6 Tips to Help Someone You Love With PTSD

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Robert Bray

Robert Bray

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Left untreated, PTSD can wreak havoc on your life. The good news? The sooner you learn how to treat PTSD with tapping, the less damage it does. In today’s video, Dr. Robert Bray gives six tips on how to help someone you love deal with PTSD.
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@johnpeterson1797 9 жыл бұрын
I am a Nam vet, 63 years old, I am Rated 100% ptsd by the army. The Most comfort I have to offer others is this, The Son of God will pray to the Father that we may have the Spirit of God, for a Teacher, and Comforter, Forever in the bible book of John, chapter 14, verse 26. This Comfort from the Spirit of God is symptom management... Peace
@maguiedossantos2925 9 жыл бұрын
Amen to that Sir, I am glad you found strength and courage in the Lord Jesus.......i just wish more people accepted God in their life to experience what you have....My husband also suffered from some the symptoms of PTSD due to being mentally and physically abused as a child by his stepfather and mother....But thanks to God we found help in the word of God....and now our relationship as a couple and a family its so much better.....my husband is a changed man....With all the respect to doctors.....they sure have very good tools to help cope with this condition....BUT ONLY GOD can HEAL you completely from this condition and suffering....I have seen this transformation in my husband life.....it was not easy...but GOD gave us the strength to heal and be a happy family.....i hope this will help others...GOD BLESS
@angelachi2079 6 жыл бұрын
I was a military wife for 20yrs, both daughters served and I was educated in Psych Counseling and worked for Depts of Navy and Army. I presently live in the mountains of the Amazon Jungle with a person who uses pure Ayahuasca (and other Plant Medicines) to heal PTSD. I would like to connect with you to possibly bring VETS here for treatment. Great article: Ayahausca. By Nick Polizzi, Guest writer for Wake Up World
@JamesWSmith-sj2zg 4 жыл бұрын
@Unknown Person I feel the same exact way. EXACTLY. I don't understand either. My life has been a series of horrible catastrophes. One by one they've taken a piece out of me where I ask-. Is God even real? Am I supposed to be an example for others? Will I come through this in the end to do something great? Am I supposed to tell my story?Am I chosen and being deliberately attacked by evil and under demonic opression? (Check out demonic opression) I want to believe in God so bad, I feel in my heart he's real but can't understand why I've been handed so many terrible things. I've never been able to relax for 50 years. If my son was in the street and I saw a speeding car headed towards him and had the power to stop the car with just a thought, I would. We all would. Yet God says he loves us with a greater love we don't know exists? What kind of love is that? Then I worry about my doubting too. What if I die in this state of mind, will I be judged for it? The only way I get pulled back in is when I read the book of Job. Also, studying, reading, and listening to lectures on the Shroud of Turin has given me some assurance. But I always end up falling in that pit of the doubt or numbness. Edit- it's so good to know you exist and feel the same way. Wish we could help each other through it
@DarkMoonDroid 10 жыл бұрын
Things are really bad right now and so I am unable to articulate what I need very well. Please excuse me. This is the best I can do: What I'm needing is a video to send to people about whom it is _not_ a safe assumption to make that they _can't wait_ to hear about helpful tips about how they can make me feel safe. I have *CPTSD* and there is next to nothing out there for us in the first place, but in the second place, just a simple, straight forward video that lists some stuff that they might need to _stop_ doing. I grok that this puts you into a confrontational position and that's a bummer. Welcome to my world. But what you have over me is a license and some letters after your name and the fact that you don't know me and so this isn't some biased rant about them in particular. Here are a few examples: *Please don't:* ---do things they have actually asked you _not_ to do such as calling instead of texting or calling at certain hours, touching you in a certain way, talking to them in a certain tone of voice, looking at them with "that look". If this person is having such a hard time that they _can't stop_ doing these things, they need to find a way to take themselves out of the space of this person with PTSD, before they do these things, or else completely and finally. These people may need to seek counseling to solve whatever problem on their end that makes them unwilling or unable to stop doing whatever. ---give unsolicited advice or use guilt or deception or manipulation to get them to do something that _you_ believe will make them feel better! This little nugget here: 18:55 NO! *BIG NO!