summer, look for “Gamer burns down house” in the news ✌🏻❤️‍🔥
@Francidium 6 ай бұрын
Vintage story and minecraft are fundamentally different games and shouldn't be compared overall. Minecraft is more sandbox based while vintage story is more survival/story based. Minecraft lacking in lore isn't a bad thing, it's an intentional design philosophy so that the player can build their own world and story however they'd like.
@EnchikO 5 ай бұрын
I have been playing this game since 2019. This game is amazing and as u said, this game is for those who grow up from minecraft and want to try something same but more challenging. For future players I would recommend only 3 mods. Better Ruins, Simple HUD Clock and ViesCraft Machines. I have played many games but always get bored, but this game is different. But there are few things to mention which I dont like about this game. This game is little grindy, low varianty of enemies / bosses and prepare, that your free time will disappear. GL HF
@Iphasmere2 6 ай бұрын
I'd say the only thing i currently dislike about the game is how the combat is pretty rudimentary, but i have no doubts it'll get improved eventually
@Code_Machine 2 ай бұрын
The world is actually not infinite. Its round. The equator is hot, the poles are cold and from the equator to either pole is 50k blocks. Meaning to travel from 1 pole to the other is 100k blocks. This isnt that bad in MC but because terrain is so rough, its a hell of a trek. However, since it is round, you have quite a lot of land available to you as well
@ghriszlybare2547 5 ай бұрын
Ive been thinking about trying this game for a while but as soon as you said that multiple chests can be opened i was sold.
@kaesestein7781 6 ай бұрын
I do not believe either of these games are better than the other. They are similar, but appeal to different audiences.
@dra6o0n 5 ай бұрын
Looking at the game and it's hardcore settings and sandbox style, it really reminds me of the MMO haven and hearth... Now if you make a big server here and enable some sort of hardcore mode, then you can pretty much get the same gameplay.
@greywolf9783 3 ай бұрын
I love how everything thing shown in this video (except for multiple chest openings, the putting down tools, as well as stacking resources those are really cool) can be dealt with in modded mc
@greywolf9783 3 ай бұрын
Yet at the same time they should be base game
@Nephelangelo Ай бұрын
Have fun reinstalling all those Minecraft mods every update just to have basic features which should have been put in the standard game years ago.
@LuisEdGm 6 ай бұрын
As soon as buildable boat houses are in the game I am jumping in
@atroxie 4 ай бұрын
That is a thing in the works im sure multi block moving structures
@Real_The_Goof 3 ай бұрын
It feels like if Minecraft and Valheim had a baby.
@piotraueternum 6 ай бұрын
Stacking logs or coal looks similar to valheim gameplay. I think it would improve valheim experience if you could put tools next to wall like in VS
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
It's one of the best little details about the game.
@alexanderdooley5833 6 ай бұрын
I have even played on servers with mod creators and chatted in game about mod suggestions and fix requests.
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
That's really awesome!
@NoName55460 5 ай бұрын
I just can download TFC minecraft mod and nothing will change, LOL. And I also think that this game is popular only because people got tired of waiting for Hytale and started looking for a replacement.
@koilamaoh4238 5 ай бұрын
are there mods that make it more like minecraft crafting?..some of vintage complex recipes kinda bothersome at time.
@ltGargoyle 25 күн бұрын
are they gonna actually put villages in? i like building civilations. and go to war with friends on servers. can this game play on servers with multi players?
@brandynstahler5266 28 күн бұрын
when you first load in the world, you'll say "oh this is like minecraft" when you first try to craft a stone axe, you'll say "oh...this is nothing like minecraft"
@EarlyRound 5 ай бұрын
You can shift click when moving items between chests... In case you didn't already know.
@Odium_DOB 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say it better than minecraft I would say are entirely different ball games, from a distance they look alike, and a step forward they look very simliar but in the gritty I would say both have So many similarities but not, the same....and I do like floating trees, just feels silly and like that. but I would consider it, seems like a good thing to hop into when i'm in the mood to learn a entire sandbox... but than again I'm the type to get sucked into that nonstop, so maybe not.
@TheRCvie 6 ай бұрын
As much as I love VS, I can't help but feel Someone called The Vintarian is a little biased. :P
@Lethal_Spoon 2 ай бұрын
vintage story's development is reminiscent of the notch's days in minecraft
@electrobob992 3 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: While game updates BREAK Minecraft mods, Vintage Story's game updates don't always break them. Meaning players can keep using a mod from v1.00 in v2.69 if desired, all depends on what files it references and what exactly changes. So just test them BEFORE thinking they won't work.
