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5 Things I Miss The Most From Old School MapleStory

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@coppersan 2 жыл бұрын
Hey KZbin GrandpaSan here! Today I am going to talk about how amazing things were in the good old days! And ff you want more coppersan we are live once again!
@LegendOfTheLeaf 2 жыл бұрын
I miss how unforgiving the game was, made you really double think about venturing to areas you died once in before. Also, going to new maps for the first time and hearing their unique songs... the game has the deepest nostalgia factor for me out of any other I've played.
@giladsiry 2 жыл бұрын
The songs are the most memorable for me 😢
@walkingintheglory2892 2 жыл бұрын
me too.. me too thats why i play maplestorym
@Teutonius88 Жыл бұрын
I went so deep into Victoria Dungeon that I went all the way to Jr. Balrog's cave as a level 28 warrior. I was so scared to go all the way back to Sleepywood. 😆
@ThankYouJad 2 жыл бұрын
I started playing Maplestory around 2005. The community is what made it great. Everything was so difficult, everyone was so noob. People gave up on grinding, actually were hanging out in Henesys or other maps. When you saw a level 50+, it was considered something special. You needed every job to complete PQ's. Every job had their own abilities. Mages would heal, archers would give SE, thieves would give haste, and warriors hyper body. You actually had to stick together, to complete difficult quests, that's how you made friends. I remember logging in, and my friend list would say 16/20 online. Everyone greeting each other in the friend chat. Nowadays, it has become a grind fest. I quit after BIG BANG. That's when the game lost its magic for me. The game seemed immense. You actually had to walk or take the boat to go to other towns. It took LONG. And if you died along the way, you were fucked, because it took ages to level up. The game was hard, you didn't know what was behind every portal. It felt like we were exploring a new world. Sometimes I would just explore, find new maps, monsters, music, and chill there... Maplestory will always have a special place in my heart, but it's never going to be like the old days.
@eatcheesekobe 2 жыл бұрын
well said
@KrisiumSoul 2 жыл бұрын
I think so too, i played on and off since maple came out. Back there bishop where the most looked for but also u neede a party to level them.up too. Now is to easy that people just skip complete stages, map, or quest altogether. Back there you will be either grinding or doing quest nonstop. The the think that make the magic is on those long moths event, if you miss couple of days u will lose the chance to get good items. Some of my hard earn items and equipment were erased after big bang and pets stop being permanent.
@andynguyen4218 Жыл бұрын
I think Buddy Chat popping off in the afternoon after school was the most amazing thing. IRL friends and people I never even met before (some I still keep in contact to this day) just chatting while grinding away was great.
@XMischiefX6 2 жыл бұрын
Always loved opening monster bags in low level towns or in shops. That was fun
@skullzia1782 2 жыл бұрын
you monster!
@skullzia1782 2 жыл бұрын
was fun indeed
@ubermaster1 2 жыл бұрын
Special place in hell for you LOL
@BodyMusicification 2 жыл бұрын
@Mischief your name is fitting 😆
@MapleLoverX57 2 жыл бұрын
I miss mounts. As in, the importance of having a mount back then. Now, some classes start with one. Back then, it was the only way for a lot of classes to actually have decent movement speed.
@tomapple64 3 ай бұрын
I remember having to use my mount as a warrior while mobbing to increase your movement speed on the map 😂
@Chapa-pa-pa 2 жыл бұрын
i remember when training inside the romeo and juliet pq was the meta
@wowditto 2 жыл бұрын
And Grinding at the robots ALWAYS having a priest with adv blessing, and HS
@boujie-oh2647 Жыл бұрын
All I want is a game like old school maple… big maps with tons of players, party quests, and town to chill with friends at. Needing to take boats at specific times to travel was such an amazing part of the experience too… made the world feel real
@kylianrang634 2 жыл бұрын
Since you’re the closest to Nexon, please use your channel to create a voice for an old school server. Maybe with the use of signatures/votes. It would be my biggest wish 🤞
@TheBLAXXDEATH 2 жыл бұрын
I can get behind this
@3arx688 2 жыл бұрын
@witchhunted4297 2 жыл бұрын
yes yes yes
@brantlauweryssen743 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s Old School RuneScape this bitch
@Esandeech2 2 жыл бұрын
@@brantlauweryssen743 THIS!