* If there is resistance, it is more important to find out what _will_ help them and less important to make you feel successful. This isn't about you. When you need it to be about you, go find a friend who can make it about you and leave the person with PTSD alone for a while. ---do nothing. OMG indifference is the worst! Not only are you _not helping,_ but you are making it ever so much easier to believe what their minds are telling them about the world: "Nobody gives a damn." If the best you can do is _have someone else attend to them or take them to see someone else for help,_ then do that. Or get out of their lives entirely. But if you ignore them when they reach out for help or ask for repair to the damage in the relationship and then change the subject to some family gossip or "look at my funny pictures of my dog" - omg. It'd be better to just hand them the gun. ---judge them for wanting to die. If there is a legal issue here that makes you a "Mandated Reporter", then you need to state that up front so they know. If you think it's "selfish" or "sinful" to want to die, you need to walk away as fast as your little legs will carry you and don't darken their attention span again. I mean it! Humans are _not_ the only creatures who understand death well enuf to make this choice. Whales and dolphins beach themselves every day. Humans are the only ones who are *punished* for feeling bad. This is completely absurd. What suicidal people need is to be babysat for 24 hours by someone who will love them and not let anything yucky get into their space for 24 hours until they can get to some kind of therapeutic situation. No judgment. No punishment. No manipulation. No terrorism (...firey lake of burning sulphur for all eternity!!!!! AAAAAAAAAH!!!). Yes, that's terrorism! No torture. No silence. No self-pity (Don't say things like that to me! Think about how it makes me feel!!!). ---do business as usual. Fer realz. If they are not progressing and you are getting frustrated, you need to get some help. And you need to bring others into the support network for this person - yes, you! - who have different ideas and abilities that you don't. If they need to go shopping, even if they don't need to buy anything and waste 6 hours in the boutiques and you don't have that kind of time, find someone who does and likes to do that too! If they need to sleep, and you need them to help you with the baby/laundry/dishes/meals/etc. you need to find some outside help. Yes, you! I can tell you from experience that a scared and scary person asking for help is less likely to get it than someone who is somewhat normal asking for help. So, you need to do it or it won't happen. ---let the world walk all over them. If service agencies are screwing them over for any reason, step up. Their frustration level is likely to scare people away and this leads to a downward spiral that can be deadly. Go to the Dr./Police/Social Security Worker/whoever with them, and be a witness so that the "provider" is less likely to treat them like trash. Make it clear that you are their advocate and you are paying attention and you are schooling yourself about what their rights are. This will pay off for you in the long run. What those service workers leave undone will fall into your lap later. ---pretend you care if you actually don't. They know. If you can't get yourself to act in such a way that is helpful to them, you need to get out of their way. Take yourself out of the picture. If you are gonna lose something by doing this, then you need to take responsibility and either take that loss or find a way to meet their needs. Don't be a ball and chain to someone who is having a hard time pulling their own weight. If your problem is that you have secondary or burnout or some other issue that shares the same causes, then get thee to a therapist. This has already been said. Just do it. And lastly, *if your behavior may be part of the cause of their disorder or symptoms, you need to get some help.* Do it now before it is a legal issue. Find someone who will help you be accountable, not someone who is gonna baby you. If you have hurt someone, emotionally, physically, sexually, etc. you need to get some help righting that wrong. What I liked about this video is that he didn't waste 90% of it explaining what PTSD is. Make other videos for that and just cut to it. This topic is large enuf to take up an hour or more. Don't try to do it all in a minute and ten. Thank you!
@simosc2 8 жыл бұрын
+Jennifer Grove (Dark Moon) thank you so much...my daughter suffers from ptsd and I am trying to learn how to help her...your advise is very helpful...God bless and heal you
@claudineescoffon241 6 жыл бұрын
google you tube - complex PTSD from surviving to thriving. I too have C-PTSD and very isolated this video is helpful!
@terriarthur7202 6 жыл бұрын
Jennifer Grove Thank you for this comment. I am trying to learn to communicate with my son. His marriage jyst ended and he is staying with me.
@lisasmith4192 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Jennifer, First, tyvm for this! I'm learning little by little w/ my Gulf war vet & Is.O. of almost 17 years. As a "MANDATED REPORTER" in pursuit of advanced education - this fine line comes to play - I also just lost my baby bro so I'm TERRIFIED of losing him - yet I miss who he was before starting therapy. I got him into the VA, benefits for medical, etc. (No military exp. & NOT an easy task). He says things like idk what a good day is anymore - its getting worse not better. Its like walking on eggshells in the house. Am I making it worse - causing more harm than good?!? I'm am Full- time grad school student. Graduation is in Sept....God willing & VA is my goal. Sometimes its so intense it makes me physically sick (n/v) & I can't even. Today was one of them. My deepest respect for you & yours. Lis
@thedog-rudog5401 5 жыл бұрын
Jennifer Grove they way you’re talking, someone who loves the PTSD sufferer should just walk away because it useless to try!
