5 Signs You Are Non-Binary

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Lynn Saga

Lynn Saga

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@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you all enjoyed the video. Let me know what helped you figure out you're non-binary!
@jadapinkyjoseph5254 2 жыл бұрын
I'm non-binary and yes I question my gender
@godseed7984 2 жыл бұрын
You helped me figure out I'm not. But didn't think I was. Although you did raise a lot more questions. I hope you read my comment and perhaps address my questions in a future video.
@darengardner9351 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video the way you explaned how non binary people experiance life has helped me understand my friend erin and what they has to deal with on a daily basis i have always supported erin and after watching your videos i understand erins situation better and hopefully be even more supportive
@SM-fk7tf 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadapinkyjoseph5254 non binary isn’t a real thing, you can be born a man or woman, nothing else. If you ever question your gender, look inbetween your legs. You’ll then arrive on planet earth!
@arolemaprarath6615 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadapinkyjoseph5254 same but I'm a pig. I identify as a pig. It means I am exempted from taxes, bills, etc If you insist, the you are a bigotted animal abuser.
@EggsToYourBacon Жыл бұрын
The playing dress up thing actually applies to me more than the others. I enjoy dressing feminine because it highlights my body, but other times I feel really uncomfortable with it. It wouldn't be as bad if I has a more masc body.
@little_pretty_little_dead Жыл бұрын
Exactly! This is what I came here to say! Kindred spirits!
@thebrutaljudge9883 9 ай бұрын
it just means (LIKE ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD) that sometimes you feel more at ease with yourself and some other times not !..... nothing else..... everybody sometimes feel hotter than some other day and it has nothing to do with being a female or a male..... + stop comparing yourself to others and you'll start feeling WAY BETTTTEER !!!!!
@EggsToYourBacon 9 ай бұрын
@@little_pretty_little_dead kindred spirits!!
@Luciana_McC_99 7 ай бұрын
​@@little_pretty_little_dead I wish I had a kindred spirit.
@VanessaMarieBooks 2 жыл бұрын
I'm cisgender, and I've never questioned my identity. I've always felt like a girl/woman (even though I went through a little bit of a "tomboy" period as a kid), I've always identified as female. I watch these videos mainly to understand other people better and their experiences, so thank you for sharing. 💗
@InfuzeDcyphR 2 жыл бұрын
You're awesome as an ally.
@VanessaMarieBooks 2 жыл бұрын
@@InfuzeDcyphR I try. 😊 I wish more people would too. This world could be a lot better for everyone if people tried to understand and respect others rather than acting out of fear & trying to control.
@TheFinisher669 2 жыл бұрын
Well you can't feel like something you've never been. That's my confusion with trans and nb people.
@VanessaMarieBooks 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFinisher669 Have you tried talking with trans and/or nb people and listen to how they feel?
@myplaylist7007 Жыл бұрын
Your a woman, not a cis ( Cyst ? )
@jaelove.bts7 Жыл бұрын
I completely related to the "dress up" part and the body dysmorphia part. I remember as a kid I would always wonder why I had to wear a dress to church when some kids wore pants and a shirt and when I was told it was bc I was a girl, it always felt so off for some reason. It was also in my junior year of hs, I was trying on dresses for a school dance and I just genuinely didn't think I should have been wearing a dress. And everytime my mom had me wear a new one I just felt more and more out of my body, and I ended up just settling on one I liked enough to wear. Took me 4 years later till now to realize that I just want people to stop associating me as a girl. it's still hard to come to terms with but I'm trying not to feel disappointed with myself about it.
@Lyn-m8j 8 ай бұрын
For my grade 6 leavers my ex-mother tryed to force me to wear a dress i argued that I wanted to wear a suit instead, and in the end I went to my grade 6 leavers wearing a half suit half skirt and the idea of killing my self and bitchy teacher for the 8th time that month. Worst year of my life.
@happylucky13 Жыл бұрын
The one that really sold it to me is the fact that I just want people to see me as *me*. I first felt this when a friend of mine was designing a character to resemble me and asked the question “do you want them to be a girl or a boy?” My immediate response was “I just want them to be like me.” This was before I even started questioning my gender!
@Mel-wn9gb 5 ай бұрын
Welcome to the club, where all of humanity is just themselves. So explain how that makes you 'nonbinary', given that you're no different from anyone else?
@alexgreen8651 2 жыл бұрын
I just dont know aye? Somedays I want to were a skirt and look feminine but a lot o the time I just wear dark androgynous clothing and that feels more like who I am. Thinking back i never felt like i was a girl, i had a pink bike as a kid and i really didn't like it and i would always dress in green and blue and didnt like girly clothes and when I'm with a group of women outside of my immediate freind group i dont feel comfortable and I dont feel like i belong and I really hate it when people call me femine or call me a young woman or things like that. What if I dont want to be a woman. The fourth sign, wanting to be seen as yourself not your gender hit me deep and thats kinda how I've been thinking about myself and my gender identity in my head. I think I will change to she/they pronouns, try it out. I haven't before because there are so many labels that i think i could be and most of them feel right in some ways but I actually just dont have to label my gender. Thank you so much for making these videos Lynn, you've really helped me to realise that I'm asexual and probly also non-binary.
@Melotinecookies 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I just found this video myself (yay gender crisis) have you ever heard or gender fluid? It means to fluctuate between gender- any gender! Weather girl boy or in between!! I recommend looking into it
@letter_o_hyphen_letter_o 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say if androgyny is the way you want to be seen, go for it. That's what I'm doing.
@Dude-dx5ns 2 жыл бұрын
Your gender isn't all that important. Clothing does not define it and not wanting to be a typical girl does not mean you need a new gender
@im_a_washing_machine582 2 жыл бұрын
Some other people are saying this but have you heard of gender-fluid? If you see this. How is it going?
@M4lici0us 2 жыл бұрын
@lupicalmoon 2 жыл бұрын
I find it ironic how this video came up first when I’m starting to doubt myself. I went through the similar experience as starting off using gender fluid and then felt more comfortable using non-binary. I personally prefer the term queer but I’ll still use non-binary if people are specifically curious about my identity. I’m quite comfortable with either she/he/they pronouns and I was in a pretty comfortable space for awhile, but lately I’ve been almost gaslighting myself I guess? As someone who’s assigned FMAB I’ve been struggling a lot lately with my femininity, and sometimes when I walk past women I feel almost ashamed that I’m not this fully shaven, long haired individual who’s wearing a lovely dress or a cute skirt. It just messes with my head and I start asking whether I’m just pretending to be NB, but the thought of identifying as a woman just physically doesn’t feel right. On top of that I’ve been dealing with thoughts like ‘What if no one wants to be in a relationship with you because you’re not a woman? You have to look like one if you want love, if you deserve it. Maybe you should wax your body again so you’re more attractive.’. It’s mentally exhausting and I feel so lost and alone. I know it’s just me overthinking but it’s still upsetting to experience. Sometimes I wish I never addressed my feelings towards the binary, because maybe then it would have been easier and in some fucked up way I would be ‘better’ and more palatable to society if I wasn’t me. I’m currently not very open about my NB identity, compared to sexuality there is still a long way to go before it’s seen as something as common as being gay. However, this video helped remind me that I’m valid as I am and if people choose to not even associate with me for simply being myself then I’m better off without people like that. It’s still hard navigating who I am especially since my gender expression varies from being fluid to androgynous. Even though gender expression and gender identity aren’t the same it can still be invalidating when who you are and how you want to look doesn’t fit what society has deemed ‘right’. Thank you for the comfort the video brought. ❤️ Hope everyone is doing okay 🌸 Hug 4 u 🫂💞🏳️‍🌈
@cheezesmoker8851 2 жыл бұрын
Alls this video has done has made you a weaker stranger person who actively seeks out whatever they want to believe at the time based on your feelings, you are either born a male or female period. It doesnt matter what you feel like at all, your either male or female
@lisettex123 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheezesmoker8851 Asking out of curiosity… how would you personally classify people who were born as intersex?
@winterlove9892 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate so much to the "you have to look like a woman if you want love" part. I'm so scared that boys doesn't want to date me because I look too masculine or people in general if I look and say I'm NB, this is so hard and now that I read your comment I don't feel so lonely. now I know there's more people in the same situation. I hope everything gets better for u! pd: I don't speak English so I'm sorry if I spelled something wrong.