@iRytoryK 2 жыл бұрын
The two things I miss the most are Job Advancements being meaningful, and quests also being an incredibly viable way to level up. Nowadays there are a few good quests (theme dungeons between 30 and 45ish, Afterlands, Commerci). Most of the other quests are pretty useless because you can grind so much faster. Quest rewards were beneficial because that was a huge source of mesos and potions. Now these things are really only useful for new accounts. Job Advancements are also a joke now. Before you had to truly love your class in its entirety. Now you can get to 200 in 8 hours so you're only really experiencing 4th and 5th job. The others just pass by so quickly.
@PartyQuest 2 жыл бұрын
omg no! if maple EVER return to this state, i will return! until now, let me rememeber the good old days from 2005-2006 fangblade was lvl 200 in 2008??! holy shit! i wonder... what state he was in his life... this much dedication.
@Ray-lw2rh 2 жыл бұрын
Account sharing , just like Tiger who was played by 2 different people.
@chrissigh 2 жыл бұрын
Play mapleroyals :D
@roachies4242 2 жыл бұрын
With the maple flag right 😂
@PartyQuest 2 жыл бұрын
@@roachies4242 correct. As a sign of celebration.
@grumpybryno3479 2 жыл бұрын
i hate being a adult u can bet. being a little kid with no regrets, stress, and living simpler lives especially remembering going to the map on the right and the thing to wack wild boars with powerstrike.. what can give back those days. nothing.
@ArchinaGM 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU COPPERSAN! In one single video you managed to mention 3/4 of the major reasons why I think current maple is killing the playerbase (Although you did very briefly mention the fourth reason as well.) I know a lot of current players say that a classic server would never work and we're all just clinging onto nostalgia yet old Maple really was a different kind of game. Though for me I'd say the problems with current maple would be: 1. An emphasis on solo play. Remember when PQ maps were flooded with players looking to team up or when you could walk into a map without being told to CC immediately? Those days are gone now. Grind maps give the best rewards, said grind maps can be wiped by a single player, bosses can be soloed, etc. It's honestly depressing that the only decent amount of interaction you're going to get in this game is from the guild you join. 2. Streamlined worlds with little-to-no exploration. Remember when you went into Ludibrum for the first time and spent hours playing in the Eos Tower only to find yourself in an alien landscape at the bottom? Or when players with Dark Sight could sneak around to the depths of the world to see high-level players training? These days all you get to see is grind map after grind map after grind map. 3. Everything being so grind-focused. Grind your dailies, grind your bosses, grind your levels, etc. It feels like 99% of current Maple is just grinding with nobody caring to stop for a moment and chat. Despite people saying how the game is more of a marathon where the best part is the journey everyone seems to be obsessed with getting to the end as fast as possible. 4. The endless list of dailies to do. It might be a catalyst of previous reasons that caused me to quit Maple yet I feel like this was the biggest offender for me. I liked it when I could just log on at whatever time I felt like and just do what I wanted with the feeling that I accomplished something yet nowadays I feel like I have hours worth of repetitive chores to do every day I log on which is stressful. Even if I had the idea of not doing said dailies then I have the anxiety of 'falling behind' or 'not playing as optimal as I could.' Especially when some of those dailies are heavily tied to your character's progression. It's sad to see Maplestory in the state it is now though there's little I can do to make a change in the game. Maybe one day we'll either see a classic server pop up or even better; Another Big Bang-like patch that brings the community back together again.
@kaidestinyz 2 жыл бұрын
I started playing before 3rd job / Orbis arrived. The oldschool maplestory was better because it was unique. Hitting your first 100+ or 1000+ damage was a milestone, nowadays the numbers are so inflated, it don't mean anything. Also, there jobs were well-defined. Each job has their distinct ability that defined the jobs. Thief had Haste and flash jump. Mages had teleport. Warriors has insane high HP and great buffs. Bowman had the highest range. It was effective to be in a party. Players would hold a certain spot on the map in a party and that was the most efficient. Nowadays, all classes can dominate the entire map, makes it pretty pointless to be in a party. The events like "Hyper Dash" where players do "Jump Quests" were fun and exciting. Party Quests were the bomb and the highlight of the game for me. Sad that it's been reduced to this state.
