This is all well and good BUT this march should be held in China outside one of the many shops that SELL carved ivory trinkets for huge amounts of money. Another thing that governments could do is to add heavy taxes to the sale of these trinkets. Also, show videos of the brutality that is committed on these majestic animals who are defenseless against these poachers with high powered guns. For every elephant killed an infant elephant who completely depends on their mother and their aunties to take care of the baby elephants. The David Sheldrick World Trust does a great deal to save as many of the infant orphans that they possibly can. To do so requires intensive care for these elephant orphans for 10 to 12 yrs and they need all the help they can get. If the Chinese governmet was taxed for the sale of the ivory and turn this over to the Sheldrick World Trust. Also, that tax money could go toward getting guns like the poachers already have along with night vision goggles to help stop the poaching! The best thing that the governmets could do is to ban the sale and trade of ivory. I think it is insane how the demands of the Chinese wanting ivory trinkets is killing the wildlife of another nation. How would the Chinese like if a group of poachers broke into one of their panda sanctuaries and killed all the pandas!! They would be outraged beyond anything imaginable.