@cheezesmoker8851 2 жыл бұрын
@@winterlove9892 you should be worried about it
@winterlove9892 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheezesmoker8851 oh darling, I really don't care what YOU think but thanks for sharing your opinion with us
@myrtila 2 жыл бұрын
I recently started questioning my gender after ranting to my friends about gender roles. I hate (for myself - respect it when other people choose to live this way) having to put feminine clothes, being submissive, more emotional than males , expected to marry, have a family and devote my life to my children and my husband, while my beloved husband does barely nothing at home and is free to be himself and pursue his interest outside of work. I crave intellectual bonding with people. I’m not a “she”. I’m a person, my person
@antonscorner 2 жыл бұрын
just because you don't conform to gender expectations doesn't mean you're not a woman actually i'm not trying to invalidate you in any way (i'm also questioning myself) but just thought of putting this out there for you to know
@Black-io1uc 2 жыл бұрын
That's definitely internalized misogyny. Everything you said is sexist. Talk to a therapist if you can. Disliking what is expected of women, doesn't make you less of a woman. You don't have to do what is expected of you, you can do anything you want and still be a woman.
@myrtila 2 жыл бұрын
@@Black-io1uc well, i kind of agree that this doesn't make me less of a woman. I'm generally questioning myself. But how is that misogyny? I never said or insinuated that women are less capable. Elaborate yourself please
@Black-io1uc 2 жыл бұрын
@@myrtila Believing that you probably aren't a woman because you don't wish to be and do everything you've listed that is expected from women, when in reality most young women don't want all of that. Suggesting that you can't have an "intellectual bonding with people" as a woman sounded pretty sexist as well.
@Black-io1uc Жыл бұрын
@E V I never said it was disrespectful or judgemental. The way she sees women doesn't offend me, but it does sounds like internalized misogyny and disliking of gender expectations which is the reason why many young girls want to identify with another gender. Something to consider.
@XxLucaTheBucaxX Жыл бұрын
When I was younger, I always knew something was wrong. It started when I was about ten years old and i wasnt comfortable in she/her pronouns anymore. It was kinda surprising me bc when I was in kindergarten and elementary school i always was very girly and when my grandma picked me up id say "i am so glad i am a girl!" At this time i knew about trans bc i was informing myself in the Internet like all the time bc i wanted to find a label for me. Soon I found out about trans people and was like "Yes, that must be me! I am not comfortable in she/her so that must be me!" At the time i didnt know about non binary or atleast i thought i had to be binary. I watched many trans documentations but somehow i couldnt relate to them. I knew about non binary but like i said i never thought i could identify with it. And when i tried he/him i didnt really feel good with it. It felt better but still not right. Some time goes by and when i was just walking and minding my own business a bloody 7 y o girl asks me "you a boy or a girl??" I didnt want to answer and thats when i realised i was non binary. It was mind blowing and everything finally made sense! Now i go by they them but my ass is still closeted and its also kinda difficult with gender neutral pronouns in germany. Good Luck y all!
@joyeetaghosh2209 Жыл бұрын
Why did she/ her pronoun made you uncomfortable and he / him doesn't I also sometimes don't like doing girly things or feminine things
@XxLucaTheBucaxX Жыл бұрын
@@joyeetaghosh2209 I don't EXCACTLY know why I just know that its not me.
@joyeetaghosh2209 Жыл бұрын
@@XxLucaTheBucaxX I have a very personal question from you since I'm also trying to find my identity whether your people around disrespect you for just being a girl ar restrict you from doing things bcs that's not what girls do
@joyeetaghosh2209 Жыл бұрын
@@XxLucaTheBucaxX or forced you to do certain girly things which you don't want to do
@joyeetaghosh2209 Жыл бұрын
@@XxLucaTheBucaxX or are do you don't like call you she / her bcs of certain things being associated with being girl or woman
@purplekitten6637 2 жыл бұрын
I so agree on that whole thing of feeling uncomfortable when someone tells you that you're turning into such a beautiful young woman. I actually used to throw temper tantrums when I was four and people called me a pretty girl.
@Feisenbach 2 жыл бұрын
Then be an ugly girl, who cares? The point is, you ARE a girl!
@kevinhorry4182 2 жыл бұрын
So your not a girl? You don’t have a v*gina?
@sultanmufleh2905 2 жыл бұрын
your the prettiest girl I have ever met
@astolat2262 Жыл бұрын
​@@sultanmufleh2905buzz off troll😊
@ShockedHearts 5 ай бұрын
lets see here. dont like gendered pronouns, check. over-analyze my body, check. dressing like a "man" or "woman" feels like dress-up, check. wanting to be just seen as myself, not as my gender, check. and I did watch this video. so check. yeah im non-binary alright.
@Deboifrager 2 жыл бұрын
I know I’m bi but I’m am starting to question my gender, this was helpful thanks!!!
@iwillloveyoursoulifyourepl5557 2 жыл бұрын
How do you question your gender unless u trans bc it’s 99,99999999999 times a billion more that you are your gender actually it’s the most obvious delusion there is when I think abt it
@Feisenbach 2 жыл бұрын
Take a look between your legs and you'll know.
@jeanv1352 Жыл бұрын
Of course you are! Follow the trend!
@Bunny501 2 жыл бұрын
Only today have I realized that I am non-binary. I was really oblivious until recently tho. and I've been telling people that I use any pronouns and getting stuck at a select a gender from the list boxes for over a year now.
@Bunny501 2 жыл бұрын
Great video btw, made me feel even better with my new label. Now I can say for sure that gender euphoria is a real thing
@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on coming to that realization! It’s always amazing figuring out a part of yourself
@MikeMike-fl5mi 2 жыл бұрын
lmfao mentaI iIIness
@LitherFamily 2 жыл бұрын
Gender, personality, and mood shifts are 3 different things. There's no need to create a gender term for each and every "type" of personality" or periodic "mood swings." What I see described here as "signs" doesn't call out for a gender category (although they might affect one's perception of their own body, feelings or the form of language that comes with that conclusion).
@AestheticPurpleGalaxies 3 ай бұрын
I've been through everything youve been through i totally get it. As a non binary kid, i never liked being called she/her either i feel comfortable being they/them❤
@alisaborissova6527 2 жыл бұрын
AAAAAAAAA, OMG , thank you very much. I was so hesitant about my gender. I thought there was something wrong with ME and that I couldn’t just accept myself as a woman, to give up stereotypes. But I was wrong. Thanks. You gave me confidence in myself and my feelings ☺️😌❤️
@MikeMike-fl5mi 2 жыл бұрын
sometimes life is hard and sometimes you dont like something but that doesnt change REALITY. FACE REALITY DONT RUN FROM IT
@koreywitabagg665 2 жыл бұрын
You can give up on stereotypes and still be a woman like tomboy or still a both a feminine and masculine woman
@gayfrogtime Жыл бұрын
@@koreywitabagg665 Yes, you can do that, but also you could be nonbinary. Its different for different people.
@yochiartz2839 Жыл бұрын
same here
@odu6918 2 ай бұрын
Or just be a masculine woman????
@laupel Жыл бұрын
Ugh please I’m having an identity crisis right now and it’s so confusing. I grew up with a conservative family who valued femininity way too much. My father always taught me that women were meant to be sexually attractive to men, basically that was their sole purpose. Granted he was a homophobic, sexist, and racist pos but that’s a story for a different day. I got bullied all the time as a kid for looking too masculine because I hated wearing dresses and skirts. I felt insecure in them and it didn’t feel right. Eventually my family starting controlling the way I dressed and appeared and I hated it but I guess I grew used to it. Ever since then I’ve always dressed extremely feminine, wearing only dresses and skirts, long hair, makeup, etc etc. But I don’t feel like myself anymore. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize who I am. In reality I guess I don’t really know who I am, because I’ve never been given the opportunity to decide that for myself. Now I’m grown and can choose my own path, but it’s scary and I feel alone in it.
@alexanderking5395 27 күн бұрын
5th and 6th grade were so brutal. I have vivid memories of also looking into the bathroom mirror forever and not being comfortable in my own skin.. Nobody knew what transgendered was in the 1990s.