@grandaddyjesus 2 жыл бұрын
The public still waiting on the old school version to be released but it never will be because they are too embarrassed to admit the current state of the game
@Napstablooky 2 жыл бұрын
I remember the first time seeing a Hermit in henesys and seeing flashjump/avenger was the most awesome thing as a kid still doing kerning PQ
@TheUltimateRare 2 жыл бұрын
99999 was the damage cap for a while then they slowly boosted, because people wanted bigger numbers because they prefer to see progression rather than staying the same. someday i hope they tone down the damage so numbers finally mean something again. I joined around 07' and got 100,000 mesos on my first day. i was dumb founded by how nice people were. it really changed how i saw the game.
@tranquility2745 2 жыл бұрын
Id start playing again if they released an old-school server.
@wowditto 2 жыл бұрын
I think 90% of the player base they had would return
@CentralBanker 2 жыл бұрын
MapleRoyals is the best old-school server
@3arx688 2 жыл бұрын
Same here
@stitchlee311 2 жыл бұрын
actually the max meso back then was 2,147,483,647, i memorized it as a frequent trader lmao.
@KC-wt4fz 2 жыл бұрын
It's the 32-bit signed integer
@TennaciousF 2 жыл бұрын
Exploring high level areas and secret maps was one of the most enjoyable aspects for me. Sure, i'd be stuck next to a balrog in the middle of nowhere until I got rescued or finally managed to escape by my own but it was fun. I remember one kind soul who once escorted me through orbis because I died and could not get out lol
@CrispyToast 2 жыл бұрын
The good ol' days. And while the game is still alive today, it can be a bit of a lackluster at times...
@kyotheman69 2 жыл бұрын
only thing i miss is party quests and people doing them, everything else not much, i prefer we level faster not take ages
@Lvlaple4Ever 2 жыл бұрын
That's actually quite an understatement lol
@ghostiema 2 жыл бұрын
Man I was just talking about this in a guild I'm in in GMS Reboot. I've played on and off for 15 years and briefly took a break after a few months of Big Bang update. When I came back everything was even more different and over time it seemed the socializing aspect dwindled a lot. This sentiment was shared by my guildies. Everyone stays in their group and usually talk in party/guild/whisper chat. I miss social party plays, the free market, balrogs beating me up on the ship, and even getting old school scammed by people who bought chairs from me for less than I should've sold it for in Khaini. Actually maybe scratch the last part. And maybe I don't miss the MP consumption on my mage but STILL. It was a fun simpler time. [Edit: Pie group in Anniversary for life. Which group were you folks?]
@AlexDestroyerOfEarth 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think gamers are really "social" like that now. sometimes i miss those days, and then remember they were a product of their time, i don't think if they made a classic server it would actually do that well. also pie of course.
@iRytoryK 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel the exact same way. I've also been playing on and off for 15 years and the game is just completely different now. Maple is technically an MMORPG but it feels so much more solo now. Even the sheer variability in maps to train in was so much better back then. It was DEFINITELY a struggle when it came to funding, leveling, and progressing, but it was also much more social so it was much easier to find people. It's one thing to talk to my guildies/buddies while I train or boss prequest, but its another things to interact with another player and do grinding and quests with them. Making friends through PQs and all of that fun stuff (also Pie ALWAYS).
@ubermaster1 2 жыл бұрын
I was in the group who never got past lv 30 cause leveling back then was a test of determination
@briancaro196 2 жыл бұрын
@@ubermaster1 Lol I was on the grou that were so determined when starting that my friends that got me into playing thought I was hacking, back in 2007 took me less than a week to get to lvl 35 but yeah I was playing like 10 hours a day.
@tzoukgarashe7983 2 жыл бұрын
I am 30 years old and i'll never forget how back at the time at the age of 13-16 i used to play this game nonestop for days without stopping miss those times.
@cloudyrain2146 2 жыл бұрын
Pretending to be the hero for the ppl in the ship and promising them u will kill balrog and telling them to go hide inside ship, but end up dying from balrog attack 1 shot and respawning back to henesys 😂
@moopliss 2 жыл бұрын
sadly i feel like mapestory has elements that push out the "multiplayer" aspect of this mmo. i miss the social and party interaction. you are the only maplestory content creator i'm subscribed to so keep that maple hype train going🍁
@hawaiianseaturtle009 2 жыл бұрын
Discord ruined the social aspect
@Maouww 2 жыл бұрын
Maplestory today is almost single player game, and everyone else is just for spectating.
@JoTheWeirdoz 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who started back in 2005, I truly believe old school Maplestory is superior over the current one by a longshot. Sure old Maplestory had problems (like hp washing...) but it had so much more going for it.