@joanbaczek2575 6 жыл бұрын
how do you tell if your dealing with a covert narcissist or some one with ptsd? alot of the symptoms of ptsd look like covert narcissism. like unexplained cold shoulder, silent treatment, no win situations, if you try to be with them in love they push you away, when you let them push you away and don't freak out they say you don't care....so how do i know if im wasting my time with a narc or if its ptsd or complex ptsd? really need some clarification
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
I would start by saying you need more information and maybe some help in assessing the other's condition. Does he/she appear to have PTSD because this part of his/her narcissistic patterns or does he/she appear narcissistic because of his/her coping with PTSD? Treating the PTSD first with TFT and other help will allow you to see if there is an another underlying condition. Remember you must take care of yourself if you want to be available to help others. You must not find yourself alone or hopeless if you are to be safe. You may find the information on PTSD and TFT on my website or in my book helpful. The question you ask is a good one. Keeping looking for answers. Reach out for professional help if you get stuck.
@EspritArkitekt 5 жыл бұрын
joan baczek did u figure it out? I have the same problem with my best friend whom imm certain has feelings for me but now he’s blocked me everywhere & says he hates me when i did nothing to him
@sasquonelson4109 4 жыл бұрын
I'm having the same problems with my husband. It's frustrating. I cried at night wondering what is wrong with him. I spoke with my pastor then I realized he have PTSD now I'm seeking a way to help my husband. Its very frustrating and myself on how to deal with it.
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as the one who has CPTSD, I have walls up because of my abuse/neglect which created my symptoms, and I wasn’t always this shut down, so my issues stem from abuse/neglect and other traumas throughout my life. Doesn’t make it any easier to deal with me or my symptoms, but it’s on me to become self-aware and deal with my flashbacks and other symptoms. Something that helps me is someone being present and listening without trying to tell me HOW or what to do, meaning “no advice given”. Just listen to me, to my emotions. Tell me I’m safe, even if I don’t believe it in the moment. If these things help y’all’s loved ones, I’d say it has to do with trauma and they have major defense mechanisms set up to deal with the hell of flashbacks and other C/PTSD symptoms.
@teetoys76 10 жыл бұрын
Volumes fine . Thanks for posting this video . It's extremely helpful .
@carriebecker3282 8 жыл бұрын
I'm a woman living with someone with non veteran PTSD and struggling with my relationship cause of it . can I give me some advice please
@carriebecker3282 8 жыл бұрын
can u give me some advice please .i typoed in earlier comment .
@CDGMR1 6 жыл бұрын
Carrie Becker Once a Warrior--Always a Warrior: Navigating The Transition from Combat to Home--Including Combat Stress, PTSD, and MTBI is a book that can help Veterans as they transition to civilian life and struggling with adapting and coping
@HellonWheels777 6 жыл бұрын
@@CDGMR1 she said it was non veteran PTSD, can you tell me what the person has PTSD from, op? I'm a suffer myself, so I might be able to point you in the right direction as far as resources go.
@CDGMR1 6 жыл бұрын
Once a Warrior--Always a Warrior: Navigating The Transition from Combat to Home--Including Combat Stress, PTSD, and MTBI is a book that can help Veterans as they transition to civilian life and struggling with adapting and coping
@iamanovercomer3253 7 жыл бұрын
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Hi sorry to hear things are so hard. Being caught in the middle between your wife and your family of origin is always difficult. Watching some one you love suffer is very difficult. Two thoughts. First find a counselor that can help you. If she wouldn't get help, show her you how to reach out. If nothing else your counselor can help you deal with your feeling and develop a strategy that in is in the best interest of you and your children. Second try some tapping to calm things down. Tap yourself and tap your child and if she will give it a try tap with your wife. Let us know how it goes. You are not alone and there is more to do. Bob
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing and for hanging in there with your spouse. Check out my website WWW.RLBRAY.COM and go form there to my Facebook group. Let me know if I can help in other ways.
@capt.charles4182 6 жыл бұрын
Big question here. What do you do when your spouse goes numb as far as love & intimacy, and withdraws from you? For days at a time. Do you constantly tell them how much you love and adore them? Or do you just leave them alone and give them space until they finally reach out? It can be so confusing because you don’t know if they’re just overwhelmed with their life, or if they’re falling out of love. Advice please.
@thoughtfieldtherapycenter7571 6 жыл бұрын
HI, This is a common question and there is no one right answer. This is a conversation that you must have with the loved one. They can direct the right amount of contact. Often a professional can help in this situation.
@capt.charles4182 6 жыл бұрын
Thought Field Therapy Center I appreciate your time. Thanks a lot. Just seems so hard to have that conversation without making her feel even more overwhelmed.
@WOLFanddBEAR 5 жыл бұрын
@@capt.charles4182 How are you going? Same boat here, very hard.