@XxCircus_clownxX 5 ай бұрын
This really helped. Especially the pronouns one. I never felt he/him but I hated being called her, now I think I'm starting to accept myself
@musicandpoetry_8 8 ай бұрын
I used to think I wanted to be a trans man but being non binary fits way better after a ton of soul searching
@musicandpoetry_8 8 ай бұрын
The thing is I’m attracted to men which makes this very complicated
@littlecatfeet9064 2 жыл бұрын
Being uncomfortable with your developing body, not fitting into gender roles, and just wanting to be seen as yourself is actually part of a larger identity than non-binary. It’s called being teenage. Particularly being a teenage girl and the ruthless scrutiny they go through. Saying that if you don’t fit into a narrow female identity you must be non-binary is stereotyping itself. Can you not imagine gender nonconforming people who AREN’T trans or NB? Do you really think cis women don’t question their gender identity? I’m sorry, but I think it displays a lack of knowledge of and interest in most women’s lives. And the vagueness of the signs you used just apply to most people 🤷‍♀️
@keyboarddancers7751 2 жыл бұрын
@kaiyodei 2 жыл бұрын
nah. it's the core and entrity of nonbinary. even when someone has neurodivergence and depersonalization disorder
@blackgrlfly 2 жыл бұрын
Way to be closeminded and ignorant
@Undesignedd 2 жыл бұрын
What about adult people lol
@vi5727 2 жыл бұрын
For some time now i’ve been thinking that i might be non-binary. I’m afab and i hate being called a woman or a girl, and i feel like i’m out of theese gender norms, i feel like i’m something in between. The thing is, i’m okay with any pronouns, and i’d like if people did not stick to only one pronoun. I’d like if people also used he/him and they/them for me. And I don’t understand, does that still make me enby if i’m okay with all pronouns, and gendered pronouns too? :/
@kingdunnad 2 жыл бұрын
The thing about pronouns is that you can use whichever ones you want! They're separate from your gender identity. For example i'm agender, but I use she/her and also they/them because that's what I'm comfortable with
@vi5727 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingdunnad thank you, that’s actually really helpful. I’ve been identifying as non binary for few months now and discovered that i like they/she/he pronouns for myself
@elis8319 2 жыл бұрын
when i got my period , my mum said "you're a lady now" but i remeber i was kinda sad and mad bc i didnt want to be a lady
@pyratehyena1312 2 ай бұрын
teen and young adult me: "surely everyone questions their gender and experiments constantly until they maybe get lucky and figure out something or anything that works for them. right?"
@pinoyclasico8932 2 жыл бұрын
English is my third language. This made learning English grammar harder actually.😕 "They is going to the park." 😕😕😕
@Mel-wn9gb 5 ай бұрын
When I was a girl I began to notice the sexist stereotypes, roles and expectations imposed onto me, my sister, my mother, grandmother, cousins, aunties and friends. It was grossly unfair and oppressive, and still is. 'Gender' is the entire problem. Defining ourselves in terms of it is not the solution. It's a huge step backwards. You guys are so close but so far. It's baffling that you don't get it. Like hundreds of years of the women's and LGB movements went right over your heads.
@feltfrog 5 ай бұрын
Trans people have always existed. Your obsession with them is honestly embarrassing and I feel sorry for you. Why are you stalking this KZbinr?
@Mel-wn9gb 5 ай бұрын
@@feltfrog People who believe in the ideology of 'cis' and 'trans' have existed since about 1994. People who believe in the ideological concept of 'binary' and 'nonbinary' have existed for a mere decade or so. I'm not obsessed with 'trans' people or 'nonbinary' people. How can I be obsessed with them when my entire point is that there's no such thing, and they're just people with a problematic ideological belief system? I'm interested in resisting sexism, misogyny and homophobia, which I've been doing since I was a child. When you impose sexist dogma onto other people - violating their lives and rights - don't be suprised if they call you out on it. You made it my business, so here I am.
@feltfrog 5 ай бұрын
@@Mel-wn9gb You are obsessed with them, you spend every day seeking out trans and nonbinary content creators so you can spread your gender critical ideology and tell them their families are disappointed in them. That’s bully behaviour, Mel. Why are you so obsessed with them? Maybe you’re trans :))
@feltfrog 5 ай бұрын
@@Mel-wn9gb Rather than going after actual misogynists spreading manosphere BS you’re targeting LGBTQ people lol. What a good person you are.
@Mel-wn9gb 5 ай бұрын
@@feltfrog Quote me where I said anyone's family is disappointed in them. I've never said such a thing because that's not my argument. My argument is that the concepts 'cis', 'trans', 'binary' and 'nonbinary' are sex stereotyping, which is sexism. I've been opposing sexism mý entire life. I'm not obsessed with 'trans' people. My entire point is that there's no such thing. The only bully here is you, making personal attacks and making up lies that you can't back up, instead of decent, reasoned, coherent arguments. Try harder.
@IMDBreview2 2 ай бұрын
I am non binary but the only problem is i have a manly body and not a lot of feminine clothes fit me good and i wanna wear them but idk what can somebody maybe help me out? Thank you my fellow people :)
@kavintradess 2 ай бұрын
You are man and you don't have the pelvis of a woman, which literally means you have the anatomy of a male and dresses will not look good on you than it fits on a female body designed for women. Got it.
@hhxny 2 жыл бұрын
All you named is just you not liking gender roles, I thought we were supposed to get rid of gender stereotypes, not promote them by creating a term for people who are more than their sex.
@KrispyGottaFork 8 ай бұрын
I feel comfortable with she/her pronouns but not all the time. I usually go by they/them
@silverlightning6649 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video this came at a really good time for me as I'm just starting to be more open about my own identity with people outside of my immediate friend group. Honestly part of what helped me to realise I was non-binary (possibly agender but sticking with just NB for now) is that I just always felt disconnected from boys and uncomfortable whenever I was grouped in with them. No idea if other people experience this, but I never actually felt uncomfortable with masculine words or terms until I actually came out, now I can't even hear someone who doesn't know use them about me without cringing or worse. So I definitely understand point 1 and point 4 the most and point 2 but to varying degrees depending on how self destructive I feel. Thanks for all the videos all of them have helped me so much since you first started (I'm demisexual as well)
@nilufarahmadzada6959 2 жыл бұрын
This gender propaganda is making me sick to my stomach. I don't know why they're so obsessed with their gender, they should get professional psychiatrist help.
@DarthLesbian 2 жыл бұрын
It's all attention seeking. This is the generation raised on social media so every waking moment of their day is dedicated to "omg look at me look at me! please! omfg look at me!! Please! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!@! LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
@nilufarahmadzada6959 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarthLesbian exactly
@asmrplushpaws 2 жыл бұрын
@@nilufarahmadzada6959 this isn't "propaganda"
@asmrplushpaws 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarthLesbian I think you're jealous somehow
@DarthLesbian 2 жыл бұрын
@@asmrplushpaws 😂 “Hey everyone hates our guts, you think there might be a reason for that?” “Nah, they’re just jealous” Cope harder 😂
@jxck_exorcist185 Жыл бұрын
I’ve come here for the beginning of my journey. I don’t feel masculine enough nor do I feel feminine enough let’s see where this takes me
@SorenPenrose Жыл бұрын
Hey that’s why I’m here exactly. Glad I’m not the only one.
@astrophel999 Жыл бұрын
@borussiadortmund6558 2 жыл бұрын
I feel a bit like I’m non binary but I think that I just don’t fit in the feminine role so I think I’m okay with being me. But I’m okay with my pronouns. It’s just sometimes a bit weird or uncomfy but for normal I’m alright w/ that. Idk.
@the-trans-oboist 7 ай бұрын
Ok, so I question myself A LOT. But we have this etiquette/dance thing for school and my mom wanted to put me in a dress. I was so uncomfy by just the thought of it and wanted to look androgynous that I made my mom buy me a suit instead. Haven't gone to it yet and am very excited to go in my suit. My mom doesn't like it but who cares? Some of my friends gender envy me when they see me in it. So now I'm going to my first school dance in what I want. My mom thinks it's weird for girls not to wear dresses to dances, but hey mom, guess what? I'm not a girl. Deal with it. Who cares if people think I'm weird? I'll be confident in my own body. That's all that matters.
@ianclm26k 10 ай бұрын
Question: How is being non binary equal to being transgender? I thought being transgender meant that one wanted to identity as the opposite gender. I'm confused Also did you say you were a mormon?