@TheUltimateRare 2 жыл бұрын
yeah but we still needed to improve it. the only problem with the new maple is the damage gap, star forcing and the terrible gold (mesos) fill. there's just so much mesos that a few billion is basically worthless.
@l3aRaK 2 жыл бұрын
What I miss the most is that back then every small detail mattered. This comes up everywhere these days. The best example I can give is the fact that I could actually tell the difference between 120% jump (from Haste) and 123% jump. Now you don't give a dam if you had a potential line that gives +7 jump. And ofc as everyone is saying here, the lack of random social interactions was another super important part of old school MS.
@kevindiazhinostroza2393 2 жыл бұрын
I miss that Maplestory used to be Free2Play, and now it's one more game Pay2Play
@LunaphaseLasersOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Finding random people at the Sleepywood sauna and convincing them to go on a magical death-adventure to see the balrog at the very end. The golden days.
@mialopez8309 2 жыл бұрын
1:41 that hat brings me back 11 years 💅🏼
@LarsVollaers 2 жыл бұрын
They should scale up the Party Quests to like lv200+ this way they can add like node stones as rewards. Since Lv 300 is now the cap getting to lv 230 is like mid game so the PQ's can give some decent exp aswell
@ad18maa 2 жыл бұрын
WOW so many memories! Love this kind of content, Old school was the best time for MapleStory. If u can, try to make this kind of videos more often. Thank you very much!
@ArchinaGM 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is there aren't many things to talk about for classic Maple. So more videos would just end up being the same content on repeat.
@ad18maa 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArchinaGM you are right, but I never get tired of watching the old content its just... So many memories
@zoey1570 2 жыл бұрын
My dream is a modernized old school maplestory. We can fix the bad and leave the good. Jump down or better class balancing for example. It really goes beyond nostalgia. I love new maplestory classes, clothing and designs but also like the experience of making special things like funding a low dex warrior and surprising people in PQs with my damage (or just being able to hit)
@TheChiDeCo 2 жыл бұрын
Man, the segment about drops really hit me hard. I play a lot of games for the collecting factor, making sure to at least acquire some of the rare items in-game that I like. Even just a few years ago mobs would still drop unique pieces of gear here and there when you farmed certain mobs, but now it's become even scarcer of a drop pool. Showa Town revamp brought back some nice classics, but there are still so many equips that either got programmed out or became unobtainable as a drop due to being converted to a CS item. Playing in Reboot also doesn't really help as I can't trade with anyone, so the only real exciting thing that I see farming at my level is a Nodestone here and there and a few Arcane Droplets. I've honestly been debating on just taking a week to farm Dream Fragments to craft the Cygnus ring to make it part of my collection to try and take a change of pace, but it's hard as it is to find motivation to do the same, monotonous grind for coins and symbols. Thank you for making this video though, I appreciate that you took time in the video to talk about gear variety and rare drops, and I hope you keep doing what you're doing.
@IseeTheliter 2 жыл бұрын
They seriously need to make a maplestory server with all the old maps . I would definitely play so I could experience the old days again. I'm an old MS player and I still remember the grind it was challenging but still fun. My first time playing was back in 2004 I was 17 years old . So yeah keep up the videos I love seeing the old game play and maps.
@Kohiku 2 жыл бұрын
Can you make a top 5 most nostalgic maple story bgm?
@coopy5 2 жыл бұрын
Taking a day to climb Orbis Tower was the worst nightmare. I remember spending days on green mushrooms looking for a pan lid.
@DM-xw4um Жыл бұрын
these videos make me so happy and so sad at the same time. Just started playing again and it is so lonely. Completely different experience.
@mZStarCraft 2 жыл бұрын
They could simply add a "hard mode" for the existing party quests. Just make it 180 or 200+ and require starforce/arcane force to kill the mobs. This would also require minimal coding since the party quests already exist within the game, they'd just need to add an additional UI button for hard mode and code the monsters to work like star/arcane force monsters. Adjust the rewards to include: 1. EXP that is comparable or better than that of grinding 2. A reasonable amount of mesos for the time it takes to complete the PQ (again comparable/better to grinding and perhaps mesos% could affect this) 3. Some sort of PQ currency/coins that could be used to buy all the stuff that can drop from mobs/emobs/elites during training (also potentially drop% affecting the amount of coins gained) To clarify why the rewards should potentially be (slightly)better than that of grinding is because finding a party and grouping up takes time and is a hassle. If PQs aren't more rewarding than training no one would do them. The reason %meso/drop should affect the rewards is if they don't grinding would be significantly more efficient if you have high meso/drop and *_again_* no one would do PQs.