@kelvingutierrez4198 4 ай бұрын
Well its different vintage story is for people who want a game thats more realistic while minecraft is more of a fantasy game
@spiritgaming1442 6 ай бұрын
The only thing vintage story and minecraft have in common is its block and pixel based. Vintage story has more in common with survival craft then minecraft.
@skeleton_craftGaming 6 ай бұрын
Ultima 7 style billboard inventories is the best system for inventory management.
@Cygnus_MC 6 ай бұрын
Once Again an awesome video!
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! Thanks for always watching. It's cool to see another creator enjoy what we do!
@Cygnus_MC 6 ай бұрын
@@TheVintarian We small lads need to stick together, plus your videos are just plain good
@OmarShtaiwi_ 5 ай бұрын
Looks cool, I just hope they change their opinion on steam.
@theDemolisher13 6 ай бұрын
So I'm looking for something like millenaire mod where the NPCs build their own villages but more extensive and you can see them duking it out with one another and forming kingdoms that rise and fall with the passaged of time and it's up to the player if they choose to join in or try to ignore it. Anything like that? I just feel like it adds to the world being alive and gives the player a passive thing to interact with in the background.
@theleh 2 ай бұрын
The beautiful part about this community is that you can suggest that as a mod in the discord. Someone would probably make it happen, as it's a really neat idea.
@theDemolisher13 2 ай бұрын
@@theleh thanks I'll keep that in mind and make the suggestion later tonight or this weekend
@XaKeR167 6 ай бұрын
Wait, you can open multiple chests ? GOTY
@TheJaguarthChannel 6 ай бұрын
Your "snow covered shots" you shared only show frost, you didn't show any snow except for when mentioning the poles.
@NN-cr6gx 3 ай бұрын
I love watching Vintage Story but I just don't want to get into it myself. The game feels super complex and I don't have the capacity to learn the mechanics. But it does look super fun once you do.
@TheVintarian 3 ай бұрын
It is super fun, the mechanics can be pretty daunting so I can understand that. I think it’s worth a shot, there’s an in-game explanation for anything and everything which helps a lot.
@Exis247 5 ай бұрын
in the newest release (1.19) Ruins have been made larger and more diverse.
@gabrielamaral978 6 ай бұрын
My only problem about VIntage Story is that 21 dollars is a fucking ton of money in my currency, but maybe i'll buy it someday
@the_origame 6 ай бұрын
So, it's more like 500 reasons VS is better than MC, I love it😍
@JohnSmith-il4wi 5 ай бұрын
I mean.... in all honesty this game looks like a Minecraft mod, albeit a very extensive one, but a mod nonetheless
@fishstick5113 6 ай бұрын
okay tbh im glad i saw this bc ivw know abt vs for a while but always thought it was "just another Minecraft rip off" but this game actually seems rlly interesting, i always love playing mc wt mods that do exactly what vs does like making the game more rough. I'm def gonna get this game soon thank you
@lontvany 6 ай бұрын
New vs content lets goo
@ChukMeier 6 ай бұрын
Did the University episodes get taken down?
@milohobo9186 6 ай бұрын
It definitely looks like you have to earn every inventory slot, every hit point, every single tool.
@xanabomb0 6 ай бұрын
Inventory is something you craft yes, but so easy from the start with just reeds but there are other things you may need to put in those slots so it's a sacrifice you sometimes have to make Hp is actually just gained by a better balanced diet which is neat And tools for sure, getting your first copper pick and hammer is a major leap because then SO MUCH just opens out for you to do and it's pretty much the end of what is basically an extended "tutorial phase"
@ComradeVoid 5 ай бұрын
Is it inspired from Terrafirmacraft,that mechanic ofr firing clay and stuff like that reminds me a lot of Terrafirma Xd
@Lumpy777 4 ай бұрын
Such an amazing game with an even more amazing community. 😀
@genericusername5671 4 ай бұрын
The thing I love most about VS is the chiselling. Through chiselling, I've really been able to build whatever I want. I know it's first and foremost a survival game, but man is the building potential amazing. (Yes, I know there are Minecraft mods for chiseling, but having it integrated into the base game and it's generated structures is super cool too. I prefer Vintage Story, some may prefer Minecraft. Both are good games).
@gaborcsako256 4 ай бұрын
You can do the same with chisel and bits in minecraft and this idea was way before vintage story. (Btw good to know this game was a minecraft mod too. The mod name was: Vintagecraft)
@genericusername5671 4 ай бұрын
@@gaborcsako256 Yeah, VintageCraft was the work of the devs before they decided to branch away and make their own separate game and engine. I think it was a really good choice on their behalf since it gives them much more freedom.