@Benni777 Жыл бұрын
I realized quit quickly that I’m NB, like very recently. I’m talking like I’m in the first 5 months of discovering myself, so everything is like 🤔🫠 I told my mom this when I was somewhat comfy. She told me that she was “ok” with using the word “Non-Binary” to describe me, but when I said I had gender dysphoria, she said I was, and I quote, “I’m too old to be feeling gender dysphoria.” I’m 22 btw. If you think that makes no sense, it’s because it doesn’t make any sense. I went on the NB sub-Reddit, which is the best place on earth, in my opinion, and they validated me so much! Literally everyone on my post said that my mom was wrong. I even got someone who was 60 tell me that they just realized they were NB, tell me that my mom is wrong. So, that was my first experience with NB erasure, basically. Can’t wait to see how much more hate comes my way! 🤙🏻😩
@Lyn-m8j 8 ай бұрын
Is it normal to some degree that being called the pronouns you were assigned at birth to feel like you're being punched in the gut, but being called the opposite pronouns feel like they only see what they want just to hurt you more? Is it normal to hate dresses, but love the idea of having a flat chest while wearing one? Is it normal to wish for people to use thay/them pronouns but fear the idea of them hating you for being different?
@brooks7894 8 ай бұрын
Just a gentle reminder that it’s ok to be a man/woman/boy/girl and not conform to/identify with stereotypical gender norms. It’s a little disturbing to see so many people jump to the conclusion that they’re not women because they never liked wearing dresses. Let true gender diversity be a thing again. Please!
@Tavialatrice Жыл бұрын
I am A nonbinary and I don’t like being gendered by society so I love the video
@romanzehe6587 4 ай бұрын
Hey, I'm CIS and I want to be able to understand non-binary people. Thanks for the listing!! I just have one question about the fourth point: Don't all people, especially young, pubescent people, want to be perceived as individuals and not immediately be put into drawers? Especially BECAUSE of the outdated gender roles, you don't want to be labeled and you want to make yourself unique as a person, IS my experience as psychology Student, but maybe ITS a Bit more intense for you? And couldn't it also be the case that children whose parents didn't attach much importance to gender roles question their gender less often? (to point 5?) Hope the questions aren't naive or anything, I'm just genuinely interested.😅
@DangerousKaos Жыл бұрын
Thanks! This was helpful. I just came out as nonbinary too a year ago. I loved this so much. Also def subscribed ❤️
@eggbath595 Жыл бұрын
@eggbath595 Жыл бұрын
@RM-xr8lq 6 ай бұрын
if anyone questioning their identity, just take some university courses in biology, genetics, discrete math, and anthropology then you will feel secure about your gender!
@victormonaco5406 10 ай бұрын
I'm wondering if I'm non binary but I'm not "uncomfortable" with "male or female" pronouns. Tbh I actually feel fine with any pronouns... I wonder, I"must" feel uncomfortable with binary pronouns to be nom binary? Thank you for the amazing content?
@Dragons4Dummies Жыл бұрын
My sign was realizing that not only do I like to be called a queen, but I also like when people praise my physical strength. I thought I was just gay, but I still like women as much as I like strong men. In reality, I just want to feel pretty while keeping my physical efficiency at top levels
@BJMediaTransit8516 9 ай бұрын
About the part of you just wanting to be seen as you, I relate to that whenever people refer me and call me a man, or say that I am going to be a man. And this includes the fact that I get offended when people call me young man or view me as a total masculine.
@Mel-wn9gb 9 ай бұрын
Everyone wants to be seen as we are. It's just that some of us are male and some of us are female. It's not a big deal. The only time that's a problem is if you or other people make it one. And you guys are making it a problem when you sex stereotype yourselves and other people by defining us all as 'cis', 'trans', 'binary' or 'nonbinary'.
@liamodonovan6610 2 жыл бұрын
You are such a beautiful person love you so much you such an intelligent person lynn i fully respect you and your pronouns awesome video
@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
I always love seeing your comments! I hope you're having a good day and thank you so much for all your support
@nii5370 9 ай бұрын
tbh, some of these things literally happen to everyone, you're not non binary/trans for analyzing your body or dressing up. I guess you're just describing gender expression not actual gender babe
@StarPuppetBoy 2 жыл бұрын
Recently I have been thinking I’m non-binary and not transgender,and I’m very confused Lol! Well for starters I kinda recently started feeling like i’m neither male or female,but use he/they pronouns,and just feel uncomfortable or weird whenever someone asks me if I’m a boy or if I’m a girl,(I usually just get nervous and say idk) and I don’t like it when people ask me this question- so yeah- I did used to feel more masculine and more like I’m a boy- or male (transgender) but now I feel more like I’m non-binary. I also kinda noticed that whenever I’m in the woman’s or girls restroom in school I always wait until all the other girls in the restroom leave or if I think it’s safe to go outside,and just get very uncomfortable using bathrooms,fearing that someone would tell me something or ask if I was male or female,this did happen once when a girl with puffy hair asked me while I was washing my hands if I was a boy or girl I just got all nervous and said that I didn’t know and there was this other time when this talk kid in P.E had asked the same question I could answer and I just stayed quiet not wanting to answer the question,however I did used to play with both “boy” and “girl” toys honestly I don’t even know why people put literal toys for either gender- anyways I also used to wear both Dresses and more “masculine” clothing,I also used to pretend I was characters such like sonic or Mickey Mouse even pretending to be my own characters usually male,but I would also pretend to be creatures most of the time like dragons and demons,I also used to believe I was this Powerful white shapeshifting dragon when I was around the age of 6 or 7,so to me that’s kinda one of the biggest signs that I’m nonbinary- or may be nonbinary.
@D4ND3L10NZZ Жыл бұрын
I luvvvv the cat mostly appearing in the background so cuteee
@dpn1604 10 ай бұрын
How do you know you are insane and need to visit a mental institution ASAP...
@this_user_is_nonhumann 2 жыл бұрын
I support, I'm non-binary as well!
@klausschwab762 2 жыл бұрын
@christianmccauley7340 2 жыл бұрын
@@klausschwab762 hippo
@klausschwab762 2 жыл бұрын
@@christianmccauley7340 The most dangerous creature in Africa other than a mosquito.
@nforne Жыл бұрын
Sounds like new language to describe something old, with a few extra bells and whistles. Girls have been uncomfortable with their bodies during puberty since forever. Especially girls with less confidence who hate it when men suddenly begin looking at them as they develop. They want to hide away. But often as they become older and grow in confidence, they may begin to feel comfortable expressing themselves in a more feminine way. Or not. It really doesn't matter because feminists from decades past already broke down the barriers of gender conformity. Girls and women can dress in literally anything thanks to them and it won't raise an eyebrow to most people. The extra bells and whistles I mentioned are the pronouns and belief that you're some special kind of new class of person. Nope, sorry. You're just plain old, gender-nonconforming, girls and young women who've been around since forever but have been given a handy special identity to hide behind.
@hydra-axolotl Жыл бұрын
EDIT: i am so sorry for anyone that decides to read through the 19 (as of time of edit) reply argument on the internet that i have sparked. firstly, they/them have been used as gender neutral pronouns since the 14th century, hardly new language and secondly, can you know what someone is going through without being them? i'll assume from both your profile picture and comment that you are not a girl nor non binary, so let me ask, what gives you the authority to state something about someones very identity? what information do you have at your disposal that allows you to know other people better than themselves, are you a psychologist, have you done a large study or anything in that regard?
@nforne Жыл бұрын
@@hydra-axolotl They/them are part of a toolbox of pronouns. There are many instances where using them can cause confusion about whether they were intended in their singular or plural, in which case it makes sense to use an unambiguously singular pronoun such as he/she. It should be of little concern to the subject of the conversation which pronouns are used, since they are most likely not included in it. Anyone who uses language to communicate is qualified to have an opinion on this topic, so I will politely ignore your demand to see my degree.
@hydra-axolotl Жыл бұрын
​@@nforne context has usually been enough for me to figure out if that they/them was plural or not, similar to the word 'you', and if there is any ambiguity, you can just ask. i was mostly asking how you came to that conclusion, to diagnose non binary and maybe the entirety of gender dysphoria as girls just being a bit uncomfortable with being looked at, it seems a bit farfetched. and trust me, i've had my fair share of people saying i think things that i don't and i hate it. i'm not very educated on psychology so if you do have a degree then i'd resign or maybe ask some questions, but if you heard this from a random internet post, then i could challenge it. sorry if i came off as a bit rude, that wasn't my intention.
@nforne Жыл бұрын
@@hydra-axolotl I’m not claiming to be an authority but I’ve read a fair bit from a wide range of sources and feel I have a pretty good handle on the topic.
@2hadow108 Жыл бұрын
@@nforne forget arguing with the insane. 🤦‍♂️
@prototype8137 Жыл бұрын
Some days I feel like pizza. Other days I like hamburgers... but I feel more like a weiner today.
@kevino4372 Ай бұрын
1 way to tell if you're non binary. 1. You're not.