@jesusalive9673 2 жыл бұрын
Played bera beta and scania for 14+ years when it first came out. My childhood revolved around this game. I played this game so much that sometimes I when im talking to my cousin I say f4 or f3. Now being almost 30 I still cant get this game out of my heart. Only difference now is big bang happened and no one trains in parties anymore.
@Bboy_On 2 жыл бұрын
started to play around 2005. some really highlights were: *to see someone Lv50 felt like "this person is amazing" (those Red China set was so cool). *mesos were HARD to get. we needed to calculate skills and normal hits to save potions. *another way to get mesos were to spend days /weeks / months at FM and S>(something)@@/@@! pressing the up arrow to not to triple message. basically being a merchant lol. *guild, I am proud to be a member of my guild (even tho my character doesn't exist anymore) can't believe my account was deleted by nexon for "not being active" after playing for 5 years... (Lv84 Hermit) *Friends, were the best, we were so close, and back then speaking about Real Life was invading privacy so people didn't ask much about the topic. close friends knew some things about each other. to tell share RL was a sign of deep trust. in summerly, even if we only new the country or very little RL detail, we knew each other personality a lot more deeply. and we were close. till this day I hope they are good, healthy and happily living life. *I remember spending whole summer not leveling or grinding, just hanging with friends in different map. chilling talking. *we had to role Dice to get 4/4 ability points, sometime it took 15-30 minutes! *like a lot of people said, pq's were The thing, fun, and fastest way to level. and party usually were complete set of all jobs. *Sins will understand: Tobi throwing stars use to cost 2.5M!!, steely 15M, Illbi 42M. Kumbi 300K!. (prices changed drastically by 2009). don't remember how I had 2 Tobi by level 2x but it helped getting Kpq. *we had to memorise things like 133 221 333 123 111. *for last *training and gaining 0.01 exp per mosnter was considered FAST.
@robertoaguiar6230 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 100%, that rare item drop was a fulfilling reward during a long grind that motivate you to go another hour or so. Now drops are so mundane you need to interrupt the grind to go and sell them. Shame, the balance of item availability was set to promote exploration of each area and combine grind with quests whenever possible, now most of the content is just passed by without appretiation. Just like the parallax effect on the background, can you even notice that leaping your way between maps? Someone worked a lot to make that art, but users seem to only pay attention to the flashy skills that cover up the map. Also best events I've seen were the halloween and xmas events where you could gain items that spawn monsters on the map or transform you into little criters. Those were so fun, and the stylish charis were actually useful. Now potions drop like water in rain, so chairs became a gimmick...
@xGothicBeautyx 2 жыл бұрын
-- I miss osm so much. It was all i played back in 2008-2009. I tried playing again in around 2014 and it had changed so much that I didn't stick around. I miss it so much.
@JohnnyB. 2 жыл бұрын
Removing party play, like grinding really was the downfall of Maplestory...I spend hours now just repeating the same loop in these maps all by myself and its kinda boring sometimes. Can't even find a reason to level anymore... LHC was one of my favorite times of Maplestory because of the party grinding! Hopefully they'll bring something similar back someday soon. Thanks Coppersan!
@Maouww 2 жыл бұрын
AGREED! Old maps were huge and had pointless and inefficient layouts - it made the world way more challenging. Hidden maps!! I LOOOOOOVED PQ's, but the problem with pq's is that nobody did any grinding, so the bots took over to sell mesos....
@ChaseDotters 2 жыл бұрын
I miss exploring deep in sleepy wood as a lvl 20-30 😂. Or deep in orbis tower and just feeling so lost in the big unknown world. My teenage years felt so magical
@KraDeNine 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, it's small things leaving the game were the problem. The removal of the free market. The push for cubes when scrolls were essentially the free version of them. (Whole other can of worms to talk about with that one though.) Social aspects of the game straight up dying in favor of more solo-oriented gameplay. Some of my best memories are going to Slime Tree, finding a small spot and talking to others in the map, or Pig Beach and splitting the map 4 ways between multiple people and just chatting. Zombies too. "CCPLZ", sure things got a bit toxic, but oddly enough I made friends that way shockingly. Pile on the things from this video and other general complaints, and it feels more like a solo Gacha game vs an MMO.