@EspritArkitekt 5 жыл бұрын
+Charlie Rourke any updates? i have the same problem w/ my best friend, i know he has more feelings but wont admit it & now finally he ended our friendship & doesn't want to talk to me & i can't help but wonder is he just protecting himself from being hurt/abandoned by me in the future or did he suddenly stop caring about me.so i totally feel u :(
@capt.charles4182 5 жыл бұрын
Well people, as it turned out, she was using ptsd and as excuse to cover up her shady behavior, and distant-ness, while she was doing things she shouldn’t have been doing. So you have to look out for those things as well, just keep your eyes open. It’s a shame people try to take advantage of people that care so much to try to help them when they’re faking it all along. It’s a shame for the people that actually do have PTSD... Do not let my story discourage you. People do have this illness, but just keep your eyes open for this as well. Love y’all , good luck.
@CanyonLakeStorage 10 жыл бұрын
Song about PTSD by Mitch Stephen; "FIGHTIN' MAN" kzbin.info/www/bejne/aZLLlqp_erOYeNk
@roselopez2023 9 жыл бұрын
I and my children have PTSD due to abuse. How can I help them? It was my fault for marrying a narcissist! How do I fix me and them? Hurting, and flashbacks don't help
@HellonWheels777 6 жыл бұрын
It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have seen it coming. I know they have a strain of cognitive behavioral therapy that works with trauma, there's also talk therapy and EMDR. I wonder if talk therapy would be good for you guys, you might need to talk it out and process your trauma.
@iago68 10 жыл бұрын
you may be just fine, but tech did not allow you to get through--on the right side
@Magastube 8 жыл бұрын
Thank u I found this helpful for multiple people in my life, mine included ✌️🌸
@TYE2020 3 жыл бұрын
I subscribed
@DrRobertBray 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you- please pass it along.
@kgrid0809 10 жыл бұрын
the story of my life...my husband and i , on the verge of divorce 5 kids and 17 years later. its back with fiery & force!!!
@DrRobertBray 9 жыл бұрын
I hope you are seeking help. There is hope!
@maguiedossantos2925 9 жыл бұрын
.My husband also suffered from some of the symptoms of PTSD and many other behaviour disorders due to being mentally, verbally and physically abused as a child by his stepfather and mother...he was also emotionally neglected, rejected and unloved by his own mother... .But thanks to God we found help in the word of God....and now our relationship as a couple and a family its so much better.....my husband is a changed man....With all the respect to doctors.....they sure have very good tools to help cope with this condition....BUT ONLY GOD can HEAL you completely from this condition and suffering....I have seen this transformation in my husband's life.....it was not easy....just like you i also wanted to get a divorce to escape all the suffering and pain from his condition....but GOD gave us the strength to heal and be a happy family.....i hope this will help others...Please do contact me if you want to know more about my situation.... GOD BLESS  Show less
@DVEX1000 8 жыл бұрын
+M CRUZ I have CPTSD- Our belief system gets affected, I'm happy to hear someone w PTSD has found their way to sustaining faith and I wish you and your husband (and family) the very best of luck and blessings in your road to God and health. Thanks for sharing your story
@Rockgsr10 9 жыл бұрын
This was very clear! THANK YOU!!
@JamesWSmith-sj2zg 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for talking softly.
@thoughtfieldtherapycenter7571 4 жыл бұрын
I hope it was soft and powerful for you. Thanks
@the7thwreck 8 жыл бұрын
I need help. How do you end the never-ending tape of abuse that you have to live through every single minute of every day forever more?
@CDGMR1 6 жыл бұрын
the7thwreck where are you located? If you are in Fort Worth, TX they have Victory Women’s Home where you can get help. Call them, they could help you find a local center victorytemplerecovery.org/womens-home ‭(817) 378-0921‬
@WOLFanddBEAR 5 жыл бұрын
Are you ok?
@momo-cv7qe 5 жыл бұрын
Medication and psychotherapy will help.
@2ndskinshannonhulllmt259 6 жыл бұрын
Tapping really does help...love it. Also love the repeat of the core message!
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
@HellonWheels777 6 жыл бұрын
18:55 No, absolutely disgusting! Don't you realize that people with PTSD already feel enough guilt and don't need you fucking adding to it? I'm sorry, this just makes me so angry. I have what would probably be considered closer to complex PTSD and I have been made to feel guilty my entire life. I constantly feel guilty as it is right now, if you know that your loved ones with PTSD already feels guilty, don't add to it! don't you dare use the guilt that comes with PTSD and complex PTSD to manipulate them into doing what you want! I can't believe I need to tell a person who claims to understand PTSD something like this... I don't care if you think something is in their best interest, never manipulate the person was PTSD! Hell, never manipulate anyone in general. I am so disgusted by this that I could honestly go on for hours.