@Suited_Nat Жыл бұрын
Like here’s why I felt so insecure about reaching out about my gender identity. It took me so long to figure out my sexuality and be confident in that, for my brain to be like: wowoop- time for you to question your gender!!! Like as a kid- I never had exposure to gender queer pronouns or what they were until I lot a lot older. But I remembered even then, that I never wanted to be in the gender role of a woman. And now I know that I don’t want to have a man role either. Maybe it’s because I hate how outdated that stuff is, but couple that with the fact that I remembered my strong urge to ask for binders to cosplay as Masc/androgynous characters feels like a sign looking back at it.
@chrisgavin2794 Жыл бұрын
There’s no such thing as non binary.
@nalenks8083 Жыл бұрын
Yes there is, bye!
@beatricewaide8108 Жыл бұрын
There is, it’s a concept that has existed across cultures for thousands of years
@chrisgavin2794 Жыл бұрын
@@beatricewaide8108 I’m sure there has. But they would be incorrect. It has nothing to do with what you think or feel you are. It’s irrelevant.
@beatricewaide8108 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisgavin2794 that’s literally exactly what gender is.
@kaurpajula2731 Жыл бұрын
​@@chrisgavin2794look up what gender identity means before writing bullshit
@OGhunned Ай бұрын
5 signs you are delusional
@YouTubeViolates2A 17 күн бұрын
@PixelPower0615 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, looking back at my past, things make so much more sense and I feel like I should have seen my non binary truthbomb coming a mile away. I never used to have a problem with my gender as a kid. I never gave it much thought about what it meant to be one or any other, so I never paid attention to it. Plus, we didn't have any education about what non binary, transgender, or even presentation of gender in school (lots of people in my small town were religious), so that didn't really help. But...everything changed when middle school happened. Damn, that was an experience. What better place to repress your emotions, and thoughts about attraction and gender identity than a place full of hormonal, dramatic little satan spawns? When I first started "developing", I remember that I didn't like it. It just felt so awkward on my body, and it felt weird that I had to show them off as the person I was told to be. But I was a kid, so... Anyways, that also opened the floodgates for "those thoughts". Any person born with a uterus with it going through its first adult stages knows what I am talikng about: "Why is this happening to me?", "I feel so disgusting.", "Why wasn't I just born a boy?", "I hate living like this.", etc. I was forced into a role I didn't like, and I wanted it to all just stop. High school finally came, and things were a bit more controlled. I started wearing hoodies/bulky clothes to hide my body and feel more safe, but I didn't think about gender for a very long time. At that point in my life, I resigned myself into saying "Well, I guess this is my life now" and I stuck with being what I once was. When I first learned about non binary, it was kind of on accident. I had more access to the internet, and a better understanding on who I was as a person because of the presence of the LGBTQ+ in my school, and in further looking into it online. I was looking through some blog, when I saw the tern "nb" show up. I didn't know what that meant so I went looking online. It held a lot of info that I related to. To a scary degree. But back then I was too scared to admit it to myself, so I ignored it. Again. A few years, a whole new group of friends, one lockdown, and 2.5 years into college later, I think about my identity again. I have embraced a lot more about myself, and felt more secure about who I was. But something didn't feel right. I felt like something was missing from me, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I started talking to my friends about it, and one of my other friends, who is also non binary, asked me if I ever felt like I didn't belong with something I was always told/forced to be. Instantly, my mind went to being my gender. I opened up about it, and a few days later, I had my cold shock awakening. I am non binary. I said it to myself in front of a mirror one night after classes, trying to see if it truly fit if I said it out loud. I felt something lift off my chest, and all I could do was sigh in relief. Me saying out loud to myself made me realize I wasn't any different than who I already was. I just needed some time to get there. And I have never been more happy with myself. I found my missing puzzle piece, and I feel finally complete. That revelation was nearly four months ago, I have been proudly nb ever since. I don't know what my path has next for me. But I feel lebbter knowing that I can get through anything. Sometimes the unknown or the truth is a bit scary. But there is no rush to meet it. Go your own pace, and when the time is right, and you have the right people with you, you are going to realize that you can be capable of so much more than you think.
@jaythorn2923 Жыл бұрын
Can we blend genders together and choose a different one each day???
@bobbytomatoe Жыл бұрын
Yes, that means you could be multiple genders. Or genderfluid.
@Destorm0n Жыл бұрын
mentaly ill@@bobbytomatoe
@bobbytomatoe Жыл бұрын
@Destorm0n close minded
@elliot22131 Жыл бұрын
​@@Destorm0nMentally ill = transphobe
@cosygoose1813 Жыл бұрын
​@@elliot22131Says the ones cutting off body parts.
@mckennak8164 Жыл бұрын
I need advice. Oky so I recently have started to question my gender. I found non binary are I was drawn to it immediately. I thought that maybe I had found it. Then I was watching things like this and I don’t really relate to them. A few of them I do. I wonder if I am just rushing to find something that fits and it doesn’t. I just don’t know if I am or not.
@mx_nana_banana Жыл бұрын
don’t rush into it, there are plenty of non-binary identities out there, it took me a long time to find myself, (i identify as demiboy btw).
@loganblackwood2922 Жыл бұрын
​@@mx_nana_banana Insanity.. 😂
@Phoenix_is_god 4 ай бұрын
People need to understand what personality traits are. Sometimes you're just a feminine man or sometimes you're just a masculine woman. get this nonsense out of here
@owli-wankenobi3727 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct, at least about Cis people rarely questioning their gender. My gender has never been in question. Tbh, the thought that other people don't feel comfortable with their gender is still a strange thing to me and because of that, I desperately want to understand how you trans/enby people think. Hence my being here, absorbing any amount of information on the subject.
@j.s9144 2 жыл бұрын
Is it that hard to love who you are? A Girl a Boy?
@irene9486 2 жыл бұрын
Those ppl really love to be "special" and get all the attention they can
@Feisenbach 2 жыл бұрын
@@irene9486 Well said!!!
@fraserjayryan2988 2 жыл бұрын
the only reason why I'm here is because of a dream were i was a slime and i played every role a person can be like a warrior, king, librarian, father, and so on. it was the happiest dream i have ever had. i was able to change to whatever i want at any time for any reason. it was a type of freedom i have never experience before.
@_MomoM_ 5 ай бұрын
All this video told me was that you are a normal woman doing the same normal things as any other young woman..
@smellington1939 4 ай бұрын
Yea... hate to break it to you... Most cis girls don't do this. ❤
@jellanonnenmacher 7 ай бұрын
Hahaha questioning is always such a indicator oh maaaan but I think questioning is also a leading path to find the right labels for you. For me do example I feel more gender-fluid and still want to be precieved as just myself a human being… I also can recommend to share experiences in queer communities and see if others have the similar or other experiences. I always learn a lot about my self if others tell me that they don’t feel the same like I do. It somehow strengthens my connection to my life’s experience
@bignickaguilar4844 2 жыл бұрын
This is what the world has come too.
@johnsmith7140 2 жыл бұрын
@christianmccauley7340 2 жыл бұрын
I’d say this is all a precursor to a more cultivated Modern gender abolition movement, or at least a movement resembling one. Gay people like their labels, even I like my labels as a gender abolitionist, so I’d be surprised if whatever burgeoning movement truest to remove those entirely. But truthfully I’m excited to see more people learn to treat gender as something less rigid and more of a spiritual journey.
@rosegarden880 Жыл бұрын
I have a vagina.. “but that doesn’t make me a girl” 💀💀
@melissacanfield5221 2 жыл бұрын
How you going to change they whole English language...turning a singular into plural...that's insane...
@Joel38910 4 ай бұрын
Ok so I have a question. So here's a little back story I was born as a male but I don't feel comfortable with using the male name or the female name. So my question is how do I know if I am nonbinary?
@meggiemusic9 2 жыл бұрын
I've been questioning my gender for a few years now. I know I'm not male but I feel maybe I'm a girl and half the time I feel like I'm nothing at all..that I'm just me. I've never liked most dresses and I like more feminine suits and how they look. I even tried taking quizzes and they all said I'm nonbinary. Also my sister is trans and my other sibling is gender fluid. And we are all pan lol. I've only discussed this with one of my friends who is nonbinary and they understand. But I'm still figuring myself out.