@milkteafanclub3592 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, your comment is very nostalgic, especially splitting the map part. The community was what made it absolutely fun and enjoyable. I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way with old Maplestory.
@eatcheesekobe 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, previously in MS a lot of friends I made online were literally just people I met along my maple journey who I bumped into somewhere; and usually because one of us were lost and helped the other out and I honestly think if nexon had stuck with the scrolling system instead of the current pay to win system, it would've held onto A LOT of its first and second wave players which would've ultimately netted them more money through just nx cosmetic items in the long run
@tuanang7889 2 жыл бұрын
don't be sad because it's over. Be happy because it happened and we were given the chance to experience it. This game will always have a special place in my heart.
@Calvinjj 2 жыл бұрын
Miss the time where you we’re “the boss” if u killed the balrog on the way to orbis or ellinia
@byakuzac 2 жыл бұрын
bruh you just brought me memories when yyou see when someone level up everyone around him congrats him, didnt rememeber maple story being so polite back then xd
@renakao8305 2 жыл бұрын
sheesh, i miss these days. it used to be so fun talking with my friends on maplestory after school bring me back to that time and let me stay there!
@Khumos782 2 жыл бұрын
I sold a lot of maple weapons I got from grinding the Octopus monster in Kerning City. Also, best day of maple was when I got a white scroll from gacha. I was a kid and had no money. Suddenly had like 300 mill, and I totally gave it all away to people asking for potion money and anyone that claimed to be my friend. Very foolish, ik >
@coleleo1220 2 жыл бұрын
The memories and nostalgia brought a tear to my eye :')
@RadicalJawzFunnyMoments 2 жыл бұрын
I really miss tera forest and trexel! It was really fun :) I think the game is better today but I really think the old game had something special!
@magetsalive5162 2 жыл бұрын
Something I hope you don't miss: Thief classes debating over putting points into Dark Sight or Disorder.
@ScorpionNani 2 жыл бұрын
I was commenting this with some guild members that played OSM. I wish they made PQs for 200+ with nice rewards and exp, CPQ is just tedious and grinding for equips. Also I miss the LHC PT grind, if they made giant maps that 4-6 people can join and grind together for that 250% exp boost and from time to time comes a huge elite boss everyone needs to come together and it has chance to drop flames and Master Craftsman's Cube it'd so nice and fresh.
@adamsochillstep1272 2 жыл бұрын
Happyville! And back when Savage blow was super cool even as single target
@916kartoon 2 жыл бұрын
brings back so much memory's.... *cry*
@itamarplayz3153 2 жыл бұрын
even though I think the game is in it's best condition ever, I agree with everything you said here. Encouraging that feeling of exploration and adding more social interactions could easily make the game more enjoyable
@iara0 2 жыл бұрын
You should now make a video about the things you DON'T miss and are glad that don't exist anymore. Like HP washing, bosses with poor mechanics or no mechanics at all, or mages being so damn OP (now Kanna is the OP one, tho. The more things change...)
@Esandeech2 2 жыл бұрын
I remember killing those green mushrooms at the top of the Henesys Hunting Ground, getting a pan lid and SCREAMING because of how cool it was!
@TSYness 2 жыл бұрын
Always loved the good Old MapleStory 🍁💕 I remember the time when I kept dying at lv50 and lv70 so that I can keep doing Ludi PQ and Orbis PQ with my friends - cos these two PQs are so much fun!!!
@iLeetjeeh 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when Ludibrium came out. The first time I heard that soundtrack...the feeeeeeeeeeels
@ArchinaGM 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion Ludibrum was one of the best updates Maplestory got. It had a fun atmosphere, was fun to explore and the monsters, quests and even PQs catered to players from as low as 30 all the way until.. Well, endgame at the time. Though better maps came out over time so people stopped going there around Lv120-150 (depending on the patch.)
@iLeetjeeh 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArchinaGM Indeed! I was playing in Windia and I remember training there as a level 32 Spearman and I saw HefferHeffer! That guy was a God. His guild had the monopoly on Zak runs and thus Zhelmets. I was in aw!