@gaborcsako256 4 ай бұрын
@@genericusername5671 The decision to branch away and create their own game and engine was a bold move by the devs, offering them greater freedom and creativity. Both games have their merits, and it's great that players have diverse options to explore their building potential.
@genericusername5671 4 ай бұрын
@@gaborcsako256 I agree. Often I've heard the games being pitted against each other, when in reality it is up to each individual player's own personal preference. :)
@jacobobrien40 Ай бұрын
Thought Vintage Story was a Minecraft mod at first. I was very wrong lol
@mobydick909 6 ай бұрын
When I first accidentally opened 2 chests for the first time, my mind was BLOWN xD That's definitely one of the greatest features of the game! (also something else worth mentioning is that making mods is pretty easy and if you want to add your own block or something you don't have to code)
@PhantomDogman 6 ай бұрын
Is there even small chance that Vintage Story will be on mobile in future? But then how touchscreen controls would work?
@anthavoc_2871 6 ай бұрын
I think console would be more likely at the current stage, remember minecraft took ages to release on pocket edition and it was very barebones at the time because phone hardware was just simply not good enough. I think its the same case here but I'd love to see VS on mobile some day!
@PhantomDogman 6 ай бұрын
@@anthavoc_2871 Well for Minecraft, also they started from the scratch in C++ for Pocket Edition (same for console edition now called Legacy edition), because couldn't port Java code to mobile or something else. For VS, I think the code base would allow to port the game to mobile, but VS devs know more stuff about it. But I think if they would port it to mobile, then at least with decent chunk for survial feature including "infinite" world.
@Nighturz 6 ай бұрын
im able to mod java minecraft forge pretty easy by clicking a button or two and done.. running 305 mods to the point its barely minecraft anymore. tougher and much more realistic survival wise. VS is great for sure, but both minecraft and VS have their own ways of surviving. both of which can be completely modded and changed in nearly everyway possible.
@ambreenejaz3304 6 ай бұрын
the best is rock types and animals of vintage story but not that bear can one shot you if you dont have armour
@Nephelangelo Ай бұрын
Minecraft is basically just a prototype compared to what Vintage Story has become.
@joreygarbani6980 6 ай бұрын
games like this need to come with a bucket
@Croissantu 6 ай бұрын
Will the game be available on Steam?
@matejbradac5412 Ай бұрын
the main enemy is bear, drifters are less evil aholes IMHO.
@iillliilllx6473 4 ай бұрын
After playing Minecraft for almost 10 years I finally quit because there were too many issues I just couldn’t ignore anymore so I’m looking for a new game that’s better and this one I should give a try
@pilsudskygm3377 22 күн бұрын
Agreed. Minecraft doesn't feel the same like it did back in the day. And the new updates are only making it worse. Back then you only had to install optifine and you were good to go! Now you have 10 different perfomance mods, laggy vanilla perfomance and mediocre updates. After trying to play newer versions with my friends and having million crashes we decided to ditch it and try vintage story soon
@iillliilllx6473 22 күн бұрын
@@pilsudskygm3377 I hear optifine isn’t very stable anymore plus it didn’t help that I couldn’t play with other people at all in Minecraft now matter what I did I have literally did everything to try and play with others but it all failed lucky I kept my 360 cause that works wonders
@optionalcoast7478 6 ай бұрын
the thing I hate the most about the game is the whole temporal system. I like a way to choose a location for a base build it up to make it permanently safe. Temporal storms and instability kind of make that impossible. Also while I welcome the realsim it is sometimes too tedious to make large builds like you can in survival Minecraft.
@weevil8025 5 ай бұрын
And you can turn it off very easily when you create a world...
@optionalcoast7478 5 ай бұрын
@@weevil8025 not when I played but that was many updates ago
@weevil8025 5 ай бұрын
You left a comment 5 days ago though, how are people supposed to know that you can disable it? Your comment implies you still cant. @@optionalcoast7478
@HazielBlack 6 ай бұрын
I mean... prospecting is ass... but once you find a mine you can exploit it almost forever. 😅
@TheVintarian 6 ай бұрын
True! It's worth the time investment.
@Xechor 5 ай бұрын
"Don't want to spoil anything" but shows clips of insane ruins
@kelvingutierrez4198 3 ай бұрын
Just wish vintage story was on console or had console controller support
@yalkn2073 4 ай бұрын
One word: Redstone
@electrobob992 3 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: There IS A redstone mod for the game.. Called Signals.
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