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
I am sorry this upset you. I understand how this can make you angry. With complex PTSD I am sure you have had more than too much of being manipulated. So thinking about doing this to others will certainly disgust you. It is my hope that I never find myself again in a situation with others I am helping that requires this kind of desperate action. It good to hear you speaking your truth and expressing you thoughts and feelings. Stay safe and strong. Have you ever used tapping?
@iamanovercomer3253 7 жыл бұрын
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, Hope you can use the TFT in your work. I am open to any discussion about what has helped. TFT can be used by anyone, anywhere without the aide of others or substances. You may contact me through my website www.rlbray.com.
@DrRobertBray 11 жыл бұрын
you are welcome. more information on my website- click on the try TFT tab and follow me on video for basic traumatic stress tapping. I have stopped using EMDR since learning TFT 17 years ago. keep tapping Bob
@DrRobertBray 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Karen, Originally this was done as 6 different videos and when we put it together we were not able to edit out the repetitive stuff. I hope you were able to be patient enough to get some useful information. Tapping refers to the stimulation of meridian treatment points with your fingertips on the body. Let me know if you have other questions.
@artregeous 8 жыл бұрын
this is a very kindly prepared vid men over 50 who has reading habits who studied this issue must already read few books of aron beck beside new cognitive academy members writings this subject when its a matter of partnership or marriage requires thousands of pages of selected readings and constant fallow up of new research papers and all other bullshit care givers partners who deal with this bullshit must be empowered very very much I greatly appreciated the vid I wish there were such vid when I was a beginner in this crap study after thousands and thousand sof pages now I deal at old age with the side effects of the darn medications exposed to her teeths celiac joints axiety u name it great to see kindly prepared vid to support us it was kinda good for my ego
@edgarbarbera5302 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for providing me and mainly, my wife. I skipped ahead and listened to (for 30 seconds or less) to some of the presenters ( I assume with "tickets sold' about this subject to other "professional experts") that tried to validate their expertise on this volatile subject. (Aside: Google is truly wonderful/awful!) Wonderful for you and awful for the 'presenters' (who probably do the "convention thing" according to the movies, post-presentation). I am 76 years young (or try to be) and I am I a peace-time vet (wrongly diagnosed with narcolepsy 1961 and addicted to phenobarbital and dextro-amphetamine) and sent home with an "honorable discharge with full VA benefits". Since then stabbed by wife 3-21-1969 (survived after repair of lung collapse, heart stopped X3) later attacked in the parking lot...sub-dural hematoma and now the mental problems are ridiculous. Minor memory-loss, constant irritability, can't answer the phone or doorbell. Wife is wonderful for trying, but younger and just not 'getting it'! We are both professional musicians/entertainers...me at home now and she at the local William Inge Center the Arts. She wants me to get into the program at the center as an alumnus in residence and I feel I am not 'ready'. That's the fat of the story!
@angelachi2079 6 жыл бұрын
Dr Robert, I was a military wife for 20yrs, both daughters served and I was educated in Psych Counseling and worked for Depts of Navy and Army. I presently live in the mountains of the Amazon Jungle with a person who uses pure Ayahuasca (and other Plant Medicines) to heal PTSD. I would like to connect with you to possibly bring VETS here for treatment. Great article: Ayahausca. By Nick Polizzi, Guest writer for Wake Up World
@MichaelRusso6669 9 жыл бұрын
Military Sexual Tramau, sorry for the misspellings. And your question was the point of my remark. As far as anyone is concerned when it comes to Males it is non-exsistant MR
@chriswiblejr 6 жыл бұрын
I'm still watching but I want to thank you for this video. I may like to get in touch. Would that be possible? Again, thank you for sharing this information.
@MarleeCraig 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, your advice has given me direction and clarity on how I can support a loved one with CPTSD. So Grateful 😀
@startedat0subs69 7 жыл бұрын
Is it ok to be scared of someone with PTSD
@2ndskinshannonhulllmt259 6 жыл бұрын
meme god no
@HellonWheels777 6 жыл бұрын
It depends on the situation, if that person is violent or abusive in some way so, you have every right to be scared of them!
@Rissy617 5 жыл бұрын
Of course it's ok to be afraid. People with PTSD can not only be scary, mean, etc but also abusive. Because they have PTSD does not mean you deserve abuse. Most people who abuse people probably have their own trauma histories (whether it's PTSD or not) and that doesn't excuse abusive behaviors, especially if they're not trying to manage them (counseling, etc). Ex, I have cPTSD and when I get so triggered/escalated that I'm about to get "scary" with my husband, I have a code word I say that means "l need a break to cool down, let's talk about this in a bit after I calm down" which has helped us to avoid hyperemotional fights as well as for me to learn about my emotions and triggers. If you're scared, reach out to people for help, see a counselor, and don't be afraid to discuss what's going on (counselor is nice for this since they're neutral party). If your partner doesn't support this, they could be trying to isolate you, which is a huge sign/warning of abuse.