@dievip6698 2 жыл бұрын
Ludibrium PQ was the best of the best. Level 35 - 50 was really the elo hell of everyone and it was so crowded xD. Plus, Alishar (is it the correct name?) was really strong and definitely was fun compared to King Slime in Kerning PQ. Also, rushing new char to level 40ish to do ludibrium quests for those monsters summoning bags then summon them in Kerning PQ area. The golden age of MapleStory was so much better than nowadays.
@JustACapybara1 2 жыл бұрын
Got me feeling so nostalgic this morning, the good ol days for sure!
@Beamoflight806 2 жыл бұрын
Joined maplestory a while ago about 10-15 years ago. The game was interesting for the time and required a lot of effort for leveling. Items and mesos were rare and it was difficult to even get a potion. People would train in pq party quests that required time, and people would beg for items or to join a party. The game is a slow paced rpg, and in today's gaming people want fast entertainment. The leveling now is fast, and meso and item amount is high. It's unlikely people today would join the game unless it provided instant gratification though. Maple world needed to become fast paced to hold the attention of gamers however doing so changed the game for a lot of old players. It was a lot of WORK building a character. Now it takes 3 days to do what used to take years. I think these changes lost a lot of old players. Although I do not miss begging for meso or joining a party, the slow progressing of the game was important as there is not enough content to stay interested.
@grumpybryno3479 2 жыл бұрын
Takes me back in time when i rlly hated achool and just wanted to be home to watch my sister played ms when i was little. I had a difficult time learning english. I miss the simpler times and not having any regrets in my life.
@Ascendment 2 жыл бұрын
Miss those days so much. Simpler times.
@troywinslow4756 2 жыл бұрын
I really miss the og monster carnival i had a dexless sin that would just destroy the lego golems like no ones business
@linko8968 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when i got a red whip drop.... and perion was the free market. That was good times.
@overabuse. 2 жыл бұрын
I miss the old maplestory videos, it's like they all have disappeared
@Clammers 2 жыл бұрын
back in 2005-2006, i had found a pan lid in HHG1, didnt know that it was worth anything at the time and ended up giving it away for free to some magician.
@TheMapleDaily 2 жыл бұрын
I miss the Cake vs Pie events! I miss all these events, I miss party questing with people, I MISS SO MUCH OH THIS OLD GAME! Party quests SHOULD be more important than GRINDING! Because SUPPORTING SOCIAL INTERACTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU SOLO GRINDING LIKE A INTROVERT! ITS A MMO FOR A REASON!
@danielenzoo 2 жыл бұрын
The thing I miss most about old maplestory is both my irl friends playing it and the friends I made on the game at that time. good days
@InFamou5Killer 2 жыл бұрын
mmhhh im lovin this hit of nostalgia. For me i dont think i can ever return to maple until they add a classic server. Maplestory will always have a place in my heart and i like to keep tabs on the game but i dont want to play a game that feels like a second job
@mechajdi 2 жыл бұрын
Omg the anniversary many laggy memories 😭
@justzach253 2 жыл бұрын
In party quests. The puzzle map was always my favorite. Trying to explain to people either the American way of solving it or the Korean way to get the right pattern. Then those random times where the first iteration was the right combination so you could all leave immediately.
@kkknl 2 жыл бұрын
Good old Japanese style in the Ludibrium PQ
@realmslayerxx725 2 жыл бұрын
I miss the old days in maple island where people would stay on the island and get to lvl 30-50. people fought to be king of the island While FangBlade and Tiger powerlevelled
@MonkStarling 2 жыл бұрын
Man I just went on some Nostalgia PQ's with some buddies in Reboot, we did Ludi PQ, Pirate PQ and Kenta's PQ It's cool to reach back to that nostalgia, but it's very slow nowadays, it's faster to just grind on a map and the rewards aren't very amazing. Hope they revamp them later on Seems that leveling up is basically GRIND and events are GET COINS. No variability
@StrafeWasTaken 2 жыл бұрын
PQs... damn, I loved doing them so much
@Esandeech2 2 жыл бұрын
Storming the freshly opened server together, getting the mark of the beta and enjoy those after school days together ❤️
@MckaiserDragon 2 жыл бұрын
i miss the free market, and the old free market where u can spam ur high lvl skills to try to dc ppl with bad pc/laptops. or drop high value items to try to make them close their shop so u can pick up ur item and steal the spot. good days, it also made u feel like the economy was alive unlike the auction house. also there use to be expedition parties that can have 6parties of 6 for bosses, but when it kind of died off it was mainly use for kanna or bishop sells for buffs so they wasnt always leeching ur exp. sadly they removed it. now, maplestory is just a solo job and im not here to work two jobs.