@Wind_Cursed Ай бұрын
I relate to pretty much all of these signs just in a different way. Since I was a kid I hated being forced to wear a dress and my whole life I've hated people always seeming to write me off or out of something just because of my biological gender. I actually hated doing most things cis people of my biological gender would do. I wanted to be seen as me, not my biological gender. I just didn't know you COULD be anything between the two and the opposite sex didn't feel right, either. Also, I love baggy clothes. The main reason I love them is because they make me feel more comfortable but I think part of that is actually because it makes me feel more seen as me, not just that it doesn't feel tight on me Also, I think I know which religion you're talking about. The issue is that I'm not going to leave my religion because I do like my religion outside of the gender stuff and, outside of gender stuff, it does make me feel happy. The gender stuff is so annoying to me. I suppose I could do something where I only go to things that involve both the young men's and the young women's, but I don't know. I'm a paradox
@amiiredhead2676 9 ай бұрын
Okayyyyyy... What I noticed I have both male and female rolemodels to my own identity. I would actually create my OC's based on more male role models, but still do the genderswap to still be comfortable for me to identify with them. I also really look up to persons who can leave their gender identity rather ambigously and just 'play' with their idea if gender.
@andreirodin2061 4 ай бұрын
Another issue that this person has: terminology misuse. Sex is not “assigned” at birth. It is CONFIRMED at birth. Sex assignment would be an opinion, regardless of facts, based on personal preferences of the “assigner”, subject to change at any time IN ANY DIRECTION. None of this happens in current medical practice. So, where does your terminology come from? Your misuse of terminology is yet another example of immaturity (and lack of knowledge, poor analytical skills???): use of big words to support non-credible opinions. When you are confused about your ideas, how do you expect others to buy into them?🤔
@erzurumlujack Жыл бұрын
Failed society
@ziggyzoggin Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Its sad how so many people believe in religion and think gender is not a spectrum. Its really sad the oppression and the hate that trans and non-binary people face.
@Sarah-ti8xl Жыл бұрын
Respectfully, non-binary that not a thing my sister have All these signs but she’s a female, she might be a bit confused but I’m sure she get through it, and your also a female, everyone in the world are male or female, it just you get affected quickly of anything on the social media I’m not disrespecting anyone but that the reality, hope everyone here realised that. 😊
@youtubeshatespeechmonitor2684 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question. How can a person know, specially a young kid or a teenager, whether they are non-binary or just a gender non-conforming cisgender person? If you can be trans without disphoria, how can a feminine boy who doesn't have disphoria be sure whether his feminine traits are signs of being non-binary or not? I think all of this can cause unecessary confusion to young kids or teens who would have grown as normal feminine boys or tomboys otherwise.
@CrumbIzHere Жыл бұрын
I like dressing feminine, but I feel like non binary, I might be gender fluid she / her and they/ them.
@heyfella5217 Жыл бұрын
one of the biggest signs for me was playing up the girliness at times to "make up" how out of place I felt. Have you ever heard of men who play up a manly front because they're trying to hide their homosexuality or something like that? That was basically what I was doing.
@9-VoltGaming 2 жыл бұрын
The pronoum thing is complicated to me because my main language does not have a neutral pronoum so I need to pick one, so I just go with the male one for simplicity, but I love using "they" in english
@HermayonieHernandez Жыл бұрын
@HermayonieHernandez Жыл бұрын
Btw i use she/they pronouns but people can use any pronouns im chill about it
@KatGhostDrawz Жыл бұрын
@9-VoltGaming Жыл бұрын
@Philip Kirby The generic argument of "there's only 2 genders" doesn't really invalidate non binary people because being non binary isn't really a gender, is the lack of one. Calling it a gender is like calling Atheism a religion so... You take a class now. Plus even going with biology, gender and sex are two different things even in biology.
@1Jason Жыл бұрын
The pronoun stuff is a load of nonscence.
@archyneverpicked Жыл бұрын
"Just wanting to be seen as me" Hit the nail on the head. This is how I've been thinking about myself for the longest time. Not a man, not a woman, just me. Really validating to hear it from someone else
@Lisa-pw2he Жыл бұрын
I have ruthlessly felt this way since I was about 5 years old. "Just wanting to be seen as me." And rejecting male and female stereotypes. People tell me I'm beautiful, and I think to myself, "What does that have to do with anything. That's nothing to do with who I am." See, that's the key; we are all simply individuals, but it doesn't change the fact that we are born with XX or Xy chromosomes and therefore female or male. This "non-binary" is just artifice covering for feeling uncomfortable with oneself and with conventional society. We don't need to make up words in order to be different than the norm. The truth is that humanity is filled with infinite expressions of self. But denying reality is, also, not helpful.
@mayanose7875 Жыл бұрын
That’s just what I feel like. I just see people as people not genders. I don’t see myself as gender either. Wow I’m non binary.
@queenofspiders Жыл бұрын
Okay I just “feel like me” but don’t need to go around demanding that others perceive me how I want to be perceived, you can be who you are without demanding compliance from others.
@lynx9704 Жыл бұрын
Nobody can see you juat as "you". What's wrong in being a man or woman? Nothing!
@lynx9704 Жыл бұрын
@@Lisa-pw2he And coincidentally, only non europeans " feel this way" , since they're not brainwashed with idiotic propaganda that is there to help them wipe themselves out of existence.
@imthebossmermaid3648 2 жыл бұрын
Could you make a video about signs that you might be a demigirl? Even though I am a cis girl and comfortable with she/her pronouns(in fact I always tell myself it’s her/she like the chocolate, just for the giggled), I have been questioning this for quite some time. Or if not any videos that I could watch on this topic? Thanks for this and have a nice day!
@lumy60 2 жыл бұрын
I questioned my gender for many years. In reality, I am cisgender ! The problem wasn't about my gender but about another difference : my autism. So I had the impression to not be a woman and neither a man because I felt different.
@biohead66 2 жыл бұрын
More ppl must acknowledge this.
@dropdeadjuno 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like this could play a big part in my gender journey. I’ve always just accepted she/her and being called a girl/female because it’s “just what I was.” Relating to your comment- I also want an autism diagnosis, since there is a high chance I have that. But in a way, I think being autistic has helped me feel less “normative” anyways and that it makes it feel easier to be more me instead of stuffing myself into a box
@sundaysims 2 жыл бұрын
i think my neurodivergent traits have made me look at the world differently, i don’t really understand the gender binary like a neurotypical would so it would make sense that i don’t relate or see myself fitting in to a binary - it is simply incompatible with how my brain perceives society and the world. i’ve always just been >this
@nova4476 2 жыл бұрын
@sundaysims i relate to this so much!! getting doctors to take me seriously is an uphill battle being AFAB. but i think it definitely has a lot to do with the way i perceive the concept of gender. i just don’t understand it and i don’t feel drawn to any particular label.
@gulpispulp 2 жыл бұрын
I have OCD and I’m trying to figure out if I’m experiencing intrusive thoughts or if this is who I am lol
@angelicabasque1749 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when I stopped shaving my legs/underarms, and one of the first things my mom asked is if I was "making a statement" or what have you. It's a mix of "Having my natural hair grow out feels better", and "Men don't have to shave their body, why the hell do I need to?". I'm still trying to figure out if I'm NB or just GNC. There's something so comforting and liberating about styling myself in the way that I want, that makes me feel comfortable, happy, and confident.
@DarthLesbian Жыл бұрын
omfg, deciding you dont feel like shaving doesn't make you NB for fucks sake
@user-th7lu2yf7n Жыл бұрын
@@DarthLesbian why don't you let them explore themselves in peace?
@DarthLesbian Жыл бұрын
@@user-th7lu2yf7n What’s to explore? The depths of their naval? If you want peace dont post your stupidity in public forums
@nforne Жыл бұрын
@@user-th7lu2yf7n It’s difficult to watch young girls clutching at the lifeline being offered to them by cultists on the non-binary boat, when we know they'd turn out perfectly fine without it. All they have to do is be themselves, dress however they want, shave or not shave, make-up or no make-up, and not worry about new fads like pronouns, labels and identities. They'll be fine. Honestly.
@yochiartz2839 Жыл бұрын
im sorry but “making a statement” got me dying cuz my mom keeps questioning y im “rebelling” to what makes a women 😭
@Seapatico 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who either didn't experience disphoria (or wasn't aware of it), the two biggest signs to me were: 1. Being obsessed with queer representation and content in all forms. I always kind of wished I was gay because things would have made more sense, lol. But being femme/androgynous attracted, that never fit. Turns out it's because I'm nonbinary and queer. 2. Gender euphoria!