@arzooray3145 3 жыл бұрын
Hello sir thank you for sharing ❤️right now I’m suffering from it 😓😩
@startedat0subs69 7 жыл бұрын
I would give u a shoutout but I only have 7 subs I just wanna say thank u for this I never knew I just left my mom alone and never really talked to her thank u so much 😊😊
@oojered2nceoo 5 жыл бұрын
Listening with headphones, right side has no volume. Headphones work fine.
@misterrevealator7729 5 жыл бұрын
Im a 35 year old non vet suffering from PTSD. I have been in a on and off relationship with the mother of 2/3 of my kids. I haven't known about my condition until recently since she said that she was done for good. The only thing I ever wanted was to be a part of a happy family. It's been a rocky road but I've grown so much even not knowing my condition. I feel like I just lost the only thing I ever wanted. Any advice?
@DrRobertBray 5 жыл бұрын
Good to hear you have gain some understanding what is important to you and what you want. Keep doing the work of healing those events from the past--tap a lot. Keep doing the work being a kind, good, man who will be worthy of forgiveness. Be the best father you can. And seek professional help to move the process along more quickly. Best of luck.
@carinfreimond8080 4 жыл бұрын
How are you doing? Have you found any support?
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
I’m in the same boat. The thing I wanted most in life was a godly, healthy family, and my CPTSD reactions have all but destroyed that. Trying to deal with me first, so maybe I’ll stop unintentionally hurting those I love.
@kaylynnmarie9153 10 жыл бұрын
the volume is messed up on this video.. too hard to hear even with speakers turned up as high as they go....
@LaurasBeehive 6 жыл бұрын
Some really good tools to add to the tool box. Thank you!
@phantomofoaktown 10 жыл бұрын
I love tip number 5
@DrRobertBray 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks, You can get more at my website rlbray.com.
@lizybonnema7872 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your tips. It was very helpful :)
@jacobayalon3381 7 жыл бұрын
Ken you repeat this with A stereo microphone ?
@suikotakahashi 6 жыл бұрын
Dr Bray was our family therapist for two years about over 30 years ago, I really appreciated his advice he gave us our family specially me. He helped me to build my self esteem that I never had... my daughters are not perfect but I have good relationship with their family and enjoy the time we have each other... Yes LOVE is EVERYTHING! Now I"m 67 and 5 grandkids ( 4 girls and 1 boy), I would Love to meet him again. THANK YOU DR BRAY!
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. It is not often a therapist gets to hear such good news about worked done so long ago. I hope we meet again.
@startedat0subs69 7 жыл бұрын
Thank u as my mom has PTSD and idk what to do anymore
@gloriastevens06 10 жыл бұрын
Is there a version of this video where the volume is louder? i have my speakers on full blast and cannot hear :(
@aprylvalencia191 5 жыл бұрын
Flammora74 I have two ear infections and I can hear
@casijopaya 3 жыл бұрын
The first tip is right away so helpful!
@jdsykes9125 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks that was very helpful
@karenallen784 5 жыл бұрын
What does 'keep tapping' mean? Is is the tapping of different parts of the face like I saw in another video?
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
Look up The Tapping Solution KZbin channel. It’ll better explain what it is, but essentially, it’s tapping your face and/or other various parts of your body to remove negative messages about yourself or others, and/or about traumatic memories/events or both.
@klaudijaw.4342 5 жыл бұрын
This was very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to create this video.
@DrRobertBray 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to be helpful. Best of luck.
@nurse2b30 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much.
@regielife9583 9 жыл бұрын
this was a waste of my time
@caligulamaximus9100 6 жыл бұрын
My wife has ptsd from a horrible childhood.its becoming too much on my kids and me.its always my fault.i cant talk to her and shes up and down.theres no relationship with my family becus they dont want to tip toe around her.shes argued with my mom and had argumnts about barrets in my daughters hair with my mom.i love her but its making my kids edgy.she doesn't believe she has a problem even though shes been diagnosed.and love is not enough.this dr.hasnt lived with someone like this i think im goin to leave her.
@HellonWheels777 6 жыл бұрын
I am a sufferer myself, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm very sorry you're going through this! It has to be so hard to deal with. I would say that the best thing to do is separate for the time being, maybe you doing that will make her realize she needs help. Even if it doesn't, you guys clearly can't handle living in that environment and really shouldn't have to. please take care of yourself. I hope eventually she gets the help she needs if nothing else.