@Sunday5834 2 жыл бұрын
Used to train at henesys hunting ground till 2nd job(pre-bb), which is my first 2nd job character(bandit)
@sdubs 2 жыл бұрын
I miss old school maplestory but i'd never go back. similar to missing high school but i'd never go back.
@Parctikl 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how promoting party play would be figured out at this time, where burning characters, paired with a general constant incentive to always be leveling whichever characters aren't lvl 200 yet, exists. Personally, I think veteran maplers like myself just want more community engagement via any means more than anything, probably through events like the good old days, as you've mentioned in this video. The current state of community-based events in this game have got me to the point where I get excited whenever I see a poll on the MapleStory subreddit... Honestly, I might be overthinking it, but I could definitely see a future where they make party play/party quests too good of a progression/leveling reward as their way of promoting party play, overshadowing the current solo play meta...Players should be given the option between solo grinding or party play like in the past, otherwise we get stuck in the same meta "loop" forever... I think with the Goo Island event they did well in promoting party play by having a desirable, but not NEEDED reward. They should follow through with more stuff like this in the future to keep this game healthy; more options to play and progress without developing more of a soulless one-trumps-all meta like we currently have, with solo leveling and all that. But...Kanna still one thing at a time, Nexon...
@RadicalJawzFunnyMoments 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing the players die in the henesys store made me laugh super hard btw
@1023Seph 2 жыл бұрын
I miss entering the free market and immediately dropping to 2 fps on my toaster of a computer
@qactustick 2 жыл бұрын
Sheesh, a lot of things in this 'retro' video are still newer than when I was most active in the game lol. Back in MY day there was no lightbulb floating above my head, no medals/titles, warps within maps were unmarked (no glowy yellow circle when you got close), monsters didn't have health bars, and there were no cute little signposts pointing the way to each map. None of those were as bad as not having the down jump tho. Mages still had teleport to go down but it sucked for everyone else! EDIT: And what I miss the most from old Maple is actually having friends. ;_;
@Artixou Жыл бұрын
They should do what Jagex did and make an old school version of the game. Make it exactly as it was before, I'll play again for sure
@okeonemu4462 2 жыл бұрын
felt this the good ole days in orbits ship and henny shop days sigh :(
@stealdeal8308 2 жыл бұрын
Ugh I miss wakin up early to play this w my brothers 😫 great times man
@mialopez8309 2 жыл бұрын
CPQ, Kerning PQ, Ludi PQ, the good old days 💅🏼
@DaviePavie 2 жыл бұрын
Could there be a petition started for bringing back the old maple. Nexon needs to see how many people want that. Please get it back Nexon! Keep this maple and give the old maple another platform :D
@vjork9 2 жыл бұрын
i would give anything to play a maple like this again. is miss this so much D=
@hansanders323 2 жыл бұрын
i always felt honoured whenever someone used my name to track in PQ haha
@Universexy1 Жыл бұрын
My BIGGEST issue with MSm is the lack of variety in armor and each class has the same armor variety basically
@jinzala 2 жыл бұрын
argh... right in the feels.... those times...
@kaiser9962 2 жыл бұрын
good memories traveling with friends to zakum for the first time.
@ro3755 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember back in the day there is a thing call MC when I reach lvl30 and go to cc1 to ask for opponent to MC
@Unknownav 2 жыл бұрын
then got bully by opposite team that have a lvl 50 player… 🤣🤣🤣
@TheUltimateRare 2 жыл бұрын
i remember tricking new players into the golem pit between sleepy wood and henesys.
@TSkillzX 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember the first time I asked for a track in KPQ... my shock when it was a name not an item was so immense that I afk'ed for 10 mins to process it. I thought track was a fkin item LOL
@Nelalvarado9 2 жыл бұрын
Woa what a thumb! I remember the .exe to use for cliking
@pepechill8118 2 жыл бұрын
getting stuck in sleepywood was mazing i spent there weekend and its ended up by opening new char
@BoomagaBali 2 жыл бұрын
Sellin TP scrolls and PQ tracks at KPQ area, so nostolgic
@hamtaro5439 2 жыл бұрын
Kerning city pq,Ludibrium pq,Orbis pq,Good old days.
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