@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Both of these are big signs and I definitely think there needs to be a bigger conversation around gender euphoria ☺️
@eleonorguanipa 2 жыл бұрын
Why is this me?
@quittedmakinganewchannel.7095 2 жыл бұрын
@Kaidoezthings 2 жыл бұрын
When I found out Non Binary & Androgyne was a thing, I wished that was me because it seemed to fit me. But I felt like it wasn't me because I was a girl. And that was it. But then I started to look into more stuff, and now I realize that I'm Non Binary. I also prefer looking Androgynous. ;3
@clouddy4836 2 жыл бұрын
Is being obsessed with queer representation rly a sign!? I’m bisexual but I’ve especially recently been quite obsessed with researching abt trans and non-binary idk I hate being a woman but mostly just because if drama, periods, sexism, etc. I’ve also hated my boobs and tried two bra binding but I feel like that’s just me being self conscious
@FlyerBowman Жыл бұрын
As a kid I hated when my mum would force me into a dress. Not because of the way I looked but because of the way I was expected to act when I was wearing one. I suddenly had to be quiet, well behaved and be extra polite to everyone despite my feelings towards them. My brothers never had to go through this, they still got to run around and have fun like I would if I was wearing pants. I hated being treated differently because of my gender and have people think I was physically inferior. So when I was 22 I moved out of home for work in another city and I started living how I wanted to away from my family and it was an incredibly freeing experience. I started looking in the mirror and not see a female looking back. It's taken some time, but I'm finally feeling comfortable with my non binary identity to start coming out to people.
@ServusChristi777 Жыл бұрын
You are still just female.
@ServusChristi777 Жыл бұрын
@Jay Blue I understand that you will not give up your delusion, but it doesn't change reality.
@andrea446 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like she distorted your view of what a woman should be like and that's why you're questioning whether you are one. There are so many ways of being a man or woman. Just dressing a certain way and not being quiet and polite doesn't make you a different gender (im not a transphobe because im trans myself)
@mysryuza 5 ай бұрын
Oof that hit close to home a little bit
@ErikWagner-qq5vl Ай бұрын
I'm sorry that your mother forced gender roles on you, but what clothes you like or how you behave in general has nothing to do with your gender. It only comes from your body. You are still a woman.
@elfieinblack4618 2 жыл бұрын
The two biggest signs for me were 1) I felt really odd in public bathrooms. Every time I’d go into the women’s restroom I’d feel terrified for no reason and not come out until everyone else in the bathroom was gone. I was so scared that someone would call me out for being in the wrong bathroom, even though I was to all the world a woman. I subconsciously knew I didn’t belong there. 2) I always felt too feminine to be “one of the boys”, despite desperately wanting to be. But at the same time I felt way too masculine to be “one of the girls”. Whenever I was with a group of women I felt so manly by comparison that I felt like an outsider. But I felt the reverse with all my guy friends. It’s very frustrating.
@illusrin 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I'm afab and still trying to figure out how I want to present, because feminine things are very comforting to me but I know I'm not a girl or boy. It makes me uncomfortable when people read me as a girl but I don't want to be read as a boy because that isn't who I am either. It's frustrating how people see feminine as = girl :(
@elfieinblack4618 2 жыл бұрын
@@illusrin I totally get it dude. Im afab too. If it makes you feel better, your presentation doesn’t matter almost at all to cis people. If you’re afab non-binary they’ll still call you “she/her/ma’am”, no matter how well you pass/how andro you present (or at least that’s my experience. I’m super andro and I’ve never had anyone not default to she/her). I think cis people have some sort of super power where they can tell right away your assigned gender and never forget it or get past it. So dress however you want, you’ll get misgendered either way! 😂😭 In all seriousness, I feel for you. It’s a struggle for sure. So far the best solution I’ve found is pronoun pins. If people don’t respect your pronouns even when they’re literally spelled out for them then those people are just rude. Good luck friend
@calli.gio82 2 жыл бұрын
I remember getting to middle school and thinking when I went to the girls bathroom that is was in the boys. I felt so off and I would always get scared to go.
@cheezesmoker8851 2 жыл бұрын
@@illusrin you are either a girl or boy, theres no question i can feel like an apache helicopter and "identify" as one. Does that magically make me a helicoptwr and not a human male? Hope u sort your head out and get in reality at some point
@godseed7984 2 жыл бұрын
Well public restrooms are dirty and dangerous places. I suspect NO ONE feels comfortable in them. Why did you want to be one of the boys in the first place?
@greenhippie5360 Жыл бұрын
Wow, I never thought of the whole "dress-up" feeling as being a non-binary thing before, but now it seems like it should have been so obvious! Wearing formal attire has always felt uncomfortable and awkward for me because it's so gendered. Even if I like how I look I always fee like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not.
@BlackRoyalty-hh8tb Жыл бұрын
I feel the same way
@AnnabethOwl Жыл бұрын
Yea I feel the same way… I recently just told my uncles girlfriend(it seems weird but I told her because I don’t see her that often and she was the most supportive of what ever I did). I wrote a story about me being lesbian and I made the main character dysphoric. She said she can help me get a chest binder without my parents knowing❤. It took me so long to find out because I don’t remember much of my childhood but I remember my parents never cared about gender so they let me get a pixie cut and they let me get masculine clothing. It wasn’t until puberty that I started feeling really uncomfortable and the 6th grade locker room, oh my lord…. That was a disaster I wanted to run, I dreaded gym because of the locker room. I still don’t know how to tell my parents though.
@katelyngochenour8019 Жыл бұрын
"Even if I like how I look I always feel like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not." This really resonates with me. I actually wrote that down and am going to bring the quote to therapy because it explains how I feel so well. Thank you!
@SRHisntSilent 9 ай бұрын
Oml I felt like that for so long Now I dress how I feel
@Lyn-m8j 8 ай бұрын
Just don't wear formal attire Unless forced to and then don't.
@greybey4385 2 жыл бұрын
I actually realized that I often feel uncomfortable with people talking about me with she/her pronouns. At first, I thought it was just because I generally feel uncomfortable with people talking about me in third person, but then again, when they use my name, it actually feels more ... right. It acutally baffles me that I can somehow relate to all these signs.
@user-fr1fi1uy1z 2 жыл бұрын
@@amberrose2597 ???
@sheasolo8507 2 жыл бұрын
You're just a spoke as well.
@liviwaslost 2 жыл бұрын
@@amberrose2597 oh shut up.
@simkitties2727 2 жыл бұрын
@@snorlaxxxxxxxxxr Can SOMEONE explain how its weird /nm
@snorlaxxxxxxxxxr 2 жыл бұрын
@@simkitties2727 alright explain this to me, how can someone feel uncomfortable when other people are using their biological pronouns? you don’t hear someone use your pronouns because if the other person was talking to you directly they WOULD use your name…. pronouns are used when that person isn’t present in the room. that is one of the many reasons why this is all ridiculous
@frozenlillypad2070 2 жыл бұрын
Me: Listening with full attention *Cat walks into frame* Me: Looses all attention 😍 *Cat leaves* Me: Full attention again *Cat comes back* Me: Desperately tries to not get distracted... Fails
@funnyfails1275 2 ай бұрын
You are so so so different. So quirky🤪. You are not like all the other ones. Always distracted😂🤪
@frozenlillypad2070 2 ай бұрын
@funnyfails1275 Nuh, lots of people react the way I do, its why I commented it. Too find people who think the same. If anyones trying to be unique its clearly you. You want to hate. Go against the grain. Why else would you comment on a video like that I truly do wonder what your life is like, to enjoy being a horrible person on the internet. Were you raised/still being raised in a bad household? I bet someone has told you to stop trying to be unique. So you started doing the same to others, who are actually genuinely being themselves. But you dont know. You were raised differently. Told to shun anyone different to you. To assume they are just trying to be "unique" Lol. Have a nice day whoever you are. Probably 9 year old or something. That would be funny
@annalolitaestelle5761 Жыл бұрын
I've just started questioning my gender after years of repressing my discomfort as a woman. Like having a chest makes me feel really wrong and I've never been able to dress how I want because of it, and I've just never really been overly feminine in general. Putting on makeup and doing my hair and looking pretty always felt so fake. I'm not sure if I'm NB or trans but this video really helped validate a lot of my experiences growing up and now. Also fun fact, did you know that women actually like having boobs?? Cause I didn't know that, I thought everyone felt the way I did, but my sisters and mother are totally comfortable with their feminine features 😱💜
@Exeszs Жыл бұрын
I hope you get help. You are just you, no need to mutilate your body or identify as something you are not. There are an infinite number of personalities on this planet. By the way, there are a lot of women who don't like having boobs.... this is complete nonsense.