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
A forced separation from my husband and kids certainly got my attention. Keep your kids safe! She will thank you for it later if she gets the help she needs. If my husband hadn’t chosen to keep our kids safe, I would have resented the crap out of him like I do my parents right now. I also have CPTSD from an abusive/neglectful childhood, so I can intimately relate to what your wife is experiencing, and what you must be experiencing from my own husband’s perspective. The thing about CPTSD is it’s hard to know you actually have it, and her memories of childhood may be jumping around or disappearing altogether on her, so she may truly not realize the extent of all of her abuse. I didn’t, but when I started to realize, I began having panic attacks and flashbacks uncontrollably and it all hit me out of nowhere, completely baffling my husband and his family because I’m so introverted.
@cyrenemm 6 жыл бұрын
What do you mean keep tapping?
@2ndskinshannonhulllmt259 6 жыл бұрын
Cyrene Mary Its a technique involving tapping certain points on the face,hands, feet...with or with out mantras. It helps me bring my self back to present & end body flash backs, helps with triggers, anxiety & panic attacks.
@MichaelRusso6669 9 жыл бұрын
How is all this related to PTSD as a result of MST among other things?
@DrRobertBray 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, What is MST?
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
@@DrRobertBray Military Sexual Trauma, perhaps? I know this was a long time ago, so just making an educated guess.
@Kite2554 7 жыл бұрын
I have been diagnosed with ptsd and so is my husband... We both suffer from depressions and suicidal thoughts...
@DrRobertBray 7 жыл бұрын
I know that Thought Field Therapy has been very helpful. You can give me a call to talk about how I may help. 619-283-1116. Have you tried some tapping? Bob
@DrRobertBray 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, I can help you, Kite. Please watch this video I made on PTSD kzbin.info/www/bejne/pnyalnmVj5WNqcU and also watch this video on depression where I demonstrate a tapping algorithm you can start using right now in the privacy of your own home: kzbin.info/www/bejne/h6HHqWp5gK6lmsU
@angelachi2079 6 жыл бұрын
I was a military wife for 20yrs, both daughters served and I was educated in Psych Counseling and worked for Depts of Navy and Army. I presently live in the mountains of the Amazon Jungle with a person who uses pure Ayahuasca (and other Plant Medicines) to heal PTSD. I would like to connect with you to possibly bring VETS here for treatment. Great article: Ayahausca. By Nick Polizzi, Guest writer for Wake Up World
@CDGMR1 6 жыл бұрын
Kite Crawl The book - Once a Warrior--Always a Warrior: Navigating The Transition from Combat to Home--Including Combat Stress, PTSD, and MTBI can help Veterans as they transition to civilian life and struggling with adapting and coping
@ItsMeKelso 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t see how guilt tripping them it’s going to help wouldn’t guilt tripping him make them feel like shit? And if that be the case then you’re starting a foundation from feeling like shit and expect something good did come from it?
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, Good point. I agree that guilt tripping is full of possible hazards and this would never be the place to start. If the only way you have to keep someone from harming his or her self is to use your relationship in this negative way, then do it. If the other stays alive then you will have time to work out the self-esteem and painful issues.
@ItsMeKelso 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Bray I think I’m understanding so are you saying that you given ultimatum? Like saying I am not going to tolerate ____ until you can change I will not ____. Do you explain to them why it is unhealthy what they are doing? Or is it best to just get the ultimatum?
@DrRobertBray 6 жыл бұрын
Tell them what you are doing and that it is because you love them and want to help. And ask if are there other ways you can help.
@ItsMeKelso 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Bray I agree it is important to have them involved in some ways but in other instances it seems as though giving an ultimatum would be necessary. Because it still showing boundaries. Thank you for your responses I look forward to learning more from your channel.
@Elya08 2 жыл бұрын
My husband and his mom gave me open-ended ultimatums, but it just caused me to panic because it confirmed my worst fears about life (caused by the traumas I went through in childhood). It was emotionally jarring and difficult because I grew up in a very emotionally and physically neglectful home with no boundaries, so any boundaries at all were jarring to me. It was a no-win situation for either of us. What felt so danged intrusive to me was the boundaries and the love they were expressing towards me, and then I had to untangle the fact that my parents didn’t love me enough TO set boundaries with me. It’s a vicious cycle of hell I’m going through working on all this crap in trauma therapy, but be careful with ultimatums and guilt-tripping. You may run into some major trauma triggers if someone was neglected and/or their parents used guilt-tripping a lot in their childhood like mine did. I felt like absolute crap because I couldn’t keep my crap together anymore and I was viciously reacting to things I didn’t understand. I’ve never felt so horrible and guilty my entire life from being so danged impulsive and reactive. Again, here’s your warning from someone experiencing CPTSD. Approach them with the intent to help, not demanding they do it your way or the highway or guilt tripping them into doing things your way. It made my symptoms worse and I trusted my family a whole lot less after the crap they pulled. But, I will say this, they had to call the police on me, and I knew things were getting bad, so I pushed them to it. I couldn’t speak through my trauma responses. I kept freezing. I kept waking up and screaming at my children and husband (and I have NEVER been like that before). It was scaring me. Then, I completely had a psychotic break. My family is NOT equipped to deal with that level of mental health crisis, so if they hadn’t responded the ways they did, I could have and likely would have hurt myself or someone else, and that scares the crud out of me, because we have two young children whom I love very much. Do not take C/PTSD lightly, and keep yourself, animals, children, others, and the person with C/PTSD safe by setting boundaries now, not later.
@ubermama23 4 жыл бұрын
@Demic289 5 жыл бұрын
You’re amazing
@DrRobertBray 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you- please spread the word about care for those we love with care and tapping.
@nikolerosey3221 7 жыл бұрын
My husband is very private with his PTSD. What are some helpful forums or online groups he can join. I figure since if it's online and he doesn't have to see people face to face, it might be easier. I want to help him. I feel as though I just make it worse
@DrRobertBray 7 жыл бұрын
Hi. He may be keeping it to himself to protect you from his pain, or shame, or overwhelming feelings. It is not unusual or a statement about how he feels about you for someone to refuse to share the event or feelings. Do some tapping for your own upset and encourage him to try tapping or to talk to some one he trusts to be able to handle his past and his feelings. Start tapping and keep tapping to manage the overwhelming feels associated with the life and death events.
@DrRobertBray 7 жыл бұрын
+Nikki Odoherty It's not unusual should someone not want to share a terrible thing with someone they love. They do this sometimes to protect their loved ones from an ugly truth that they feel ashamed of or they fear will cause their loved one some pain. The other reason people don't share is because that will cause them to start thinking about it and to be triggered. It's probably not a matter of how much you love him or he loves you, but how much he can tolerate. Please encourage him to do some tapping with you. Don't make him talk about it. Just have him tap with you using the Basic Crisis Intervention pattern that you can find here rlbray.com/services/therapy/. If he'd like, he may contact me and I can make additional suggestions for him. This may be easier because I don't love him and he doesn't love me and I'm not shy about this stuff. Try some tapping for yourself and your husband if he'll let you. Stay in touch--Bob
@angelachi2079 6 жыл бұрын
I was a military wife for 20yrs, both daughters served and I was educated in Psych Counseling and worked for Depts of Navy and Army. I presently live in the mountains of the Amazon Jungle with a person who uses pure Ayahuasca (and other Plant Medicines) to heal PTSD. I would like to connect with you to possibly bring VETS here for treatment. Great article: Ayahausca. By Nick Polizzi, Guest writer for Wake Up World
@monsternorm4245 5 жыл бұрын
@@DrRobertBray This is the best video or advice I've have come across since I heard only 3 weeks ago that PTSD was the reason why we were having problems. But I need to know, what do you mean by tapping?
@DrRobertBray 5 жыл бұрын
@@monsternorm4245 Look at my website rlbray.com or look up Thought Field Therapy. Good Luck
@epistte 9 жыл бұрын
Jenneifer I also have CPTSD and I am forced to live with the person who is the cause because I have no where else to go, so I know what you are going through. People don't understand what CPTSD is. Every day is hell. I'm on disability but my medical needs are almost always declined. I'm fighting to stay alive every day because I don't ant to be another statistic. Feel free to contact me. Id love to have a safe shelter to go to.
@the7thwreck 8 жыл бұрын
+epistte what is cptsd? sounds exactly like me...
@epistte 8 жыл бұрын
+the7thwreck Complex PTSD. It is the result of long term abuse or torture.
@the7thwreck 8 жыл бұрын
been there.
@epistte 8 жыл бұрын
+the7thwreck Nobody should ever have been there. I'm sorry that you were also hurt.
@the7thwreck 8 жыл бұрын
I just want the memories to be just that, but it's with you EVERY day...a never ending cycle.
@PresenceAbstinent 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much... :)
@scott7410 7 жыл бұрын
I'm #triggered
@karenallen784 5 жыл бұрын
I found all of the information very helpful, but listening to the introduction over and over distracted me so badly that I had to fast forward, then I went too far and had to rewind and it was a very difficult video to watch. Was there a reason for repeating it so many times?
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