@andjelkozlotvor Жыл бұрын
Adolescence is a complicated time in a person’s life, dominated by physical and psychological changes. A teenager’s social life can become a source of drama when complexes during adolescence begin to emerge. These complexes are also the result of emotional factors. In addition to the sudden changes in a teenager’s body, the psychological factor of insecurity plays an important role. All of this is exacerbated by the media, who sell young people an ideal image of physical perfection. At this age, boys and girls are very sensitive to the demands imposed by family, the media, and social life. These variables, when combined with their own set of expectations, lead to feelings of doubt, fear and worry. The most common complexes during adolescence As anyone can see, the media sells young people on unattainable physical ideals that can be unrealistic and even dangerous. Girls in particular are susceptible to body weight issues, which are sometimes the result of the extreme thinness they see in celebrities. Meanwhile, boys feel pressure to become more muscular. Similarly, they also absorb ideas about what makes for an attractive face, including a small nose, perfect white teeth, and beautiful skin. Young people become convinced that you need to be “sexy” in order to “be someone.” The list continues with qualities like height and clothing, going on ideas received from Hollywood and the world of advertising. As a result, failure to live up to these empty standards can cause real distress among adolescents. It’s normal for a teenager to be an individualist, since it’s the time of life when people start defining their personalities. Their minds are preparing to exercise independence and build a future for themselves. Complexes During Adolescence: Why They Emerge Seeing the signs Parents and teachers should pay close attention to how adolescents behave. Taken to an extreme, their concern with meeting the aforementioned physical standards can cause significant frustration and suffering. The typical signs of complexes during adolescence include excessive shyness, bad moods, aggressiveness, sadness, and apathy. Being attentive to these signs will allow you to understand the problem and address the changes they’re experiencing with empathy. “Complexes are the results of emotional factors. In addition to the sudden changes in a teenager’s body, the psychological factor of insecurity plays an important role.”
@astluna Жыл бұрын
@DSS712 Жыл бұрын
Hi there, I'm sorry that there have been factors in your life/community that have led you to feel this way about your gender. From a stranger on the internet who probably had a much different life experience and community than you did, I want to clear up a few misconceptions in your comment: 1. Doing one's hair and makeup is not related to being a woman. Women can have short hair or low maintenance hair, and not ever do make up, and they are still valid, normal women. I know many women who are like this. 2. Liking your boobs is not normal or standard for being a woman or being cis. Every woman feels differently about their boobs. This is also normal. Speaking for myself personally, I used to hate my chest as well, but after finding a healthy partner I realized that a lot of my previous insecurities were coming from unrealistic standards that were pushed on me by a variety of factors. I'm in my 30s and have come to wholly accept my droopy uneven gals, as they are just a part of who I am. I live in a country where bath houses are common, and since going to them I have gained a lot more confidence in my body and my womanhood. The room is always full of dozens of women, hair tied up or natural, no makeup, no jewelry, just real, raw women. The media tends to only show us a very specific view of womanhood, but I have now seen with my own eyes that women come in literally all shapes and sizes. It's a beautiful thing!
@lynx9704 Жыл бұрын
@@DSS712 The media is corrupt and trashes and supports the destruction of femininity. Stop talking utter garbage, you sound clueless as if you've never seen a woman behave naturally in your entire life.
@ziggyzoggin Жыл бұрын
NEVER put the comment sort to "Newest" on these types of videos. Your faith in humanity will be crushed. Why is it so hard to understand that gender is a spectrum?
@craniorach5764 Жыл бұрын
Gender is defined by your reproductive organs, and not by your intrusive thoughts and delusion.
@kaurpajula2731 Жыл бұрын
​@@craniorach5764gender is defined about who you feel you are. Simple research shows that gender isn't the same thing as sex and although there are 2 sexes, gender is a spectrum.
@lilykatmoon4508 3 ай бұрын
I’m in my early 50s, and I’m so grateful for channels Like yours to help me make sense of most of my life when the language we have now didn’t exist. Neither did the availability of resources to learn about differences in gender identity or the exposure to others like ourselves. I’ve only had the language to start to understand my queer identity these past four years. The agony I experienced growing up expected to act like a girl and wear dresses from my mom just pissed me off. I, too, went through a more feminine phase briefly in high school, but I have always been attracted to more “weird” fashion trends having been influenced by punk, the wild stylings of the 80s, goth, and grunge. I was also diagnosed autistic four years ago and learning a lot of us in the spectrum identify as NB or GNC makes so much sense for understanding myself and past struggles. I just discovered your channel and will definitely be catching up on content. I’m not sure where my journey of discovery will end, and that doesn’t really matter because I’m starting g to love and accept myself as is. Thanks again ❤
@JoJoTheModern Ай бұрын
High five! My 46th birthday is next month, and I only realized in 2019 that everything I experienced fit the *nonbinary* experience. I saw nonbinary people talking about how they felt and saw things, and I was like, oh... I thought everyone was like that. 😂 Never too late to learn about yourself!
@wendyjaa 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty comfortable with my gender identity, but I'm trying to better understand those that are nonbinary. Plus your smile made me smile!
@jeanv1352 Жыл бұрын
Good luck! 😀😀😀
@eggbath595 Жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hJSnkJafmsyIaLc be uncomfy 😟
@Rotemix Жыл бұрын
Thank you. In the end you mentioned the uncertainty that is just always there, and I feel it too. That is why I thank you, because you've helped me eliminate a great deal of it and you've given me somebody to relate to. So thank you, really. Keep doing what you do.
@NoxAtlas 2 жыл бұрын
I struggled my whole life to find my true gender identity because everyone kept telling me "you can either be a man or woman" but I always wanted to look like a completely androgynous person and having no genitals. Being referred to as a man or woman made me cringe every time but it was so difficult to understand why I felt that way. And coming out as nonbinary was literally the most wonderful feeling that I ever experienced
@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
I'm happy you found the word! I also agree coming out was the best thing to happen to me
@fingerscrossed2453 2 жыл бұрын
What you dress like shouldn't influence your gender identity. I'd argue that you are shallow if you think it does. I do not identify as a lycanthropist if I dress as a werewolf for Halloween.
@bathroomcrying8387 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! I've always wondered why it was so wrong for me as a guy to do "feminine" stuff such as shaving my body hair off legs or wear makeup and a necklace even though that seems completely wrong to put a label on it and I've always worn baggy clothes to make my gender ambiguous and why some things were considered "masculine" and "feminine". At first, I thought I was a women stuck in a man's body, but that didn't feel right, because because I never understood why the things I did were feminine even thought they seemed completely normal. This confused me for so long until I realised, "Wait, why am I thinking whether I'm completely a 'man' or 'woman'. Gender is an entire spectrum, it would be wrong to put myself at one extreme end or the other," And now, I think I'd feel more comfortable as just being a person, despite whether I'm masculine or feminine, and never hold my desires back due to social roles and labels.
@devss4982 2 жыл бұрын
Well we share experiences
@koreywitabagg665 2 жыл бұрын
That’s interesting I’m a woman and I’ve always loved masculine things and even though I’ve had feminine traits I’ve always had more masculine traits so I definitely relate to that. Society has made it so if your one particular gender you can’t be a tomboy or a Demi boy without identifying one or the other. I personally believe that just because you act more feminine or masculine doesn’t mean you don’t have to be a boy or a girl. It’s okay to be a Demi girl and tomboy.
@Black-io1uc 2 жыл бұрын
Nah dude, you're just a man who likes feminine stuff and that's fine.
@Black-io1uc 2 жыл бұрын
@@koreywitabagg665 Prefering masculine things doesn't make you less of a woman.
@ElleBlackk 4 ай бұрын
We're basically the same person, lol. 😭😂
@jozefienvoets2744 2 жыл бұрын
shoutout to the fat cat in the background
@lynnsaga1397 2 жыл бұрын
All the cats deserve a shout out😅
@jozefienvoets2744 2 жыл бұрын
@@lynnsaga1397 god you're SO right
@lukanight666 2 жыл бұрын
Signs if you nb: 1.You aren't comfortable with gender pronouns 2.You over analyse your body 3.You feeling like playing dress up 4.You just want to be seen as you 5.Questioning your gender (Also,thanks for the video,Lynn,it was very informative :3)
@SpeedStrike 2 жыл бұрын
Uh oh that might be me
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